Museum of Art History in Vienna. Quench your thirst for knowledge at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna Art Gallery

In 1891, the Kunsthistorisches Museum opened in Vienna. Although in fact it already existed in 1889.

Who designed?

Huge and in the style of the Renaissance immediately became one of the hallmarks of the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The museum, following the example of other similar institutions in Europe, was designed on the basis of the royal collections of artistic works of art. The building was designed and built by the most famous European architect Gottfried Semper.

He tried to introduce elements inherent in the Roman Empire into the interior of buildings, which pleased the Austro-Hungarian emperor, who saw in this a hint of the continuity of the glory of the Holy Roman Empire.

Where is?

The Art Museum in Vienna is located on the square next to a beautiful well-groomed park, and there is also a monument to the Empress.

The Habsburgs, starting in the fifteenth century, collected family portraits. In addition, many emperors of this monarchical dynasty bought paintings by the most famous artists of their time. When there was practically nowhere to fit the collection of paintings, the emperor came up with the idea to build a separate building to store the rarest works of art. Moreover, everyone will have the opportunity to see ancient sculptures and other valuable exhibits collected over the centuries by the Habsburg dynasty. The paintings became available for public viewing under Maria Theresa.


The building of the museum is truly grandiose. The structure in the form of a triangle is crowned with a magnificent dome with a diameter of sixty meters. Inside there are ninety-one museum halls, not counting the utility rooms. In front of the majestic and beautiful building is a large, well-groomed lawn, on which grow bushes, artfully trimmed in the form of circles, cylinders, and the like.

They are scattered across the lawn, there is no heap of green spaces, which gives the space in front of the museum a very refined, elegant look. The large-scale building in itself is worthy of admiration, to say nothing of the treasures of art collected in it.


The exhibits were transferred to the Vienna Museum of Art History from other Habsburg treasuries. So, from the Kunstkamera, located in the Prague Castle, some paintings collected by Emperor Rudolf II were transported to Vienna. Priceless canvases have become the most picturesque exposition of the Kunsthistorisches Museum.

Canvases collected by Archduke Ferdinand II were delivered from Ambras Castle. Leopold-Wilhelm, as governor of the Southern Netherlands, bought paintings at an auction in Brussels. And over time, he collected the most extensive and meaningful collection of paintings by outstanding masters of painting - Rubens, Tintoretto, Titian, Van Eyck and others. Famous paintings and other works from many castles, palaces, art galleries belonging to the Habsburgs were brought to the Museum of Art History.

The Austrians were able to save their priceless treasures during the First and Second World Wars. Expropriated in 1918, the exhibits of the museum were transferred to the state. The building of the Museum of Art History was especially badly damaged during the Second World War. However, the people of Vienna were able to take care of amazing works of art. They prudently removed and hid priceless treasures of world culture just before the start of the war. The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna resumed its work decades after the end of World War II, in 1959.

Ancient exhibits and Egyptian hall

Its exhibits are extremely ancient, they are not only paintings of the Renaissance, but also ancient works of art, whose age has reached four millennia. For example, the sculpture of the head, which was found during excavations in Giza about a hundred years ago.

It is believed that it was made during the reign of Pharaoh Cheops. By the way, the museum has a vast hall dedicated to the Egyptian theme. It is equipped as an ancient Egyptian temple. This hall contains the rarest treasures that have witnessed the era of the pharaohs.

Exhibits of antiquity

Also in the museum are exhibits from antiquity. This is a Roman copy of the sculpture of Aristotle's head, a copy of the Greek original of the sculpture "Aphrodite and Eros". The famous bas-relief cameo "Gemma Augusta" made of onyx and many other artistic values ​​​​of the Hellenic and ancient Roman cultures.

Exhibits of jewelry art

In addition to old paintings, the museum houses samples of famous masters of jewelry art. For example, the work of an Italian genius whose works were very prestigious to give to representatives of the royal dynasties of Europe in the sixteenth century.

One of these works - a salt shaker depicting Neptune and Ceres - can be seen in one of the halls of the Vienna Museum of Art History. The exquisite and delicate work of the famous jeweler is simply priceless. There are also luxurious items made by other eminent masters. Lapis lazuli bowl by Gasparo Miseroni, masterpiece of the late sixteenth century.

Ivory artifacts

One of the halls of the museum contains ivory items. Among the many exhibits, the sculpture Apollo and Daphne by Jacob Auer, dating from 1688, stands out in particular. Bone carving flourished especially in Vienna, and was a fashionable occupation during the reign of Emperor Leopold I.

Therefore, his bust is located in this thematic hall. There is also a bust of the young Marie Antoinette, the French queen, who was beheaded on the scaffold, like most aristocrats, during the revolution.

Art gallery and numismatic room

And yet the basis, the core of the Vienna Museum of Art History is an art gallery. If we recall all the most famous European artists of all time, then half of their works, no doubt, are located in this museum. The art gallery has several, so to speak, sections. One is dedicated to the works of the Flemish masters of painting. Here you can see the immortal paintings of Rubens, van Dyck, Jacob Jordaens. The German section contains works by Albrecht Dürer, Holbein, Cranach. The Dutch section is represented by paintings by Hals, Terborch, Van Rijn and other famous artists.

Italian contains Giorgione, Mantegna, Caravaggio, Rafael Santi. There is also a section dedicated to the artists of England and France.

In addition to all the listed expositions, the museum has a unique numismatic hall. His collection is among the top five collections in the world. Here are collected the oldest and rarest coins, medals, orders and other insignia.

Natural History Museum

If you are interested in the most famous museums, then visit the Museum of Natural History. The building is made in the Renaissance style. It looks very harmonious with the Museum of Art History. These two establishments opened in the same year. The Natural History Museum presents natural exhibits belonging to the House of Habsburg. This institution has thirty-nine rooms, which contain plants and animals that have become extinct a couple of centuries ago. More than three million exhibits are collected here. Most of them were brought from different parts of the world. The first floor accommodates an exposition dedicated to various representatives of the fauna. Famous exhibits are the skeleton of a diplodocus and a stuffed animal of a Steller's cow. On the second floor there are geological exhibits. This is a collection of the rarest gems, a collection of minerals and minerals. There are fragments of a meteorite and a tiny figurine of Venus of Willendorf.

House of Figaro

What is worth seeing for those who are interested in Vienna (city). There are many attractions here. Tourists who come to Vienna should definitely see the house of the musical genius - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It was here that the famous composer lived from 1784 to 1787. The famous opera The Marriage of Figaro was born here. Therefore, until recently, the townspeople called the house - the House of Figaro. Residents of Vienna did not spare eight million euros for the reconstruction of the building. The house is located in the old part of the city, next to St. Stephen's Cathedral.


Now you know that Vienna (the city whose sights we examined) is quite beautiful and interesting, of course, largely due to its museums. Be sure to visit the places that are described in the article. Believe me, this beauty deserves the attention of every tourist.

The Kunsthistorisches Museum houses countless masterpieces of Western art, including the world's largest collection of Brueghel paintings. The collections of the ancient world, Ancient Egypt and the East amaze with the richness of the cultures of the past.

The Museum of Art History (Kunsthistorisches Museum) is a collection of art objects, archaeological exhibits, ancient monuments, numismatic rarities; art gallery of world importance. The institution is administered by the Austrian Ministry of Culture.

Museum building

The museum is located on Maria Theresa Square, photo by Peter M.

The facade of the museum is lined with carved sandstone. The building has the shape of a rectangle topped with a 60-meter dome. The interiors are lavishly decorated with marble and plaster relief decor. There are ninety-one halls in the main building of the museum.

The design of the building was created by the architect Gottfried Semper and Baron Karl von Hasenauer in the middle of the 19th century.

Collection history

The beginning of the museum collection was laid by the Imperial House of Austria. The Habsburgs have been collecting and storing art and antiques since the 15th century. The largest contribution was made by Ferdinand II, who for a long time formed a collection of works of art in his castle. In Vienna today, the best, rare specimens from the archduke's heritage are presented.

Rudolph II did a lot for the future museum. In Prague Castle, he opened the Kunstkamera and founded an art gallery. From these collections, the brightest exhibits were also transferred to the Vienna Museum. It was Rudolph who for a long time collected works by Brueghel the Elder, which are now the main pride of the picturesque exposition of the Kunsthistorisches Museum.

Archduke Leopold Wilhelm in his gallery

Historians call the founding father of the museum Archduke Leopold-Wilhelm. For almost a decade he was governor of the Southern Netherlands. During this time, he managed to collect an extensive collection of paintings, buying them at auctions in Brussels. The gallery assembled by Leopold-Wilhelm is considered the most comprehensive in Europe. It included paintings by Giorgione, Titian and Veronese, Tintoretto and Rubens; work by Mantegna and Van Eyck.

The treasures of the Habsburgs were opened to the public under Maria Theresa. The works were brought from many family castles, palaces, private galleries and grouped according to geographical and chronological criteria. Art objects were exhibited for a long time in several palaces: in the Upper, in the Lower Belvedere, in.

The opening of the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum took place in 1889. Since 1918, this collection, like the entire heritage of the Habsburgs, was expropriated in favor of the state. During the years of World War II, the building on Maria Theresien-Platz was seriously destroyed, but the Austrians removed most of the priceless works and hid them even before the war. The museum reopened in 1959.

Picture gallery

The art gallery became the core of the museum collection. It presents paintings by Western European masters of the XIV-XVIII centuries. The section of Dutch painting contains paintings by van der Weyden and van Hus, Brueghel the Elder, Jan van Eyck. The collection of works by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, presented in the Vienna Museum, is considered the greatest in Europe - here you can see half of all the works created by the painter in different years. The pearl of the collection are canvases from the famous cycle "The Seasons".

Peter Paul Rubens. photo Deborah and Thomas

Art gallery collections

  • In Flemish section, the first to attract attention are the paintings of Rubens, with his colorful beauties. You can not pass by the masterpieces of the Baroque - the works of Jacob Jordaens and the "airy" canvases of van Dyck.
  • Dutch there is not much painting, but true masterpieces are collected here: paintings by F. Hals, G. Terborch, Rembrandt van Rijn, allegorical works by Jan W. Delftsky.
  • A particularly rich collection of paintings German brush masters. Here you can see the masterpieces of the Renaissance: the works of Albrecht Durer and Cranach the Elder, G. Holbein and many other painters. Here is Dürer's iconic masterpiece: "Adoration of All Saints to the Trinity" - a world-famous altarpiece.
  • Names Italian the masters are impressive: Giorgione, Mantegna, Titian, Caravaggio. It is here that you can see "Madonna in the Green" by Rafael Santi and "Lucretia" by Veronese. The pearl of the Spanish collection of the Vienna Museum is the work of Velasquez, his royal dynastic portraits.
  • Sections: art England and France- weak.

Collection of Ancient Egypt and the Middle East

Collection of Ancient Egypt, photo courthouselover

The Vienna Museum is famous not only for its artistic canvases. Its collections of ancient Egyptian and Oriental treasures are considered the oldest in the world. Here are Egyptian sculptures from different periods of the history of the state. Architectural treasures and stone figurines, bronze and wooden items, papyri, sarcophagi and jewelry are exhibited against the backdrop of interiors stylized as Egyptian temples and tombs.

The Department of Ancient Art contains the valuables of Etruscan, Ancient Greek, Roman times: coins, figurines, medals and jewelry - many artifacts found during research at different times. The most striking exhibit is a collection of Ptolemy's onyx cameos. An extensive sculptural exposition and an exhibition of jewelry from the era of the Great Migration are of interest.


The museum Kunstkamera is unique in its kind. It is decorated with silk tapestries from the beginning of the 18th century, as well as works of applied art made of precious metals and ivory.

Numismatic collection

The numismatic collection of the museum is one of the five largest world collections of coins, paper money, stocks, orders and medals, insignia. There are approximately 700,000 objects in total.

Museum opening hours:

See current ticket prices.

Ticket Kunsthistorisches Museum + Leopold Museum

Visit two of Austria's most important museums with a combination ticket at an advantageous price. Discover 2,000 years of art heritage at the Leopold Museum and Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Admire works by Klimt, Schily and many more. Cost €24.

Ticket Kunsthistorisches Museum + Imperial Treasury

Explore the Habsburg treasures at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna and the imperial treasury with a combined ticket to see the world's most important works of art, imperial architecture and more. Cost €22.

Combined ticket "Master ticket"

What does it include? With this ticket you will also get admission to the Treasury of Vienna and a morning training session of Lipizzan horses at the Spanish Riding School. Cost €24.

Tickets are valid for 1 year, so you choose when and on which day to visit the museums.

How to get there?

Take the U2 metro to Museumsquartier station.

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It belongs to a rare variety of museums that reveal the highest artistic achievements of mankind since ancient times. In Russia, this type can be attributed to the Museum. Pushkin. The art of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome is combined here with a collection of paintings by Dutch, Italian, Flemish, German masters of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The museum building itself, opened in 1891 in tandem with the “twin” museum, which houses the Museum of Natural History, is also noteworthy.

1. The buildings for both museums are truly huge. Although each of them has only two floors, they look very impressive.

2. Between the museums, there is Maria Theresa Square with a monument to her, surrounded by the Christmas market that has already closed (it was January 4 in the yard, the grass was green, fresh leaves had recently been cut on the bushes).

3. Upon entering the museum, we immediately find ourselves in the lobby, decorated with magnificent stucco-like paintings.

4. Having quickly overcome all the formalities, such as buying tickets and putting things in the wardrobe, we go out to the main staircase. On the landing of the stairs there is a sculpture by Antonio Canova "Theseus killing the Centaur".

5. Imperial lions.


7. The walls are decorated with the monograms of Franz Joseph and Elisabeth, under whom the museum was built.

8. New Year.

9. Plafond above the main staircase.

10. It is decorated with a huge canvas "Apotheosis of the Renaissance" by the Hungarian artist Mihai Munkacsy.

11. From the stairs we get into the upper, even more magnificent vestibule under a huge dome.

12. Now it is occupied by a cafe, in the center there is a well, looking into the lower vestibule.

13. Side corridors are not inferior in splendor to the halls.

14. The vault paintings reminded me of the Hermitage.

15. The second floor of the museum is completely devoted to painting.

16. Enfilade of large halls around the perimeter is surrounded by a number of smaller ones.

17. Pictures often hang in many rows, there are no signatures to them. But there is an audio guide in Russian.

18. There are also sculptures in the halls, but infrequently.

19. Democrito Gandolfi, Jacob and Rachel at the Well.

20. Caesar.

Northern Italy was part of the Austrian Empire for a long time, so the museum has accumulated a huge number of works of almost all the artistic styles of Italy - the early and High Renaissance, mannerism, baroque, caravagism, masters of the 18th century veduta, etc. The naked bodies of magnificent southern beauties could not miss to this post.

21. Correggio, Io and Jupiter (1530).

22. Tintoretto, Susanna and the Elders (1555).

23. Dirk de Quad van Ravestin, Rest of Venus.

24. Parmigianino, "Cupid making a bow." One Cupid seems to be sick.

25. Andrea del Sarto in the painting "Archangel Raphael with Tobias" people succeeded much better than dogs)

26. The European Middle Ages cannot be imagined without paintings on religious themes. Triptych by Rogier van der Weyden on the theme of the crucifixion.

27. When the frame is almost equal in importance to the picture, an altar is obtained. It belongs to the brush of Albrecht Dürer and is called "Adoration of the Holy Trinity" or "Landauer Altarpiece" (1511).

28. Sebastiano Mainardi, Nursing/Mamming Maiden.

29. Peter Paul Rubens, The Miracles of Saint Francis Xavier.

30. Student of Leonardo da Vinci Andrea Solario, "Salome with the head of John the Baptist."

31. For Bernardino Luini, in the same story, Salome looks somehow more cheerful.

32. A lot of paintings are devoted to the theme of the Last Judgment, like this painting by the Fleming Frans Floris.

33. Hell in a painting by David Reikart III.

34. Luca Giordano, "The Archangel Michael overthrows the rebellious angels."

35. And this is not the Last Judgment, but the Miracles of St. Ignatius of Loyola by Rubens.

36. In many paintings, the theme of death is physical, not spiritual. Skulls in Antonio de Pereda's Allegory of Vanity.

37. Maria von Osterwijk, Vanity of Vanities (1668). The skull is depicted in a still life to enhance the sense of the frailty of human life next to bouquets of flowers.

38. Guido Cagnacci. "Death of Cleopatra" (1658).

39. It is also amusing to observe various reptiles and the fight against them on the canvases. For example, the confrontation between a tiger and a crocodile in Rubens' great allegory "Four Continents and Four Great Rivers".

40. The famous biblical scene "Saint George slaying the dragon" by Leonhard Beck.

41. Raphael, "Saint Margaret" (and "snake cat").

42. "The Severed Head of Medusa" by Rubens.

43. Let's leave the Renaissance and move on for a while to more calm later subjects. David Teniers the Younger, "Archduke Leopold Wilhelm in his Picture Gallery". Funny European tradition to use pictures instead of wallpaper.

44. Samuel Dirks van Hoogstraten, almost all of whose paintings depict a man in a window.

45. Lorenzo Lotto, Portrait of a Man.

46. ​​Bernardo Bellotto, view of Vienna in the XVIII century.

47. Schönnbrunn Palace.

48. An artist has been working here for many years, making copies of paintings. She can almost always be found in the halls. A bamboo stick serves as a support for writing out small details.

49. Here you can enjoy the fun of the early 20th century - stereo photographs.

50. Next, I will show the pictures that were familiar to me before visiting the museum. This is "Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror" by Parmigianino (1524).

51. Pieter Brueghel the Elder, The Tower of Babel (1563) is probably the most famous painting in this museum.

52. King Nimrod, the legendary conqueror of Babylon in the 2nd millennium BC, came to inspect the construction site.

53. His own "Peasant Dance" (1568).

54. "Battle of Maslenitsa and Lent" (1559).

55. The picture depicts a holiday held in Medieval France and Holland on the last day of the carnival before Lent and consisted in a comic battle between the retinue of Maslenitsa and the supporters of Lent.

56. Hunters in the Snow (1565)

57. A small but separate room is reserved for the famous paintings of Arcimboldo.

58. "Winter" from the series "Seasons".

59. "Water" from the "Elements" series.

60. The top of the head is larger.

61. "Fire" from the "Elements" series.

62. "Summer" from the series "Seasons".

63. It would seem, what to do in an art museum for the blind? But meticulous Austrians worried about them too.

64. Here is a portrait of a jester by Jean Fouquet.

65. And here is his version for the blind.

66. Having finished on this with painting, we will go down to the first floor to continue the inspection.

67. A good collection of various objects of Austrian art is collected here.

68. Sculpture, jewelry, various little things - everything is here.

69. Due to the difficulties of identification, there will be no captions over the photo, alas.





74. Dutch prayer nut made of boxwood - an iconostasis in a pocket.











85. Finally, we come to the exposition of ancient art. The most magnificent is the Egyptian Hall, where the ceiling is propped up by original granite columns taken from Egypt.

86. Various images of the god of wisdom and knowledge Thoth, VI century BC.

87. A bunch of small things, like in the Cairo market.

88. The Egyptians caught HEH and are now butchering it.

89. Dried Nile crocodiles.

90. The outer layer of the burial "matryoshka".

91. A bunch of sarcophagi.


93. Collection of Greek vases of the 5th-6th centuries BC.


95. After the capture of Egypt by the Roman Empire, the Egyptians began to attach portraits of the buried, made in the Hellenic style, to the mummies. This woman with a necklace lived in 161-192 AD.

96. Mosaic from an ancient Roman villa, depicting the labyrinth of the Minotaur, was transferred entirely from Salzburg.

97. Tiled lion from the gate of the goddess Ishtar in Babylon (604-562 BC). The entire gate is in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.

98. In general, the Vienna Art Museum leaves an indelibly positive impression. It should be noted with what care the individual illumination of the exhibits in the Department of Ancient Sculpture was done.

On the spacious Maria Theresa Square in Vienna, planned in 1870 as part of the Ringstrasse, two museums are located symmetrically to each other on both sides - the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Art History, built in 1872-1881 in the style of the Italian Renaissance, with balustrades decorated with statues of limestone people and an extended facade with pelasts.

One of the main targets in Vienna was the Museum of Art History, as it is known as one of the most valuable museums with an art collection of world renown and above all for its art gallery.

The history of the gallery almost completely coincides with the history of the House of Habsburg, passionate collectors. Already during the time of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm (1614 - 1662), works of art were temporarily housed in the stables of the imperial castle, reaching, according to the inventory of 1659, more than 1400 paintings and sculptures!

And only under Emperor Franz Ferdinand was it finally decided to place various collections under one roof and therefore this museum was built, or rather the Palace !!!

The ticket cost me 12 euros + Russian audio guide for free. The museum is open daily except Monday from 10.00 to 18.00, Thursday from 10.00 to 21.00.

From the entrance, I went to the right along the first floor, where the premises of the Egyptian-Oriental collection are located.

Halls of ancient Greek culture

And ancient Roman halls - busts of Roman emperors.

Bust of Emperor Trojan - the best emperor according to the Romans themselves.

Bust of Emperor Hadrian (AD 117)

Ancient Roman rings and rings.

Ancient Roman eagle.

Having examined the first floor, I climbed the central staircase to the second floor, where the art gallery is located.

On the second floor there is also a cafe with the usual prices for Vienna.

Fine art is represented by the works of such famous masters as Titian. Veronese, Tintoretto, Rubens, Velasquez, Rembrandt, Dürer, Caravaggio and others. However, see for yourself.

Paintings by the Spanish artist Velázquez (17th century)

Painting by the Italian Caravaggio (late 16th century)

Painting by Andrea Solario (early 16th century)

Below are paintings by the great Raphael (early 16th century)

Painting by the Italian artist Tintoretto (mid-16th century)

Painting by the Italian artist Veronese (1585)

Paintings by Ticinus (early 16th century

Painting by Titian

And here are the paintings of the Dutch artist Pieter Brueghel (mid-16th century)

Pieter Brueghel. "Tower of Babel" (1563)

The famous painting by the great Flemish artist Rubens - "Fur coat" (1638-1640) in the photo below.

And finally, the paintings of the great German artist Albrecht Dürer (early 16th century)

In general, I really liked the museum - it's really great. There were few tourists and they are allowed to take pictures, well done Austrians! The museum is a must-see if you visit Vienna.

Fine art lovers need to go to Vienna for at least a week, because there are a lot of museums and galleries in the Austrian capital. At the same time, the masterpieces of painting seem to be deliberately exhibited in different places: the famous "Last Judgment" by Bosch - in the gallery of Academic Arts, "Madonna in the Green" by Raphael in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, and the works of Gustav Klimt - in several city galleries at once.

However, there is salt in this, because when you look at the huge exposition of the same Hermitage, the Louvre or the Vatican Museums, many people have an inevitable intoxication with art, that very feeling when it seems like a sin not to go into the next hall, but at the same time it has already arisen the feeling of "overeating wonderful".

In the case of Vienna, everything is arranged just right - most of the expositions can be viewed in less than an hour. So you get the pleasure of visiting the museum, but at the same time, there is no oversaturation. The main thing is to know exactly what / where is exhibited, so as not to miss the works of art that are important specifically for you. We have compiled a selection guide of museums and galleries in the Vienna capital for those who are interested in painting.


The most beautiful palace complex of the 18th century in the Baroque style is located on a hill to the southeast of the city center, so the view of the center of imperial Vienna from here is truly impressive. The Belvedere was built by Eugene of Savoy, and then the Austrian Archduchess Maria Theresa bought the palace. The palace ensemble consists of two buildings, between which there is a garden.

In 1781 one of the first public museums in the world was opened in the Upper Belvedere. Today it is worth going here to see one of the most complete collections of works by Gustav Klimt, including the famous Kiss.

The collection of Klimt's works occupies several halls of the gallery, here is the beautiful "Judith", and "The Lady in the Hat", and the unfinished work of the master "Adam and Eve". Taking pictures in the Upper Belvedere is prohibited, gallery workers are very meticulous about this. But in the Lower Belvedere, photography is allowed, and paintings by contemporary artists are already on display here.

But, first of all, you need to go to the Lower Belvedere in order to admire the palace interiors: the golden hall with numerous mirrors and the Marble Hall, decorated with frescoes by Altomonte Martino, are worthy of your time and attention.


The Academy of Fine Arts, of course, is primarily an educational institution, but it has a gallery with 250 paintings on display. First of all, it is worth stopping by to see with your own eyes the triptych "The Last Judgment" by Bosch.

The main part of the museum's collection consists of works by masters of the Flemish and Dutch schools of painting of the 17th century, in addition to the most famous work of the great and terrible Jerome, in the gallery you can see "Boys Playing Dice" by Bartolome Esteban Murillo, landscapes by Francesco Guardi, "Tarquinia and Lucretia" by Titian, one of the versions of "Saint Cecilia" by Rubens and "Initiation of the Witch" by David Teniers the Younger.


Italy was under the rule of the Austrians for a long time, so many works by Italian masters of the Renaissance period were brought to Vienna. The most significant collection is presented in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, as well as paintings by Titian, Perugino, Paolo Veronese and Caravaggio.

Everything is also very good with Dutch painting at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, here you can see the famous “Tower of Babel” by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, works by Jan van Eyck and Bosch. The fact is that the Austrian Archduke Leopold Wilhelm, who lived in the seventeenth century, during his stay in Flanders actively replenished his personal collection with works by Dutch and Flemish masters, which later became the basis of the museum's collection.

But, most importantly, the Museum of Art and History presents 4 paintings by Giuseppe Arcimboldo: “Winter” and “Summer” from the “Seasons” cycle, as well as “Fire” and “Water” from the “Elements” series - to lovers of famous portraits made of vegetables and fruits, we advise you not to miss this museum.



If 90 percent of Vienna's guests come to see the House of Arts, also built according to the artist's project from the building of a former furniture factory, not everyone gets there. But in vain! It's atmospheric and interesting here. Firstly, the building itself is made in the recognizable style of Friedensreich Hundertwasser: there are almost no right angles, but there are many colorful details, ceramics and, of course, greenery. Secondly, the exposure is excellent.

The first two floors of the museum are reserved for a permanent exhibition of Hundertwasser's works - after all, he was first and foremost a painter, and only then an architect. The other two rooms host temporary exhibitions of artists whose philosophy and views on art are in tune with those preached by Hundertwasser. By the way, when you look at the paintings of Hundertwasser, it immediately becomes clear what exactly inspires the designers of the Viennese house Frey Willi, creating their jewelry collections.


Those who want to continue studying the works of Gustav Klimt and for whom the Belvedere collection is not enough should go to the Leopold Museum, which opened in the capital of Austria in 2001. Here are exhibited "Life and Death" and "Danae" by the founder of the Austrian Art Nouveau. However, the main reason to visit the Leopold Museum is the opportunity to get acquainted with the most complete collection of works by Egon Schiele, the most famous representative of Austrian expressionism.

After the death of Klimt, Schiele was predicted to become the most influential artist in Austria, but it did not work out - Egon Schiele died six months after Gustav Klimt. The life of a talented painter was taken away by the infamous Spaniard, Schiele died at the age of 28 three days after the death of his pregnant wife Edith. The artist had a premonition of his own death, and it was not for nothing that he painted the poignant painting “Family”, in which he depicted himself, his wife and their child, dying from a terrible disease that claimed the lives of millions of people at the beginning of the 20th century.

A museum was created on the basis of the private collection of Rudolf and Elisabeth Leopold, the country's government purchased 5,000 works of art from collectors, and today the Leopold Museum is the most visited in the museum quarter of Vienna.


The most visited gallery in Vienna boasts a magnificent collection of graphics and drawings from the last 1000 years: the collection includes exhibits from the Middle Ages to the end of the 20th century. The collection began to be collected in the eighteenth century by Duke Albert of Saxony-Teschen, a great art lover who lived in Bratislava, and his heirs, also archdukes, continued to constantly replenish the collection of graphics.

The collection became public property in 1919, and today in the Albertina exhibition you can see real rarities for a true connoisseur, for example, drawings by Hieronymus Bosch, including the famous "Beehive and Witches", graphics by Picasso, Klimt, drawings by Rembrandt and Italian masters of the Renaissance : Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael.


Remember, in the movie "The Ninth Gate", the collector flips through the devil's book and says that it was made "as God himself ordered, not like now"? To make sure the words of the film character are correct, look into the Austrian National Library, where books are kept from the Middle Ages.

The library hall looks just like in the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" - a million works in huge cabinets made of precious wood, which tend to the frescoed ceiling. The place is amazing in its atmosphere, you can spend a whole hour in the small hall of the library - just stand with your mouth open in admiration, surveying the endless rows of books, statues and huge globes, one, by the way, shows a constellation map. But, since today we are talking about the fine arts, we will mention the colored medieval engravings and prints that adorn the pages of old books.

The books are laid out open under glass, most of the illustrations, of course, are on a biblical theme, but when you look at the bright colors that have not faded at all since the Middle Ages, it takes your breath away, and your head is spinning. By the way, Gustav Klimt's amazing "Naked Truth" is also located in the National Library.


The Museum on Karlsplatz used to be called the Museum of the History of Vienna, which is fully true - within its walls the entire history of the capital of Austria is presented, starting from the first settlements on the banks of the Danube. Of course, the main part of the exposition is devoted to the Habsburgs, but on the third floor there was also a place for a collection of paintings and art objects of the 19th-20th centuries.

Julia Malkova- Julia Malkova - founder of the website project. Former editor-in-chief of the Internet project and editor-in-chief of the website. I talk about traveling for my own pleasure and the pleasure of readers. If you are a representative of hotels, tourism office, but we are not familiar, you can contact me by email: [email protected]
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