Moscow Operetta. Moscow State Academic Operetta Theater

The history of the Operetta Theater began in 1922, but performances in its building began earlier. The hall of the house of the merchants Solodovnikovs, great art lovers, was considered one of the best concert venues in Moscow. After the revolution, a private entrepreneur opened an operetta theater in this building, on the stage of which many celebrities of that time appeared. Operettas by such recognized masters of the genre as Imre Kalman, Ferenc Lehar, Johann Strauss were staged on the Moscow stage. It was fashionable and prestigious to buy a ticket to the operetta theater. The end of the NEP era could also be the end of the theater, but a decision was made to support the Operetta by the state. G. Yaron became the first Soviet director of the Operetta Theater. The theater's repertoire has expanded with works by Russian composers: Kabalevsky, Dunaevsky, Shostakovich. Over the years, dozens of famous artists have shone on the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theater and at traveling performances abroad. The most famous of them is Tatyana Shmyga, People's Artist of the USSR, an unsurpassed soprano.

In 1988 the theater was renamed. Now it is officially called the "State Academic Theater "Moscow Operetta"". The late 1990s - 2000s are a new era in the existence of the theater. It was then that a new genre for Russian art confidently entered the Moscow stage - the musical. The first premiere of the world-famous musical at the Operetta Theater took place in 2001 - it was the famous "Metro". In 2002, the turn of the "Notre Dame Cathedral" came, and in 2003? - Romeo and Juliet. Since then, new musicals have been constantly staged at the theater, and no one is going to abandon the traditions - the classical operetta. Having bought a ticket to the Operetta Theater you will not be disappointed. A cozy hall of a classic type, decorated in gold and burgundy tones, immediately sets you up for listening to great music. Masterpieces of operetta and musical - from "The Merry Widow" to "Romeo and Juliet" and "Cinderella" - are best perceived in this theater, where everything breathes operetta. Purchase tickets at the box office or order them online, with our help. The corresponding section of the site contains information about upcoming performances and availability. Let's learn great art together!

From the first owners - the princes Shcherbatovs - the house on Bolshaya Dmitrovka passed to the merchants Solodovnikovs. With the direct participation of the new owners, at the beginning of the 20th century, with the help of famous artists, one of the best concert and theater halls in Moscow was created within its walls. Today, the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theater is also very popular. Modern lighting and sound equipment is perfectly combined with the classical beauty of the hall, its soft, velvety comfort in burgundy and gold tones, amazing painted ceiling.
According to the State Archives, at the end of 1927, the Moscow Council of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies "categorically" decided: "The operetta should be preserved. To improve the repertoire, bringing it closer to the tasks of the present. Almost immediately, the young team, headed by G. Yaron, came to success and popularity. In the playbill of the theater, next to the recognized classics J. Offenbach, I. Strauss, F. Legar, I. Kalman, P. Abraham, the brilliant composers of our country I. Dunaevsky, Y. Milyutin, T. Khrennikov, D. Shostakovich, D .Kabalevsky. With sincere interest they created their works especially for the stage of the operetta theater. Thanks to the brightest talent, the excellent skill of actors and directors, the Moscow Operetta Theater has become a leader in its genre not only in Russia, but has also won great prestige in Europe.

Today, the Moscow Operetta remains true to its traditions. Such remarkable actors as People's Artist of the USSR T. Shmyga, People's Artists of Russia L. Amarfiy, V. Bateiko, S. Varguzova, G. Vasiliev, M. Koledova, Yu. Vedeneev, V. Rodin, A. Markelov , V. Michelet, Honored Artists of Russia V. Belyakova, I. Gulieva, J. Zherder, I. Ionova, E. Zaitseva, T. Konstantinova, E. Soshnikova, V. Ivanov, V. Shlyakhtov, artists S. Krinitskaya, M Bespalov, P. Borisenko, A. Golubev, A. Kaminsky, A. Babenko and others. The repertoire of the theatre, revealing a huge acting and staging potential, combines classic and modern operetta, musical and show....

Melodies that cannot be forgotten, musical theatre, the charm of which is impossible not to succumb - an operetta, brilliant and life-affirming, rebellious and cheerful. This genre of art at all times had a huge number of fans in the world. And today its best traditions are embodied by the Moscow Operetta Theater - the leader of today's stage, a concert venue where the loudest premieres take place.

This theater hall was opened in the center of the capital at the beginning of the 20th century with the participation of the merchants Solodovnikovs. Later, in the repertoire of the troupe, along with the brilliant compositions of Offenbach, Lehar, Kalman, Strauss, Abraham, there appeared productions with beautiful music by our composers: I. Dunaevsky, D. Shostakovich, T. Khrennikov, D. Kobalevsky, Y. Milyutin. Among the soloists, Tatyana Shmyga has certainly become a bright star of the national operetta. Today's poster also delights guests of the theater with premieres to music and libretto by talented contemporary authors: Y. Kim, A. Zhurbin, R. Ignatiev, K. Breitburg.

In the recent history of the theater, musicals have occupied a large place; these performances always gather the audience and surprise the audience with a new approach to stage implementation. It was on the stage of the Operetta Theater that Russian viewers first saw Chicago, where the events of Alexandre Dumas' novel The Count of Monte Cristo unfold and the history of Russia comes to life in the production of The Count Orlov or Rome, as in Caesar and Cleopatra. There are also performances for children in the poster. Young viewers can once again see the story of "Cinderella" or the hero of Kipling's fairy tale "Mowgli". Beautiful music, original direction, talented performers - these are the components of success that accompanies each premiere. The voices of the famous soloists of the theater are heard in its hall, from the TV screen, radio broadcasts, in many large concert programs.

The Moscow Operetta State Academic Theater was opened in 1992. But the history of the theater itself, or rather the building in which it is located, begins quite a long time ago and contains many interesting facts. The first owners of the house on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, which is now occupied by the theater, were the princes Shcherbakovs. After that, he moved to the fairly well-known merchants Solodovnikovs. But at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the new owners and artists, the walls of the building were painted, and so another concert and theater hall in Moscow appeared, which is currently one of the best. The theater is quickly gaining popularity. And today, the design of its hall will impress any of its visitors. The hall is equipped with modern lighting and acoustic equipment, the seats are upholstered in velvet. If you want to buy tickets to the Operetta Theater, then you will definitely not be disappointed.

Initially, performances were staged only in winter, since at the end of spring, all performances were held in the Mirror Theater of the Hermitage Garden.

The very first theatrical season opened with the play "Favorite", until that moment this operetta had never been staged in Russia, Nikolai Anatolyevich Dashkovsky played the title role. At this time, "Geisha", "Fairy of Carnivals", "La Bayadère", "Silva", "Gypsy Love", "Night of Love" were also staged.

Over the years, such outstanding actors as Z.L. Svetlanova, N.A. Dashkovsky, T.Ya. Bach, N.M. Bravin, A. G. Censor, D.S. Davydov, E.Ya. Lebedeva, K.M. Novikova, D.F. Giusto, E.L. Legat, G.M. Yaron, V.K. Pavlovskaya, M.A. Kachalov, N.O. Ruban, V. Bogachev and many others.

The repertoire of the Moscow Operetta Theater has always included works by outstanding classics (J. Offenbach, J. Strauss, F. Lehar, I. Kalman, P. Abraham) and composers of our country (I. Dunaevsky, Yu. Milyutin, D. Kabalevsky, D. Shostakovich). Russian composers were happy to create their works for the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theatre.

Over the years, the theater has become the leading operetta theater in our capital, thanks to the great talent and excellent skill of not only directors, but also actors. The theater tours abroad a lot, which made it possible to win great love and recognition in Europe.

Initially, the theater was considered private, but in 1927 it acquired the status of a state theater. And in 1928 he received a new room in the Aquarium winter theater.

Captivating musical performances, a non-standard approach to the selection of actors - the main performers of roles for an academic theater, modern lighting and sound equipment made the theater performances memorable and unusual. Operetta Theater strive to preserve and develop the classical genre of musical comedy. This desire is reflected in the production of "My Fair Lady" and "Paris Life".

You can buy tickets to the Operetta Theater at the box office or order them online, with our help.

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