Maria Yaremchuk biography. Lyrics (words) by Maria Yaremchuk Ukrainian singer Maria Yaremchuk

Up to carry
Up to you
My spring
Not allowed (that Oleksandr Ponomariov)
Against the wind
with me again
I know you
tick tock
You are in me
I'm going to distant mountains


Maria Yaremchuk was born in Chernivtsi on March 2, 1993 in the family of the People's Artist of Ukraine Nazariy Yaremchuk. Her father died of stomach cancer when Mary was only two years old. She has a half-sister, Vera, from her mother's first marriage, and two paternal brothers, Nazariy and Dmitry.

In 2009, Maria graduated from gymnasium No. 4 in the city of Chernivtsi and entered the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts. L. O. Utesova for the class of pop vocals. She also graduated in absentia from the Faculty of History and Political Science of International Relations of Chernivtsi State University with a degree in International Relations.

Finalist of the TV project "Voice of the Country" (Ukraine). I would gladly sing in a duet with E. John: “Because he is a brilliant composer and singer, he wrote his favorite soundtracks for the cartoon The Lion King!” Masha's cherished dream is to give birth to twins. Favorite style of clothing - pajamas, dance - salsa. The first admirers of Maria's musical talent were her family: the girl literally sings from the cradle, and she has been on stage since she was six years old.

She cooks a variety of dishes with great pleasure, and she especially succeeds in borscht with boiled pork. The singer's favorite writer is E.M. Remarque. Ukrainian folk music is especially dear to her, because it is “unique and dear”. The recipe for success, according to Masha Yaremchuk, is hard work plus luck. She left a deep and unique impression from her trip to Jerusalem: “I felt at home there.”

Afraid of loneliness. I would love to be in the Roman Empire. “Having been in Rome, I fell in love with it. I can imagine how beautiful he was at that time!” - the singer reflects. He writes poetry and music most often when he is left alone with himself. Nature or beautiful landscapes can inspire. The finalist's minimum program for the next five years is to "graduate and sing, sing, sing."

In October 2012, Maria presented the song "With Me Again", written by Konstantin Meladze and Andrey Frantsuz, and on November 26, 2012, the video for this song, directed by Sergei Tkachenko, premiered.

In October 2012, information appeared in the media that Maria would become the soloist of the VIA Gra group, but this was refuted by the group's producer Konstantin Meladze.

On December 23, 2012, she took part in the national selection of Ukraine for the Eurovision Song Contest 2013, where she took 5th place, performing the song "Imagine".

On March 25, 2016, Maria Yaremchuk, after a duet with Ponomarev, will present a track about her new feelings. On Friday, March 25, on the air of Russian Radio Ukraine, Maria Yaremchuk presented the song "My Spring". The new track came out incendiary, but how else, because Yaremchuk comes from the Carpathian Mountains. Spring is the time for love, and in her new song Maria Yaremchuk spoke about the most intimate ...

“I love when the music is alive and when it is not. And if I'm sighing, I'm sleeping about it... Aje is all about me: I'm ticking on fire, if I want to gain strength. And it’s especially welcome to tickle with those whom you love, because at night in the mountains nothing is so warm as a hug, that and yours is the only supergirl - hell, what a viper is zvichayna ", - Yaremchuk smiles, hinting at possible rivals.

The song "My Spring" will become the anthem of young girls in love.

By the way, spring has become rich in premieres for Mary. Most recently, she presented a duet with Alexander Ponomarev - the lyrical hit "Unpermitted". In an interview with Katya Osadchaya in the program “Svitske Zhittya”, Maria Yaremchuk frankly admitted that she had been waiting for the opportunity to work with Ponomarev for a long time.

“I’m flattered that Oleksandr Ponomariev has already spent up to my hands! Regardless of the competition, competitors ... All the girls, the race is over! The song is blowing for me!” Masha rejoices.

Maria Yaremchuk, song "Tick-Tock", video (song for Eurovision 2014)

Maria Yaremchuk, song "With me again", video

The young Ukrainian singer Maria Yaremchuk (full name Yaremchuk Maria Nazarovna) was born in the Ukrainian regional center of Chernivtsi. The date of birth of Maria Yaremchuk is March 2, 1993 (03/02/1993). Last year, in 2012, Maria Yaremchuk took part in the New Wave music competition, and took third place in it. Maria also went to the finals of another music competition "Voice of the Country".

Maria's father was the famous Ukrainian actor Nazariy Yaremchuk. Unfortunately, he died when the girl was only two years old. Maria Yaremchuk has a sister, Vera, and brothers, Nazariy and Dima.

Maria Yaremchuk studied at the fourth Ukrainian gymnasium, after which the girl entered the Utyosov Academy of Variety and Circus Arts in the city of Kyiv. At the Academy, Maria studied pop vocals. In addition, Maria Yaremchuk received a degree in International Relations from Chernivtsi State University. Maria studied in absentia at the Faculty of History and Political Science.

Last year (2012) Maria Yaremchuk in the team of Alexander Ponomarev took fourth place in the Ukrainian music competition "Voice of the Country".

In the spring of the same year, Maria Yaremchuk successfully passed the casting and became the only representative of Ukraine at the New Wave music competition. Maria performed the song "Homeless" by British singer Leona Lewis and conquered the jury, which gave the singer ninety-seven points and first place in the New Wave 2012 contest.

The next day, Maria won second place with the song of the singer Sofia Rotaru "Teche Voda" (ninety-five points). Maria Yaremchuk also sang a song of her own composition, Spring, at the New Wave contest. According to the results of the New Wave 2012 competition, Maria Yaremchuk became the third. Maria also received other prizes: the Megafon mobile communications company gave Maria the opportunity to record her own music video, and the Muz-TV music television channel guaranteed the rotation of Maria Yaremchuk's songs on the air for one month. The audience award also went to Maria.

In the fall of 2012, Maria Yaremchuk presented to the audience a new song, “With Me Again,” written by Andrey Frantsuz and Konstantin Meladze. And soon director Sergei Tkachenko shot a music video for this song. At the same time, some media announced that Maria Yaremchuk would become a new member of the popular female musical group VIA Gra, but Meladze himself did not confirm this information. In the fall of 2013, the premiere of the clip of Maria Yaremchuk in Ukrainian "I know you" took place.

In December 2012, Maria Yaremchuk with the song "Imagin" took fifth place in the Ukrainian selection for participation in the European song contest "Eurovision-2013". As we remember, as a result, she went to Eurovision in Malmö with the song "Attraction". As it became known today (10/23/2013), Maria Yaremchuk decided to try her hand at the Eurovision 2014 contest again, which will be held in the Danish capital, Copenhagen, from May 6 to 10, 2014.

The site site sincerely wishes Maria Yaremchuk to enter the Eurovision 2014 contest and take a worthy place in it!

As we have learned today, Maria Yaremchuk will represent Ukraine in Copenhagen in May 2014 at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014! Congratulations!

The vocal show "Voice of the Country - 2" opened a new star for the country. Her name is Maria Yaremchuk. The daughter of the famous singer Nazariy Yaremchuk is truly beautiful, talented and energetic. Of course, with such virtues, the girl from a young age decided to follow in the footsteps of her eminent father. And it paid off - Maria became the finalist of the show "Voice of the Country - 2" and subsequently represented Ukraine at the "New Wave" contest in Jurmala, where she took an honorable third place! What is Maria in life, what does she dream about, what does she strive for? The answers are in our material.


Maria Nazarovna Yaremchuk was born on March 2, 1993. in Chernivtsi in the family of the People's Artist of Ukraine Nazariy Yaremchuk. Her father died when the girl was only two years old. There are two brothers - Dmitry and Nazariy, and sister Vera from her mother's first marriage.

Maria started singing at the age of 6. In 2009 she graduated from gymnasium No. 4 in the town of Rozhyshcha (Volyn region). Immediately after graduating in the same year, she entered the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts. L. O. Utesova, pop vocal class. He also receives correspondence education in the specialty "International Relations", Faculty of "History, Political Science of International Relations", Chernivtsi State University. In addition to his native Ukrainian, he also knows Russian, English, German and Italian.

Who would say that this sweet, tender and reverent girl was called a boy in her childhood! And all because little Masha preferred cycling with boys to games with girls in dolls. Because of the girl's hyperactivity, her mother even had to send her to school from the age of 6. But even there there were no fewer problems - even her classmates were afraid of her.

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However, today it can be noted that Maria is an extraordinary girl. She is young, beautiful, talented, smart and very hardworking. She calls her composure her main assistant in life. The girl admitted: “Probably, this is a trait of my character that I never give in to my even some inner desires. I'm always cold-blooded." It is this feature that helps Mary in her creative and personal life to achieve her goals. The girl quotes the famous art historian Winckelmann: “The artist must draw his plan with fire, but execute it with composure. This is true!"

Achieving the goal has been Mary's prerogative since childhood. This is very clearly manifested in emergency situations in which she will get what she wants by any means. The singer confesses that if nothing helps at all, then “I’ll start crying.” Here they are, simple female secrets ...

Like most of the fair sex, Maria Yaremchuk has a big sweet tooth. In addition, the singer often indulges herself with all sorts of goodies. She especially prefers seafood and oriental dishes. And in general, like a true young lady, she loves everything exotic. Despite this, in terms of cooking, Maria likes to cook simple Ukrainian borscht: “Real, with ribs, thyme and homemade sour cream,” she said.

When asked about her cherished desires, Maria answered without much hesitation: “I want to take place as a good artist. There may be some excesses in life, but I dream that there were no excesses on the stage. So that each concert takes place in the same breath with the audience. In addition, the singer dreamily added that it is very important for her to take place in life as a good wife and mother - so that a happy family lives in a cozy wooden house filled with warmth and love. And the singer also dreams of giving birth to twins: “So that two at once, and then not to suffer.”

The singer shared her beauty secrets. First of all, I noted that it is very important to get enough sleep. Then she touched upon the topic of a healthy and balanced diet, in which she singled out the main products for herself - greens and vegetables. The singer also frankly said: “I look better when my inner state is good. This, perhaps, is one of the main factors in the external beauty of a person.

Maria Yaremchuk is a modest young girl without any hints of increased attention to her person. “I don't think you should exalt yourself above people,” she said. “As for me, modesty adorns a person.” This quality makes Mary even more attractive.

In relations with friends, Maria admitted that she is very principled and always stands her ground to the end, even if she is completely wrong. And she prefers to resolve disputes with her mother democratically: “I consider it necessary not to irritate her once again,” the singer added with trepidation.

A special moment in Maria's biography today is, of course, participation in the New Wave competition for young talents. Maria went home with an honorary bronze and a cash prize of 20,000 euros. In addition, the girl also received the audience award and money for shooting the video.

Maria Yaremchuk after the contest: "New wave"- not just a competition. This is a real school for a young fighter." The girl admitted that the Voice of the Country-2 project became a good hardening for her before such an important event in her life. “I dream that I will always be accepted like in Jurmala,” Maria said happily.

The editors of the Klyuch magazine wish Maria Yaremchuk creative success, the fulfillment of all her desires and, of course, as many loyal fans as possible.

Prepared by Ekaterina SUKHANOVA, based on materials from the magazine "I Want"



Maria Nazarovna Yaremchuk (born March 2, 1993 in Chernivtsi in the family of the People's Artist of Ukraine Nazariy Yaremchuk) is a Ukrainian pop singer. Her father died when the girl was only two years old. There are two brothers - Dmitry and Nazariy, and sister Vera from her mother's first marriage. Maria started singing at the age of 6. In 2009 she graduated from gymnasium No. 4 in the city of Rozhishche (Volyn region). Right after...


Maria Nazarovna Yaremchuk(born March 2, 1993 in Chernivtsi in the family of the People's Artist of Ukraine Nazariy Yaremchuk) - Ukrainian pop singer. Her father died when the girl was only two years old. There are two brothers - Dmitry and Nazariy, and sister Vera from her mother's first marriage.

Maria started singing at the age of 6. In 2009 she graduated from gymnasium No. 4 in the city of Rozhishche (Volyn region). Immediately after graduating in the same year, she entered the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts. L. O. Utesova, pop vocal class. In addition, Maria entered the correspondence department of Chernivtsi State University at the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations. In addition to his native Ukrainian, he also knows Russian, English, German and Italian.

Maria considers composure to be her main quality. “Probably, this is a trait of my character that I never give in to my even some inner desires. I'm always cold-blooded,” she says. It is this feature that helps Mary in her creative and personal life to achieve her goals. The girl quotes the famous art historian Winckelmann: "The artist must draw his plan with fire, but execute it with composure."

When asked about her cherished desires, Maria answered without much hesitation: “I want to take place as a good artist. There may be some excesses in life, but I dream that there were no excesses on the stage. So that each concert takes place in the same breath with the audience. In addition, the singer dreamily added that it is very important for her to take place in life as a good wife and mother - so that a happy family lives in a cozy wooden house filled with warmth and love. And the singer also dreams of giving birth to twins: “So that two at once, and then not to suffer.”

A special moment in Maria's biography today is, of course, participation in the New Wave competition for young talents. Maria went home with an honorary bronze and a cash prize of 20,000 euros. In addition, the girl also received the audience award and money for shooting the video.

At the age of 18, Maria took part in the television project "Voice of the Country" (channel "1 + 1"), where she took fourth place. Representing Ukraine at the international competition "New Wave" in Jurmala, she took third place and received the largest number of prizes, including the "People's Choice Award". In 2012, the first television clip was filmed for the song "With Me Again", written by Konstantin Meladze and Andrey Frantsuz.

At the age of 24, he begins a new life, rethinking himself as a personality and an established musician.

In an exclusive interview with Caravan of Stories, Maria Yaremchuk spoke about her childhood, personal relationships, psychological trauma, candid photo shoots, her debut at Cannes, and why she did not emigrate to Italy when she had the opportunity.

I can say that I am a devoted fan of my father because he is a great man. He had a refined taste in music that I looked up to. Naturally, I got acquainted with my father's songs by listening to cassettes and CDs - my father died when I was two years old. First of all, he was my idol, and secondly, he was my father.

Maria Yaremchuk with her father Nazariy. Kosov, 1994

I grew up on his songs, but, of course, in our house in Chernivtsi, music that was fashionable in the 90s also sounded. I loved the Backstreet Boys collaborative album Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias. I listened to their songs all day long - I literally scratched the music center, constantly pressing the buttons. But I myself was a musical instrument and even a radio - I did not allow my mother to listen to it in the car. Why is it, if there is me? At the same time, my nose acted as an on/off switch, and my ears "adjusted" the volume.

I wrote songs on the go about everything in the world. As for singing, it was impossible to stop me. I took a makogon in my hands, climbed onto a chair and sang for relatives and guests at family holidays and feasts. And to such an extent she got everyone that they had to close me in another room: I already interfered so much that it was impossible to calmly either communicate or eat. You could say that music was my clothes. They say, "was born in a shirt." And I was immediately born in music, because with such a father it’s no different. This is the reality of my life, I have never lived differently.

Apparently, being born in the family of Nazariy Yaremchuk, was it difficult not to become a singer?

Why? Very easy. Parents do not determine the taste preferences of children. Another thing is genetic predisposition. But I really have always been a very musical child. These are not habits, not skills that I had already mastered when I went to music school thanks to my mother ... Music was something akin to breathing. Even though my dad was my idol, his example did not dictate what to do. His personality inspired me.

Chernivtsi, 2000

My brothers were more fortunate because they saw how he worked, how he lived, how and what he said. In this sense, I was less fortunate. On the other hand, maybe even easier for me. Because if I knew him better, it would be very painful for me to lose him. And I was too young, I don't remember him. He is always an angel for me, not a man. An invisible substance… But there is no sadness in these words. It is only for heaven to distribute who, how and how much to live. The fact that I have a father, I know him, Ukraine knows him and not only her, is very pleasant. I'm proud of him.

I was brought up on the values ​​of my parents and ancestors. My whole family are incredible people that I am proud of. And I would never want to be born into any other family. I am proud of my mother, who is iron. Who had to endure so much after the departure of the pope ... It was necessary to be both a man and a woman in one person. And educate me. I think she raised me well. She put her heart and soul into me and I grew up to be an educated girl.

What did she teach you? What advice did you give?

It was not even about advice or words, but about her actions. She was an example for me. She is a strong woman and has always known her worth. Therefore, I grew up as a girl with self-respect, who does not allow herself to agree with anything that is contrary to my principles and rules. From her upbringing, I learned that you need to strive only for the best. Mom loved to repeat: "Everything will change for the sake of it." She never panicked, I never saw fear in my mother's eyes. Although it was hard, even very hard: there were moments when we did not understand how to make ends meet ... But she always knew that at the last moment everything would be as it should be. There will be an opportunity, a job, money - and everything will be in order.

Maria's mother - Daria Yaremchuk

She taught me to measure life by how I feel about myself, told me that happiness is a choice. You choose whether you are happy or not. And it doesn't depend on anything. Mom is a super smiling person, in the photos you will never see her without a smile. Everyone who knows her believes that she is like a stroboscope - she glows herself and gives light to people. But, of course, not when she scolded me. In general, we are very different, I am different in character. My zodiac sign is Pisces, I am prone to depression, very changeable in mood, and I sometimes fear how hard it is to control myself. Here my mother's example helps me - remembering her image, I calm down. I understand that everything will be fine.

I would like to have many concerts, and my mother raised my children. They will grow up smart and decent

We are similar in one thing: we are both “honors”. So they say about the Hutsuls, which we are. If, God forbid, someone steps on a sore spot, we will get out of our skin, but we will show that we are strong. And we are both Roosters according to the eastern horoscope, so we often have “cockfights”. Her element is Fire, I am Water. And this struggle of the elements was always felt. However, we have always been a team. I would like to have many concerts, and my mother raised my children. They will grow up to be smart and decent people. Now we are already learning from each other. Mom is a wise person, she is from the category of parents who adapt to modern society. He understands that the child needs to be listened to. Mom is not a conservative, she hears me. He understands that I am already an adult child, and gives me freedom. However, this has been the case since childhood.

Your friends and classmates certainly knew that you were the daughter of a famous father. Did you feel envious towards you or that you were friends because of your last name?

Thank God there was nothing like that. And what's the point? In general, in elementary school, I behaved like a boy. At school and on the street, she was friends exclusively with boys - together we terrorized all the girls in the district! I could climb into the neighbors, pick their raspberries and then sell them. Or once, I remember, I found a piggy bank with karbovanets in the attic of our house and bought a whole bag of seeds for five karbovanets. Then she walked, like Don Corleone, down the street and handed them out to everyone. Of course, I got it from my mom. Basically, I was a tomboy. I had a short haircut and looked like a boy. She even caroled little boys: “ I'm a little boy, sіv sobі on the coccyx. I sing a carol, I soar you". The reaction was always so overwhelming: “God, what a bunch of lads!” There was a trick to this boy game: I knew that the housewife always opens the door at Christmas, and the boys are always given more money, because the housewives do not like girls very much. Thus, I could carol five and ten hryvnias - I collected for a bicycle, although at that time I still didn’t know how to ride it ...

But I will not say that I had many girlfriends. It's hard for me to be friends with women. It has always been much easier to communicate with men. Everything is like now

Then, when I grew up a little, some feminine things began to appear in me, I had to put up with my feminine. But I will not say that I had many girlfriends. It's hard for me to be friends with women. It has always been much easier to communicate with men. Everything is as it is now. Although I have three friends - from a long time ago. And, of course, there are women who, as they say, are self-sufficient enough not to evaluate another as a competitor. I respect, love and try to make friends with them.

How did you do in school as a tomboy?

Until the ninth grade - great! I went to the Olympics, my photo hung on the honor roll. But then a complete reformatting of consciousness happened to me, I started dating the coolest boy in school, who was older than me, and started skipping. Moreover, she was also an instigator - she persuaded the whole class to leave the lessons! You could say that I was a rather dangerous girl and they were a little afraid of me. In general, I frankly skipped the last few school years, but this did not hurt me much. Since all the years I was an excellent student, the teachers could not even imagine that I would not learn something or pass. Therefore, I skipped due to past successes. And it worked.

Now I still want to get a third education - I would like to further study political science

Forbidding my mother to spend money on tutors before exams, I learned everything myself and graduated from school with a silver medal. Then she graduated with honors from the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts named after. L. O. Utesova (class of pop vocal) and in absentia - the Faculty of History and Political Science of International Relations of Chernivtsi State University, majoring in International Relations. Now I still want to get a third education - I would like to further study political science. I love to travel, study countries, languages. I am also very interested in psychology.

Maria, why do you need all these diplomas, another education? Are you a musician first and foremost?

Yes, I am a musician, a singer. And I need all this because it's interesting. I love to be different every day, to choose a new image for myself. In this I am a fickle person. I can't be at home for a long time. I sit up a little - I start to engage in self-discipline. I need to go somewhere, do something. Therefore, touring is the best thing that can be in my case. Traveling, seeing people, discovering new faces, singing for them - this is completely my story.

Maria at the studio, 2017

Part of your history is participation in song contests. Why did you decide to try yourself in these competitions? How did you end up on the “Voice of the Country” in 2012?

I ended up there, having arrived by minibus to the casting. Seriously. Truth! I confess that I often did not have even two hryvnias for travel. And when the driver asked: “And who didn’t pass the fare?”, I turned around, looked at the end of the cabin and repeated after him: “Yes, and who didn’t pass the fare there?” At the academy, I had a scholarship of five hundred and sixty hryvnias, and I needed someone to live on this money. We rented an apartment together. Mom, of course, helped a little bit, but it was not enough ...

I went to the casting of this show in full confidence that everything was planned there and it was unrealistic to get there. Then, after each broadcast, I thought that nothing would work out for me and I would not go further. This uncertainty came from the fact that since childhood I was very clamped. Despite the fact that I have a core inside me and, if anything, I can handle anything, I was held by the shackles of universal disapproval. However, at the show, I got a cool set - always go on stage like it's the last time. So I went out, internally preparing to go home after each performance. Knowing that he will not leave me if there is a choice. Because he didn't like the amount of criticism towards me that all this was happening in his team ... But even when I had a non-closure of the vocal cords, I did my best to stay.

God... How you look like Nazarius. Just two drops of water. From his smile, all the girls fell in piles. He was unreal handsome. And you too. You have his smile - Prigogine

Then I accidentally got into the New Wave contest. I didn't apply. Where am I - and where is this competition? When Konstantin Meladze asked someone from Golos to give me advice, but he did not give my name. And then I came to one of the live broadcasts Igor Krutoy to accompany Valeria. I didn't want to meet him. And at that moment, when I was calmly changing clothes to go home, a Joseph Prigogine and blurted out: “You should meet Igor. He knew your father!” And I went to meet. In a trembling voice I tell him: “Hello,” and he looks at me and says: “God, God ... How you look like Nazarius. Just two drops of water. What a man your father was! From his smile, all the girls fell in piles. We couldn't fight them off. He was unreal handsome. And you too. You have his smile." Having finished with compliments, he asked if I was trying out for the New Wave, and assured me that I should participate.

I understand that only now I am starting to throw off the iron chains that my family and society have hung on me.

The next day I downloaded the backing track of the song from the Internet Hora din Moldova and right in the same dress in which she was on the air of the “Voice of the Country”, she arrived at the selection. I performed and by the reaction of the audience I realized that everyone really liked it. It was clear that I would go. Apparently it was my time. Then I realized that if you want something, you need to send a signal to the Universe and let go of the situation. Because if you try, the world will resist your desire. If you trust your flow, then it will circle you as you need. And indeed, everything was very easy in Jurmala.

Did this principle work later on at Eurovision?

Unfortunately no. It was a very difficult moment in the country. At the time of preparation, in 2013, Euromaidan began. My song was completely without political overtones, without a call for peace ... Although I wanted to change it and quickly found another, but it was already too late. Then I did everything myself and at the last moment. Mom reassured me ... I didn’t sleep, probably for six months. After Eurovision, I had very serious problems with the cardiovascular system. At twenty-one! And because everything was on me, I could not concentrate on what an artist should do - sing.

Maria Yaremchuk in the final of Eurovision 2014 / Photo - Getty Images

The number was very concise and, it seems to me, the most stylish of that year, but technically complex. At one of the rehearsals, the guy who danced with me fell out of the wheel, which was part of the number ... It seemed that I would go crazy. To be honest, I was sure that we would not even make it to the final. I think that later I need to build up a mustache, or something, change my surname - I will not return home. How it is? For the first time, a country did not qualify for the final! But we passed, and even had to speak first. It's not the best position either. Usually those who open, then graze the rear ones. I was mentally prepared for the twentieth place at best. As a result, we took sixth, but what did it cost me ... Now I can admit that everything was very difficult for me. As a young philosopher, I concluded from all this that one should not try, but surrender to what one is doing. Let go of the situation.

Is this the end of the history of competitions in your life?

For me, every day is a competition in which I want to win myself. Finish the album, which I will present this fall at a solo concert in Kyiv. This is modern music and the Ukrainian language. He is so flexible, unrealistically beautiful. I love him so much. It can be crushed like clay, and it will sound very firm. Now I am collaborating with Mikhail Klimenko, co-author of the song "You are in me". In the studio we turn on the beat and start improvising. He writes some lines, I write some. The sound producer of the track was (The Maneken), who I consider one of the best professionals in the country.

In the studio, 2017

My current stage in life characterizes well. When I was buried in the ground in Bali, where we filmed it, I buried all my fears and complexes there. I lay in bed for an hour and a half and saw my whole life, like a person before death. Like a slideshow: a music school, what my mother said, voices, people, faces ... I really died there, saying to myself: “Thank you, mom and dad, for giving birth to me. Thanks to the people who were and are. Universe, thank you. Now it's all in the ground. And a new Masha is born. Alan Badoev, the director, shouted to me: “Now pull out one leg! And now - the second! Now crawl, crawl to the water. She will fertilize you. Let's!" And I crawled, telling myself that now I am being born new. The dolphin I hold in my arms at the end of the video is a symbol of rebirth.

In the video "You are in me"

I understand that only now I am starting to throw off the iron chains that my family and society have hung on me. It's only now that I'm starting to open up. Everything I have done up to this point has been done through the lens of my desire to tell everyone that I am not a part of anything. That I am a whole unit.

From childhood, I heard: “Dad - yes. And what is she? Why is she singing? It's some kind of speculation." I had to prove something. It was hard, because no matter what I did, I was afraid of the assessment. I wanted to please, to prove that I'm good on my own. And you know, amazingly, it backfired. Because, proving, a person is clamped. This clip is not needed by the viewer. The viewer wants to see a free person who will teach joy. A shackled person cannot be attractive. And only now, at the age of twenty-four, I realized that it is not always necessary to listen to my mother and teachers. In general, you do not need to listen to anyone, only your inner voice.

From childhood, I heard: “Dad - yes. And what is she? Why is she singing? I wanted to please, to prove that I was good in itself. But it backfired.

I still have a way to go until the day when I will go out exactly to my viewer. And it will not be one or two people, although I will be happy even with one. This will be my audience. They will know me as Maria Yaremchuk, a singer with her charisma, her word, her look, her note. Then I can tell myself that I am happy, that I am free. I chose a different path in music, not like my brothers, because I initially aspired to freedom.

And what is happening now in our country responds to me. We are going through a turbulent period when people need to understand that while we trample on our brother, when we evaluate him, which we have everywhere, we close him into an emotional prison where the personality cannot flourish. As soon as people become a little freer, they discard the notions of yesterday, the country will begin to live differently.

I love my father very much and I will definitely remake his songs, give them a flight so that young people get to know Nazariy Yaremchuk

As long as people are constrained, as long as they are afraid to be worthy, as long as they choose the role of a victim, they cannot be a society that knows its own worth. And I am an exact reflection of this state. Because I always felt hurt. There is my dad, and there is me. Beside. I write songs, I perform them, and after my concert people come up to me and say: “God! Here is your father ... ”And it would be very nice if I weren’t a singer. I love my father very much and I will definitely remake his songs, give them a flight so that young people get to know Nazariy Yaremchuk, because he was incredible. But for me, as a creative person, such a beginning of a conversation is not very comfortable. And it immediately puts me in an emotional prison.

Clip "You in me"

In our society, unfortunately, it is still not customary to encourage one's talents, but it is customary to praise any Western musicians. By the way, now I am raising my mother in this regard. She never praised me. She thought that I should understand everything myself. And I give her an example of any Jewish family - everyone is very successful there. Why? Because for Jewish parents, their child is the best.

An indicative story happened after my performance at the Voice of the Country of the romance in Russian, Dear Long, with which, as it turned out, my father first appeared on stage! I didn't know about it before the show. But with Konstantin Meladze we chose this song. And then Levko Dubkovsky, the head of the Smerichka ensemble, says to me: “Did you choose her on purpose?” I didn't understand what he meant. It turned out that in the city of Vyzhnitsa my father first appeared on stage with this romance. It was a shock, because I sang the same song at the academic concert. But what began when I arrived in Chernivtsi after this broadcast ... I thought they would crucify me for singing in Russian. But what did I do wrong? Did I betray the country? In Ukraine, they communicate in Russian, and in Chernivtsi as well. My first boyfriend, whom I dated for a very long time, my great first love, spoke Russian. I'm used to the Russian language.

when everyone was waiting for me to put on an embroidered shirt and sing folk songs, I posed for a men's magazine

Lately I have been writing songs only in Ukrainian, but, I repeat, in Ukraine they also speak Russian. It's great, so be it. Or does someone think that the Ukrainian language will die out because many people speak Russian? This won't happen. Ukrainian culture, language and traditions are such a huge layer that it is impossible to destroy. Therefore, when I was almost crucified for doing what I wanted, I began to protest - so, when everyone wanted and waited for me to put on an embroidered shirt and sing folk songs, I agreed to a photo shoot for a men's magazine.

For whom do you go on stage every time? For the listener or for yourself?

For myself, I will give birth to a child. And that will be my identification as a woman. And I go on stage for the listener, of course. I even got a tattoo on my back in English with the words of Hans Christian Andersen: "Where words fail, music speaks". This is my dream. When a person wants to confess his love to another or something important, he will put on my song. It's my mission to make my music speak instead of words.

I have a need to give. Without it, I'll go crazy. When I don't have concerts, the energy destroys me from the inside. I can lie in a deck chair at the most expensive resort, and I will be tormented by this terrible feeling that I am doing something that is not what I should be performing now. I thought a lot about this: does anyone need what I do? Every artist doubts this. And I realized that I need it. Speak through music. Go on stage, feel the adrenaline. I clearly know the difference between when I worked full-time, this happened, and when I gave myself completely. At this moment, you fall into prostration and trance, where you receive such a mass of energy that you give to the listener. This is a mystical and magical process, at the level of instincts. And right after the concert, just leaving the stage, I feel like the happiest person on earth. I feel the same happiness when I make gifts: to my family, my nephews, girlfriends.

For myself, I will give birth to a child. And that will be my identification as a woman. And I go on stage for the listener, of course

Whatever I do, the main thing is how I feel. If you focus on external circumstances, you will always stumble upon what makes you unhappy. If you identify yourself with the outside and something breaks there, one of your castles in the air, inside you will collapse in the same way. For example, a new phone was stolen from me in Bali, and I didn’t even bat an eyelid. I taught myself not to worry about material losses at all. Because what is happening is a lesson for me. I know that the world loves me and takes care of me, and everything else is unimportant. Take it easier. Do I want to go to the studio and work at the moment? I do. And I can not want to categorically and just lie flat all day, watch The Simpsons, brazenly eating chocolate and rolls.

Maria, you said that you have a need to be different. And what side of yourself will you never show your fans?

An interesting question ... And now I will pick up the exact word. They will never see me unfree again. They won't see me as a bad example. I believe that for an artist to stand on stage and “broadcast” something is an honor and responsibility. Because my model of behavior can be tried on by a child, some girl can start talking, dressing or even thinking like me. Therefore, every word and look should not be taken lightly. In our country, not all artists understand this, because sometimes they bring up God knows what by their example.

I say this quite frankly, because I see how people on the streets are virally adopting some kind of redneck behavior that should not be inherent in the Ukrainian people, in whose veins, I believe, blue blood flows. Look at our history, what beautiful people we have! This is a sign of a strong genotype. We are intelligent. I want us to be a modern European country. Artists are the same politicians. They can go on stage and say whatever they want in their work. And they will believe him. The main thing is to be persuasive. This does not mean that I am always right or that I am perfect. I'm just learning and trying to make my songs aesthetic, to broadcast something life-affirming. So that, looking at me, people want to be better.

This year you will be seen in the cinema: you made your debut as an actress in the film.

Yes, and I got into this film, as usual, quite by accident. They called me and invited me to audition for the main female role - Marichka, the beloved of Oleksa Dovbush, who plays very well Valery Kharchishin. Marichka has a hard and harsh fate ... And I didn’t have to play, I seemed to be myself.

I really liked the process of filming, even though I'm not an actress at all. Watching the finished movie, I understand that this is all very far from ideal, now I would do much better. But this is an experience, and I will definitely shoot again. All in all, this movie has an amazing story behind it. The last scene was filmed in the city of Vyzhnytsia, on Yaremchuk Street. It turned out that exactly in the same place my father, at the age of twenty-three, starred in the film "Chervona Ruta". I found out about it when I came to shoot. The locals said. The crew didn't know about it either. According to the scenario, they just came up with a place - there is a beautiful cliff. I was amazed by such a mystical coincidence!

Shot from the film "Legend of the Carpathians"

Do you trust someone else's opinion as much as you trust your own? And who do you call first if you need help?

Everyone knows that only I make decisions. I will listen to thousands of advice and opinions, but I will do it my own way. Although it’s hard for me with myself, because I doubt a lot. Even when I choose clothes in the store, I hesitate - do I want this blouse or that one, red or blue? But then it dawns on me - and I instantly make a choice. I'm also very stubborn. Everything should be my way. This is right in my work, because I am my own producer. Only then will there be the desired effect. It will be hard for my husband, if he can even live with me for more than ten years! It will be some holy man!

It will be hard for my husband, if he can even live with me for more than ten years!

Although I notice that with age I change a little. I understand that you need to be softer, and not try to solve issues impudently. I am learning to be more wise in order to make it clear to a man that he is the ruler of the planet. Only under these conditions will he be strong. Of course, you can be a feminist, but you don't have to demonstrate it. It is better to hide under the mask of spontaneity, tenderness and give a man love. For this woman came into the world.

As for help... Any success or failure - I call my best friend, older sister Verochka. I can tell her everything. And, of course, mom. But my mother will not always understand, but Verochka is my outlet. She has always been that person in our family, our darling, who leveled and leveled me and my mother - two titans and heavyweights in terms of egocentrism. We have different fathers, but one mother. These differences bring us so close… I am an explosion, she is a calm and confident stability.

You can be a feminist, but you don't have to show it. It is better to hide under the mask of spontaneity, tenderness and give a man love. That's why a woman came into the world

Unfortunately, I can't call my paternal stepbrothers because we don't communicate. My dad died when I was two years old and we parted ways. We are not in a quarrel - it's just that there has never been any communication between us. But I always wanted it. As a child, it hurt a lot. I knew that I had two strong men in my family, two brothers. And it was not clear to me why they are not in my life. Then I didn't understand. Now I don’t blame them for anything, because they went after their mother. This is fine. They are honored artists of Ukraine, they give concerts, bring their father's work, they themselves already have children. They are my pride and I love them. I hope that we can still become friends, I am always ready to open my arms for them. Blood is the most valuable substance in this world.

Being titan and stubborn, can you be sentimental?

Yes! And I can cry just by seeing a stray dog ​​or cat. Shed a tear at the sight of a cute baby. Or when people get married. You know, my mother always cries when she sees a wedding, touched by what is happening - this is already some kind of tradition. These are tears of joy. But there are, of course, tears of sadness. Whatever they are, I think they are very necessary and useful. This is an energy release. You can’t keep anything in yourself, otherwise everything accumulates and settles as an erosion in the soul, turns into diseases. I can cry alone with myself, and I immediately feel better. All women, even titans and very stubborn, are very sensitive. And I am no exception.

In one of your interviews, you said that you are very attached to the Carpathian nature that surrounded you as a child. In Kyiv, of course, you will not find such a…

As soon as I feel an acute shortage of it, I immediately go to the Carpathians - to Kosiv, where my sister lives. And lately, I like to travel by train or bus, as in my student years. I constantly rode back and forth along these roads with potholes ... And now, when I caught myself thinking that I was starting to criticize myself again: here - I was too lazy, here - I couldn’t, here - it doesn’t work, or maybe I’m nothing at all - I said to myself "stop". And I decided to go to Kosiv the same way as before. Take with you, as usual, an apple, a couple of cookies, water and memories - how many kilometers I have traveled like that, returning home every week. And I experienced such a buzz! I realized how much I have done over the years, how much has happened and what a fine fellow I am.

I am always very pleased to return home to Chernivtsi. There I feel the happiest on earth. Kyiv is not my city. I respect him, love him and appreciate him for being my opportunity. Energetically my cities are Lvov, Odessa, Ivano-Frankivsk and even Kharkiv. Abroad - Bali, New York, but my second home, of course, Italy. Mom lives there.

my second home is definitely Italy. Mom lives there

I love Florence. And if God helps me become a wealthy old woman years later, I will definitely buy an apartment there and sit in it, drinking espresso, unless, of course, by that time my cardiovascular system allows me to do this. I love Lake Como, Lugano on the border with Switzerland... I like Rome and Venice, but I wouldn't live there.

Genoa is of particular importance to me. There, in the church of St. Stephen, where Christopher Columbus was baptized, I performed when I was twelve years old. And it happened again quite by accident. Mom went to Italy to work and called me. I lived there for six months. And then one day we are standing with my mother at the bus stop. As usual, I sob and complain that everything is not the way I want. She tells me, as always, that she will not take me anywhere else with her ... Suddenly, a cortege stops next to us. A certain uncle with a beard gets out of the car, comes up to us and says: “I am a Greek archimandrite. And I bless you, child. You will be happy. And now I'm inviting you to pizza." By that time, I had only been in Italy for two weeks and still spoke Italian poorly (now I speak it fluently), went everywhere with a dictionary, wrote out the words that I heard, and looked for a translation. So I found the word saporito - "delicious". Although in Italy everyone says "buono".

In Jerusalem, January 2017

Therefore, when the archimandrite asked if I liked the pizza, I answered what I remembered. Saporito! He was very surprised. He admitted that in so many years of living in this country, for the first time he hears this word not from a representative of high society. It turned out that only aristocrats use it. Then he invited us to this church, where I sang the song Il Mondo. Generally speaking, I sang it to all Italians, once my singing helped my mother and I pay for dinner when we were robbed on the beach ... In the evening of the same day we went to dinner, I sang this song in karaoke, and we were allowed not to pay for food.

Maria, you must have had the opportunity to stay in Italy. Making music there, in other conditions ...

Mom wanted it to be. To which I replied with a categorical refusal: "I will sing only in Ukraine." Now I think that maybe I got excited then? Kidding. In fact, everything happened as it should. And now, when my creative team asks me about the goals: where are we going, what do we want to achieve, where is the pinnacle of my success? - I say: “Guys, be quiet. Now let's frighten away the bird of tomorrow's happiness." If I plan, I won't succeed. I only trust my feelings. The path is the goal. If I schedule a concert at the Ukraine Palace, this will not happen. There will be a new site - nearby, better and more modern.

I treat life like a magician who can pull anything out of his hat. Of course, I visualize a wonderful future for myself. But it is more important to imagine being happy there. There is no guarantee that I will feel happy when I perform on the stage of the palace. It’s also important not to think about yourself at some point that I’m cool. Otherwise, I will stop developing.

In general, an artist is a simple person, just like everyone else. In this sense, European and American musicians and actors are close to me. Everything is much easier there. For some reason, we have a stereotype that the artist is a radiant god who descended from heaven. My father is the best example for me in this sense. He could communicate on an equal footing today with a janitor, and tomorrow with a minister. Therefore, when they talk to me about dad, I see genuine love for him. Not because he is a legend, but because he is human. He was simple. Sometimes I forgot about this simplicity - and I was covered with star disease. I am not ideal. But the more I live, the more I realize how wrong this is. You have to be human. So that later you will not regret when you live out your life that you did not live the way you should.

Maria Yaremchuk in a photo shoot for "Caravan of stories"

Photos courtesy of Secret Service EA

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