Powerful chin. How to read a person's character by facial features - physiognomy

In the east, a wide, protruding, full chin is considered ideal. In second place is a square chin. A narrow, weak chin is considered bad. Of particular importance is the chin for a woman. When choosing a bride, first of all, they look for her to have a large, rounded, full, protruding forward and (ideally) a double chin with a dimple. It is believed that women with such a chin are loving wives and good housewives. A small pointed chin is worse, but it also speaks of a good heart. But a square or rectangular chin shows that a woman is stubborn and self-willed. Such a wife will scandalize or command her husband.

Vertical chin

It is not difficult to determine the character by such a chin. People with such a chin are extremely distrustful, closed, it is difficult to talk to them, reserved, laconic. They do not want to be indebted even to their loved ones and keep all their worries to themselves. Most often, people with a vertical chin are mental workers, they cannot do physical labor. Able to perform routine, meticulous work that others find too tiring. They have everything laid out on the shelves, each document has its place, each item has not changed its location for years. They are reliable, at any moment they can give out the necessary information, there is never a malfunction. In addition, they also have a developed imagination, make their own adjustments to the organization of work, and submit original ideas. Creators by nature, but even more critics. People who are unorganized and undisciplined, slow and lazy, cause them contempt and are always the object of their criticism, which greatly annoys the latter. It cannot be said that everyone in the team loves such people, but the fact that it is difficult to do without them is undeniable. Among such people there are also petty, cynical, but they always remain honest, do not hypocrite, are able to go to the end in the actions taken, even if success is doubtful.

"January"- obsessed with new ideas. Accumulating money, they may one day decide to invest it in a very dubious project.

People with such a chin are generous, disinterested, you can always borrow any amount from them and know that you will not fall into their addiction. They don't ask for anything in return. It is difficult to navigate in matters of commerce, they are often deceived, do not return debts, do not pay dividends. By the nature of their nature, they are unpretentious, they can be content with what they have, live in any conditions and consider themselves the happiest. With all this, they easily and quickly achieve their goal, early become independent, independent of loved ones. They do not attach great importance to success, they do not chase after fame, after big money. If they take the wrong path, then it is impossible to re-educate them. Many of those who have gone astray end up in penal colonies several times and each time repent, saying that this time is the last. In extreme situations, they do not control themselves, they are very cruel, it is possible to stop their aggressive actions only by physical force. Knowing their character, they avoid various kinds of conflicts, try not to have problems.

How to determine the character of the chin "July" of people? They are calm and balanced, charming, have a certain cold and strict beauty. They love antiques, and women love expensive jewelry, good perfumes. They often change sex partners because they feel lonely and are looking for their man. Men with this form of chin are also lonely, even in a family or a large team. They are too proud, independent, but persistent in achieving the goal. These people are exceptionally smart, have an analytical mindset, scientific inclinations, ingenuity, and the ability to discover. They are not always successful in their professional activities, but they never despair. They do not like to ask for indulgences or promotions for themselves, even if they deserve it. Willingly give practical advice to all those who need them, disinterested, generous.

People with a vertical chin are in good health, physically strong and hardy. Bold, determined and, it should be noted, not too stubborn, very good-natured with everyone. They love sports: wrestling, swimming, tennis. They are hardworking, never get tired, do not know overwork, which is a clear advantage over others in any field of activity.

"December"- excessively quick-tempered, irritable, arguing with them is not safe, and it is impossible to prove anything to them. Wrestlers by nature, do not allow someone to take over them, especially in sports. In favorable conditions, when they are given due attention, they can achieve unprecedented results, and in any field of activity. Full of various plans that they themselves know how to implement. They are not influenced, they will listen to everyone, but they will do it at their own discretion. These are excellent organizers from the school bench and carry this gift through their whole lives. Such people are very decent in relations with others, their actions are weighed, comprehensively considered. Never rely on chance. Their gaze is prickly, studying. They can interrupt the interlocutor if they see falsehood, forgery. They pierce the interlocutor with a look, like an x-ray.

"May"- strong and courageous people, including women, have a masculine character, prefer to communicate and be friends with men more, women are ignored. They do not like physical labor, they prefer to use the potential of their sharp, analytical mindset. They have a strong memory. Women choose calm men as husbands, complaisant, so that they can calmly lead them, have power over them. Both men and women with vertical chins are by nature very diligent, obligatory, assertive. Any business is brought to its logical conclusion, they do not shift their responsibilities to others. They like to work in such a way that everything is in full readiness, any piece of paper, any document is at hand. They think over their actions in advance, follow a strictly planned plan. Failures and errors are not for them. They are distinguished by innate intelligence, especially men. They devote a lot of time to thinking about the meaning of life, they read a lot, they have extensive knowledge in many areas. Their presence brings peace and tranquility to any society.

"September" people with a vertical chin are calm, compliant, like to be in the spotlight, but never create conflict situations.

What can say about the nature of the chin? Its owners are tolerant of other people's shortcomings, prone. forgive insults, they can agree with someone on controversial issues so as not to escalate the situation, but they always have their own opinion. They are loyal to the judgments of others, believing that everyone has the right to their own views. They never interfere in other people's affairs, do not enter into a conversation if they are not asked. They are so delicate that it is difficult to accuse them of tactlessness, but it is easy to suspect them of indifference to everything that happens. However, if necessary, everyone can turn to them for help and will never be refused. They know how to control themselves, never give vent to feelings, do not spoil their nervous system for nothing. They have the ability to convey their state of serenity to others.

Protruding chin

Considering the structure of the chin, you need to pay attention to the structure of the forehead. A protruding chin and a sloping forehead are characteristic of a person obsessed with suspicion.

If a person's chin protrudes forward, you have a strong and energetic person in front of you. All his life he will strive for vigorous activity. Even in childhood, such a character trait as stubbornness will manifest itself.

Even if an early break with parents occurs, the character of such a person will not break, because nature has endowed him with a strong will. He will achieve everything in life on his own.

A person with such a chin is able to correctly set goals and accurately choose the means to achieve them.

It is possible that a person who has a protruding chin will marry twice. He will maintain a good relationship with his ex-spouse (wife) even after the divorce. Moreover, maintaining a good relationship after a divorce will be much easier than building normal family relationships. Such a person is simply not able to perceive his half as an equal partner.

In the professional field, such a person will achieve high results. Having taken a leadership position, he will begin to demonstrate a totalitarian style. However, this does not prevent him from being known as a fair boss. He will not force anyone to move to another department or another company in order to get a well-deserved promotion, he will not offend with his inattention.

Basically, his life will develop according to the plan.

Deviations are possible due to circumstances arising in personal life.

A protruding chin always shows willpower. But here it is important to pay attention to what form it is. If the chin is wide and long, then we have a born leader, he will definitely succeed.

A sharp, long, protruding chin occurs in smart, insightful, sarcastic and very cunning people. In general, they achieve results not by courage, but by cunning. Such people reach high positions infrequently. But if they succeed, they begin to weave intrigues. A woman of this type has a shorter and rounder chin with thick sensual lips. In relation to them, the chin shows sexuality and a tendency to often change partners.

cut chin

A cut chin speaks of an inability to concentrate, endure, restrain, testifies to a timid and narrow-minded nature. Such people, as a rule, are pessimists. Their wealth will flow away, relations with relatives will be upset, they are often unlucky in love. If a cut chin grows into the neck, then such people cannot stand loneliness, they cannot endure.

If the chin is cut off, but outlined convexly, a person constantly has to overdo himself, although it is given to him with great difficulty. Such a person knows how to concentrate on only one moment, he is not enough for a long time. But with a clearly fixed mouth and a strongly pronounced nose, the will of such a person is more pronounced, although it manifests itself in flashes.

Long pointed chin

What does a sharp chin mean? A long and sharp chin speaks of a penetrating mind.

According to physiognomy, a sharp chin is exactly the type of people whose whole life depends on their immediate environment.

Because of his character, a person does not want to listen to the opinions of others, does not know how to adapt to circumstances.

A person with a sharp chin will not immediately be able to achieve recognition, because the inability to communicate with people casts doubt on his professional qualities. If education allows him to occupy high positions, then he will become a middle manager.

A peculiar manner of communication will cause late marriage. His mind will always look for a way to express itself. Lacking the ability to joke easily and naturally, such a person will eventually develop a penchant for sarcasm. It is one thing to mock in friendships, and another in romantic relationships.

The chin, as if pushed back, indicates that the nature in front of you is soft and indecisive. All his life, such a person will seek support and support.

It is these natures that become quiet wives who put up with their husband's infidelity for years, and calm husbands, led by more energetic wives.

beefy chin

What can say about the nature of the chin? You can't help but pay attention to this person. He is too smart, lucky, noticeable. Nature endowed him with an extraordinary mind and selfishness - a truly explosive mixture.

Having decided on life goals, they, as a rule, do not deviate from what was planned. They are not shy when choosing the means to achieve the desired, they never question the correctness of the tasks set and do not think about their moral side.

The value of a fleshy chin is enormous. Such a person loves himself too much to deny himself anything. On occasion, he can always find a person who is able to help him in projects. There will be many such people in his life. Of course, he treats many of them harshly, but he will not make powerful and strong enemies for himself, he is too smart for this.

It is highly likely that a person with a fleshy chin will marry several times or, after the first divorce, decide to remain single. Selfishness will not allow you to create a relationship full of mutual understanding.

Men of this type often become convinced bachelors who never deny themselves pleasure. And women are adventurers. Left alone, they do not lose heart at all, enjoy freedom and the ability to conquer men's hearts with their beauty and charm.

cleft chin

What does split chin mean? If the chin at the end bifurcates, then this indicates a high emotionality and sensuality of a person. He likes to please and often starts novels.

According to physiognomy, a cleft chin means a fickle nature. Neither in childhood, nor in adolescence, such people fail to determine what they actually want from life. They constantly create problems for themselves and others.

A sufficiently long period of time will pass before such a person manages to determine what kind of activity is most acceptable for him. As a rule, he does not achieve high leadership positions. However, in the service he is valued for his ingenuity, creative approach to business.

People around him love him for his ease and ease in communication. He has many friends, but few true friends.

It is possible that one of the friends will be offended and even think about revenge. And the whole point is the carelessness of this person, who can easily "cross the path" to his own friend, if something captivates him.

Such people are amorous natures. Very often they cancel their own wedding at the very last moment. If there are several marriages, then you should not hope that after a divorce a good relationship will remain with the former half.

In general, the life of these people cannot be called calm. A lot depends on what kind of relationship you have with your parents and who will be there at the beginning of your career path.

Square chin

A person with such a chin has the will, determination and firmness of character. However, this type of chin is good for a man, but not for a woman. Usually a square chin occurs in people with not the highest intelligence.

The female version of such a chin is softer, rounded. Women of this type are courageous and courageous, but they are ready for self-sacrifice.

A person with a large square and wide chin also has willpower, he will achieve his goal and will definitely win. In addition, he is power-hungry and loves to have sex.

Character traits on the chin

As for the chin and jaws, they are almost inseparable and are therefore often discussed together in Chinese texts. These two traits govern the later years of life and are located in positions 60 to 79 and 98 and 99 on the left side.

How to determine the character of the chin? Well developed jaws on a round or square face, in accordance with the general contour of the face, usually indicate a strong character. With a round face, the jaws indicate affection, generous character and self-control, provided that they are wide and covered with a strong and abundant lash. With a square face, they speak of a person of great determination with a firm or difficult character. Such jaws are usually associated with professional athletes or the military. Generally speaking, however, the reader of the face should keep in mind that wide jaws and a wide chin are a sign of strong character, unless they are marred by other bad facial features (such as a weak or broken nose or lifeless eyes). A person, whether male or female, having such a jaw and chin is likely to have a very successful life if other facial features are favorable and in balance and proportion.

As a rule, the wider the jaw, the wider the chin. The size and position of these two features should be well matched. A wide and slightly raised chin is absolutely essential for the balance of the entire face. This indicates happiness and security in later life.

A weak and pressed chin is a clear sign of a fatal flaw in character and fate. A weak chin puts all other facial features in a detrimental position, starting from the forehead and below.

A severe gap in the chin as a result of splitting of the bony structure or flesh covering the chin is known as a "split chin". As a "rule of thumb" we can say that such a gap indicates a cordial, tender, passionate nature. This is often found among artists, actors, musicians, inventors and writers, i.e. among people whose creative work generates high emotions.

However, if the "split chin" is due to bony structure rather than skin having good tension along the entire length of the gap, and if it is accompanied by defective irises, and possibly an imperfect dorsum, then it may mean an unnatural death. A "split chin" in the absence of other defects indicates possible problems of immersion in introspection.

It is not difficult to determine the character by the chin. In some cultures, a pointed chin in women is considered a sign of beauty. Such a chin may not be fully developed and therefore not fleshy enough. But a fully developed chin should appear around the age of 30. If the chin remains pointed at this age, then the physiognomist usually considers this a detrimental feature, since it is often poorly balanced with other prominent facial features. Unbalance is always undesirable. After the age of 30, a pointed chin can speak of a collapse of hope, illness, and a short life.

A wide jaw and a wide chin on a broad face is a sign of a strong personality. Such traits are often found in people of great strength and dexterity. Nothing can make such people deviate from achieving the intended goal. However, a long chin with underdeveloped flesh is a sign of an unsuccessful financial businessman. If the chin is flat, then this indicates that the person is not resourceful.

Heavy jaws, protruding from both sides of the lower part of the face and clearly visible when viewed from behind, indicate a rebel, a person of strong, uncontrollable passions. Such a person is able to repay a good deed with betrayal. Politicians, revolutionaries, unprincipled businessmen usually have this type of jaw.

In some cases, the protruding jaw is hidden behind massive flesh. This speaks of a self-centered, selfish person. A woman with such jaws is often a difficult marriage partner because she constantly rebels against her fate.

Now you know how to determine the character by the chin.

The chin is primarily an indicator of a person's will and suggestibility. But there are features. Interestingly, the chin is finally formed in a person only by the age of 30, but, as a rule, the character of the owner can be read even earlier.

The more the chin is pushed forward, the more stubborn, self-confident the person is. Often this even speaks of aggressiveness.

The chin recessed back speaks of suggestibility and lack of will, patience.

A round chin betrays an excellent organizer, and such a person delegates his work to someone and prefers to observe the process himself. Such people are quite accommodating, do not like open conflicts. They have a friendly temperament, they are patient, sociable. Family values ​​for such people are, as a rule, in the first place. Catherine Zeta Jones has just such a chin.

An oval chin is definitely very beautiful. Monica Bellucci has just such a chin. These are sensual, artistic personalities who have many admirers around.

A pointed chin speaks of intelligence, cunning, resourcefulness. They have an entrepreneurial streak. An excessively long and sharp chin can indicate vindictiveness and even cruelty. Actress Reese Witherspoon is a bright owner of a pointed chin.

A square chin is a sign of strength of character, courage, firmness. But he also speaks of stubbornness, willfulness. If the square chin also comes forward, then its owner is power-hungry and quite self-serving. Angelina Jolie has a square chin.

A double chin with a thin physique indicates endurance, the desire to accumulate wealth, often such people have a cheerful disposition.

A cleft chin is evidence of a passionate nature. And both to the opposite sex, and to adventure. They are ambitious, like to be in the spotlight, risky. At the same time, such people have a cheerful disposition, are often adventurous and may not be too constant in their decisions.

As you can see, the chin can tell a lot about a person.

Vadim Sokolov

Aristotle studied the appearance of a person in order to understand the state of his soul. Hippocrates was engaged in physiognomy in order to better heal the patient. In China, physiognomy was considered and is considered a full-fledged branch of medicine. Modern physiognomists believe that a person's face can be used to determine both the character of its owner and internal changes in the body.

Facial geometry

It is believed that an elongated face with rectangular outlines is a sign of aristocracy. People with such facial features, as a rule, are good organizers who know how to manage the masses. But the “triangle” faces, despite the presence of high intelligence, will not cope with the masses. But they are characterized by increased sensitivity, they can be cunning and dodgy. True, quite often internal experiences lead them to chronic diseases.

A “round” face indicates goodwill, friendliness. Chubby people are usually cheerful, love comfort, unambitious. The owners of "square" faces, as a rule, leaders, are able to make decisions quickly, show perseverance and perseverance in the implementation of their plans. These are consistent, purposeful, cold, rude, even harsh people.

Place of execution

A high and wide forehead testifies to the mind of a person, his inclination to intellectual activities. If a high forehead is also framed by a round hairline, then this speaks of perseverance and independence of character. A low, angular and sloping forehead often betrays people with low intelligence, but at the same time practical and firmly on their feet. A narrow forehead and low-growing hair indicate a mediocre nature.

Where wrinkled

Pronounced horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are a good sign. Their owner can achieve significant success in life. Two small, even vertical lines on the bridge of the nose indicate great organizational skills. If the vertical lines are uneven, curved, there is reason to be wary: such a person is prone to aggression. Scattered, thin, irregularly shaped wrinkles indicate a heavy, vicious character.

The owners of a wide chin are people, as a rule, sharp and rude, inclined to solve problems from a position of strength. "Square" chins are quite mercantile and often obsessed with material problems. A square chin, combined with prominent cheekbones, indicates determination and masculinity.

Nature rewards sensitive and reasonable people with a rounded chin. Sharp - cunning, with an entrepreneurial streak. A person with a prominent chin is considered to be strong-willed and self-confident in nature. A sloping chin, on the contrary, betrays a weak will, often a difficult, uncontrollable character.

Lips are not just for kissing

Thin lips are a sign of coldness and prudence, and full lips are a sign of sensuality. People with full lips love to eat well, tend to indulge in the joys of life. It is generally accepted that the straighter the line of the lips, the more prudent a person is. Open, relaxed lips are a sign of indecision, weak will. If the upper lip is thin and the lower lip is slightly protruding, then the person is not without conceit and vanity.

The upper lip, if it is slightly swollen and pushed forward, indicates an accommodating character, a willingness to compromise. A sloping, asymmetrical mouth is a sign of nervousness, constant dissatisfaction. And the lowered corners of the lips are an indicator of depression, self-centeredness and capriciousness.

Ears must be strong

Large and hard ears speak of good health and promise their owner a long life. If the upper part of the ear is highly developed, then the person has an extraordinary mind; a developed middle part is characteristic of people with great opportunities and a supply of energy, and a large lobe is, as it were, an indicator of sexuality.

The owners of pointed ears are not elves at all, but people, but people, as a rule, are cunning and dodgy. Ears located above eye level are a sign of intelligence, while ears located respectively below eye level indicate a lack of it.

Nosy people live longer

A long nose is not only a sign of a pronounced individuality, but also an indicator of health (viruses take too long to get into the nasopharynx). A short nose gives out a tendency to optimism and friendliness. And if the tip of a short nose is slightly upturned, then such people are liberated and sexy. A thin hooked nose will tell about pride and stubbornness. And the nose, similar to the beak of an eagle, indicates the vindictiveness of nature.

sparks in the eyes

Shine in the eyes indicates a great internal potential and high performance. "Extinct" eyes, on the contrary, are a sign of weakness, sadness or depression. Large eyes indicate a tendency to creativity, philosophical inclinations. It is generally accepted that the larger the eyes, the higher the emotional susceptibility of a person.

If in the art of face reading the forehead is the sky, then the chin is the earth. Look closely at the chin if you want to know what a person's life will be like in old age. It is he who hides the secrets of time.

A Chinese proverb says: a beautifully rounded, smooth chin speaks of a prosperous old age. From the chin, one can learn about working capacity, endurance and vitality, that is, about the method and manner of action with which a person copes with the requirements of life until death itself.

The chin gives us general information about how things are with physical and mental strength, whether there is enough vigor to old age, and, finally, whether it will be possible to maintain the joy of life. They say about the ideal chin if it describes an even arc, without being either angular or round. In addition, the chin should not dominate the face, all parts of the face should be in harmony.

round chin

A person with a round chin is distinguished by a pronounced sense of family and an even friendly temperament. He has a positive influence on others. In controversial cases, he is great as a peacemaker. These people willingly take responsibility for the work performed and have high moral principles. By no means can they be called ambitious.

round chin

They seem to lack purposeful career planning. However, their career starts early enough. Sociability brings them almost always success at work. Women with a round chin are considered emphatically emotional and willingly work for their family. In China, they say: women with round chins are fertile. Erotically, they are easy to satisfy: acrobatic exercises are not for them. Most of all they are concerned about the happiness of children and prosperity in the house, family happiness often becomes the center of their lives. The prospect of being surrounded by a dozen grandchildren in old age is the dream of a woman with a round chin.

A pointy chin

People with sharp chins are highly intelligent, but they are overly sensitive and prone to mood swings. They are said to be fond of gossip and have a penchant for treachery.

The worst thing that can happen to such a person is loneliness. This fickle character requires constant movement and an audience to satisfy his great need for communication. Often these people also have the ability to perceive the supersensible. Relying on this gift, they can sometimes benefit for themselves.

A pointy chin

Professionally, they are not only excellent workers, but also have the ability to make decisions quickly. If women with sharp chins reach heights in social activities, then men with this type of chin are distinguished by outstanding technical abilities. Women and men with this chin shape sometimes experience difficulties in their personal lives, they cannot cope with their own feelings. This leads to misunderstandings, for example, someone with a sharp chin, due to their gullibility, sees more in flirting than it really is. Women with a sharp chin often have excellent vocal abilities, which is especially admired by men. However, these ladies are gullible and enthusiastic, they are ready to rush headlong into marriage, the stability of which is in great doubt.

wide chin

This strong chin indicates a correct, honest person who has great self-confidence and finds satisfaction in work. Everything he starts is brought to an end. It seems that a wide chin has inexhaustible reserves of energy. The business and social successes of these people are a matter of course.

Their sense of justice brings them much sympathy. Not without envious people here. Negative traits: pronounced stubbornness and a tendency to aggression. True, these traits of character appear, as experience shows, only in rare cases.

wide chin

Such people defend their honor very resolutely, in this case the jokes stop instantly. The palette of their feelings is diverse - from a pronounced protective instinct to a deep love for their own children and the ability to sympathize with others, but in relation to a partner they often cannot show their feelings, perhaps for fear of losing control over themselves.

If ever a man with a wide chin is deceived by his mistress, then he will be consistent to the end and will never forgive such an insult.

Angled chin

Looking at a person with an angular chin, one can immediately say that this is a fighter, energetic and active, sometimes even prone to bitterness and rudeness. Such a character does not tolerate defeat. Such a person never forgets disrespect and insults, because he can be incredibly vindictive. People with this chin shape are unlikely to rush headlong into professional or personal life, but will usually act according to a carefully designed plan. But, it is known that life does not always go according to plan, and sometimes surprises. Despite their vitality, a person with an angular chin does not feel the joy of being. His penchant for exaggerated discipline makes him a dry pedant. For full communication, he lacks flexibility.

Angled chin

If the energy and fighting spirit of such a person are directed in the wrong direction, then he can easily fall into a criminal environment. This form of chin is often found in criminal cases in the economy and even rapists.

People with an angular chin like to live in a big way. If, against expectation, they ever find themselves in cramped financial circumstances, they will never confess their misfortune, but rather write a bad check. A love affair due to a series of misunderstandings can easily turn into chaos for them. They were not born to love and be loved. Because of their rude manners, a possible partner would rather run away than go to bed. Women of this type usually dominate in a partnership, and not of their own free will, just the main role is imposed on them by fate. But experience proves that such a situation can suit them.

Protruding chin

This predominantly male form of the chin indicates great self-confidence, sometimes overconfidence and aggressiveness. Having a strong will, the owner of such a chin can direct negative character traits in a favorable direction. Success very early accompanies such a person. He is considered a born entrepreneur or manager. Often these people have a special sense of language that helps them reach leadership positions in the service.

In their restless nature lies a danger to both their business and their personal lives. They may suddenly quit a good job and do something completely different, such as a career in the arts. It is worth noting that they often have a pronounced creative talent and know how to make friends.

Protruding chin

They hardly need to worry about their physical health. Their physical strength and strong physique tend to cause envy. Women with a protruding chin are considered very purposeful in achieving a career and are endowed with conspicuous beautiful breasts. They have a reliable instinct to find the right man who can satisfy their various needs.

Women involved in science usually experience financial difficulties. But if they have enough money, they scatter it right and left, although some of them are as poor as church mice.

long chin

A long chin indicates a very emotional, often mentally unstable person. Due to their inherent instability of character, they are sometimes prone to gambling. When excited, they are capable of uncontrolled risk.

Surprisingly, it seems that people with a long chin always have money, and it is not clear whether they got it legally. But their wealth can be used by others. Positive traits are organizational talent and the ability to make friends. Professionally, they do not strive to reach leadership positions, as they are completely devoid of vanity. But thanks to their bright abilities, they often occupy a high position.

long chin

Happiness, which does not always accompany them in the game, they find in abundance in love. Women and men with this chin shape can show a lot of tenderness towards their partner. Usually they enjoy a lot of attention of the opposite sex. Their vibrant love life is able to compensate for some of the difficulties in their lives.

Receding chin

People with a sloping chin, according to XiangMing, do not have great ambition, so promotion is not the main thing in life for them. However, they are very popular because of their peacefulness. Their interests are mainly focused on creating for themselves the most peaceful life possible.

Receding chin

The period between 35 and 50 years old can be very hectic, and there may be blows of fate. They must reckon with a dramatic turn in their lives. The problems that have arisen can be solved by these people only when they learn to overcome their passivity, indifference and vigorously fight for happiness.

cleft chin

People with a cleft chin are captivating with their passion for adventure, and it seems that they are constantly waiting for a new challenge of fate. Cheerful disposition and balanced, they have the image of good comrades. This assessment is fully consistent with reality.

Ambition and panache are alien to these people, although they like to be in the spotlight. They undoubtedly enjoy the sympathy of others, so they rarely appear alone. Such people enter into numerous relationships, and each time they fall deeply and seriously in love. They know how to enjoy love and sex with their beloved (beloved). But don't expect loyalty from them. The constant search for perfect happiness makes them tireless. It seems that they are full of boundless vitality, which helps them to maintain spiritual youth until old age.

cleft chin

30 years, 60, 65 and 75 years are the most eventful years in the life of these individuals. Success in professional activities (both men and women) contributes to their attractive appearance. But they must show their readiness to achieve something themselves. If there is a dimple in the middle of the bifurcated chin, then this person, according to interpreters, has a more serious character. In love, he will be lucky to find a permanent and reliable partner. However, on his part, accidental betrayals are not excluded, but this will not lead to a quick break in relations.

Double chin

Regarding the double chin, XiangMing says: late happiness, after 60 years - double happiness. A double chin is a predominantly female form of the chin. It is not difficult to assume that these people know how to enjoy life, especially food. They can withstand extremely heavy workloads and skillfully conduct dialogue in discussions. Obviously, their cheerful nature is appreciated, as their company is always welcome. Surprisingly, people with a double chin sometimes have a passionate temperament.

Double chin

Men with this chin shape often have a penchant for unusual professions, but in any case, they show a special talent for making big money. However, the accumulation of wealth does not satisfy these people. They can be unusually generous and easily part with money.

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Now it is fashionable to talk about physiognomy, but did you know that the roots of this science go back to the ancient world? So, in Asia, it was an integral part of Confucianism, and the ancient Greeks heard about it. Let's take a look at the general aspects.

Physiognomy - the shape and color of the eyes, eyelids in men and women: examples with descriptions, photos

big-eyed people, as a rule, have all the makings of a leader. There is a lot for this - courage, will, spiritual sensitivity.

IMPORTANT: However, keep in mind that such people are more prone to making short-term decisions. Far-reaching plans do not always work out for them.

Small eyes they often say that you have a personality closed, from time to time sullen, not without stubbornness and complacency. However, these people are different. constancy.

elongated eyes, the upper corners of which look up - refinement nature. Wherein men can boast of decisiveness, and women characterized by unreasonable behavior.

Men with narrow eyes, the upper corners of which are raised up - nature, according to physiognomy, decisive

Narrow eyes, according to physiognomy, are a sign of a refined nature.

If the eyes are located on one line- this is a good sign.

Eyes located on the same line - a good sign in physiognomy

close set eyes - a signal that a person gravitates towards something narrowly focused.

IMPORTANT: Such a person gives all his strength to the chosen direction.

Close-set eyes in physiognomy - a sign of narrow focus

Eyelids also play an important role in physiognomy. For example, pronounced upper talk about maturity or fatigue, and lower- about a stormy life.

Let's talk about eye color:

Light brown eyes in physiognomy - prudence

Gray eyes, according to physiognomy, are inquisitive people

Physiognomy: the shape of the nose, nostrils in men and women

So-called "Roman nose" is a business card leader with an analytical mind. Moreover, the more such a feature is expressed, the more often its owner “sticks price tags” on the surrounding things.

Owners direct nose can boast firmness of character, clear mind, enviable organizational abilities. Aesthetic perception is on top.

IMPORTANT: Such a person copes equally well with both the duties of a leader and the work of a subordinate.

Jude Law is a good example of the fact that people with a straight nose, according to physiognomy, gravitate toward art.

Hooked nose is characteristic skeptics for whom it is perfectly natural to ask a hundred questions and criticize everything in the world. However, this quality hides vulnerable nature.

Snub nose inherent gullible and responsive personalities. Them naivete often childish, Vera in people does not dry out, despite various troubles. Emotions have a huge impact on behavior.

"Potato Nose" very curious of people. Moreover, the larger it is, the more a person shows curiosity.

A little about nostrils:

Physiognomy: the shape of the mouth, upper and lower lips in men and women

It is believed that the mouth women should ideally be characterized by soft lines and small size, and men- rigidity of outlines.

IMPORTANT: If the opposite is true, then the owner of the mouth has character traits of the opposite sex.

If, when compressed, the lips are thin straight line, then this is a sure sign of the predominance thoughtfulness, systematic in actions and scrupulousness. Pettiness should also not be ruled out.

Thoughtfulness - according to physiognomy, a character trait in people with a straight line of the mouth

Upper lip thickness shows us how a person likes to talk- and the thicker it is, the more pleasure a person does it. At the same time, the story is often replete with a mass of colorful details.

Lower the lip shows to what extent its owner generous. People with a full lower lip in every sense are ready to give more than they are sometimes required. They willingly are making concessions.

IMPORTANT: True, there is a certain danger - often such individuals take on their shoulders more than they are able to bear.

Certainly plays a role corner direction mouth: lowered signal pessimism, and raised- about optimism.

Raised corners of the mouth in physiognomy - a characteristic feature of optimists

The lowered corners of the mouth are interpreted by physiognomy as a predisposition to pessimism.

Physiognomy: the shape of the head in men and women

egg-like the head is a feature intellectuals. At the same time, the intellectual may well be windy.

The head in the shape of an egg is a physiognomic sign of a high development of intelligence

Square form is a calling card respectable nature who loves to indulge reflections and to which can rely.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that the wider the head, the more friendly a person can be.

A square head in physiognomy is an indicator of a person's reliability

Pay attention to the width of the head - physiognomy correlates the level of friendliness with this indicator

Roundheads people soft, kind, peaceful and completely devoid of ambition. They are constant in your own interests and love comfort.

A person with a head shape resembling rhombus, always resolute and assertive On him can rely, although sometimes you have to consider with stubbornness, rigidity.

high crown characteristic of people who know how to go to success. They are active and purposeful.

Not so pronounced crown will tell others that a person happens at times indecisive.

Physiognomy: face shape in men and women

square face is unshakable confidence in their actions and thoughts. A big plus is that a person is not only confident in something, but also has the power for the implementation of the goals. Not the shy ones.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely difficult to negotiate with such individuals.

Round - soft tender nature. Usually the real ones gourmets, who not only love delicious food, but also know how to cook.

oval the form - incredulity, propensity to do work by oneself. However, this man can boast industriousness the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

An oval face is inherent, according to physiognomy, to hardworking people

Rhomboid- enough explosive nature. They say about such people that they have one step from love to hate. Fast, smart. However, they don't like being pushed around.

Owners triangular persons also intellectually developed, however, they cannot be called fighters. Are artistic receptive in kind.

IMPORTANT: Mostly optimists, especially women.

Physiognomy: the shape of the forehead in men and women

In order to analyze the personality on the forehead, visually divide the forehead into 3 parts. Then see which one stands out the most:

  • 1 - located near the hairline. Man is philosopher, idealist
  • 2 - middle. Humanist. His beliefs are directly related to society
  • 3 - the area above the eyebrows. These personalities are most valued logic, practicality. Their mind is rational

But the emphasis on the middle part of the forehead physiognomy interprets as an increased humanity of a person

Round the forehead is characteristic of people who successfully cope with the task of inventing original ideas. Any field of activity related to creativity is extremely suitable for them.

Square the forehead belongs innovators. For the sake of interest, they can change a lot of professions in their life, try a lot of hobbies.

IMPORTANT: However, there is also a significant minus - many undertakings rush halfway through.

Oval forehead peculiar conservatives. They will never throw away old things. However, the house will always be not a warehouse, but a cozy nest. With relatives, friends and colleagues, such people manage to support warm relations almost always.

Physiognomy: the shape of the bridge of the nose in men and women

As previously thought, the bridge of the nose can characterize health status man and his predisposition to career growth. To be successful in this regard, you need to have smooth nose bridge.

A smooth nose bridge in physiognomy is a sign of good luck

uneven or rough leather, transverse folds point to Problems in health or career.

Slightly flattened the bridge of the nose says that a person will have to make very a lot of effort during work.

high bridge of the nose is often found in people of high social status. And this is understandable: such individuals are inherent performance and ambition.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can always contact such individuals - they are extremely friendly.

Low the bridge of the nose is often inherent pessimists. These people noticeably lack vitality.

Physiognomy: the shape of the eyebrows in men and women

Low eyebrows are usually found in people who can promptly and unbiased react to something. They have strong character, enviable willpower. At the same time, quite expressive and easily accepted for any business.

Owners high located eyebrows biased. However, it is easy to communicate with them because friendliness, openness, cheerful disposition. it subtle gentle nature who are very easy to impress.

IMPORTANT: Such individuals are used to completing all undertakings, despite their impulsiveness.

Kosovointernal eyebrows - in other words, those that diverge from the bridge of the nose upwards. Their owners anxious, tense, extremely concerned about the quality of their work.

oblique- and such eyebrows diverge from the bridge of the nose down and mean gentleness, care. Moreover, these qualities are observed since childhood. In the future with these people very comfortable to make friends and cooperate.

broken lines people have eyebrows dynamic, who often take on too many worries, but almost always manage. They are impatient and tend to get angry.

arcuate- characteristic of sentimental soft nature. Creativity is their native element.

IMPORTANT: It is best to explain something to such people with examples.

Physiognomy: the shape of the chin in men and women

rounded personalities have a form generous, hospitable, responsive. They will always take an interest in the problems and achievements of others.

Angularity is a signal that the person believes in high goals and motivated by them. He will be until the end defend one's views even if it means getting into a serious argument.

People with pointed chin are their own masters and terribly dislike orders addressed to them. To achieve goals, use only own ways.

beveled chin is characteristic of slightly lazy personalities. They do not have an inner core, so sometimes they can cheat, cheat.Conflicts are avoided by all means.

IMPORTANT: However, a compromise with them can always be found.

speaker has a chin purposeful of people. Everything they have has come from painstaking efforts. To intimidate them is not easy, as well as to force them to surrender.

Double the chin is a signal not only of too many calories in the diet, but also a sign power, strength of character.

People with a double chin, according to physiognomists, are imperious natures.

Physiognomy: the shape of the cheeks in men and women

are full e cheeks - very emotional people who are not able to constantly control the manifestations of their character. At the same time, they are like good interlocutors, and great listeners. We can safely say that such a person will be true friend and great organiser.

sunken cheeks - their owners are enough serious, thoughtful, attentive. Feeling responsibility well developed. However, they are often guided not only by the mind, but also intuition.

IMPORTANT: Such people should carefully take care of their physical condition.

Cheeks dimpled have balanced and gullible personality. They are like to take risks and often are excited, but masterfully disguise it.

Physiognomy: the shape of the ears in men and women

oval or round- often found in gifted personalities, including those showing talent in the musical field. They are impressionable, imaginative and inclined with enthusiasm share results its activities. At the same time, such people tend to show delicacy.

Physiognomists often observed oval or round ears in musicians.

Rectangular- index firmness of character and decency. Definitely available sanity and approach to problem solving realistic. To put it simply, there is probably a practitioner in front of you.

triangular form is typical for those who like to show their individuality. Surely you will see such ears in representatives of creative professions.

IMPORTANT: The downside of this nature is impatience.

It is also worth paying attention to lobe ear. So, small- sign scrupulousness and the ability to organize your life. At the same time, a person likes fast results.

big lobe testifies to excellent health owner. In addition, we can conclude about the character - he persistent. For such a person can rely.

Physiognomy: the shape of the cheekbones, jaws in men and women

Wide cheekbones - indicators of an impressive stock energy and enviable endurance. Such a person may act slowly, but this slowness is deceptive. Any tasks in the end are on the shoulder.

Narrow cheekbones - they say that a person is enough actively releases energy to the surrounding world. This means that the achievement of the goal is carried out by "short dashes", during which the spent energy is replenished.

IMPORTANT: Breaks for a few minutes are what you need for such a person.

Failed cheekbones - meet at introverts. A person turns out to be indifferent to many moments and does not always seek to show participation.

Concerning mandible, then it is considered that the wider she, the more authoritarian the person is in front of you. He has a well-trained voice, likes to lead.

People with narrow jaw cannot boast of perseverance. If they manage to break through, it is more likely due to their aggressive nature or luck. Such individuals definitely need to develop a confident voice, they need to learn how to insist on their point of view.

Physiognomy: the form of language in men and women

Physiognomy allows you to determine nature of the problems with the body even by language:

  • Thickened- most likely wrong digestive system, liver
  • Thin- prone to problems with circulatory system. Violation metabolism also not excluded

IMPORTANT: If the tongue is also long, then it is worth checking the state of the cardiac system.

A long tongue is regarded by physiognomists as a signal that there are problems with the heart.

Pay attention to grooves. They may testify to disturbances in the work of the heart. However, if such marks are excessively deep, it is worth checking kidneys.

The grooves in the tongue physiognomists interpret as problems with the work of the heart

Physiognomy: the shape of the teeth in men and women

White smooth teeth are considered in physiognomy as a sign good luck. They are also called "horse", predicting a person health and good luck. Many friends are also foreshadowed, because the owner of such teeth sociable, friendly and always friendly.

If a slightly larger front teeth others, this is a good omen for marriage. AT financial well-being should also be expected.

IMPORTANT: It is desirable that the teeth taper downwards, not upwards.

Sticking forward teeth meet in nature extraordinary, accustomed to getting everything on their own. Often such people moving away from home- and already in a new place of residence they are building life from scratch.

Diastema is a happy omen. Such people long live, are able make good money. However, we are talking only about the distance between the front teeth - in other cases, the gap should be small.

As you can see, quite a lot can be said about a person without even having time to get to know him properly. If you remember the main aspects of physiognomy, information from the face of the interlocutor will be read without much difficulty.

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