The sea as a natural natural complex. Natural complexes of the Azov and White seas

The Sea of ​​Azov belongs to the basin of the Atlantic Ocean, through the Kerch Strait it connects to the Black

by sea. The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest in the world, its maximum depth is 14 meters, the average depth is about 7.5 m. The area is 37,000 km². The sea has many bays and estuaries. The largest bays:

Taganrog, Temryuk, Kazantip, Arabat, Obitochny, Berdyansk. In the west, the Arabat Spit separates the Sivash Bay (Rotten Sea) from the sea, its shores are covered with a layer of salt in summer.

The gently sloping and low shore is strewn with shell rock. The spits are formed only on the northern coast, this is the result of the long work of the sea waves that washed up the shell rock along the coast. Sea spits lined up in the north: Biryuchiy Ostrov, Obitochnaya, Berdyanskaya, Belosaraiskaya, Krivaya, Tuzlinskaya. A large number of spits is a characteristic feature of the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov.

The temperature regime of the Sea of ​​Azov is characterized by great seasonal variability. The minimum temperature is observed in winter (January-February), the water cools down to +3 ... -3 0С. Starting from December, the Sea of ​​Azov freezes over. In summer +24…+26°С.

The main current is a circular current along the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov counterclockwise. The average speed of the currents is 10–20 cm/s.

The salinity of the sea is three times less than the average salinity in the ocean, and is 12 ‰. The maximum salinity of the waters is observed in the Sivash Bay - 250 ‰. Minimum salinity in the north of the sea, in the Taganrog Bay. The salinity index is constantly changing due to a decrease in the flow of fresh water from rivers. In the sea

the rivers Don, Kuban, Mius, Kalmius, Berda, Obitochnaya carry their waters.

By biological productivity The Sea of ​​Azov occupies first place in the world. The diversity and richness of life in the Sea of ​​Azov is explained by the content of organic matter, which is 5-6 times higher than in other water bodies. Rivers supply the sea with a mass of inorganic and organic substances that are washed out of the soil.

Inorganic substances are necessary for the development of the plant world, organic - for the animal.

Among the inhabitants of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, there are many ancient ones who have already died out in other seas. Among them

include two types of mollusks, one type of crustacean and annelids. 115 fish species have been registered in the Sea of ​​Azov. In addition to sea sturgeon, bream, pike perch, ram, sabrefish, mullet, herring, anchovy, flounder, goby, there are also freshwater fish: crucian carp, gudgeon, roach, tench, pike. From the Mediterranean and Black Seas, tuna, mackerel, eel swim here, making constant migrations. Of the marine mammals, the Azov white-sided dolphin, the harbor porpoise is found here, the Black Sea dolphin swims.

Azov water has healing properties. Shallow depth contributes to good water heating. The combination of sea air and water, sun, beaches with golden sand makes it possible to develop

recreational resources. On the territory of the Donetsk region, settlements: Melekino, Yalta, Urzuf, Novoazovsk, Sedovo, are recognized as resorts.

The Sea of ​​Azov is an important highway. The main port of the Donetsk region is Mariupol.


During the 20th century, almost all rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov were blocked by dams to create reservoirs. This resulted in a significant reduction in discharge fresh water and silt in the sea. After

creation of a hydroelectric complex on the Don, the salinity of the sea began to rise. Concerning spawning conditions worsened fish.

Main sources of pollution are industrial enterprises.

The transparency of the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov is low. In summer, due to the rapid development of the smallest plant and animal organisms in the upper layers of the water, the water acquires a bright green color. This phenomenon is called bloom" of the sea.

Materials for lessons
A guide for teachers and students


The natural complex (landscape) is a combination of the components of nature that are in complex interaction and form an inseparable system. The concept of "natural complex" (PC) is one of the most important in geography. Any natural complex consists of natural components: rocks, relief, water, air, soils and living organisms, forming a single inseparable system. Natural components are in a complex interaction, and any change in one of the components of the natural complex leads to a change in the rest, which leads to the transformation of the complex as a whole.

Facies are the simplest of natural complexes (the smallest link). The facies can be the bottom of a ravine, one of the slopes of a beam or a hill. It is the relief features that are the main reason for the formation of facies. The northern and southern slopes of one beam may differ in the amount of solar heat and light received. In spring, the southern slope is freed from snow faster, plant development begins earlier here, and more heat-loving species can grow. On the northern slope, the vegetation is poorer, shade-tolerant species grow, because this slope of the beam receives less heat and light. Two slopes of the beam are the simplest natural complexes that are part of a larger complex - the beam.

Landscapes are classified into classes and types. Landscape classes are distinguished with a difference in absolute heights; on this basis, mountain and plain are distinguished. There are three classes of landscapes in Ukraine: flat East European, Carpathian and Crimean with signs of the Mediterranean.

Landscape types are distinguished by zonal features. Three types of landscapes have formed on the flat part of Ukraine: mixed forests, forest-steppe, and steppe.

Within Ukraine, there are three physical-geographical countries: the East European Plain, the Ukrainian Carpathians and the Mountainous Crimea. Within the East European Plain, zonal natural complexes of mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppe and steppe are distinguished.

The climate of the Carpathian Mountains differs from the adjacent flat areas. The average annual air temperatures here range from +7 °С on the plains to +0.6 °С in the upper tier of the mountains. The annual amount of precipitation is the largest in Ukraine, their maximum is observed in Montenegro and Gorgan - up to 1400-2000 mm. About 80% of the total precipitation occurs in the summer, part of it falls in the form of showers with severe thunderstorms, but widespread foggy rains are more typical. In the mountainous areas of the Carpathians, the total air temperatures above 10 °C do not exceed 1700-2000 °C.

natural areas

Performance plan

natural areas

Mixed and broad-leaved forests



The northern part of the country, stretching for almost 750 km. The southern border passes near Lvov, Shepetovka, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Nezhin, Glukhov

It extends from west to east for 1100 km from the Carpathians to the Central Russian Upland. The southern border runs along the line Ananyev - Znamenka - Alexandria - Krasnograd - Balakleya - Kupyansk

It stretches for 500 km south of the forest-steppe to the coast of the Black and Azov seas and the foothills of the Crimean mountains

Relief features

The vast majority of the territory is occupied by the Polesskaya lowland. A wavy-hilly plain composed mainly of sandy and sandy loamy glacial deposits. Characteristic heights 120-200 m

Dissected relief of the Volyn, Podolsk, Dnieper Uplands, spurs of the Central Russian Upland and the Dnieper Lowland. Characteristic heights 150-200 m

The southern part of the Dnieper, Podolsk uplands, the Black Sea lowland, the Donetsk and Azov uplands, the North Crimean plain. Characteristic heights 100-200 m

Moderate continental with warm, humid summers and cloudy winters with thaws. Average temperatures in January vary from west to east from -4.5 to -8 °С, in July - from +17 to + 19 °С. On average, 600-680 mm of precipitation falls per year. Moisture coefficient - 2

Moderate continental with sufficient and constant humidity in the west and unstable - in the east. January temperatures from west to east vary from -5 to -8 °С, July - from +18 to +22 °С. The amount of precipitation decreases from west to east: from 550-750 mm in the west to 450 mm in the southwest. Moisture coefficient - 2-1.2

Moderate continental. From west to east, the average temperature in January ranges from -2 to -9 °С, in July - from +20 to +24 °С. The amount of precipitation decreases from northwest to southeast from 475 to 300 mm per year. A characteristic feature is a high level of evaporation, a moisture coefficient of 0.6-0.3

Inland waters

Dense river network (tributaries of the Dnieper). Snow and rain food predominates. Lots of lakes and swamps. Significant areas reclaimed

The density of the river network decreases from west to east. The most important are the Dnieper, Seversky Donets, Southern and Western Bug, Dniester. Snow and rain supply prevails, the share of underground supply does not exceed 10%

Insufficient density of the river network, transit rivers predominate (Dnepr, Southern Bug, Dniester). Local runoff is mainly formed by snow melt. Channels are used for irrigation


The natural vegetation consists of forest, meadow and marsh species. Forest cover - from 10 to 60%, dominated by pine, oak (ordinary, rocky, fluffy), birch, hornbeam, maple, linden, elm, poplar, alder, willow

3 natural vegetation is dominated by broad-leaved forests, oak-hornbeam and

oak and maple forests. Beech forms large massifs in the extreme west. A hornbeam characteristic of the forests of the Dnieper Upland. Pine and

pine-oak forests occupy the sandy terraces of the rivers. Steppe areas are almost not preserved

Natural steppe vegetation today has been preserved only in national parks, reserves and in small areas along the slopes of river valleys, ravines and gullies (feather grass, fescue, bluegrass narrow-leaved). Forest cover is 3%


Squirrel, wolf, beaver, pine marten, wild boar, fox, black ferret, forest cat, elk, badger, roe deer, bank vole, red and small evening. Sometimes there are brown bear and lynx. Of the birds, hazel grouse, black grouse, capercaillie, shpak are common, of reptiles - common viper, snake, lizards, marsh turtle

Elk, wild boar, roe deer, wolf, badger, marten, squirrel live in the forests. In the steppe areas, typical animals are hare, fox, rodents (gophers, hamsters, mice); from birds - gray partridge, quail, oriole, white stork

Gopher, gray hamster, steppe ferret, stone marten, wild rabbit, there are marmot, eared hedgehog, three-toed jerboa. Of the birds, the lark, quail, pink starling, gray partridge are characteristic. Typical steppe reptiles are snake and steppe viper

Zonal soil types

Variety of soil cover with a predominance of soddy-podzolic soils. They occupy 70% of the entire area of ​​Polesie. Bog soils are also widespread.

Dark gray, gray forest, on watersheds - typical chernozems. There are podzolized chernozems, meadow and marsh soils. Meadow-chernozem soils are widespread in the floodplains of the rivers.

Common and southern chernozems, formed under the herbaceous and fescue-feather grass steppes, predominate. Common in the southern part

dark chestnut and chestnut soils

Agro-climatic resources

Characterized by an average level of heat security and good moisture. The sums of temperatures above 10 °C are from 2400 to 2600 °C

The conditions are favorable for growing crops. The sums of temperatures above 10 °C range from 2410 to 2900 °C, which makes it possible to grow the main heat-loving crops of early and medium ripening

It is characterized by a high degree of heat safety. The sum of temperatures above 10 °C ranges from 2900 in the north to 3500 °C in the south. Not enough water resources


physical - geographical processes and phenomena

Water erosion, waterlogging, karst processes

Water erosion, karst processes, suffusion, landslides, dry winds, droughts. Erosion caused the formation of a dense network of ravines

Water erosion, weathering, torrential rains, karst processes, salinization of soils, suffusions, dust storms, droughts and dry winds

Economic activity

Natural conditions are favorable for growing rye, potatoes, buckwheat, and flax. The average plowing of Polissya is more than 30%, and the plots of medium pidzolic (sufficiently fertile) soils are plowed by 80%. Meadows occupy 10% of the territory. Deforestation, draining swamps

Natural conditions are favorable for growing wheat, corn, buckwheat, sugar beets and many other crops. The landscapes of the Forest-Steppe have been largely altered by man. Over the past centuries, forest cover has decreased from 40-50 to 5-10%. The average plowing of the Forest-Steppe is 75%, and on the Left Bank - even 90%

Natural conditions are favorable for growing wheat, corn, sunflower, melons, vegetables and many other crops. Under arable land, 75% of the total area is occupied. Developed horticulture and viticulture



Polessky nature reserve, Shatsk natural national park, Dnieper-Teterevsky protected forest and hunting economy, wildlife sanctuaries, etc.

Natural national parks: Podolsky Tovtry, Yavorivsky, Galitsky, natural reserves: Medobory, Roztochie, Kanevsky, etc.

Biosphere reserves: Askania-Nova, Chernomorsky, Holy Mountains National Natural Park, Azovo-Sivashsky, Bolshoi Lug, Slanets Steppe Nature Reserve, etc.



Regions: Volyn Polesie, Zhytomyr Polesie, Kiev Polesie, Chernihiv Polesie, Novgorod-Severskoe Polesie

Provinces: West Ukrainian,

Dniester-Dnieper, Left-bank-Dnieper and Serednyoruska

Subzones: north-, middle - and south-steppe, or dry steppe.

Provinces are allocated in subzones

In Transcarpathia, the climate is much warmer than in the Carpathians: spring in Transcarpathia comes about two weeks earlier, the frost-free period is 30 days longer, and the sum of temperatures in the summer season is almost 800 ° C higher.

The climate of the Crimean mountains is temperate continental, humid. The average January temperature in the mountains at an altitude of 1000 m is -4...-5 °C, in July + 15 °C. The amount of precipitation decreases from west to east from 1100 to 500-600 mm per year. Winter usually lasts from mid-October to the end of March. But the weather during these months is extremely changeable. So, in January the temperature can rise to +10 °C, and in May, on the contrary, snow can fall.

The rivers of the mountainous Crimea are not rich in water. Many of them dry up during the summer. There are many springs, many of them also dry up in summer.

At an altitude of 150-200 meters above sea level, steppes are common on the northern slopes. The foothills with altitudes from 150-200 to 300-350 m are occupied by the forest-steppe zone. Above it is a belt of forest vegetation, which on the northern slopes is represented by oak forests (heights from 350 to 600-700 m) and beech forests (above 700 m). The upper limit of the beech belt passes at an altitude of 1200-1300 m above sea level. The plateau-like peaks of the Crimean Mountains are occupied by yayls, which are stony dry steppes. About 2,300 species of wild plants have been identified in the Crimean Mountains. There are deciduous evergreen relics here: jasmine, pyracanthus and needles.

Typical inhabitants of the Crimean mountains are the Crimean deer, roe deer, wild boar, European mouflon, hare and fox. Of the large birds, griffon vulture, black vulture, eagle owl, kestrel, tawny owl, buzzard are found here.

The Crimean mountains protect from the influence of cold northern air masses a narrow coastal strip - the southern coast of Crimea.

The duration of the spring-autumn period in different natural zones (according to B. O. Chernov)

Zone area

Days with temperatures above 0 °C

Days with temperatures above +5 °C

Mixed and deciduous forests

Western Polissya

Eastern Polissya

Less than 240






On the southern coast of Crimea, the climate has signs of a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and moderately hot dry summers. Average annual temperatures are +11... +13 °C. Winter on the South Coast is almost snowless and mild. Summers are sunny, dry and warm. The frost-free period lasts up to 236 days. Precipitation is not enough - 350-600 mm per year. The sums of air temperatures above 10 °C are 3700-3900 °C.

Among the flora and fauna there are many relict and endemic species. In hard-to-reach places, thickets of yew berry, Stankevich pine, Steven maple, etc. have been preserved.

Natural complexes of the Black and Azov Seas

The Black Sea stretches from west to east - 1167 km, and from north to south - 624 km. It occupies the Black Sea tectonic depression and therefore has significant depths, crossed - 1271 m, maximum - 2245 m.

Water temperature in summer +24...+26 °С, in winter +6...+ 8 °С. The maximum average monthly surface water temperature is usually observed in August, the minimum - in February. The greatest seasonal changes in water temperature, as a rule, are observed to a depth of 75 m. With increasing depth, temperature changes decrease and are often expressed in hundredths of a degree. From a depth of 500 m, an almost constant temperature of +8.9 °С is established, and at the maximum Black Sea depths, below 2000 m, it is +9.1 °С.

The salinity of surface waters in the central part of the Black Sea averages 18%0, in some cases it exceeds 18.2%0. At a depth of 300 m salinity exceeds 21% 0. The further increase in salinity with depth slows down - at a depth of 1000 m it is about 22%.

Seasonal fluctuations in salinity are insignificant - in the spring-summer period closer to the peripheral regions, its minimum is 17.5%. The lowest salinity is observed in the northwest (from 13 to 15%), where the main amount of river water enters the sea. Near the mouth of the rivers, a thin surface layer of muddy river water almost does not mix with sea water.

A characteristic feature of the Black Sea is a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide starting from a depth of 150-200 m, where its content is about 0.04-0.16 ml per 1 liter. Its concentration increases with depth, at a depth of 300 m it approaches 1 ml/l, at a depth of 500 m it exceeds 3 ml/l, and below 1000 m it reaches 6 ml/l. The reason for the formation of hydrogen sulfide are bacteria of the genus Microspira. They are anaerobes and use sulfate oxygen for life.

Winds and inflow of river waters lead to the emergence of two rings of constant sea currents directed counterclockwise.

Flora and fauna are concentrated mainly in the upper layer rich in oxygen. In total, there are over 665 plant species and over 2 thousand animal species in the Black Sea. Most plants are benthic and planktonic algae. Common brown algae, red algae cerarium. Of the 160 species of Black Sea fish, the most common are several, horse mackerel, anchovy, flounder-kalkan, mullet, beluga, garfish, herring, gobies, sea bass, sultanka. There are more than ten species of gobies in the Black Sea: the bubir goby, the aphia, the tsutsik goby, the mart goby, etc. The mammals of the Black Sea include the monk seal and three species of dolphins: azovka, common dolphin and bottlenose dolphin. The largest dolphin is the bottlenose dolphin, the smaller one is the common dolphin and the smallest is the azovka. Bottlenose dolphins usually become residents of dolphinariums and oceanariums.

The Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov differs from the Black Sea in its size, depths, temperatures (primarily of the water mass as a whole), hydrological regime, and salinity. The area of ​​the Black Sea is almost 11 times larger than the area of ​​Azov, and in terms of volume - 1678 times. The territory of the Sea of ​​Azov is bounded by the parallels 45° 16" N and 47° 17" N. sh. and meridians 33° 36" E and 39° 21" E. The Azov and Black Seas are connected by the Kerch Strait, the length of which is 41 km, the smallest width is 4 km, and the smallest depth in the fairway is 5 m.

In summer, the temperature of the surface layer of water in the open part of the sea is about + 25 ... + 26 ° С, and the temperature of the bottom layer is +21 ... + 22 ° С. This temperature distribution persists until the first significant storm, after which the differences become less noticeable. Temperature changes during the year are significant. In most cases, in coastal waters, the temperature ranges from +30...+31 °С on warm summer days to -0.3 °С in winter. Ice formation is noted annually, which usually begins in the Taganrog Bay.

The level of the Sea of ​​Azov is usually several centimeters higher than the level of the Black Sea. This is due to differences in the density of the waters of these seas and the continuous flow of river water, which supports this difference. Between the beginning and the end of the Kerch Strait, under ideal conditions, the difference in level is about 2-3 cm. The closer to the Taganrog Bay, the greater the difference becomes, especially in spring and summer, when there is a significant river runoff, rain falls and the temperature is somewhat higher.

The salinity of the water increases from the mouth of the Don in a southwestern direction. In recent decades, it has been growing, which is explained by the imbalance in the supply of fresh water and salty Black Sea waters to the sea. The average salinity today is about 13% 0, and in the recent past it was 11% for a long time. Slightly higher salinity is noted in the area between the Biryuchy Peninsula and the northern part of the Arabat Spit, where during strong westerly winds the more saline waters of the Sivash periodically enter. Before the creation of reservoirs and the regulation of the flow of the Don and Kuban rivers, seasonal changes in salinity in the Sea of ​​Azov were insignificant, but now they have decreased.

In the sea, under the influence of winds and the influx of river waters, a circular current arises, directed counterclockwise. The features of the hydrological regime of the Sea of ​​Azov are due to the relatively large inflow of fresh water and the milkiness of the basin.

The coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is less picturesque and diverse than the Black Sea. The steppes come close to the sea, and in some places the floodplains overgrown with reeds. The shores are treeless, they are either low and gentle, with a sandy-shelly beach, or low, but steep, composed of yellow forest-like loams. One of the characteristic features of the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov is a large number of spits. The largest spit - the Arabat arrow has a length of 115 km and a width of 270 m to 7.5 km. It is located in the western part of the Sea of ​​Azov, adjacent to the Kerch Peninsula.

The underwater relief of the Sea of ​​Azov is quite simple. The bottom is almost flat, the depths generally grow slowly and smoothly as they move away from the coast, the greatest depths are in the center of the sea. Scientists believe that the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is gradually shallowing.

Unrest in the shallow Sea of ​​Azov has some features: the height of the waves reaches a maximum of 1.2-1.5 g - with a wind of 6-7 points and its duration is about 6 hours. In the case of a longer duration and strength of the wind, the Azov waves begin to break up and resemble breaking waves in their character. They are more dangerous to ships than the higher waves formed in deep water. Sailors often refer to these waves as "evil" waves. For comparison: in the oceans, waves can exceed 13-14 m in height and over 400 m in length, and in the Black Sea, the height reaches 6-7 m, and the length - up to 180 m.

Donna flora of the sea is relatively poor: brown, red, green algae, sea grass, microalgae, and bacteria.

The animal world has about 400 species - from unicellular to fish and mammals. The latter are represented in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov by one species of dolphins - the Azov. The species composition of fish is 79 species, of which sprat, pelengas, anchovy, pike perch, mullet, Kerch herring, gobies, bream, flounder, sturgeons are of commercial importance.

In the 40-60s. 20th century 16 times more fish were caught from 1 hectare of the water surface of the sea than in the Black Sea. Half of the fish species were of industrial importance. Today, that number has shrunk to a third. Of the 24 species of sturgeon in the Sea of ​​Azov, five lived: sterlet, stellate sturgeon, Russian sturgeon, spike, beluga (reached 4-5 m and more than 1000 kg). Mullet was of three types: Loban - up to 75 cm and up to 12 kg, golden mullet - up to 45 cm, sharp-nosed - up to 40 cm. The fishing for tyulka and anchovy was especially great. Today, however, fishing happiness has turned away from the inhabitants of the coast, the sea is suffering from pollution by industrial and domestic wastewater. Even more dangerous was the reduction by a third of fresh water from the Don and Kuban. This led to a decrease in the supply of substances necessary for the vital activity of algae, as well as to the fact that the inflow of more salty water of the Black Sea into the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov increased. In addition, since 1988, a rib - a melt - a type of marine invertebrates, from 2 mm to 2.5 m in length, began to penetrate into the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov from the Black Sea. It was introduced into the Black Sea in 1983-1984. from the northwest Atlantic on one of the tankers carrying oil. Feeding mainly on phytoplankton, the finfish greatly undermined the food base of anchovy, tyulka and other species of Azov fish. All this adversely affected the flora and fauna of the sea, reducing the number of valuable fish species and their capture. If in 1930 the catch of zander was 38.9 thousand tons, bream 16.3 thousand tons, sturgeon 2.1 thousand tons, today their catch is ten times less.

biosphere reserves




Year of status assignment

Area, ha


Kherson region, Chaplinsky district

Black Sea

Kherson region, Golopristansky district, Mykolaiv region, Ochakovsky district


Transcarpathian region, Rakhovsky district, Tyachevsky, Khust, Vinogradovsky districts


Odessa region, Kiliya and Tatarbunar districts

nature reserves




Year of creation

Area, ha

Number of species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine


Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Alushta



Cherkasy region, Kanevsky district

Kyiv National University. T. G. Shevchenko


Donetsk region, Novoazovsky, Volodarsky, Slavyansky, Krasnolimansky district, Zaporozhye region, Kuibyshevsky district, Sumy region, Lebedinsky district


Lugansk region, Stanichno-Lugansky, Milosky, Sverdlovsk districts


Zhytomyr region, Ovruch, Olevsky districts




Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Yalta


Cape Martyan

Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Yalta


Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Feodosiya


Lviv region, Yavoriv district

Ministry of Education


Ternopil region, Gusyatinsky, Pidvolochinsky, Kremenets districts



Dnipropetrovsk region, Dnipropektrovsky, Petrikovsky districts


Elanetskaya steppe

Mykolaiv region, Elanetsky, Novoodessky districts

Ministry of Environment

Ivano-Frankivsk region, Nadvirnyansky district

Ministry of Environment


Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Leninsky district

Ministry of Environment


Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Leninsky district

Ministry of Environment


Rivne region, Vladimiretsky, Dubrovitsky, Rokitnovsky, Sarnensky districts



Volyn region, Manevichi district


National natural parks




Year of creation

Area, ha


Ivano-Frankivsk region, Verkhovynskyi district

Volyn region, Shatsk district


Transcarpathian region, Mezhhirya district

Ministry of Environmental Protection


Kherson region, Novotroitsky and Genichesk districts



Chernivtsi region, Vizhnitsky district

Ministry of Environment

Podolsky Tovtry

Khmelnytsky region,

Kamenetz-Podolsky, Chemerivetsky, Gorodetsky districts

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Holy Mountains

Donetsk region, Slovyanogorsk and Krasnolimansk districts

Ministry of Environmental Protection


Lviv region, Yavorivsky and Pervomaisky districts

Ministry of Environmental Protection


Sumy region, Seredino-Budsky district

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Skole Beskids

Lviv region, Drogobych, Skole, Turkovsky districts



Transcarpathian region, Velikobereznyansky district



Ivano-Frankivsk region, Kosovo district

Ministry of Environmental Protection


Chernihiv region, Ichnyansky district

Ministry of Environmental Protection


Ivano-Frankivsk region, Galitsky district


Gomolshansky forests

Kharkiv region, Zmievsky and Pervomaisky districts


Big Meadow

Zaporozhye region, Vasilyevsky district

Ministry of Environmental Protection


Chernihiv region, Koropsky district

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Sivash is a huge natural laboratory. Its southern part has been turned into a settling basin, in which the brine evaporates in the sun and turns into salt. Through the Genichesk Strait, “raw materials” from the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov constantly enter the basin. Chemical enterprises producing magnesia, potassium, sodium salts work on salt raw materials. Healing mud of the estuary is used for medicinal purposes.

Summary of the lesson in geography Grade 8

Topic: Natural complex of the Sea of ​​Azov. Practical work: "Compilation of the Sea of ​​Azov sailing directions."


Educational: to form primary knowledge about the Sea of ​​Azov; consider the water world;

Developing: to develop the ability and skills to work with the map in the Donetsk region.

Educational: education of the importance of studying geography, curiosity, local history approach.

Equipment: Physical map of the Donetsk region, contour maps, atlases, handouts.

Lesson type: a lesson in mastering knowledge and skills.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework.

Give answers to the questions:

    Determine what factors determine the landscape structure of the Donetsk steppe?

    Explain why different landscapes are united within the same steppe natural zone?

    What types of economic activity are favored by the nature of the steppe?

    Think, if all kinds of economic activity ceased in our region, would the steppe be restored?

3. Message of the topic, the purpose of the tasks of the lesson and the motivation of educational activities.

The aquatic natural complex of our region is the Sea of ​​Azov. The sea is a natural complex in which, as in land complexes, all constituent components are closely interconnected and interdependent.

4. Learning new knowledge.

The Sea of ​​Azov belongs to the basin of the Atlantic Ocean, through the Kerch Strait it connects to the Black Sea. The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest in the world, its maximum depth is 14 meters, the average depth is about 7.5 m. The area of ​​​​the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is 37,000 km². Its largest length is 343 km, the largest width is 231 km. The length of the coastline is 2686 km, of which more than 100 km fall on the Donetsk region.

The sea has many bays and estuaries. The largest bays:

Taganrog, Temryuk, Kazantip, Arabat, Obitochny, Berdyansk. In the west, the Arabat Spit separates the Sivash Bay (Rotten Sea) from the sea, its shores are covered with a layer of salt in summer.

By origin, the Sea of ​​Azov basin is a neotectonic depression on the border of the East European Platform and the Mediterranean mobile belt. Therefore, the relief of the bottom of the sea and its bays is uniform: the slope, steep enough for the coast, turns into a flat flat bottom, in the center of which the greatest depths are observed. The basin resembles a saucer with a smooth and flat bottom. The gently sloping and low shore is strewn with shell rock. The shores are flat, only in the southern part of the Kerch and Taman peninsulas they are elevated and separated by a strait.

Rice. 1. Sea of ​​Azov

The smooth curves of the coastline of the sea, indented by long sandy spits, create the uniqueness of the Azov coast. Sea spits lined up in the north: Biryuchiy Ostrov, Obitochnaya, Berdyansk, Belosaraiskaya, Krivaya, Tuzlinskaya. A large number of spits is a characteristic feature of the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov. The spits are formed only on the northern coast, this is the result of the long work of the sea waves, which washed up the shell rock along the coast. Such sediments accumulate where the coast protrudes significantly into the sea. compared to neighboring coasts.

Steppes rise close to the sea, and in some placesreed floats.

The climatic conditions of the Sea of ​​Azov have continental features. The temperature regime of the Sea of ​​Azov is characterized by great seasonal variability. The minimum temperature is observed in winter (January-February), the water cools down to +3 ... -3 0 C. Since December, the Sea of ​​Azov freezes over. At the end of February, the ice melts. Only in the southern part of the sea near the Kerch Strait is the surface water temperature positive. The southern part of the sea does not freeze. In summer, a fairly uniform surface temperature, +24…+26°C, is established almost throughout the sea. Its maximum values ​​are observed in the surface water layer: in July +28.0…+28.5°С.

Sea currents are dependent on the strong northeast and southwest winds blowing here and therefore change direction very often. The main current is a circular current along the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov counterclockwise. The average speed of the currents is 10–20 cm/s.

The hydrochemical features of the Sea of ​​Azov are formed under the influence of the inflow of river waters (up to 12% of the volume of water) and difficult water exchange with the Black Sea. The salinity of the sea is three times less than the average salinity in the ocean, and is 12. The maximum salinity of waters is observed in the Sivash Bay - 250. Minimum salinity in the north of the sea, in the Taganrog Bay. The salinity index is constantly changing due to a decrease in the flow of fresh water from rivers. The rivers Don, Kuban, Mius, Kalmius, Berda, Obitochnaya carry their waters into the sea.

The salinity of the sea before the regulation of the Don ranged from 1at the mouth of the Don up to 10.5in the central part of the sea and 11.5 ppm near Kerch


During the 20th century, almost all rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov were blocked by dams to create reservoirs. This has led to a significant reduction in the discharge of fresh water and silt into the sea. After the creation of a hydroelectric complex on the Don, the salinity of the sea began to rise.

The transparency of the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov is low. The color of the water here varies from greenish-yellow to brown-yellow. In summer, due to the rapid development of the smallest plant and animal organisms in the upper layers of the water, the water acquires a bright green color. This phenomenon is called the "bloom" of the sea.

The soils of the sea are soft, loose, constantly carried by currents, which causes rapid siltation of shipping channels and port water areas. There are mud volcanoes at the bottom of the sea.

In terms of biological productivity, the Sea of ​​Azov ranks first in the world.

The diversity and richness of life in the Sea of ​​Azov is explained by the content of organic matter, which is 5-6 times higher than in other water bodies. Rivers supply the sea with a mass of inorganic and organic substances that are washed out of the soil. Inorganic substances are necessary for the development of the plant world, organic - for the animal.

The desalinated, well-heated and, as it were, fertilized waters of the Sea of ​​Azov are an environment for the development of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Only 150 species of planktonic algae are known in the sea. In summer, masses of these algae make the water thick and affect the color of the water. During the flowering period in water at 1 m 3 phytoplankton weighs up to 2 kg. The number and variety of small animals swimming in the water column varies with the seasons. Among the zooplankton there is an exclusively Azov species of jellyfish, which is not found anywhere else.

Among the inhabitants of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, there are many ancient ones who have already died out in other seas. These include two types of molluscs, one type of crustacean and annelids. A great variety of worms, mollusks, crustaceans live at the bottom, their productivity is very high and amounts to 19 million tons per year. They serve as food for fish.

In terms of the number of fish per unit area, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is 6.5 times greater than the Caspian Sea, 40 times the Black Sea, and 160 times the Mediterranean Sea.

115 fish species have been registered in the Sea of ​​Azov. In terms of fish diversity, it surpasses the Black Sea. In addition to sea sturgeon, bream, pike perch, ram, sabrefish, mullet, herring, anchovy, flounder, goby, there are also freshwater fish: crucian carp, gudgeon, roach, tench, pike. Freshwater species usually constantly live in one area of ​​the reservoir and do not make large migrations. From the Mediterranean and Black Seas, tuna, mackerel, eel swim here, making constant migrations.

Of the marine mammals, the Azov white-sided dolphin, the harbor porpoise is found here, the Black Sea dolphin swims.

Azov water has healing properties. Shallow depth contributes to good water heating. The combination of sea air and water, sun, beaches with golden sand makes it possible to develop recreational resources.On the territory of the Donetsk region, settlements: Melekino, Yalta, Urzuf, Novoazovsk, Sedovo, are recognized as resorts.

The Sea of ​​Azov is an important transport artery. The main port of the Donetsk region is Mariupol.

In the middle of the twentieth century, due to human activity, the natural complex of the Sea of ​​​​Azov began to change. As a result of the regulation of rivers, the use of river waters for economic activities, the construction of reservoirs, the flow of fresh water has decreased, and more salty Black Sea water has begun to flow through the Kerch Strait. As a result, the conditions for fish spawning have worsened.

In recent years, the ecological situation in the Sea of ​​Azov has worsened. Industrial enterprises are the main sources of pollution.

4. consolidation of the studied material.

Exercise 1.

Give answers to questions.

    Compare the natural-territorial complex and the natural-aquatic complex.

    Describe the hydrological regime of the Sea of ​​Azov.

    Determine the consequences of increasing the salinity of the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov.

    Explain the reasons for the high biological productivity of the Sea of ​​Azov.

Task 2.

Practical work No. 9 "Compilation of the sailing directions of the Sea of ​​Azov" On the contour map in the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov, indicate:

    coastline elements;

    rivers that flow into the sea;

    hydrological regime of the sea;

1) What natural complexes of the ocean do you know?

Large natural complexes are distinguished in the World Ocean - individual oceans, smaller ones - seas, bays, straits, etc. In addition, natural complexes of surface water layers, various water layers and the ocean floor are distinguished in the ocean.

2) How do they differ from natural land complexes?

The natural complexes of the ocean are distinguished by a different set of components and less diversity.

Questions in a paragraph

*Remember what you already know about ocean resources from the continent and ocean geography course. What resources are the seas of Russia rich in?

The oceans are rich in mineral resources that are mined from its bottom. Of greatest importance is oil and gas, which is extracted from the continental shelf. The main wealth of the deep-sea bed of the ocean is ferromanganese nodules containing up to 30 different metals. The potential of the energy resources of the waters of the World Ocean is enormous. The greatest progress has been made in the use of tidal energy. The oceans are a source of food - fish, algae, seafood. The seas of Russia are of great economic importance. First of all, these are cheap transport routes connecting our country both with other states and with its individual regions. The biological resources of the seas, primarily their fish wealth, are of considerable value. The importance of the mineral resources of the seas is growing ever more. The energy of the sea tides can be used to generate electricity. The seas are places of rest. Of course, most of the seas of our country have too harsh natural conditions for people to relax there. But the southern seas - Azov, Black, Caspian and Japanese attract a large number of tourists.

*Name and remember the ports of the White Sea.

Arkhangelsk, Belomorsk, Vitino, Kem, Mezen, Onega, Severodvinsk, Kandalaksha.

Questions at the end of the paragraph

1. What components does the natural complex of the sea consist of?

The components of the marine PC are the underlying surface, water, flora and fauna.

2. What factors influence the formation of this complex?

Very many natural features of the seas are determined by their position within certain climatic zones: water temperature, ice cover, fogs, wind strength, storms and hurricanes, currents. All these factors have a direct impact on the conditions of navigation, facilitate or complicate it. Rivers have a great influence on marine complexes.

3. Why is it important to know the properties of sea PC?

In the era of scientific and technological progress, the problems of the integrated study and development of the natural resources of the seas and oceans are becoming one of the most important for mankind. The rational use of ocean resources requires knowledge of the characteristics of the natural complexes of the seas.

4. Describe the natural complex of the White Sea.

The White Sea runs deep into the land between the Kola and Kanin peninsulas and is connected to the Barents Sea by a wide strait. The sea has bays - Kandalaksha, Dvinsky, Mezensky, Onega, deeply protruding into the land. The rivers Northern Dvina, Onega, Mezen flow into the sea.

Underlayment surface. The relief of the seabed is uneven, the depth increases from east to west.

Water. The volume of water is 5400 km3. Rivers bring significant volumes of water into the small sea, which desalinate the sea water. The salinity of the water is about 30 ‰, in the south - 20-26 ‰. From November to May the sea is covered with drifting ice.

Flora and fauna. The biological productivity of the White Sea is low. It has 194 species of algae, 57 species of fish, beluga whales, and two species of seals.

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