"modeling by little people", or the use of technology triz in the classroom for experimentation. Inclusion in the process of cognition of all mental operations and means of perception available to the child


"Modeling by little men"

Prepared and hosted:


Kurnoskina Marina Anatolievna

Dear colleagues! The topic of my master class is “Modeling by little men”.

As an epigraph to it, I want to take the words: A. I. Grina - “Education based on the assimilation of specific facts has become obsolete in principle, because the facts quickly become obsolete, and their volume tends to infinity.”


The purpose and objectives of the master class:

  • To improve the knowledge of teachers about TRIZ technology;
  • Show ways of modeling objects and phenomena of inanimate nature (MMP);
  • Increase competence in the field of innovative technologies.

The Federal State Educational Standard points out that “at present, methods that ensure the formation of independent creative educational activities of preschoolers aimed at solving life problems are beginning to prevail in the education system.”

Dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention a method within the framework of this master class. This is the Little Human Modeling (MMP) method that helps me accomplish the tasks:

  • Development of cognitive research activities;
  • Formation of children's primary ideas about the phenomena and processes occurring in inanimate nature;
  • Development of the ability to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena;
  • Development of imagination and creative activity;
  • Development of the ability to model objects and phenomena of inanimate nature.

At first glance, it may seem complicated, but if you figure it out, I assure you that it is very exciting, interesting, and effective. For both children and teachers."The Method of Little People" was developed on the basis of synectics (symbolic and personal analogy), which allows you to visually see and feel natural phenomena, the nature of the interaction of objects and their elements; ideas about the internal structure of bodies of living and inanimate nature, objects. The internal structure of bodies and their properties can be explained as follows: “The bodies surrounding us consist of little men, but they are very small and we cannot see them. Little men are the molecules that make up substances. They are constantly moving. There are a lot of people in a solid body, they hold hands and stand close to each other, in liquids people stand more freely and other people can “pass” between them, and in gases the distance between people is the largest.

Why little men?

  • They can think, perform actions, behave differently;
  • They have different characters and habits, they obey different commands;
  • When modeling, you can put yourself in their place, feel and understand through actions, sensations, interactions.

It is advisable to invent and draw designations together with children, then the symbols will be better remembered and understood by them. But there are certain rules to follow:

  • The little men of solid matter: wood, stone, glass, fabric, plastic have a common property - they hold their shape, they hold hands, and the little men of stone hold on tighter than the little men of glass (on the symbol cards, the hands of these little men are lowered down).
  • Little people of a liquid substance: milk, tea, water, jelly, etc. - little men droplets; they take the form of the vessel into which they are poured: these little men do not hold hands; their hands are on their belts;
  • Little men of gaseous matter are constantly in motion: they are always running somewhere, flying (gas, steam, smoke).

Where to begin?

Stage 1 - building simple models with children;

Stage 2 – modeling of interactions of two substances;

Stage 3 - modeling of complex interactions and the state of surrounding objects, their transition from one state to another.

Building the simplest models with children can begin with the middle group

Types of models of little men.

  • The roles of little men are played by children;
  • Cards with the image of little men. These are pre-prepared cards: flat images of the MCH or schematically drawn.
  • Cubes with the image of little men;
  • A schematic representation of the MCH, which the children themselves draw.

Games with teachers.

Now we will go with you to the country of little men who live in different towns.

Do you know what these little people are?

Solid little men hold hands tightly so that nothing happens, so that no one and nothing can slip between them.

The liquid men keep their hands on their belts, but touch each other with their elbows so that they can slip between them.

Gaseous or running men live in various smells, liquid bubbles. They fly all the time, i.e. run.

(I select teachers who will play with me)

So, along this path (TT marker) those who

who consists of solid natural little men. You name yourself (an object consisting of hard men). For example, "I am a stone ...". (Calling themselves, teachers walk along the path to the city of hard men)

Solid MCH are strong, strong, we can keep our shape).

Teachers, passing along the path, call themselves.

Do you feel good here, in your town, liquid men?

(They love to flow, pour, change shape, travel, mix).

The road led us to the city of the most cheerful gaseous little men. You have to go through it. Residents of the country of gaseous men, pass along the path! (When passing, the educators call themselves: I am the smell of a flower, I am the smell of perfume, I am an air of steam, fog, etc.)

How do you live in your city? (We like to go everywhere, we don’t like to “sit” in place, we love movement! We would like to make friends with other little people.)

The second stage - modeling the interactions of two substances, you can begin to master with children of older preschool age. And I offer you

go to the next city, the city of mixed Men. Put on hats with markers of your cities and, united in pairs, threes, name yourself.

TJ - water in a glass, ice in water ...

TG - balloon,

GJ - mineral water, lemonade, air bubbles in water ...

TGZh - a person, a plant, an animal, an aquarium ...

Everything that surrounds us, and we ourselves consist of little people, the difference is only in the number of different people and in each individual object and their connections.


"Name a Solid"- to exercise in the ability to select objects according to their state of aggregation.

Freeze - game on the ability to model solid and liquid substances.

"Little People"- the ability to quickly respond to the signal "solid", "liquid", "gaseous".

"Magic Path"- to exercise in the ability to select objects according to two signs of aggregate state and color.

Game "Cubes" - (on the sides of which there are figures of "little" people and iconic interactions between them) helps the baby to make the first discoveries, conduct research work at his level, get acquainted with the laws of living and inanimate nature. With the help of such "little men" children make models "Pond " etc.

In the preparatory group in directly educational activities according to O.O. "Cognitive development" when explaining to children the water cycle in nature, you can use a fairy tale.

Adventure of raindrops.

“We lived - there were little droplets-men in the cloud. There were a lot of them. They were cheerful, restless, light. Once, having played out, they did not even notice that they had come off the clouds and were falling to the ground. But even on earth they did not want to part with each other. And those droplets - little men that fell far away, ran to their friends. And when they all gathered together, a stream turned out. They were glad that they were all together again, murmured, whispered and ran on, to see what was there?

They ran and ran and ran to the river. It is good that the river was located below the place where the little men fell - droplets, otherwise it would have been very difficult to run up, the little men would not have run to their relatives.

And in the river there are even more of the same water men. They rejoiced at the meeting and let's have fun, jump, jump over each other. The river roared and roared. But gradually the little men got tired and calmed down. We decided to take a break. And suddenly they felt cold. These frosty men really wanted to play with them, but while the water ones were jumping, the frosty ones could not grab them, approach them. And now, when the water men were tired and calmed down, the frosty ones sat next to each other and hugged the water men. The water ones, feeling that they were freezing, began to cling to each other to warm the MCH. They pressed so tightly that they turned to ice. But the people were not upset. During the summer they were tired and wanted to rest. The little people knew that time would pass and the sun would warm again, they would become warm and it would be possible to run and tumble and play any games. And even visit my grandmother - a cloud. After listening to a fairy tale, children build a changeable model of the transition from one substance to another.

And now you will try to create models yourself using MFM.

Group task:

Group 1 - creating a model - a glass of water;

Group 2 - creating a model - a glass of water with ice;

Group 3 - creating a model - a glass of lemonade.

Where else can you use MMC?

  • in regime moments;
  • GCD according to O.O. "Cognitive development" - the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. You can measure objects by length, reinforce the concepts of "more - less", "heavier - lighter", etc.
  • In the visual activity - mixing colors.
  • In O.O. "Speech Development" - children are offered a model from a different combination of vowels and consonant little men.
  • small men can model social relationships.


Technology name

Technology for solving inventive problems

Acceptance of TRIZ technology

"The Little Man Method"

What gives the child

  • helps to find solutions to a problematic issue, generate ideas;
  • regular training of creative thinking;
  • awareness of the relationship between the change of matter and thermal conditions.

What gives the teacher

  • knowledge of TRIZ equips the teacher's thinking with a set of tools for solving problems;
  • develops the teacher's creative abilities, flexibility and systematic thinking;
  • educates readiness for the perception of the new;
  • provides professional growth.

Dear colleagues, you were grateful listeners and did an excellent job with the proposed games and game exercises. Use various TRIZ techniques in your work, and you will fully discover the inexhaustible source of children's imagination.

Evaluation of the work of the master class

I propose to evaluate my master class. Leaves flew down the path.

  • Liked the games. I will use them in my work, let a yellow leaf fly.
  • It was good. But I don’t know whether I will use games in my work, let a green leaf fly.
  • Understood nothing. It was not interesting, let a red leaf fly.


  1. Sidorchuk T.A., "I know the world" Methodological complex for working with preschoolers. - Ulyanovsk, LLC "Vector - S", 2014.
  2. Gutkovich I.Ya. Methodological guide for organizing and conducting developmental knowledge with preschoolers / Nauch.-method. development center. education N242 "Sadko". - Ulyanovsk, 1996.
  3. Pedagogy + TRIZ: Collection of articles for teachers, educators.
  4. N.M. Zhuravleva, T.A. Sidorchuk, N.V. Khizhnyak, "OTSM - TRIZ - RTV technologies as a universal tool for the formation of key competencies of preschool children",Methodical manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions, 2007.
  5. http://volga-triz.org/ (Official site Volga - TRIZ)
  6. www.altshuller.ru (official fund of G.S. Altshuller)
Creativity as an exact science [Theory of inventive problem solving] Altshuller Genrikh Saulovich


With each new modification, the determinism of ARIZ steps increases. Information support is also being strengthened. Nevertheless, ARIZ does not cancel the need to think, it only controls the process of thinking, protecting against mistakes and forcing them to perform unusual ("talented") mental operations.

There are very detailed manuals on flying aircraft and no less detailed manuals on surgical operations. You can learn these instructions, but this is not enough to become a pilot or a surgeon. In addition to knowledge of instructions, practice is needed, skills developed in practice are needed. Therefore, in public schools of inventive creativity, approximately 100 studies are planned on the basis of ARIZ. hours in the classroom and 200 hours for homework.

At first, very gross mistakes are not uncommon, due to the most elementary inability to think in an organized manner. For example, how do you solve problem 31? Four out of five people at the beginning of training indicate an aggressive liquid and chamber walls as a conflicting pair. Products (alloy cubes) for processing which there is a technical system "vessel - liquid - cubes" do not fall into the conflicting pair and, therefore, into the problem model. As a result, the modest task of processing cubes is replaced by the much more difficult problem of keeping any aggressive liquid (and hot) in a vessel made of ordinary metal. Such a task, of course, is worthy of all attention, it is not a pity to spend years on it. Solving such problems usually requires changing the entire supersystem, which includes the system under consideration. Detailing, testing and implementation of new ideas require in these cases a huge amount of work. Before devoting years (and perhaps even a lifetime) to this, it is advisable to spend five minutes solving a simpler, but also necessary task: what to do with cubes after all? ..

If "cube-liquid" is taken as a conflicting pair, the camera does not fall into the task model. At first glance, this aggravates the conditions: since the matter is not in the walls of the chamber, they can be any (they may even not exist at all!); we will have to look for a solution in which the storage of an aggressive liquid does not depend on the walls of the vessel at all ... As usual, an imaginary weight actually means a simplification of the problem. Indeed, what is the conflict now, when the “cube-liquid” pair remains, and the “camera” turned out to be “outside the game”? In the aggressive action of the liquid? But in this pair, the liquid must be aggressive - this is its useful (and only useful!) Quality ... The conflict now is that the liquid will not stick (without a chamber) to the cube. She just spills, sheds, sheds. How to make sure that the liquid does not spill, but is held securely by the cube? Pour it inside the cube - the only answer and quite obvious. The gravitational field acts on the liquid, but this action is not transferred to the cube and therefore the liquid and the cube do not interact (mechanically). The simplest task for building a su-field: let the gravitational field act on the liquid, and it will transfer this action to the cube. Replacing the cubes with "glasses" (hollow cubes) is the first idea that comes to mind if the problem model takes a cube and a liquid, and not a liquid and a chamber. There is a wall (the wall of the cube) and there is no wall (the walls of the chamber) - an excellent elimination of the physical contradiction. Such a solution certainly does not need to be verified - it is absolutely clear and reliable, there is no need for design development, there is no implementation problem. And to get this solution, you just need to follow the direct and simple prescription of ARIZ: in a conflicting pair there must be a product and an element of the system directly acting on it. Or (as in the problem of a lightning rod) one can consider a conflict between two pairs: "cube-liquid" and "liquid-chamber". IFR: the missing liquid itself does not act on the chamber, retaining the ability to act on the sample. Here the path to the solution is even shorter, because from the very beginning it is assumed that there is no liquid. A clear contradiction immediately arises: there is liquid (for the cube) and there is no liquid (for the chamber). According to the conditions of the problem, it is impossible to separate the conflicting properties in time (the liquid must continuously act on the sample), there remains one possibility: to separate the conflicting properties in space - there is liquid where the cube is, and there is no liquid where the chamber is.

The text of ARIZ-77 includes nine simple rules, but learning to follow these rules, alas, is not so easy. At first, the rules are not noticed, “missed”, then they begin to be incorrectly applied, and only gradually, somewhere in the second hundred tasks, the ability to work with ARIZ confidently is developed. Any training is difficult, but teaching the organization of thinking when solving creative problems is doubly difficult. If you give a task to calculate the volume of a cone, a person may write the formula incorrectly, multiply the numbers incorrectly, but he will never say, without even looking at the numbers: “The volume of the cone? But what if it is equal to 5 cm3 or 3 m3? What color is the cone? Or maybe it's not in the cone at all? Let's better calculate the weight of some hemisphere...” When solving inventive problems, such “pirouettes” are called “search for a solution” and do not confuse anyone...

There are many subtle decision mechanisms that today cannot yet be formulated in the form of simple rules. They are not yet included in the ARIZ text, but they can be “embedded” at the discretion of the teacher, when students get used to conducting analysis without breaking it off somewhere in the middle with the eternal: “What if you do this?..”

As we have already said, Gordon, creating synectics, supplemented brainstorming with four types of analogies, including empathy - a personal analogy. The essence of this technique lies in the fact that the person solving the problem "enters" the image of the object being improved and tries to carry out the action required by the task. If at the same time it is possible to find some kind of approach, some new idea, the solution is “translated” into technical language. “The essence of empathy,” says J. Dixon, “is to “become” a detail and see from its position and from its point of view what can be done.” Further, J. Dixon points out that this method is very useful for getting new ideas.

The practice of using empathy in solving educational and production problems shows that empathy is indeed sometimes useful. But sometimes it happens and is very harmful. Why?

Identifying himself with a particular machine (or part of it) and considering its possible changes, the inventor involuntarily selects those that are acceptable to humans and discards those that are unacceptable to the human body, such as cutting, crushing, dissolving in acid, etc.

The indivisibility of the human body prevents the successful application of empathy in solving many problems, such as, for example, problems 23-25.

The shortcomings of empathy are eliminated in the modeling with the help of little people (MMP) - a method that is used in ARIZ. Its essence is to present the object in the form of a multitude (“crowd”) of little people. Such a model retains the advantages of empathy (visibility, simplicity) and does not have its inherent disadvantages.

In the history of science, there are cases when something similar to MMP was spontaneously applied. Two such cases are particularly interesting. The first is Kekule's discovery of the structural formula of benzene.

“One evening while in London,” says Kekule, “I was sitting in an omnibus and thinking about how to represent the C6 H6 benzene molecule in the form of a structural formula that corresponds to the properties of benzene. At this time, I saw a cage with monkeys that were catching each other, now grabbing each other, then again disengaging, and once grabbed in this way. that made up the ring. Each with one rear hand held on to the cage, and the next held on to her other back hand with both front ones, while their tails were waving merrily in the air. In this way, five monkeys, grabbing, formed a circle, and the thought immediately flashed in my head: this is the image of benzene. This is how the above formula arose, it explains the strength of the benzene ring to us ”(quoted from).

The second case is even more famous. This is Maxwell's thought experiment when he developed the dynamic theory of gases. In this mental experiment, there were two vessels with gases at the same temperature. Maxwell was interested in the question of how to make fast molecules in one vessel and slow ones in another. Because the temperature of the gases is the same. the molecules themselves will not separate: in each vessel at any given time there will be a certain number of fast and slow molecules. Maxwell mentally connected the vessels with a tube with a door, which was opened and closed by "demons" - fantastic creatures of approximately molecular dimensions. The demons passed fast particles from one vessel to another and closed the door in front of small particles.

These two cases are interesting, first of all, because they explain why it is precisely little people, and not, for example, balls or microbes, that are taken into the MMP. Modeling requires small particles to be seen, understood, and able to act. These requirements are most naturally associated with a person: he has eyes, a brain, hands. By using MMP, the inventor uses empathy at the micro level. The strong side of empathy is preserved and there are no inherent shortcomings.

The episodes with Kekule and Maxwell have been described by many authors. But no one connected them together and thought about the question: here are two cases in different branches of science, why not turn these cases into a method used consciously? The story of Kekule was usually brought up to talk about the role of chance in science and invention. And from the experience of Maxwell, they made the already obvious conclusion that a scientist needs imagination ...

The technique of applying the MMP method is reduced to the following operations:

At step 3.3, you need to select the part of the object that cannot fulfill the requirements specified in step 3.2, and represent this part in the form of little people;

It is necessary to divide the little men into groups that act (move) according to the conditions of the task;

The resulting model must be considered and rebuilt so that conflicting actions are performed.

For example, in problem 24, the drawing for step 3.3 usually looks like the one shown in fig. one, a: the outer layer of the circle is selected, which is no different in structure from the central part of the circle. On fig. one, b the same figure is shown, but made using MMP. Little people in contact with the surface to be treated remove metal particles, and other little people hold the “workers”, preventing them from flying out of the circle, falling, or being thrown away. The depth of the depression changes - the little men are rebuilt accordingly. Considering the left figure, it is not so easy to come to the conclusion that it is necessary to break up the outer part into "grains", making these grains mobile and at the same time "clinging" to the circle. The right figure leads to this idea.

Once, at a TRIZ seminar, the trainees were offered the problem of increasing the speed of an icebreaker: it is impossible to increase the speed by increasing the power of the engines; modern icebreakers are so "filled" with engines that they carry almost no payload (for detailed conditions of the problem and a record of the solution for ARIZ, see).

At first, the problem was solved using empathy. One of the listeners, getting used to the “image of an icebreaker”, concentratedly walked around the room, and then approached the table. “This is ice,” the listener said. - I'm an icebreaker. I want to go through the ice, but the ice won't let me through...”. He put pressure on the “ice”, jumped on it with a running start, at times the legs of the “icebreaker” tried to pass under the table, but the body interfered with this, sometimes the body tried to pass over the table, but the legs interfered ... Having identified himself with the icebreaker, the listener transferred to the icebreaker indivisibility inherent in the human body, and thus complicated the task, empathy in this case only made the solution more difficult.

In the next lesson, the same student solved the problem using the MMP method. He approached the table, thought for a few seconds, then said with some confusion: “I don’t understand what the task is ... If I consist of a crowd of little men, the upper half of the crowd will pass over the table, the lower half - under the table ... Apparently , the task now is how to connect the two parts of the icebreaker - the surface and the one under the ice. It is planned to introduce some kind of racks, narrow, sharp, they will easily pass through the ice, there will be no need to break a huge mass of ice ... "

The MMP method has not yet been fully explored; there are many mysteries in it. For example, in tasks for measuring the length, it is better to represent the selected part of the element, not as a continuous line of little men, but as a line “through one”. It is even better if the little men are arranged in the form of a triangle. And even better - an irregular triangle (with unequal or curvilinear sides). Why? For now, we can only speculate. But the rule applies...

Recall at least problem 7. It is necessary to measure the depth of the river from an airplane. According to the conditions of the task, a helicopter cannot be used, landing of people is unacceptable, it is also impossible to use any properties of radio waves, because there is no way to order special equipment. In addition, depth measurements must be performed essentially free of charge (only expenses for paying for a flight along the river are allowed).

We use the MMC method. The still unknown “measuring device”, which will have to be used, thrown or directed from an airplane, should have the shape of an irregular triangle. There are only two possible arrangements for the little men (Fig. 2) that form this "measuring device".

The top men should be lighter than water, the bottom men should be heavier. Suppose that these are pieces of wood and stones, united by a fishing line (Fig. 3); it is not difficult to realize such a triangle. pieces of wood BUT and B connected to stone AT lines, and the lengths of both lines obviously exceed the depth of the river (this can be checked by a test discharge). The deeper the river, the shorter the distance AB(the pieces of wood are not connected). To one of the floats you need to attach (for "scale") a meter rail, and you can drop this "equipment" and then photograph from above. Knowing AB and BV and measured in the picture AB, easy to calculate VG. The solution is surprisingly simple and beautiful (a.c. No. 180815), it is very difficult to come to it without a hint (“Throw three little men, order them to form an irregular triangle ...”), the reader will be able to verify this by offering the task to his colleagues ...

Consider now problem 8, it is about measuring the radius of the grinding wheel, so the little men should also help here.

The grinding wheel processes the part - with grinding, so everything is in order (unlike task 24), the su-field is already there. But the circle works inside the cylinder, and it is necessary to determine the change in the radius of the circle without removing the tool from the bowels of the part. Class 14 problem. Solution (according to the table of typical models): to B2 it is necessary to attach such a B3 that changes the field P depending on the state of B3 and, therefore, B2. If an electrically conductive strip is applied to the end of the circle and a current is passed, then the change in resistance can be used to judge the change in the radius of the circle (Fig. 4).

Unfortunately, such a scheme does not provide measurement accuracy. The resistance depends not only on the length of the strip, but also on the force of pressing the wheel to the surface to be treated and on the state of the contact "chain-shaft", and on the temperature of the wheel...

Let's try to arrange the little men in a chain "through one" (Fig. 5).

Now the measurement of the radius of the circle can be judged by the number of current pulses, and the magnitude of the pulses themselves does not matter. The solution is much more efficient than the previous one. True, to bring current to each little man is not so simple.

Let's move on to the triangle. The correct "triangle" does not give anything. But the wrong one is another solution (Fig. 6), and now without flaws: with a change in radius, the duty cycle (signal-to-pause ratio) of passing pulses changes, this allows you to simply and reliably measure the radius of the circle.

There are other, not quite clear tricks in the MMP method. The time will come, we will understand the regularities operating here, and the method will be included in ARIZ in the form of mandatory steps. This happened, for example, with the RVS operator, who at first also seemed strange and exotic.

RVS is the size, time, cost. Any technical system given in the conditions of the problem has a familiar image for us. You can, for example, remove the word "icebreaker" from the text of the problem, but

Fig.4., Fig.5. Fig.6

the image of an icebreaker will remain: something “ship-shaped”, roughly the size of an icebreaker, operating at about the same pace and costing about the same. The term no longer exists, but the image of the original system has been preserved and carries a strong charge of psychological inertia. The goal of the RCS operator is to overcome this inertia, to break the obsessive old image of the technical system. The RCS operator includes six mental experiments that rearrange the conditions of the problem (step 1.9 in the text of ARIZ-77). Experiments can be carried out at different levels - here much depends on the power of the imagination, on the nature of the task and on other circumstances. However, even the formal execution of these operations sharply knocks down the psychological inertia associated with the habitual image of the system.

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The next important stage in the discussion of the issue of registration of discoveries in the field of social sciences was associated with the legislative introduction in the USSR of legal protection of discoveries and the adoption of the Regulations on discoveries, inventions and rationalization proposals (1959), where, after discussing this problem, it was stipulated that discoveries in social sciences diplomas are not issued. Thus, the legislation of the USSR, recognizing the possibility of scientific discoveries in the social sciences, excluded them from the sphere of state legal regulation. This norm was successfully transferred to the new Regulations on discoveries, inventions and rationalization proposals (1973). “This Regulation does not apply to geographic, archaeological, paleontological discoveries, discoveries of mineral deposits and discoveries in the field of social sciences” (paragraph 10 of the Regulation).

The main argument for excluding the registration of discoveries in the field of social sciences from legislative acts was the opinion of civil law experts that the introduction of the legal side of discoveries in the field of social sciences would cause a negative effect, since the conclusions of the social sciences cannot be assessed with a sufficient degree of certainty, unlike from findings in the natural sciences. To verify such discoveries, long social experience is needed, and experimentation is limited or excluded.

These conclusions were dictated, most likely, by ideological considerations, and not by the desire to increase the interest of scientists in conducting fundamental research in the field of social sciences.

This position regarding discoveries in the field of social sciences, although somewhat softened, was reflected in the text of the Geneva Treaty on the International Registration of Scientific Discoveries (1978), developed and adopted by WIPO at the initiative of the USSR. Article 1(2) of the Treaty states that “any Contracting State shall have the right not to apply this Treaty to geographical, archaeological and paleontological discoveries, discoveries of mineral deposits and discoveries in the field of social sciences”.

When considering the issue of scientific discoveries, and in particular about scientific discoveries in the field of social sciences, an analogy with the Nobel Prizes is often drawn. Without denying the legitimacy of such an analogy and without going into a detailed analysis of significant differences regarding the procedure for awarding the Nobel Prize and recognizing a scientific position as a discovery, we note that the activities of the Nobel Foundation not only do not deny the possibility of registering discoveries in the field of social sciences, but actually confirms the need for this work .

According to the will of A. Nobel, the prizes are awarded “... the first part to the one who makes the most important discovery or invention in the field of physics, the second - to the one who makes the most important discovery or improvement in the field of chemistry, the third - to the one who makes the most important discovery in the field of physiology or medicine, the fourth - to the one who created the most significant literary work of an idealistic orientation, the fifth - to the one who will make a significant contribution to the rallying of peoples, the elimination or reduction in the number of standing armies or the development of peace initiatives.

The Nobel Foundation was established in 1900, and in 1968 the five traditional Nobel Prizes were supplemented by an annual economics prize, established on the initiative of the Swedish Bank and awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Over the past period, Nobel Prizes in Economics have been awarded to a number of scientists - economists who have enriched world science with their discoveries, and the above doubts and assertions about its impossibility did not prevent the assessment of the achievements of these discoveries.

Thus, the first Nobel Prize winner in economics was R. Frisch (1969) for the creation and application of dynamic models to the analysis of economic processes.

In 1971, the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to the economist S. Kuznets for an empirically based interpretation of economic growth, which led to a deeper understanding of both the economic and social structure and the development process, in 1973 - V.V. Leontiev for developing the input-output method and for applying it to important economic problems. Nobel Prizes in Economics were also awarded to R. Solow (1987) for the theoretical development of topical problems of the modern market economy, G. Becker (1992) for expanding the scope of macroeconomic analysis and research into the behavior and relationships of people, and a number of other well-known scientists - economists in later years. In 2004, scientists F. Kydland and E. Prescott for their contribution to the study of the influence of the time factor on economic policy and for research on the driving forces of business cycles, in 2005 - to R. Aumann and T. Schelling for deepening the understanding of the essence of conflict and cooperation through analysis game theory.

The decision to award the Nobel Prizes in Economics is explained, in our opinion, primarily by the growing interest in the study of economic problems by scientific methods and the desire to increase the interest of economists in fundamental research, the results of which can have a significant impact on the development of society.

When considering registered scientific discoveries, which are the result of an expert assessment of the incoming array of applications, it is possible to determine the characteristic priority areas related to the study of man, information theory, sociology, which, in our opinion, is natural and reflects the current state of scientific research in these areas.

The study of man has now become a common problem, since such studies are carried out by representatives of various sciences, often not in contact with each other, which reduces the effectiveness of scientific research. In this regard, there are obvious attempts to synthesize scientific knowledge about a person with the formulation of generalized concepts and the conduct of complex studies to obtain a new fundamental result.

As for another priority area - the theory of information, in science today there is no single definition of the concept of information, however, information, according to well-known specialist scientists (K.K. Colin), is the main driving factor in self-organizing systems of any nature. It is information and information processes that play a special role in the development of nature and society. Awareness of the dominant role of information in nature and social phenomena led to the emergence of a new fundamental approach to scientific knowledge - the information approach, the essence of which lies in the fact that when studying any object, first of all, the most characteristic information aspects for it are identified and analyzed, which determine the state of this object and allow predict his behavior, which makes it possible to make informed decisions in practice.

The third direction is discoveries related to the study of sociological problems, in particular, problems of personality, psychology of interaction and human behavior.

Natalya Dmitrieva

Dear colleagues! Of course, all of you are well aware of TRIZ technology - the theory of inventive problem solving. In the 1930s, this theory made a revolution in our Soviet science! In early childhood education, technology peaked in the 1980s, but many of us still use it in our work today. TRIZ technology helps us in the development of imagination in children, in the development of logical thinking, in the development of the ability to pose and solve a problem. There are many methods of this technology - this is the method of focal objects, the method of morphological table and work on the development of word creation, but today I want to focus on how TRIZ technology helps to solve the problem of introducing children to phenomena in inanimate nature. If you are already familiar with my publications, then you know that I have such a rule - IF YOU UNDERSTAND, UNDERSTAND, THEN YOU WILL KNOW! snow melts in warmth, and water turns into steam when heated. There is another method in TRIZ technology - this is the method of SIMULATION BY LITTLE PEOPLE. Little men, in the understanding of us adults, are molecules (of course, you all remember this from the school chemistry course). Remembering that everything around consists of molecules - the smallest particles that are interconnected in a certain way, it is easy to explain to children the aggregate states of substances and phenomena in inanimate nature.

I bring to your attention the first lesson of this series:

Topic of the lesson: "Using the technique of modeling by little men when familiarizing older children with objects of inanimate nature"

The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint children with the aggregate states of substances in inanimate nature


Using the little man modeling method (MMP). explain to children why substances are solid, liquid, gaseous;

To expand children's ideas about the diversity of inanimate substances;

To teach children empirically to determine the state of aggregation of surrounding substances;

To teach children to model objects of inanimate nature;

Materials and equipment:

Planar images of models "little men", characterizing such substances as: water, milk, air, wood, fog, stone, juice, caramel, smoke;

Cups of water and milk, a block of wood, a small stone, a piece of plastic, a wooden stick, an empty small plastic bag (all equipment is prepared for each child);

Handout cards with models "little men";

Bottle of lemonade (plastic);

Lesson progress:

1. Problem Statement - Can you draw a bottle of lemonade without using a pencil or paints?

2. The teacher's story about the little people living around us

Guys, today I want to tell you that everything that exists

around us are stones, and wood, and a puddle, and toys, and you and I consist of the smallest particles that can only be seen with an electron microscope. There are so many of these particles that, when combined with each other, they turn, for example, into a stone. These particles are very different and they are friends with each other in different ways.

Some particles, let's call them little people, are very friendly, they always hold hands so as not to get lost, they hold on so tightly that they cannot be separated. How do we play when we play

"ALI - Babu". These little men are called - strong, solid, and they are. live in stones, wood, mountains. I'll show you their photo

See how they hold on tightly - you can't destroy their friendship! These are solid little men and they form all solid substances and objects on our planet!

Other little men also do not run far from each other, but they are not so friendly, they just stand side by side and only touch with their elbows. If we remember with you our game about Ali Baba, then you will understand how easy it is to go through them. Such little men live in liquid substances, so you and I can easily put a spoon into a glass of tea and stir the sugar!

I'll show you their picture too

Well, the third little men are generally hooligans! They move as they want and do not hold hands at all! You must admit that it is very easy to pass through such little men! They live in substances such as air, smoke, fog. Such substances are called gaseous. Difficult word, but you and I are already big and must learn new words!

I'll show you their photo too:

I told you such a story about little men, and now let's find out for ourselves where which little men live.

3. Task - experiment "Where what little men live?"

A. Children are invited to take turns trying to pierce a wooden block, a stone, a piece of plastic with a wooden stick. As a result of experience, children find out that this is impossible to do! It means that friendly people live in all these substances! These substances are solid!

B. Children are invited to take turns piercing water in a glass with a wooden stick, milk in a glass. As a result of the experiment, children find out that the stick passes through water and milk quite easily. So not very friendly people live here! But still they are nearby, otherwise we would not have seen water or milk! Liquid men live in all these substances and such substances are called liquid.

Q. Guys, how can we find the third little men? Where can we get, for example, smoke or air? (children's answers, perhaps they will say that the air is around us) I suggest you catch the air! Take the package. Is it empty? And now, take the bag by the upper corners and try to twist it. Oh, and what did we have in the package? (the bag inflates like a balloon). Yes, guys, we caught the air with you! Air is all around us! Try to pierce it with your hand - does it pass? Yes, and very easy! Because those very unfriendly little men live in the air!

4. Mobile game "Games of little men"

Children act as little men and show in what substance which little men live. The teacher says: stone - the children hold hands, juice - the children stand next to each other, touching their elbows, air - the children run away from each other, while dangling their arms and legs, etc.

5. Didactic exercise "Recognize the substance"

The teacher shows the children models of various little men - the task of the children is to find out what substance they are talking about.

For example:

This is milk

It's caramel, lollipop, candy

This is water (men are transparent)

This is a tree

This is air (little men are transparent)

You can invent your little men. I hope the idea is clear.

6. Didactic exercise "Show me a bottle of lemonade"

I think guys that now we can show you a bottle of lemonade when we learned about little people.

What is the bottle made from? (made of plastic) Plastic is a hard substance, so some of the children will hold hands and represent a bottle. What is lemonade? (liquid). Other children will pretend to be lemonade - they will stand next to each other, touching with their elbows. And what else is in the lemonade, it is especially evident when we open the bottle? (bubbles) Yes, carbon dioxide is added to lemonade for sparkling. Let's choose who will show the bubbles. ?

Children, with the help of a teacher, depict a bottle of lemonade.

So our lesson ended, I praise you for your attention and I hope that today you have learned a lot of new things from the life of inanimate nature.

Dear colleagues! Don't be afraid and try this activity with your kids! I assure you - it's interesting!

Empathy and associative series

empathy conscious empathy with the current emotional state of another person without losing a sense of the external origin of this experience.

An associative series is a series of concepts or definitions, when the next member of the series "pops up" in connection with what is remembered about the previous one.

1. Make an abstract portrait of the interlocutor, describe the picture.

2. Draw an abstract portrait of a person using an associative series of images subordinate to him, describe the drawing.

Focal object method

The focal object method (FOM) is a method of searching for new ideas and characteristics of an object based on the addition of properties of other randomly selected objects to the original object. Hence the other name - the method of random objects.

The theoretical basis of the MFI is an algorithm of 6 steps performed sequentially:

1. A focal object is selected - what needs to be improved.

2. Random objects are selected (3-5 concepts, from an encyclopedia, books, newspapers, necessarily nouns, of different subjects, different from the original object).

3. The properties of random objects are recorded.

4. The found properties are attached to the original object.

5. The resulting options are developed through associations.

6. Options are evaluated in terms of effectiveness, interestingness and viability of the solutions obtained.

The transfer of the properties of other objects that are in no way related to the original object to the object under study often gives strong ideas, since it allows you to look at the object from a different, non-obvious angle. The application technique is simple and invariant. Another advantage of MFIs is the promotion of associative thinking. But it is not without its shortcomings. When applying the method, there is no guarantee that the resulting solution will be strong. Also, the weaknesses of the method are unsuitability in working with complex technical problems and the lack of clarity when choosing criteria for evaluating the ideas received.


FO - saucepan.

The goal is to expand the range and demand for products.

Random objects: tree, lamp, cat, cigarette.

Their properties: the tree is tall, green, with thick roots; lamp - electric, luminous, broken, matte; cat - playful, fluffy, meowing; cigarette - smoking, with a filter, thrown, damp.

We alternately attach the obtained properties to the pan and develop.

Weak combinations can be immediately discarded.

Strong solutions are given by: a pot with roots - a pot with a heat-insulating bottom; broken pan - divided into sections for simultaneous cooking of several dishes; meowing pan - gives a signal when the dish is ready.

Apply the focal objects method to:

1. desktop;

2. random object;

3. subject related to the topic of the dissertation.

Synectics method

The term "synectics" means the combination in the process of finding a solution to the problem of heterogeneous, sometimes even incompatible elements. Criticism is welcomed in the method, and various kinds of comparisons and analogies are also actively used. In the process of solving the task, a group of people (synectics) takes part, all members of the group must know each other well so as not to feel awkward expressing absurd ideas and belong to different psychotypes, which will ensure a variety of approaches and put forward ideas. In essence, the task of synectics is to turn the unfamiliar into the familiar and determine the solution, or, on the contrary, turn the familiar into the unfamiliar, thereby opening up the horizons of development.

The synectics discussion consists of the following main steps:

1. The available information on the problem under discussion is heard.

2. The customer defines the problem and the desired goal.

3. A list of keywords that characterize the problem is generated.

4. Based on this list using four methods of synectics the first level of absurd ideas is generated, directly related to the desires of the customer.

4 methods of synectics:

Direct analogy - external, structural or functional analogues that exist in the outside world.

Subjective (personal) analogies are personal representations, representations of one's own body as part of the problem.

Symbolic analogy - comparisons, allegories, metaphors, identification of the properties of one thing with the properties of something else.

A fantastic analogy is the presentation of things as fantastic and impossible, the intervention of miraculous fairy-tale forces that can solve the problem under consideration.

5. On the basis of the first level, the second level of ideas is formed, which are as practical as possible, but at the same time, do not lose their originality.

6. From the generated options, the client selects the most interesting version.

7. As a result of a joint discussion, the idea is brought to the stage of practical implementation.

1. As a problem, it is proposed to develop a brand name for IzhGTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov in which you will feel the weapons theme.

2. At the initial stage, you need to offer 12 analogies - 3 for each of the 4 methods of synectics (you need to work in a group - you can do it with family or friends).

3. On the basis of the resulting analogies, propose ideas for the design of the sign in the form of 2-5 sketches.

4. One idea to design as a working version of the sign.

The little man method

The essence of the Little People Method is to replace some complex systems with groups of little people acting in a specific way - in accordance with the properties of the system being studied. For example, if we talk about different states of matter, then they can be expressed as follows:

A solid is a group of people who stand close to each other and hold hands tightly.

Liquid is a group of people who always stand close to each other, but do not hold hands.

Gaseous - the little men are sufficiently distant from each other and do not hold hands.

As a result, it becomes clear that the first group will only move as a whole. Otherwise, you will have to come up with a way to separate friendly little men. But with the third group, this will not be a problem, here you still have to try to collect all the little men in one pile, because they are always trying to scatter to the sides.

1. Make 5 ornaments from sticking men (pairs, triples, fours), giving them specific qualities - gender, age, maybe. these are families, maybe. friends.

2. On the basis of two ornaments, come up with two forged fences, the principle of connecting the sections of which should be determined by the way the little men hold hands.

Report requirements:

1. The presence of a standard title page.

2. For each method - briefly describe the task and the result of its implementation, provide the necessary drawings and explanations for them.

3. Draw conclusions.

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Page creation date: 2018-01-08

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