Scorpio man and Libra girl respect. couple sexual attraction

According to the compatibility of the Scorpio woman and the Libra man in their family union, all existing options for relationships are possible, from friendship to cooperation and from hatred to love. If true love visits this couple, then this couple can be called truly bright, and the union is hot and passionate.

The Libra man is very loving, and, and all this taken together attracts them to each other. However, in addition to harmonious sexual relations, there are many more things that unite these people. All this serves as a good basis for a very temperamental marriage, in which there will be noisy quarrels, and resentment, and love, and passion.

Of course, difficulties in Scorpio-Libra compatibility, as in many others, may arise. The Scorpio woman appreciates determination and even toughness in men, but the Libra man does not have all this. In addition, the Libra man is not too ambitious, and for the ambitious Scorpio woman, this is also a minus.

To be honest, happy couples of a Scorpio woman and a Libra man are very rare. But, if the partners still manage to create family harmony, then they will delight and surprise others with an unusual, peculiar harmony, made up of disharmonious parts.

Compatibility Scorpio Woman - Libra Man - PLUSES

Even in an ideal pair of Scorpio women and Libra men, there are often quarrels and more than once a day. You can't call their life calm and monotonous. For them, the ideal relationship is not to live soul to soul, understanding each other perfectly. The advantage of this partnership is that they give each other. The Libra man is impractical and passive. In a relationship with a Scorpio woman, he receives almost the maternal care that he needs so much. A Scorpio woman, when she loves, is ready to protect her loved ones from all the hardships and hardships of this world. And she, in return, receives someone who can be taken care of and someone who needs her. The Libra man is completely, and she does not put pressure on him and does not break, but feels what he really needs.

Compatibility Scorpio Woman - Libra Man - MINUSES

The main problem of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Scorpio and Libra, like many other couples where one of the partners was born under the sign of Scorpio, is jealousy. good success with women. In addition, he has a more frivolous attitude to feelings than a Scorpio woman. He rarely goes on an affair, usually light flirting is enough for him. But, the Scorpio woman is jealous and she has a heightened sense of possessiveness, so even playful flirting from her partner is already more than enough for her. She is not able to close her eyes to the communication of her man with other women.

Another problem that can destroy the family union of a Scorpio woman and a Libra man is money, or rather their lack. In general, for any family union, financial problems are a serious test of strength. But for a Scorpio woman and a Libra man, the problem of lack of funds becomes especially acute. A Scorpio woman can easily spend money, especially strangers. But she does not succeed in earning her own labor. The Libra man is also very impractical and would gladly be on someone's payroll and would not miss the opportunity to get rid of full financial responsibility. If these partners, or at least one of them, has a stable high salary, then this couple can be quite happy. But, if suddenly they find themselves in a situation with a difficult financial situation, then both do not know how to get out of it. Both the Libra man and the Scorpio woman love a good life and comfort, so constant lack of money depresses them and brings discord into family relationships. In such a situation, they often quarrel and shift the responsibility for the situation to each other.

Horoscope Scorpio-Libra - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the horoscopes of Scorpio and Libra, in order for their family to have harmonious relations, it is necessary to eliminate, first of all, all reasons for jealousy. This can be done very easily. Go with your husband to visit relatives or close friends of married couples, where you are sure that the Libra man will not cause you jealousy. The Libra man belongs to the category of men who, like air, need to make a good impression on others. He really likes to please people. A Scorpio woman needs, but where it does not cause her jealousy. The Libra man will be charming and sweet with friends and family. But he will not flirt with anyone. Yes, in fact, it is not necessary for him. If you can satisfy his ambition, then he will not look for a special social circle.

As for the second problem of this married couple (we are talking about money), its solution will be difficult, so it is better to prevent it than to “rush from side to side” later. Both the Scorpio woman and the Libra man are aware of their relationship to money. Therefore, you should try to set aside a certain amount every month and put it in the bank at interest. With cash savings, you will be able to survive the "hard times" if they suddenly come. Of course, it is desirable for all couples to have such insurance, but for representatives of the Zodiac sign Scorpio and Libra, this is especially true. In order to make it clearer, this couple can be compared with a person who has a weak immune system: during the cold season, the prevention of colds is important for everyone, but for people with a weakened immune system, it is more important.

How can a Scorpio woman conquer a Libra man?

The conquest of a Libra guy for a Scorpio girl is a very difficult process. They lack an inner understanding and interest in each other, they are too different. In addition, the Scorpio woman is far from the ideal woman that the Libra man is looking for. Also, she will not be able to conquer him with the help of her sexual magnetism. Therefore, pairs of a Scorpio woman and a Libra man are rare. Many Scorpio women give up this “unpromising” activity halfway through. But, if the Scorpio woman still wants to conquer this "impregnable man", then she should act openly and not use coquetry, expecting decisive action from the Libra man. The Libra man is ruled by the feminine planet Venus, so he needs an active partner with an active behavior who can take responsibility for making decisions. The Scorpio woman needs to take everything into her own hands and make an offer to the Libra man, otherwise you can spend your whole life waiting. After weighing all the benefits of such an alliance, the Libra man will not object.

Compatibility of Scorpio Woman and Libra Man in Friendship

Most often, a Scorpio woman and a Libra man just have a friendly relationship. Despite the fact that these partners could potentially be friends, they rarely form friendships. The Scorpio woman is sociable and accepts people for who they are. The Libra man easily wins people over, and the Scorpio woman is no exception. But their interests are so different that they see no reason to be friends, because real friendship develops among those who have a common hobby, the same profession, etc.

Compatibility of Scorpio women and Libra men in the business field

A business alliance between a Scorpio woman and a Libra man will not be fruitful. These partners hardly understand each other. The Scorpio woman is used to looking deep into any phenomenon. She plunges headlong into her work and gives her all to the cause. And the Libra man is not able to work on one project for a long time and with full dedication. His main business is in communication, establishing contacts with people.

When a Scorpio woman and a Libra man are colleagues or partners, the situation can turn out differently. If a Scorpio woman and a Libra man simply work in the same team, where the principle of “working equally” exists, their union will not be successful. Their style and pace of work are too different and they cannot do the same thing with the same efficiency. If they work for themselves, they have a joint business, then there will be success. The main thing is to properly distribute responsibilities. The Libra man sees the relationships between things well and can chart the path to the goal, while the Scorpio woman is able to work out every nuance in detail.

When a Scorpio woman is a boss, and a Libra man is a subordinate, this is an unfortunate combination for work. For family life, a Scorpio woman often looks for a weaker man than herself. But, at work, they will not play the “role of mommy”. The boss-Scorpio will be constantly dissatisfied with the empty chatter of the Libra man during working hours, his inability to notice details and laziness. It is worth noting that, according to the Scorpio woman, everyone who does not know how to immerse themselves in work like her is lazy.

When a Scorpio woman is a subordinate, and a Libra man is the boss, this is a good combination. The Libra boss is good at defining the goal to be achieved, and knows what and who can be used to complete the work (“details” from which the “final product” must be assembled). And the Scorpio woman knows how to bring projects to life.

An enthusiastic squire who, looking at the winner of a jousting tournament, swears to himself that one day he will become just as strong and brave - this is who the Libra girl in love with Scorpio can be compared with. Their union is in the nature of a teacher-student relationship. And Scorpio really has something to tell his half, and Libra has something to hear. Moreover, each other's society will contribute to the personal growth of both partners.

The Libra girl is extremely emotionally dependent on her lover, while he himself avoids verbal proof of feelings in every possible way. What does this mean in practice? When she wants to talk, he wants to be silent, she needs praise - he will not consider it necessary to give her a couple of warm words, she will burst into tears - and he, instead of hugging and demonstrating his compassion, will remain sitting in the far corner of the room and will only say “ there is nothing to worry about, I will solve the problem.” This discrepancy will always burden the couple Scorpio - Libra, especially its beautiful half.

Is it worth giving this couple advice to be more careful and attentive to each other? Still worth it. Let it be difficult for the selfish Scorpio to realize that other people also have needs, and, having carried away the male game, forget about their feminine, both of them should remember why they met on earthly roads at the behest of the stars. To help each other overcome the path to success - and not interfere with it. Libra is the guardian of wise balance, whose karmic task is to pacify the violent spirit of Scorpio, to bring him peace. After all, only having caught that very ephemeral balance between his own light and darkness, he feels free, incredibly strong, ready to pluck the stars from the sky and throw them at the feet of his beloved. If only Scorpio did not swing the scales of Libra too violently - after all, having pushed the pendulum, be prepared for the fact that it will return and strike back.

The compatibility horoscope of Scorpio and Libra promises them a lot of difficulties and passions. But all misunderstandings and disagreements must be resolved, because in return these two beautiful and sensual people will receive a delightful life filled with a lot of emotions.

Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

Scorpio is one of the most powerful signs of the zodiac. People born under this sign are quite stubborn and secretive. Outwardly incredibly attractive, attract people of the opposite sex. Scorpio can be quick-tempered, but in most cases he knows how to control his actions and emotions. Whoever knew Scorpio at least once will always remember him, because communication with them leaves an indelible mark on life. Despite the apparent inaccessibility, Scorpios are always ready to help a loved one.

Libras are very gentle, smart and friendly people, always open for friendly relations. Sometimes Libra is insecure, but this does not prevent them from achieving harmony in life. The mood of persons born under the auspices of Venus is changeable, but this does not affect the people around them.

Scales are reasonable and strive to find mutual understanding with everyone.

Let us study in more detail the characteristics of the above signs of the Zodiac.

  • Libra woman. An incredibly sweet and affectionate person who tries to find the positive side in any situation. It is easy to communicate with a representative of this sign, she has a wonderful sense of humor. As a rule, Libra women attract men with their appearance and easy character. Not everyone is able to become a life partner, because the ward of Venus has high requirements for young people. Libra girl from her youth is passionate about music, theater and travel.
  • Scorpio man. Known for an all-powerful and wayward temperament. With his charm, he attracts the enchanted eyes of women. The chosen one of a man under the auspices of Pluto will be happy with him, loved and will always feel safe. Its main disadvantage is considered excessive jealousy. He will not allow his beloved to communicate with people of the opposite sex. A man of this sign cannot live without adrenaline and is fond of extreme sports. Scorpions have few friends, as they are secretive and not ready to let everyone into their lives.

  • Scorpio woman. A representative of this sign is able to charm a young man in a split second. She easily excites men's hearts, while she herself will never allow her lover to look at another girl. The Scorpio woman is characterized by a passion for adventure. She can go skydiving or conquer the mountains.
  • Libra man. A young man under the auspices of the planet Venus is always in search of new emotions, it brings him great joy to meet interesting people. This man will never spend time alone, but will head to a noisy and crowded place. He has charm and tenderness. Able to fall in love with many of the fair sex, but for the role of his soulmate he will look for a girl with exceptional character traits. In love, the Libra man is calm and rarely initiates a showdown.

The meeting of Scorpio and Libra can happen on a trip or in another exciting place.

When their eyes cross and feelings flare up, it will be like a meeting of ice and fire.

Relationships in friendship

A Libra woman will easily find a friend or girlfriend, because since childhood, openness and friendliness have been embedded in her. Sociability is unusual for the Scorpio guy, but if you have found a friend in his person, you can be convinced that you have met a very devoted and sympathetic person.

The relationship between a Scorpio man and a Libra woman is more likely to be based on personal sympathy and mutual attractiveness than on a friendly note. These two personality types are too different to believe in friendship between men and women.

The Libra guy easily finds a common language with people. The Scorpio girl, on the contrary, only in an exceptional case will be the first to take the initiative when meeting. But having made friends, these two zodiac signs can become good friends. They are smart and erudite, it will always be interesting for them to communicate with each other. The only reason for misunderstanding may be the excessive sociability of the representative of the air sign of the Zodiac.

The Scorpio girl will try to reduce her friend's communication with other friends.

The Libra man will always be fascinated by the ideas, passion and strong character of the Scorpio.

behavior in love

The love union of a woman and a man directly depends on their horoscope. Consider how compatible Scorpio and Libra are in a love relationship.

Libra man and Scorpio woman

Their love idyll is a rarity. Most likely, their union was hasty, and they did not have time to get to know each other better. The young man of Libra could hardly be the initiator of such a relationship. He is indecisive, shy and often all his actions go unnoticed. If the Scorpio girl is the engine of love relationships, then over time she has thoughts about the indifference and indifference of her partner. In reality, the Libra guy tries to be slow and thinks about every action.

Love in such a couple will last as long as the girl of the water sign wants. Their relationship will be passionate and mutual, these two people are completely immersed in love.

But it is important to remember that Scorpio is a rather jealous nature and any reason for jealousy that has arisen can destroy the strongest love relationship.

Scorpio man and Libra woman

These people are comfortable together, but from time to time irritation and misunderstanding slips between them. The fair sex for a strong Scorpio is mysterious and attractive, but he does not exclude the idea that she is able to hide emotions and some information from him. Such mistrust often happens between water and air signs.

The Scorpio guy has every chance to win the heart of Libra. Water signs of the Zodiac love femininity and attractive appearance, so they will notice the ward of Venus immediately.

The Libra woman is ready to consult with her lover on any occasion. Scorpio loves to be a support and a reliable shoulder for his companion.

Representatives of these two signs with mutual love will move mountains for each other. Despite the strong-willed nature, Scorpio is able to very romantically propose a hand and heart to his lady. Unfortunately, even in a long relationship, he will continue to control and be jealous of his betrothed, putting their love union to the test. The Libra woman is not one of those who will always unquestioningly listen to a man and accommodatingly agree to fulfill all his desires. Such disagreements can lead to a crack in a love relationship.

If a man doubts the feelings of his beloved or convicts her of a lie, then most likely their couple will break up.

Marriage Compatibility

Noticing that the Scorpio man is too jealous, the Libra girl is likely to rush to end the love relationship. If she sees that the young man is still trying to overcome the jealous person in himself, then there will be a chance of maintaining the union with the subsequent creation of a family.

In such a union, the ward of Pluto will really look forward to the birth of children, because for him this is another good reason to keep his beloved next to him. An air sign girl will make a wonderful hostess and a wise mother, who in the future will be able to become a true friend for children. In family life, Scorpio will show himself to be an excellent husband and father.

Children will try to be like their parents.

The union of the seventh and eighth constellations is very multifaceted. The husband loves order and comfort, and the keeper of the family hearth does an excellent job with this. The home ownership of this family is distinguished by sophistication and impeccable taste.

Financial problems in such families are extremely rare. As a rule, a Scorpio man has a stable income and tries to provide his wife and children with everything they need. The Libra girl often buys beautiful, but useless interior items, which her husband is extremely dissatisfied with. After all, the representative of Pluto always strives for practicality. But Libra will find a reasoned explanation for any of his acquisitions, and Scorpio will only have to come to terms with the choice of his beloved.

Divorces between water and air signs of the zodiac happen often. The initiator is usually the guy Scorpio. This discord will be preceded by a series of disagreements that the Libra girl is able to resolve if she wants to save her family.

In the marriage of a Scorpio woman and a Libra man, the situation is different. The most important event in the life of this couple will be the birth of a baby. The girl of the eighth sign will make an excellent mother, and the Libra guy will be the protector and best friend of his children.

Representatives of these two constellations are suitable for each other, but they cannot always save their marriage for many years. The wife works hard, strives for career growth, and the husband is rather passive and the role of the main breadwinner of the family is not easy for him. His hobbies are most often creative in nature, and constant work rarely brings pleasure.

In such families, there are often situations when household duties are assigned to a man. Libra loves beautiful things, interesting travels, trips to expensive events, while not paying attention to expenses. The Scorpio wife, on the contrary, tries to control spending, which puts her husband in an uncomfortable position for him. Over time, spouses become less common interests and the circle of mutual friends narrows.

Usually such marriages are terminated at the initiative of the wife.

Relationships at work

The airy nature of Libra women will allow them to easily achieve their goals. A representative of this constellation will easily find a common language with competitors, conquering them with her charisma and optimism, and will also be able to become an excellent leader. The temperament of Scorpio will help him achieve his desired goals and prospects. He loves luxury and is able to become a successful businessman.

The duet of these two elements can become promising and give fruitful results. The representatives of Pluto and Venus make excellent diplomats. They know how to convince colleagues and partners of the correctness of the decision and quickly sign the necessary contract.

To be successful partners in business, astrologers recommend that the wards of the water and air elements distribute responsibilities in advance. It is best to choose a Scorpio lady as a leader, knowing her strong-willed qualities and financial literacy. An excellent performer will be a person born under the sign of Libra.

Such a business tandem has great prospects for cooperation and successful development of a common cause.

Possible conflicts

Scorpios, due to their impulsive nature, are capable of causing sudden scandals to Libra. There are many reasons for these conflicts. Sometimes these two personalities become very difficult with each other, even despite the calmness of Libra. The girl of the air element is not always able to cope with the explosive behavior of her companion. The reason for this behavior may be hidden in the emotional perception of Scorpio. He lives with turbulent emotions, deeply experiencing the actions of people. Sometimes it seems to the ward of Pluto that Libra is not kind and sensual enough.

Having studied the reviews of couples of the water-air union, we can conclude that most of the conflict situations occurred against the backdrop of Scorpio's excessive jealousy. Another part of women and men in their reviews confirmed the fact that Scorpio and Libra are able to be in a long-term relationship if they can find compromise solutions to conflicts and go towards each other.

Libras often get over problematic situations and try to be the first to settle disagreements. They quickly forget grievances, forgive offenders and avoid malevolent personalities. To make amends with the representative of Venus, give her a bouquet of your favorite flowers or show some other sign of attention. Despite the fact that Libra forgives quickly, they tend to remember the offense caused for many months, literally remembering the essence of the conflict and the words of the offender. Only love and tenderness will eventually be able to console Libra's pride.

According to the compatibility of the Libra woman and the Scorpio man, this union resembles a battle of ice and fire. incredible, desirable for a temperamental, strong and sensual Scorpio man.

In the Libra-Scorpio pair, passions are constantly raging. Both the Libra woman and the Scorpio man know how to control themselves, both are successful manipulators, and mutual attraction turns their struggle into an exquisite erotic act.

Compatibility female Libra - male Scorpio - PLUSES

The perfect pair of a Libra woman and a Scorpio man is eye-catching and mesmerizing. A gentle and sophisticated Libra woman looks very advantageous next to a strong and courageous Scorpio man. Being together, they only emphasize each other's merits and no rivals and rivals will even think of breaking this pair.

The Libra woman and the Scorpio man live interestingly, although it cannot be said that it is easy. The Scorpio man is able to protect his soul mate from all life's anxieties and problems. Moreover, he notices not only material or physical difficulties, but also those that are in the sphere of feelings and can cause discomfort to a Libra woman. , bring the Scorpio man out of the state of self-blame. Such mutual support in Libra-Scorpio compatibility does not prevent them from playing with each other, like a cat with a mouse, and they take turns playing the role of a cat and a mouse.

Compatibility female Libra - male Scorpio - MINUSES

The union of a Libra woman and a Scorpio man can be quite difficult for both the Scorpio man and the Libra woman. On the one hand, they have good sexual compatibility, on the other hand, it is very difficult for a subtly feeling Libra woman to get along with a sharp, sometimes even violent Scorpio man.

The problem of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Libra and Scorpio is that difficulties in this pair arise due to the different emotionality of the partners. . He perfectly feels and understands the motives of human actions. He is interested in practical psychology and the deep, inner world of the people around him. And the Libra woman is calm, cool, does not take various life troubles to heart. In this regard, such a partner seems too dry, cold and insensitive to the Scorpio man.

Also, the Libra woman and the Scorpio man have a completely different attitude towards sex. In this regard, the Scorpio man also considers the Libra woman cold. It is characterized by what is unacceptable for a Libra woman: strong passions, jealousy and even sadism.

The Scorpio man, with his caustic wit, jealousy and uncontrollable outbursts of anger, can make the sensitive Libra woman suffer, and often this is the reason for their separation. If a Scorpio man intends to save their relationship, he needs to learn how to smooth out his emotional character. In this case, his many virtues - responsibility, determination, honesty - will come to the fore, making him, in the eyes of the Libra woman, an almost ideal man.

The Scorpio man is used to educating those around him. And he has a lot of claims to the Libra woman (by the way, fair ones). Often a Libra woman is invited to a “meeting” without announcing the agenda, where a “brainwashing brainwash” is arranged with a cup of coffee, when poor Libras have to listen to a listing of their mistakes from the very diapers to the last day. Yes, at these “educational” evenings, very long and lengthy “heart-to-heart” conversations are held, from which Libra cannot recover for a long time, come to his senses.

Horoscope Libra-Scorpio - compatibility and harmony

A Scorpio man, a complex type, who does not take off his mask all his life. In the depths of his soul, he contains the "Martian" fire, willpower and energy, mixed with all the "Pluto" properties and qualities. Here, on the part of the Libra woman, great vigilance and caution are required, for with flammable ones. In this family union, everything can turn out well if the Libra woman understands in a timely manner that she is able to cope with this man. It will be possible to get along with a Scorpio man if you use his own “weapon” - cunning and cunning.

According to the compatibility of the horoscopes of Libra and Scorpio in the emotional sphere, the Libra woman needs to learn how to pull the Scorpio man out of depression, while he must be listened to and shown understanding. Over time, the Scorpio man will learn to appreciate this quality in his partner - to help him overcome internal problems.

As for sexual relations, then, in no case should you pretend to be more passionate than you really are. Firstly, the Scorpio man is very intuitive and instantly recognizes the “game”, besides, violence against his own temperament will not have a very good effect on health. In order to establish this sphere of relations, it is necessary to give the Scorpio man books on psychology (he respects this science very much), where the difference in the temperaments of the Libra woman and the Scorpio man is signed. It is necessary to convey to your partner that the dignity of a real woman is modesty and restraint, then he will much easier endure the lack of passion. But, in no case do not manipulate sex and do not “excommunicate from the body” for misconduct in other areas of life. The Scorpio man will take this very painfully.

How can a Libra woman conquer a Scorpio man?

The Libra woman has every chance to conquer the Scorpio man. The main help in this will be her natural sexual attractiveness. The Scorpio man loves sex very much, there is a lot of hidden inner fire in him. But, at the same time, he does not like sexy vamp women. A Scorpio man is attracted to feminine, soft, benevolent women. And the Libra girl is perfect for the image that the Scorpio guy painted for himself.

A Libra woman should not pretend to be a warlike Amazon. Yes, the Scorpio man loves strong women, but this strength must be feminine. The Scorpio man loves to solve riddles, and the more complex and richer the character of the Libra woman is, the more interesting he will be.

Also, after a trusting relationship has been established between the partners, the Scorpio man will like the so-called struggle of characters. The Scorpio man tends to manipulate people and bend them for himself. And the Libra woman does it well too. This rivalry with sexual attraction will keep the Scorpio man for many years.

Compatibility of a Libra woman and a Scorpio man in friendship

A Scorpio man and a Libra woman are almost never friends. Their relationship either quickly turns into a stormy romance, or they become rivals and competitors.

In addition, the Scorpio man is able to destroy the relationship of the Libra woman with another partner. If he decides that he must "protect" this woman, then he will use all means (even not very decent ones) to win her back.

Compatibility of Libra Woman and Scorpio Man in Business

Relationships in the business sphere of a Scorpio man and a Libra woman can develop in different ways. In the best case, they will join forces and become leaders in the team, and if they cannot find a common language, they will do minor dirty tricks to each other and weave intrigues. The Scorpio man always appreciates the Libra woman as an interesting opponent or a good partner.

When a Libra woman and a Scorpio man are colleagues or partners, this business union can develop in different ways. If a Scorpio man and a Libra woman find a common language, then together they will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve good results. Both partners are excellent manipulators. And if they are colleagues, then their boss needs to ensure that they do not start to compete. In this case, the office will plunge into a whirlpool of intrigue and everyone will not be up to work.

When the Libra woman is the boss, and the Scorpio man is the subordinate, the alignment of forces is not very good. The Scorpio man does not like to obey, especially a woman. And next to such a sweet, sexy and friendly Libra woman, he can begin to weave intrigues to take her place.

When the Libra woman is a subordinate, and the Scorpio man is the boss, this is a good business alliance. The Scorpio man is ideal as a boss. He is strong, far-sighted and has good intuition. And the Libra woman rarely claims leadership positions. She prefers partnership. The Scorpio boss will do the right thing if he makes the Libra woman a personal secretary or an intermediary between him and his employees.

Natalya Erofeevskaya

Very mysterious and enigmatic, emotional and sensual Scorpio. Weak and indecisive, often mistaken even in serious life matters, Libra. What can be common between them? Between the living real, very arrogant Scorpio and the balanced and patient Libra?

Business or love union between representatives of these two signs is quite interesting, because people have something to learn from each other. The life of Scorpio is full of love victories and joyful events, and Libra is even a little jealous of this: often their own reinsurance does not allow them to commit daring, and sometimes extravagant acts.

The compatibility of Scorpio and Libra is based primarily on the ability to share experience and knowledge.

A comparison of signs shows that the frequent disputes that arise between them are not accidental: in them Scorpio shows all his wisdom, and Libra is given a chance to boast of intelligence and balanced decisions. It should also be remembered that Libra belongs to the element of Air, while Scorpio is a water sign: fundamental differences make themselves felt at any stage of communication.

Compatibility Chart for Scorpio and Libra

Compatibility of Scorpio Man and Libra Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

This combination of signs very ambiguous: on the one hand, the Libra woman has enough intelligence to understand what Scorpio thinks about and what he lives, on the other hand, she will not fully know his true face. Secrecy, vulnerability, a constant emotional mask, resentment and a rather unpleasant feeling of revenge for a man - this is what the Scorpio man brings to this union. It is impossible to trust such a person to the end, and inadvertently offend - God forbid.

A Libra woman in a business or love union with Scorpio has to be in good shape all the time, but constant caution in words and actions depresses her

Indeed, why would Libra “break spears” for the sake of this ungrateful one? Instead of the constant struggle for a place in the sun, which a woman loses over and over again, she will try to find herself other application. It will be either a curious hobby in which Scorpio does not belong, or a break in relations.

Are they compatible in love?

Despite the fact that the novel can develop very rapidly (most often solely due to the emotional and amorous Scorpio), Libra in it is destined for the role of the victim. At first, a woman will not even feel how subtly and accurately Scorpio manipulates her, but over time, she will feel more and more clearly the severity of the shackles and dependence on his bright personality. The clear leader of the Scorpio man will leave his weak girlfriend little choice: a modest hobby, rare meetings with girlfriends, and in marriage - housekeeping and raising children. However, if a woman is satisfied with secondary roles in a love relationship, the union can even be very stable.

Their love is more like a partnership: a man will take on the natural role of a teacher for him, a woman - a student. He will bring new knowledge and self-confidence into her life, she will give him inspiration and fresh air, Libra's ability to realize himself in creativity will always delight Scorpio.

Scorpio guy and Libra girl in sex

An intimate relationship can be the highlight of the love between a Scorpio man and a Libra woman. In bed - the true kingdom of Scorpio: emotional and sensual, liberated and possessing amazing sexual charisma, this man will not disregard a single centimeter of his girlfriend's body. All that remains for Libra is to submit to an attentive and sensitive partner. Over time, Libra will feel more and more confident, and passions will flare up more, most importantly, don't oppose each other and find pleasure in communicating with each other.

For the sexual relationship of a Scorpio man and a Libra woman, various experiments are characteristic: not only in love joys, but also in choosing a venue for them.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

The initiator of a legal marriage is usually Libra, the freedom-loving Scorpio is not particularly keen to put a ring on his finger. Marriage relations between representatives of these signs can be relatively stable if both find the strength and desire to resolve several issues on mutually beneficial terms.

Maybe, finances are the only issue. No, they both don't mind discussing serious purchases, investing money or spending on joint trips and the education of children. But each of them wants to be the sole treasurer and accumulate family money in their hands - the leadership qualities of both do not allow such an important measure of power as money to be ceded to the spouse. As a rule, the main earner, and most often the only one working and earning money in this family, is the husband of Scorpio - why would he give all the money to a housewife? But the wife is not used to asking for money for every tube of cream and new tights.

Only a competent distribution of the family budget will help to avoid family scenes between Scorpio and Libra due to earning and spending money.

An undoubted plus in this marriage will be absolute conflict-free Libra women: her soft, and often frankly weak and indecisive character tries not to bring matters to a showdown - she anticipates a brewing storm and tries with all her might to level it. It is this character of the partner that Scorpio needs - this man knows how to be quick-tempered and in anger he is really scary: the gentleness and meekness of his wife cools his ardor.

Is there friendship if he is a Scorpio and she is a Libra?

Despite the fact that the characters and worldview of the representatives of these astrological signs are, in fact, polar, they are very can be friends. Their personal qualities successfully complement each other: Scorpio lacks balance and some kind of peace of mind, Libra - emotionality and emancipation. All this they can learn from each other. These two have something to talk about: erudite and well-read, they are able to talk for hours, while, since they have nothing to share in friendship, they will communicate almost on an equal footing.

The Scorpio man and the Libra woman love to spend their free time together: he brings optimism to the friendly union, she brings peace and wisdom

How to win a Scorpio man?

It will not be easy for a Libra woman if such a man sinks into her heart. He is bright and extraordinary, in his environment there are certainly pretty relaxed girlfriends, and therefore it will not be easy for a sensitive, vulnerable and indecisive woman of the Libra sign to break into his heart. Communication with Scorpio can even cause a feeling of discomfort, but you can’t command the heart, and therefore Libra will be more like a butterfly mindlessly flying into a candle flame.

How can thin and delicate Libra attract the attention of such a charismatic man? Artistry, excellent creativity, sociability, erudition and a sharp mind - these qualities Scorpio will appreciate. And if Libra is also cease to be frankly afraid and give in before the strength of character of this man, then the relationship will develop in the right direction.

How to get the attention of a Libra woman?

Like a true woman who knows her own worth, Libra chooses only the worthy- it must certainly be a handsome and strong, self-confident man, without complexes and pathos. Possessing strong intuition and insight, born under this sign sees insincerity, tricks, commercialism in people. She will bypass such people, and if necessary, she will break off existing relationships without hesitation, even despite all her natural indecision.

Libra chooses only the worthy - it must certainly be a handsome, strong, self-confident man

Like a Scorpio man win the heart of your lover? He should be softer and calmer with her: a strong temper and excessive emotionality, superficiality, insensitivity will once and for all push him away from the Libra woman. Perhaps she will give a second chance for rapprochement, but she will always remember how the first ended. It is difficult for a man not so much to attract the attention of this woman who is not without a king in her head, but to keep him.

Compatibility Horoscope for Scorpio Woman and Libra Man

Representatives of these astrological signs not like each other heaven and earth. He is Libra, timid and indecisive, vulnerable and easily amenable to outside opinion. She is a Scorpio who knows how to manipulate people, flexible and not without poison, which is always ready to splash out on unwanted people. The advantage of Libra is the ability of this man to present himself: he is elegant, has a sharp mind and correct speech, knows how to charm and interest his interlocutors. In case of failures, he tends to retreat, his uncertainty is striking, and such staggering and throwing frankly annoys the Scorpio woman. For her, everything should be clear and precise, and he, perhaps, would like to be like that, but nature did not bestow confidence.

Love relationship

Compatibility in love between a Scorpio woman and a Libra man not too high, but much depends on the patience and tolerance of a man. Scorpio is a rather quarrelsome sign in itself: he does not know how, and therefore does not want to compromise in anything. Such a woman understands perfectly well what she likes and what not, her worldview is formed and she is not going to change it. Next to the Scorpio, Libra, of course, feel more confident: this woman gives them inner strength, teaches endurance and perseverance. But she also needs him: with balanced, albeit soft Libra, this woman finds peace and femininity, which she sometimes simply forgets about.

If both support each other and put up with the partner’s shortcomings, love can live for a long time.

couple sexual attraction

Sex in this couple is on the verge of a foul. Not because he is so violent and unrestrained, but because of the too different temperament of a man and a woman. Scorpio endows a woman with love ardor, a thirst for passion, immodest desires. Alas, the timid and indecisive man of the Libra sign simply cannot understand this. For her, the bed is a place of experiments, for him - attempts (and not always successful) to please a hot lover.

They will succeed, Scorpio and Libra are able to find harmony in intimate relationships, provided that both try. It is important for a woman not to criticize her indecisive partner, but to sensitively support his timid initiatives, and a man should listen to the desires of his partner and his own - in fact, the erotic potential of Libra is great, and therefore, over time, Scorpio will receive a magnificent lover in her arms.


In view of the foregoing, the Scorpio-Libra marriage relationship is initially difficult to call successful. The clear leader in this pair is a woman, and even though sometimes Libra tries to manipulate her chosen one, she has the mind to figure it out and interrupt these timid attempts. Yes, even a poisonous bite in the end. In such marriages, the husband often finds himself in the role of a henpecked man and he is unlikely to be able to change his role.

Marriage can be called almost perfect if everyone accepts the role prepared for him by the stars: the wife will become the head of the family, and not nominal, but actual, and her husband will get a secondary role. Scorpio will successfully solve domestic and financial issues on his own, most likely Libra will be the breadwinner in the family, since with their diplomatic nature it is much easier to move up the career ladder.

Parenting, most likely, it will also fall on men's shoulders- a calm and reasonable dad will always help the child with both homework and teenage problems, while an overly emotional and authoritarian mom can only aggravate the situation.

How are the Scorpio girl and Libra guy friends?

Even if friendship between these so different people starts, it will be exclusively practical. An individualist to the marrow of her bones, Scorpio does not particularly strive for someone's friendship, but nevertheless, in the friendships that have happened, she clearly dominates, regardless of the interests of others. Perhaps, the Libra man, due to his mild nature, is even able to endure such despotism, but why would they? Unless then, in the person of Scorpio-friend, he gets an interesting interlocutor and a truly reliable comrade, always ready to help. In turn, the Scorpio will appreciate such devotion and make a flattering review of a new friend, although she will not demonstrate inner affection for this frankly soft-bodied man anyway.

How to win a Libra man and build a relationship with him?

Enough for this man just listen and show genuine respect. The smart and subtle nature of the Libra man makes it easy to distinguish truth from falsehood, he eschews noisy and fussy people who do not have some kind of internal order in speeches and thoughts. What can attract him in communicating with a bright and often just selfish Scorpio woman? However, with the same success one can ask, what could interest her so bright and individual in this modest intellectual.

It’s enough just to listen to Libra and show genuine respect

Nevertheless, the heart does not choose according to the signs of the horoscope, but simply wants to love. If this man is so loving and dear, Scorpio is capable of step on the throat of your own song. Astrologers recommend that she become a little calmer in her judgments and actions, from the very beginning not to frighten her chosen one with her activity and violent emotions. He will undoubtedly appreciate her as a sincere and liberated woman, self-sufficient and independent, capable of making decisions in the most unusual situations.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Scorpio woman?

Of course, it is possible, although not easy: a woman of this sign is a strong personality, knows perfectly well what she wants and her demands on her chosen one are high. Libra will certainly “take” her with her benevolence and devotion - although this man is capable of manipulation, he does it so subtly and correctly that even Scorpio, with all her intuition, does not recognize such attempts. For her in a man it will be very valuable calmness and the ability to calculate every step, even though Libra is indecisive, you definitely cannot call them reckless. And, of course, a fan should take care of his appearance - this beautiful and sexy woman wants to see an attractive man next to her.

December 15, 2017, 01:58
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