Michael Turkish personal life, family and his home. Liana Turkish: biography, age, personal life, famous husband and photo The artist is a tramp and nomad by nature

“I don’t know how my mother-in-law survived the day 24 years ago when her daughter, son and husband died in the same car ... Head-on collision with a truck.”

The Kremlin and Carnegie Hall, tours around the world, performances with world stars Placido Domingo, Julio Iglesias,Gloria Gaynor and others. "Turetsky Choir" is greeted with applause everywhere. Time to say: founder of the art group Mikhail Turetsky- a real bastard. Still, he lives in a luxurious house in Skolkovo with a beautiful wife, he has four daughters ... And only a few know what he had to endure on the way to success ...

On the eve of his birthday, the creator of the popular choir told AiF about a very personal ...

Not only at home, but now at work he is surrounded by women. Turetsky with his creation - the Soprano team, which is already 5 years old. Photo: From the personal archive

Mother-in-law - authority

When the artist went to the USA, for the sake of his daughter, he took with him not a young mistress, but a 73-year-old mother. With daughter Natasha. California, 1995. Photo: From the personal archive

“My first wife died in a car accident. I was 21 when we got married Elena- my classmate at Gnesinka ... How to survive such pain? Yes, there is no way to survive ... She remained forever. But it was necessary to hold on somehow - after all, daughters Natashka It wasn't even 5 years old then. I don’t know what my mother-in-law, a heroic woman, experienced then Zoya Ivanovna. How did she survive the death of her daughter, son and husband? They were all in the same car ... Head-on collision with a truck. Zoya Ivanovna is still an authority for me. Former Principal, School Principal. At 87 years old, the strongest woman.

Almost immediately after my death, I was in dire need of help. And this help came to me from above. I was offered to create a choir of Jewish sacred music in Moscow. This was salvation. The music of my ancestors - an ancient powerful art - gave me the strength to live. There is a lot of suffering, nostalgia, spiritual awe in it. And I threw myself into work. I even rehearsed at night. I wanted to be the best at what I do. It was this that supported me at that moment more than friends or even my parents.

I didn't get married for a long time. I saw: my daughter is not ready to accept a new mother. I looked at the situation from the point of view of a child. I have a good intuition. If I saw that a girl wants to be with me, but she hardly needs my daughter, this for me immediately meant the end of the film, the No Entry sign on the road. I didn't want to get married just to have a wife. I needed a child to have a mother. Of course, sometimes a miracle happens - a strange woman becomes dearer to her mother, but I have only seen this in TV shows! No one can replace the mother of a child. Only the father, if he exists. So I'm both dad and mom for my daughter. Aidish pape...

Artistic director and art director of the Turetsky Choir Mikhail Turetsky with his wife Liana and daughter Emanuel. year 2012. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

Mom instead of a lover

It is clear that I am not a puritan, I had both novels and secret relationships that a young man needs. But I always made the choice in the end in favor of the child. When I was going to work under a long-term contract in the USA (Miami, Florida), I did not take with me the girl I was dating then, but went with my 73-year-old mother. It was some self-sacrifice. But, on the other hand, I was happy for two at once - and it’s good for my mother that she is in Miami, and Natasha is good to be with her grandmother ... Over time, I realized: you need to raise your daughter to an age when you don’t need a mother, but just friend. What happened ... When Natasha was almost 17, I met Liana. (Liana, the daughter of the tour organizer of the Turetsky Choir in the USA, lived in America and worked as a programmer. - Ed.) There is an 8-year difference between wife and daughter. We even lived together for a while. Me, my daughter and Liana with her daughter from my first marriage, whom I later adopted.

Then my daughter and I parted - this is generally the best model. Everyone should live in different places and come to visit each other. Otherwise, jealousy and conflict of interest are always present. Therefore, I try to clearly draw all the zones so that there are no collisions. I have my relationship with my wife, my relationship with my daughter. There were no conflicts between them - and for that I am already grateful!

Recently my eldest daughter had a son. He has a young father who can take care of him. It turned out that the grandson was born on January 18-19 ... Zoya Ivanovna asked: “Mishenka, name the boy Vanechka. I ask". And I'm ready to do anything for her. called Ivan... And then I look: the name of the father Gilevich. This is the gospel - Ivan Gilevich! And he was born on Epiphany night... So the seal of the chosen one is on this child. But for me the main thing is that he was a good person. I tell my wife: “Liana, you are sleeping with your grandfather. But you, thank God, are not a grandmother! (Laughs.) I have that rare case that I myself am a grandfather, but I don’t sleep with my grandmother. (Smiling.) What happiness!

The 95th anniversary of the maestro's father, Boris Borisovich Epstein. Mikhail Turetsky with daughter Emmanuel, wife Liana, daughters Natalya and Sarina. Photo: From the personal archive

Earned three rubles - give two

I have four daughters. Do I dream of a son? If we want, we will give birth tomorrow. There is still time. My father gave birth to me at the age of 50. And he also saw his son as a People's Artist of Russia - he lived to be 96 years old.

My dad is a participant in the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade. 900 days sat in the trenches. He told me: “From hunger, two of our soldiers went and stole two cans of canned food from the warehouse. They were shot right in front of my eyes.” Or: "Lighting up, I dodged the wind, and the bullet that flew at me hit my friend."

Despite everything that he had to endure, his father knew how to enjoy every day. So I look up to him in everything. When my father was 93, he asked me: “Are your singers happy with how you pay them?” And, charismatically grazing, he continued: “I earned three rubles - give two back. You will live long."

The Turetsky Choir is known not only on the domestic stage, but also far beyond the borders of our vast Motherland. Much is known about the concert activity of Mikhail Turetsky and his team, so I would like to pay special attention to the personal life of the musician. Moreover, the charismatic appearance and masculinity undoubtedly attract many fans. As Mikhail Turetsky himself admits, no matter what a man does, he does it necessarily for the sake of a woman, even if he himself is not aware of this. This is what happens in the life of a musician. To date, the most important woman in his life - wife of Mikhail Turetsky Liana .

Liana comes from a family of Armenian emigrants. The first meeting of the future spouses took place in Dallas, where the girl's father helped organize a concert by the Turetsky Choir. Charming and intelligent Liana, who has two educations behind her, delighted the artist Mikhail at first sight. And when she did not agree to accompany him on a further tour, she kindled a real passion in his soul. A stormy telephone romance followed, culminating in a marriage proposal. When the moment came to follow her husband to distant and unfamiliar Russia, Liana, of course, hesitated, because in America she already had a stable and highly paid job as a programmer. However, Mikhail Turetsky insisted on his own. Now Liana is loved and respected by numerous friends and acquaintances of her husband, not only as the wife of an insanely talented musician, but also as an independent person.

The wife gave Mikhail Turetsky two daughters - Emmanuel and Beata. In addition to them, the family has two more eldest daughters - Natasha (daughter from Mikhail's first marriage) and Sarina (daughter of Liana). But Mikhail Turetsky, like many men, dreams of a son. In January last year, an heir nevertheless appeared in the family. True, not a son, but a grandson. The eldest daughter Natalya, who is a lawyer by training and works in the office of the Turetsky Choir, made dad a grandfather.

Before meeting Liana, Mikhail Turetsky was already married. Elena always remembers her first wife with touching excitement. It was she who was Natasha's mother. However, fate cruelly destroyed their happiness when Elena, along with her father and brother, died in a terrible accident. For a long 12 years after the tragic events, Mikhail Turetsky remained a bachelor. The press is actively discussing his affair with Tatyana Borodovskaya and the fact that the musician, it turns out, has another daughter, Bella. Relations with Tatyana fell on the period after the death of his wife and before leaving for America. According to journalists, Mikhail Turetsky left a pregnant woman without any explanation. Tatyana Borodovskaya herself says that she does not hold a grudge against the musician, since he communicates with his daughter as much as possible and also helps her financially as much as possible. However, she stubbornly refuses to officially recognize Bella as her daughter.

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Biography, life story of the Turetsky Choir

"Turetsky Choir" is a Soviet and Russian musical group that performs exclusively with "live" sound. The uniqueness of the group lies in the fact that it consists of 10 vocalists, each of whom represents one singing voice.

Group history

In 1989, a graduate of the Institute. Gnessin was sent to organize a male choir at the Moscow Choral Synagogue. gathered a group of like-minded people who wanted to take up the revival of Jewish sacred music in the USSR (all members of the choir had a musical education, were graduates or students of musical educational institutions). This direction practically did not develop in the Soviet period. The exception was a concert in 1945 in the Moscow synagogue of tenor Mikhail Alexandrovich.

The first rehearsals of the choir took place in September 1989, and the first public performance in the spring of 1990. The first tour took place in Kaliningrad and Tallinn. In the same year, concerts were held in Leningrad (the great hall of the conservatory) and in Moscow (in the synagogue). During this period, the collective was financed by the American charitable organization "Joint" (known for its anti-Semitic campaign against "cosmopolitans" and accusations in the "doctors' case" in 1949-1952).

The choir became municipal. In 1997-1999 The group performed under the name "Moscow Jewish Choir". During this period, the repertoire also began to change. Along with traditional religious works, classical opera arias, works by Soviet and foreign composers, author's song and yard songs (for example, "Murka") appear. In 2000, the choir performed on the stage of the Variety Theatre. With the help of the oligarch, who at that time was the head of the Russian Jewish Congress, the choir again got the opportunity to perform in the Moscow Choral Synagogue. In 2000-2001 tours took place with Israel and independent tours in the USA, Australia, Germany and Israel.

In 2002 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

In 2003, the choir acquires a modern name: the art group "Turetsky Choir". This happened during a concert dedicated to the day of Ukraine and Russia. The band's repertoire is also changing. Jewish liturgy (for example, "Kaddish" or "Kol Nidrei", songs in Yiddish and Hebrew) form an essential, but not the main part of the program. There are works of Western and Russian pop music, urban folklore (for example, "Murka"), opera arias, Orthodox liturgy (for example, the prayer "Our Father"). In his book Choirmaster, he wrote that he did not immediately find an understanding of these changes among his colleagues in the team, but gradually all the soloists agreed with the change in the repertoire. In the same year, several members of the choir (Apaykin, Kalan and Astafurov) left the band. Two new soloists were accepted - Boris Goryachev and Igor Zverev.

In January 2004, the concert "Ten Voices That Shook the World" took place at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" with the participation of Russian pop stars (, etc.). In November 2004, concerts "When Men Sing" took place in Israel (Haifa and Tel Aviv).

Shortly thereafter, in early December 2004, the concerts "When Men Sing" took place at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses with the participation of Emma Shapplin and Gloria Gaynor.

In January 2005, a tour of US cities took place with a concert "When Men Sing" (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlantic City, Boston and Chicago), and in 2005-2006. - tour with the program "Born to sing" in the cities of the CIS. In December 2006, the choir gave concerts with a new program "Music of all times and peoples" in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Then during 2006-2007. the tour of the group took place in the cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

In October 2007 Arthur Keish left the band. He was replaced by Konstantin Kabo (Kabanov), who previously starred in the musicals Nord-Ost, 12 Chairs and Romeo and Juliet. In February 2008, the choir came on tour to Israel with a new program "Hallelujah of Love".

In 2007, the Turetsky Choir was awarded the Record award of the Russian music industry, as well as the annual national Emotion award in the Respect nomination for the charity concert for children Do Good Today.

In 2007-2008, the group toured Russia and the CIS countries with the "Hallelujah of Love" program, in 2008-2009 - with the "The Show Continues ..." program, capturing US cities this time.

In 2010-2011, the Turetsky Choir arranges an anniversary tour “20 years. 10 votes. In 2010, the artists traveled around with the "Start" tour. In 2012-2013, the "Male View of Love" tour took place, in 2013-2014 - the "I Live for Her" tour. In 2015-2016, the team arranged an anniversary tour “25 years. The best".

The famous Russian conductor and his wife talked about what motivates a person to creative development.

Mikhail and Liana Turkish. Photo: personal archive.

The story of Mikhail and Liana began in 2001 during the tour of the "Turetsky Choir" in America. Liana's father received an offer to organize a concert of the band. It must have been love at first sight. For the most part, four months of telephone communication was enough for Liana to exchange a comfortable American life for a much more modest existence in Russia, but with her beloved. And Mikhail, already quite an adult who survived a personal tragedy (his first wife Elena died in a car accident), believed that it was with this woman that he would live a happy life.

Mikhail, once in an interview you joked that your spouse appreciates your age and national characteristics. Is it important that people are from the same environment?
Mikhail Turetsky:
"Of course. It is desirable that from one sandbox, from one traditional dimension, cultural section, one skin color. Of course, there are exceptions - and suddenly a completely incompatible set of parts matches, as in the Lego constructor. But this rarely happens. Still, it's good when your grandparents professed the same values ​​as the ancestors of your chosen one. A Russian woman will not understand what kind of painful love a Jewish mother has for her son. It will seem strange to her. And the Jewish wife? Our religion says that the wife is always against it. But this is the source of your inner growth. If you sit on the couch and don’t do a damn thing, your belly grows, and there is a woman nearby who accepts you as you are, there is no incentive to develop at all. It is the choice of everyone - who wants to go which way. I know quite a few Jews who chose a grateful woman "from another tribe."

Liana Turkish:“A Russian wife would have killed you long ago! (Laughs.) I think it's not even about nationality, but about family education - what values ​​they tried to instill in a person. I have three unmarried daughters. Of course, I would dream that they would choose Jews as their husbands, and we would celebrate holidays together, observe rituals, go to the synagogue. But the eldest daughter Natalya married a Russian guy, and we treat him very well, we love him very much. She gave birth to our amazing grandson Vanechka, and therefore everything else is no longer important. You can choose a Jew who turns out to be a complete idiot, and the poor girl will suffer all her life. And you can live in perfect harmony with the Russian. The main thing is that the children are happy!”

Psychologists also say that a man is looking for a wife who looks like a mother ...
“And that is absolutely true. If you have a good mother, you begin to look for these traits in your chosen one. Liana at the time of our acquaintance was a woman with a five-year-old child. And I saw in her, first of all, a caring mother. In the future, when we had more daughters, this opinion only strengthened. For my wife, children always come first, and I accepted that. After all, for my mother, my brother and I were in the first place, and my father was in second or even third. I have never seen her show any kind of active caress towards her father. She never called him: "Borechka, dear." Always - Boris, and some question immediately followed. And he, already hearing his name, was waiting for a catch. (Laughs.) At the same time, the parents somehow managed to live a unique life together - sixty-six years. And this family model was very easy to imagine with Liana. I agreed with myself: “Mikhail Borisovich, if you do not have enough attention, you will find him in the show business services market, where a million audience listens to you.” Liana believes that I am a self-sufficient, independent person, and children are more vulnerable, they need more care.

Liana, when something goes wrong with Mikhail, does he turn to you for participation?
“Of course, if not to your wife, who else should you go to? This is fine. But this does not mean that I will feel sorry for Mikhail Borisovich and stroke his head. Rather, on the contrary, I try to somehow shake him up so that he pulls himself together.

Michael:“There are so many things on my wife: in addition to daughters, there are also parents who came from America. They also need help. Then, Liana is the leader of a big bachelorette party, and there are always some women's issues that need to be addressed urgently. So she devalued the concept of what a real problem is. If I whine that I am in creative disagreement with myself, she will, of course, pretend to be immersed in it. But it won't sink. Liana understands that my projects are successful, and if I cannot agree with myself, these are my problems. There are more pressing matters than male whining."

Liana, why do you call your husband Mikhail Borisovich?
“Husband is at home. And at work he is Mikhail Borisovich. He also calls me Liana Semyonovna, it's cool.

But, as I understand it, everything in the house rests on you?
“Family is a kind of partnership. Everyone is doing their own thing, and no one interferes with each other. Of course, if we need to consult on something, we consult, but in the end we act as we see fit.”

Mikhail, Turetsky Choir was well received in America, and you had the opportunity to stay there. Why did you decide to return to Russia?
“Firstly, I had before my eyes an example of parents who many times could emigrate both to America and Germany, but remained to live here. Dad went through the war, he is a participant in the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade, and for him the word "patriotism" is not an empty phrase. He felt absolutely harmonious in this environment. I was twenty years old, he was seventy. And I remember him at that age as an energetic, cheerful person who felt great, worked, went to the skating rink, to the ballroom. And I understood: why look for happiness somewhere beyond the seas, if it is in the person himself? Back in 1997, before meeting Liana, our team was offered a life-time contract in Florida. We were there on tour - and really liked it. People realized that they could do good business with Turetsky Choir. The offer has been received. I did not want to live in America, the team had mixed feelings. On the one hand, in Russia, relatives, friends, graves of ancestors, and on the other hand, here it is, the real American dream, which is about to become a reality. At that moment, I turned to the Moscow government with a request that we be given state status and premises. And it was a kind of Rubicon: the motherland recognizes - we will return. And Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov gave us this status, which in the long run meant state support. We are still waiting for the room. (Laughs.) It seems that it was allocated, but it is emergency, and there is no money for reconstruction. Nevertheless, then it seemed that everything, we are recognized at the state level. So in 2001, when we met Liana, the question of emigration was no longer an issue. I go on tour in the USA (the computer shows that in twenty-five years I have crossed the border ninety-four times), but I have no desire to live in this country. I feel needed here because every day I go on stage to a large audience and make them happier than before communicating with me.

And how did you manage to turn Liana's life upside down in a matter of months so that she left everything and went with you to Russia?
“When Liana invited me to visit, I was impressed by her taste and quality of life. A twenty-five-year-old woman had a luxurious house, a beautiful car. To do this, she had to work two jobs (she is a programmer). But nevertheless, everything was fine. Why did you leave? Probably love. I can’t pull the blanket over myself now: they say, I’m so cool, I powdered her brains ... "

"Well maybe. Even though there was common sense. I flatter myself that I made a good impression on Liana. And she saw in me a reliable person. I was older than her. And older now. The wife says: "You will never see me old." (Laughs.) I am a responsible person, I created a team unique in its kind, I was not involved in any criminal activity, I did not use foul language. In a word, nothing frightened her. I talked about Verdi, Brahms and Tchaikovsky, talked about the Leningrad State Philharmonic, where I attended the rehearsals of Yevgeny Mravinsky. Liana was pleasantly surprised, and she was interested in trying something different, getting to know the person from the “other shore” better. True, at first, while they rubbed each other, more than once wanted to return back. But I never made it to the airport.

Liana, was it difficult for you to decide to move?
“Because of our youth, we make decisions much faster and at the same time we are not always guided by logic and reason. It seems to a man in love that he can move mountains, and not just turn his life around. But still, I’m quite practical, I don’t rush into the pool with my head. A woman's heart will always tell you what future awaits you with this person. Will there be a man or a rag next to you. First of all, I chose a husband, a breadwinner and a good father for my children. And I didn't fail."

But did you miss the first time?
“There was no time to be bored. The eldest daughter of Mikhail Borisovich Natasha is in her transitional age. A ruffy teenager with whom he had to establish contact, seek a common language. My Sarina had to be sent to kindergarten, taught the Russian language. I also tried to find a job, went to interviews. Nothing worked out with the work, although my specialty seems to be in demand everywhere. And I began to go on tour with the Turetsky Choir. So I didn’t sit at home, didn’t get bored and didn’t cry, but actively built our new life.”

Have you settled in Moscow now?
"Of course! My favorite places, restaurants, shopping centers, theaters have appeared here. I love people, parties, communication. With our bachelorette party, we sometimes go to Paris, then to Germany. Of course, when there is time, it is necessary, after all, to go on tour with the team, and with the children on vacation.

Have you always wanted a big family?
“I am madly in love with small children, and it is such a joy for me that we have four daughters! If each gives me two or three granddaughters, I will become the happiest grandmother. There must be small children in the house. Mikhail and I sometimes say that if we had only older daughters - Natasha and Sarina, our life would become boring. They are already adults, independent, mom and dad are not so needed.

Michael:“By the way, to the eldest daughter, we offered to go to Chicago to get an education there. She stayed here, entered MGIMO, the faculty of international journalism, and she herself. Our younger children are also very purposeful, doing a little bit of everything for the overall development. And music, and figure skating, drawing, dancing ... The youngest, Beata, goes to ballet school.

Liana, Mikhail is a very busy person. Does he pay enough attention to children?
“A good father does not mean at all that he has to lie at home for twenty-four hours. This is a terrible father. A good one is one who can provide a convenient comfortable life for his children, give education. Mikhail Borisovich succeeds in all this. And he loves and pampers our daughters. He will never go to bed without hugging them, kissing them goodnight. If he leaves early in the morning on tour, he will get up early to take them to school. He takes every moment to be with them longer. When possible, they go to the skating rink together on skis. When it comes to music, I have a complicated relationship with it. More than one bear stepped on my ear, although Mikhail Borisovich believes that I have a hearing. And our girls all sing, Emma has been playing the violin since she was five.”

Do they have any ideas about dad's work?
“The repertoire of the Turetsky Choir has been tested by time. And, perhaps, by age, it is not very clear to our girls, but they feel the energy and are drawn to this music, even to military songs. Emma deduces quite amazingly: “Across the field, along the steep bank, past the huts.” She passes this song through herself, and the baby sings along with her. They are very fond of the repertoire of the Turkish Soprano.

Was it created in opposition to the male choir?
“This is a kind of branding. I realized that I was a little cramped within the same team. There are songs that are simply out of place in a male performance: “Daisies Hid”, “Gardens Bloom Once a Year” ... And then, I missed the female vocals penetrating into the very heart. I created this group and it's incredibly successful. The Sopranos have a huge repertoire - one hundred and twenty compositions, a variety of genres. There are two female composers in the group who write lyrics and music themselves. We did joint numbers with Igor Butman, Dmitry Malikov, Sergey Mazaev.

Liana, are you not jealous of the beauties who curl around your husband?
“If a husband is surrounded by young girls, this continues his youth and masculinity. And secondly, in order to “go to the side”, it is not necessary to create a choir. I trust my husband and the Soprano girls. In addition to being beautiful, they are also smart - intelligent, educated, well-read. This is a completely different level, not “singing cowards” who are looking for a rich husband.”

In an interview, you said that now that your grandson has appeared, there will be someone to continue your business. Are you going to cook a guy?
“Since Russia is a women's country, you are much stronger than men, then I think my daughters will be more likely to continue. There is such a character - Emmanuelle Turkish. She is now nine years old, and she is tenacious, strong, talented and with a great voice. I see potential in her - both a good musician and a manager. She even tries to influence the repertoire policy, to push through her favorites. And when he is present at a concert, he can jump onto the stage, snatch the microphone from his dad and sing something.

Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky- famous Russian musician, founder and music producer of art groups "Choir of Turkish" and "SOPRANO of Turkish". In 2010 he received the title People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Possesses a singing voice of a lyric tenor. Over the years of creative activity, the Russian artist has been awarded various prizes, received many domestic and international awards.

Childhood and youth of Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

The future Russian musician Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky was born April 12, 1962 inMoscow. The boy had Jewish roots. People from his family belonged to the Mogilev province, now Belarus. Boris Borisovich Epshtein, the son of a blacksmith, was a participant in the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade, worked as an employee of the silk-screen printing shop at a factory near Moscow. The father of the future artist was categorically against the birth of a second child. According to him, he and his wife were already at an elderly age. Also, the first child was born very sick, and the Turkish had to go through a lot. In addition, their family faced financial problems, and it would be extremely difficult for them to provide for another child.

Mikhail Turetsky's mother, Bella Semyonovna Turetskaya, worked all her life as a kindergarten teacher. The woman was against abortion and claimed that she was obliged to give birth to this child. In addition to Misha, the family had another child, son Alexander. Note that Alexander was fifteen years older than Mikhail. The future Russian producer and musician spent almost all his childhood with his older brother. Turetsky's parents spent 24/7 at work to provide their children with everything they needed.

Alexander Turetsky did not like to sit with his little brother every day, so he often left him alone. The elder Turkish turned on the radio or TV for the baby so that he would not be afraid and go for a walk with friends. He hoped to hide this, but sooner or later Boris and Bella Turetsky nevertheless found out about their son's deceit. But they did not scold or punish him at all. Soon their little son Misha began to sing and show good vocal abilities. The future artist especially liked the song called "Lilac Mist".

Mikhail Turetsky with his father - Epshtein Alexander Borisovich

The Turkish family had absolutely no money. They could hardly provide their children with clothing and food. Boris and Bella worked tirelessly and soon they managed to buy an apartment near the Belorusskaya metro station. Now their housing was more spacious and comfortable for living. Also, the parents were able to buy an old piano for Alexander and Mikhail, so that in their free time they would study music.

Soon the parents of the future Russian musician noticed that their son had excellent musical inclinations. Therefore, Bella and Boris Turetsky decided to invite a music and vocal teacher to Misha. Mikhail studied with a tutor for six months. He soon gave up his studies. The reason was that, according to the teacher, Misha Turetsky has absolutely no hearing. Note that one vocal lesson cost ten rubles. At that time it was a huge amount, especially for people who did not have money.

Mikhail Turetsky told the military love story of his parents

The artist's parents were very upset. Prior to this incident, they were sure that their son had talent and excellent inclinations. After that, Mikhail promised to improve and prove to them that he was really capable of much. Then Turetsky entered a music school for a piccolo flute course. At that time, studying at a music school cost a lot of money. Therefore, Mikhail was enrolled in this course, it was less expensive.

In 1973, an incident occurred that turned Mikhail Turetsky's life upside down. A cousin of his father, Boris Borisovich, came to visit them. They are Rudolf Barshai. Note that Turetsky's cousin was a violist and conductor of world renown. Bella and Boris immediately informed Rudolph that their youngest son was studying at a music school, playing musical instruments and singing very well. After that, Barshai asked his nephew to perform some song.

Mikhail Turetsky sang one of his favorite songs to demonstrate his vocal abilities. Rudolf Barshai was shocked after what he heard. He argued that Misha needed to develop his abilities and inclinations for music. Soon, through influential acquaintances, Barshai managed to arrange his nephew at the Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov Choir School. As you know, children at the age of seven are admitted to this educational institution. Mikhail was already eleven, but he was accepted thanks to his uncle's connections.

After graduating from the Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov Choir School, Mikhail Turetsky entered the conducting and choral faculty of the Gnesins State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. There was an extremely serious competition and strict selection. Turetsky had a real musical talent, so he was immediately accepted. In 1985, Mikhail graduated with honors from the Pedagogical Institute. He decided not to stop there, and entered graduate school. In parallel with the educational process, Turetsky is actively involved in symphonic conducting. Every day, the future artist attended rehearsals Academic Symphony Orchestra St. Petersburg Philharmonic under the direction of E. A. Mravinsky. He soon became a choirmaster and actor. Theater of Musical Art directed by Yuri Sherling. At that time, Turetsky was seriously interested in the history of synthetic art.

Most of all, Mikhail Turetsky admired the maestro's game. He was sure that in the future he would achieve the same success. At that time, the Russian musician had already participated in successful performances under the direction of Mravinsky and Sherling. Note that at that time Turetsky already had a wife and a daughter.

Music and Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

After graduating from graduate school, Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky practiced at the rehearsals of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic and at the Theater of Musical Art. The artist barely had enough money for food, so he was forced to earn extra money as a bomber on the old Zhiguli and as a loader in a supermarket. For many years, Mikhail dreamed of creating his own team, of becoming a maestro. These thoughts did not leave Turetsky for many years. He was sure that he would definitely achieve his goal.

In 1987, Mikhail Turetsky began to actively collaborate with the church choir and with the political song ensemble. In 1989, the Russian artist announced the recruitment of soloists for the male choir of the Moscow chorion synagogue. Recall that Turkish is a Jew by nationality. The novice leader had a rather unusual idea for his work. The artist dreamed of reviving Jewish sacred music on the territory of the Soviet Union. All members of the team had a professional musical education.

The creative team of Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky was engaged in Jewish liturgical music. This was an innovation for the time, as this kind of music had not appeared since 1917. The so-called highlight of the choir was that they performed songs a cappella, without musical accompaniment. It was really difficult, because in order to perform songs without music, you need to have perfect vocal skills.

Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky - People's Artist of Russia

For a year and a half, the musical choir of Mikhail Turetsky prepared an incredibly successful program of Jewish sacred and secular music. Their work was original and not like others. Soon the creative team began to actively tour around the world. They visited Israel, the United States of America, Germany, Great Britain, France, Canada, Spain. Note that in Spain, Turetsky's team performed at a festival called "Por Me Espiritu". They were accompanied by world-class stars. Among them are Placido Domingo, Isaac Stern, Zubin Meta and others. At that time, the team was incredibly popular in foreign countries. They have a lot of fans all over the world. However, it was difficult to achieve success at home. Note that the president of the Russian Jewish Congress was interested in the work of the collective.

Also, the team of Mikhail Turetsky performed in Lithuania in tandem with Vladimir Semenyuk. When the Russian musician was returning from a grueling tour, he learned the shocking news. It became known that his wife died in a car accident with her brother and father. The woman crashed on the Minsk-Moscow highway. They were returning to celebrate the birth of a relative. The artist fell into a deep depression and canceled all tours. For a long time, Mikhail Turetsky could not come to his senses. Elena's mother tried to help her son-in-law. She supported Mikhail in every possible way and offered him to take custody of her granddaughter. The artist was categorically against it. He took his daughter and went to the United States of America. Turetsky worked there under a contract.

Turetsky Choir - New Year's Concert

In 1995, a turning point occurred for the creative team of Mikhail Turetsky. Half of the artists remained in Moscow. The rest of the performers, accompanied by Mikhail Borisovich, went to conquer the United States of America under a contract. They started creating in Miami, Florida. This period was very difficult for Mikhail Turetsky. He had to lead the team both in Miami and in Moscow. During the two years of the contract, he flew more than twenty times from Russia to the United States of America.

Western culture made an incredible impression on the Russian artist and his team. In this regard, Mikhail Turetsky decided to change the repertoire and format of performances. He completely changed the style of the songs. As you know, his little daughter lived with Turetsky in the United States of America. They often attended Broadway musicals. It was the musicals that influenced the worldview of the Russian artist and the repertoire of his team.

Now the repertoire of Mikhail Turetsky's team was more vivid, spectacular, interesting for the listener and unique. In 1997, the contract of artists in the United States ended, and they returned to their homeland. During this period, an art group called "Turetsky Choir" went on tour with. Their tour significantly influenced the popularity of the Russian team. They became more famous in their homeland, the group gained a lot of fans. In 1998, the choir received the status of a city municipal group.

The work of Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky developed rapidly. From 1999 to 2002, his choir performs with the innovative performance "Mikhail Turetsky's Vocal Show" at the Moscow State Variety Theater under the direction of. Note that the performance was presented to the audience twice a month. Then the team was brightly presented to the capital. In 2003, a Russian musician introduced the world to a completely new concept in music called "art group". It didn't look like anything.

His team received a new name - "Art Group Turetsky Choir". The creative group of Mikhail Turetsky included ten soloists with different singing voices. The artists possessed both the lowest and highest voices from bass profundo to tenor altino. Now the collective was not based on Jewish culture. Of course, their repertoire included national songs, but they were not the basis of the team. They created innovative songs. Music critics have characterized their work as a classic crossover. There is a synthesis of elements of pop, rock and electronic music.

The team of Mikhail Turetsky annually surprised fans with new products. They presented songs both without musical accompaniment and with instrumental accompaniment. They organized show performances that combined vocals with elements of the author's choreography. Since 2004, the peak of the creative career of Mikhail Turetsky's team began. They perform at the best concert venues in the world. Among them are the Olympic Sports Complex in Moscow, the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg, the Oktyabrsky Grand Concert Hall in St. Petersburg, the Albert Hall in England, famous concert halls in the United States of America - Carnegie Hall in New York, Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, Jordan Hall in Boston.

In 2005, Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky presented his autobiography to fans. In it, the Russian artist shares the history of his personal life and the secrets of the Turetsky Choir. In 2008, the creative team held four concerts at the State Kremlin Palace. Each of them was held with a full house. Soon, due to numerous requests from the audience, an additional sold-out fifth concert was held at the Luzhniki Sports Palace.

In 2010, Mikhail Turetsky created an innovative project - called "SOPRANO". He became the so-called female version of the Turkish Choir. Girls from the SOPRANO team quickly became popular. They perform at various music festivals, including Slavic Bazaar, New Wave and Song of the Year. To date, all the groups of Mikhail Turetsky are very popular. It should be noted that according to published statistics, they take the stage more than two hundred times a year, fly about a hundred times. They also travel about a hundred thousand kilometers.

Art group "Soprano Turkish"

Awards and achievements of Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

Over the years of creative activity, Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky received many awards and medals. In 1994, the Russian artist received an award - "The Golden Crown of Cantors of the World". As you know, only eight people in the world have such an achievement. In 2002, Turetsky became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2004, he received the National Award "Person of the Year" in the nomination "Cultural Event of the Year". In 2010, Turetsky became the "People's Artist of the Russian Federation".

In 2011, Mikhail Turetsky became the "People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania" and received the title of "Honored Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia".
In 2012, the Russian musician and producer received a new title - the Order of Honor. In 2012, he also received the honorary title - People's Artist of the Republic. In 2015, Turetsky became an Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Last year, Mikhail became the 2016 Prize winner of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture. In 2017 he received the Order of Friendship.

Personal life of Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

The personal life of Mikhail Turetsky was very eventful. In 1984, the Russian artist first married classmate Elena. The girl was also an artist and a student at the Gnessin Institute. In 1984 they had a daughter named Natalia.

In 1989 Mikhail Turetsky was in Lithuania. He was informed that his wife Elena, her brother and father had died in a car accident. A woman had an accident on the Minsk-Moscow highway. Soon Mikhail took his daughter Natalia and went to the United States of America. Turetsky worked there under a contract. In the USA, Natasha also tried herself as a performer and performed on stage. The girl liked being a star, she really wanted to connect her future with the stage. But her father insisted that she acquire a more serious and promising specialty. Today, Natalia works as a lawyer in the office of the Turetsky Choir. In 2014, her son Ivan was born, and in 2016, her daughter Elena.

In 2001, Mikhail Turetsky had a brief affair with Tatyana Brodkovskaya. They had a daughter named Isabelle. Now the girl lives in Germany with her mother, but often sees her father.

In 2002, in the United States of America, Mikhail met an Armenian Liana.

It was during that period that the artist toured in America, and the father of his future wife was the organizer of the tour. In the same year, the wedding of Mikhail and Liana took place. From her first marriage, the Armenian had a daughter named Sarina. In 2005, the couple had a common daughter named Emmanuelle. In 2009, they became parents again. In marriage, a daughter, Beata, was born.

Mikhail Turetsky today

Today, Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky is actively engaged in creative activities. The Russian artist and musician is working on the release of new hits.
Under his leadership is a women's group called "SOPRANO" and "Art Group Turetsky Choir". The bands tour all over the world every year. They are especially warmly welcomed in the United States of America, in Germany, Spain, Italy and other countries. At home, creative teams are also successful. They hold a lot of concerts every year. Each of them is sold out. During the year, the musical groups of Mikhail Turetsky give more than two hundred concerts. Over the years of creative activity, they have repeatedly become laureates of awards, and received both domestic and international awards.

Mikhail Turetsky is a popular Russian musician and producer. Over the years of creative activity, the artist managed to achieve success, despite the difficulties in his career and in his personal life. He became the winner of international competitions and received honorary titles. His bands have millions of fans.

Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky tries to spend all his free time with his family. Together with his wife Liana, the man brings up two joint daughters, Beata and Emmanuelle. Also living with them is Liana's daughter from her first marriage, Sarina. The girl recently got married.

Turkish is an active user of social networks and regularly shares moments from his life with his subscribers. He publishes both creative fragments and photos of his family. The Russian artist is very fond of touring, so you can see photos and videos from his travels in his account on the social network called "Instagram".

Often, Mikhail Turetsky attends social events. Also, the Russian musician and producer can be regularly seen on television. From time to time he is the guest of honor of television programs, projects and entertainment shows.

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