Metropolitan Theodosius of Tambov and Rassavka celebrated the Divine Liturgy and the funeral service for Protodeacon Alexy Sokolov at the Transfiguration Cathedral in the city of Tambov.

June 20, on Tuesday of the 3rd week after Pentecost, Metropolitan Theodosius of Tambov and Rasskazovsky celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Transfiguration Cathedral in Tambov and led the funeral service for the tragically deceased cleric of the cathedral, Protodeacon Alexy Sokolov.

His Eminence was co-served by the parent of Protodeacon Alexy, Archpriest Viktor Sokolov, with his sons in holy orders, as well as the clergy of Tambov and other dioceses of the Moscow Patriarchate. From the Annunciation Church in the city of Kotovsk, its rector, priest John Masyagin, took part in the funeral.

At the end of the liturgy, Metropolitan Theodosius delivered a sermon to the clergy, relatives and friends of the deceased, and parishioners who had gathered in the church to see Protodeacon Alexy on his journey across the land. His Eminence recalled that Father Alexy devoted his whole life to serving the Lord and people, and the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the city of Tambov became the only place of his service for 19 years. As a permanent assistant at bishop's services, Father Alexy participated in all the solemn events celebrated by the Church, in the illumination of new churches. He was always a responsible and kind pastor with a warm and sympathetic heart, and he strove to convey these qualities to all young deacons and priests, whom he instructed and taught the church charter, whom he prepared for ordination to the dignity and led through the Royal Doors.

The head of the Tambov Metropolis highly appreciated the spiritual and moral qualities of Archdeacon Alexy, noting that he acquired a peaceful spirit, which manifested itself in his generosity, good relations with people, and in his readiness to always come to the aid of his neighbor. It is no coincidence that representatives of the clergy of various dioceses, connected by ties of kinship and friendship with Father Alexy, and many grateful parishioners gathered in the church today.

Father Alexy left this world at the age of 40, and as a human being we cannot but grieve over his loss. But we must remember that God does not have the dead, and for his zealous service, Protodeacon Alexy will be honored to serve in the cloisters of the Heavenly King. The head of the Tambov Metropolis expressed his sincere condolences to the parents of the deceased, Archpriest Viktor Sokolov and Matushka Nina, as well as to his wife, Matushka Valentina, and all the relatives who acquired a sincere prayer book in the Heavenly Church. At the end of the sermon, His Eminence called on all those gathered in the church to pray that the Lord would forgive Father Alexy his voluntary and involuntary sins and honor him with a good fate in eternal life.

On behalf of the clergy, Archpriest Viktor Lisyunin addressed those gathered in the church, who noted the most important qualities of Protodeacon Alexy: friendliness, non-possessiveness, responsibility, optimism. The Lord called him to serve as a protodeacon, and Father Alexy truly was the “salt of the earth,” humbly fulfilling his duty until the last day of his life. It is symbolic that he departed to the Lord on Sunday, when the Church celebrates the memory of all the saints who shone in the Russian land, confessing and partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ the day before his death, as befits a true Christian. And we must have hope that the Risen Lord will also resurrect us all on the last day.

A 41-year-old priest died in an accident with a Mercedes. The father of seven was carrying two passengers in a right-hand drive Toyota Previa. Suddenly, a truck moving towards us drove into the oncoming lane and rammed a Japanese minivan, which flew into a ditch and rolled over. The priest died of his injuries in hospital the next day.

In the Ryazan region, in the region of the 71st km of the Ryazan-Ryazhsk highway, an accident occurred involving a truck and a minivan, in which Alexy Sokolov, a cleric of the Transfiguration Cathedral, was driving. As was told in the press service of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, the accident happened on the evening of June 17 at about 10 p.m.

For unknown reasons, a Mercedes-Benz truck with Vladimir license plates heading towards Ryazan drove into the oncoming lane, where a right-hand drive Toyota Previa minivan was moving at that moment.

None of the drivers had time to react, as a result, the truck crashed into a minivan, which flew into a ditch from the impact and rolled over. The driver, who turned out to be a clergyman, was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital, where he died the next day. The man was accompanied by two passengers, 40 and 43 years old - they received various injuries, but survived and are now in the hospital. The 64-year-old truck driver, a resident of Vladimir, and his passenger were not injured.

As clarified in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an inspection is currently underway, and a criminal case will be initiated into the accident in the near future.

As told to "Gazeta.Ru" in the Tambov diocese, the deceased Alexy Sokolov left a large family.

He enjoyed respect among the clergy and students of the Tambov Theological Seminary, whom he taught the church charter during periods of liturgical practice.

“The protodeacon was a caring father of seven children and an exemplary family man. The children of the Sokolov family are well brought up, polite and modest, from an early age they attend the church, where they help their parents, - they said in the Tambov diocese. - Protodeacon Alexy devoted almost twenty years to the service of the Russian Orthodox Church and established himself as a zealous, conscientious clergyman. For his diligent service to the ROC, Father Alexy was repeatedly awarded liturgical and hierarchical awards.”

On June 20, at 8:00 a.m., the Divine Liturgy and the funeral of Archdeacon Alexy will be held at the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Tambov.”

Another high-profile accident involving a church representative occurred on June 5 at the 386th kilometer of the M2 "Crimea" highway near the village of Alshanskiye Vyselki. A Mercedes C180 car, moving along the road towards Kursk, drove into the oncoming lane and flew into the Tavria at high speed, where there were priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) from the city of Sumy, who were going to Moscow to bow to the relics of St. Nicholas.

As a result of the impact, the 21-year-old Mercedes driver died on the spot, his 19-year-old passenger was injured. The driver and passengers of the Tavria were seriously injured in the accident, they were taken to the hospital in a serious condition.

Judging by the photographs from the scene of the accident, the Ukrainian passenger car turned into a pile of metal after the collision. How the clergy in it managed to survive the impact remains a mystery. A day after the accident in the hospital, the driver of the Tavria, a 46-year-old priest of the Sumy diocese of the UOC Alexy Radivilov, also died from his injuries.

In the diocese itself, reported that two more victims, the clergyman and his wife, are still in the hospital in serious condition.

On that day, the rector of one of the churches in the Ulyanovsk region, 46-year-old abbot Flavian, together with his brother, arranged races on Honda sportbikes. While overtaking one of the cars, the driver in front lost control and flew into the oncoming Renault at high speed. The second biker collided with the Volga and Honda cars following on the opposite lane. As a result, both motorcyclists died on the spot, after a while the pensioner who was driving the Renault also died. The police noted that the 46-year-old biker who crashed into Renault, having 16 years of experience as a motorist, did not have a motorcycle license.

Recently, Patriarch Kirill called the priests driving expensive cars "nonsense". He stated that members of the clergy should not use expensive foreign cars, even if they are given them.

“We really give a reason sometimes with our stupidities. Here we are constantly accused of cars ... But even if they give an expensive car, you don’t need to drive it, you don’t need to drive expensive cars! - he said.

According to the patriarch, now the level of the automotive industry is such that even a middle-class car is quite comfortable and safe. Kirill also added that when there are “whole cavalcades of expensive limousines” near the temples, this, of course, causes a reaction in people.”

“Even, perhaps, someone would not pay attention, so they will help him pay attention to this. Well, according to the list - not only cars. We must not forget about responsibility,” the patriarch concluded, emphasizing that hierarchs do not have the right to “introduce temptations.”

Earlier, Gazeta.Ru reported on the scandal surrounding Bishop Nectarius of the Oryol Metropolis. He got a Toyota Land Cruiser V8 car in the configuration, the cost of which is about 6 million rubles. At the same time, numbers were installed on the SUV, which, as a rule, equip government cars in the region.

In the Ryazan region, in the area of ​​​​the 71st km of the Ryazan-Ryazhsk highway, an accident occurred involving a truck and a minivan in which Alexy Sokolov, a cleric of the Transfiguration Cathedral, was driving. As Gazeta.Ru was told in the press service of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, the accident happened on the evening of June 17 at about 10 p.m.

For unknown reasons, a Mercedes-Benz truck with Vladimir license plates heading towards Ryazan drove into the oncoming lane, where a right-hand drive Toyota Previa minivan was moving at that moment.

None of the drivers had time to react, as a result, the truck crashed into a minivan, which flew into a ditch from the impact and rolled over. The driver, who turned out to be a clergyman, was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital, where he died the next day. Two passengers, aged 40 and 43, traveled with the man, they received various injuries, but survived and are now in the hospital. The 64-year-old truck driver, a resident of Vladimir, and his passenger were not injured.

As clarified in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an inspection is currently underway, and a criminal case will be initiated into the accident in the near future.

As told to "Gazeta.Ru" in the Tambov diocese, the deceased Alexy Sokolov left a large family.

He enjoyed respect among the clergy and students of the Tambov Theological Seminary, whom he taught the church charter during periods of liturgical practice.

“The protodeacon was a caring father of seven children and an exemplary family man. The children of the Sokolov family are well brought up, polite and modest, from an early age they attend the temple, where they help their parents, - they said in the Tambov diocese. – Protodeacon Alexy devoted almost twenty years to the service of the Russian Orthodox Church and established himself as a zealous, conscientious clergyman. For his diligent service to the ROC, Father Alexy was repeatedly awarded liturgical and hierarchical awards.”

On June 20 at 8:00 a.m., the Divine Liturgy and the funeral of Archdeacon Alexy will be held at the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Tambov.

Another high-profile accident involving a church representative occurred on June 5 on the 386th km of the M2 "Crimea" highway near the village of Alshanskiye Vyselki. A Mercedes C180 car, moving along the road towards Kursk, drove into the oncoming lane and flew into the Tavria at high speed, where there were priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) from the city of Sumy, who were going to Moscow to bow to the relics of St. Nicholas.

As a result of the impact, the 21-year-old Mercedes driver died on the spot, his 19-year-old passenger was injured. The driver and passengers of the Tavria were seriously injured in the accident, they were taken to the hospital in a serious condition.

Judging by the photographs from the scene of the accident, the Ukrainian passenger car turned into a pile of metal after the collision. How the clergy in it managed to survive the impact remains a mystery. A day after the accident in the hospital, the driver of the Tavria, a 46-year-old priest of the Sumy diocese of the UOC Alexy Radivilov, also died from his injuries.

In the diocese itself, reported that two more victims, the clergyman and his wife, are still in the hospital in serious condition.

Another accident involving clergy occurred on May 1 on the 15th km of the Saransk-Surskoye-Ulyanovsk highway near the village of Barataevka.

On that day, the rector of one of the churches in the Ulyanovsk region, 46-year-old abbot Flavian, together with his brother, arranged races on Honda sportbikes. While overtaking one of the cars, the driver in front lost control and flew into the oncoming Renault at high speed. The second biker collided with the Volga and Honda cars following on the opposite lane. As a result, both motorcyclists died on the spot, after a while the pensioner who was driving the Renault also died. The police noted that the 46-year-old biker who crashed into Renault, having 16 years of experience as a motorist, did not have a motorcycle license.

Meanwhile, the other day, Patriarch Kirill called. He stated that members of the clergy should not use expensive foreign cars, even if they are given them.

“We really give a reason sometimes with our stupidities. Here we are constantly accused of cars ... But even if they give an expensive car, you don’t need to drive it, you don’t need to drive expensive cars! - he said.

According to the patriarch, now the level of the automotive industry is such that even a middle-class car is quite comfortable and safe. Kirill also added that when churches have “a whole cavalcade of expensive limousines, this, of course, causes a reaction in people.”

“Even, perhaps, someone would not pay attention, so they will help him pay attention to this. Well, according to the list - not only cars. We must not forget about responsibility,” the patriarch concluded, emphasizing that hierarchs do not have the right to “introduce temptations.”

Formerly Gazeta.Ru. He got a Toyota Land Cruiser V8 car in the configuration, the cost of which is about 6 million rubles. At the same time, numbers were installed on the SUV, which, as a rule, equip government cars in the region.


The Sokolov family has been living in INZHAVINO for more than a quarter of a century. At the end of the 80s of the past century, priest Viktor Nikolaevich Sokolov was appointed rector of the ancient Michael-Arkhangelsk Church in the Ternovoe microdistrict. And since then, our village has become a home for this entire large family.

It was not easy to settle in a new place. Priests were not provided with housing at that time. With considerable difficulties, not far from the enterprise of agricultural machinery, they managed to acquire a very modest two-room old house. Their large family was in it both cramped and cold. The Sokolovs had nine children at that time. The tenth child - daughter Natalia, was born here. Mother Nina Mikhailovna's parents also lived with their spouses.

With the onset of the warm season, Father Victor began to transform this house. Not immediately, not in one year, it was possible to create suitable conditions for the life of a large family, although he is a master in the construction business. I did everything with my own hands, my elder sons helped me.

I well remember my first meeting with this family in 1992. The issue of the newspaper was being prepared for March 8, and the editor Gennady Pyanov recommended preparing a material about the mother of ten children, Nina Mikhailovna Sokolova. What their children are friendly, benevolent and well-mannered - this was immediately noted by the neighbors. Together with their parents, they endured all the difficulties of life steadfastly. Three of them, as the mother said, due to lack of space to place beds or a sofa, at first slept on the floor. There were wardrobes in the hallway. In the room in the red corner there is a domestic iconostasis, there is almost no furniture, but there were two shelves full of books and a piano. Rehearsals of the family and church choir were held here, the children played music together with their mother. By the way, almost all the children of the Sokolovs received a musical education.

The house had almost no amenities, but it was permeated with an atmosphere of goodwill and hospitality. We talked with mother Nina about raising children, the role of a wife and mother in the family.

I was still a girl when a spiritual person planted in my soul: a woman must be solid, like a stone on which a building is built. And at the same time warm and soft, like a bird's wing. That's the way I try to be in the family. I work hard, I get tired, like everyone else. And I remember these words and it becomes easier, - she said, explaining along the way why a wife should be very attentive to her husband.

People always look closely at arriving families. And especially to the priest's family. The parishioners zealously followed how he performed divine services, looked with approval at his assistant sons. They noted that almost the whole family is here, in the church. They often turned to their mother for advice. At that time, the spiritual life in our region was just beginning to revive, and many people were beginning to join church life. They needed clarification of many issues, they came with their pain, and left comforted.

Mother and I are sometimes asked: how did it happen that all your sons became clergymen, did we prepare them for this? Yes, just as soon as one of them could independently hold a candle in his hands, he was already in the service in the temple. The boys are altar servers, the girls are together with their mother on the kliros. We did not limit anyone in choosing a life path, we did not impose our opinion, but, of course, we wanted them to devote their lives to God. And so it happened, - says Father Victor.

ALMOST immediately, having arrived in our region and becoming the rector of the Archangel Michael Church, he began to equip it. Over the past years, Archpriest Viktor Sokolov has done a lot to maintain this one of the oldest temple structures of wooden architecture in the region. The roofing on the domes and belfry was updated, the flooring was replaced, and the window frames were replaced with plastic ones. This was helped by sponsors from among the parishioners. Over time, the building was gasified. Almost every year it undergoes cosmetic repairs. On the scaffolding installed inside the building, one can then see under the very dome of Father Victor in work clothes and with a tool in his hands.

He, like mother Nina, is a great worker in life. His father returned from the Great Patriotic War, having been seriously injured. All the hardships of family life were on the shoulders of the mother, and he was the help in all matters. He began his working life early, as a young man he worked at a sawmill, was engaged in carpentry and roofing. The acquired skills were very useful to him in life, especially when he became a priest. After all, the arrangement of temples is the responsibility of each of them.

Father Victor and his wife have a lot in common. And above all, it is expressed in the fact that their parents firmly preserved the Orthodox faith. The priestly path for Father Victor was determined by the perspicacious elder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra Naum. Believers considered it a blessing to come to him for confession. That year, the young spouses Sokolov were honored to be among them. They lived in the village of Pervomaisky, Michurinsky District. Viktor Sokolov studied at the local technical school in the evenings, and during the day he worked at the Pervomaiskkhimmash plant. He was in good standing, an order was being prepared to appoint him a foreman. Having received a vacation, the couple decided to visit his parents in Orekhovo-Zuev and be sure to visit the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Arriving in Zagorsk, as Sergiev Posad was then called, we went to the Lavra for worship and confession. A rather large line of confessors lined up near Elder Naum.

I well remember how, having looked around at the parishioners, the elder stopped him on my husband, called him and talked to him for a long time. It was then that he blessed him on the priestly path, said that he should go to study at a theological seminary. It is symbolic that on that day there was an Orthodox holiday of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The Sokolovs did not immediately make a final decision, although they understood that it was impossible to disobey the far-sighted elder who blessed the priesthood. We suffered a lot of trouble when the head of the family applied for his resignation and the plant found out about his desire to go to study at the seminary. After all, those were the godless years. They put moral pressure on Viktor Sokolov by all available means, including trying to influence through his wife, they told her directly that a harsh life lay ahead, and there would be no need to wait for help from the state.

Last year marked 45 years since Father Victor was ordained first to the deaconate, and six months later to the priesthood. It happened on October 14, on the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in one of the ancient Tambov churches - Intercession. Prior to his appointment to the Archangel Michael Church, he served in various parishes: in Pichayevo, Mordovia and Muchkapsky districts, and in Bondary. The whole life of him and mother Nina is a service to God and people.

Children were brought up in obedience to their parents, in love for their neighbors, respect for people.

In a large family, everyone helps each other, everyone works, performs some household duties, the older children bring up the younger ones. We gave our children and grandchildren our parental love, gave instructions on how to act correctly in any situation, live according to the commandments of God. They were punished for wrongdoing - not severely, but so that they understood. They were encouraged for good deeds, - mother Nina explains in response to my question about education. - Grandmother - my mother played a big role in the upbringing of children. We lived together. She was illiterate, but how she kept her faith! She knew how to convey the word of God to her grandchildren, to convey the spirit of Orthodoxy. Our children, for example, on the eve of Orthodox holidays, voluntarily never took part in any entertainment events, did not attend discos. All of them grew up as believers, were assistants to their father in his priestly ministry, and received a spiritual education.

The Sokolov children have long lived with their families at the place of their ministry: in St. Petersburg, Kostroma, Alma-Ata, in the Volgograd region and in Germany - the eldest daughter Svetlana is married to a priest of this country. Three daughters became regents in the church choir at the place of service of their husbands - clergymen. Mother Nina and father Victor are always aware of all the events in the lives of their children and grandchildren. As adults, they still share with their parents everything that fills their lives, seek advice. In this family, the true continuity of generations is manifested. Children value their pedigree, one of the daughters made a genealogical tree. The Sokolovs' house is always full of children's voices - grandchildren love to visit here.

THE PAST year brought an irreparable loss to this family: the son Alexei, a cleric of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior in the city of Tambov, tragically died in a car accident. He was returning home from a long trip when a KamAZ crashed into his car on the highway. The Sokolovs received news of the tragic death of their son at night. And in the morning, Father Victor in the church, as always, celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Where and how did he find the strength in himself for this? That June day was the Orthodox feast of All Saints, who shone in the Russian land.

The pain of loss does not subside in the hearts of the father and mother, but they, as people of deep faith, understand: if the Lord allowed such grief, then it must be so. As a human being, it is very unfortunate that this happened. Father Victor speaks with deep gratitude about the spiritual support that people have given him and the whole family.

Metropolitan Theodosius of Tambov and Rasskazovsky served as a funeral service at the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior, co-served by many priests. For us, parents, this is a great support - so many people came to say goodbye to our son - Protodeacon Alexei. Many Inzhavins arrived, relatives and acquaintances, clerics from St. Petersburg and Moscow, Tula and Kostroma, from Sweden and Germany.

On the website of the Tambov Metropolis we read: “... Protodeacon Alexei Sokolov will remain in the memory of the clergy as a bright and sympathetic person, always striving to help his neighbors with paternal love and a pure heart. For his zealous service to the Russian Orthodox Church, he was repeatedly awarded liturgical hierarchical awards... From June 15, 1999, until the last day of his life, he was a cleric of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Tambov, constantly co-consecrated with Metropolitan Theodosius of Tambov and Rasskazovsky at hierarchical services. He devoted almost twenty years to the service of the Russian Orthodox Church and established himself as a zealous, conscientious clergyman, enjoyed well-deserved authority among the clergy of the Tambov diocese and students of the Tambov Theological Seminary, whom he taught the church charter during periods of liturgical practice. He was a caring father of seven children and an exemplary family man.

Last year, the Sokolov family faced another test - Father Victor underwent a serious operation. He sincerely thanks everyone who helped to cope with the disease and provided him with spiritual support these days.

Having barely recovered from his illness, he again performs services in the Archangel Michael Church. On January 21, the parishioners, at the end of the service, congratulated him and Matushka Nina on the golden jubilee - the 50th anniversary of family life. From the head of the district Gennady Seleznev and the chairman of the district council Nikolai Konev, the administration and residents of the district, deputy chairman of the district council Nadezhda Bashmakova congratulated them cordially on this date, handing them a welcome address and flowers. She noted: this event is not only their personal. Like everyone else, the Sokolov family is an integral part of our society. In addition, she is a model not only of the Orthodox, but also of the traditionally Russian family, the preservation of its way of life, the best traditions. Father Victor sincerely thanked for the attention shown to his family and wished everyone many and good years.

Addressing the Sokolovs with congratulations on this day, their relatives and friends noted that all these years their married life has been illuminated by love - the most beautiful, all-encompassing and greatest feeling. They managed to carry this priceless gift through all these years. It is no coincidence that several years ago, on the day of memory of Murom miracle workers, the faithful Peter and Fevronia - the All-Russian holiday of love, family and fidelity - they were awarded the medal "For Love and Loyalty". The feeling of love that illumined them in their youth is now multiplied by the number of children and grandchildren, continued by children and years. As the clergy say, may peace and God's good will be with them and with all of us!

Father Alexei Sokolov was born on January 5, 1976 in the village of Pechaevo, Tambov Region, in the family of a local priest, Fr. Victor Sokolov. Father Victor, being a man of firm Orthodox faith, took the priesthood back in 1973 and went through all the "joys" of the life of the priesthood in the Soviet Union. The priest had 10 children, and Alexei became the fifth child in a large Orthodox family. All children were brought up in faith and piety, their parents taught them lessons of kindness and love.

From childhood, Alexei knew that he would devote his life to serving God, therefore, after graduating from 11 grades of secondary school, he immediately applied to the Moscow Theological Seminary. There he met his future wife Valentina - she studied at the regency department and Alexei often met her in the choir. The girl also came from a priestly family, and the young people quickly found a common language. In 1996, while studying in their second year, they got married, and never parted again. Mother still remembers how they taught lessons together and prepared for exams.

02Aleksey was ordained to the rank of deacon on December 4, 1997, and at first he served in the Academic Church. By the time he graduated from the seminary in 1999, the family already had two small children, the young family was sent to the city of Tambov by distribution - Father Alexei received a deacon position in the Transfiguration Cathedral.

At first, Father Alexei expressed a desire to become a priest and go to a parish following the example of his father, but Vladyka Theodosius did not want to let him go, saying that Father Alexei was perhaps the only person on whom he could rely.

03Batiushka always accompanied Vladyka at all hierarchical services. And over time, Father Alexei decided to rely on the will of God - if the Lord wills, then someday he will also take the priesthood. And so, for almost 20 years, Father Alexei served as a deacon, decorating the services with his beautiful voice.

For his diligent service to the Russian Orthodox Church, Father Alexy was repeatedly awarded liturgical and hierarchical awards, including the double orarion (2006), protodeaconate (2012), and kamilavka (2017). Those who knew Father Alexei note that he was very kind, reliable, decent and at the same time not intrusive and very modest.

Batiushka especially loved children, both his own and those of others. And father Alexei had seven children of his own: 4 daughters and three sons. For several years Fr. Alexei taught liturgy at the seminary, but then Vladyka released him from this obedience so that Fr. Alexei could devote more time to his large family.

04He was a caring father of seven children and an exemplary family man. The children of the Sokolov family are well brought up, polite and modest, from an early age attend the temple, where they help their parents. Batiushka's eldest son returned from the army this year and is entering the seminary. The daughter is already married to a priest. The remaining five children are minors.

On June 18, 2017, Father Alexei tragically died in a car accident. His untimely death was a great blow to everyone who knew him, and, above all, to Mother Valentina and the children. At the funeral, Metropolitan Theodosius of Tambov and Rasskazovsky, whom Father Alexei had co-served for almost 20 years, said: "It is very hard for me to lose my friend. I will not find a replacement for him soon."

And, of course, no one can replace the father of the children. It was decided not to tell the father’s youngest son, four-year-old Alyosha, yet that his father had died, so as not to injure the child. But - amazingly - the child somehow caught the essence of what was happening. A week later, he approached his mother and said, "You know, Mom, I think there is a place where no one dies. Dad is probably there."

You can help this family by:

1. Bank transfer
Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev"
TIN/KPP 7725256926 / 772401001
PJSC Promsvyazbank
account 40703810140390553501
c/c 30101810400000000555 at the OPERA of the Moscow GTU of the Bank of Russia, Moscow,
BIC 044525555

2. TRANSFER TO THE CARD: 4274278041166359
issued to the President of the Fund Sysoeva Yu.M.

3.Electronic payment system Yandex-Money
41001176313049 - transfer to the account.

When making a donation, do not forget to mark "For the Sokolovs"

If you do not have the opportunity to make a note, then after making the payment, call +7-495-922-03-31 (Mon-Fri) from 09:00 - 18:00 and inform about the transfer.

Information verified by the Daniil Sysoev Charitable Foundation.

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