Mikhalkov criticized Raikin's disregard for the feelings of believers. Nikita Mikhalkov commented on the speech of Konstantin Raikin Mikhalkov's opinion on the latest statements of Raikin Konstantin

Director Nikita Mikhalkov commented on the statement of the head of the "Satyricon" Konstantin Raikin about censorship in the country. He noted that he did not understand why Raikin was harmed, who has the opportunity to stage the performances that he wants.

Photo: Evgenia Novozhenina / RIA Novosti

“I love Kostya Raikin very much, he is a talented person. But I would like to understand: where did he infringe? What does he not have? It has a center, Raikin Plaza, its own theater and school. He puts on what he wants, ”Mikhalkov said on the air of the Right to Know!” program. on the TV Center TV channel (quote from RIA Novosti).

In addition, the artistic director of the "Satyricon" in public speech censors those people who close exhibitions and performances, hiding behind patriotism. According to Raikin, now someone's hands are "itching" to return the situation in art to Stalin's times.

“Many, including myself, do not yet know exactly what unfreedom is. The performance was closed, the exhibition was doused with ink... And what is being closed? What exhibitions are covered in ink?” Mikhalkov said.

He also drew attention to the words of Raikin that "offended, offended the religious feelings of believers."

“And he talks about it quite dismissively. Would anyone dare to put on a play that denigrates the Prophet Muhammad? Why do Pussy Riot come to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and not to the central mosque in Mecca? Why do they express their desire for freedom here and not there? Yes, because it’s scary there, ”Mikhalkov concluded.

The day before, Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, answering a question from Dozhd's correspondent, what will be the continuation of the story with Raikin's words about censorship, that "the discussion is over."

Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, commenting on Raikin's statements, should not confuse the state order with censorship. This position is directed by Andrey Zvyagintsev - in his column he wrote that the authorities "are completely convinced that the money they manage belongs to them," although "the money they use to 'order' their agitation is taken from the people."

Raikin's speech about censorship was also criticized by the leader of the Night Wolves biker club Alexander Zaldostanov (Surgeon). Peskov, commenting on the situation with Raikin, expressed the hope that Zaldostanov would apologize to Raikin. However, the surgeon said that from his words.

Later, in a conversation with Dozhd at a presidential reception in the Kremlin, Surgeon, that because of the conflict with Raikin, he was "deprived of ice cream." And to the question of who deprived him of ice cream, the Surgeon replied: "Educators."

Director Nikita Mikhalkov said he did not understand why the head of the Satyricon, Konstantin Raikin, who had the opportunity to stage the performances he wanted, was infringed.

Earlier, Raikin said that the Satyricon was in a difficult period of development, for the first time in the history of the theater there was only one premiere in a season, after which the troupe was idle for half a year. He applied for financial assistance to the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky. Later, the minister confirmed his readiness to assist the theater after the approval of the federal budget for 2017. He gave such instructions after a meeting with the director of the Satyricon, Anatoly Polyankin.

“I love Kostya Raikin very much, he is a talented person. But I would like to understand: where did he infringe? What does he not have? It has a Raikin Plaza center, its own theater and school. He puts on what he wants, ”Mikhalkov said on the air of the program“ The Right to Know! ” on the TV channel "TV Center".

Mikhalkov also commented on Raikin's speech at the All-Russian Theater Forum, in which he called for guild solidarity in times of attacks on art, when exhibitions and performances are closed, and expressed concern about "aggressive raids on artistic statements."

“Many, including myself, do not yet know exactly what unfreedom is. The performance was closed, the exhibition was doused with ink... And what is being closed? What exhibitions are covered in ink? Kostya Raikin has this passage: "They offended, offended the religious feelings of believers." And he talks about it quite dismissively. Would anyone dare to put on a play that denigrates the Prophet Muhammad? Why do Pussy Riot come to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and not to the central mosque in Mecca? Why do they express their desire for freedom here and not there? Yes, because it’s scary there, ”Mikhalkov concluded.

During the transfer, Mikhalkov expressed his opinion on the Day of National Unity.

National Unity Day in Russia has been celebrated annually on November 4 since 2005. This holiday date appeared in memory of the events of 1612, when the people's militia led by Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders. Historically, this holiday is associated with the end of the Time of Troubles in the 17th century.
According to Mikhalkov, people need to be given the opportunity to more seriously and deeply understand what National Unity Day is dedicated to. “We have not yet realized this holiday, we have not understood it and have not fully accepted it. I think this requires a deeper, more serious and more interesting way to give people the opportunity - and especially young people - to understand what the holiday is about. And it is dedicated to the search and finding an independent life of our state, our country. Unfortunately, today we see a huge amount of irony and double standards of approach to this holiday,” Mikhalkov said.

Director Nikita Mikhalkov said that he did not see the infringement of the head of the "Satyricon" Konstantin Raikin, who has the right to stage the performances that he wishes.

Earlier, Raikin said that the "Satyricon" is in a difficult period of development, for the first time in the history of the theater in the season there was only one premiere, after which the troupe was idle for half a year. He applied for financial assistance to the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky. Later, the minister confirmed his readiness to assist the theater after the approval of the federal budget for 2017. He gave such instructions after a meeting with the director of the "Satyricon" Anatoly Polyankin.

“I love Kostya Raikin very much, he is a talented person. But I would like to understand: where was he infringed? What does he not have? He has the Raikin Plaza center, his own theater, school. on the air of the program "Right to know!" on the channel "TV Center".

Mikhalkov also commented on Raikin's speech at the All-Russian Theater Forum, in which he called for guild solidarity in times of attacks on art, when exhibitions and performances are closed, and expressed concern about "aggressive assaults on artistic statements."

“Many, including myself, don’t yet know exactly what lack of freedom is. They closed the performance, the exhibition was doused with ink… And what is being closed? What exhibitions are being doused with ink? "And he talks about it quite dismissively. Would anyone risk putting on a performance that denigrates the Prophet Muhammad? Why do Pussy Riot come to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and not to the central mosque in Mecca? Why are they here, and not there, expressing their desire for freedom "Yes, because it's scary there," Mikhalkov concluded.

During the transfer, Mikhalkov expressed his opinion on the Day of National Unity.

National Unity Day in Russia has been celebrated annually on November 4 since 2005. This holiday date appeared in memory of the events of 1612, when the people's militia led by Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders. Historically, this holiday is associated with the end of the Time of Troubles in the 17th century.

According to Mikhalkov, people need to be given the opportunity to more seriously and deeply understand what National Unity Day is dedicated to. "We have not yet realized this holiday, have not understood it and have not fully accepted it. I think that for this it is necessary to give people a deeper, more serious and interesting opportunity - and especially young people - to understand what the holiday is dedicated to. And it is dedicated to the search and finding of an independent life for our state, our country. Unfortunately, today we see a huge amount of irony and double standards of approach to this holiday," Mikhalkov said.

Director Nikita Mikhalkov expressed bewilderment at the recent speech of the artistic director of the Satyricon Theater Konstantin Raikin, who at the Congress of Theater Workers complained about censorship and state interference in art.

In an interview with TVC, Mikhalkov said: “I love Kostya Raikin very much, he is a talented person. But I would like to understand: where did he infringe? What does he not have? It has a center, Raikin Plaza, its own theater and school. He puts what he wants."

According to Interfax, Mikhalkov added that many, including himself, “do not yet know very precisely” what unfreedom is. “The performance was closed, the exhibition was doused with ink... And what is being closed? What exhibitions are covered in ink? Kostya Raikin has this passage: "They offended, offended the religious feelings of believers." And he talks about it quite dismissively, ”said the director.

Talking about freedom and lack of freedom, Mikhalkov asked several questions: “Would anyone dare to put on a performance that discredits the Prophet Muhammad?”, “Why do Pussy Riot come to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and not to the central mosque in Mecca?”. “Why do they express their desire for freedom here and not there? Yes, because it’s scary there, ”Mikhalkov said.

Recall that Raikin's speech at the STD congress caused a heated controversy, both "inside" - in the theatrical environment, and in general in society. A number of actors and directors, including Mark Zakharov, Evgeny Pisarev and Sergei Bezrukov, supported Raikin, declaring "excesses" in censorship policy. However, many public figures did not support Raikin, although they noted that there was a lot of reasonable and fair in his words. The press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, commenting on Raikin's speech, said that censorship as such is unacceptable, but if the state "orders a work of art" and gives money for a theatrical production, then it has the right to "mark this or that topic." Peskov also called on the biker Surgeon (Alexander Zaldostanov) to apologize to Raikin. The surgeon sharply criticized Raikin's speech at the congress of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia, which, in fact, began the current public discussion about the complex relationship between creators, rulers and spectators. “It’s just that the demon beguiled this motorcyclist, who insulted him (Raikin - ed.). I hope he apologizes,” Peskov said. Among other things, Zaldostanov said the following: “The devil always seduces with freedom! And under the guise of freedom, these Raikins want to turn the country into a sewer, through which sewage would flow. However, the surgeon already refused to apologize, explaining that he “definitely positively” refers to Raikin as a director and as a person who has done a lot in art, and he addressed his harsh statement not to Raikin personally, but to all those who drag him to Russia " all sorts of rubbish." Russian film director, winner of many film festivals, Oscar nominee Andrey Zvyagintsev supported Raikin in his article and advised the authorities not to interfere in the cultural life of Russia.

Moscow, Polina Nikolaeva

Moscow. Other news 05.11.16

© 2016, RIA "New Day"

Director Nikita Mikhalkov said he did not understand why the head of the "Satyricon" Konstantin Raikin, who has the opportunity to stage the performances he wants, has been infringed.

Earlier, Raikin said that the "Satyricon" is in a difficult period of development, for the first time in the history of the theater in the season there was only one premiere, after which the troupe was idle for half a year. He applied for financial assistance to the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky. Later, the minister confirmed his readiness to assist the theater after the approval of the federal budget for 2017. He gave such instructions after a meeting with the director of the "Satyricon" Anatoly Polyankin.

“I love Kostya Raikin very much, he is a talented person. But I would like to understand: where was he infringed? What does he not have? He has the Raikin Plaza center, his own theater, school. on the air of the program "Right to know!" on the channel "TV Center".

Mikhalkov also commented on Raikin's speech at the All-Russian Theater Forum, in which he called for guild solidarity in times of attacks on art, when exhibitions and performances are closed, and expressed concern about "aggressive assaults on artistic statements."

“Many, including myself, don’t yet know exactly what lack of freedom is. They closed the performance, the exhibition was doused with ink… And what is being closed? What exhibitions are being doused with ink? "And he talks about it quite dismissively. Would anyone risk putting on a performance that denigrates the Prophet Muhammad? Why do Pussy Riot come to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and not to the central mosque in Mecca? Why are they here, and not there, expressing their desire for freedom "Yes, because it's scary there," Mikhalkov concluded.

During the transfer, Mikhalkov expressed his opinion on the Day of National Unity.

National Unity Day in Russia has been celebrated annually on November 4 since 2005. This holiday date appeared in memory of the events of 1612, when the people's militia led by Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders. Historically, this holiday is associated with the end of the Time of Troubles in the 17th century.

According to Mikhalkov, people need to be given the opportunity to more seriously and deeply understand what National Unity Day is dedicated to. "We have not yet realized this holiday, have not understood it and have not fully accepted it. I think that for this it is necessary to give people a deeper, more serious and interesting opportunity - and especially young people - to understand what the holiday is dedicated to. And it is dedicated to the search and finding of an independent life for our state, our country. Unfortunately, today we see a huge amount of irony and double standards of approach to this holiday," Mikhalkov said.

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