Parting words to elementary school students from the teacher. graduation wishes

Everyone is waiting for the prom: moms, dads, teachers and especially graduates. A farewell dance will spin the waltz of memories of the best carefree years of life. Especially exciting always sound from the first teacher. After all, it was he who took tiny and timid first-graders from the hands of his mother and led them into school life. He got the most difficult task - to teach to recognize good and evil, truth and lies, to love school, to respect teachers, to help elders, not to offend younger ones, to value friendship. It was the first teacher who introduced the basics of wisdom, played the role of a guide through the corridors of knowledge. And today, together with everyone, she is seeing her off to adult life.

What words to choose for congratulations from the first teacher to graduates so that they touch their hearts? Put all the love, warmth and tenderness into them. On such an evening, all the spoken words are perceived by the soul, and not by the ears. The main thing is that congratulations are said from the heart.

Last call

The long-awaited last call takes carefree years with it. Behind school adventures, endless lessons and educational moments. But today, all the words of teachers are perceived differently. The congratulations of the first teacher at the last call to graduates are saturated with triumph, pride and awe.

Graduates of the 11th grade will have to say goodbye to school twice. The first time when the last school bell will sound on a festive line for their beautiful adult children. There are still exams ahead and the final determination with a difficult choice of profession. This is what will be the most relevant wishes from teachers and parents.

last school waltz

How long has everyone been waiting for the prom! All school exams are passed, dresses are bought, hairstyles are done. Behind the hassle associated with shopping and preparing for the holiday. There are so many unknowns ahead!

Often, congratulations to graduates from the first teacher sound like choosing the right path in life, setting priorities correctly, and being true to human values. There will be many more warm words, but the speech of the first teacher is always perceived as a pleasant wake-up call from childhood.

Original congratulations in verse

An excellent option for congratulating graduates from the first teacher will be poems written about themselves, given their characters and temperament, inclinations for knowledge and active participation in the life of the school. It is important not to forget anyone, to find warm words about each of the graduates. After all, each student is a person, even if not fully formed, but sincere and open.

Poems can be written by the teacher himself, because no one knows his students better than he does. Or order from professionals. The Internet offers a sea of ​​possibilities for preparing solemn speeches and even entire scripts. Comic nominal verses are always easily perceived, taking into account the personal characteristics of each student. The main thing is not to forget anyone.

An example from the first teacher.

That childhood is in the past.

The school bells rang.

Think good

And it will always be with you.

Behind elastic bands and bows

Broken knees, bruises.

I wish you romance in your life

And wisdom from the blackboard.

You say goodbye today to childhood

Break up with the school and with us.

Here you can always warm up,

And meet the teachers.

Simple but from the heart

Sometimes the congratulations of the first teacher to graduates of grade 11, said in simple words, are much nicer than beautiful poems copied from the Internet. The main thing is to feel warmth in it. And there is enough love and a place in the huge hearts of teachers for everyone.

“My dear adult children. It seems like only yesterday I met you on the threshold of school as little boys and girls. So funny, clumsy and whimsical. 11 long years flew by quickly. Today, on such a joyful and sad day, you are on the threshold of adulthood. What it will be depends only on you. For a long 11 years we have tried to put all the best into your hearts. All life is a choice, and only you can decide what it will be. Listen to wise advice, take all the lessons from life, learn from someone else's experience and share your own. Remember the main rule taken from the Bible: "Always treat people the way you want to be treated." Good luck, my dear adult children!

“Dear graduates. All these difficult 11 years, I watched you grow, mature, become wiser. Many things happened before my eyes. From clumsy little children, you have become elegant ladies and courageous young men. You have to pass the main exam in life - to remain human. There will be many temptations, injustices and difficulties. But you will overcome everything, I believe in you, as I believed 11 years ago in little naive girls and boys. Don't let me down. May the Lord bless your paths, send you angels to guide you. And the walls of your native school are always open for you.”

Gentle congratulations from the first teacher to graduates, coming from the very depths of the soul, will not leave indifferent either graduates or their parents. As a rule, in such exciting moments, graduates (and their mothers) can hardly hold back tears.

So the first school years are behind us ... It seemed only recently with briefcases, primers and copybooks, the guys timidly walked into the 1st grade. Remember the first September 1st? Excitement, white bows, bouquets of flowers, meeting the first teacher, what touching moments! And now 4 years of study have flown by unnoticed. The first letters in registration, the multiplication table ... - and now the graduation party. Goodbye elementary school! Graduation party in elementary school is a celebration of students, the first teacher, and, of course, parents.
Ahead is a new life, one might say quite adult, a new stage of discoveries and achievements!
Who said that school means lessons? School is, after all, the joy of communication, and bruises, and smiles, and tears, and resentment, and practical jokes. This is a planet with such an interesting part of its life as change.
Slight sadness from parting with the first teacher in front of the students and parents, the teacher's excitement - her children are now entering adulthood, each child is painfully familiar and dear - how will his fate be?
Graduation party in elementary school is the end of a whole life stage, difficult and at the same time interesting!
Graduation for children

No one calls you babies -
You have become a little older, learned a lot,
Successfully completed the academic year -
The last one was in your elementary school!
Let your knowledge help in everything!
And they will truly become your wealth!
You were greeted by the school with cordial warmth,
You have become a part of the school fraternity! ©

Graduation for children

You went through four classes
You studied and tried
Not lost in the school mass -
Even stood out in class!
Congratulations my dear!
This is a holiday for all of us.
You have become older, more knowledge
You're in fifth grade! ©

For graduation teacher

We finished elementary school.
And we are sad to say goodbye to you!
Our first teacher, we are direct text
We want to confess our love here!
Thank you for your selfless work!
For giving us knowledge!
Let no years take you!
We want you to be happy! ©

Graduation from elementary school

Four years flew by like birds.
And today we proudly say -
Graduates now you, graduates
Steps of the first school way!
You still have a lot to go
And be wrong, maybe more than once!
But we want learning to become
The most important task for you! ©

Congratulations to the children

So you fluttered from elementary school -
It will be so in all days and times;
You just have to get used to the new role
Adult five-graders - middle level!
You scooped up happiness in elementary school:
Learned a lot of things...
Sorry to leave! But it's time to say goodbye...
Good luck guys and good luck to you! ©

Elementary School Graduation Congratulations

September three is behind you
Primary schools, knowledge of the basics,
And, having matured (the years flew by in an instant),
You are still ready for new knowledge.
And, saying goodbye to elementary school,
Hurry up to high school now.
Happy holiday with this event
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! ©

Dear students!
Dear kids!
You came to the first class
Quite like kids.
small, timid,
You entered the class timidly,
Learned numbers and letters
And what is change!
The years have flown by
In learning and striving!
Now you already know
What does "equation" mean?
that the letters turn
In dictations, presentations,
And the words are added
Easy into poetry!
Today you say goodbye
With the first teacher
And enter another
Stage study boldly!
You have to learn
Long years
But what came first
With you forever!
You have a lot to do
Just to know, to pass.
Good luck with your studies!
Bon Voyage! ©

With the onset of the May heat, spring really comes into its own, delighting children and adults with the long-awaited warmth. Of course, in such a wonderful time, it is especially difficult for schoolchildren to “tune in” to the working mood and adequately complete the next academic year. However, quite a bit more, and in the country's schools there will be lines dedicated to the Last Bell - thousands of young graduates will go to a new independent life. In honor of such a significant event, parting words will be heard from teachers to graduates of grades 9 and 11 with wishes of a good journey, good luck in choosing a profession and happiness in their personal lives. In addition, do not forget about the fourth-graders - the youngest graduates will hear farewell speeches touching to tears from the first teacher. With simple beautiful words in verse or prose, it is best to congratulate students on graduating from school at the Last Bell or graduation party.

Parting words from teachers to graduates on the last bell at school

Last Bell Day is a joyful and at the same time sad holiday of farewell to the school for graduates of grades 9 and 11. Each of the matured students is anxiously thinking about the upcoming school exams and entering a university in order to get a demanded specialty. By tradition, parting words from teachers to high school graduates are heard on the line in honor of the Last Bell, as well as the graduation party. In their last parting words, the teachers express regret that they have to part forever with their beloved pupils. At the same time, graduates receive wise advice and instructions, sincere congratulations and wishes from school mentors. As a sample, we offer several parting words in verse and prose - for the festive scenario of the Last Bell.

Words of parting words and wishes from teachers for graduates of grades 9 and 11 in verse and prose

Eleven years have passed.

Today is the last call.

He calls fervently and boldly

For the very last lesson.

Today he cries plaintively,

In the hands of a first-grader, he is sad.

Now without him all the tasks

You will have to decide in life.

With the last call teachers.

They stand with tears in their eyes.

They gave you a lot of knowledge

And wide wingspan.

Let the bell ringing of life

Give your heart signal.

So that happiness is your school teacher

And I felt proud of you.

Eleven years you loved

This is a fun call.

Excitedly you hurried to class,

When he called you to class.

Your last school bell rings.

It rings softly, somehow in the old fashioned way.

No need to rush to class tomorrow

With a briefcase along the trodden path.

No need to study theorems

Write complex essays in notebooks,

And you can just take and dream

About those roads that it is possible to pass.

Let the mountains that stand in the way

Will be overcome overnight

May it always be easy for you to go

May only happiness be with you.

Let everyone be who they want to be

It will pass all the difficulties of complex science.

Always go forward, do not give in and know

That in life everything is always possible!

My dear guys!

I wish you to make your professional choice correctly, go into the world only along the paths of courage and kindness, honesty and hard work, never forget the lessons of your native school, always remember and respect your teachers, appreciate and take care of your parents.
May the wonderful state of youth help you overcome all obstacles.
May your destiny be generous with goodness and joy.
Good luck to you, fulfillment of all hopes and achievement of your goals.

Dear graduates, so we got to this significant date - graduation! Today, the doors to a big world with a lot of opportunities are opening before you. The last school bell is a symbol of the end of childhood and the beginning of youth. Within these walls you have received an invaluable capital of knowledge and experience, which will definitely help you choose the right path in life! Each of you is now able to defend your opinion and withstand any test to achieve success. School time will forever remain in your memory. Let the friendship that has begun in these years only become stronger, and let the advice of school mentors not be forgotten. Be worthy of respect people and please us and parents with your achievements! Good luck!

Finished school. And you have matured.
And the evening is your graduation.
Grew up, in a hurry, wanted to finish -
Say goodbye to school country.

We tried so hard to teach you
Everything that we ourselves have experienced.
You argued and doubted
And new things were revealed to us.

Beautiful words from teachers at the graduation party to high school graduates

Graduation party in grades 9 and 11 is the traditional end of years of schooling and the beginning of a new life stage. Preparing for such an important event, graduates and their parents choose in advance festive outfits and a venue for the celebration, learn poems and speeches in prose for teachers and school administration. In turn, teachers will speak with touching words of parting words, encouragement and best wishes - for their beloved high school graduates. What beautiful words to dedicate from teachers to graduates? On our pages you will find a selection of original versions of parting words for the younger generation - for graduation party or the last call.

A poetic selection with beautiful words of wishes for graduates of grades 9 and 11 from the teacher to the graduation party

We taught you with love
We are not closer and dearer.
Remember as an adult
You are your teachers.

"Good luck" - today we say
And furtively we will cry.
We love, children, all of you very much,
Congratulations on this day.

Happiness to you, loud successes,
Never give up!
May you always have a ray of light
Gives a bright star!

Today you are a little anxious,
A little bit happy today
And you can understand, of course,
After all, you have a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the path be remembered
That she took me to school every day!

We wish you everything in life,

Graduate college, fall in love!

Find a decent job

Parents show concern.

You never forget school

Come visit us at least once a year.

The doors are always open for relatives,

Beloved students, golden.

We are proud of you, graduates,

Have fun today!

Today you are graduates!
Beautiful moment of youth
The soul is sublime-air
And believe in tomorrow innocently.

Now your choice is free
And all desires are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!

The hour has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year will pass, and many years,
Fate will put everyone in their place.

Some will probably glorify
To others, he will set up barriers!
And it's very hard to give advice
And sometimes you won't find the answer.

But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Don't rush to retreat
Only the strong can win!

May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness,
And unusual as a comet!

It's a little sad to part with you
But we hope that the school gave you
Not only writing and reading skills,
But the experience of friendship, endurance, kindness!

May your life be full of excitement
Go boldly towards your main goal.
We gave everything for the right start,
And if something is wrong - sorry, we didn’t have time ...

Touching words from teachers to elementary school graduates

So the next academic year is coming to an end - time is counting down the last weeks and days until the cherished date of the Last Bell. For elementary school graduates, it is time to say goodbye to the first teacher, who has become a real “second mother” and best friend in 4 years. And how much warmth and love in the heart of the first teacher for his wards - just a boundless ocean! However, the students are growing, and soon they will go to conquer new heights, and “yesterday's” graduates of the kindergarten will come in their place. So, for each last call, words touching to tears are heard from teachers to graduates of the 4th grade - grown-up girls and boys with joy and sadness in their eyes. The love and affection of the first teacher for children is sometimes difficult to express in your own words - ready-made examples of parting speeches and poems from our collection will come to the rescue.

Examples of words of wishes and parting words for graduates of the 4th grade of elementary school from the first teacher

Our ship called - elementary school - approached the shore. Today, all of you will leave our ship and go to another. But you will never forget the years we spent together. You will remember both the primer and the numbers and all the lessons. After all, everything that we learned in elementary school, all this will be repeated in high school. I believe that you will be able to study further for excellent grades. I believe that you will overcome all the hardships of high school and successfully graduate from high school.
Today is our 4th grade graduation. But only 7 years will pass and you will have a graduation in the 11th grade. And then I can proudly look at you and say that I didn’t believe in you in vain!
Good luck and don't forget knowledge!

Elementary school is over
It's like they just came to school yesterday.
Years, like one, flew by very quickly,
And all this time you have been working very hard.
We are proud of you, our loved ones!
You have become smarter, more serious, older.
Work hard, but don't be lazy
Be obedient, learn successfully!

You are a primary school graduate!
You know a lot, you're used to thinking.
All three of September quickly rushed by,
Mothers and grandmothers cry for a reason:
Instead of funny and ridiculous guys
Good fellows are sitting in the classroom.
The desks are small for you, the board is a little low,
And everything was once great.
The teacher's voice also trembles:
After all, a segment of life has been lived with you.
Knows more about you than mom
Hearts warmly given to you to the gram.

You are a primary school graduate!
In the secrets of the sciences of the very first penetrated.
You have a lot of work behind you -
More of them will be, my friend, ahead!
Your program will become more difficult,
It is unlikely that your mother will solve the problem for you.
Dad will also rub his forehead -
So, we will have to decide everything ourselves.
The satchel itself will have to be worn -
It's embarrassing to ask your mom about it.
Try to do everything yourself -
Adult life has come to you.
You are now a middle school student,
Let there be a diary with only fives!

Four years flew by like birds.
And today we proudly say -
Graduates now you, graduates
Steps of the first school way!
You still have a lot to go
And be wrong, maybe more than once!
But we want learning to become
The most important task for you!

What words to choose from teachers to graduates? On the last bell or graduation party, you can prepare a beautiful parting word in verse or prose, expressing in your own words the most sincere wishes - for elementary school graduates, grades 9 and 11. On our site you will find a selection of parting words touching to tears from the first teacher and other school teachers.

Dear children, I have been with you since the first school days, I remember your sweet smiles and your first victories in your studies. Today you are quite adults and already say goodbye to school. I sincerely congratulate you and want to wish you, despite all the storms of emotions and the difficulties of life, to remain kind, open, cheerful, interesting people. Listen to your heart, trust your inner call, do not be afraid of change and boldly conquer the planned peaks. Good luck to you, children, love of loved ones and real happiness.

I remember you as children
Such kind, wonderful kids,
We taught letters with you,
We often shared our dreams.

Now you've grown so much
Graduates quickly became
I wish you happiness, good
And don't forget me!

I wish you study well
Achieve everything you want
To make everything easy
To make what you dream come true!

My dear and beloved children, I remember you as very young, and today you are adults and brave on the path of new discoveries in life. I want to wish you health and love. May each of you find your happiness on Earth and fulfill your most cherished dream. Good luck to you, children, in your further studies and work, well-being and optimism. Good luck!

I remember the bows of cute girls
And briefcases of cheerful boys.
And now from simple laughter
And such funny little rascals

Interesting ladies have grown up
And very solid boys,
For me, you are still children,
What smart books read here.

As your first teacher, I wish
A lot of happiness, fun, good luck.
Congratulations on your graduation,
Be the first, and not otherwise!

I remember you as unintelligent kids,
When they came with surprised eyes.
Today everyone is beautiful, big,
And you became family to the school.

I wish you to move forward cheerfully
May you be lucky in life
Fate will turn out great
I wish you success and good.

My dear children, when I first saw you, when you entered my class and sat down at your desks, I realized that these students must certainly achieve their goal, conquer more than one peak of success and glory. I congratulate you on your Graduation and sincerely wish you to fly to your dreams with a confident arrow, soar free birds around the world and always remain good people.

My first graders have grown up
Can't take my eyes off you now.
The school years did not go, but flashed,
The first-graders became graduates.

I wish you a happy journey
May fate not be too strict with you,
Let luck go through life,
I wish everyone to be happy.

Dear graduates! It seems that only yesterday our hospitable school accepted you into its friendly family. When you first crossed the school threshold, you were full of timid hopes and vague expectations. Now you are leaving with a slight sadness these walls that have become forever dear. Let your innermost plans come true one hundred percent. Bolder to win!

No longer freshmen
Certificate received.
May life be kind to you
And let your eyes shine.

Now in difficult ways
You have to go:
Seek wise solutions
Hope to transform!

Ten years have passed
Like one moment
You are now graduates
There's no doubt about it
I remember how they came to me
They entered the class timidly
I taught you everything
And cared for everyone
I want you at graduation
Wish good luck
Try to resolve
All tasks in life!

Dear students!
Dear kids!

You came to the first class
Quite like kids.
small, timid,
You entered the class timidly,
Learned numbers and letters
And what is change!
The years have flown by
In learning and striving!
Now you already know
What does "equation" mean?
that the letters turn
In dictations, presentations,
And the words are added
Easy into poetry!
Today you say goodbye
With the first teacher
And enter another
Stage study boldly!
You have to learn
Long years
But what came first
With you forever!
You have a lot to do
Just to know, to pass.
Good luck with your studies!
Bon Voyage!

Expensive graduate !

Here are the first school years behind ...

It seemed only recently with briefcases, primers and

The guys in the 1st grade walked timidly in copybooks. Remember the first one

September? Unrest, white bows, bouquets of flowers,

meeting the first teacher, what touching

moments! And now 4 years of study have flown by unnoticed.

The first letters in the words, the multiplication table ... - and now

prom. Goodbye elementary school! Graduation party in elementary school is a celebration of students, the first

teachers and, of course, parents.
Ahead of a new life, one might say quite adult,

new stage of discoveries, achievements!

You are a primary school graduate!

In the secrets of the sciences of the very first penetrated.

You have a lot of work behind you -

More of them will be, my friend, ahead!

Your program will become more difficult,

It is unlikely that your mother will solve the problem for you.

Dad will also rub his forehead -

So, we will have to decide everything ourselves.

The satchel itself will have to be worn -

It's embarrassing to ask your mom about it.

Try to do everything yourself -

Adult life has come to you.

You are now a middle school student,

Let there be a diary with only fives!

(I. Ageeva)


MBOU secondary school them. Usmanova G.M. With. AKHUNOVO

Parting words to the graduate

Head teacher: ……………………

Khazima Ismagilovna Kucherbaeva

First teacher, class teacher:


Zulfiya Khadisovna Kalimova

S. AKHUNOVO - 2015

Order for elementary school graduates

Today is an unusual day - you moved to the fifth grade.
On the threshold of high school, we give you our mandate!
Many more years to learn and always be diligent,
And in the eleventh grade everyone will get medals!
But for this you need to know everything, of course, to "five"!
And do not test the patience of teachers once again!
And the director should not draw attention to you in vain,
And then, suddenly, yes, he wants to see mom and dad!
And this extreme is too much! This is a clear overkill!
Not for tea with pancakes, for a serious conversation!
Remember the school fraternity and that you are friends!
Help out, help, because your class is one family!
Our lovely girls! We wish you with all our heart
Be the hostesses in the class and take care of his peace!
You, the stronger sex, also wanted to say a few words:
You are not in vain with us boys! You girls protect!
And it remains for us to remind you of something else now ...
About your parents, about yours ... you have no closer friend!
Tell them boldly ... every little secret ...
And, believe me, mom and dad are the BEST will give you advice!
We see you guys, we are in the fifth grade today.
We are both happy and hurt ... you grew up with us!
This is how nature works: the world does not like our standing.
May everything in your life be easy and everything is on the “five”!
Go away, don't be sad! You are always in our hearts!
And also… You come… Albeit infrequently… Sometimes…

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