Is it possible to take a Catholic as godparents. Catholic features and traditions of baptism

To the question, can a Catholic baptize an Orthodox child? given by the author Lyolka the best answer is YES
You can certainly be a godparent even though you yourself were baptized as a Catholic. Although I myself am not a priest, many of my acquaintances turned to me for similar advice. I made inquiries about this with priests I knew and received an answer that Catholic baptism is recognized by the Orthodox Church, just as a Catholic can confess and take communion in an Orthodox church. It is quite another matter, for example, the baptism of an autocephalous church (in Ukraine). Such baptism and all other sacraments (if the word sacrament itself is appropriate here) are considered invalid. By the way. Re-baptism (I have often been asked about this) is considered a great sin. The priest on this occasion said "If the mother can take the child and give birth to him again, then you can baptize him again"
With the current political confrontation between different branches of the one Church of Christ, this question seems to many to be debatable. In any case, the Orthodox, who considers Catholic Christians to be almost the children of the unclean, will of course tell you that this should never be done. Moreover, there are known precedents of strict punishments even for the joint prayer of the Orthodox with the Catholics. However, in essence, both believe in One Christ and One Christ.
Perhaps the best guide here should be your faith and your Christian conscience. After all, even a mere nominal affiliation to the Russian Orthodox Church, for example, can hardly be a decisive factor in choosing a godfather: there are all sorts of people everywhere.

Answer from Infiniti[master]
I think yes

Answer from Neurologist[master]
maybe yes-)

Answer from folder[master]
no. but you can ask permission from the priest. he can give you some advice.

Answer from clubfoot[guru]
no, he can not!

Answer from --- --- [guru]
Is the child already baptized in Orthodoxy? Or Orthodox parents? Basically, NO!

Answer from Jovetlana[guru]
I have a Catholic godmother, and I'm Orthodox, it all depends on how deep you approach this. My grandmother always told me - God is one, faiths are different.

Answer from Unknown Unknown[guru]
I think no. Because even unbaptized children cannot be baptized. And even a different religion - and even more so. How can this person bring up a child according to Christian customs if he does not know them, does not adhere to them, etc.

Answer from Advokatus[guru]
If a Catholic priest baptizes an Orthodox, then only according to the Catholic rite.

Answer from Sabotage[guru]
Not! The Catholic rite of baptism is not recognized by the Orthodox Church. That is, according to Orthodox custom, he is not baptized and cannot be a godfather!

Answer from Anna S.[guru]
No and no again, the godfather must be Orthodox

Answer from OD[guru]
Your child will be Catholic, not Orthodox

Answer from Andrey Vysotsky[newbie]
Of course, maybe these are Christians, both Catholics and Orthodox .. and what the priests businessmen invent is another matter !!

Answer from Denis Evdokimov[guru]
Well, maybe, provided that one of the godparents is a member of the ROC mp the same with the RCC

I was going to baptize a child, and one of the godparents was supposed to be my friend. He is a Roman Catholic. And we didn't "bother" about it, we thought that Christians seemed to be all the same and the sacraments were the same. Already in the church before Baptism, the priest, having learned that the candidate for godparents was a Catholic, "rejected" his candidacy, and as the only option suggested that he "be baptized" into Orthodoxy. This greatly upset us, and we postponed Baptism. The money paid for Baptism according to the tariff was not returned to us (I did not particularly insist on it). After thinking about this situation, I decided that since a Christian, both by religion and by life, was "rejected" by the Church as a godfather, then I would baptize the child in another Church, in the Catholic Church. And in the future I myself will undergo catechesis and convert to Catholicism (without crossing!). And now I would like to know how correctly and according to the teachings the priest acted in my case, refusing to be a godfather to a Catholic? I'm not talking about the moral Christian norms, but at least according to the teachings and canons of the Russian Orthodox Church?


Dear Yuri, recognizing the act of the priest (in the form that you described) is not fully consistent with the official position of our Church, which allows, firstly, the presence of one non-Orthodox successor, while the other will be Orthodox, and, secondly, does not imply the acceptance of Catholics into Orthodoxy through Baptism (acceptance is allowed either by the third rite, through repentance, or by the second, through chrismation), I cannot help but ask another question: what, in fact, is your Orthodoxy? If, because of an episode, even though emotionally brightly negative, but in no way connected either with the essence of our faith, or with the nature of the doctrinal differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, you decide without hesitation to change your confession, what is Orthodoxy for you? If the priest had been polite and delicate, would you have remained in the Orthodox Church? With such a measure of irresponsibility, of course, our faith will hold out until the first rude priest or an impolite candlestick ... You can find anything among Catholics after catechism. Will you go further to the Baptists? To the Moonies, to the Jehovists? We must base our religious worldview, our self-determination on something more fundamental than the infirmities or virtues of certain clergymen.

Thank you. I got it

girls, who knows - is it possible for the Orthodox to take a Catholic as a godfather? Or does it depend on income?


Zmeik, I am a Catholic, the godmother of an Orthodox child. And the funny thing is that my child’s godparents will most likely be Orthodox ... And they will certainly not be baptized in the Orthodox faith ...

As the father of my godson explained, it is important that the godfather of the boy was Orthodox ...

Dear little snake, the meaning of the godfather or godfather is a person who, along with parents, will be responsible for the soul of the child. Those. the function of the godfather in instructing the child in the faith in which he is baptized and, of course, prayer for the child. A good godfather can be a support for a child in life.

This discovery makes it clear who the proto-Christians were who baptized or, as it is now increasingly said, who certified Jesus Christ.

It has now been proven that the proto-Christians, the Essenes, were also engaged in the social sciences, sociology, and issues of social organization.
So, two versions of the Charter of the future society were discovered: the kingdom of high morality ("Kingdom of Heaven").
Questions of economics, finance and politics, apparently, were also not alien to the "first academics". The so-called "Copper Scroll" was also found and sawn, which contained extremely secret information about secret burials in the cities of the Mediterranean, about 180 tons of gold and silver, obviously prepared for social reforms, which Jesus Christ specifically speaks of in his famous .and almost no one correctly read the Sermon on the Mount, where he first of all mentions the Beggars, who are strong in their intellect (spirit). Well, that's another conversation.

Such an answer to the question about the age of baptism will be, in my opinion, the most constructive: if a child is baptized after the beginning of reading, this will give Orthodoxy a new impetus to the origins - to enlightenment and intellect, as the basis of true spirituality. Of course, a more comprehensive set of recommendations and baptismal supplies is needed. On this basis, in 1996 - 1999, a development and upbringing program was developed: "Gifted and talented children for every family." - [link-1]
As I understand it, there are three versions of the "Baptismal Kit" according to the new, modern rite of baptism, which will inevitably replace the old one - depending on what kind of future the parent wants to give the child? The most important thing is to give the child giftedness through baptism after the child begins to read, before walking ...
But I believe that it is necessary to baptize when the child receives his first higher education - in the new system this happens at the age of 11 - 12 years - then it will be a truly conscious choice.

And if you have a desire to go to the Temple - go by all means. Tomsik Oh, and if you can't turn your back to the altar, how do you get out??? go_romanovs Normal and calm. You can not stand with your mouth open, with your back to the altar during the service. Inanna Do not complicate, your desire is saving... come in, stand, listen to the liturgy. No one will force you to make the sign of the cross. Candles can be put, they are sold at the porch, in a small shop. You can also order prayers there. We have Holy Water in the Temple, in the baptismal. Our father does not leave for another 2 hours after the service, everyone goes to him for advice, many strangers, he does not refuse anyone. Do not be afraid. Of course, you need to be in a headdress, preferably in a skirt. And remarks, if they suddenly do, do not take it as a slap in the face, but as ur ...

Christening baby

At the entrance to the temple there is a vessel with consecrated water, or an assayer, into which the fingers of the right hand are dipped and then baptized. Immediately upon entering the temple, kneeling (the right knee) is performed in front of the tabernacle. And subsequently, passing by the tabernacle, they kneel, or at least bow their heads. Catholics are baptized in a different order from the Orthodox - first the left shoulder, then the right. There are no special moments outside the liturgy when it is required to make the sign of the cross. In the temple there are rows of prayer benches, and below - low benches (they kneel on them during worship). Confession in a Catholic church is made in special confessionals - small booths for the priest and the confessor. If in the confessional...

No conveyor. In general, in the prayer house of the Evangelists, the atmosphere is pacifying, a bright, spacious room without icons, beautiful chants, prayers in a simple accessible language, children do not behave forcedly during the service - they walk around the hall, sit down, sing, and no one hisses at them, does not "put pressure ". I am not ready for my baptism. There is a temptation to baptize an adopted son, becoming his godmother (they say "the godmother's prayer will absolve all sins, raise them from the bottom of the sea"), for example, in a Catholic church (at the beginning of construction, in the midst of indignant public debate, Dimochka once said that he would go there, but did not have time). I don’t understand the division into religions at all - Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Witnesses, ... - everyone believes in ONE God and His son Jesus, and just accept divisions ...
...I am not ready for my baptism. There is a temptation to baptize an adopted son, becoming his godmother (they say "the godmother's prayer will absolve all sins, raise them from the bottom of the sea"), for example, in a Catholic church (at the beginning of construction, in the midst of indignant public debate, Dimochka once said that he would go there, but did not have time). I don’t understand the division into religions at all - Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, witnesses, ... - everyone believes in ONE God and His son Jesus, and divisions are just a primitive struggle for parishioners and their money, for power and influence ("in the house My father has many mansions"). Why argue in which church to baptize a child? And why baptize a baby? 2/3 will answer - so that, like everyone else, or relatives insist, or so that they shout less, or the grandmother of an unbaptized person will not take treatment if anything ...


I completely agree with you, Natalia, and I admire your deed. So be it! Although it is very difficult, and most of us completely go into the depths of our grief, but in fact there is only one way to get out of it - to try to help the other person. Not being religious, I am sure that this is exactly what God wants from us - so that we never give up, do not become embittered and return to happiness through love, and not through leaving the world for a monastery, etc. Otherwise, why did he give us this world ?
I still can't go to church. I don't understand many things:
According to Christians, some people atone for the sins of other people with their suffering (starting with Jesus). Once, in a children's hospital, I read an article by a priest on a stand about the meaning of serious illnesses in children. So, maybe they do not need to be treated? Some kind of pagan attitude - to make a sacrifice, and everything will be decided (and the sacrifice is not a lamb, but a child!). One can gain wisdom and understanding oneself through suffering. How can someone else do this for you?
After reading the Gospel, I asked myself another question: why does the Christian church exist at all? Jesus commanded:
- do not build temples on earth, but only in the human soul;
- do not fast, do not pray, but rather go and make peace with your neighbor;
- and if there is a desire to pray, enter quietly into your house and pray there so that no one sees you.
Is not it?
That is why I would like everyone, like Natalya, to go to God (= to understanding life and their place in it) through love for people, for children, for their child, and not on the advice of priests. Even if they are good people, pure in soul, etc. - Well, who can wisely manage your life, your thoughts, your feelings for you? And if the priest is a bad person or simply indifferent? There are a lot of them.

21.07.2006 12:08:03, Marina

“Don’t allow one thing for the patient to consider life’s affairs as material for obedience to the Enemy. If you have made the world an end and faith a means, a person is almost in your hands and it doesn’t matter what goal he pursues. If only rallies, pamphlets,
political campaigns, movements and deeds mean more to him than prayer,
sacrament and mercy - he is ours."
This is a quote from "The Letters of Balamut" by K.S. Lewis (C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters). At one time, this book pushed me to finally get baptized, and I highly recommend reading it to anyone who sincerely wants to find answers, and not just "hang out". (If anyone does not understand, these are the advice of an old sophisticated demon to a young and beginner).
As for the last statement - "if you believe in Christ and go to Christ, then only not through Orthodoxy" - I very often hear this. Indeed, in a modern satanic society, it is permissible to be anyone - a Catholic, a Sandeist, a fire worshiper, or even a pagan - but not Orthodox! Well, for me this is another proof that Orthodox Christianity is the true faith.

26.02.2005 18:35:38

Well, what is it!! It's time for the child to be baptized ... Throughout the pregnancy, I was sure that my girlfriend would have a godmother (we have been family friends for a long time). But for some reason she didn’t tell her about it, she took it for granted ... - I understand it’s my own fault: ((Here she was told, and she refused! They say she doesn’t go to church, she doesn’t follow the laws, she doesn’t know how and what , and it’s scary for her ... And what to do? I can’t think of anyone else: ((I wanted to be a godfather with a loved one, with whom I often see, communicate ... Is it possible ...

Question to all those who know: We are going to baptize our little son, we have a godmother, but there are problems with the godfather ... We do not have such a person except ... grandfather (ie my father). Tell me, according to Orthodox Christian laws, can a child's grandfather become his godfather? Or can you get by with one godmother? For example, among Catholics, even two grandmothers of a child can be godmothers to him (I personally know such an example).


I wanted to baptize my son after 40 days, as soon as possible. Purely for my own comfort, because I believe. The husband initially agreed, and then protested, like, let him grow up and decide for himself which faith he wants to belong to. In principle, he may be right. But you can change your faith at any age. In short, I will give a free baptismal kit for a boy, new, up to 3 months. Shipping at your expense

Good afternoon, father Alexander!
I have a very difficult situation, it has been tormenting me for some time now, I will not be able to write briefly, so I apologize in advance for your time.
I was baptized in Orthodoxy as a child, since then I have not been in the Orthodox Church - it happened that way. Neither my godparents nor my family instilled Love for God in me, for they themselves were far from it. Moreover, in my youth and adolescence, I did a lot of bad things and considered myself an atheist. When I studied at the university, I met a guy from a large religious family. Slowly, he began to tell me about God, about religion, about the Church, and then, somehow sensing my interest and desire for this, he took me to the Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (in Moscow, I am from there), and there I I came to God and to faith myself, I went there for a very long time, although we parted with the guy a long time ago. Years passed, and God brought me together with my husband - he is a Latvian, and I moved to live with him in Latvia, although my relatives, as you understand, were very upset by my decision, and this is one of the reasons for our misunderstandings - they always think that I am here temporarily, although I have been living here for six years. We formalized the marriage, but he is not baptized (although better than many of those who beat their chests that he is a believer), he is even afraid to go into the temple, so as not to defile the feelings of the parishioners and servants of God. So far I have not been able to persuade him to get married, which means that I cannot convert to Catholicism, which is close to me in spirit and whose church I go to, but I really want to do this and cannot consider myself Orthodox - that would be dishonest, but I consider myself a Christian and want the reunification of the Churches.
Recently, my sister asked me to be her daughter's godmother, and I gladly agreed! I asked her to find out all the details in my homeland, since I can only come to Russia for a short time for the baptism itself, and if I need to go through the teachings, like the Catholics, then I would go through it here, at home. She said that she did not want to bother me, and found a temple where no teaching is required (I will not bore you with my thoughts on this), I replied that I would go to the temple anyway and ask the priest all the questions that interest me, so as for me this is a responsible step. Before going to the priest, I decided to read in more detail how this ceremony is held by the Orthodox, and the first thing I discovered was that the godmother must be Orthodox. Father Alexander, but it’s completely different for Catholics, Protestants - even an Orthodox can baptize a Lutheran, so it is in my husband’s family, and it’s everywhere here - Latvia is multi-confessional, I couldn’t imagine this at all. I shared my doubts with my sister, who accused me of ruining the name day (told me that I was changing God), since the money had already been paid, the photographer had been ordered, the cross had been bought, etc. I was very offended, because I do not feel guilty for the fact that I myself decided to take a more responsible approach to this and made it all worse. We quarreled very strongly and now I don’t know what to do next, how to communicate with people close to you who hurt you (this is not the first time). Tell me the direction where to "look", father Alexander.
Have a nice day!
Sincerely, Ekaterina.


When the first weeks after the birth of a child pass, and maybe even earlier, believing parents begin to think about the baptism of their baby. In this article we will talk about how baptism takes place in the Catholic denomination. Let's answer the questions that Catholic parents most often have when preparing for a child's baptism.

Why baptize a child?

Baptism is a religious ritual that has been followed in the Catholic denomination for many years. Its main purpose is to cleanse the child from original sin, as well as converting a child to Catholicism and association with the Church. It is believed that baptism not only washes away original sin from the child, but also gives the baby strength for life and protection, which he did not have at birth. If original sin, Catholics believe, is not cleansed by baptism, the child will not have the protection of the Holy Spirit, so often believing parents even try not to take the child out of the house before baptism, so as not to once again endanger the baby.

At what age should a child be baptized?

It is customary to baptize a baby 4-6 weeks after birth. However, it often happens that children go through this ritual later - this is not prohibited, but for the reasons mentioned above, believing parents try not to delay the baby's baptism. At an earlier age, a child is usually baptized only in extreme cases, for example, if the newborn is sick or weak, and parents believe that baptism can help him gain God's protection and, with it, better health.
From a formal point of view, it is not difficult to designate the day of a child's baptism. Most often, 2-3 weeks before the desired date, it is enough to notify the priest (as Catholic priests are called) of the church where you are going to baptize the child, and discuss with him not only the time of the event, but also all the nuances of the future ritual. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that sometimes the date of the baptism of the baby that you have chosen can be postponed by the priest to a later date, depending on how, in his opinion, the parents themselves and future godparents themselves are ready for the sacrament of Baptism.

How to choose a date taking into account religious fasts and holidays?

Catholic church law allows children to be baptized throughout the year, including during fasts and holidays. However, before baptism, it will still not be superfluous to find out what customs exist in your church. In some parishes (this is the name of the parish), for example, it is customary to organize the baptism of children once a month. However, this is more the exception than the rule.
Among Catholic parents, periods are popular for baptism Christmas and Easter holidays. Consider this fact, because the more babies, along with parents, godparents and guests, arrive for baptism, the longer and more crowded the procedure will be, which both you and your child will get tired of.

In what context does the ceremony take place?

Whether your baby's baptism will be a crowded ceremony or will be intimate, it's up to you. Often children are baptized during the holy imshi(this is the name of the main liturgical action in Catholicism, similar to the service in the Orthodox Church), for which many people from all over the parish gather in the church. However, it is possible to organize a baptism in a more modest and quiet atmosphere - conceived it takes place in the sacristy, a room next to the main hall of the church, where cult objects are usually kept. The only prerequisite for the ritual is the presence in the room crucifixion.

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Who can be godparents?

Godparents can be those who:
- are believers and practitioners Catholics;
- already passed the rite running around(this is how Catholics call the ritual of chrismation, which, unlike Orthodoxy, takes place in adulthood and serves as confirmation that faith is accepted consciously);
- are not direct relatives of the baby, for example, a brother or sister;
- are mature conscious people who can cope with the role of godparents. Usually, though not necessarily, they are adults.
The requirements for godparents in different parishes can be more or less strict, for example, not every church requires that both godparents be Catholics or have passed the rite of flight.

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About preparation, as well as documents and other formalities

As we have already said, after you have chosen the date for the future baptism of your baby, you must go to the church where the ceremony will have to take place, namely, to the church office or, which often happens, directly to priest. Here you must set the exact date of baptism, discuss the necessary organizational issues and make a payment (you set the amount yourself, since this is more a donation to the church than a mandatory service fee). Here you must register future godparents parents.
Take the following documents with you:
- birth certificate of the child;
- passports of both parents;
- an act of wedding in a church, if there is one (if the parents did not get married during marriage, but declare themselves as believing Catholics, church law does not forbid them to baptize a child);
- certificates informing that the godparents meet the requirements of the church where the baby will be baptized. Future godparents take such certificates in their churches if they belong to another parish (these documents are often not required - you need to check with the parish where the baptism will take place).
Before the baptism takes place, the priest usually invites parents and godparents to visit several preparatory classes at the church. These classes are useful not so much as informational preparation for the organization of baptism, but as a knowledge of the essence of the sacrament, learning the necessary prayers and preparing for further raising a baby according to the Catholic faith.
Depending on the preparedness of parents and godparents, as well as on church traditions, classes can take place either once or twice, or all seven. For example, if one of the parents or future godparents is Orthodox and does not know Catholic canons at all, you will have to attend more classes than if they were all practicing Catholics.

How to dress a child and dress yourself?

Traditionally, an outfit is chosen for a baby in light colors. White color and pastel colors are what you need, because they are associated with purity and purity, light and joy. However, there are no clear rules about clothing - it all depends on the traditions of your church. For example, in many parishes, it is customary to choose clothes that come into contact with the baby’s skin. pure white. One way or another, it is necessary to dress the child according to the weather, and also think about whether the baby will be comfortable not only on the street, but also in the church.
As for the clothes of adults on this day, there are even fewer wisdoms here than when choosing an outfit for a baby. Just match the event, time and place.

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How to prepare the baby for the event?

The day of baptism is always not easy, but first of all, you need to think about ensuring that all the needs of the child are met, and the baby himself is as little as possible involved in the festive fuss.
It would not be superfluous to take with you to church something that usually accompanies a child, for example, on a long walk: a disposable diaper, wet wipes, spare sliders or tights, quiet favorite toys, bottles of milk and water, and so on. By the way, no one will be against the fact that, for example, during imsha before baptism, a mother and baby will go to sacristy to change diapers or breastfeed the child.
After baptism, when guests, as is usually the case, gather at home to celebrate the event, it is not advisable to leave the child in the same room with adults. Still, for a baby, all this celebration is more stressful than a pleasant pastime.

How is the christening ceremony?

The godmother, according to tradition, buys and brings clean white shirt-shirt, and the godfather - bought at the church white candle. However, often parents themselves buy these items - here you can agree.
Before the rite of baptism, both parents and godparents must confess and take communion. It is good if all the guests present at the ritual do this.

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The rite of baptism outside imsha takes about half an hour, and if you decide that baptism will be during the liturgy, be prepared for an hour. Since baptism during imsha is more common, let's consider it.
During baptism, the parents stand in front of the altar, behind them or next to them are the godparents. The mother usually holds the child, but there are no specific rules here. Parents and godparents pronounce prayer which testifies to their faith, and publicly commit themselves raise a child in the Catholic faith. Then there is a direct baptism ceremony, in which the priest reads a special prayer over the baby, after which the rite can develop, depending on the church (there are differences between the Eastern church and the Latin one), according to two scenarios.
1. The forehead of the child is marked with the symbol of the cross and water is poured over his head three times, a holy cross is applied to the baby, after which they are covered with a new white shirt or undershirt, previously brought by the godmother. At this time, the godfather should light the candle he brought from the church candle.
2. The forehead of the baby, his palms and chest are smeared with myrrh and holy water, and at this time they read a joint prayer and light the brought candle.
In the Belarusian church, you can often find the second version of the rite. In this version, by the way, there is also a white vest, but you just need to bring it with you to baptism for sprinkling with blessed water. After - Catholics believe - this vest can help with the illness of the baby. If a serious illness occurs, the child is dressed in a christening robe or covered with it. Also, often in a vest from the baptism of one child, if it has remained new, they put on the next baby born in this family. It is believed that children from this will certainly be friendly.

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Baptismal rumors that are just rumors.

Since the time of its existence, the ritual of baptism has grown with an incredible amount of rumors and misconceptions. Here is some of them.
- The godmother cannot be pregnant during baptism, because the unborn child can take away the health of the mother's godson.
- Godparents cannot be spouses.
- The first godson of a woman can only be a boy, and men - only a girl. Otherwise, godparents may not wait for their offspring.
- Anyone who sees the baby at baptism for the first time should put money next to him so that the child is healthy.
- A candle at baptism must be lit with the right hand, so that the child does not grow up left-handed.
- If the candle goes out at baptism, the baby will not live a long life.
There are a great many such beliefs, however, we recall that they are all delusions. Don't believe? Ask a priest!

The first gifts for the baby from the godparents. What to give?

A good solution in a situation with a gift would be a preliminary discussion of who and what will give, because obligatory gifts are cross or locket, as well as image(icon). The rest of the gifts can be chosen at your discretion, but it would be nice to give something memorable, something that the child can keep, if not for life, then for many years as a symbol of spiritual connection with his second parents.

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And finally.
When planning and organizing a child's baptism, remember that although this is an important and memorable event, it is not mandatory. You should not baptize a baby just because parents or friends insist on it. But if you decide that the baptism will take place, let this day be really special for you and your child. Good and peace to your family!

Olya Samardak



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