Maria adoevtseva spoke about the death of the ex-wife of the chosen one. Instagram of Maria Adoevtseva Masha Adoevtseva VKontakte

Maria Adoevtseva spoke about the death of the ex-wife of the chosen one
The stepdaughter calls the star of "House-2" mom. The ex-participant of the reality show immediately found a common language with the girl. Maria Adoevtseva said that the mother of her current husband's daughter had died.
A former participant in the Doma-2 television project, almost two years ago, announced a divorce from Sergei Adoevtsev, the father of her daughter Lisa. They were considered one of the strongest pairs of the project, but in the end the couple parted ways. Speaking about the reasons for the breakup, Maria said that Sergei had ceased to understand her. “For me, marriage is the union of souls. But when such a connection ceases, the family collapses, ”she said in an interview with StarHit.
But the young woman managed to regain female happiness. She met Mikhail and immediately felt that this person was close to her in spirit. In addition, he also raised his daughter alone, who is only a year older than Lisa Adoevtseva. At first they spent a lot of time together, the four of them, and then they began to live under the same roof. The couple got married this summer. The children immediately adopted a new mom and dad. Moreover, the daughter of the current spouse of Mary lost her mother several years ago.
“We immediately realized that we have a lot in common: both were married, we are the parents of girls. Varya's mother, the ex-wife of her beloved, is in heaven ... For the first months, Mikhail and I constantly corresponded, we could exchange messages for half the night, often walked. Then we realized - apparently, our meeting was not accidental. Closer to the New Year, they began to live together, and on Christmas night Misha proposed to me. Liza immediately began to call him dad, and Varya called me mom, the girls didn’t even have any questions. We recently officially became husband and wife. Now I’m really happy,” said Maria.
Maria is an open person and often shares her thoughts, sad and joyful, on social networks. She told her followers about the new chosen one almost immediately, as soon as she realized that she was ready to live with this person. She shared details. For example, the TV star said that the girls Varya and Lisa became friends right away. “With Liza, they are the weather and still do not spill water, as if it had always been like that. I hope so it will be! Is always!" Maria rejoiced.
But about her ex-husband, Sergei Adoevtsev, Maria now reluctantly recalls, although without malice. “After the birth of Lisa, I realized that Seryozha was not suitable for family life, he had a different path. When a child appears, people become more responsible, but he did not succeed ... Now Sergey does not call, is not interested in his daughter, I also did not apply for alimony, ”she told

Masha Adoevtseva, a former participant in the reality show Dom-2, from Odessa, currently lives in Moscow. At one time, I came to the sensational project twice, the second time I was successful. The result was a wedding with Sergei Adoevtsev, whom she, in fact, followed on the show.

She graduated from the Odessa Institute, where she studied at the Faculty of Political Science. She attended acting classes, tried to open her own acting school, however, the undertaking was unsuccessful.

For some time she lived in Paris. It gained wide popularity in 2008 thanks to the notorious House-2. Upon completion of participation in the project, she took up the sale of fashionable clothes and photography.

Like many celebrities, she started an Instagram profile. Regularly replenishes the page with new photos, where she is captured with her daughter, friends and colleagues, pictures of travel and working moments.

At this time, Masha has completely devoted herself to her family, personal photos can be viewed on instagram: mashaadoevtseva. The profile has gained more than 223 thousand subscribers.

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Last year, one of the brightest participants in the reality show "Dom-2" Maria Adoevtseva was able to frankly tell her fans about her divorce from her husband Sergei. For a long time, fans considered them an ideal couple and could not even imagine that such a strong union could fall apart. However, now Maria has a bright streak in her life - she finally found the long-awaited happiness and was not afraid to tell the public about her new chosen one, Michael. The star of "House-2" admitted that her lover has a daughter, whom Adoevtseva is now raising as her own.

“All of us, people, dream of our personal happiness, and when we find it, we feel that happiness loves peace and quiet. But I still have thousands of well-wishers, so I will share with you what I can. Please love and respect! The second girl, whom many have already noticed in the photo, is Varvara Mikhailovna. She is our wonderful sunbeam. With Lisa, they are the weather and still do not spill the water, as if it had always been like that. I hope so it will be! Is always! So get used to it, now I have two daughters. And behind the scenes, dad was inseparable with us. He was, is and I believe that he can’t get away from us anywhere! Misha, thank you for everything! Now I know exactly what it means to “love and be loved”. You are my fortress! You are "the one"! And it's good that you're mine!" - the young mother could not contain her delight.

Fans were pleasantly surprised by this news and hurried to congratulate Mary. They were glad that Adoevtseva was able to find her soul mate. They hope that love and harmony will reign in her new family. "That's lovely! Happiness, love and prosperity! Every girl deserves to be loved”, “Masha! I never cease to be surprised and amazed at how comfortable and bright you are. That's honest. And Liza is like some kind of angel! I am sure that you will become an excellent mother for Varya, she has already become. Harmony, love and kindness to your family”, “Masha, wonderful news! You deserve it, you deserve to be happy! God forbid that this man does not disappoint and does not disappoint! Love to you and mutual understanding!” - wrote the followers of the reality show stars.

Maria admitted that for a long time she did not want to flaunt her relationship with Mikhail. She was worried that their love could cause envy in others. Adoevtseva apologized to the fans for ignoring their questions regarding her personal life, as she could not believe her happiness. In an interview with StarHit, the reality show star admitted that she is always surrounded by worthy men, but not everyone can be let too close by a young woman. She felt responsible to her daughter.

Instagram of Maria Adoevtseva is a symbol of the fact that even after parting with your loved one, life does not stop, and happiness will definitely come, you just need to wait.


Masha (nee Kruglykhina) was born in 1985 in Odessa. Like many personalities who deserved popularity, she was a creative girl. She was fond of photography, dreamed of becoming an actress. Unfortunately, Adoevtseva's acting career did not work out; after school, she entered the Faculty of Political Science. However, there was an attempt to open their own acting school, but nothing happened with this undertaking.

After the girl graduated from the university, the young man with whom she then met took her to Kyiv. Those relationships, by the way, did not work out, and the young people broke up after living together for a year.

Maria lived for some time in Paris, where she went to learn French. By the way, learning languages ​​is another girl's hobby.

House 2

Masha came to the television project "House 2" twice. The first time - to May Abrikosov, but the one who was already in a relationship, the girl's courtship was inopportune, and she had to leave the TV set.

But for the second time, Maria came to the man with whom at that time she lived in a civil marriage for some time - Sergey Adoevtsev. The fact is that at some point Sergey got tired of the relationship and left Masha for the project, but she was not at a loss and called the producers of the show, saying that she was Adoevtsev's wife. So the girl ended up on the TV project "House 2" again, but now she has spent more than two years here.

On this show, young people got married, playing a beautiful wedding, to which all participants were invited, but soon the couple left the project. Three years after the wedding, their daughter Lisa was born. There are a lot of photos of the baby on Instagram of Maria Adoevtseva, by the way, her mother did not hide her face on social networks, even at a very early age.

Now the Adoevtsevs are not together, the young man left the family in 2015.

Not so long ago, Adoevtseva stopped hiding her new lover, whose name is Mikhail, from fans. The man also has a little daughter, with whom Maria replaced her mother. In the new photos of Maria on Instagram, this family looks amazingly happy.


Most of Masha Adoevtseva's posts on Instagram are dedicated to new relationships, daughters and husband. In the pictures, Maria plays with the girls, walks, there are also photos of family vacations, for example, going fishing. Not so long ago, a photo report was posted from a trip to his native Odessa and pictures with his mother.

Masha Adoevtseva is a very pious person, and this is also reflected in her posts.

Everything shows that Masha has found happiness, so let's be happy for her along with the many fans and subscribers of this girl on Instagram.

You can find Adoevtseva on Instagram by nickname - “mashaadoevtseva”.

Before the Dom-2 project, Masha did not dream of becoming a TV star, but graduated from the Faculty of Political Science. From her native Odessa, she left first for Kyiv, then for Paris - after all, her creative nature did not give rest. Having managed to learn French and attending acting classes, Maria decided to put her achievements to work. So reality TV appeared in her career. Moreover, Masha came to the project twice. The first arrival was not successful, the couple did not work out, and the participant had to leave the construction site.

But few people know that during the break between projects, Maria met Sergei Adoevtsev, who also decided to try his hand at a television project. So the second time Maria came to the project after her loved one. There were difficulties and jealousy, because Palych (as Sergei was called on the project) had problems with alcohol. And the couple at first could not strengthen their relationship. There were always new contenders for Sergey, which could not but annoy Kruglykhina. However, in 2010, right on the set, the couple celebrated their wedding.

Relations after the registry office lasted six years. What contributed to the breakup, the ex-husband and wife do not comment. But even the difficult beginning of family life then brought young people in the right direction. Sergey found himself in photography, Masha soon also began to conduct photo shoots.

Having disappeared from the TV project, young people did not disappear from active life. The habit of living for show continued in social networks. In 2013, a child appeared in the family - Maria gave Sergei a daughter, Lisa. But the joy didn't last long. Fans noticed that Masha began to appear alone more often. Soon she herself admitted that she was left without a husband and support. The spouses did not take out dirty linen from the hut, but the people around them commented on the gap with the unwillingness of Sergei Palych to take care of the family. For some time, Masha was left alone with her daughter in a very difficult situation.

With faith in love

Saved and helped to overcome all the troubles ... faith. Maria went to church, forgave her ex-husband, divorced, began to build a new life and ... got married. Maria was introduced to her future husband by a friend. Mikhail also suffered in life - his wife died, leaving him with a little daughter. Masha immediately accepted Varvara and Lisa had a sister and a friend (weather girls). Maria got married to her new husband. It was the kinship of souls that she so lacked in her previous relationship. She wanted to be a "wife with her husband", and not to gain leadership.

Now the puzzle is complete. Maria and Michael have everything to start a long and happy life. They have moved out of their rented apartment to a country house while their new home is being renovated. And in the summer of 2018, a common child appeared in the family - the boy Ilyusha. So Masha became a mother of many children.

Masha is not hiding from the cameras. Now she blogs on Instagram, but there is only faith, family, children. And you can relate differently to those that went through the show "Dom-2", Maria Zaitseva (yes, now this is her new surname) is an example of the fact that after going through the meat grinder of life behind glass, you can draw conclusions to forget about yourself past.

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