Meditation to increase female energy: techniques and secrets. How to restore feminine energy

Female energy plays a huge role in the life of any woman - it not only makes her attractive to men, but also gives peace and happiness, a sense of the correctness of the chosen path.

Women's meditations, created specifically for ladies, allow you to replenish this energy, which is often lacking in modern women.

This becomes especially noticeable with age - the eyes go out, the charm disappears, the attractiveness decreases. All this can be brought back through meditation!


Meditation is a special practice of relaxation and relaxation. Scientists have proven that it has a positive effect on both the psyche and the body, especially for women.

Meditation calms the nerves, relaxes, relieves stress, and therefore, from the accompanying diseases. Here is the effect this practice has on the female body:

– Reduces stress levels;
- Helps to learn to concentrate at the right moment;
- Helps you to know yourself better
- Protects the psyche from destruction;
- Allows you to better control emotions;
– Helps to look younger;
- Regulates hormonal levels;
- Soothes and relaxes;
- Fills with a sense of happiness and helps to enjoy life.

There are a great many ways to meditate now, among them you can choose the one that you like the most. If you practice it regularly, then in the near future you will notice how your attitude to life, as well as the attitude of those around you, will change. Feminine energy is invisible to the eye, but it is felt by men on an intuitive level.

Breathing exercises

Correct breathing is at the heart of all meditation. In order to immerse yourself in the desired state, you need to control your inhalations and exhalations. Preparing for meditation plays an important role in achieving the result.

First of all, you need to find a quiet place where no one will disturb you, turn off the phone and take a comfortable position. Some meditations are done lying down, some sitting. If you choose the second option, remember that your back should always remain straight.

So, sit as comfortably as possible and begin to gradually relax all your muscles. At the same time, focus on your breathing. Close your eyes, take deep breaths in and out. You must throw all thoughts out of your head, let them float past you.

Concentration on the breath will help with this: you can mentally count the inhalations and exhalations, but if you lose count, do not panic, but simply start over. In addition, you can simply accompany your breath with mental words: “Inhale, exhale. Breathe in, breathe out." Breathe slowly and deeply. After you feel that all your limbs are relaxed, and unnecessary thoughts do not interfere, you can proceed directly to the chosen meditation.

Methods of Meditation

1 Way. This meditation will help not only to relax and increase the level of female energy, it will also help you to realize yourself and preserve youth. With it, you turn to the energy of the uterus, you need to do it while sitting. Relax, as described above, and focus on the lower part of your body.
Inhaling, tighten the muscles of the uterus, exhaling, imagine how the energy accumulates in this area, fills the uterus. Do this fifteen times in a row, at the end you should feel the energy pulsing within you. Exhale and imagine that energy from the Earth itself comes to you through the feet, it fills you completely.

Imagine how it fills not only every cell of your body, but the whole room around you, and you take off and swim in these streams. After that, go down, shrink the space to your size and open your eyes.

2. Method implies meditation anywhere, even in transport or at work. Relax, forget about everything that bothers you and imagine that you are in a place where you feel very good and comfortable. It can be a seashore or a lake in the forest - whatever.

Now imagine that the sun is shining on you from the sky and caressing your skin with its rays. Feel its breath, imagine how the light enters your body and fills it with golden energy. Feel the bliss of it, enjoy this feeling. Meditation can be ended when you decide.

3 .Method - Pearl Meditation

It is considered one of the strongest and symbolizes the feminine, because according to one of the beliefs, the pearl is the female energy, frozen in this form. Sit as comfortably as possible and close your eyes.

Inhale and exhale twice. As you exhale a second time, focus on the area at the bottom of your abdomen. This is where your femininity lies. Imagine that your personal oasis is located there - a waterfall, a river or a lake.

Imagine how you dive there, connect with the water, and it takes you out to the open sea. You are pulled down, the whirlpool carries you to the very bottom, and you see that on it lies a sea shell of amazing beauty. Inside it, you notice a brilliant pearl, beautiful and smooth. This is your feminine energy, take it and mentally put it in the womb.

After that, imagine how the shimmer emanates from the pearl, filling you. When you are completely filled with this quiet light, float up and emerge. As the Greek goddess of love, you are reborn from the sea foam, beautiful and feminine. After that, you can open your eyes.

Remember, for meditation to work, it must be done regularly - this applies to any of the above practices. Dedicate at least fifteen minutes a day to this, and you will see how your life will change for the better, and how you yourself will change, becoming more feminine and softer, calmer and more beautiful.

In women - 90% of female and 10% - male energies, in men - on the contrary (according to other sources - this is a ratio of 60 to 40). If it is much more or less, this is already too much.
What is it and how does it manifest itself in our lives?
Women with a predominance in the masculine side are endowed with an excess of masculine energy, respectively, they behave like men, think like men, look at the world like men. And what's wrong with that, you ask, because acting like a man means being active, purposeful, achieving your goal at all costs, going ahead, being a leader, an organizer, and so on. But these are the qualities of a man. For a man, this is their nature, for them it is easy and natural to compete, to lead. Remember how males behave in nature, competing for the attention of a female, leading in packs. And for the soul in the female body, such a position is an incredibly difficult and heavy burden. A woman with her inherent softness and anxiety of thought begins to quickly deplete, taking a masculine position, her psyche quickly gets tired, her female intuition becomes dull, life's luck leaves her, because with all her actions she tells the Universe - I will achieve this myself, I myself will achieve everything. So she pulls this cart herself, loaded with vital concerns about herself, children, and also puts her husband on this cart. Domestic violence often arises because of this: after all, a husband does not beat a woman, he beats a man in a skirt, who is a kind of competitor for him, who does not allow himself to be active in life or make decisions, but takes over all male functions.

Initially, girls from childhood grow up with a predominance of masculine qualities, for which there can be many reasons. This is also the wrong upbringing, when parents set the primary goal for their daughter - brilliant studies in order to have a prestigious and well-paid job. Often mothers say to their daughters: "You must learn not to depend on anyone and be independent." And practically no attention is paid to the development of female qualities and the role of wife and mother in the family. Another reason for male-female disharmony is that the girl imprints the image of her unhappy mother, who leads and pushes her husband around, does not put him in a penny. Therefore, the daughter has a picture of the weakness of men: how can such men provide for a family, you have to do everything yourself and rely only on yourself.

Therefore, our task now is to become women ourselves, to comprehend our feminine essence, the female Share and teach this to our daughters and granddaughters, since a woman creates peace in the family. It is from female energies that a family is created, a woman fills her family with her energies. The climate and atmosphere in the family depend mainly on the condition of the woman, and the breakup of the family is essentially the decision of the woman. Even if a man finds himself another, this is not only his responsibility, but also the responsibility of a woman. Men are very rarely the initiators of divorces, and mistresses are often turned on precisely because of the lack of female energy, which his wife does not give him. Female energy is a means for a man to earn money, so you can take it personally when complaining that your husband earns little by asking yourself the question: how much female energy, attention, care, love do I give him for this?

The fact that a man is made by his woman is an indisputable fact. Therefore, dear women, look at your man. If he doesn’t suit you in some way, then ask yourself: how much I am a true woman, how feminine qualities are manifested in me, do I always behave like a woman. If you are still with this man, then there are reasons for that, among which may be your low self-esteem, and your undeveloped femininity. As you begin to develop your femininity, your husband will either begin to become a real man, or you will naturally break up if he is not ready for change. Remember one important thing: do not try to remake others, take care of yourself, develop feminine qualities in yourself, and the world around you will begin to change!

Meditation on awareness of your femininity:

Put on calm, pleasant music. Meditation is done in the supine position. Bend your legs at the knees. Place your hands on your lower abdomen, palms down. Left hand on top. Close your eyes and relax. Feel the warmth emanating from your palms and filling your uterus. Imagine that the whole room is filled with pink. Breathe in and feel the pink fill your womb as you breathe in. And exhale all your clamps, resentments and irritations. With each breath, you are filled with pure, pink energy and dissolve all adversity with it. And breathe them out. Now imagine that you are lying in a marvelous garden. Birds of paradise and many flowers sing all around. A warm breeze envelops your body, and light floral aromas reach you. Feel what these smells are, it can be a gentle naive aroma of a tea rose, or a mysterious aroma of jasmine, or any other one coming from your wonderful garden ... Breathe this aroma through the womb and fill with it. With each breath, it fills your uterus, gradually filling your entire body. This is how the ancient priestesses filled themselves. Now you are one of them - the Goddess of love, who has access to the invisible laws of this world. Fill yourself with this fragrance. Feel how your whole body now radiates this fragrance. Stay in this state for a while and gradually open your eyes. Roll over on your stomach and rise like a cat. Do everything smoothly and calmly. Under no circumstances jump up abruptly.

Do this every day, at least for 28 days (or better, of course, use it as a daily meditation, you can do it before bed). And you will be very surprised by the miracles that will begin to happen in your life, as well as the special attention from men.

Meditation to increase female energy:

The main female meditation on the disclosure of the female energy center - "Heavenly Lotus of the Goddess"

This meditation will help you become aware of your feminine center, your feminine essence. It will make it possible to start changes in the hormonal system, increasing the amount of female hormones and start producing more pheromones that attract men to a woman. This meditation allows a woman to accumulate female energy, increasing her energy attractiveness for men, to maintain youth, beauty and health.

Posture: This meditation is best done in the “two moons” position. Sit with your legs crossed to form one moon. Round your back a little. Lower your chin slightly, the top of your head looks at the sky. Place your hands on the lower abdomen, almost on the pubis. Left hand on top. You should be comfortable in this position. If you feel more comfortable, you can lean on something with your back, but do not fall through your back. Check that there is no tension in the shoulders. If it is still there, raise your shoulders as high as possible and hold them like that for half a minute and then release them, and they will relax on their own. Relax your stomach.

Close your eyes.
See and feel your body, the floor you are sitting on, how it presses on your buttocks. See and feel the big toe of your right foot. See and feel the left thumb. See and feel your right thumb. See and feel the big toe of your left foot. See and feel your crown. And now you can see and feel how a funnel of light appears above your head. A stream of light from the sky descends directly on the top of your head. Start inhaling light through the crown of your head. Light white light through the top of your head fills your head with each breath, removing unnecessary thoughts. Washing and cleansing it. Light light washes your face, removing tension from your forehead, washes your eyes, relaxing them and soothing, washes your cheeks. Cheeks relax. A light, pleasant light flows onto your chin, washing it and relaxing it. A light pleasant light fills your mouth and relaxes your tongue more and more. The tongue lies relaxed on the palate near the teeth. You may feel a slight current of energy through your tongue.
A light, pleasant light relaxes the tongue even more and descends in a soft stream onto the shoulders along the back of the neck. We continue to inhale the light, pleasant light with the crown of our head and, in a light, pleasant stream, it spreads over the shoulders, relaxing them. With each breath, the light more and more fills our shoulders and washes the forearms with a soft stream, descending into the elbows, wrists and filling the hands. Our hands are filled with a light, pleasant light that we breathe in through the top of our heads. And this light washes away all tense, dark, unnecessary things from our hands, removing tensions in contacts with men and women from our lives.

We inhale a light, pleasant light with the top of our head, and, washing our shoulders, it begins to spread over our back and chest and fill our torso with a light, pleasant relaxation. A light, pleasant light fills our body more and more, relaxing it, washing our internal organs, removing everything dark and unnecessary from them, healing and rejuvenating them.
Allow light light to penetrate through the diaphragm into the abdomen and relax it, washing away tension from it, washing it, cleansing the intestines. We inhale light pleasant light through the top of the head, allowing it to fill the muscles of the buttocks, ovaries, uterus.

Continuing to inhale the light, soft, pleasant light through the crown of your head, let it, filling your body, descend into your thighs, washing them, taking away everything unnecessary, everything tense and filling them with a light, pleasant light. A light, pleasant light fills our thighs and then flows down to the knees, washing them with light, healing them, and flows down to the shins and calves. The shins and calves are filled with a light, pleasant light, more and more relaxing.
We breathe in a light, pleasant light through the top of our head, and it fills our body more and more, flowing down and filling our feet to the very tips of our toes, washing our body, healing it, washing away everything dark, unnecessary, tense.

Our body is completely filled with light, pleasant light. There is so much light in the body that our body begins to emit light through the skin outward, filling the space around us with a light, pleasant light, filling it with light. Our body and the space around us will be filled with light more and more, healing us, rejuvenating and relaxing more and more.

And in this state of light, pleasant relaxation and light, feel and see the palms of your hands and, perhaps, you will feel a light, pleasant flow of heat coming from your hands to the lower abdomen. Let the light, pleasant flow begin to fill your belly with light, pleasant warmth more and more.

Warm, pleasant relaxation fills your stomach more and more. And perhaps in this warm, pleasant relaxation inside the abdomen, you can see and feel and become aware of your female center - your womb. It can be an image, a thought, a sensation, a sound, a pulsation. Just keep your attention on your feminine center and the warmth from your hands down your belly.

What is your women's center? How she looks like? What does she feel? Maybe she wants to tell you something? Or maybe you would like to talk to your women's center? Ask about something or ask for help. Now you can do it... The answer can come in the form of an image, a feeling, a thought, a symbol, a word, a state. Remember this. And when you're done, thank your women's center and smile at her. And when you're ready, take a deep breath in and out and come back to the here and now. See and feel your feet, hands, shoulders, back, hips, head. Gently stretch your whole body. Smile at your body, thank it for helping you, and open your eyes. Do not rush to get up, allow yourself to enjoy this state of touching the sacred female center and its energy. When you're done, draw your feminine center as you saw it in meditation. With this image, you can always return to the state of being in the women's center. This amazing experience of your feminine essence.

By performing the “Female Energy” meditation, day by day and step by step you will begin to increase the female energy in yourself, allow the female energy to rejuvenate you, heal and restore your soul, which will certainly attract the attention and admiration of men in your address. Your female energy will become completely controlled by you. You will learn to receive help, support and confidence in your feminine beauty and feminine charms from your feminine energy.

Meditation "Female Energy"

Thinking about how far the evolution of humanity has stepped over the past millennium, there is a feeling that our society has lost touch with its origins, and like a blind man in the dark, wanders to no one knows where. Just a couple of hundred years ago, only males could be strong and courageous, smart and decisive, and the prerogative of women was life for the benefit of loved ones, giving all-consuming love, forgiveness, enveloping care and giving joy and happiness. The energy of the keeper of the hearth was similar to the force sent by the Universe itself during meditation for women.

But time mercilessly dispelled the beauty and tranquility of women's destiny. Now it is very difficult to determine whether the male world has weakened and needed help, or the female representatives wanted a new quality. In fact, it doesn't matter. But the lifestyle of women over the past century has changed radically.

An incredible burden of daily duties rests on her shoulders. Taking care of the house, raising children, caring for a loved one were supplemented by professional growth and material support. And this whole carousel carries a woman in a circle every day throughout her life. And sometimes there comes a moment when each female representative wearily lowers her hands and asks the question of whether to herself or to the universe. The question of where to get strength for this daily marathon, which squeezes all the strength out of her fragile body, erases desires from her head and devastates her soul. And the next day, without finding the answer, continues to move on.

In fact, the answer to this burning question lies on the surface of human history. It is worth turning to the wisdom of the ancestors in order to discover the true purpose of the female goddess and learn how to compensate for the energy spent on monotonous everyday life. For many centuries, in all known civilizations, there was the deepest cult of a woman. Militant Amazons, intellectual Greek hetaeras, charming priestesses of Aphrodite and the most humble Japanese geisha stood in the same row with the inaccessible goddesses. All these cults were based on the incredible power of natural beauty, natural tenderness and the all-encompassing ability to give love and forgiveness (feel).

Absolutely every religious movement exalted the maternal principle to the divine level. It is laid down by nature itself that the mother of all life on Earth has female energy. Energy and strength given by God. Only a mother can experience the mystery of the birth of a new life. Only she, with invisible threads, unites all loved ones into one whole called the family.
In the ancient culture of the East - in the Indian Vedas or the teachings of the Buddha, a significant role is assigned to the "goddesses". They are endowed with amazing qualities that are quite inherent in their modern heirs. It is from these teachings that it is possible to draw a methodology for the practical replenishment of vital energy and the achievement of harmony in the internal and external state of a multifaceted female being. Women's meditation is a way to return sacred energy, Divine power, bestowed from birth.

There are a large number of meditations for women adapted to the modern rhythm of life and the intellectual characteristics of a progressive person. For example, two of them can be noted:

1) Meditation "Female Energy". It helps fill the chakras with pleasure, love and acceptance. To perform it, you need to sit on a pillow so that the pelvis is above the floor level, put your hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus. All attention should be directed to the second center, we try to breathe slowly and calmly through the perineum with the uterus. Continue meditation for 10 minutes. After that, you need to direct the energy from the second chakra to the fourth, and further to Anahata. So we spend another 10 minutes. Climax: keep your attention in ajna, slowly open your eyes and contemplate the surrounding objects without interpretation. After 15 minutes we finish the meditation.

2) Kali meditation. Helps to gain strength and rigidity. Active meditation in three stages. First: let the energy of Kali into the body through energetic movements. Second: we shake the body under the influence of the awakened energy. Third: jump up and let go of the past.

Content and transcendental techniques are known, passive and active, opening and concentrating. For their practice, it is necessary to deepen into the philosophical meaning, to find oneself through the awareness of one's place and purpose. based on a state of complete peace of mind and soul. Achieving a state of immersion in oneself and the absence of mental activity allows one to connect with the energy of the Universe and realize the divinity of destiny. Meaningful meditations for women are based on the contemplation of natural phenomena, ideal for achieving harmony and peace. Revealing - helping to understand the meaning of one's activity. Most meditative techniques are based on a passive technique, achieving "nirvana" in a motionless relaxed state. Although for high-speed movement in the whirlpool of everyday life, active meditations are also adapted, the performance of which is possible in motion for a walk or rest.

It does not matter what technique or technique of female meditation for replenishing energy and deep knowledge of the truth, each person in need chooses for himself. It is important what meaning is put into it and what result is expected. In addition to the complete physiological, meditation stimulates the purification of consciousness from the oppressive stereotypes laid down from the moment of birth to the present.

Deep harmonization is achieved through special meditations of femininity, awareness, forgiveness, gratitude and love. Each of these meditations is able to awaken information in the subconscious that blocks the influence of the energies of the same name. Which unequivocally leads to energy exhaustion and confusion of thoughts. All these human feelings are creative, they help to cultivate positive thinking and the desire for the heights of knowing oneself and the Universe.
Meditation of forgiveness of oneself and the world helps the soul to be reborn from the ashes of insults and disappointments, to feel the release from the burden of negative emotions and the purity of consciousness washed with sincere repentance.

Gratitude and love are feelings that move our lives towards perfection day by day. Feeling sincere gratitude for what the universe has given, conveying the love given by the Lord, it is possible to find the deepest meaning of one's own existence.

In addition to replenishing vital energy and appeasing the nervous system, such practices noticeably sharpen intuition, open the so-called third eye, help to see and recognize what is never subject to be seen by an ordinary person concerned about mundane needs.

Women's meditations are the most rational way to knowing yourself in the world, accepting what is given from above and harmony with the Universe.

We continue the topic of health practices for female strength and simple, but very effective and effective meditations to increase the tone and vitality of a woman. Mental exercises for filling female energy for the fair sex are aimed at, as well as such qualitative characteristics as confidence, firmness, the ability to make decisions that seem purely masculine, but serve to increase precisely female energy.

Online meditation filling female energy

The interaction will take place with the three chakras that women work for bestowal. The energy of these centers should flow freely, filling the space around the woman. True female power is concentrated in these centers: pleasure, love and acceptance.

  1. Svadhisthana (second chakra). The Pleasure Center is generally responsible for the ability to enjoy life. In the region of Svadhisthana, the uterus and ovaries are located, which are directly responsible for female energy.
  2. Anahata (Fourth chakra). The chakra is responsible for a woman's ability to experience feelings and emotions of a different nature. Center of unconditional love.
  3. Ajna (Sixth chakra). If the sixth chakra works cleanly, and the energy flows freely, then a woman has the ability to see clearly and objectively the whole versatility of the world, but not to evaluate, but to accept.

Meditation Feminine Energy - filling with feminine energy

Sit comfortably, close your eyes. If you have taken the lotus or half lotus position, it is recommended to sit on a pillow. Place both hands on the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, feel them in your body. Direct your attention to Svadhisthana and begin to breathe, inhaling and exhaling through the uterus, tightening and relaxing the perineum. In this case, there is an even, deep, calm breathing through the nose.

Independent meditation of filling with female energy continues. Now direct the energy collected in the uterus up to Anahata, with each breath pull the energy from the second chakra to the fourth along the spine. As you exhale, allow the energy to flow into the thoracic area within the body and beyond. Keep your tongue pressed against the upper palate.

Concentrate in feminine meditation, in the area of ​​the third eye. Keep your attention in Ajna for a few minutes, then slowly open your eyes, slightly defocusing your eyes. Consciously begin to shift your gaze towards the objects that have attracted your attention, without giving them any evaluation. Let go of all knowledge and all thought. Contemplate without interpretation, move away from knowledge to non-judgmental observation.

At the end of a good meditation on female power, close your eyes and remain silent for a while. Move your attention from the lower abdomen to the forehead: while inhaling - up the surface of the spine, and exhaling - go down the front surface of the body.

A powerful meditation for filling female energy is good in the morning. At the very beginning of a long day, energize and be

Women's meditations are created especially for us women. With their help, we can replenish the feminine energy that is lost in everyday life, in devoting ourselves to cares and other far from feminine affairs.

That is why women need meditation to replenish their energy. With age, we notice that we lose charm, attractiveness, and the light in our eyes disappears. All this happens when a woman, when a woman has a lack of feminine energy. That is why women need meditation to replenish energy.

Meditation "Female Energy"

You can meditate on increasing female energy under any circumstances, but to realize your essence and expand female energy is possible only with a certain technique. It will help change the hormonal system by increasing the amount of female hormones and the production of pheromones. This meditation will allow you to accumulate feminine energy and preserve youth.

This meditation uses the energy coming from the womb:

  • close your eyes and focus your attention in the lower part of the body;
  • when inhaling, it is necessary to tighten your internal muscles;
  • as you exhale, imagine that you are filled with energy in the lower part of the body;
  • you need to repeat 15 times until a feeling of pulsation appears;
  • as you exhale, imagine that energy rises from the Earth through your feet and fills you;
  • while doing this exercise, imagine that you have more energy each time, and it fills all the space around you;
  • you float in this space, the space is you;
  • then sink to the ground and gradually compress the space to your size;
  • open your eyes.

Meditation of filling with feminine energy

To perform meditation to fill the female energy, it is not necessary to take special postures and enter a trance state. This can be done at any convenient time, even during cleaning.

This is more like not a state of trance, but relaxation, in which you do some kind of homework.
First you need to move away from everything, immerse yourself in your thoughts and move yourself to the most pleasant place. At this time, you are immersed in your body, feelings and subconsciousness, a state of bliss appears from the fact that you have had contact with yourself.

From the outside, this may look like thoughtfulness, although this is what it is, only you are not thinking about everything in the world, but about a specific object. When cleaning an apartment, you need to focus on this process, and discard all unnecessary thoughts. At the end of meditation and cleaning, you will not even notice that you are not tired at all, but on the contrary, you enjoyed it.

Benefits of Women's Meditation:

  • reduces stress;
  • allows you to know your essence;
  • improves memory and promotes concentration;
  • increases the protective properties of the brain against psychological diseases;
  • helps to control emotions and feelings of pain;
  • develops mindfulness;
  • keeps youth;
  • restores hormonal levels;
  • helps older people get rid of feelings of loneliness.

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