Maria Ivakova: I want a family. Outstanding appearance, charisma and talent You have never experimented with hair

Russian model, film actress, TV presenter, blogger, business woman. Participated in the projects of the MTV channel.

Wide range of spectators Maria Ivakova became known thanks to the project “Eagle and tails. Shopping", where she became the host along with the actor Kostya Oktyabrsky.

Biography of Maria Ivakova

Maria Ivakova was born in Kazakh Temirtau on June 16, 1986 in a military family that often moved. As a child, Maria managed to live in various places in Russia and even in Germany. Only when the girl was 13 years old, the Ivakov family settled in St. Petersburg. Masha has a sister Alena.

Ivakova considers her childhood very happy: she was free to move and left to herself. I often walked alone, since the family lived mainly in closed military camps, it was safe. From an early age, the girl managed to work out music and dance, was fond of various fashion trends.

Maria grew up as an independent child, her parents encouraged this quality. At the age of 12, her daughter asked her father to find her a part-time job. So she became an assistant in the X-ray room. According to Masha, she received tiny money, but she felt like an adult and independent.

After school Maria Ivakova entered the Tax Academy and planned to become a serious businesswoman. Already during her studies, she got a job in an investment company, where, after two years of hard work, she received the position of development director. At some point, the girl realized that she wanted change. They arrived in 2008.

Maria Ivakova: “I began to help a friend who was organizing events. And once my friend Max Perlin, who was running the project at that time, offered me to run a fashion program. Together with my friend Leroy, I went to shows once a week and covered the events of the fashion world. We named ourselves Marie and Valerie. The trick was that we didn’t bother at all, we laughed all the time and enjoyed the process. In parallel, I organized events and worked in an investment company. Then I already started making good money and, like many girls, I spent everything on clothes, but not on fashionable outfits, but on a bunch of identical shirts and skirts - the company had a strict dress code.

Soon everything changed in Mary's life. Having decided to end her office career and start her own business, in 2010 she and her sister Alena created The Tailor Shop, which, in addition to individual tailoring, also develops clothing lines.

In 2012, within the framework of the World Fashion Awards, the owners of The Tailor Shop, Maria and Alena Ivakova, won in the nomination “Conceptual project. New name".

Maria Ivakova's career on television

In 2009, Maria began to run a fashion video blog called “From the hip” on the Youtube channel, which made the girl popular in Runet. In 2012 Maria Ivakova became one of the hosts of the popular program about the world of fashion and style Trendy, the format of which was quite simple. Charming reporters talked about the latest fashion trends, attending major social events, talking to world stars, etc. Maria stayed in this project for about a year and began to conquer new heights.

By the way, she had something to do: the model was invited to various TV shows, to shoot short films and clips. And in 2013, Ivakova the actress made her debut: she played a minor role in the melodramatic comedy The Habit of Parting. Then there were roles in the tapes " 8 new dates", " 8 best dates", etc.

Maria Ivakova is constantly involved in various fashion projects and photo shoots.

In 2014, Maria became even more famous both in Russia and abroad - she received the role of host in the travel show Eagle and Tails. Shopping", launched on the TV channel "FRIDAY!" . Masha's first show partner was actor Konstantin Oktyabrsky.

Maria about the selection for the project: “When I came to the casting of the Eagle and Tails show, the only thing I knew about it was that it would be a program about shopping in different countries. Then I thought: “Who, if not me!” After all, I traveled a lot, I love different brands, I can analyze local designers, communicate with new people ... I didn’t believe that I was approved until I received tickets. When I saw my schedule for the year, I just burst into tears of happiness!”

In 2017, Maria began to lead the program " perfect morning"on the TV channel" Friday! together with Leroy Dergileva. At the same time, she manages her atelier and spends a lot of time and money on charitable purposes: supporting the disabled, treating ophthalmic patients, and transferring scholarships to talented students of Moscow State University.

In December 2017, it became known that Ivakova returned to the Eagle and Tails project as one of the hosts of Eagle and Tails. Star Season. Also starring in the program were such stars of Russian show business as showman Alexander Revva, singer Svetlana Loboda, actress Ekaterina Varnava and TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova.

Maria went to Lisbon along with comedian Mikhail Bashtakov, known for the TV series “Give it to you, youth! ” and “Kitchen. Last fight ".

Maria Ivakova's personal life

For almost two years, Maria was married to a businessman Ernest Rudyak, one of the owners of a large-scale construction holding. But the marriage broke up, as each of the spouses was focused on their projects. However, they maintain friendly relations.

Since the spring of 2015, rumors of a romance began to circulate. Maria Ivakova with Anton Lavrentiev, who together mastered a variety of shopping routes around the world. Although in "Eagle and Tails. Shopping "they never appeared at the same time, but together they inspected expensive boutiques and quite budget places for selling goods. And one day, being on the set of the next edition of the show in Las Vegas, the guys could not resist the general wedding excitement and got married at an altitude of several hundred meters, in the cockpit of a helicopter. Young people exchanged rings, wedding vows and received a marriage certificate. The latter, by the way, has no legal force in Russia.

Ivakova: “Anton and I just showed how you can have a wedding in Las Vegas. The most interesting thing is that we indicated this at the beginning of the program. And then at the end of the program, I said the phrase: "What was in Vegas will remain in Vegas." But not everyone heard us correctly.

Anton and Maria, as they themselves said, are just wonderful friends, in whose relationship there is not even a hint of romance.

Maria: “Anton is like a brother to me, we are great friends! I know that I can always consult with him if I feel bad. In general, I believe in friendship between a man and a woman, the main thing is that this does not develop into constant gatherings and everyday meetings, and even with flirting.

Maria Ivakova was born in Kazakhstan, in the city of Temirtau, on June 16, 1986. Her father is a military man, and therefore the family often moved: as a child, Masha managed to live not only in various parts of Russia, but even in Germany. And only when the girl was thirteen years old, the Ivakov family settled in St. Petersburg.

Maria is happy to talk about her childhood and claims that it was very happy. According to the TV presenter, she was free to move and left to herself, often walking alone - since the family lived mainly in closed military camps, it was safe. Despite the constant changes of residence, at an early age the girl managed to study music and various types of dances. Also, since childhood, the girl was fond of various fashion trends and trends.

Masha was an extremely independent child, and her parents encouraged this quality in her daughter. At twelve, the girl persuaded her father to find her a small part-time job - she became an assistant in the X-ray room. She received very tiny money, but the main thing was the feeling of adulthood and independence, which later helped Maria in show business.

After graduating from school, Maria Ivakova entered the Tax Academy. At that time, she did not at all plan to connect her life with television or show business: fashion was nothing more than a pastime. Ivakova planned to become a serious businesswoman and took certain steps towards this: even during her studies, the girl became an employee of an investment company and, after two years of hard work, received the position of development director. This, of course, hurt her studies at the university - Masha graduated with triples. But in this case, real experience was much more important than theoretical knowledge.

Maria Ivakova: television

The work took a lot of strength and resources from the young businesswoman, and after a while Masha realized that she still lacked something for happiness. Ivakova began to help her friend in organizing various events, and later completely changed her direction of activity radically when Masha's good friend, Max Perlin, invited the girl to host a program about the latest in the fashion world. It happened in 2008.

The girl did not work on the program herself, but with her friend Valeria. Despite the fact that the girls did not become widely known to the general public, they made acquaintances in the fashion world that would come in handy later.

In 2009, Masha started an online fashion show called "From the hip" on Youtube. The video blog made the girl popular in Runet, and the two years that the releases of the program came out contributed a lot to Ivakova's further fame.

In 2010, several more important events took place in the life of Mary. She left her disgusting job in the office and, together with her sister Alena, opened The Tailor Shop, a tailoring and repair shop. In addition to individual tailoring, the atelier also develops clothing lines. Two years after the creation of the atelier, the girls received the prestigious World Fashion Awards for their lookbook: "Conceptual project. New name."

In 2012, Maria Ivakova became the host of the popular program about the world of fashion and style "Trendy". The format of the show was quite simple: charming reporters talked about the hottest news from the fashion world, attending the most important social events in this direction, and in their desire to be in the center of events, they were ready to fly even to another continent. Sincere and open girls communicated with world stars easily and naturally - and this, of course, bribed both famous personalities and spectators who admired such courage. Masha collaborated with this program for a year, after which she set off to conquer new heights.

Frankly, the girl had something to do. Maria Ivakova was invited to various television shows, to the shooting of short films and clips. In addition, the girl starred in a minor role in the film "The habit of parting." The atelier shop also demanded attention.

Maria Ivakova: "Eagle and tails. Shopping"

In 2014, an event took place that made Maria famous throughout Russia and beyond. And for this, Maria Ivakova, a girl with an iron character, had only herself to thank.

Having learned about the casting in the TV presenters of the program "Eagle and Tails. Shopping", Maria almost without hesitation decided to try her hand at the TV show. The girl was torn apart by conflicting feelings: on the one hand, she was perfect for the role of the host, and on the other hand, there is no limit to perfection, there can always be someone even better. As the presenter admits, she believed in her success only when she saw the schedule with the shooting schedule and received plane tickets in her hands.

Initially, Maria worked with Konstantin Oktyabrsky, but after the actor decided to stay in the United States, he was replaced by Anton Lavrentiev, a young ambitious musician with experience traveling around the world.

To this day, Maria Ivakova and her co-host Anton Lavrentiev travel around the countries, constantly revealing something new and interesting to the Russian audience in the world of shopping. Together they passed Dubai, Delhi, Mexico City, Hong Kong and many other cities.

Personal life

Masha was married for about two years to businessman Ernest Rudyak, one of the owners of a large-scale construction holding. Unfortunately, the marriage broke up, as each of the spouses was focused on their projects. Nevertheless, the former spouses maintain friendly relations, and the presenter herself speaks of her ex-husband only with warmth and respect.

From the spring of 2015 to this day, there have been rumors about a romance between Masha Ivakova and Anton Lavrentiev. They especially intensified after the hosts played an on-screen wedding in Las Vegas in the Eagle and Tails program. This fact is presented by many sources as evidence that the couple was in a secret romance, and the wedding was actually real. However, it is not. Masha and Anton claim that there is nothing between them but a strong friendship, and the wedding took place only as part of the program.

In the same year, there were rumors about Mary's pregnancy, which also turned out to be fiction.

In the same year, there were rumors about Mary's pregnancy, which also turned out to be fiction.

TV projects

The habit of parting

Eagle and tails. shopping

Charming Maria Ivakova traveled half the world, however, not for personal reasons, but for work. Millions of girls envied her, watching the TV presenter buy clothes and accessories in foreign boutiques. Then Masha charged the early birds with vigor and positive energy, starting the morning with a cup of coffee and watching the Friday! channel.

“Eagle and Tails. Shopping" and "Friday Morning" brought Ivakova a nomination for the TEFI professional award. Maria considers herself a serious person, but perhaps this is how karma develops, or her appearance tells the producers that she is suitable for an entertainment format.

Childhood and youth

Maria Ivakova was born in Kazakhstan, in the city of Temirtau, on June 16, 1986. Her father is a military man, and therefore the family often moved: as a child, Masha managed to live in various parts of Russia and even in Germany. When the girl was 13 years old, the Ivakov family settled in St. Petersburg.

Maria is happy to talk about her childhood, claiming that it was very happy. As the TV presenter says, she was free to move and left to her own devices, she often walked alone, since the family lived mainly in closed military camps, it was safe. Despite the constant changes of residence, at an early age the girl managed to study music and dance. Also, since childhood, Ivakova was fond of world fashion trends and trends.

Masha grew up as an extremely independent child, and her parents encouraged this quality in her daughter. One day, the girl persuaded her father to find a small part-time job, and he got his daughter a job as an assistant in the X-ray room. She received tiny money, but the main thing was the feeling of adulthood and independence, which influenced Maria's promotion in show business in the future.

After school, Maria Ivakova entered the Tax Academy. At that time, she did not plan to connect her life with television or show business at all. Ivakova dreamed of becoming a serious businesswoman and took concrete steps to achieve this goal: while still studying, the girl became an employee of an investment company, where, after 2 years of hard work, she received the position of development director. This, of course, interfered with her studies at the university - Masha graduated from the academy with triples, but in this case, real experience was much more important than theoretical knowledge.


The work took a lot of strength and resources from the young businesswoman, and after a while Masha realized that something was still missing for happiness. Ivakova began to help her friend in organizing various events, and later completely changed her direction of activity when the producer and advertiser Max Perlin, Masha's friend, invited her to host a program about the latest in the fashion world. It happened in 2008.

The girl worked on the program not alone, but with her friend Valeria. Despite the fact that they did not become known to the general public, the friends made acquaintances in the fashion world that would come in handy later. Maria, participating in a fashion project, talked with celebrities about high style and popular clothing brands. Soon, the Russian media began to discuss that at that time Masha made friends with himself. Communicating with a well-known designer on a fairly short foot, she helped him organize a show in Russia. After such cooperation, Ivakova's creative biography began to develop rapidly.

In 2009, Masha started an online fashion show called "From the Hip" on Youtube. The video blog made the girl popular in Runet, and also contributed to Ivakova's further fame.

Maria Ivakova in the Internet show "From the Hip"

In 2010, several more important events took place in the life of Mary. She left her office job, deciding to open The Tailor Shop with her sister Alena. It was engaged not only in individual tailoring, but also successfully carried out the development of clothing lines. 2 years after the creation of the atelier, the girls received the prestigious World Fashion Awards for their lookbook: “Conceptual project. New name".

In 2012, Maria Ivakova became the host of the popular program about the world of fashion and style "Trendy". The format of the show was quite simple: charming reporters talked about the hottest news in the fashion world, attending the most important social events in this direction, and in their desire to be in the center of events, they were ready to fly even to another continent.

Sincere and open girls communicated with world stars easily and naturally - and this, of course, bribed both famous personalities and spectators who admired such courage. Masha collaborated with this program for a year, after which she set off to conquer new heights.

To be honest, she had a lot to do. Maria Ivakova was invited to various television shows, as well as to the shooting of short films and clips. In addition, she starred in a minor role in the film "The Habit of Parting." Attention demanded and shop-studio.

In 2014, an event took place that made the presenter famous throughout Russia and beyond. And for this, Maria Ivakova, a girl with an iron character, had only herself to thank.

Having learned about the casting of TV presenters in the program “Eagle and Tails. Shopping”, Maria almost without hesitation decided to try her hand. The girl was torn apart by conflicting feelings: on the one hand, she was perfect for the role of leader, and on the other hand, there is no limit to perfection, there can always be someone even better. As the presenter admits, she believed in her success only when she saw the schedule with the shooting schedule and received plane tickets in her hands.

Initially, Maria worked with Konstantin Oktyabrsky, but after the actor decided to stay in the USA, he was replaced by a young ambitious musician who has travel experience around the world. Constantly opening something new and interesting to Russian viewers in the world of shopping, together they traveled through Dubai, Delhi, Mexico City, Hong Kong and many other cities.

Anton Lavrentiev, who led the program in tandem with Maria for a long time, already in September 2015 announced that he was leaving the project in favor of a musical career. In 2016, together with Maria, the program was hosted by Yegor Kaleynikov.

At the end of 2016, cardinal changes came in Maria's career, because it was announced that “Eagle and tails. Shopping" will no longer be aired. Maria Ivakova herself informed the public that the project was closed on her web page "Instagram". Fans immediately began to vigorously discuss this news in the comments, demanding the organizers not to close the show, but nevertheless the decision was made.

Viewers recalled the most interesting moments of the TV show, in particular, viewers remembered the TV presenter's trip to Colombia. This South American country turned out to be the most extreme for all editions of the beloved tourist TV show.

Travelers were immediately warned that the main attraction of the country's capital is the constant showdown between criminal gangs. Therefore, the first purchase of Maria in Bogota was a bulletproof vest. It turned out to be very easy to find protective ammunition, since specialized stores with such goods are located literally everywhere.

In 2017, Ivakova was invited to host the invigorating show "Friday Morning" in the company. With a new project, Maria was relieved, because now she takes 6-8 hours to sleep and does not need to rush to the airport in the middle of the night. Although by nature a celebrity is a lark, and getting up at dawn to catch the shooting is not a problem for her.

Maria Ivakova and Valeria Dergileva in the show "Friday Morning"

Stars of sports, cinema, show business, and art are invited to the studio of the program. The guests talk about how to start the day in order to amaze others with beauty, a positive attitude and be in time everywhere. Maria Ivakova's life hack - a contrast shower, tea with ginger and honey, as well as a diary entry. The latter helps to unleash creativity and leave the accumulated negative on paper. And there are already so many tips from famous experts that it’s time to write a book.

Personal life

Masha was married for 2 years to businessman Ernest Rudyak, co-owner of a large-scale construction holding. Unfortunately, the couple divorced, as each was focused on personal projects. Nevertheless, Maria maintained friendly relations with her ex-husband, the TV presenter speaks of the man only with warmth and respect.

Maria Ivakova with ex-husband Ernest Rudyak

Information has repeatedly appeared on the Web that Maria is pregnant, but the rumors have not been confirmed.

Masha was credited with an affair with Anton Lavrentiev. The ground for rumors was given by joint trips, which intensified after the hosts played an on-screen wedding in Las Vegas in the Eagle and Tails program. Anton is the complete opposite of Ivakova's ideas about an ideal companion, and therefore there are no close relations between colleagues, only strong friendships, Maria said in an interview.

"Wedding" by Maria Ivakova and Anton Lavrentiev

Russian media reported on changes in the personal life of celebrities when Masha appeared at a party in the company of TV presenter Ivan Chuikov. A joint photo at a gala event about the collaboration of famous brands Balmain x H&M caused a resonance in social networks, but users' assumptions about a love affair between celebrities turned out to be false again.

Maria admitted that she dreams of a family and children. If earlier the TV presenter was focused on her career, now she wants to create comfort for her loved one. In addition, she is waiting for offers to work in cinema and theater, it is not in vain that she graduated from the German Sidakov School of Drama.

At one time, Ivakova avoided taking pictures in a swimsuit, as she gained excess weight. It took 3 months to return to a comfortable state (50 kg with a height of 166 cm). Maria only at the age of 26 began to consciously go in for sports, preferring cardio exercises.

“I think it's never too late to start. The body must be taken care of not only in order to feel fit, but also because it is an important tool in our life. Now I don’t eat sweet, fatty meat at all, and I can afford some bread from flour in the morning.

The TV presenter also cares about the attractiveness of her face, using massages, homemade masks, or products from Korean brands for this. The girl still does without spa and rejuvenating procedures. She does her own hair and make-up for filming.

Maria Ivakova now

In 2018, the popular TV presenter went on a trip again. This time, Maria was invited to host the show “Eagle and Tails. Russia". In addition to Ivakova, the country music performer, and, comedians and were also attracted to the program. The program is built on the principle of the main project, only the participants, and with them the audience, travel around the Russian regional centers and remote provincial corners.

Maria Ivakova in Murmansk. Show “Eagle and tails. Russia" in 2018

Masha herself does not watch TV, the TV presenter, according to her, does not even have such an interior item, and to watch a movie, a projector is enough. In 2019, fans of the petite blonde will see their favorite in the sports comedy Non-Football. Ivakova plays a member of a women's football team who doesn't understand the game but decides to help her friend.

Television travel projects have forever infected Maria with a passion for travel. Her "Instagram" replete with pictures from Tokyo, Paris, London and New York. Ivakov’s account is personally managed, he manages to write motivating posts and share his thoughts on various topics. She became interested in yoga and meditation, on the advice of a friend of the actress, she communicates with a psychotherapist from Israel, reads books on psychology and learned to analyze dreams.


  • trendy
  • “Eagle and Tails. Shopping»
  • “Eagle and Tails. Russia"
  • "Friday Morning"

Maria Ivakova (16.06.1986) - the cheerful host of the 8th edition of "Eagle & Reshka: Shopping", a model, actress, business woman, a famous fashionista who understands brands as well as famous stylists.

Maria was born in the city of Temirtau (Kazakhstan) in a poor military family. Together with her parents, she moved from city to city, from landfill to landfill. In the end, her family settled in Moscow, where she soon began to feel like a fish in water. In the capital, Masha graduated from high school, then - the tax academy. As she says: "I dealt with taxes and commerce with my left hand, but my heart always belonged to television."

Personal data:

Height: 166;Weight: 49;Hair color: blond;Eye color: blue

Clothing size: XS-S;Shoe size: 36-37

Dance: classic, modern, dancehall, ragga, latina;

Vocals: The ear is amazing;graduated from a music school in piano

Foreign languages: English fluent;Sports: tennis, race walking

Married to Eric Rudyak

Masha began to build her career in the world of high fashion as a TV presenter in the online fashion show "From the hip", later she became the host of "TRENDY". Since 2008, she has been talking about style and high fashion with famous people. Thanks to her work, the girl became friends with the famous Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli! She even helped him - she organized shows of collections in Russia.

In parallel with her work on television, she opened a fashion atelier with a modern concept. " We chose the atelier, on the one hand, because there was interest, and on the other hand, we understood that this is a fundamentally new product, unique in its kind. After all, the atelier is perceived by people in the old fashioned way as some kind of soviet enterprise, where women from 70 and above take repairs and sew skirts according to one pattern. We have a different approach."

In 2012, Maria participated in the World Fashion Awards. Maria Ivakova and Alena Ivakova, owners of The Tailor Shop, won in the nomination “Conceptual project. New name".

In 2013, Maria Ivakova participated in a photo shoot in Brazil. “I love Brazil very much and therefore, when Katya and I were thinking about the idea for a photo shoot, she read my mind and we decided to do it in the style of “Exotic Fashion in the Jungle”. Early in the morning we arrived at the Garden, ate delicious pies in a cafe and got down to business. If you saw how I walked in these heels, you would laugh for a long time: the heels fell into the sand, as if into a quagmire, and I constantly fell. The rule is the rule: beauty requires sacrifice.

Masha's main breakthrough in her career was her participation in the Eagle and Tails Shopping program.

At first, her partner was the actor Kostya Oktyabrsky, but he remained in Los Angeles, and the musician Anton Lavrentiev replaced him.

Releases currently filmed in: New York, Miami, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hanoi, Dubai, Delhi, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, Lima, Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires , Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon and Madrid. The hosts reveal to the audience the secrets of shopping abroad.

In February 2014, Masha came to the studio of the show "The Deal" with Ksenia Sobchak together with Anzhelika Agurbash, Nadia Ruchka. Masha put on the line items bought all over the world: a bracelet from New York, glasses from Hong Kong and a special cobra and scorpion tincture from Vietnam. Despite the appearance of a "typical blonde", Masha showed amazing knowledge and erudition exclusively in "male" areas.

In addition to erudition, Masha became famous for her excellent sense of humor. The girl does not go into her pocket for a word. For example, when asked how the program got so much money, she replied: "And we sleep with the producer." Clarifying questions followed, and she continued: "And the producer is sleeping with a sponsor. It's simple."

On June 16, Masha celebrated her birthday and, as always, it was not without creativity. She threw a pajama party. Judging by the cheerful faces of her guests, everything went just super.

Masha also shared with her subscribers the best remedy for evil people and spam. This is a photo of my own eye.

As for her personal life, Masha does not advertise the name of her chosen one. Some even believe that she is actively searching. Meanwhile, there is information that she has been married for 2 years and we managed to find on the Internet a photo of her wedding with Eric Rudyak. It was in Italy...


How the team spends time between filming

Zhanna Badoeva reveals personal secrets

Maria Ivakova has changed after visiting Buddhist places




Video parody of "Heads and Tails" in "Big Difference"


Elena Letuchaya believes that she is still ahead

And she wears and wears this girl all over the world ... And she is glad to visit all its corners, and not just like that, but with shopping visits and subsequent advice to her viewers and fans!

Man is born!

So, before us is Masha Ivakova. Beauty and smart! A sweet, charming blond creature whose appearance is deceiving, but in a good way, because, despite the image of "Barbie", Masha is a lady with an iron character. Masha Ivakova, whose biography began in 1986 in Kazakh Temirtau, was born on June 16. Gemini - the sign under which Mary was born - gave her a kind of dual nature. On the one hand, the girl is romantic, vulnerable and thin, on the other - unbending flint, iron character, rigidity and stubbornness ...


A journalist named Masha Ivakova has an interesting biography - her date of birth is the same as that of Tupac Shakur, Janet Jackson (show business stars) and Adam Smith, a figure whose works on economics are known, probably, to every educated person on the planet. Here is proof that completely different people can be born on the same day! And completely different character traits can coexist in one person - this is about Masha. She was born in Kazakhstan, in the city of Temirtau (Mecca of metallurgists, because the main production in the city is associated with iron). Wherever the family had to live (after all, Mashin's father is a military man), even in Germany, not to mention various parts of Russia, and Maria had to spend all her childhood moving and traveling. Only by the age of adolescence of the girl - by the age of 13 - did the family settle in St. Petersburg.

Such a stormy beginning of life did not bother Masha with her restless and inquisitive character, and she felt like a fish in water everywhere. The girl herself in an interview says that she has the happiest memories of her childhood, despite the fact that the biography of an actress named Masha Ivakova began dramatically - the year of birth (1986) is notorious for its terrible accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Masha publicly claims that when she was growing up, she was given complete freedom of movement. She gained independence early - life in a closed military town was safe, and the girl calmly walked alone, without her parents. She took music and dance lessons, was fond of fashion and, in general, from an early age wanted not to depend on anyone, and her parents did not interfere with her in this.

Independent and independent

Masha Ivakova started making money early - her biography says that the girl's career began at the age of twelve, when Maria persuaded her father to allow her to work in the X-ray room (as an assistant). “Of course, meager money, but her own,” thought Masha, who with them got a feeling of independence and independence. By the way, excellent quality not only for a person who makes a career on TV, but in general for life.


Yesterday's schoolgirl Masha Ivakova, whose biography changed dramatically after she graduated from the tax academy, never planned to connect her life with television. She hoped that she would become engaged in business, and even at the academy she got a job in an investment company, and in two years, thanks to her perseverance and diligence, she “grew up” to this experience. This experience played a positive role in building the girl’s future career, because she learned to communicate with people and find a common language with everyone. But the tax academy gave her a diploma with triples, because combining a career and education is quite difficult even for a gifted person. Masha did not lose heart and worked on.

Work and career

After a certain time, Maria realized that she does not feel completely happy in business, spending a lot of effort and resources, but she is far from complete moral satisfaction. An interesting biography of the future star Masha Ivakova - height, weight, natural sociability and friendliness opened her way to show business, to the world of fashion and style. Maria began to help her friend organize various events, and then in 2008, by acquaintance, she (Masha) was invited to host a program about the latest in the fashion world. In 2009, the video blog “From the Hip” appeared on the Youtube channel, which ran for two years and added a considerable share of popularity to Ivakova among the Russian-speaking Internet audience.


An inquisitive girl has versatile interests, and her life is full of events, boils and rages. What kind of pages does not contain a biography of a novice Internet star named Masha Ivakova - the photo below clearly shows us that the video blog is just the start of her dizzying career. There was such a period in the life of a young lady in 2010, when she, along with her sister, opened an atelier called The Tailor Shop. And the fashion program Trendy in 2012, hosted by Maria and her friend, talked about the latest fashion. She managed to establish a relationship with Roberto Cavalli himself: he was simply disarmed by her spontaneity and sociability.

"Heads or tails"

And then 2014 came, a turning point for the already popular TV star named Masha Ivakova: the girl's biography was supplemented with an interesting page called "Eagle and Tails". The girl learned about the competitive selection of TV presenters in the Ukrainian show “Heads and Tails. Shopping”, in which the presenters were invited to travel to the shops of the world either with a gold card or with 100 dollars in their hands. Maria, without thinking twice, went to the casting. And here she is - with a filming schedule and plane tickets, satisfied and happy, she went on her first trip with co-host Konstantin Oktyabrsky. Having filmed several programs, Konstantin left for America, and a young extraordinary musician Anton Lavrentiev, who has extensive experience of traveling around the world, came to replace him.

This couple - Anton and Masha - travels to this day and reveals to its viewers various tricks of shopping in a particular country. Masha and Anton traveled together to Dubai, Delhi, Hong Kong and Mexico City, as well as to many other cities around the world. Whether there will be more, because the show goes on!

Personal life

The off-screen world of this young and interesting girl excites all her fans. You can even write a book - "Masha Ivakova: biography, personal life of a public person." We forget about everything human when it comes to our idols, and look at show business people through a magnifying glass, not really thinking about the fact that they, like other people, can be hurt, bad, and unpleasant, and want to hurry into your shell, hide behind sunglasses, hide from reality, run away ... But Masha gives the impression of a very whole, purposeful and unbending person who clearly knows what and when he wants and what he needs. Even such a woman needs a half ...


Maria was married, but not for long. Her first marriage to Ernest Rudyak, a non-poor man who was one of the owners of the largest construction holding, did not develop into a happy family, because the spouses simply had no time for each other - each built his own career, and did not want to make any sacrifices for the sake of building a family. Today, the former spouses are friends, they did not quarrel at parting, and Maria speaks very warmly of Ernest as a correct and whole person.


Any woman sooner or later still wants love and family happiness. Lonely evenings without a loved one cease to please anyone over time. The biography of a TV presenter named Masha Ivakova is not only famous for her career achievements - her husband, family, home for a girl are not empty words at all, but her very foreseeable future. And the first point has already been made. In the spring of 2015, Maria and her co-host Anton Lavrentiev got married, and not just anywhere, but in Las Vegas itself! The event was held in the best traditions of show business - at first all viewers believed that it was just a performance, and nothing more, and Masha and Anton were friends who decided to fool around. Say, a screen wedding is a great performance! Apparently, the guys wanted to present their wedding as a marketing ploy in support of the popularity of their show. But then the cards were revealed. The solemn ceremony turned out to be real, and the romantic flair that was present on the set of all programs with Masha and Anton was not without reason - the guys fell in love with each other. The wedding was not standard, because we are talking about creative people! The ceremony was organized at a hundred-meter height in the cockpit of a helicopter, it was there that Masha and Anton swore to each other in eternal love, fidelity, and exchanged rings. Well - advice and love to the young! But whether Ivakova, a fidget and an eternally traveling and looking for something nature, can create a family hearth in the generally accepted sense of the word, time will tell ...

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