Events in the parks on September 9th. Summary poster of Moscow rock concerts

On September 8, the capital celebrates City Day, which means that residents and guests of Moscow are waiting for a lot of interesting and diverse events, read about them in today's review of the real estate portal site.

As part of the International Theater Festival. Chekhov in the capital will host about 50 free street performances. Actors from Japan, Brazil, Taiwan, France, Great Britain, Germany, South Korea and Spain brought their performances. You will see the legendary Kabuki theater, pyrotechnic shows, ten-meter dragons, acrobatic performances at a height of 70 meters (by the way, musical groups will also climb higher). Date and time: September 8 and 9, from 12:00 to 21:00. Location: Manezhnaya Square and Luzhniki.

Another theatrical event will take place on City Day - the Theater March 2018 festival. 10 Moscow theaters will present their performances to the audience: the Taganka Theater will show a musical version of the play "Sweeney Todd, the Maniac Barber of Fleet Street"; the Vsevolod Meyerhold Center prepared two productions of an unusual format - a performance that will occupy the entire space of the Hermitage Park, and a lyrical drama about love; the theater "School of Dramatic Art" will take a fresh look at the fate of the poets Velimir Khlebnikov and Vladimir Mayakovsky; two dance performances from "Ballet Moscow" will introduce you to modern dramatic choreography. The family program is represented by the plays of the theaters Et Cetera, "School modern play", "New Opera"," Stories Studio ". Also in the program are popular opera suites performed by the theater orchestra. Admission to all performances is free. Date and time: September 8, from 11:00 to 22:30. Place: Hermitage Garden, st. Karetny Ryad, 3.

The barbecue festival at Flakon Design Factory started today, September 7, but it will run all the coming weekend. Here, both traditional meat, fish and vegetables, as well as desserts, will be grilled. You will try barbecue according to recipes from many countries of the world, take part in master classes where they will reveal the secrets of especially delicious grilled dishes to you, tell you how to choose the right products and spices, visit a gastronomic championship, where chefs from Georgia, South America, India, Germany, Far East. Musical accompaniment holiday - concerts of live music of various genres - national, country, latino and rock. Entrance to the festival is free. Date and time: September 8 and 9, from 13:00 to 22:00. Location: Flacon Design Factory, st. Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36/4.

The third Maker Faire Moscow festival will take place on the City Day of the capital. Here you will see amazing things from 200 inventors - technological curiosities, interior decorations with unusual functions, robots and much more, and also try your hand at creativity. Inventions can be tested, learn the principles of their work. At lectures, visitors will be told how to look at familiar things from an unusual angle, more than 30 master classes are planned, where you, together with inventors, will make unusual things and designs. Admission is free, but registration is required at Date and time: September 8 and 9, from 11:00 to 19:00. Location: Gorky Park, Krymsky Val, 9.

In honor of the celebration of the City Day, Gorky Park will also host an excursion marathon (you can thoroughly study the park and its history) and many sports and dance master classes. The program includes: tango master class, stretching, hustle, health qigong, fencing basics, modern dances, beatbox and cycling lectures. Other parks of the city - Sokolniki, Zaryadye, Tsaritsyno, Izmailovsky, Babushkinsky, Lianozovsky, Vorontsovsky and others - have also prepared their festive program.

The City Day will end with traditional fireworks. colorful show for several tens of thousands of volleys starts at 21:00 at 30 sites in all districts of Moscow.

September 2018
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Until September 9, Kuzminki Park will host the Good Moscow. Flower Jam, where visitors can taste and buy various treats, as well as learn something new. The chip of the site will be the preparation of a gift for the birthday of Moscow - big picture from a variety of elements that visitors to the park will create. Guests are waiting for performances of music and dance groups.

On the Day of the city of the capital of Russia on September 8 and 9, the festival Good Moscow Flower Jam will be held

The center of the festival "Good Moscow 871" will be Tverskaya street. In addition, the festival will be held in all districts of the capital.

During the festival, various charitable foundations will talk about their activities, organize special consultations and lecture programs to help people with disabilities, hold creative, culinary and other master classes.

50 inclusive performances, more than 100 master classes, 60 lectures and educational programs. Also, within the framework of the festival, 7 sports grounds will be organized.

As part of the "Flower Jam 2018" festival taking place in Moscow on City Day, visitors will be able to create their own flower beds by taking part in the "Competition of Amateur Flower Gardens at District Sites".

An inclusive program will be held as part of the Good Moscow Flower Jam festival

On September 8 and 9, the Golden Mask in the City project will be presented at the City Day celebration as part of the Good Moscow. Flower Jam" special program - a block of performances by inclusive theaters, prepared jointly with experts from the festival of special theaters "Proteatr".

Spectators will see concert programs, performances, performances from theaters from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

10.00 - concert "About you", Theater of deaf actors "Nedoslov"
13.00 - theatrical performance based on the play "Nephew", Uppsala Circus
14.00 - concert of the orchestra "Anton is right here," the Center for Social Rehabilitation "Anton is right here"
15.00 - concert "Vdal", integrated theater-studio "Circle II"

10.00 - theatrical performance based on the play "Rainy Kings", Piano Theater (Nizhny Novgorod)
11.30 - a theatrical performance based on the play "Human Dialogues", the Integrated Theater Studio "Krug" and the Regional Public Organization for the Social and Creative Rehabilitation of Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities and Their Families "Krug".

The special program is part of the Moscow Seasons project with the support of the Moscow Government.

During the Good Moscow Flower Jam festival, a competition will be held to determine the best florists

For the first time the competition was held in the summer of 2017 as part of the city festival " Moscow summer. Flower Jam. The competition was held in the public spaces of Moscow: for some time, the works of the participants of the competition and special projects of the curators and members of the international professional jury decorated the squares, streets and squares of the capital, becoming part of the urban landscape solution.

This is a completely unique experience in the world practice of holding landscape design competitions, which turned out to be very successful. A total of 260 flower beds, nine exhibition gardens and four special projects were implemented. It took more than 60,000 fresh flowers and plants to create them. During the festival, these projects were seen by 7.2 million Muscovites and guests of the city.

The theme of the 2018 competition is “ Bright colors, or Bright colors". Bright colors formed the basis of this year's concept not by chance. Moscow has always been a city with many gardens - bright and lush. The main goal of the 2018 competition is to show that in the modern metropolis there is a place for gardens, for bright flowers, and at the same time to create the most durable landscape compositions using perennials that will be able to decorate the city at the end of the festival.

Moscow summer. Flower Jam 2018 will be held in three professional, one student and one amateur nominations

  1. "Large exhibition garden (from 100 to 200 square meters)".
  2. "Small exhibition garden (25 square meters)".
  3. "Urban recreation place" (projects that will decorate the sites of schools and kindergartens).
  4. "Student competition of city square projects" (nomination for students of specialized universities).
  5. "Amateur flower beds on the district sites."

Within the festival will take place professional forum: open discussions, round tables and lectures. Guests and residents of the capital are also waiting for the usual activities of the Moscow Seasons festivals: concerts, creative venues, exhibitions, theatrical performances and much more.

As part of the 2018 competition, more than a thousand flower gardens, 30 exhibition gardens and 5 special projects will be created. In total, the festival sites will be decorated with more than four million fresh flowers and plants. The international jury, which will include professionals from 8 countries, will name 15 winners. They will receive large cash prizes.

On September 9, 2018, the fourth edition of the Fields music festival will take place in Gorky Park. Formally timed to coincide with the city's day, Fields offers city dwellers an alternative holiday format - an exciting "excursion" through outlandish, rare and strange manifestations of modern music. Free admission.

The fourth edition of the Fields festival, called Open Borders, will blur boundaries - geographical, stylistic, cultural and subcultural. Folk through a rave lens, stadium rock on toy instruments, electronic music interpreted by academics, techno on a 60-drum kit and new age of the 21st century - all this will be presented on one stage on September 9th.

Full program:

Islam Chipsy & EEK (Egypt)

Laraaji (USA)

Nikita Zabelin & Petr Theremin

Kymatic performs works by Moa Pillar, Lovozero and other electronic musicians

Alexey Bobrovsky - live techno drumming

As part of the upcoming Fields, there will be two Russian premieres. The Egyptian trio Islam Chipsy & EEK will perform at the festival: a virtuoso keyboardist and two permanent drummers reinterpret the traditional North African style of chaabi, provoking transcendent dances during their lives. Previously known only for performing at weddings and the streets of Cairo, it was only recently that Chipsy was noticed by cutting-edge music media (The Wire, The Queitus, Crack Magazine, etc.), and later by the mastodons of the English bass scene: Kode9, Pinch, Mumdance, Faze Miyake and Artwork.

The second outlandish guest will be Laraaji, a 74-year-old American, recognized as one of the founders of new age and meditative ambient. After discovering the exotic zither instrument and oriental mysticism in the mid-70s, Laraaji took on the role of a musical preacher and began to give regular concerts in the park. Brian Eno witnessed one of these concerts, and the result of this meeting was the first Laraaji album produced by him, called "Ambient 3: Day of Radiance".

Local acts promise to be no less interesting. A new collaboration between Nikita Zabelin and Pyotr Theremin will build a bridge between two eras - the famous techno DJ and experimenter will perform a joint improvisation with the great-grandson of the creator of the theremin. Academic Ensemble Kymatic will play works by contemporaries Moa Pillar, Lovozero, Zurkas Tepla and musicians from the New York label Orange Milk Records. The Moscow trio Fogh Depot will bring a bit of melancholy and noir to the common holiday - their music will present an organic interweaving of dark jazz, neoclassical and ambient.

Aleksey Bobrovsky, who received the President's Prize for his achievements in the study of liquid crystals, will make his way to the Fields with his giant (over 60 positions!) drum kit - being an ardent fan of the Raster label, he will prove by his own example that techno can be acoustic. And the general degree of pathos will be reduced thanks to the ADMI project: having adopted a huge setup of toy instruments, the project will perform quite adult works, sometimes reminiscent of something between the Chemical Brothers and The Residents.

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