On the way of preparing the Great Turkic Kurultai. The revival of the Turks is a guarantee of peace and tranquility of our Earth

From 10 to 12 August this year in Hungary, near the village of Bugats, in the National Park Kishkunshag, the Kurultai of the Hunno-Turkic peoples was held. Although it would be more accurate to call it an ethno-festival, the Magyars themselves and all the guests called the event Kurultai.

Invasion of Europe

Hungary has three names: official - Hungaria, unofficial - Madyaristan and Slavic - Hungary. During the historical period, there were several waves of invasion of the steppe nomadic tribes from the east on its territory. Sarmatians, Huns, Avars, Magyars, Kipchaks invaded here. As a poet would say:

... The leaders of the nomadic peoples led.
And steppe hordes from the expanses of Turgay
From the horses without dismounting flowed to the Danube
Inevitably, wave after wave...

The arrival of the Magyars, headed by Khan Arpad at the end of the 9th century, is considered the most important wave, so the Hungarians lead the beginning of their statehood and the royal dynasty of Arpads from 896. Arpad is considered a descendant of Atilla, respectively, the Magyars also consider themselves descendants of the Huns. The newcomer Magyars assimilated the local South Slavic tribes, passing on their language to them, but borrowing Slavic genes and some elements of culture. And in recent decades, many modern residents remembered their Central Asian origin and began to call themselves Magyars, and the country - Magyaristan. Demonstration of nomadic traditions even becomes their hallmark. Kurultai clearly showed this

Although the Hungarian language belongs to the Finno-Ugric group of the Uralic language family, the Magyars prefer to emphasize not linguistic kinship with the Ural Khanty-Mansi or Finns, not genetic kinship with the Slavs and Germans, but ethno-cultural ties with the ancient Hunno-Turkic tribes of Central Asia. They know that Magyars (a division of Argyns and Kipchaks) live in Kazakhstan. It is believed that these clans are the remnants of the Magyar tribes who went west. Of course, there is also an economic interest in Hungary's eastward orientation. Relations with

The 160 million Turkic world is more prestigious and profitable than relations with the 25 million Finno-Ugric world. Kazakhstan, unlike Estonia or Finland, is richer in mineral resources. This also matters in the craving of the Magyars for everything nomadic, for the Turkic in particular, and for their ancestral home - Kazakhstan. And since both the Sarmatians, and the Huns, and the Magyars, and the Kipchaks come from the Kazakh steppes, the Magyars half-jokingly call themselves the westernmost of the Kazakhs, and the Kazakhs - the easternmost of the Magyars.

Well, on August 8, 2012, there was another invasion of Madyaristan. Again, like a thousand years ago, the Hungarian Pashta was filled with the clanging of swords, the whistling of arrows, the clatter of hooves and the clicking of shepherds' whips. The sounds of shan-kobyz, shaman tambourines and welcoming pagan cries Oi, oi - Khoyra rang out again! More than 200 representatives of the Turkic peoples called this invasion of Europe the Hunno-Turkic Kurultai.

Facts and figures of Kurultay

Khans were not elected at Kurultai, no war was declared on anyone, no political decisions were made. It's just that the Magyars like the Mongolian word kurultai. They put into it the meaning of an ethno-festival and sports holiday. Indeed, this is a colorful three-day show, which gathers Magyars from all over the Carpatho-Danube region, or rather from all of the former Magna Hungary (Great Hungary). It is known that after the First World War, the territory of Austria-Hungary was divided between neighboring countries, and today's Hungary is only half (or maybe less) in terms of territory and population from the former Great Hungary. Nostalgia for great power is another factor in the appeal of the Magyars to their heroic, nomadic past. The national heroes are the nomadic leaders Atilla and Arpad, the ethno-festival is called kurultai, and themselves are called Magyars, they live in yurts on kurultais, wear national clothes, and men often wear medieval armor, shining with helmets and sabers. The Magyars did not forget the Turkic god and the runic alphabet. Runic inscriptions on souvenirs, and even in the names of settlements, in recent years are more common here than English names. The real apotheosis of Kurultai was the ancient ritual of feeding the fire and worshiping Tengri. We Kazakhs, formally real descendants of Central Asian nomads, would learn from the Magyars such a proud and careful attitude to national traditions, to national clothes, to the cult of horses and weapons. True, one of the guests, the Avar Murat from Dagestan, as a true Muslim, called the process of tying ribbons and touching the Tree of Life rampant shamanism, and promised to go to the mosque for a week after the Kurultai and listen to the local imam. But it is not the first time for Kazakhs to tie scarves on trees and make wishes by touching the trunk. It won't scare us.

Returning to the topic, it must be said that small local kurultai are held here annually, and this large kurultai, held every two years, is the third in a row. We, representatives of the Turkic peoples, are invited to the Kurultai as guests of honor. Representatives of 11 Turkic peoples participated in the last Kurultai in 2010.

This time, along with Madyaristan, 7 Turkic states took part in the Kurultai: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Northern Cyprus, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan; 7 autonomous Turkic republics: Bashkortostan, Karachay, Karakalpakstan, Tatarstan, Tuva, Chuvashia, Yakutia; Uighurs, as well as representatives of 5 other Eurasian peoples: Avars, Bulgarians, Buryats, Mongols, Japanese. In order not to offend anyone, 21 flags of all the listed peoples were placed on the Kurultai field. And the Magyars accepted all of us absolutely free of charge, providing accommodation, meals and a cultural program, including, in addition to the Kurultai, a tour of Budapest and a vacation at Lake Balaton.

Of course, it was a grandiose event that included theatrical shows, musical performances, archaeological and anthropological exhibitions, and an artisans' fair. Over 140,000 visitors visited the Kurultai in three days. More than 150 yurts have been installed on the territory of the Kiskunshag National Park. These yurts were used both for housing and as boutiques for the sale of products and souvenirs. At such a fair, you could buy everything: both traditional souvenirs and medieval weapons and armor. And one of the artisans, a blacksmith, installed a forge and an anvil right in the field, and in real time demonstrated all the stages of turning iron from ore into a spearhead. A special field with stands was set aside for horse shows. Horse and foot parades, kokpar, imitation of zhekpe-zhek fights were held there, elements of horse riding were demonstrated. Elsewhere, ethnic ensembles from both Hungary and the Turkic republics performed on two large stages. Our ensemble "Turan" performed there twice with great triumph.

The Kazakh delegation, formed by the head of the Great Steppe Foundation, Aibek Nakipov, was the largest and included 51 people. It included scientists, businessmen, musicians, artists, lawyers, writers, jewelers, designers, and journalists. The most venerable were the Chairman of the Tabigat Party Mels Eleusizov, the President of the Association of Building Materials Industry Maral Tompiyev, the Director of the Institute of History and Ethnology Khankeldy Abzhanov, the Director of the Institute of General Genetics and Cytology Leyla Dzhansugurova, the Director of the Almaty TV channel Kairat Baltabay, the owner of the site Oleg Khalidulin, businessman and the founder of the Uly Dala Alemi movement Smat Ayazbaev, Honored Artist of Kazakhstan Akhmet Akhat, Doctors of Historical Sciences Aibolat Kushkumbaev and Serik Azhigali…

The sun is setting over Buhats...

Perhaps the most important result of the Kurultai was meeting and meeting new people in an atmosphere of Turkic brotherhood and mutual understanding. Truly, there is nothing more valuable than the luxury of human communication. And the meetings were different, both expected and unexpected.

The most important planned meeting of Kurultai was the reception of Turkic guests in the Hungarian Parliament. The Parliament building itself is one of the most beautiful buildings in Budapest and Europe. It was built in neo-Gothic style for the millennium of Hungarian statehood - in 1896 (completely completed in 1904). We were received in a huge old meeting room, painted with gold, designed to emphasize the power of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. On the podium are the patrons and leaders of the Kurultai. The Vice-Speaker of the Parliament Sandor Lezhak, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Keseni Yerno and President of the Turan-Hungary Foundation Andras Biro delivered a welcoming speech. But for the majority of delegates, such a high level of support for the Kurultay from the Hungarian authorities was unexpected. Especially for the Uighurs, when, while listing the delegations, the word Uiguristan was uttered from the podium.

In the evening, a dinner was given in our honor in one of the district mayor's offices of Budapest. There, in an informal atmosphere, Aibek Nakipov and Mels Eleusizov delivered a welcoming speech from the guests. And one elderly Karakalpak and Maral Tompiyev gave baht to the Kurultai that had begun.

The meetings continued on the Kurultai field in the Kishkunshag National Park. The park was founded in 1975 and declared by UNESCO a biosphere reserve that preserves untouched samples of the steppe ecosystem. Those. this is the westernmost part of the Eurasian Great Steppe. Here the main events of the Kurultai unfolded.

Kokpar was planned in the program of horse shows. Our Kazakhs Maral Tompiyev and Kendybay Abishev decided to take part in it. As it turned out, the Magyars were going to carry a sandbag wrapped in a goatskin. Maral rejected this choice and gave

them to watch a video with a real Kazakh kokpar. The Magyars quickly realized what was happening, and in order not to lose face in the dirt, they immediately stabbed a real big goat. True, they did not prepare him quite correctly - they cut off his legs and left his head. But even with this wrong kokpar, Kendybay showed how to carry it and, speaking in football, "scored two goals out of three." The Magyars were delighted!

Scientific contacts took place. Kazakh historians met with the famous Hungarian historian Istvan Erdelyi, who delivered a lecture "On the Early History of Hungary". Director of the Kazakh Institute of History Khankeldy Abzhanov and chief specialist in Kazakh shezhere Oleg Khalidulin met with the director of the Bashkir Institute of History Firdaus Khisametdinova. Immediately, the two directors agreed to work together on the project "Heroes of Turkic History". And with Oleg we agreed on the creation of a single shezhere of the Turkic peoples.

Kazakh artist Yesengali Sadyrbaev met a virtual Facebook friend, Hungarian artist Zalan Kertai. As it turned out, both are united by "one, but fiery passion" for historical painting. Zalan is the author of Attila's portrait, which was widely exploited in the Magyar kurultais. Moreover, ignorance of the language did not become an obstacle to communication between the two artists. “Imagine, Zalan invited me to his place in Budapest and showed me his work. He works the same way as I do - he studies the material for a long time and carefully draws out household items and details of the clothes of his heroes, ”Yesengali said enthusiastically.

Our Kazakh Kipchak Ilyas Suleymanov met his Kipchak relatives from Hungary, Romania, Karakalpakstan, Azerbaijan. Imagine, five Kipchaks from different parts of the Great Steppe gathered in one place! As Ilyas says, the elderly Kipchak from Romania even shed a tear from an excess of feelings. Unfortunately, Ilyas's camera was later stolen, and the captured exciting moment remained only in their memories.

At the fair, near one of the yurts, I noticed a long queue. Coming closer, I saw that it was a Tuvan shaman who organized a paid reception. Euros and forints poured into a large inverted tambourine, and the shaman, raising his hands to the sky, blessed the gullible Magyar women. I don’t know if the Tuvan was happy about this, but the Magyars were clearly pleased with the communication of a real Asian shaman. “There would be Kazakh bucks here,” I thought.

During the three days of the Kurultai and the following days of cultural programs, each of us had many different meetings and acquaintances. You can't list everyone. Photographs remained from them, memories remained ... A huge feeling of gratitude remained to Andras Biro, the direct organizer and leader of the Kurultai. Maral Tompiev said about him that he was a great man, and that we would hear about him more than once. Maral himself organized a small ethnic festival near Almaty, so he knows what he is talking about, how much work and money it costs.

After the Kurultai, we have, as they say, "a feeling of deep satisfaction" from meetings between ourselves and the Turkic brothers. Although Hungary is a poor country, besides in the grip of an economic crisis, the Magyars managed to provide us with bread, circuses, and the luxury of human communication.

The sun sets over Buhats,
And the shaman will hit the tambourine...
May it be reborn in our hearts
Hungaria Magna - Great Turan!

Kurultai is over. Long live Kurultai!

Murat Uali

Almaty - Budapest - Bugaz - Kishkunshag - Balaton.

Kurultai is a tribal gathering of the Hunnic and Turkic peoples, a celebration of the preservation of ancient traditions

2018 at the end of the page……

Short story

In the minds of the Hungarian people, the memory of their Eastern, Central Asian, origin is still alive. Since the middle of the 19th century, there have been heated discussions between different scientific views and positions regarding the origin of the Hungarian nation. Over the past half century, especially during the communist regime, ignoring all arguments, the theory of the Finno-Ugric origin of the Hungarians was imposed. However, archaeological, anthropological and genetic studies show a completely different story. More and more modern scientists, in particular archaeologists and anthropologists, are of the opinion that the anthropological characteristics and culture of the Hungarians who conquered their homeland are more similar to the Central Asian Turkic peoples with Iranian and Scythian influence. In addition, the origin of the Hungarian tribes can be largely attributed to some peoples of the Hunnic tribal union. One of the main moments in the history of the Hungarians is the acquisition of their historical homeland under the leadership of Arpad Khan (the conquest of the Carpathian basin at the end of the 9th century).

More than 1000 years of history of the Hungarian state, created in the very center of Europe, determined the culture of the Hungarians as the most western among all nomadic peoples. Today the Hungarian nation is united, without tribal fragmentation. However, a significant part of the history of the Hungarians is characterized by the structure of the national-tribal system, like most nomadic peoples. One of the oldest national legends of the Hungarian people is the rallying of the tribes through the conclusion of the so-called “Blood Treaty”. The great leader-commander Arpad was the ancestor of an ancient royal dynasty that ruled the state for more than one century. He is one of the most important figures in Hungarian history and a symbol of the power and unity of the nation. Arpad's father was the leader Almos, whose name comes from the Hungarian word "álom" and, according to legend, symbolizes a prophetic dream. The legend about the prophetic dream of Emesh, the daughter of one of the noble leaders, says that one day, when the girl was sleeping in the yurt, Turul himself (the falcon bird is the totem of the tribe and the ancient symbol of the Hungarians) flew into the upper opening of the yurt and conceived her son. According to the legends, it is from Turul that the ancient Árpád dynasty descends, during the reign of whose descendants the most glorious chapters of Hungarian history were written.

The Árpád dynasty ruled Hungary for over 400 years.

It is noteworthy that the history of the Hungarian tribes is rooted in the distant past, many centuries before gaining a European homeland, and far to the east.

The origin of the Magyar tribal union probably has its roots far in the eastern part of Central Asia. Early events in the ethnogenesis of the Hungarians took place partly in the territories of the Altai Territory, as well as modern Kazakhstan and some territories of Uzbekistan. These processes were significantly influenced by the ancient populations of the Tarim basin (today the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region) and the Pamirs. The Hungarian tribes wandered westward from Central Asia and probably spent a long time in the territories of the Aral-Caspian region. Then, affecting the lands of the Southern Urals, through the passage between the Caspian and the Urals, they wandered through the territory of the steppes encircling the northern part of the Caucasus. The Hungarian tribes played an important role in the history of the Khazar Khaganate and represented one of the most significant forces in the army of the tribal union. Thus, one of the important stages of the Hungarian ethnogenesis took place in the foothills of the North Caucasus, also covering the territories of today's Dagestan, Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Part of the Hungarian tribal union moved to the lands of the South Caucasus (sources call them Savard-Magyars) and settled in the territories of present-day Azerbaijan and South Azerbaijan (region of northern Iran). Thus, Savard-Magyars played an important role in the ethnogenesis of the Azerbaijani people.

From the writings of medieval Hungarian historians, we know that, according to tradition, the Árpád dynasty descended from Attila, the leader of the Huns. The same is said in ancient legends and tales.

However, the fact confirmed by scientific research is that even before the Hungarians found their homeland, already in several stages nomadic tribes settled in the Carpathian Basin, which were the westernmost wing of the peoples of the endless Eurasian steppes. These nomads, who later settled on these lands, were at first the peoples of different Kurgan cultures, and then the Scythian and Sarmatian tribes (from the beginning of the 1st millennium BC). Then, at the beginning of the 5th century, the Huns came to the territory of the Carpathian basin and made it the center of their European empire. It was here that the leader of the Huns, Atilla, lived and ruled the empire, who, even after his death, was buried in his new homeland, under the Tisza River. According to legend, on one of the river islands, a branch of the Tisza River was blocked and Attila was buried in the riverbed, after which water was released again. So, under the big river, the mighty leader of the Huns Attila “sleeps with eternal sleep”.

After the death of Attila, the Germanic tribes that previously served the Huns seized various parts of the Carpathian Basin and subjugated many Germanic peoples who had previously mainly served the Huns. In 568, they were defeated by the cavalry nomadic Avars of Inner Asia, who were distinguished by a very strong army and were under the command of the Khagan Buyan. Then, the Avar Kaganate was created on the conquered territory, which became the most powerful state in Europe of that time (although in the end it was already divided into parts) and existed until the Hungarians found their historical homeland.

After the death of Attila, most of the Hunnic tribes moved back to the east, to the steppe regions of the northern Black Sea region and the northern foothills of the Caucasus. Later, in 895-896, already from these territories, in the form of a tribal union, the Hungarians went west and finally settled in the Carpathian Basin, where the European Hungarian Principality was founded. This state formation was well organized and distinguished by an extremely strong army. Thus, the most powerful state of Central and Eastern Europe of those times was born. The Hungarians collected tribute from a very large part of Europe, and their campaigns of conquest spread to the territories of modern Spain.

Kurultai is a collection of tribes.

The word “kurultai” and its variants in the Altai languages, mainly of Turkic origin, means “tribal assembly”. It is found in the tribal system and in almost all steppe nomadic cultures. Hungarian nomads also held tribal assemblies, which is mentioned in written Byzantine and Arabic sources. Important decisions were made at such meetings, the leaders of different tribes met here, and meetings were often held on military operations.

Tribal gatherings are an important part of Hungarian culture. In the monuments of classical Hungarian literature, there is also a description of this event, for example, in Mor Jokai's novel "The Idol Castle", the author writes: "the Székelys sat kurultai".

Kurultai is a celebration of the preservation of old traditions, the revival of ancient Hungarian and other steppe nomadic cultures, a tribute to the memory of great ancestors.

As part of this event, the keepers of traditions build a large nomadic village, which consists mainly of yurts, collect an impressive number of horses. To date, the Kurultai has become the largest Hungarian celebration of the preservation of traditions, where representatives of the eastern fraternal peoples, with whom the Hungarians share many historical and cultural ties, are gladly received.

The holiday attracts people who love and keep the ancient Hungarian traditions, not only from Hungary, but also from the territories of the border countries where the Hungarians live.

The venue of the Kurultai is located on the outskirts of the village of Bugac, 160 kilometers south of Budapest, in one of the most beautiful Hungarian steppe zones on the outskirts of the Kiskunsag National Reserve, on the territory of which there are the largest sand dunes in Europe. This region is one of the centers of Hungarian shepherd culture and equestrianism.


During the great migration of peoples, the Hungarians came into contact with many peoples and tribes. In addition, parts of the Hungarian people repeatedly settled in different regions. Information about this has been preserved in many ancient Eastern Persian-language and Arabic-language written monuments. The search for connections with the Hungarians who settled in the eastern lands began already during the reign of the Arpad dynasty. A large number of Hungarians, from scientists to ordinary people, found the purpose of their whole lives in the search for the brothers who remained in the east.

The idea of ​​creating Kurultai, the Assembly of Hungarian Tribes, arose as a result of one of the scientific expeditions conducted in Kazakhstan by the Hungarian anthropologist and scientific researcher of the Anthropological Department of the Hungarian Museum of Nature Andras Zsolt Biro. In the study of materials and DNA samples collected during the 2006 expedition, by analyzing Y chromosomes, it was proved that between the Kazakh tribe of the Magyars and the Hungarians of the Carpathian basin, there is not only a similarity in self-name, but also a genetic connection. The results of these scientific studies were published in one of the most respected scientific journals in the world, the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. This work by András Biro aroused considerable international interest and brought international recognition to the members of the research group. And in 2008, Andras Biro received an award from the Minister of Culture of Kazakhstan, Yermukhamet Yertysbayev.

The largest group of Kazakhstani Magyars lives in the Turgai region, in the steppes covering Lake Sarykopa in a tribal alliance with the Kazakh Argyn tribe. However, they came to these lands from the southern and southeastern territories approximately 320-350 years ago under the leadership of Kartsag batyr. In addition, there is a northern group of the Kazakh tribe of the Magyars, who live in the northern Kazakh region of the city of Kokshetau, as well as the region of the Russian city of Omsk (in Kazakh: Omby) in alliance with the Kipchak tribes.

Probably the most significant part of the remnants of the Hungarian tribal union is the Mazhar tribe living in the region of the Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan (between the cities of Karshi and Shahrisyabz). 2012-2013 An expedition led by Andras Zsolt Biro collected DNA samples from the Uzbek Mazhar tribe at all its known sites. The Hungarian anthropologists Sandor Evinger and Zsolt Bernert, employees of the Hungarian Museum of Natural History, took part in the research work. At present, a scientific analysis of the samples collected during the above expedition is being carried out.

The results of studies in Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries drew the attention of scientists to the importance of family ties. The Kazakh tribe of the Magyars welcomed this fact and awarded Andras Zsolt Biro with the title of an honorary member of the council of the Magyars tribe. In 2007, they held a Kurultai tribal meeting, which was attended by a Hungarian delegation led by András Zsolt Biro. This was the first Hungarian-Magyar Kurultai. The event was held in the Torgai region, far from urban settlements, on the territory of the large steppes of the Sarikopa lakeside and the outskirts of the village of Saga.

During this holiday, horse tournaments, wrestling competitions, and concerts were held. Many thousands of people gathered here - from all over Kazakhstan, the Magyars came to their homeland. As part of the holiday, a mosque built with donations was solemnly opened, which was named after the progenitor of their tribe - Magyar Baba.

After returning from Kazakhstan, the Hungarian scientist and his friends decided to organize a Kurultai tribal meeting at home as well. Representatives of the Kazakh tribe Magyars were invited as guests of honor. The celebration took place in August 2008. Here, an unprecedented unity in cooperation was born, which resulted in the largest parade of the guardians of the traditional heritage of the Magyars. Especially for this holiday, the Hungarian wood carving master Sandor Nemes made and presented Kurultai with a beautiful six-meter tree of life, decorated with rich steppe ornaments. In total, the event was attended by 60 thousand people.

The Kurultai Council decided to organize a general meeting of the Hunno-Turkic peoples in 2010.

The Great Kurultai continued the tradition in the spirit of previous celebrations in 2007 and 2008. He strengthened the family ties of the Hungarians with the peoples of the Central Asian, Anatolian and Caucasian regions, bearing the legacy of the equestrian nomadic civilization. All those present paid tribute to the memory of such great ancestors as Atilla, Bayan-Kagan, Magyar Baba, Kartsig Batyr and Arpad. This time Kurultai brought together thousands of people who keep traditions, and the number of visitors almost doubled compared to 2008! Since 2010, the holiday has been held under the auspices of the Vice-Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament, Sandor Lezhak.

This year, all the invited peoples, who, by genetic characteristics and culture, are related to the Hunno-Turkic tribes, sent their delegations to Hungary to the Great Kurultai. Along with high representatives of diplomacy and science, many folklore groups and detachments of traditional warriors arrived and demonstrated their skills.

On the occasion of the Kurultai, the assembled representatives of the peoples, with a kindred Hunno-Turkic heritage, signed a fraternal declaration:

"By the will and blessing of Heaven - Hungarian, Magyar, Kazakh, Uzbek, Turk, Azerbaijani, Uighur, Kirghiz, Bashkir, Chuvash, Bulgarian, Tatar, Turkmen, Karakalpak, Buryat, Nogai, Gagauz, Karachai, Yakut, Korean, Japanese - all close-knit brothers Huns, are jointly responsible for the fate of each other before the memory of the great common Ancestors!

The communities of the Turanian peoples, numbering more than a hundred million souls, again found each other for cooperation in the development of a free society that respects kinship and traditions and lives in harmony with the laws of nature, in creating a cultural and economic community that unites kindred nations with the Hunnic and Türkic consciousness!”

According to earlier decisions, the Kurultai - the Hungarian Tribal Assembly is convened every two years. Representatives of the Turanian peoples are also invited here. Today, the circle of participants in the event has expanded with delegates from the Karakalpak Autonomous Republic, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Dagestan Avars and representatives of Tuva.

In 2012 Kurultai became the largest event celebrating the preservation of traditional heritage in Europe. On the main day, 160 thousand people visited the holiday.

The Kurultai program has been gradually replenished during its existence

Museum collections, as well as archaeological and anthropological collections of various scientific organizations were exhibited in the "Yurt of the Ancestors", which made it possible to acquaint the guests with the Hunnic-Avar-Magyar archaeological and anthropological finds. In addition to other exhibits, the skulls of ancient Huns, Avars and ancient Magyars were presented, as well as reconstructions of their appearance made on the basis of scientific research. In addition, one could admire the reconstruction of weapons and household utensils.

In 2012, the world's largest open-air exhibition of nomadic civilizations was presented.

Concerts of traditional folk music and dances were held on the stage.

Military tournaments and performances of archers and horsemen became a striking sight.

The ancient Hungarians were riders. The horse was of key importance not only during military campaigns, but also in everyday life. People used horse milk - koumiss, from which many different products were made.

Warriors were buried either with their own or sacrificed horses (horse burials), or with horse harness (symbolic horse burials). Modern breeds of Hungarian horses are world famous, however, experts have long been discussing what exactly the horse of the ancient Hungarians was. Genetics also helped in this matter. The results of the analysis of the extracted DNA fragment from the skeleton of a horse of the 9th century (the period when the Hungarians found their homeland) showed that of the modern horse breeds, the most similar to the ancient Hungarian is the Turkmen Akhal-Teke horse.

Kurultai is also a very important holiday for professional riders and horse riding enthusiasts. At each Kurultai, in addition to the parade of horse riders, horse races and various tournaments are held. Among European countries, only Hungary has preserved the traditional strategic team game of riders - “kokpar”.

On each Kurultai holiday, large tournaments are organized in the game "kokpar", and competitions in traditional horse wrestling.

Before the adoption of Islam and Christianity, the steppe horse-nomadic peoples had their own pagan beliefs and ancient religion. That is why the presentation of the ancient religion of the Hungarians and steppe nomadic tribes played an important role at Kurultai. One of the more developed variants of shamanism is Tengrianism, in which elements of the social organization of society are already observed. This ancient religion of worshiping the forces of nature played a very important role in the life of our ancestors. The intermediary of the forces of nature in this belief was the taltosh, or shaman, who was often also a folk healer. Hence the very name of the religion - Taltosh. Elements of the mythical belief of this faith (tree of life, wonderful deer, tambourine, fire worship, trance, etc.) are present in all Hun-Scythian steppe cultures and, despite minor differences, they all point to their common roots. At the Kurultai holiday, a ritual bonfire is lit in memory of great ancestors.

On the occasion of the Kurultay, the organizers, carefully preserving the traditions, built the largest nomadic settlement, consisting of more than a hundred yurts and military tents.

Within the framework of the Kurultai, artisans of the Carpathian basin, engaged in traditional crafts and needlework, organized high-ranking fairs. Here, in addition to the opportunity to purchase beautiful products, one could get acquainted with the work of such artisans as blacksmiths, basket weavers, bronze casters, etc.


Kurultai 2012 hosted the world's largest parade of mounted nomad warriors, which was attended by 230 riders in Hunnic, Avar and ancient Magyar armor with guns, as well as 680 foot soldiers in traditional historical costumes.

Over the years of the Kurultai, many bright victories and special results have been achieved. By the holiday of 2010, the largest shamanic tambourine was made from one single piece of leather, with a diameter of 188 cm, the sound of beating in this tambourine was heard when lighting a ritual fire.

Joint archery: at Kurultai 2010, 1120 archers fired their arrows from traditional bows at the same time.

Archery at a distance: it is known that before that, the best result in this type of competition was set in 1226 by the archer Eshunkhei, whose arrow reached a distance of 502.5 m. bow at a distance of 603 meters!

And in combat archery in 2012, he managed to hit a human figure from 400 meters!

Reconstruction of armor and weapons:

In 2010, a detachment of 10 riders presented a performance with military actions in the reconstructed metal armor of the Avar warriors (White Huns) of the Carpathian basin. And in 2012, leather historical costumes of Hungarian nomadic horsemen from the time of the founding of Hungary were presented. The technique of bronze casting and metal processing was demonstrated, which was used by the Magyars of the nomadic period. Tens of thousands of visitors came to watch this spectacle.

Playing shaman tambourines: in 2012, before lighting a ritual fire, more than 300 shaman (taltosh) tambourines sounded together.

Big Kurultai 2014 will be held on August 8-9-10 in the suburbs of Bugatsa (Bacs-Kiskun region, Hungary)


The organizers of the Kurultai are the Hungarian Turan-Foundation and the Turanian Union created by it, uniting people who keep the traditional heritage of the Carpathian basin and maintain close ties with other Turanian peoples.

Our partners:

Ulu Dala Foundation - Kazakhstan

Public Foundation "Great Steppe" - Kazakhstan

Scientific and restoration laboratory "Island of Crimea" - Kazakhstan

UKID - Turkey

Traditional Archery Association - Turkey

International Association Akhal-Teke Horse breeding - Turkmenistan

World Uyghur Congress

Turan Association - Uzbekistan

Association of Traditional Archers - Kyrgyzstan

Manas-Ata Foundation - Kyrgyzstan

Mongolian Equestrian Association - Mongolia

Society of Guardians of Heritage Bagatur-Gun - Bulgaria

Bashkir society of keepers of traditions "Kokpar" - Bashkortostan

The Union constantly expands and develops ties with all countries of the Turanian region.

Kurultai is held every two years.

Delegations of kindred peoples are compiled jointly with partner organizations.

All Turanian brothers are welcome to our common holiday!

May Tengri send eternal blessings to our peoples!

Main organizer: Hungarian Turan-Foundation - Hungary

Chairman: Andras Zsolt Biro

Founder: Zoltan Varga

Patron: Sandora Lejak, Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament

KURULTAI- 2018 (Bugaz) – PROGRAM

In honor of the anniversary Tribal meeting "Kurultai", a huge nomadic village consisting of more than 100 yurts will be built, reminiscent of the era of the Conquest of the Motherland.

A huge crafts fair will be opened on the territory of the event.

At the event, in addition to the military performances of the keepers of traditions and traditional sports programs, thematic exhibitions will be opened: anthropological, archaeological and ethnographic with reconstructed artifacts of unique beauty and original archaeological finds of bones and objects from the times of the Huns and the era of the Conquest of the Motherland.

In the large yurt "Yurt of the Ancestors" there will be an exhibition "People of Turula" - archaeological finds, reconstructions and thematic stands.

In the largest yurt in the world in the "Yurt of Attila" there will be an exhibition "The Age of the Huns in the Carpathian Basin".

In a huge (capacity for 300 people) tent-pavilion for reports, a series of scientific and educational reports will be organized with the participation of prominent Hungarian and international experts.

In addition to the keepers of the traditions of the Carpathian Basin (112 allied teams of keepers of traditions), 27 kindred peoples of Hunnic and Turkic origin will participate in the event.

On the big stage of the "Kurultai" for 3 days there will always be music and dance programs, in which, in addition to the Mazhar (Hungarian) performers, representatives of kindred peoples will perform concerts.

After the evening programs, there will be dance evenings all night long.

Friday (August 10)

10:00 Opening of the crafts fair.

11:00 Rehearsal of the riders of the Parade of the Troops.

From 16:00 Mazhar (Hungarian) folk music - military music on the open stage.

17:00 Joint rehearsal of riders and foot wars (Arena).

19:00-19:30 "The dream of shamans" (musical performance with shaman tambourines - Stage).

19:30–20:00 Mazhar (Hungarian) music on pipes and folk dances (Stage).

21:00 Reception of the leaders of the Eastern kindred peoples in the camp "Kurultaya" (entrance with torches).

21:10-21:30 Fire performance of riders (Arena).

21:30-22:00 “Changosh wedding” “Csángó menyekező” (Moldovan folk ensemble, big concert with life pictures).

From 23:00 Dance evening (with live pipe music).

Saturday (11th August)

8:30 Registration for archery competitions, training (sports field for archers).

9:30 "Attila's Yurt" - opening of the Hunnic, Avar Mazhar (Hungarian) anthropological and archaeological exhibition in the largest yurt in the world. Thematic exhibition: "The Huns in the Carpathian Basin".

From 9:30 "Musical alarm clock" - live folk music program (Hungarian bagpipe music, drum, pipe).

9:30 Duels - saber battle (in military cages - on the territory of the fair).

10:00 “Agaras” show with dogs of the Hungarian Greyhound-Agar breed: “Hunting in the Desert” (Guard of Traditions “Hungarian Agar” and the State Society “Agaras”) – Arena.

10:30 Presentation of falcon riders (Zoltan KREKACH and his team) - Arena.

10:45 Presentation of foot soldiers ("Fighters of Turan", "Eastern Union", "Tisafia", "Nyugati Diepyu") - Arena.

11:00-11:30 "Peoples of the Desert" - competition of riders for agility - Arena.

11:00-15:00 National belt wrestling championship (Large Sports Tent-Pavilion).

11:30-12:00 Cup "Turan" - riders-archers (qualifying round) - Arena.

12:00-12:30 "Nomadic battle on horseback" - a performance of the battle of riders with weapons (saber, spear, battle ax, bow) - a joint performance of the riders "Nyugati Diepyu" and "Anda" - Arena.

12:30-12:50 "Hunn-Onugor military performance" - Bagatura team (Bulgaria) - Arena.

12:50- 13:10 PEOPLES OF THE DESERT show of riders with falcons (Zoltan Krekach and his team) - Arena.

13:30 - Arena.

14 :00 Festive performances and congratulations:

- parade of flags of the Turanian peoples;

- Welcoming speech will be given by:

  • Laszlo Köver, Speaker of the National Assembly of Mazharstan (Hungary)
  • András Zsolt Biro, President of the Magyar Turan Foundation, Chief Organizer
  • heads of the Kazakh, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Mongolian, Uzbek, Kyrgyz delegations, as well as Laszlo Sabo, mayor of the city of Bugatsa.

15:00 Archery at a distance in honor of great Ancestors (attempts to set records) - "White Wolf" (Jozef Monush) - Arena.


16:00 The legendary horse of our ancestors: "A horse with a golden mane is a Turanian horse."

16:30 Kokpar between big teams - nomadic, fighting, team game of riders (between two big teams).

17.00 "Wars of Turan" - military performance of horsemen-archers and riders - Arena.

17:30 Duels - continuation of the battles of saber fighters (in military cages - on the territory of the fair).

17:30 "Horse racing in the desert": competition of riders for speed - Arena, Equestrian area

19:00 Belt wrestling - Arena.

Sunday (12th of August)

9:00 "Musical alarm clock" - live folk music program (folk musicians for morning vivacity).

10:00 Duels - continuation of the battles of saber fighters (in military cages - on the territory of the fair).

10:00 Start of the traditional (foot) archery competition (archery area).

10:00 “Agaras” performance with Hungarian greyhound-agar dogs – Arena.

10:30 Barant performance from the Northern Territory.

11:00-17:00 European Mas-Wrestling Championship (Large Sports Tent-Pavilion).

11:00 Fighting show of riders of the team of guardians of the traditions "Zengyo nil" - Arena.

11:30 Combat performance of foot wars.

12:00 Performance of the battle on horseback "Desert Foxes".

12:30 The legendary horse of our ancestors: “The horse with the golden mane is the “Turan” horse.”

Presentation of the Akhal-Teke horse in honor of the memory of the horse breeder Shandor Gillich.

13:00–13:20 PEOPLES OF THE DESERT show of riders with falcons (Zoltan Krekach and his team) – Arena.

13:30 "Parade of troops" - a parade of foot wars and riders- Arena.

14 :00 Festive performances and congratulations- parade of flags of the Turanian peoples.

14:30 Military performance of foot archers - Turkish keepers of traditions.

15:00 Battle scene in honor of the 1111th anniversary of the Battle of Bratislava (Pozsony):

The army of the Mazhar (Hungarian) tribal union attacks the Frankish troops attacking the country - Arena.

15:40 Presentation of the riders of the nomadic shepherds of Bugac.

16:00 Kokpar final.

16:30 Final "Peoples of the Desert" - equestrian competition - Arena.

17:00 Final "Horse racing in the desert".

17:40 Announcement of results.

18:00 Ritual bonfire.


Friday (10 August)

17:00 – 17:30 Zoltan SOYOMFI NAGY.

17:30 - 18:00 Drum Ensemble "Regélő Fehér Táltos".

18:00 –18:30 White Raven Öskü.

19:00 –19:30 "The dream of shamans" (musical performance with shaman tambourines).

19:30 - 20:00 HajduX - Mazhar (Hungarian) folklore music on the pipe and dances.

Technical break

21:30 – 22:00 “Changosh wedding” “Csángó menyekező” (Moldovan folk ensemble, big concert with life pictures).

22:15 Concert "Familiar Faces".

23:00 Dance evening (with live pipe music).

Saturday (11 August)

11:00 "Call of the Soul" - a common game on shaman tambourines.

11:30 HajduX - Mazhar (Hungarian) folklore music on the pipe, folk music.

11:50 Alatoo and Burulcha Baktybek kyzy - Kyrgyz folklore concert (Kyrgyzstan).

12:20 "White Raven Öskü" - Hungarian shamanic music.

12:40 "Kashgar" - Uighur folk music and dances (Uyghurstan).

13:00 "Kaya Kuzucu" - Anatolian folk music (Turkey).

15:00 Boglarka FEHER - "Mazharsky (Hungarian) Dawn" (Mazharsky (Hungarian) folk music and songs).

15:20 Zoltan SOYOMFI NAG - Mazhar (Hungarian) shamanic music.

15:40 Volga folk music and folk dances (Tatarstan).

16.00 Drum ensemble "Regélő Fehér Táltos" - musical and dance performance.

16:30 Turkmen folk music and dances - Turkmen State Folk Music and Dance Ensemble (Turkmenistan).

17.00 Group of nomads: Mazhar (Hungarian), Eastern and Bulgarian folk music (Northern Territory).

17:30 Maryana ALBOTOVA - Karachay folk songs (Karachay-Cherkessia).

17:50 Artem NOSKOV - Chuvash folk music (Chuvashia).

18:10 Arslanbek SULTANBEKOV: harp concert and Nogai folk music (Nogaystan).

18:30 Ravshanjon YUNUSOV and the ABBOS group: Uzbek music and folk dances (Uzbekistan).

19:00 Nori KOVACH (folk singer) - "To be a Mazhar (Hungarian)", solo concert.

19:40 Nurie HUSEINOVA and Shamistan ALIZAMANLI: "Motherland" and the Turan anthem Haza (Azerbaijan).

20:10 ARPANATOLIA. Anatolian instrumental music (Turkey).

20:40 TURAN group: "Ulu Dala" (Great Steppe) - Kazakh folk and shamanic music (Kazakhstan).

21:10 YULIANA: "The sound of the forest" - traditional Yakut music (Republic of Sakha-Yakutia).

21:40 Maria PETRAS and her group - Moldavian changosh music (Land of changos).

22:10 KHUUN-KHUUR-TU: traditional Tuvan music and throat singing (Republic of Tuva).

Dancing evening until dawn.

Sunday (12 August)

10:30 am Drum Ensemble "Regélő Fehér Táltos" - musical and dance performance.

11.00 ZAIRA - Kumyk music and folk songs (Dagestan).

11:30 Arslanbek SULTANBEKOV: harp concert and Nogai folk music (Nogaystan).

12.00 ZUKHRA Balkarian folk music (Kabardino-Balkaria).

12:30 Shepherd songs and Kishkunshaga dances.

13:00 Volga folk music and folk dances (Tatarstan).

13:30 Ahmed ZAKARIEV - Avar songs from the Caucasus (Dagestan).

14:00 Kyrgyz folklore concert and folk dances (Kyrgyzstan).

14:30 Islam SATYROV - Nogai ethnic music.

15:00 Group TURAN: "Ulu Dala" (Great Steppe) - Kazakh folk and shamanic music (Kazakhstan).

15:30 Ravshanjon YUNUSOV and the ABBOS group: Uzbek music and folk dances (Uzbekistan).

16:00 "Kashgar" - Uighur folk music and dances (Uyghurstan).

16:30 Arif Erdem OCAK: Turkish music concert (Turkey).

17:00 TERYOK Tilla and her ensemble. Hungarian and oriental ethnic music.

17:30 KHUUN-KHUUR-TU: traditional Tuvan music and throat singing (Republic of Tyva).

A break is a ritual fire.

19.00 JULIANA: "The sound of the forest" - traditional Yakut music (Republic of Sakha-Yakutia).

20:00 Nurie HUSEINOVA and Shamistan ALIZAMANLI: "Motherland" and the Turan anthem Haza (Azerbaijan).

Joint farewell music.


Saturday (11 August)

10:30 – 11:00 Zsolt BERNERT (Hungarian Museum of Natural Sciences – Department of Anthropology, anthropologist):

"Regional features of the population of the time of the Conquest of the motherland in the mirror of anthropological data."

11:00 – 11:30 am Tibor TEROK (Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Szeged Biological Research Center, geneticist):

"Genetic features of the Huns and Mazhars of the period of the Conquest of the Motherland in the mirror of the analysis of archaic DNA samples."

11:30 – 12:00 Aibolat Kushkumbaev (Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov – Kazakhstan/Astana, historian):

"Eastern Magyars (Hungarians) in the Jochid Empire."

12:30 – 13:00 Zsolt GALLINA (archaeologist):

"Avar metallurgy in the Carpathian basin, the reconstruction of the Avar metallurgy and its eastern connections."

13:00 – 13:30 Mark KHARAMZA (Janus Pannonius Museum, historian):

"Sabers and swords in the Carpathian basin of the 9th-10th centuries."

13:30 – 14:00 Andras PALOCI-HOROVAT (archaeologist, museologist, historian):

The origin of the Pechenegs and the history of their resettlement in Mazharstan (Hungary).

14.00 – 15.30 BREAK

15:00 - 15:30 Sandor LEZHAK (writer, vice-speaker of the National Assembly of Mazharstan (Hungary):

"Traditions and modernity in the structure of the Mazhar (Hungarian) national identity."

15:30 – 16:00 Dr. Andras KELEMEN (doctor, politician):

"Common Traditions. Ideas about the common traditions of the Turks and Mazhars (Hungarians)."

16:00 – 16:30 Darkhan KYDYRALI (President of the International Turkic Academy, historian):

"Scientific and social mission of the International Turkic Academy."

16:30 – 17:00 Ganira PASHAYEVA (Deputy of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan):

"Strategic issues of the regional policy of the Caucasus and cooperation of the Turkic world."

Reports II.

17:00 – 17:30 Szilard GAL (Museum of the Maros Region / Marosvásárhely (Targu Mures), archaeologist):

"Finds of the Hun era in the region of the Muresh River (Maros)."

17:30 - 18:00 Leyla Dzhansugurova (Institute of General Genetics and Cytology, General Director, Geneticist, Almaty, Kazakhstan):

Analysis of archaic DNA samples from the times of the Huns.

Sunday (12 August)

10:00 – 10:30 Sandor EVINGER (Hungarian Museum of Natural Sciences – Department of Anthropology, anthropologist):

"Mazhar (Hungarian) images of the Hunnic period and the era of the Conquest of the Motherland - or how scientifically based reconstructions of images are made."

10:30 – 11:00 György SABADOS (National Educational Institute – Gyula Laszlo Institute, historian):

"The Theory of the Double Conquest of the Motherland" in the Mirror of Written Sources.

11:00 – 11:30 Gabriella M. LEŽAK (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Institute of History, archaeologist):

"Archaeological traces of ancient Mazhars (Hungarians) in the Caucasus region."

11:30 – 11:00 Kadyraly KONKOBAEV (Manas University – Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, professor):

"The ancient history of the Kirghiz based on archaeological finds and ancient Turkic inscriptions."

11:00 – 11:30 Crimea ALTYNBEKOV (Scientific and Restoration Laboratory "Island of Crimea" - head, Almaty, Kazakhstan, archaeologist):

"Opening of Early Turkic Burials and Reconstruction Based on Archaeological Finds."

11:30 – 12:00 Zoltan SHOOSH (Museum of the Maros Region / Marosvásárhely (Targu Mures), director, archaeologist):

"Early History of the Székelys."

12:30 – 13:00 Dr. Gergely AGOCCH (folklore musician, folk music researcher):

“Our musical relationship in the Caucasus region is the types of Mazhar (Hungarian) folk song in the Nogai musical folklore.”

13.00 – 15.00 BREAK

15:00 – 16:30 Dr. Pal MEDDESHI (Directorate of Museums of the Bekes region, director, archaeologist):

"The nature of the burials of the Zatisai region (Tiszántúl) of the era of the Conquest of the Motherland based on archaeological finds."

16:30 – 17:00 Prof. Firdaus KHISAMETDINOVA (Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Ufa, Director):

"The Historical Relevance of Bashkir Origin Legends and Epics."

17:00 - 17:30 Dr. Ömer TURAN (Istanbul University, anthropologist):

"Ancient History of the Anatolian Seljuks Based on Anthropological Findings."

Kurultai of the Turkic peoples. Uzbek Cuisine... One of the most hospitable and cheerful peoples in Asia is the Uzbeks, who, having settled down in its central part, did not become like their nomadic neighbors, and led a sedentary lifestyle in a fertile flat area. All Uzbeks are great lovers of the economy and connoisseurs of the family cult. Cultivating cereals, growing vegetables and fruit orchards, Uzbeks, meanwhile, in the organization of life, are very respectful of their family traditions. Many raised livestock and poultry, hunted and hunted game. The hospitality of Uzbeks is sincere, they really love to treat welcome guests with dishes that are considered the most traditional and, one might say, ritual in the family. Uzbek cuisine is not a closed sacrament, the influence of other cultures is obvious, however, any borrowed dish is prepared according to its own unique technologies. Tatar, Kazakh, Mongolian, Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, Caucasian and many other cuisines of the world have found their niche in the cuisine of Uzbekistan, many dishes are prepared in such a way that their nature cannot be distinguished from the local one. The main trends in cooking are heterogeneous - the northern cuisine prefers pilaf and fried meat, they love dough dishes very much, while the southern one focuses on vegetables in various types and their combinations with rice. Due to the fact that the south of Uzbekistan is rich in fruits, citrus fruits and berries, many culinary delights are based on fresh and dried products from grapes, apples, dates, figs, and quince. They love and skillfully serve melons, watermelons, persimmons. In addition, cherries, lemons, and pomegranates are often used in the recipe. Exclusive Uzbek vegetables (green radishes, specific types of pumpkins, yellow carrots and sweet tomatoes) are not familiar to other cuisines either, so dishes from them can only be tasted in Uzbekistan. Natural conditions allow growing various types of zucchini, bell and hot peppers, turnips, beans, etc. in Uzbekistan. A huge number of aromatic herbs are widely used in the form of spices and spices in Uzbek cuisine recipes. The most popular are cumin, sesame, basil, dill, barberry, coriander. They also love adding garlic to their dishes. The country's geography and climate make it possible to obtain good yields of rice, barley, wheat and corn as a source of proteins and carbohydrates. Many dishes contain beef and horse meat, as well as camel and goat meat. Poultry is also used in many dishes, but if it is not fatty, for the same reason, and because of the belief that the pig is an unclean animal, Uzbeks do not eat pork. They don't like fish very much either. Eggs are rare in everyday use, rather they are used for holiday baking. Uzbek cuisine is also interesting in the technology of preparing various dishes, starting with the methods of processing products. Unique methods of salting, drying, drying products, including the preparation of marinades, for meat and fruits, without the use of fire. On the other hand, open frying on skewers or a spit, boiling in milk or water (sometimes a combined form), steam treatment in a kaskan is common; stewing over low heat; baking in a tandoor (vertically (this is how cakes are baked) or horizontally (meat)) and a combined type of stewing after roasting in a cast-iron cauldron. Uzbek pilaf, which has about a hundred varieties in Uzbekistan alone, includes foods such as rice, carrots, onions and meat in the simplest recipes. Complex varieties contain numerous additives in the form of quince and barberry, raisins, apples, apricots, and various spices. Different types of pilaf (and there are more than a thousand of them!) Look different and differ in taste and composition. For example, Samarkand pilaf has a light color, while Ferghana pilaf is darker. The main rule for cooking traditional pilaf is the right dishes, this is a special kagan, where the cooking products are evenly heated and do not burn. Authentic Uzbek plov is made from freshly harvested rice, the right kind of shredded and fried vegetables. The technology involves “calcining” rice in salt water, a mixture of several types of oil, vigilant vigil over the kagan so that the cooking time is accurate. A feature of cooking pilaf in Uzbekistan is the rule: men should cook pilaf after prayer and reaching a special mood. A pilaf specialist is an oshpaz. This position is very honorable. Traditionally, everyone eats pilaf during the holidays. And during the purchase of products by oshpaz, he is followed by those who observe from which merchants oshpaz buys products - this is a sign that the merchant is conscientious. But the women's prerogative is traditionally preparing sumalak, this is bread for the celebration of Navruz. Everything is prepared in the most thorough manner, and these preparations begin a whole week, or even ten days before the holiday. Women gather in the house of one of them, soak the wheat, dry it, knead a special dough. Sincere conversations, national songs, dances accompany this process. Seven pebbles are placed at the bottom of the cauldron, where sumalak is boiled, so that the dough does not burn. This is one of the sacraments of cooking, passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter or daughter-in-law. The shape of the pebbles, the place in the cauldron and the method of pouring the dough - every detail matters in the preparation of traditional bread. On a holiday, sumalak is tried under prayer. For Uzbeks, bread is a very respected element of culture. Obi-non unleavened dough cakes are everyday bread, and in spring it is prepared with an infusion of herbs (mint, dandelion, spinach, quinoa, etc.), besides, different spices are added in different places). Patyr cakes are baked with the addition of mutton fat. Bukhara cakes are prepared by sprinkling with sesame seeds. Brides are traditionally accompanied by cakes with sour cream and butter. Obi-non cakes cooked in the tandoor have different names if they are cooked according to different recipes: "lochire", "chevat", "screen", "katlama" ... The sacred meaning of the cakes lies in the round shape, symbolizing the sun, fertility, health and wheel of infinity time. Their use in the form of a plate for meat dishes and pilaf made the decoration of flat cakes with patterns of lines and holes a tradition. The very same tradition of making tandoor cakes exists for about 5000 years. Some Uzbeks keep especially commemorative cakes (the first cake of a child or prepared for some event, or simply came out very beautiful from the hands of a master) dried on the wall. Most of the traditional Uzbek dishes are flour products with various fillings. Sweet pastries are served to guests several times: during the reception, before the main meal, and after. Puff pastry pies with meat or sweet fillings are especially popular. Oriental sweets (halva, halvaitar, churchkhella, navat, pashmak, parvarda, bekmes) are a daily routine for Uzbekistan: about fifty types of halva, sweets with flour, nuts, dried fruits and berries - all this is prepared by local craftsmen with pleasure. Melons and watermelons are traditionally independent desserts. As for alcoholic beverages, the climate of the country is very conducive to keeping the degree moderate - these are dry and vintage wines from local grape varieties. The daily diet of Uzbek cuisine is not too laborious, but without experience, their preparation will be more difficult. Traditional shurpa is thick and spicy, fresh or fried meat, vegetables are placed in large pieces to preserve the flavor. Mastava - spicy rice soup with meat and vegetables served with sour milk and spices. Mashkhurda is a bean soup made from rice with sour milk, potatoes, onions and herbs). Mash-atala - bean soup with fried bacon, onions, carrots, thickened with flour. Moshubirinch is a bean and rice soup with lamb and tomatoes. Cholop is a refreshing cold sour milk soup with radishes, cucumbers and herbs. Second courses are also varied. These are kebabs, meatballs, manti, samsa, kebab, lagman, pies with meat and rice, meat and pumpkin, etc. Garnish for meat dishes are vegetable salads or stewed vegetables. As for dairy products, fermented sheep's milk yoghurts (katyk) and tasty, curd-like suzma are very popular. They are used both as independent dishes and as a dressing for soups and salads. Uzbeks also love airan - an invigorating drink made from suzma or sour milk mixed with water, consumed cold. Uzbeks often drink tea, so it would be unfair to forget about such a cultural event as tea drinking. This tradition has been accompanying the Uzbeks for a long time, and ritual tea drinking is sometimes akin to a visit to a psychologist, although intimate conversations that are conducted over a cup of tea are rather friendly and sympathetic. As a rule, men gather in the teahouse. Green tea, combined with fatty meat food, helps to digest it, and pilaf and meat on the Uzbek table are far from uncommon. A cup of green tea is accompanied by a lot of sweets, although neither milk nor sugar is added to the tea. True, on winter days, Uzbeks still drink black tea, put a few pieces of sugar in it, insisting the drink for 5-7 minutes. Often, combining some herbs in brewed black tea, Uzbeks attach great importance to their properties, many herbs are consumed regularly, brewed together with tea as a homeopathic support for the body. Tea is always offered to guests, and this is not so much a competent act that can be explained by an attentive attitude to physiology, but a gesture of hospitality, cordiality and goodwill of the Uzbeks.

The press conference was attended by:

Public figure, statesman, former Chairman of the Parliament Gagauz Yeri Dmitry Georgievich Konstantinov (Gagauz Yeri, Moldova), Chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Congress of Peoples of the Caucasus, public figure Aliy Khasanovich Totorkulov (Karachay, Russia), Chairman of the Board of the Soyuz-East Foundation Yuri Vyacheslavovich Krivosheev ( Russia), representative of the International Organizing Committee for the convocation of the Great Turkic Kurultai Ibrahim Khalil Balayogullary (Azerbaijan).

Ibrahim Khalil Balayogullary opened the press conference with an introductory speech. In his speech, he emphasized that the unification of the Turks is an urgent need, and in the entire geography of the residence of the Turks there is a social demand for unification. This unification is necessary not only to ensure the equal position of our large, united people among equals, but also a necessary condition for ensuring stability and peace throughout the world. Further, Balayogullary stated that the work to unite the Turks is not directed against one state, nor against one people, nor against one religion. “We categorically renounce political activity within the framework of the Organization being created, from interference in the internal affairs of any state. We have enough accumulated problems of a cultural, educational nature in our Turkic house, and we are just trying to clean up this house and, through our activities at the public level, provide support for the actions of our states in the field of integration and strengthening cooperation in all areas between our states. A distinctive feature of our team is that representatives of Russia, Russians will work together with us, side by side, as equals with each of us, comrades-in-arms and sons of a single geography that can be called Eurasia and, thanks to such work, it is easier for us to work together will respond to geopolitical challenges.” Balayogullary further spoke about the work done to find like-minded people in all territories inhabited by the Turks. Nobody was overlooked. And, at the same time, he stressed that “we proceed from the equal treatment among us of all Turkic uluses, regardless of political status, number, area, position. There are no older or younger brothers among us, we are equal brothers.”

And today we can say with all confidence that there is already an International Organizing Committee for the convening of the Great Turkic Kurultai, in which the most worthy sons and daughters of all Turkic eles, as well as from the Russian people, are represented and are ready for its first meeting, in which goals will be announced to the world and the tasks of the future Kurultai, ready to accept materials prepared by the public forces of specialists representing all Turkic els:

  1. A single, universal Dictionary of the Turkic language, prepared on the basis of the Kypchak and Oguz-Karluk and other groups of Turks.
  1. A unified Türkic alphabet (preferably based on runic writing, which, in our opinion, contains a special code of the Türks).
  1. Unified History of the Turks of the World.
  1. The unified book of the Turkic worldview, Turkic philosophy -Tengrianism - "Altyn Bitig" - the Golden Book.

Regarding the date of its holding, he explained that this would happen approximately on August 8, 2018: “we want it to happen right on the border of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, near Khan Tengri.” Before that, within the next three months, the first meeting of the International Organizing Committee for the convocation of the Great Turkic Kurultai will take place.

According to the representative of the Organizing Committee, the organizers plan to gather at least 10 thousand people from 50 nationalities, ranging from the Magyars and Sekels in the Carpathians in the west to the Sakha in Yakutia in the east, from the Dolgans in the north to the Qashqai on the Indian Ocean in the south, down to the smallest - tofalar, of which there are only 300 people in the world. Repeated trips were made to all of them, an Appeal for unification was sent to discuss and solve the burning problems of the Turkic world.

As the representative of the Organizing Committee explained, this work has been carried out not for the first day, but for almost 1.5 years and continues to this day.

We are still working on the creation of an international organization. For example, it was a discovery for us that there is such a nationality in the world as Khotons, Sekels, who are considered Turks. We did not bypass anyone, we reached the doors of each with one goal - to unite efforts and expand horizons, - said Ibrahim Khalil Balayogullary.

As he clarified, five representatives from each ulus will enter the organizing committee: three people to the Working Committee and two people to the Council of Aksakals. As it became known, Olzhas Suleimenov, for example, has already given written consent from the Kazakhs to enter this Council of Elders.

Social activists draw attention to the fact that over the past 100 years the Turkic peoples have noticeably moved away and hope that they will begin to understand each other without an interpreter in 20 years, if we can carry out our plans. And as Aliy Khasanovich Totorkulov, a public figure from Karachay (Russia), chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Congress of the Peoples of the Caucasus, noted, at one time they were fenced off from the Turks by a Chinese wall, and in the Caucasus, Persians and Byzantines from us.

Between these two walls there is a space where the Turks roamed and created history. Today's world is not much more humane than the past, although past centuries are considered cruel. We see how entire nations are being destroyed, bombs are being dropped. It is impossible, of course, to merge all the Turks into one state throughout Eurasia, and we have no such desires, intentions. Today we are pursuing the goal of strengthening historical, cultural and linguistic ties and traditions, - Aliy Totorkulov shared his opinion.

The representative of the Gagauz Yeri (Moldova), the former head of parliament Dmitry Georgievich Konstantinov, as a member of the International Organizing Committee for the convocation of the Great Turkic Kurultai, presented his people - the Gagauz people. According to him, today there are 150 thousand of them in Moldova, and at one time there were about 700 thousand of them in the world.

We can reach the point where we will not be left at all, as happened in Bulgaria and Romania. We want the Turkic world to unite so that we can all survive. We are not talking about the fact that we should gather into a fist and fight, we say that together we can solve our problems and be equal, both strong and weak states, he summed up.

Then the head of the Soyuz-East Foundation (Russia), public figure Yury Vyacheslavovich Krivosheev spoke. In his speech, he emphasized that not only these peoples themselves, but the whole world would benefit from such cooperation of all the peoples of Eurasia, especially Russians and Turks, aimed at closer integration. This will guarantee the growth of prosperity and stability.

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