Huaru prayer for the unbaptized. On the commemoration of the non-Orthodox in home prayer

Today, there are many different disputes about whether it is possible to pray for the health of an unbaptized person. Some argue in this regard that it is categorically impossible to ask the Lord for such people. They justify this by the fact that a person who has not been baptized puts his person against church canons, rejecting the shrine of God's Temple.

Others say that you can even ask God for lost sheep, so he will definitely hear your prayer for unbaptized people.

Judging by the numerous arguments of the clergy on this topic, we can safely draw a conclusion. To the question is it possible to read a prayer for unbaptized children or adults? You can answer like this: of course, you can, why not?

Church sources even contain real prayers for unbaptized people. In such prayers, people turn to God for the forgiveness of sinners and the opportunity to return them to the bosom of the divine temple.

For the deceased unbaptized - prayers to the martyr Uar

If you want to reach out to the Lord and ask for protection for a person who has not passed the Sacrament of Baptism, then it is better to turn to the patrons of the lost. One of these patrons is the holy righteous War. This Saint, during his lifetime, prayed for the repose of the unbaptized for the protection of the Lord.

Saint War is addressed to:

for living lost people;

for children who have not been baptized;

for unborn babies;

for an unbaptized deceased baby who did not have time to receive the Sacrament;

for lost people who have died.

Oh, holy martyr Uare, venerable, with zeal for the Mistress of Christ, we kindle the Heavenly King before the tormentor, thou didst confess, and now the Church honors thee, as glorified from the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness towards Him, and now stand before Him with the Angels, and rejoice in the highest, and see the Holy Trinity clearly, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance: remember our relatives and languor, who died in ungodliness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatra, the unfaithful generation freed you from eternal torment with your prayers, so remember the figurines buried contrary to God, who died unbaptized (names), try to ask them for deliverance from eternal darkness, so that with one mouth and one heart we praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen

Prayer for the unbaptized dead to the Lord

Many people often ask themselves the question: "who can pray for the souls of dead people who have not received Orthodox baptism?" The clergy say that it is possible to address prayers not only to God, but also to the Saints. Remember that sincere prayers from a pure heart will definitely reach the addressee. Every person on the planet has the right to the protection of the Almighty and his forgiveness.

Complete collection and description: a prayer for the unbaptized deceased for the spiritual life of a believer.

The Orthodox Church calls all believing Christians to constant prayer. Of course, most often we pray for people close to us, relatives, friends. But there are situations when a person who needs prayer help has not been baptized in the Orthodox Church. What then should be the prayer for the unbaptized living and dead?

Importance of the sacrament of baptism for a person

Baptism is one of the seven Sacraments of the Church, and it can be called fundamental without exaggeration. The spiritual life of an Orthodox Christian is impossible if sooner or later he has not received church baptism. Why is it so important for a person and what does it give?

First of all, baptism makes a person a full member of the Church of Christ. By accepting the Sacrament, a person confesses his faith in the crucified Jesus Christ and shows his intention to follow Him through life. In addition, in this Sacrament, the seal of original sin, which is inherent in each of us, is washed away from a person.

The rite of baptism with water itself dates back to the Gospel times. Thus, the Forerunner of the Lord John baptized the people in the Jordan River. It was there that Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself received the Sacrament during His earthly life.

Thus, it can be said that by accepting this Sacrament, a person becomes open to God's grace and can boldly follow Christ in the fullness of church life.

Features of prayer for unbaptized living people

If a person for some reason does not accept the sacrament of baptism, he cannot be a full member of the church. This is expressed, first of all, in the opportunity to participate in the Divine Liturgy.

Interesting! Some time ago, unbaptized people could not enter the temple further than the narthex, and also had to leave the Divine Service in a certain part of it.

To date, such a strict restriction has been lifted, but still an unbaptized person cannot participate in worship as an equal.

The main feature of prayer for unbaptized people is that they cannot be commemorated at the Divine Liturgy.

The priest at the altar brings a bloodless sacrifice, symbolically denoting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. At this time, particles are taken out of the prosphora for each name submitted for commemoration. These particles then go to the Chalice and become a great shrine - the Body of Christ.

If a person consciously avoids baptism, then Christ's sacrifice for him becomes meaningless. That is why in order to participate in the Sacrament of Communion, and in general in the fullness of the Liturgy, it is necessary to be baptized in the church.

But what to do if a person close to us turns out to be unbaptized, whose fate is not indifferent? It is impossible to commemorate him in the temple, but there are no obstacles to purely personal prayer. At home, in front of the home iconostasis, we can pray for all the people close to us, even if they have not been baptized.

Prayer for unbaptized babies

Prayer for children who were recently born and have not yet had time to be christened has its own characteristics. There is a tradition to baptize children after 40 days from the moment of birth, however, in fact, a baby can be baptized as soon as God is born. So, if the mother had a difficult birth and the child is in danger, it is very desirable to baptize the baby as soon as possible. In many maternity hospitals and children's hospitals, you can freely invite a priest, and in some places there are even functioning churches on the territory of a medical institution.

If the family decides to baptize the baby later, then all the time before the Sacrament is performed, they pray for the child in close connection with the mother. It is believed that at this time, the mother and baby have one Guardian Angel for two, and only after Baptism does the child have his own.

You can also pray for such children in the temple, but only the note does not indicate the individual name of the baby, but the name of the mother with the addition “with a child”. For example, if the mother's name is Maria, then the note should be submitted like this: "On the health of the servant of God Mary with the child." After Baptism, you can already write the name of the child himself in a note with the addition “baby”.

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God, save and save under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, implore my Lord and Your Son, may He grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.

Mother of God, introduce me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the spiritual and bodily wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly patronage. Amen.

Prayer for the unbaptized dead

It is hard for any Orthodox Christian to realize that someone close to him has died without becoming a full member of the Church of Christ. It is not worth falling into despondency, the Providence of God is also about such people. But sincere heartfelt prayer will help the soul of a deceased person, even if he did not have time to deeply know God.

Have mercy, Lord, on the soul of Your servant (name), who departed into eternal life without Holy Baptism. Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not put me in the sin of this prayer of mine. But Thy holy will be done.

Important! As in the case of people who are still living, it is impossible to submit notes with the names of unbaptized people in the temple for commemoration.

The reason is the same - a person in his life, for one reason or another, did not have time to enter the Church of God. It is all the more important for such a soul that there is a person who, in his personal home prayer, commemorates the deceased. After all, the whole Church prays for baptized people at every liturgy, and only those who take on this burden in personal work pray for the unbaptized.

What kind of prayers to read for the unbaptized dead

In Orthodox worship there is a special service - a memorial service - during which all Orthodox Christians who have died from the century are commemorated. Notes can only be submitted about those who in their lives managed to come to God and His Holy Church. However, this does not mean that everyone else should be left without a prayerful commemoration.

Most often, for the repose of the souls of unbaptized people, they pray to the martyr Uaru. There is a specially compiled canon for this saint, who lived in the 3rd century and begged all his life for those unfortunates who remained outside the protection of the Church of Christ. To this day, a sincere appeal to this ascetic brings great relief to souls after death.

With the army of holy martyrs, the suffering is lawful, in vain, oneh, showed you courageously your fortress. And rushing to passion with your will, and die lust for Christ, Izhe accepted the honor of the victory of your suffering, Uare, pray that our souls be saved.

Following Christ, martyr Uare, Having drunk the cup, and tied the crown of torment, and rejoicing with the Angels, pray unceasingly for our souls

O holy martyr Uare, venerable, kindle with zeal for the Mistress of Christ, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and you zealously suffered about Him, and now stand before Him with angels, and rejoice in the highest, and see clearly the Holy Trinity, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance , remember our relatives and languor, who died in ungodliness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatra, the unfaithful race of your prayers freed you from eternal torment, so remember the figurines buried contrary to God, who died unbaptized, trying to ask them for deliverance from eternal darkness, but with one mouth and with one heart let us praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.

Separately, for stillborn or unbaptized babies, you can pray with the prayer of Metropolitan Gregory of Novgorod or Hieromonk Arseny Athos. If such a disaster happened in the family, and the child died before receiving the Sacrament of Baptism, then special prayer support is needed both for his soul, and for his parents and family. In prayer and hope in God's Providence for each person, it will be easier to survive loss and grief.

Remember, Lover of mankind, Lord, the souls of the departed servants of Your infants, who in the womb of Orthodox mothers died accidentally from unknown actions or from a difficult birth, or from some kind of negligence, and therefore did not receive the holy sacrament of Baptism! Baptize them, O Lord, in the sea of ​​Thy bounties and save them with Thy unspeakable goodness.

It should be remembered that prayer is always work. And personal prayer without the support of the church is a special work. Therefore, if we undertake to beg for unbaptized people close to us, we must be prepared for various temptations and obstacles along the way. And only with God's help and humility can this path be overcome.

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Prayers for the unbaptized living and dead

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Today, there are many different disputes about whether it is possible to pray for the health of an unbaptized person. Some argue in this regard that it is categorically impossible to ask the Lord for such people. They justify this by the fact that a person who has not been baptized puts his person against church canons, rejecting the shrine of God's Temple.

Others say that you can even ask God for lost sheep, so he will definitely hear your prayer for unbaptized people.

Judging by the numerous arguments of the clergy on this topic, we can safely draw a conclusion. To the question is it possible to read a prayer for unbaptized children or adults? You can answer like this: of course, you can, why not?

Church sources even contain real prayers for unbaptized people. In such prayers, people turn to God for the forgiveness of sinners and the opportunity to return them to the bosom of the divine temple.

For the deceased unbaptized - prayers to the martyr Uar

If you want to reach out to the Lord and ask for protection for a person who has not passed the Sacrament of Baptism, then it is better to turn to the patrons of the lost. One of these patrons is the holy righteous War. This Saint, during his lifetime, prayed for the repose of the unbaptized for the protection of the Lord.

Saint War is addressed to:

  • for living lost people;
  • for children who have not been baptized;
  • for unborn babies;
  • for an unbaptized deceased baby who did not have time to receive the Sacrament;
  • for lost people who have died.

Words of prayer to this Holy Martyr:

“Oh, holy martyr Uare, venerable, we inflame the zeal for the Lord Christ, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and now the Church honors you, as if glorified from the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness towards Him, and now stand before Him with the Angels , and rejoice in the highest, and see clearly the Holy Trinity, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance: remember our relatives and languor, who died in ungodliness, accept our petition, and as Cleopatra, the unfaithful generation of your prayers freed you from eternal torment, so remember the figurines of the godly buried who died unbaptized (names), trying to ask them for deliverance from eternal darkness, so that with one mouth and one heart we will praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen".

Prayers for unbaptized dead people

The Church has an ambiguous attitude towards lost souls. But there, no less, there is real prayer to the Lord for such people. And many clergymen even declare that every person has the right to ask for God's protection.

However, it must be remembered that the church forbids ordering liturgies and funerals for lost souls. You can only read a private prayer for the deceased. At the same time, being outside the influence of the church.

By praying for a dead soul, you not only support the deceased, but also yourself. After all, as you know, prayer allows you to plead sadness, grief for a worthy person who was an important part of your life.

Prayer for the unbaptized dead to the Lord

Many people often ask themselves the question: "who can pray for the souls of dead people who have not received Orthodox baptism?" The clergy say that it is possible to address prayers not only to God, but also to the Saints. Remember that sincere prayers from a pure heart will definitely reach the addressee. Every person on the planet has the right to the protection of the Almighty and his forgiveness.

Praying for people who have not been baptized is possible even for people without faith or who have converted to another religion. In addition, in the Orthodox Church to this day there is no specific opinion on whether baptized Catholics should be considered Christians or not.

You can ask the Almighty in these words:

Seek, O Lord, the lost soul of my father: if it is possible to eat, have mercy! Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not put me in the sin of this prayer of mine. But Thy holy will be done

May the Lord keep you!

See also a video about prayer for unbaptized people:

Prayer for the unbaptized dead

It is a great tragedy if a person dies without being baptized. This can't be fixed anymore. And according to church laws, it is impossible to bury him in the temple, to commemorate him at the Liturgy. But relatives always have the right to personal prayer for the unbaptized dead. What is the best way to do this?

What happens after death

If a person completely rejected the Lord during his lifetime, there is no need to pray too hard for him. There were times when the dead appeared and asked not to pray for them. In any case, talk to the priest, he will advise what to do in a particular situation. But it happens that people respect the faith, show a desire to be baptized, but simply do not have time to do it. Then you can and should pray.

Each soul after death goes to a private judgment, which will take place on the 40th day after death. It is believed that prayers for the unbaptized dead help the soul of the deceased to go through air trials and ways to even alleviate his plight. On the very day of death, you can:

  • read 17 kathisma - psalms and the necessary prayers for repose;
  • to perform the secular rite of lithium in the cemetery;
  • put a candle in the temple and pray.

It is impossible to order a memorial service and church commemoration. This is done because the person himself during his lifetime did not express a desire to belong to the Church, he rejected God.

What other prayers can be read

There is a veneration of the martyr Uar, who supposedly had the grace to pray for the unbaptized. Even a service was composed for him, only it is non-canonical, that is, it is not officially recognized by the church. Church prayer for the unbaptized dead, although now allowed by some priests (for a fee), violates all the canons. Whether or not to read the canon for the dead to the martyr Uar is a personal matter for everyone.

The Holy Fathers also advise giving alms for those who died without repentance, without accepting Christ.

If a baby died

Great grief is the loss of a small child. But the Holy Church believes that all babies go to heaven. This is written in the Gospel. Prayer for unbaptized babies is also performed privately, as well as for other people who have not become members of the Church. Children, although they do not have conscious bad deeds, still bear the stamp of the original sin of Adam and Eve. This is why the Church considers it necessary to baptize young children.

  • Prayer for deceased relatives
  • Children's prayer for deceased parents for the repose of the soul - here
  • Prayer before reading the Gospel -

It may seem unfair that a child should not know life. But we don't know how his fate would have turned out. It is believed that the Lord takes to Himself in order to save a person from a more terrible misfortune, this also applies to children. We must believe in the goodness of God, do not despair and give thanks for everything, although this can be difficult.

Prayer of Lev Optina for those who died unbaptized

“Have mercy, Lord, on the soul of Your servant (name), who departed into eternal life without Holy Baptism. Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not put me in the sin of this prayer of mine. But Thy holy will be done."

It is good to pray to the Mother of God, reading the rosary "Virgin Mary, rejoice ..." (how much strength allows: from 30 to 150 times a day). At the beginning and at the end of this rule, one must ask the Mother of God to help the soul of the deceased.

deceased . Prayer on deceased up to 40 days...

Orthodox tradition requires commemoration deceased repeatedly, the first 40 days after death are especially important. . Prayer on deceased up to 40 days...

Cold does not create the truth of God

I myself grew up in an environment where there were no believers, literally none! Only my nanny went to church, but no one took this nanny seriously. After the death of my parents, I was baptized and did not even ask the question: is it possible to pray for the unbaptized dead? My parents were baptized, but I knew that they were just as unbelieving as their unbaptized friends. And the second - the same good people as my parents! How could a property, in the presence of which, so to speak, the heart of my parents did not participate, could make their afterlife brighter than those of friends who did not possess this property? They explained to me that notes cannot be submitted for the unbaptized, and I immediately understood this (I remember how I immediately accepted it), but in my prayer for the dear deceased unbelievers, I never made a distinction: baptized or not.

A mystery without hope

The Church teaches that the souls of the dead need our prayers. The Last Judgment differs from the so-called private judgment on the soul of a deceased person in that its fate is before the Last Judgment. could get better- it can be "prayed". An impression from the period of my neophyte life stuck in my memory: the story of the mother of a priest about her friend, whose son committed suicide. Burdened with such terrible grief, the woman prayed tirelessly for her son for twenty whole years, and one day her relatives heard her exclaim in her room: “She prayed!”. I thought then: “How does she know that everything is all right now? She only felt that it became easy on her soul. And then he thought: “And how else could she be notified? Why not trust her?" This story and my confidence in it often came to my mind later on, and I came to the conclusion that if the soul of a suicide can be prayed for, then it should be even more so for the souls of the unbaptized, so I thought.

The most famous example of the effectiveness of prayer for the deceased unbaptized is found in various books, is mentioned in various teachings and in the Synaxari of Meat-Feast Sabbath. It is also cited by Father Seraphim Rose, who is distinguished by strict exactingness, in the book “The Soul After Death” (The Offering of an Orthodox American. Collection of Works of Father Seraphim Platinsky. M., 2008. P. 196). We are talking about how St. Gregory the Dialogist was heard in prayer for the soul of Emperor Trajan. The saint was touched by Trajan's good deed and prayed with tears for the pagan emperor, so that his life says that Trajan was (as if in hindsight) "baptized with the tears" of a prayer book. It is worth remembering, however, that St. Gregory was told at the same time: “Do not ask for any other pagan!”. From what? - it's worth thinking about. But be that as it may, there is no reason not to trust the above-mentioned story about St. Gregory and Emperor Trajan. “Although this is a rare case,” comments Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), “but it gives hope to those whose loved ones died outside the faith.”

The bitterness of experiencing for loved ones who did not accept Christ has the ultimate expression in the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Romans: “I speak the truth in Christ, I do not lie, my conscience testifies to me in the Holy Spirit, that great sorrow for me and unceasing torment to my heart: I desired I would myself be excommunicated from Christ for my brothers, my relatives according to the flesh ”(Rom. 9.1-3) - if only they were saved. It happens that in prayer for an unbelieving, non-church person dear to you, you want to exclaim: “Lord! You know him! Isn't this, and this, and this not from You with him, precious before You? You ask for his conversion, but he dies just like that, a side of the Church, and sometimes even unbaptized. And what now?

Martyr War

Saint Ouar was an officer in the Roman army, the head of one of the cohorts stationed in Alexandria. He suffered for Christ in 307 AD. The tormentors threw the body of Uar into the place where they dumped the corpses of animals. A pious widow named Cleopatra found his body and, with the help of slaves, brought it to her house, where she buried it. A few years later, when the persecution subsided, Cleopatra decided to return to her homeland, to Palestine. Under the pretext that she was carrying out the body of her husband, a military leader, she carried out the body of the holy Martyr Huar. She did not want the Alexandrian Christians to resist, so she did so. At home, in the village of Edra, not far from Tabor, Cleopatra re-buried the holy remains in the same tomb where her ancestors were buried. Every day she came to the tomb, put candles and burned incense. Following Cleopatra, her countrymen began to venerate the tomb of the martyr Uar and, through prayers to him, receive healing for themselves and their loved ones. The only son of Cleopatra, John, reached the age of 17 and, under the patronage arranged by his mother, had to get a good place in the imperial army. At the same time, the widow was busy building a temple over the tomb of Saint Ouar and decided not to send her son to the army until the construction was completed. After the consecration of the built temple and the celebration of the first liturgy in it, Cleopatra fell down at the tomb with an ardent prayer to the saint for the upcoming career of her son. Then she arranged a rich feast and served the guests herself. During the feast, John suddenly fell ill and died at night. The inconsolable widow rushed to the tomb of the holy martyr Uar with bitter reproaches, and right at the tomb, from fatigue and great sorrow, she fell asleep for a short time. “In a dream, Saint Ouar appeared before her, holding her son by the hand; both of them were bright as the sun and their clothes were whiter than snow; they had golden belts and crowns on their heads, beauty inexpressible,” says Dimitry of Rostov. In response to reproaches, the martyr Ouar told the widow that he had begged forgiveness of sins for her relatives, with whom she laid him in the tomb; her son was taken into the heavenly host ...

After spending another seven years in service at the tomb of the holy martyr, in which she also buried her son, Cleopatra reposed in the Lord.

Such, in the briefest summary, is the life of the holy martyr Uar and the pious Cleopatra. Based on the fact that Saint Ouar begged forgiveness of sins for Cleopatra's relatives, many of whom, obviously, could not be Christians, according to the established church tradition, it is believed that this saint is endowed with special grace to pray for those who died unbaptized. The canon to the holy martyr Uar in the "Green Menaion" is permeated mainly with this thought.

Comfort experience

For many years, from a sad occasion to a sad occasion, I happen to be at the prayer service to the holy martyr Huar in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Pyatnitskaya Street. This temple is visible in the distance to the left, as soon as you get off at Pyatnitskaya from the Novokuznetskaya metro station. This is the only place in Moscow where a moleben to the martyr Uar, with an earnest petition for the repose of unbaptized relatives and "knowns", is served strictly every Saturday after the liturgy; it begins, therefore, between half past nine and nine in the morning.

There are priests who are categorically negative about such a prayer service, and it cannot be said that they have no reason for this - see below. On the contrary, there are inspired admirers of the martyr Uar and ardent prayer books for those who died outside the body of Christ. There are also those who treat this issue benevolently and judiciously: recognizing the tradition and urgent need of Orthodox believers in turning to the martyr Huar, they eschew any inspired excess in this prayer work.

According to the former, what is acquired in prayer to St. Huaru consolation does not mean anything! You never know, they say, from where we can get consolation for our imperfect feelings, it quite happens “from the left”. In the abstract, this remark is true. But there is a certain “quality” of spiritual comfort, familiar to every church believer, in which, it seems to me, it is hardly possible to make a mistake: purity, confirmed by experience, do not fake! For those who are negatively inclined, of course, this is not an argument, but, thank God, in Orthodoxy one can look differently and remain faithful to what is verified by the heart.

A lot of people gather for a prayer service, however, it happens in different ways: sometimes not so much, and sometimes it’s crowded. There are always people at the same time, from the mere sight of which the heart bleeds, you can’t say otherwise. Dejected, pale, weighed down by inescapable bitterness. I remember one time in particular. There were probably thirty people in attendance. And such a general feeling was noticeable before the prayer service, as if each of those gathered dear to him, a deceased person, either ended his life by suicide, or the Church blasphemed with all his might. It seemed that in what hung in the air, one could simply “burn out”. A prayer service began, familiar petitions, exclamations - and slowly it began to become different ... nothing special, no sudden "airing", but just differently, easier. And then even easier and more. And suddenly it became, in the end, quite easy, joyful! I looked at the faces around me: different faces! It only happens in the Church. Only with the living communion of the Church Militant with the Church Triumphant is such an inconspicuous and such a sure victory over the “prince of the power of the air” possible.

living testimony

N.A., a parishioner of one of the Moscow churches, a middle-aged woman who came to faith in the early 1980s, when her youngest son Andryusha was four years old, a little more, tells about the victory of St. Huar “in the air”. He kept getting sick, coughing all the time, nothing helped, and one good friend who became a priest told his mother: “You try all the folk remedies. Try this too: give communion to Andryusha. And try to take communion more often, once a week.” The "remedy" helped, the child recovered, and the mother came to faith. And then she went to work in the Church. It grieved her that her husband remained an unbeliever. And there's nothing to be done: respect supposedly his free choice. What about children? And he himself? ON THE. did not want to calm down, but no one could help her.

It's been about a year since N.A. turned to the faith, and then one priest blessed her to pray for the conversion of her husband to the martyr Ouar: to read the canons to him, and life, and the one about the deceased unbaptized (there was, of course, for whom to pray). Church literature was then so bad that it is even hard to imagine now. ON THE. rewrote the canons from the pre-revolutionary menaia, and began to read them every day.

Great Lent soon began. ON THE. already knew about possible temptations, and, indeed, strangers on the streets of Moscow began to deliver them to her this way and that way. Drunkards climbed, for example, sometimes rude, sometimes with hugs. And suddenly - calm. Canons N.A. she reads, but nothing “such” happens, although she has already read it twenty times in the “calm”. She says to herself: “Why am I talking? Maybe I'm already reading in vain, since nothing happens? That same evening she regretted her careless question. Andryusha suddenly woke up, jumped up on his bed and shouted: “Open, open the window as soon as possible - such a stench! such a stink!" The daughter ran in from the next room, opened the window, although neither she nor N.A. didn't smell any bad. Felt only five-year-old Andryusha. He sat down on the bed and says: “Here - he pointed to his left - a small “he” appeared, nasty and as if in a crown, but this is not a crown at all. And then - he pointed opposite - the martyr Uar appeared (although Andryusha had not heard from his mother about Uar), and rays emanated from him, which began to fall into "that one." "That" wriggled, wriggled, but the beam suddenly hit, and then "he" burst, and it smelled bad, very bad! Mom did not immediately calm him down, finally, the boy fell asleep soundly, and when he woke up the next morning, he immediately said: “What a nasty dream I had last night!” We would not call it that, but it was difficult for a child!

Husband N.A. in the same year he was baptized, and after a while, in an incurable illness, he received his martyr's crown.

Why so strict?

At the prayer service to the martyr Uar in the church on Pyatnitskaya Street N.A. does not happen, but he will not say a bad word about that prayer service. She was blessed to read the canons to the martyr Uar only in private, and she reads in private. It must be said that the Monk Confessor Saint Athanasius (Sakharov), in his well-known book “On the Commemoration of the Dead According to the Charter of the Orthodox Church”, writes about prayer for the unbaptized only in Chapter 4 “Commemoration of the Dead at Home Prayer”, in the section “Commemoration at Home Prayer non-Orthodox", as well as in the next section "Canon to the Martyr Uar on deliverance from the torment of the non-Christian of the dead", where, by the way, it is also said that the tradition of turning to the martyr Uar with a prayer for the unbaptized dead is a very ancient tradition. Like St. Athanasius, many pastors consider it permissible only to pray in private for those who were outside the Church. Why so strict?

Think about it and ask yourself: “What does strict mean? What would you like? Are you forbidden to go to the Huaru prayer service on Pyatnitskaya? Not prohibited. Priests say just what they think, they think the way they think. Would you like to have a prayer service to the martyr Uar in every church? So it's you who internally "build". And the Church holds on to freedom, goodwill and sobriety. This is not about indifference to the fate of those who died unbaptized. It is only about the fact that for those who make up the body of Christ the most precious thing is Christ. Imagine with what a "justified feeling of indignation" those whom Christ called "the dead" learned that the son did not come to his father's funeral! And if he came, he would sincerely forget Christ. So it is here. Extra sincere bitterness about those who are indifferent to Christ, contributes to the development of feelings, behind which faith will begin to double ... Scratch, and not faith anymore, but humanism ... Even in compassion for the unfortunate, you can lose Christ Himself. Do you remember? “You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have Me” (Matthew 26:11). And even more so, you can lose Him in thoughts about the beyond, in desires related to the unknown, if in these thoughts and these desires you forget about faith, and indulge in compassion alone.

From a humanistic point of view, there is nothing higher than compassion, and it should be - for everyone ... But if it is "higher" than Christ (for example, as in Ivan Karamazov - in the chapter "Riot"), then it becomes untrue and fraught with disastrous. Compassion Radishchev (his look "around") served as the seed of the revolution. Through compassion, Prince Myshkin died and contributed significantly, albeit involuntarily, to the deaths of other heroes of the novel. Compassion is one of the best feelings, and it would be insulting to say that one should not “succumb” to it. But all too often, strong sincere feelings are the very rivers and the very winds that “lean” on the house of our faith.

Another thing is heartache for a dear person, living or deceased, pain that you can present in prayer to God. The faith of this person or his unbelief, his estrangement from the Church is the secret of his heart, known only to the One Who knows the measure of our cunning and our truth. But if you yourself do not value your belonging to the Church, if you do not feel like a member of it, if you do not notice the qualitative difference in being baptized or not being baptized, this does not mean that there is no such difference, and that you can stray into a general harmony (“the main thing is to be a good person”) and almost to demand from God that He arrange everything to satisfy your “good feelings”. He won't do that. Bewilderment and bitterness (sometimes to the point of resentment) - this is all from unbelief, from the inability to give God that which is only in His control. And you "shut your door and pray to your Father who is in the secret." And He will reward you with silence.

inexplicable joy

We meet different people in life. Among them there are those whom we remember with special gratitude and special warmth. I had a friend at work, a little older than me, who in two months, “out of the blue”, died suddenly of cancer, and that was already twenty years old. She is buried in the Donskoy cemetery, and when I am there, I definitely go to her. And as soon as I find myself on her grave, I feel (almost always like this) - joyfully! I, so to speak, "can not do anything." In this Elena was ... irresistible friendliness. She will say cheerfully to the student: “What did you write to me here?” and show him his wild stupidity. And he will send it, and put a deuce, without succumbing to anything. And the friendliness will be preserved to the fullest. Everyone loved her. And suddenly the Lord took it. As soon as she (at the end of "perestroika") began to be interested in religion, to read books, and she died unbaptized. And, although I didn’t doubt for a second and don’t doubt her bright afterlife fate, and with whom (besides my parents) I would like to meet “there”, it’s with her, but I remember her one of the first when I turn to Saint Huar. And I feel that this is so necessary, this is so right, and this is more true than my (however reliable for me) impressions.

Trust in a saint

The point is not only that everything should be right and that everything should be done - in relation to people dear to us - that can be done by us. In Christ Jesus "has power", according to the words of the Apostle Paul, only "faith working through love" (Gal.5.6). Love for the deceased, dear to us, does not allow us to calm down and, so to speak, to leave "mechanically" his fate to God, we do from the heart everything that can be done by us. And how good it is that there is a saint to whom our petition can be “entrusted”! how good it is that there is a church tradition that allows us to resolve such a difficult and so touching question!

For the sake of truth, one cannot fail to say that among the zealots of the purity of the Orthodox faith, there are those who deny not only the legitimacy of the prayer service on Pyatnitskaya Street, but also the very appeal to the martyr Huar with a prayer for the unbaptized, up to doubts about the interpretation of his life. So, the priest Konstantin Bufeev in the article “On hazing service to the martyr Huar” (“Holy Fire” No. 12) states that “there are no grounds to suspect Cleopatra’s relatives of unbelief and paganism.” Further, Priest Konstantin proposes to bring episodes from the lives of other saints to the point of absurdity and, for example, compose a service to the prophet Elisha, “ grace was given to him to raise the dead to their feet.” Witty, you will not say anything, and even - poisonously. But, like cold, poisonousness does not create the truth of God. There is also no reason to consider the Cleopatra ancestors as believers in Christ, but there is a tradition of praying to Huaru, and the tradition, as already mentioned, is ancient.

Following it, trusting the Church, trusting the holy martyr, we gain experience that increases faith, for we are not left without certificates. We do not receive any confirmation that now the afterlife of those whom we care for has become bright, but we gain confidence that the Lord has completely taken over our care, and, therefore, everything will be right.

Once a classmate called me, who came from the funeral of her workmate (unbaptized), in a complete decline of feelings, almost in despair - this is how she experienced the unexpected death of her friend (in a car accident). I tell her: “So the church of Cyril and Athanasius is not far from you. There is an icon of the martyr Uar, go and pray to him.” She called me two hours later: the minus of her exclamations changed to a plus. For her, this was the evidence of faith that the apostle John speaks of: “He who believes on the Son of God has the testimony in himself” (1 John 5:10). For me, on the one hand, there was nothing surprising in this, and on the other hand, of course, there was also evidence here, confirmation of what I already knew well. We cannot live without the Church, and we cannot live without communion with each other, which confirms our innermost experience. By the way, in the Church of Saints Cyril and Athanasius (in Afanasvesky Lane not far from Kropotkinskaya), a prayer service to the martyr Huar is performed on Wednesday evening, if there is no pre-holiday evening service.

God is all alive

And everything is alive. I was very fond of taking exams together with that Lena, whom I spoke about above. Each time she told me that she would start the exam herself and added (I remember the gesture with her palm): "It's okay if you're late." And now, at the wall of the Donskoy Monastery, in deep peace, which is so clearly present in this cemetery, I look at her photograph, and although so many years have passed, I don’t feel at all that I am “very late” ... Here somehow everything is different. The grief was yesterday, but the good is forever.

The main prayers for every need. According to the teachings of the saints of God. How and in what cases to pray Glagoleva Olga

Prayer to the martyr Uar for the dead babies who did not have time to receive Holy Baptism

Oh, holy martyr Uare, venerable!

We inflame the Lord Christ with zeal, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and you zealously suffered about Him, and now the Church honors you, as if glorified from the Lord Christ with the glory of heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness towards Him, and now stand before Him with the Angels, and rejoice in the highest, and see clearly the Holy Trinity, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance.

Remember our relatives and languor, who died in ungodliness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatra, the unfaithful family freed you from eternal torment with your prayers, so remember the fir-trees buried contrary to God, who died unbaptized (names), rush to ask them for deliverance from eternal darkness, so that with one mouth and one heart we will praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.

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If 142. The necessity of baptism for all. Infant Baptism. Baptism in blood. The uniqueness of baptism. I. “We believe that baptism, commanded by the Lord and performed in the name of the Holy Trinity, is necessary. And without him no one can be saved, as the Lord says: unless one

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Holy Epiphany. Epiphany. January 19 (6) The event of the holiday. After the Meeting of the Lord, the Mother of God and the righteous Joseph with the God-child Christ, on direct instructions from the Angel, went to Egypt from the evil Herod. King of the Jews Herod, who did not come from

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§73. Infant Baptism For infant baptism, see Justin Martyr: Dial. With. Tryph. Jud., p. 43. Irenaeus: Adv. haer. II. 22, §4, cf. from III. 17, § 1, and elsewhere. Tertullian: De Baptismo, p. 18. Cyprian: Epist. LIX. ad Fidum. Clement of Alexandria: Paedag. III. 247. Origen: Comm. in Rom. V. Opp. IV. 565, Homil. XIV. in Luc. See list

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HOLY APPOINTMENT. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD GOD AND THE SAVING OF OUR JESUS ​​CHRIST January 6 THE SEQUENCE OF THE HOURS SINGED AT THE EVENING OF ENLIGHTENMENT. The first hour At the beginning of the second hour, it marks the campaign, and, having gathered in the temple, the priest will put on the phelonion, the deacon the surplice. And supplies

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For dead babies who have not been vouchsafed holy baptism 1. Martyr Huar; commemorated October 19 / November 1. In the Orthodox Church, the unbaptized are not commemorated, notes with their names are not submitted for proskomidia or memorial service. Therefore, the relatives of the dead who are not baptized can

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Prayer to the Holy Martyr Uare Oh, venerable holy martyr Uare! We inflame the Lord Christ with zeal, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and you suffered zealously for Him, and now the Church honors you, as if glorified by the Lord Christ with the glory of heaven, Izhe

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Chapter 5 Canon to the Holy Martyr Uar of Egypt for deliverance from the torment of those who died in other faiths Prayers from the service to the saint Song 1 Irmos: Load the Pharaoh's charioteer, sometimes work wonders, Moses' rod striking the cross and dividing the sea, Israel, the fugitive pedestrian

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To the martyr Uar about the weakening of eternal torment by those who died unbaptized Troparion, the voice of the 4th Host of the holy martyrs who suffer legally, in vain oneh, showed you your courageous strength. And rushing to passion with your will, and die lustfully for Christ, Who accepted the honor of your victory

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If 205. Necessity of baptism for all; infant baptism; baptism in blood. I. Judging by the gracious effects of the sacrament of Baptism, it is natural to conclude that it is necessary for everyone who only wants to be cleansed from sins, become a child of God, achieve the eternal

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January 6 Holy Theophany (Baptism of G. N. I. X.) Troparion, Ch. 1 In the Jordan, O Lord, who is baptized by Thee, Trinity worship has appeared: For the parent of God has a voice testifying to Thee, calling Thy beloved Son, and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, proclaiming to your word the statement: appear, Christ

From the book of 100 prayers for quick help. With interpretations and clarifications author Volkova Irina Olegovna

Prayer for those who died unbaptized, to the holy martyr Uar (October 19 / November 1) The holy martyr Uar and seven Christian teachers lived in Egypt during the period of special persecution of Christians (end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th century). Uar was a military commander and a secret Christian. He helped many

From the book of Prayers and Canons for the Dead author Team of authors

To the martyr Uar about the weakening of eternal torment by those who died unbaptized Troparion, tone 4 By the army of saints, the martyrs who suffer legally, in vain, oneh, showed you courageously your fortress. And rushing to passion with your will, and die lustfully for Christ, Who accepted the honor of your victory

From the author's book

Canon to the Holy Martyr Uar The Holy Martyr Uar lived in Egypt during a period of special persecution of Christians. Being a military commander and a secret Christian, he helped the persecuted Christians, visited prisons at night, brought food to the prisoners, bandaged their wounds, encouraged them. One day he kisses

He said that the church is a living great body of Christ, all baptized people are living cells of this large organism. The unbaptized are dead cells, cut off from the church body, since they did not receive holy Baptism, they were not born spiritually. Many families have deceased unbaptized relatives. Christian prayer to Uaru, the intercessor of the unbaptized, is able to save their sinful souls. If your prayer is heard by the saint, he will ask God to forgive all the sins of the dead. Prayers are lifted up to Saint Uar, asking to save the souls of babies killed in the womb.

Saving Prayer to Saint Ouar for Those Who Died in Non-Christianity

There were many paradoxes in the life of St. Ouar - before becoming a saint, he was a coward and a sinner. He considered himself a Christian, but was afraid to openly show his faith. He came to the dungeons to support the martyrs suffering for the faith, saying that he would like to accept suffering for Christ, just like they did, but he could not, because he did not have firmness of spirit and was very afraid of bodily pain. But when the moment came, he resolutely joined the ranks of the martyrs and accepted all the suffering prepared for him. This suggests that the line between cowardice and courage, between a saint and a sinner is very shaky, and anyone can overcome it. A person strengthened gains additional strength and can pass any test. Saint Ouar died from severe beatings, his body was thrown out to be eaten by dogs. The pious widow Cleopatra secretly buried the remains of the martyr and began to pray every day at his tomb. Other people soon followed her example, they began to offer independent prayers to Uaru and receive healing from the holy relics. Wanting to thank Cleopatra, the holy martyr begged God to ask for the sins of all her dead pagan relatives. Since then, all those who have relatives of those who died in a different faith have been turning to Uaru with prayers.

Orthodox prayer to the martyr Uar for the unbaptized dead

Relatives of people who died without baptism cannot apply for prayer help to the church. Divine services, memorial services, prayer services cannot be performed for the unbaptized, they are not buried in the church, but with the blessing of the priest, you can pray for them yourself. The Orthodox prayer of Uaru for the unbaptized dead will help their souls find the Kingdom of Heaven. Huarus also pray for suicides.

The text of the Orthodox prayer to Saint Ouar

Oh, holy martyr Uare, venerable, with zeal for the Mistress of Christ, we kindle the Heavenly King before the tormentor, thou didst confess, and now the Church honors thee, as glorified from the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness towards Him, and now stand before Him with the Angels, and rejoice in the highest, and see the Holy Trinity clearly, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance: remember our relatives and languor, who died in ungodliness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatra, the unfaithful generation freed you from eternal torment with your prayers, so remember the figurines buried contrary to God, who died unbaptized (names), try to ask them for deliverance from eternal darkness, so that with one mouth and one heart we praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.

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