Magical rites and rituals. Magic rituals for all occasions: application and consequences

For a long time magical rituals and ceremonies served as a rescue in various life situations. Our ancestors turned to magic and were happy.

Every person wants to be healthy and successful. At present, in order to attract what you want, you do not need to leaf through a bunch of literature or go to professional magicians for help.

Just take a look at the website. The network presents a wide variety of magical rites - for all occasions.

But remember that magic can be unsafe - those who practice black witchcraft will be required to answer for their actions before the Higher Powers.

Magic Rites and Rituals: Preparation

Do not rush to do magic on your own - as in any business, here you also need to go through the preparatory stage of training:

  • free your mind from unnecessary thoughts;
  • accurately determine the end result;
  • let go of all problems;
  • practice entering a meditative state.

Magic ritual to attract money

There is a very simple way to attract wealth.

Take an ordinary coin - of any denomination - and imagine how it turns into a money magnet. Continue the procedure for ten to fifteen minutes. After that, put the coin in the wallet - in the farthest pocket. Do not try to spend a magical talisman, otherwise give your luck to someone else.

Magic ritual to attract love

This magical ritual has been around for many, many years.

You will need any flower. Prerequisite: It must be white. Put it on the window under the moonlight - let the energy of the night star gather. And in the morning, tearing off a petal, say:

“I give you, brilliant spirit, a piece of my dream. I ask you, fulfilling spirit, for the triumph of love!”

Describe in detail the man or woman of your dreams and pour it out the open window.

Magic ritual to attract good luck

A simple ceremony that does not require anything extra will help to attract good luck.

All you need is a glass of water. Put it on the window so that the sunlight reflects on the water surface. After a couple of hours, say over the charged liquid:

“Happiness, luck, luck, prosperity, success, love, understanding, harmony, health”, do this for several minutes, the words can be repeated several times, the main thing is that they be positively colored, smile at the same time.

The procedure can be repeated without restrictions.

Magic rite for the fulfillment of desires

Collect your thoughts and think about your dream.

Pick up a white handkerchief (preferably new) and say a wish over it. Clench the fabric tightly in your fist and say:

“My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, for the Heavenly Father helps those who ask for his help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will grow into reality, it will acquire a path for fulfillment through events. The Holy Spirit will give the servant of God (name) what I ask for. I will tie a handkerchief for my desire, I will ask God for it and I will wait for its fulfillment. Amen".

At the end of the magical ritual, tie a handkerchief and hide it in a secret place. Do not touch him until the desired is fulfilled.

Rituals with candles

Candles and their magic have been used in magic since ancient times. There is practically no single ritual in which a candle would not participate. This is a symbol of one of the most powerful elements of nature - Fire. She is able to attract love, happiness, money, prosperity. The fiery force kindles passions in the human soul and helps to find one's own path.

Consider the most powerful rituals and rituals with candles:

"Ladder of Wealth"

You need to stock up on natural candles, green woolen thread, carnation buds (there should be exactly nine of them) and a candlestick. Also bring matches or a lighter.

When all paraphernalia is completely ready, tie the buds with green thread. Leave approximately the same distance between each bud.

Take weaving in your hands and say:

“I, the servant of God (name), created with my own hands a ladder of nine knots. I created it so that I could use it to get to great wealth, to family well-being. I, the servant of God (name), wish to have a lot of money. This is my will. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now wrap the candle with thread. For nine days you must light the wick - it is better to do this in the evening.

Remember that the ceremony is performed during the growing moon. And before the sacred action, you should take a bath and do a general cleaning - as before any magical rite. Follow all the recommendations, and the Magic Candle ritual will definitely help you.

"Love Magic"

Cover the table with a pink or red tablecloth, and in the very middle of it, draw a heart with crayon or felt-tip pen. Place two candles and light them. Choose the color to your liking.

Say the incantation text:

“Great Goddess of Love, I am a slave (name), I need your help. I call on your infinite power. I ask you, Goddess, light the fire of love in two hearts, save this fire, do not let it go out and flicker. May my love (name) with a man (name) only grow stronger from year to year, but bring happiness to us. May it be so".

Do not extinguish the candles - let their flame go out on its own. All leftovers - ashes and pieces of wax - transfer to a sheet of foil. You can draw hearts on the foil or write the name of a loved one.

Carefully roll everything up and leave it in a secluded place so that no one interferes with the magic to work.

Rituals for Christmas (Christmas Eve)

The time when the Savior is born is magical - a quiet and calm atmosphere reigns around, people are kind to each other and we are overwhelmed with spiritual harmony. This is the time for the fulfillment of the most secret desires.

Legends say that everything made on Christmas night will surely come true. The main thing is that the magical ritual is performed correctly.

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Let's look at a couple of examples:

Ritual on the night before Christmas

If you are not the owner of good health, magic will help you.

On the sixth of January, put a linen towel on the table and say a magic spell over it:

“I, the servant of God (name), speak in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, from seventy-seven ailments, from seventy-seven diseases, from the pain of love, from the night light, from dryness. From a traveling cancer, from an epileptic fit, from spoilage and writhing. As the Blessed Mother Mother of God washed her Son, wiped it with a linen towel, so You, God, bless mine, Your servants (name) flax. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Whom I, the servant of God (name), wipe with a linen towel, from that seventy-seven ailments and diseases will be erased. May it come true what is said. Amen".

After that, wrap yourself in a towel and lie down quietly for a few minutes. In moments when you feel unwell, repeat the procedure.

Ritual to enhance vitality

On the eve of Christmas, stand near a bowl of water, bend over and wash your face three times with the words:

“The Savior was born on this day, and light appeared throughout the world. I, the servant of God (name), will also be saved with that light. I will have mental strength, physical strength. May it come true what is said. Amen".

Rituals for the New Year

New Year's time ... What could be more magical? Use every minute - make wishes, perform rituals, communicate with the Higher Forces.

Mystical spells will interfere with your destiny and help change reality. The next occult rite will attract true love to you.

When the clock strikes ten o'clock in the evening, put a couple of glasses filled with red wine on the table. Place a burning candle between them - it is desirable that it be red. Bring the silver ring to your mouth and say:

“Ring-ring, roll onto the porch, from there onto the path, from it to the stove, which is in the house near my heart. Let my love find that ringlet, let it go on the road, let it walk along the path. Yes, not to the devil, not to the mermaid, not to the queen, not to the king, but to me, who holds the ring in his hands. That love is waiting for it, that it trembles in the heart, that it does not take its eyes off, that it starts a love song.

Put out the fire and throw the ring out the window. Drain one glass to the bottom, leave the second on the table until morning.

Another New Year's ritual that activates defense mechanisms. Its mystical action will save you from material and moral losses, drive away evil enemies and troubles.

Exactly five minutes to twelve o'clock, pick the Christmas tree toy from the branch and break it. Above the shards, say the following words:

“The bone-breaking dog guards my house both at night and during the day, goes after small children, wanders after husbands and wives, that no one has touched them, no one has offended them, no one has done evil, no one has opened a black mouth on them. And whoever creates an offense, that dog-bone-breaker will send him to the next world! I’m talking about myself and my blood, on the roof and on the threshold, on the door and on the window, so that nothing dashing through the strong walls passes.

Sweep them under the entryway and leave them there for a week. After that, bury the remains of a glass toy under a young fruit tree.

Rituals for the new moon

The new moon period is the best time to start something new. The newborn moon gives a guarantee for a positive result.


ritual magic

Magic is real. She exists. She works. Magic is the most powerful and beautiful force in the universe. Magic is the life force of the World Soul. It is the essence that separates the living from the dead. This is a divine gift that gives people immortality.
There is nothing more important and necessary than magic. She is everywhere. In the waves of the raging sea and in the twinkling of the star; in the juice of the plant and in the sweetness of the fruit; in the breath of the wind and in the song of a bird. The world is a living being, and magic is its beating heart.
To know magic, you must understand that your life is more than food, sleep, reproduction and death. Magic flows under the surface of things. It can give you peace of mind, confidence in the future, attractiveness in the eyes of other people, the ability to achieve your goals, and, most importantly, magic will help you realize yourself and your place in the world around you.

Magic is art. Like other art forms, it draws its strength from a deep well hidden in the human soul. In this well lie the waters of the unconscious, and under the water lie the possibilities and potentialities of a person: they are waiting to be raised into the light and engaged in their realization. While these possibilities are hidden, they do not exist, they are born only at the moment when they are discovered and begin to develop.
Drawing opportunity from the well of potential is a creative act. Any creative action is magic. And any magical action is creativity. The difference between magic and painting is that the artist paints on canvas, but for the magician the canvas is the whole world.
In my book The New Magician, I define magic as the art of influencing the knowable through the unknowable. The knowable is that which can be seen, touched, felt, controlled, imagined or known. The unknowable is none of the above. It is the place, or even not the place, from which all things are born. Everything that exists comes from the unknowable. Everything that goes away returns to the unknowable. Including the human soul. This line between the knowable and the unknowable, which I called the Veil of the Unknown, is filled with ideal forms - non-material entities. The soul is born in non-existence and goes into non-existence, the body is born from the earth and returns to the earth.
From this it follows that any magical act is a connection with God, no matter how a person defines the essence of the divine for himself. In fact, in connection with magic, it is not at all necessary to mention God, since magic is a technique that leads to changes in the world, not distinguished by a special religious sensitivity. However, it should be noted that magic is one of the keys to the absolute source of power and creativity. Magic has come to be taken lightly precisely because this fundamental connection has not been well understood.
Many events that we consider ordinary are actually full of magic. For example, all artistic creation is born from a hidden well of potential and opportunity. Even such phenomena as an unexpected realization of the beauty of the rising sun or a spontaneous, generous and loving act, or a feeling of peace and tranquility, are all manifestations of magical energy.
Once you realize the nature of magic, your life will be transformed. Magic transcends the ordinary world and transcends the laws of cause and effect. That is why the effect of magic cannot be accurately predicted. The same ritual does not always lead to the same results, even if it is performed at the same time in the same place. This uncertainty prevents the study of magical art by scientific methods. All attempts to limit the study of magic to experiments and machines are doomed to failure. What can be predicted is not magic, and what is magic cannot be predicted.
From the definition I have given, we can conclude that the operation of magic is a kind of luck. When conducting a ritual, a person knows that it will work, however, he cannot always say where and how his magical effect will manifest itself. And this is very depressing for scientists who generally want to close this topic for study. The psychiatrist Carl Jung came close enough to understanding the mechanism of magic: he studied the phenomenon of synchronization - the seemingly random coincidence of important events. Whatever these accidental coincidences, they represent magic in action, the result of the magician's unconscious work.
Magic, like water, always finds the easiest way out. It is rarely showy or impressive because it doesn't need to be. Once a desire is formulated and a ritual is performed to fulfill it, magic begins to work, acting in the most simple and mundane way. After that, the magician must use the opportunities opened by magic to realize the desire, otherwise these opportunities will be lost. If you want to eat an apple, magic can put the apple in your hand, but you must bite it yourself. If on your way there is an obstacle that you cannot overcome, magic will help you to get around it in one way or another, even if it seems impossible. If showiness and spectacle are necessary, magic will be spectacle.
Another interesting property of magic is that it is not limited by time. The magical effect may manifest even before you perform the ritual; nevertheless, the ritual is a prerequisite for the fulfillment of desire. This curious property of magic was noted by Aleister Crowley; Here is how he wrote about it:
“I have noticed that the effect of the Magical work appears so soon that its effect must have begun even before the actual work was done. So last night I worked to get Mr. N. from Paris to write to me. The next morning I received a letter from him, that is, it was written before I performed the magic ritual. Can it be said that this is the result of my Magical work?
Magic in Theory and Practice Chapter IX, New York, 1976, p. 74-75.
For those who have never dealt with magic, this may seem incredible, but after meditating, I found that I could think through time. A thought comes into my head, often a new and interesting philosophical idea, and I don't even know what could have awakened it; then a few days later I read the book and find in it this very idea that I fished out of my future stream of consciousness. Such cases confirm the unpredictability of magic and its amazing abilities.
In order to practice magic, it is not at all necessary to know how it works. All over the world, magic is practiced by the most ordinary people who have nothing to do with its theory. Through magical art, they solve their daily problems and help other people in this. Magic is an art that can be used for both high and gross purposes. Magically removing warts is like playing simple melodies on a Steinway piano. However, the warts will indeed disappear. Any work of art is a reflection of the abilities and intentions of the artist.

Ritual is a way of realizing magical art. Usually this is an action or a series of actions, mental or both mental and physical, which activate the magical power and direct it to the fulfillment of conceived desires.
A magical ritual is not some strange creature that is difficult to get close to or that runs away at the first attempt to touch it. This is a common action, sometimes found in everyday life. The main reason why most of the daily rituals do not achieve the desired effect is that the people who practice them do not fully understand what these rituals are for; therefore their energy is not focused on the target.
If the ritual is not focused, not concentrated, it will never achieve its goal. The effectiveness of the ritual depends on how strong and concentrated the energy or force activated with its help is. If the energy is scattered, then, one might say, it achieves nothing, and the ritual remains powerless. But when you consciously approach the performance of the ritual and clearly understand what the task is before you, the ritual becomes effective, and the magical energy is directed exactly to the goal.
Magic is hardly possible without ritual. Often a ritual is a brief and complete mental action - for example, the utterance of a single word. However, in order to activate and direct magical energy, some structure or foundation is needed, even if it is very simple. Working with magic without ritual is like trying to draw water from a well without a bucket. The ritual in this case is a bucket. Water is magical potential. And the process of its transfusion is the practice of magic. The water in the bucket can be taken to the place where it is used for its intended purpose, and this corresponds to the focus of the magical ritual on a specific goal.

People who have touched magic for the first time have rather fantastic hopes at first, because they do not understand well what this art is and how it works. There is nothing wrong with that: magic is a learning process. We all learn from practice and mistakes. Here I would like to briefly talk about what results can be achieved by a person who seriously decides to engage in magical art.
Magic changes the personality of a person and the world around him. It works in two ways. First of all, it affects those things that the Magician seeks to change, although this does not always lead to the expected results. Then magic changes the Magician himself and the whole world, which, in fact, are one whole, and these changes can be completely unexpected and not always desirable for the Ego of the Magician.
People who regularly practice magic improved their health, became more attractive, changed their character or succeeded in business, won someone's love, learned to heal and help others.
All this was achieved - to a greater or lesser extent - depending on how much they desired it. Magic will give you what you want, but will not give you what you think; You want. If you strive to appear altruistic, but really care only about your own glory, then your rituals are doomed to failure.
However, it cannot be said that those who, with the help of magic, try to achieve material wealth, will not achieve anything. Magic wonderfully fulfills practical and material desires. However, your consciousness should not be split. That is, you should not think that you want one thing, when in fact you are striving for something completely different. Such a split creates a conflict that makes the magical ritual ineffective, devoid of focus.
Often, when you try to change the world with a ritual, you end up changing yourself. Magic makes no distinction between outside and inside. Two is an inseparable whole, and the line that separates you from the rest of the world is just an illusion. For example, you performed a ritual to make a certain person fall in love with you. Such love magic is very common, although ethically and morally dubious. Instead of changing the intended person, magic can transform your personality, as a result of which a person who was completely indifferent to you before will begin to take an interest in you. But it seems to you that your chosen one has changed, and not you yourself.
Regular practice of magic leads to another effect, which, as a rule, no one consciously strives for - they expand the consciousness of a person at all levels. After some time, an experienced magician realizes that such an expansion of consciousness and sharpening of perception are more valuable results of magical rituals than the petty selfish goals that he initially pursued, and then he focuses his energies on personal growth.
Magic will make you take a fresh look at the whole world around you. You will see that those things that previously seemed static to you are actually mobile and dynamic. Everything moves and changes. Nothing stands still, nothing stays the same. You will also notice that everything in the world is interconnected not only by physical, but also by vital laws. The world is alive and has consciousness.
Magic can change your perception of yourself. You will no longer divide the world into "I" and "everything else." Everything else is you. Having felt in your heart that the whole world is a part of your “I”, you will never be able to consciously run away from it. Moreover, you will see that you are the center not only of the Earth, but of the entire Universe, and your heart is enclosed in an endless radiant sphere. You came into this world for a reason. You have an important purpose, like all other living beings.
The universe is a huge conscious being, slowly thinking and realizing everything that happens in it. She is able to feed and punish, but by nature she is generous and loving. You are her child. You breathe her breath, drink her milk, play on her lap and die in her arms. Once you realize this in your mind and heart, you will no longer be able to consciously harm her.
Magic will free you from the prison of the present. You will begin to understand what results your current actions lead to, and this will allow you to more deliberately and rationally build your life. It is the freedom that comes from knowledge. The more you see and understand, the less you make mistakes.
You will discover a previously invisible world of conscious and sentient beings. These disembodied creatures always surround you, even now, when you read these lines, your ordinary eyes simply do not see them. You cannot feel the touch of these creatures, see them or hear them. But if you practice magic regularly, these creatures will increase your powers of perception, especially during rituals.
Yes, spirits do exist. You can easily verify this if you regularly perform magical rituals. It will be much more difficult then to convince other people of the fact of their existence; this is as difficult to do as it is to explain to a color-blind person the amazing difference between red and green. Spirits are perceived very subjectively; one magician can see them and another cannot.
On the one hand, over the centuries the world has grown and developed. Complex machines have allowed us to see space distances, to look deep into the atom, to build a graph of the mental work of the brain. On the other hand, the world has lost a lot. There was a time when every person was sure of the existence of angels and believed in miracles. Something mysterious and wonderful was hiding behind the inscription on the map HERE ARE DRAGONS.
Here is what Aleister Crowley wrote about the spirit of Nachiel:

“So, when we say that Nahiel is the “consciousness” of the sun, we do not mean that he lives in the sun, but only that he has a certain rank and character; and although we can refer to it, this does not mean at all that it exists in the full sense of the word.
Magic in Theory and Practice Chapter 0, New York, 1976, p. eight.

I am quoting Crowley, despite all the shortcomings of his work, because he is one of the few writers who really thinks about what magic is and how it works. Spirits exist. Once you begin to practice magic regularly, you will understand this, and no one will need to prove it to you. But no one can say what spirits are. From a practical point of view, it is enough that they interact with people and help bring about changes on the material and mental levels. It can be said that they are a living extension of the ritual: they are intelligent instruments with which the magician performs his actions and which sometimes work on their own initiative, contributing to the fulfillment of the desire of the magician.

Everyone who begins to practice ritual magic pursues the same goal - he or she seeks to rule the world. Perhaps people don't even admit it to themselves, but they think, "What if I could radiate light from my fingertips, shatter mountains, and de-orbit the moon?"
Magic, by and large, has a feminine disposition. She charms and seduces the newcomer. She teases and lures with big promises. It excites the imagination with new possibilities. Every time the magician's apprentice is almost disappointed and ready to quit, she lifts her veil and gives her seductive smile. And this is more than enough to keep around him people who have talent and interest in the magical arts, even if their cherished dreams of ruling the world are destroyed.
Magic is seductive, but it cannot be called unfair. She gives much more than she asks for in return. Gently putting the gun away, she puts a flower in its place.
Instead of commanding the world, the magician gradually gains the ability to control his thoughts and passions. He doesn't make people see the world through his eyes, instead he starts seeing the world through their eyes. After a while, managing the world becomes a less tempting goal. Too much to deal with.
Do not seek to control other people with magic. Although a properly performed ritual can direct magical energy to another person and thereby change your relationship in the direction you need. However, everyone has their own will. Will is a kind of iceberg, only the smallest part of which is visible on the surface of consciousness. If you apply magical power to a person, he can answer you in the same way. And very tangible. Perhaps he does it unconsciously. People who seem weak physically and emotionally can be very strong on a subconscious level.
There is another important factor that I write about here only for smart readers, because stupid ones will not understand it. When you manipulate other people against their will, no matter at what level you do it, you destroy your soul and become an unpleasant and repulsive person, which you don’t need at all. If you behave honestly, then you act in complete harmony and harmony with your true nature, and thus you can find happiness. Managing people brings satisfaction, but not happiness. Happiness is valuable, satisfaction is not.
Just as enticing as the promises of personal power are the prospects of infinite wealth to the newcomer. Most people believe that if they learn to use the power of magic, then with its help they will become rich - although, why is this necessary? Unscrupulous writers fuel this fantasy with books that guarantee instant enrichment even for those who have never practiced magic before.
No reputable New Age publisher would put this nonsense on their recommended reading list. Magic is not a way to make money. It is an art that requires discipline and dedication. And most of her awards are intangible. Awareness of oneself and one's place in life, self-confidence, pure admiration for the beauty of life, strong physical and mental health - all this magic can present to those who accept its gifts with an open heart.
With the help of magic you can earn money. And many do this by using magical rituals to improve their business or career, or by selling their magical abilities. But making money with magic is just as difficult as any other honest and hard work. The only immutable law of the volatile universe says that nothing comes for free. Never. Nowhere. Once you feel like you got something for nothing, it's time to step back and go back.
The charm of magic attracts many vices, and lust is perhaps the first on this list. Love magic is as old as the world. Virgil's Eclogue line reads: "When this earth hardens and this wax melts in the fire, let Daphnis melt for love of me, and do not look at others" (Eclogues VIII, line 80-81). It's magic that works well, but it's morally dubious. What right did Amarilla have to tell Daphnis whom he could love and who not? And if she manages to win his love, is she really sure that they will be happy all the years they spend together? Will he stop hating her if he can't get away from her? But she seems to think only about herself, about the joy and pride of possession, she does not care if Daphnis is happy, the main thing is that he belongs to her. Whatever this feeling is, it is difficult to call it love, although most often it goes under this name.
Magic will help you attract a lover, however this can be done in a wise or unwise way. If you are looking for true love, you should invite it in the form that suits your nature. First of all, with the help of a magical ritual, find out who you really are. Very few people truly know themselves. Often we like people who are endowed with qualities that we ourselves do not possess. If you have already found a person whose love you would like to win, then with the help of magical art, try to transform your personality and circumstances in such a way that this person begins to approach you, but do not try to force him to do so.
Following power, money and sex in the list of magical temptations are popularity and fame. Which of us, in our youth, did not dream of picking up a magic wand and working miracles to the enthusiastic cries and applause of thousands of people? For example, that you were able to cure a hopeless patient of cancer, and not an ordinary person, but some famous and important one. Or imagine how you light the Olympic flame at the Olympic Games with the power of thought and sight. How will the audience react to this?
But, sorry, magic doesn't work for that. Perhaps the effect of magic depends on whether you believe in it or not; perhaps it transgresses all the laws of nature and therefore it is impossible to predict its action; or magic is controlled by the unconscious, called the Higher Self. We don't know if magic has any moral standards, but we can at least say with certainty that it has a sense of humor. Whatever the cause of her action, every time a self-proclaimed "master of the occult arts" performs miracles in public, those miracles are doomed to failure.
I have to admit, I have never been able to levitate, walk on water, resurrect the dead, turn into a wolf, or guess the lottery winning numbers. Maybe it says that I'm a bad mage. Quite a few people claim to be able to perform such miracles. However, I have never seen anyone actually do them. Do I mean to say it's impossible? Of course not. Such a statement would be unfounded. But I have never done such amazing things myself and have not seen anyone else do them.
On the other hand, I have done things that many consider miracles. For example, I have contacted spirits. I don't know with which spirits, but I communicated with them and felt them.
In addition, I can become invisible. However, something needs to be clarified here. Being magically invisible doesn't mean other people can't see you, it just means they can't see you. And this situation gives a rather strange, but at the same time a pleasant feeling of freedom. I also left my body and looked at it from the side, but where I was during the astral journey and whether I was in any of the dimensions at all, one can only guess.
And in all these cases, I did not tell a single living soul in advance what I was going to do. This greatly complicates the study of magic by scientific methods. However, if you want to maintain any chance of success, the ritual should be kept quiet. The surest way to fail a magical ritual is to tell everyone that you are going to perform it. Magical silence is not just a precaution, but a practical necessity.

Everyone is looking for the meaning of life. Not so much life as a whole, but my own life. People want to understand why they live and what they should do. They want to feel that they do not live in vain and fully realize themselves. But most of all they want to be happy.
Living in a modern city, we seem to fall into the trap of a huge machine, the mechanism of which consists of teeth and gears; it swings from side to side, and no one ever knows what's going on. This machine leaves few opportunities for the unfortunate rats that get into it: either they move in step with its teeth, or it will grind them to powder. This car knows no mercy.
Those who succumbed to the ruthless song of metal became slaves, but they did not submit to people, but became servants of the calculating god of modern society - the god I called Mekanos - for whom efficiency is the main criterion of value. It does not matter that the work does not serve humanity, the main thing is that the work be effective. It does not matter that it does not give anything to the human soul, the main thing is that it maintains social order. I'm not going to ideologize here, I just want to say that Mekanos, like Janus, has two faces: one is Uncle Sam, and the other is Karl Marx.
People who get out of this system or cannot keep up with it are doomed to perish. For a while, they frolic among the ranks of a highly structured society, while their more timid comrades bend from overwork. But sooner or later they slip and, like Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times, they are destroyed by society. They end up in prisons, psychiatric hospitals, or the grave.
Magic is the way out of this machine. It is not a door that leads to another geographic space, because the machine is a state of consciousness, and it is impossible to escape from yourself. Magic art allows you to take a fresh look at the world in which dreams come true, and people's actions have meaning and meaning. Magic helps to find purpose and gives hope.
People are not stupid. If they are told that the world is gray and heartless, that life has no value, that their dreams and feelings are banal and insignificant, and if they believe these lies, they feel the futility and emptiness of existence. But if they realize how important they are to the Universe, to its very heart, if they understand that every feeling and every thought they have is of great value not only for their own life, but for life in general, and that, at least potentially , their life is completely in their hands, they will feel an indescribable feeling of freedom.
A ritual is a mechanism that changes all four levels of existence: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Everyone knows that feelings affect our physical health and well-being. Everyone knows that both the conscious and the subconscious control our feelings. But many do not realize that there is a fourth level of the spirit that determines the state of our consciousness. The usual activities in our society deny the existence of this level, thereby closing access to it. If the spirit is not harmonious, it negatively affects the mind, which gives rise to a biased perception of the world. If the mind is crippled, one feels miserable. And health suffers from negative emotions.
Magic is able to open a channel between the spirit, or Higher Self, and the ego, or ordinary self. As a result, the Higher Self, which always knows who it is and what it wants, guides and shapes the ego, thereby restoring emotional balance and physical health. And since all four levels of being are closely interconnected, then good health will return you to optimism and allow you to see the world in pink colors.
The value of the ritual lies not in its limitless ability to transform, but in the fact that it allows people to realize the value of what a person has, whether it is the lakes and forests surrounding him or the people with whom he communicates. Seeing the world from a magical point of view means seeing it in color where it used to be black and white.

What is the place of magic in the world? It does not belong to science, which denies the reality and value of everything that does not lend itself to scientific methods of investigation. It is not part of a religion. The Church has always considered magic a devilish occupation and now treats it as a terrible delusion. Magic is not a business, a business will never spend money on such a frivolous business as the transformation of the soul. You will find no mention of magic in universities or schools, except in the footnotes of textbooks on the history and culture of primitive peoples.
Magic is outcast. Like other outcasts, she has a bad reputation and is looked upon with suspicion by the bastions of the establishment. Boredomed people who don't know how to kill time start performing rituals for fun and quickly quit. Those who are seriously engaged in magical practice modestly remain silent. Yes, today wizards are not hanged and burned at the stake, as was the case in past centuries. But even so, people of serious professions, such as policemen, doctors or pilots, do not talk about their magic. Confessions like these ensure that they are immediately labeled fanatical occultists and barred from administrative positions. Even if they do not lose their jobs, they can be sure that it will be almost impossible for them to move up the corporate ladder.
But attitudes are changing. The ubiquitous spread of the New Age movement aroused interest in magic. Magic has ceased to be a taboo subject and has become an object of study. Everyone is interested in magic, but most are afraid to admit that this interest is serious enough. If there is even the slightest chance, they are ready to run to seminars and lectures regarding the conduct of rituals, if only such schools existed and if these people were sure that they would not be laughed at. Despite the fact that there is a lot of talk about magic now, it cannot be said that it has been accepted in society. And today, the study of this most ancient and most sacred art requires courage and sincere devotion.
The most common question I hear from my readers is, "How do I find a teacher?" It is difficult to give an exact answer to this question, since the possibility of finding a teacher depends on the interests of the person and the country in which he lives. Most societies do not need new members and are unwilling to accept them. There is a closer relationship between the teacher of magic and the student than in any other field of study. And this requires unconditional devotion and complete trust on both sides. Unfortunately, there are many groups and individuals who teach magic solely for the sake of money. They can only teach the mechanics of the magical art, which is only its very foundation and more or less universal, and they cannot convey the living soul that gives magic its meaning.
For those wishing to learn magic, I advise you to first read as many books and materials on the subject as possible in order to get an idea of ​​the technique of performing rituals, and then begin to apply your knowledge in practice. Even if these first actions are just mechanical, they are of great importance, as they open the consciousness and sharpen the perception of the world. At the same time, it is necessary to attend lectures and seminars of the New Age current, follow the work of clubs and groups specializing in occult practices, and also practice yoga, tai chi, etc. In this way, interesting and useful contacts can be made.
Rituals can be performed by one person or a group of people. Group rituals are preferred by those who need the support of other members of the circle. The basics of ceremonial magic are best learned through imitation. Those who work alone are unpleasantly surprised when, pouring huge amounts of energy into rituals, they receive very little or nothing in return. Once you begin to practice ceremonial magic, you will experience alternating periods of energy and lethargy, enthusiasm and desperation that stretch over many months. Group practice helps to experience these cycles in a gentler way.
There are two main branches in the Western magical tradition. The most numerous of these is represented by such types of magic as witchcraft, druidic magic and related pagan traditions, in which magical elements are combined with rituals of worship of Nature. The rituals performed by the magicians of this group can be called "natural magic". The main emphasis here is on the magical properties of places, stones, trees, herbs and food. Witchcraft, at least in part, comes from the folk magic of the Celts and Saxons.
A less numerous magical group is the so-called abstract types of ceremonial magic, which are rooted in Neoplatonism and Jewish mysticism. They work with words, symbols, numbers, and meditations, and seek help from spirits. This type of ritual may be called high magic or theurgy; some, it seems to me, unreasonably consider this magic to be more effective.
Perhaps theurgy is less common than witchcraft because it lacks an underlying religious structure. Witchcraft is by and large a religion of nature that uses magic to unite the human soul with the Soul of the World. At its best, sorcery is soft earthly beauty and strength. Theurgy is not related to the worship of nature and cannot be called a religion. Its goal is the alchemical Work on the liberation of the soul, as a result of which a person will be able to live fully and consciously, following his own destiny.
Ultimately, witchcraft and theurgy pursue the same goal: through magic, to release the potential of a person and direct his forces to the realization of a life goal. This goal is not achieved overnight. In fact, it is unattainable - who knows how monstrously strong a fully realized person will be? Usually people advance towards this goal by scoring small victories, each of which adds meaning and value to life.
People who made ritual magic a part of their lives became disillusioned with the meaningless Western society. They need something more than the laws of physics and material values, but they have not been able to find this in modern social groups and religious organizations. These people feel that they have lost control over the development of their soul, and they want to regain what they have lost. They want a full, meaningful life. They are looking for a way to change not only on the physical, but also on the emotional and mental planes.
Despite the fact that magicians create a kind of secret society, they are not excluded from the general structure of society. Magicians can be found in all walks of life and among all professions. Christian churches, kabbalistic temples with orthodox principles, Wiccan covens that pray to a female deity, gay and lesbian societies, druid brotherhoods, supporters of the anarchist works of Aleister Crowley, groups that are followers of the Order of the Golden Dawn, survivalists, racists, environmentalists, conservationists - they all use rituals to achieve their various goals. And I'm talking here only about representatives of Western magic. There are many more groups that are engaged in Buddhist practices, Zen, Tao, yoga or tantra.
I'm not talking about the groups that the media calls satanic. In fact, only a few magical means contribute to the achievement of truly evil goals. Magic is a discipline that requires years of hard work, even if it is used to harm rather than heal. Most Satanists are pathetic poseurs who profess Satanism just for the sake of fashion or to embellish their crimes with it. This behavior is of interest to the media, but is usually not related to the ideas of Satanism. If torture, torment, murder and other crimes are committed precisely with the aim of awakening magical powers and thus achieving a certain goal, then this is indeed satanic teaching in the worst sense of the word, but this is rare.

I think you have asked yourself more than once what magic is and how magical rituals are performed. Before I start talking about this, I want to say that it is impossible to fully describe such a vast subject in one small book. That is why so many wonderful books have been written about magic, such as, for example, The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie, written on the basis of the secret documents of the Order of the Golden Dawn; and Magical Philosophy by two members of the Aurum Solis occult society, Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips. I highly recommend reading both of these books. For the same reason, I wrote the books The New Magician and Rune Magic. And within the framework of this book, one can only touch ritual magic and describe some of the techniques that form the basis of this art.
There is an opinion among scientists that the drama was born from magic. The hunter, who put on an animal skin and danced around the fire, imitating the death of the beast, performed a ritual of hunting magic directed against animals living in the forest. At the same time, he was playing a play that his fellow hunters were watching, although he was primarily addressing the gods.
Magical elements formed the basis of the sacred mysteries of ancient Egypt and Greece. It was not until the 6th century BC that Aeschylus and his contemporaries began to introduce a narrative aspect into drama, which then took over from the magical aims. Drama has become entertainment, and the audience has forgotten its original function - to change the world with the power of magic.
Each ritual consists of a finite number of gestures, movements, and words that are performed or spoken in a limited area or stage. The most commonly used songs, recitative, dances, special postures and breathing methods. Some or all of the components of the ritual can be performed mentally - they are performed, but in the imagination. Since the spectators of the ritual are the Higher Self and non-incarnated spirits, there is no need to perform the ritual in the physical space, although many magicians find the actual performance of the ritual easier and more effective.
By definition, ritual actions must be repeated in the same manner and sequence without any change. It is unlikely that a ritual performed once can be called a ritual. In repetition, the ritual gains strength. If it is carried out in a new way each time, then it loses its magical power. My personal opinion, based on years of experience, is that the spiritual entity or entities interacting with a given ritual begin to recognize the ritual through repetition and arrive when called upon; so the dog begins to respond to his name only when he gets used to it.
Non-incarnated consciousness perceives the world differently than people. Usually the world of spirits and the world of people do not interact with each other. The ritual is a kind of door that opens into the magical world. If this "corridor" opens regularly and is wide enough, spirits will gather in this place after a while, eagerly waiting for it to open again. But keep in mind that this is only a metaphor to describe the reaction of the spirits. A similar power of repetition is at work in other magical activities, even those that do not involve spirit entities. Repetition strengthens and accelerates the result of the ritual.
The main property of a magical ritual is that if you mentally imagine some event or circumstance, it will happen in the real world. This is what James J. Fraser, in his monumental work The Golden Bough, called the Law of Similars: "According to the Law of Similars, the magician can produce any action or effect only by imitating it." (The Golden Bough, Abridged Edition, Chapter III, New York, 1951, p. 12.)
Frazer gives a famous example: a magician sticks needles into a doll that looks like an enemy, as a result of which the enemy is injured in real life. Frazer speaks of the intimate material bond that is established through the victim's hair, nails, and other objects and objects, but he makes little mention of the necessary bond, the magician's awareness. But magic works only in consciousness and through consciousness. And all external elements and attributes are only sensory tangible help in magical work.
For rituals, you will need a comfortable place where you feel calm and comfortable, where no one will disturb you, and where you can be alone with your thoughts and emotions. During the ritual, you must fully concentrate on your goal. If they listen to loud music in the next room and it bothers you, then you have chosen the wrong place for the rituals. Therefore, it will be necessary to conduct rituals only when there is no this annoying factor, or to find another place.
The space for the ritual should be small, but comfortable. Sometimes a mat is used for these purposes if there is no carpet or carpet on the floor. Some magicians perform rituals with a chair, but this seems inconvenient to me, because during the ritual it is necessary to move, sit down, then move again, and the chair in this case will only be an obstacle.
Everything that is not needed or is not in harmony with the goals of the ritual should be minimized or completely removed. And everything that supports the ritual should be clearly visible, but adjusted for the fact that the disorder is a distraction.
Before starting the ritual, put on loose clothing. Belt, shoes, rings, watches, jewelry and other restrictive items should be removed. It is helpful, though not necessary, to have special ritual clothing that is comfortable and simple. In addition, it is useful to take a warm bath before each ritual, which will be part of the preparatory cleansing. The bath relaxes the body and relieves tension, and also allows you to clear your mind before facing the gods and higher beings, if you have learned to combine the cleansing of the flesh with the cleansing of the mind. This means that you allow all the emotional and mental dirt accumulated during the day to go down the drain with the water.
After you have taken a bath and dressed, sit in the ritual place for a few minutes to completely relax, calm down and thereby prepare for magical work. At this time, think about the ritual, and your subconscious mind will automatically tune in to work. It is useful to sit for about half an hour even after the ritual in order to “air” the mind and return it to its normal state. I do not advise you to perform the ritual if you are very tired, and fall asleep immediately after performing it. It guarantees nightmares. If you still have bad dreams after magical work, do not worry - these are just dreams, and they cannot cause you real harm.
Do not complicate the rituals. I try to make mine as simple as possible. If the ritual is too complicated, then the main effort is spent on remembering all its elements. And if the ritual takes a long time to complete - for example, more than an hour - it is very tiring, and, in addition, it is difficult to maintain concentration for such a long time.
Whether you perform rituals daily or once a week, you must keep regular records of your activities, goals, methods, and results. The record of the ritual indicates that it was carried out consciously. In addition, this retelling will be useful for the next ritual.
The usefulness of records is that they allow you to track transformations, which are sometimes very slow, and also to observe the direction of these changes. Such control will help to avoid a situation where you suddenly realize that the work has gone the wrong way; By noticing this in time, you can make the necessary adjustments before someone is harmed. Detailed notes can tell a lot about the magician's invisible mechanism of consciousness, this knowledge will be useful for subsequent rituals. Many sorcerers recommend writing down dreams during a period of great work (when the ritual is repeated for several days or months), since in these dreams insight can come that can increase the effectiveness of ritual work.

The main work of Western magick is carried out with a few surprisingly simple tools that function on the astral plane (or, in other words, in the imagination). As a rule, these instruments have material correspondences. The magician manipulates objects in the physical ritual space, and the astral instrument repeats his actions in the astral temple. Astral instruments can be used without material ones, but this requires a more developed imagination, and besides, astral work is rarely as effective as material work.
The essential tools of the ritual are the circle, the altar, the lamp, the four symbols of the elements of fire, air, water and earth, the wand, the sword, the ring, the ritual clothing and the purification materials: water, salt and fire.
Other tools such as incense, colorful candles, flowers, music, wine, symbols, etc. are used as a means of influencing consciousness, but the above are more important. In addition, non-material instruments are used in rituals, such as words, chants, gestures, body movements, postures, as well as visualization of non-material structures, such as chakras or pentagrams. It is impossible to discuss everything that is used in ritual magic in one small book, so I will briefly touch on only the most important subjects.

A circle
The magic circle outlines the magician in the astral world and the place of the ritual. The circle separates the ritual space from the ordinary world. Thanks to this, the place in the circle holds its magical potential; and since this space is cleared for magical and witchcraft work, it will cause spiritual entities to manifest who cannot come to the ordinary world. The circle also serves as a barrier that protects the magician from the intrusion of the forces of chaos, seeking to break contact with higher spiritual beings or even cause physical and emotional harm to the magician.
The circle is drawn from the inside, around a precisely defined center, in the course of the sun, and is visualized as a radiant or fiery ring that hangs in the air at about the level of the heart. Usually a circle of the same diameter is preliminarily drawn on the floor; however, the magic circle does not exist until it is created by a deliberate effort of the will in the astral plane. As a rule, a circle is drawn that contains the entire ritual space and participants in the ritual. If the ritual is performed by one person, without an altar, in a small space, then the circle may be 6 feet in diameter. If the ritual is performed with an altar, a circle 9 feet in diameter is drawn to allow the magician to move around the altar. The circle that is drawn in the astral world may be larger than the physical ritual space.
Whatever the size of the magic circle, it should be comfortable enough for all participants in the ritual. Although the circle is immaterial, it exists in magical space, so it should not be interrupted anywhere. Its center is the heart of the magician, and it is drawn clockwise with the index finger of the right hand or with the tip of a wand, sword or knife. At the end of the ritual, the magic circle should be removed by passing it against the course of the sun with the index finger of the left hand or with a magic instrument taken in the left hand. This circle should never be crossed, but this rule is often violated by magicians. To break the integrity of the circle means to weaken its magical power and thereby make it less effective.

In the center of the circle is an altar, which personifies the center of the Universe and the Higher Self. This is the working space of the ritual, on which consciousness and energy are focused. If there is not enough space for a material altar, it can be visualized. The altar is a cubic or rectangular pedestal with a flat surface, it must be made of natural stone or contain elements made of stone. This is a symbol of the material side of magical work, it is a fixed place, an earthly support in which magical energy is born and activated.

The spiritual or magical center of the ritual circle is the light of a lamp which is lit for the duration of the ritual and which is placed in the center of the altar. The absolute magical center of the circle is the invisible point where the candle flame disappears into infinity. Usually, a ceramic or metal oil lamp is used in rituals, but a candle can also be lit. Some occult groups maintain an eternal flame on the altar. This is beyond the power of one person or a small group of people, but in any case, each participant in the ritual must visualize the flame. This is a real magical eternal flame.
The flame is the focus on which the consciousness of the participants in the ritual is concentrated. They turn their requests to him and meditate on him. The point at which the flame dissolves into infinity marks the place where the veil of the Unknown is lifted, through which it is the task of the ritual to penetrate. The magician must feel that the flame is burning in the very center of his being, spreading his light beyond the limits of the Higher Self. When the circle is filled with light, the Self is purified and enlightened.

After the circle has been drawn and the lamp lit, the interior of the circle is cleansed with special substances that represent one or more occult elements or elements. Some magical groups purify the circle with all four elements, or only the three active ones: they are Fire, Water and Air (Earth is considered to be a mixture of three elements), as described in The New Magician. Personally, I use ancient substances for cleansing: salt, water and flame. Salt symbolizes earth, water is the element of Water, and flame is a combination of two elements, Fire and Air, which can be represented by a lit candle or an incense stick.
Salt, previously blessed and consecrated by prayer, is laid out in small pinches on the four sides of the circle: south, west, north and east in the direction of the sun. Water, also previously consecrated, is sprinkled with fingers on the four sides of the circle. Then blow on the flame of the candle three times in the same directions. Usually the purification process is accompanied by prayer.
Remember that you are cleansing the house of the spirit so that the spiritual light descends into it. This is a sacred act. Many authors consider cleansing to be the most important part of any ritual. It prepares the basis for further work. If the cleansing is carried out carelessly, all subsequent work will be in vain, because it does not have a solid foundation.

Element Symbols
Many magical actions are carried out with the help of meditations on the occult elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth. The elements determine the type of energy involved in the ritual, as well as its source. That is why for the proper conduct of the ritual it is necessary to understand the meaning and meaning of these elements. Each element is represented by its material symbol, which is placed on the altar near the lamp in the place corresponding to its element. If the ritual concerns only one element, one symbol is placed on the altar; if it concerns all elements, all symbols are laid out.
The symbol of fire is considered to be a small wand about nine inches long. In the magical tradition of the Golden Dawn, this wand has a very peculiar shape, but the details are not really that important. The main thing is the shape of the wand. The nature of Fire is here associated with this phallic symbol.
The symbol of Air is the dagger: because of the speed, brightness of the blade and its ability to penetrate everywhere. It is this that is important, and not what shape the handle is, etc. The differences in the nature of the wand and the dagger reflect the difference between the elements of Air and Fire.
The symbol of Water is a cup or chalice. The bowl should be round and deep enough. Well, if it is made of light or at least natural material. For example, blue blown glass or earthy ceramics.
Earth is symbolized by a disk or a pentacle. It is a flat disc, painted in earth tones. Ideally, it should be made of clay or stone. It is usually made from wood. It should not be too large to be comfortable to hold in your hand; the best size is four inches, because four is a material number, the number of the Earth.
As far as I know, the symbols of magical elements began to be used in the last century, when the Victorian order of the Golden Dawn appeared. The symbols are based on the suits of the Minor Arcana Tarot cards. However, the special symbols of the four elements were not used and were not necessary in the Middle Ages. In modern magic, they are used everywhere and can really be useful. It is important that they are in harmony with the feelings of the person who uses them, although they do not necessarily meet the established "standards".

To perform the ritual, the magician usually wears special clothes that are used only during magic. These clothes are kept separate from other things and are put on only after the magician has taken a bath and cleansed his body. Therefore, dressing in it, the magician, as it were, puts on clothes of pure light. In addition, magical clothing helps to rise to higher levels of consciousness and protects the magician from a sense of disharmony. Clothing should be comfortable, and most importantly, the magician should feel that this clothing suits him. I prefer white clothes because this color is associated with purity and holiness. Colors have a direct effect on our emotions, and this is not just a generally accepted phenomenon, but a fact based on the nature of human perception. For example, red is the color of rage and cruelty, and it does not matter how an aggressive politician or a French designer wants to teach it. Ritual vestments can be any loose and comfortable clothing that is neatly stored separately from other things.

In the minds of many people, the wand is the main magical tool. It is necessary for the magician to concentrate the energy of the will. In fact, the wand becomes the physical embodiment of the magical power of the sorcerer. The wand is made from a tree trunk as thick as the magician's thumb and from the tips of his fingers to the elbow. Not all types of trees are suitable for making wands, the most common is walnut. You can also use oak; this is the tree of Zeus, so it is believed that it brings enlightenment. Ideally, the wand should be cut and made by the magician himself, as it is a personal magical tool that is used for a wide variety of purposes. After a while, it accumulates a magical charge, which is clearly felt if the wand is taken in hand.

A less frequently used, but essential tool in high magic and theurgy, is the sword, which during ritual draws the spirits out of chaos. It is used in the same way as the wand, but if the wand is - by nature - a neutral tool, then the sword is an aggressive object with which to dominate and inflict pain. It is supposed to be made by a magician, but I find it difficult to name even one magician who would actually make a sword with his own hands. A short sword or a long knife may be used, which should be thoroughly cleansed and blessed for magical work before the ritual. I use an old English bayonet made in the shape of a sword, and I find it quite effective - perhaps due to its military purpose.

Ritual dagger (Atam)
The tool that is used by witches and combines the functions of a wand and a sword is called an athame or magic knife. This knife is used to carve figures for ritual, use for magical protection and many other purposes. Some witches even use it when cooking! They believe that since magic covers all areas of life, then cooking is an integral part of magical art, and this is not a profanity.
The magic knife is a fairly ancient tool. In the Middle Ages, there were two separate items: a white-handled knife that was used in everyday life; and a black-handled knife used to draw a magic circle and summon spirits. This division of functions is still observed by some modern witches. In a sense, the black and white handled knives correspond to the wands and swords of high magic.
How such knives are made can be read in one of the oldest Western collections of spells, The Great Key of Solomon. Books like this talk about killing innocent animals, a pathetic way to start a spiritual quest. I mention this only to give an idea of ​​the origin of the witch's dagger, and not at all for you to use this information as a guide to action. In fact, many ancient spellbooks, if they carry at least some useful information, are too confusing and complex. In modern times, magic is more straightforward and, as a result, more practical.

The last necessary tool that I would like to talk about here is the ring. It is worn on the index finger of the right hand and acts as a kind of magnet that increases the willpower passing through the index finger. In addition, it serves as a miniature copy of the magic circle and protects the owner from negative influences. Perhaps the best option is a simple gold or silver ring, slightly wider than usual. With this ring, the magician becomes engaged to the art of magic. Usually, magical inscriptions are applied to the ring, for example, the divine Hebrew tetragram IHVH.
Sometimes different rings are used for different purposes. For example, a spirit is placed in a ring, the power of which is activated when the ring is put on a finger. For example, the ancient Greek magician Apollonius of Tyana had seven rings, named after the seven planets, these rings were presented to him as a gift by the head of Brahmin India, Yarkas. Every day, Apollonius put on a ring corresponding to the day of the week and wore it throughout the day. However, there are no rules about inscriptions for rings. The choice of inscription depends entirely on the purpose for which the ring is used and on the personality of its maker.

The task of ritual magic is the absolute achievement of the intended goal. And, as with other absolutes, this goal is rarely, if ever, fully achieved. The ability to approach this goal determines the success of the magical practice of the magician. If the ritual is performed regularly and carefully, then sooner or later success will come. Sometimes magic can work wonders, both objectively and subjectively. It can improve health and appearance, increase self-confidence and self-esteem, bring spiritual rebirth and remove obstacles that stand in your way of life.
Any, even the smallest improvements lead to one big goal - to create a complete, self-fulfilling life. Each success in the magical arts is a piece of one large mosaic, which ultimately makes up the ideal image. To impress a newcomer to a magical group, ancient or modern, an initiation rite is usually performed. Initiation briefly reveals the highest task of magic. This is a magical ritual that helps to realize the purpose behind the months and years of work.
Usually the novice experiences some form of symbolic death and rebirth. Death symbolizes the departure from the old world, full of ignorance, ignorance and helplessness. Rebirth is an appeal to a new life as a human soul, capable of being free and realized in any circumstances. This transformation is reinforced by the fact that the initiate is given a new name.
The initiation ceremony is only a symbolic representation of what the members of the circle and the initiate desire. Whether there will be a real transformation in the life of the magician depends only on his willingness to devote himself to hard and hard work. Although it is impossible to achieve complete success, the changes can be quite strong. As a result, a person becomes better in every way.
One of the techniques used in the West to achieve such soul transformations is ritual communion with what, for want of a better name, has been called the "Holy Guardian Angel." This is the highest spiritual entity that takes care of every person. It can also be called the Higher Self or "personal God". It is the consciousness that cares about that person's happiness.
Each person sees his guardian angel in his own way.
The prophets of world religions often appear as guardian angels. Their figures are perceived differently by people, and therefore take on a different look for everyone. Guardian angels guide people through life and help overcome difficulties. In magic, contact with them is made consciously; not only periods of pain and doubt, and this communication contributes to the constant transformation of the soul of the magician.
And as I mentioned, this is the main purpose of magic. However, with the help of magic, simpler and more pragmatic goals are sometimes achieved, and there is nothing wrong with that. But it should be understood that any improvements, if they are really improvements, and not illusions, lead to improvement. For those who are especially interested in communicating with the guardian angel, I advise you to read the "Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Magician", translated by one of the founders of the Order of the Golden Dawn, S.L. MacGregor Mathers (New York, 1975), The Holy Magus by George Chevalier (Suffolk, 1976), which is a diary entry of the work described in Abramemin; and chapter 29 of my new book, The New Magician (Minnesota, 1988), which deals with this topic from both a theoretical and a practical point of view.

All skills improve with practice. The following ritual is an exemplary example of what modern magic does. It contains the main elements of the ritual and the sequence in which they are performed. In addition, I hope it will awaken in you a magical perception of the world, that is, it will help you realize that you can look at the world from a new point of view. It is unlikely that all of my readers will have a complete set of ritual items, so I have developed a ritual that requires no tools other than fire to perform. This ritual can be performed in any secluded place where complete silence can be maintained for at least half an hour.
Wear loose clothing in neutral colors. Remove watches, jewelry, shoes, and other items that interfere with free circulation of blood and irritate the skin. It’s good if you take a bath before starting the ritual, or at least rinse your hands and face. Remember that you are inviting spiritual consciousness into the temple of your body.
Place a candle on a small table, bedside table, or other supportive surface so that it is approximately at the level of your waist. Light a candle. Try to calm down for a few minutes. When you feel inner peace and tranquility, stand in front of the candle facing south. Spread your arms wide and raise your head in the traditional invocation posture. Look to infinity and focus on an imaginary distant star. Say a cleansing prayer, referring to the one who is the highest deity for you:
Have mercy on me, oh God.
Forgive me my injustice.
Wash away all my wrongdoings
Cleanse me from sins.
Cleanse me and I will be clean;
Wash me and I'll be white as snow.
Give me a pure heart
Revive a righteous spirit in me.
You who made the Crown
(touch your forehead with your index finger
right hand)
And the kingdom
(touch your groin)
And Sima
(touch left shoulder)
And Glory
(touch right shoulder)
And the eternal law

(point to flame)

As you say this cleansing prayer, visualize a cascade of radiant water as it falls, cleansing and refreshing your head and body, and sweeping away all your worries.
Turn around, mentally drawing with the index finger of your right hand a radiant circle of white light that burns in the astral over the place where the ritual is performed. Try to clearly visualize this circle at the level of the heart, visualize the energy that fills it: coming from your heart center, it passes along the right hand and radiates from the index finger. Be sure to mentally connect the beginning and end of the drawn circle. If necessary, expand it to accommodate the entire ritual space.
As you draw a circle, say the following words:
From the very heart of my being, I give birth to this radiant circle of fire. Neither evil nor chaos will penetrate it or cross its borders.
Face south again, feet together, arms spread wide to the sides: the body is a cross. Visualize a pillar of red flame rising from the ground just outside the circle and going off to infinity. Concentrate your attention on it and say the following words:
Before me is Michael, lord of the Flame, lion of the south.
Without moving, visualize a similar column of yellow fire behind you from the north. Say these words:
Behind me is Raphael, the lord of the Air, the angel of the north.
From the west, visualize a pillar of blue fire. Say the following words:
To my right is Gabriel, the lord of the Water, the eagle of the west.
Visualize a column of green fire in the east and say:
To my left is Uriel, Lord of the Earth, bull of the east.

Then say:
The four elements surround me
(raise your arms low above your head)
fire from above
(lower your hands to your waist)
water below,
(join hands at heart level in a prayer gesture)
I am the heart of the four elements, I am the center of the universe.
Imagine a shining cross centered on your heart. The vertical column of the cross is red, passes between your legs and, rising through your head, disappears into infinity. The blue horizontal bar is under your shoulders. The other bar that runs between your palms and exits your back is yellow. Your heart center shines with the purest white light that fills your entire body as if it were a glass vessel.
Sit on the floor in front of a candle and contemplate its flame for a while. Let your breathing be even and easy. Try to catch the movement of the air and wait until it completely calms down so that the flame stands evenly and does not sway. Sit so that your breath does not touch the flame of the candle. Try to clearly feel your body and the fire of each of the angels. Dive into them. Imagine that you are surrounded by this fire and it does not bother you at all. You seem to be in a flying drop of sunlight.
Gradually lengthen your inhalations and exhalations, making them deeper, but try not to strain. "Keep a relaxed state. Having done a complete bad, hold your breath for five or ten seconds and concentrate your attention on a point located directly above the candle flame - at the place where it disappears into infinity.
As you exhale, embrace the flame of the candle with your consciousness. Inhale again, hold your breath for a few seconds and focus on the very tip of the flame. Try to get closer to the barely perceptible vanishing point with each breath hold.
To successfully perform this technique, it is necessary that you do not force yourself to breathe too deeply and do not hold your breath for a long time. If all your attention is directed to the breath, you will not reach the goal. You may need to practice for a while to learn how to breathe easily and evenly without effort. I do not specify here the optimal duration of breath holding and the number of breath holdings, since this is not so important. It is important to learn how to rhythmically switch attention from the body to the vanishing point of the flame. Every time you concentrate on the tip of the flame, try to direct all your attention and will for at least a fraction of a second to the edge where the fire dissolves into the Universe.
Take about a dozen breaths in and out, and before you feel tired, face south again. Raise your hands in a gesture of invocation and say calmly but confidently:
I give thanks for the successful completion of the ritual designed to awaken the true perception of Spiritual Light.
Stretch the index finger of your left hand in a southerly direction and, turning counterclockwise to the left, mentally draw the ring of astral flame into your heart center. While doing so, say the following words:
I take this circle of magical power into my heart, returning the ritual place to its former state.
Face south again and, assuming the same posture of the cross with which you opened the ritual, say:
The power of light
Guides and protects me
The one who made the crown

(touch forehead)
And the kingdom
And the strength
(left shoulder)
And Glory
(right shoulder)
And the eternal law
(touch heart center)
(point to flame)
Clap your hands four times and spread your arms out to the sides with your fingers spread wide. Say:
This ritual, awakening the awareness of Light, was carried out effectively and fully.
Blow out the candle and sit quietly for a few minutes before doing any work. Do not try to mentally return to the ritual. Just relax and let it work with your subconscious mind.
I chose this ritual because it is not dangerous and does not require the exorcism of evil spirits. The main technique used here is visualization, so no tools are required to perform this ritual. However, it is a very powerful ritual. If you do it daily for several weeks, you will notice small but noticeable changes in your consciousness after a while. I specifically did not mention the purpose of this ritual, so that for each practitioner the transformations take place in the most natural way for him. As a result of the action of the ritual, for example, perception may be sharpened or the level of vital energy may increase. Other effects depend on the personality and abilities of the one who performs the ritual. For deeper changes, the ritual should be performed regularly for several months.

Magic and mysticism have attracted people since ancient times. Everyone at least once came across the book "Magic Rituals and Conspiracies". What rituals exist, what they are aimed at and how to apply them correctly to achieve the desired, we will talk below.

Some types of magical rituals

A magical ritual is often the only way to overcome circumstances that a person is unable to survive on his own, without the hope of a miracle. There are a huge number of ways and techniques, for example:

  1. Magic rituals to attract money.
  2. Ceremonies for beauty and health.
  3. Conspiracies to work or from dismissal.
  4. To attract a child.
  5. The return of a loved one to the family.
  6. On the development of intuition, extrasensory abilities.
  7. from domestic violence.
  8. For the peace of mind of the children.
  9. On a good road.
  10. For the success of any business.
  11. From drunkenness.
  12. For marital fidelity.
  13. Magic rituals for Easter or Christmas.
  14. Some others.

What to Consider

Before applying magical rites and rituals, some nuances should be taken into account. These include the following rules:

  1. The magic ritual "how to steal health" will not bring happiness to the one who uses it. You cannot use magic to harm anyone, even if you think it would be fair.
  2. Whatever direction they may concern, it is only a tool for action. Magical rites and rituals are designed to cleanse the energy of a person and a house from dirt, envy and anger, but they are not a magic pill for everything.
  3. In no case should you use the so-called even if they promise a quick result. Prisons, love spells and a ritual for love against the will of the one they are aimed at will give the opposite result. Even if they work initially, it won't really work, but simply because you've taken away a person's freedom to choose.
  4. Don't expect quick results. Create what you want in your head and focus on what is already there. This will give self-confidence and enhance the effect of the ritual.
  5. Rituals should not be performed while intoxicated.
  6. It takes a certain amount of time to fulfill a wish. Sometimes you need more than you imagine. Why is this happening? In fact, all people are interconnected. Your desire should not only come true, but also not harm anyone. Other people live their lives. They also have their own lessons and purpose. Do not limit your thinking to the boundaries of the apartment. Just imagine how much effort it takes for the universe to push two people together. How can this not be inspiring?
  7. Just trust that the rituals work. Doubt will destroy the result.

We turn cleaning and cooking into magic

The Slavs took such seemingly routine household chores as cleaning and cooking very seriously. Every action of a girl or woman was filled with sacred meaning. While preparing dinner or breakfast, the hostess thought only about the good and whispered different words in the family. And with cleaning, the girl cleaned not only the house, but also her relationship with her husband. Cleaning the house of dirt was perceived as a sacred act. It was believed that by cleaning the house, the wife tied her husband's heart to herself and the home.

As you clean the apartment, feel love for it. Take care of where you live. Express love for life and your home, be grateful to it. Even if it does not have repairs or expensive things. The house warms you with warmth, protects you from wind, dirt, and danger.

gratitude ritual

It is known that the great physicist Albert Einstein said words of gratitude at least 100 times a day. He also proved that everything in the world consists of energy, and to get something, you just need to tune in to the desired frequency of perception. The trend "Transsurfing" that has been fashionable in the last few years adheres to the same theory. The author says that a person highlights a certain probability of an event with his thoughts. The magical ritual of gratitude for what is already present in life helps to activate contented thinking. Take a piece of paper and make a list of things you can be grateful for here and now. Gratitude for an unfulfilled dream is a guarantee that the desire will be fulfilled. Don't worry about how things will turn out. You do not think about how the plane works, flying from one point to another. Gratitude for the little things that we used to not notice sometimes work better than any witchcraft.

Ritual for the fulfillment of any request

This simple magic ritual for the fulfillment of a wish has been tested and works. All you need is a little imagination and emotion. Imagine a beautiful clear lake with clear water. Higher powers gathered above him. It doesn't matter how they look. You are inside this clear water and write a wish on a piece of paper. There are several rules here: the desire should not contain the particle "not" and be in the affirmative form. For example, it would be correct to say: "We have an excellent relationship with my husband," and not: "I want my husband not to devote much time to TV." Place the wish leaf in a pretty bottle or maybe a gem, don't limit your subconscious mind, let it figure out what to put the leaf in. Imagine a container with a leaf in your hands and throw it with force onto the surface of the water. The more emotions there are, the faster the desire will become a reality. The most important thing here is just to observe the situation and how it unfolds in the right direction.

Aromatherapy to Attract What You Want

Use the magic of aromas to attract the right events into your life:

Lace of desires

This ritual belongs to the Simoron, that is, to the comic, but effective. Buy a pair of regular shoe laces from the store. You can take any shoelaces, even old ones, but it is better to buy new ones. Pink, and green, and purple will do, but black is better not to take.

Take one string in your hand and make a wish. Choose your favorite place in the room and tie a string. While you are tying the knots, say to yourself: "I am tying the lace, I am tying the desire to myself." The mechanisms of the Universe will spin the energy in the direction of your desire.

Ritual to attract what you want

For this magical ritual, you will need a red pen or marker, a piece of paper. Formulate the desire in a positive way and in the present tense, as described above. Write it on a piece of paper with a marker or pen. Go to any door that is in the house. Hang up your paper and stand opposite. Speak your desire as loudly as possible, feel the emotions. Open the door and boldly step over the threshold. That's all! You are in another reality, where the plan already exists.

Bath sheet

Another Simoron ritual. Take a thin sheet of paper and cut out a leaf from it. Clearly formulate your desire and fix it (remember the expression about the bath leaf?).

magic mirror

Magic mirrors aren't just at Hogwarts. Take a powder box with a mirror, rinse it thoroughly under the tap. You can imagine that you wash off all the dirt from it. This is done to flush information. Write with eyeliner your desire in a short form, but as if it has already come true. For example: "I have a good job", "I am a bride" and so on. Every time you look in the mirror, repeat your desire, sincerely admiring yourself.

Why is there no money?

Have you noticed this picture: money sticks to one person, job offers, lucrative contracts constantly come. And the other works in the sweat of his brow, but there is still no money. There is no way to just save them. As if something is interfering. All that interferes is a disrespectful, neglectful attitude towards money, and negative programs. Magic rituals for money will help establish the right relationship with

How it works? How often do you use such phrases: “I don’t need money”, “Money is water”, “What are your inner beliefs for me? Maybe you consider yourself incapable of anything or that the business that you would like to do will not bring you money, so every day you have to go to unloved work, give your life for money, hate your life Tomorrow is no different from the day after tomorrow and yesterday Have you often been told that money does not come easily? that they have material well-being?Do you feel angry when you see the attributes of a successful life in other people?Review carefully all your statements about this and replace them with positive attitudes, for example:

Praise yourself for small successes, notice progress. You should also consider the following simple rules:

  1. Have you ever noticed that all wealthy people are very careful? This is not an accident. Money loves cleanliness and order.
  2. Count money more often, hold it in your hands, concentrate on these sensations.
  3. Keep your money in one place: do not scatter it in your pockets.
  4. Get only one wallet.
  5. Do not keep receipts from purchases and photos of relatives in your wallet.
  6. The best color for a wallet is brown, black, green, gold color.
  7. Get a good wallet. Cheap carries the energy of poverty and does not have to receive abundance.
  8. Spend money with ease and joy.
  9. Money is a means to get a dream. Find a big dream, find ways to generate income.
  10. Do not keep broken dishes in the house and do not wear leaky things.
  11. Don't keep trash in your wallet or pockets.
  12. Get rid of single things: for example, half-broken sets, an old slipper on the balcony.
  13. Do not accumulate junk in closets, this creates energy blockages that prevent money from coming into your wallet.

Magic is performed on a full moon or on a growing moon. A few rituals to attract money to the house:

Conspiracy for money abundance

This simple ritual is carried out right in the morning. Stand in the center of the room and raise your hands up. You personify the funnel where the Universe sends its gifts. Close your eyes. Say, "I'm open to money abundance, so be it." After that, imagine how banknotes come into your hands. Make them as specific as possible. Don't be in a hurry. When you're done, say "Done" with your palms together. Open your eyes and do what you do every day.

Money ritual for success in business and business

The following money ritual does not require any special paraphernalia, with the exception of a wax candle. Green is best, but if you couldn’t find one, take an ordinary church one. Take a sheet of paper equal in size to a banknote (just circle the banknote in your wallet and cut it out). On one side, write your name, on the other - the amount of money you need. Fill the leaf with candle wax. While it drips, say to yourself: "I have." Then put the sheet in the wallet with the money so that the wax does not bend or break. After a while, the financial situation will improve.

Rituals to attract love

Love is what drives a person throughout life. Many beautiful girls fail to attract the energy of love into their lives. Magic will help. All techniques are very simple, but require pure thoughts and good mood, calmness.

Ritual with a white flower

This method of attracting love has been known since medieval times. For this beautiful ritual, you need to purchase any white flower. Relationships will be built on purity, sincerity of tenderness. Wait for the growing moon or new moon. Friday is perfect - it is ruled by Venus. We put the flower on the balcony or window sill so that moonlight falls on it. Ask the higher powers from the bottom of your heart to send you love. At dawn, put your flower in a book. It can be a bible or any other book aimed at spiritual growth and development. The flower must be in the book before the new moon. On the next new moon, take a flower from the book, scatter the petals in your palm, saying: "I give you, shining spirit, part of my dream. I ask you, fulfilling spirit, the triumph of love." Tell in detail what qualities your ideal chosen one should have, and blow the white petals out the open window. The ritual promises that over the next month you will find happiness.

For a loved one to call in marriage

Swans are a symbol of love and fidelity. Their feathers will help in the event that the chosen one is sent to you by fate, but for some reason is pulling with a marriage proposal. Take a photo of your beloved, draw a pen, while saying the text of the conspiracy: "If you are my destiny, fasten our love with sacred bonds." Repeat three times.

To see the betrothed in a dream

For this magical rite, a deck of cards is needed. The number of cards in the pile does not matter. Most importantly, it should not be played. It's best to buy a new one. Take out the jack of diamonds from the deck. Before you go to bed, clean yourself up. Put on a nice shirt, comb your hair, put on your favorite ring, chain, or any other piece of jewelry. Take a card and say: "Come narrowed, come disguised. Put it under your pillow and go to bed.

Water glass technique

A universal ritual for the fulfillment of any desire. This will require clean water, but from the tap will not work. If there is no spring, you can use thawed. Water is able to hear and perceive information. This is the whole point. Write your wish in present tense. For example: "I'm dating the man of my dreams." Place the leaf under a glass of water. Hold your palms towards each other, but so that the hands do not touch. With the help of images, create a magic ball, imagine it, feel it with your palms. Repeat the wish out loud or read it. Place your palms on either side of the glass without touching it. Now imagine that the water is receiving energy, then drink it.

Rituals for health

Unless otherwise specified in the ritual, all magical rituals, conspiracies aimed at gaining health are performed on the waning moon.

Magic health rituals are divided into the prevention of a possible illness and the treatment of an existing one.

  • The first ritual uses maple leaves. They must be fresh. On each of them, write down the name of one disease and put it in a jar or vase without water. Diseases will dry up. After the bouquet dries, give it to the earth, bury it, or burn it, and spread the ashes.
  • For the next ceremony, you will need tea. Any that is in the house at your discretion. Take the refined. Concentrate on a piece of sugar, taking it in hand. Imagine that this is your disease. Call sugar your disease and add it to your tea. Stir the tea, with these words: "As tea dissolves sugar, so my health drives out the disease."

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you about the rituals of magic, where cat hair is used, or the animal itself (in magical lure, for example). Love spells, quarrels are made on a cat, animal hair is used in rituals of money magic to attract good luck and money.

Some even think that cats remove damage.

Well, at the expense of removing damage, this is hardly. Removing the induced negativity is not an easy procedure; in order to remove damage, certain magical rituals of cleansing are used. But the fact that the cat feels the spell or damage - this is probably true. By his behavior, the cat about the changes that have occurred to him. Those who are in the subject will understand what changes we are talking about.

So, the cat will not be able to remove the damage. He doesn't have that kind of power. However, the cat is certainly capable of mitigating the impact of negativity. If she is on good terms with a person, she can take the blow and the power of a witchcraft attack. Depending on how hard the blow is, she can get sick or even die.

Magicians actively use cat energy in love magic. The mystical power of these predators is suitable for both home love spells and love spells. You can do this in such a way that a person will not even have suspicions that you are conjuring. To seduce a man you like, rub your palms on the cat's fur until it heats up, and then touch the bare part of the man's body. Soon the lover himself will offer you intimacy.

And in order to cool the ardor of a lover, you need to catch a red or gray cat, bring it to this person and let it be stroked. Then release the cat, saying after him:

“As the cat went over the threshold, so the love (name) for (name) left. As the cat ran away, so love ran away. Truly."

And if a black cat lives in your house, then the lapel can be made like this: hold the right ear of the cat with your palm, and whisper the name of the one from whose love and whose claims you want to get rid of in the left. And then let the cat go in the direction where the sun is at that moment. In the same way, other people's relationships can be destroyed.

Ancient treatises on witchcraft are kept, which knowledgeable people use in love magic. The energy of the cat can be used to increase male power. One of the effective means is an amulet in the form of an amulet filled with wool from the tail of a red cat. A man should always have a love amulet with him.

About why you can not look into the eyes of a cat and other restrictions

The eyes of a cat are called windows to the other world, in her eyes mysticism is frightening and attracting a person, here. Watching a cat, its behavior, you can learn a lot - about the weather, about illness and health, about the arrival of guests, and about the luck that will soon smile at you.

Many thousands of years ago, people realized that cats are endowed with magical powers. They were worshiped, considering them both the messengers of the bright gods and the messengers of the dark ones. People are intrigued and excited by the inexplicable magnetism of these animals. And one of the manifestations of the magic of cats is their bewitching cat eyes.

Why can't you look a cat in the eyes?

Let's try to find answers. Despite the fact that domestic cats look like cute creatures, in reality they are not as harmless as they seem. The instincts of a hunter, an invader are very strong in them, at certain moments a cat can instantly transform into an aggressor. As a rule, this happens if she feels threatened. When a cat is looked at from close range for a long time, it may attack. And if you put aside all the mysticism and signs, here's a simple answer for you, why can't you look a cat in the eye: they regard a direct and long look as a threat.

In nature, so - with a long unblinking look - opponents preparing for a fight look at each other. And if a person looks too long into the eyes of a cat, she will answer. In addition, do not forget that cats are very vindictive creatures. Mistaking your gaze for a threat, she will not forget it. So, expect constant intrigues, the cat will try to take a dominant position.

Much has been said about the hypnotic gaze of these animals. The eyes of small predators are like a pool, shimmering with mother-of-pearl and light, burning with demonic fire in the night. These eyes attract, intoxicate, enchant. But, you should not test either the cat or fate.

You can’t look into the eyes of a cat, and I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, gave the answer - why. In addition to the prohibition of staring, there are other points that should be avoided when interacting with a small predator.

Why does a cat stare into your eyes

Surely you have noticed that cats sometimes look into your eyes. This intent, sharp, studying look is not always clear. It is not always clear what lies behind it. If we forget about mysticism for a moment, then the explanation can be given in the simplest way: cat looks into human eyes, trying in this way to attract his attention when he needs something: food, affection, or help (for example, you need to open the door so that the cat can leave the room). If you are careful, you can understand what the cat wants from you.

If this is the first meeting, then the cat looks at the person in order to understand his attitude towards him. And also in order to find out who is in charge. Once in the family, the cat determines by observation who is the master in the house, and then, depending on this, builds its relationships with all its inhabitants.

Love spell through a cat

Let me give you an example of a homemade love spell on a cat. This is a kind of independent love spell, which works in the likeness: what happens to an animal, it should happen to a person. This love dog can be made for your loved one's cat. This method is also suitable to bewitch a girl. To make a love spell, treat your loved one's cat or cat with something that he loves and will accept from you (meat, cheese, fish). First, you need to speak a delicacy, and after the conspiracy, give a piece to the animal.

Read the words of a love spell conspiracy with the help of a cat, three times:

“God gives and God takes. Eat, cat (nickname), fresh meat, tasty and tender meat. Eat the whole piece, don't think, don't choke, don't stumble, swallow the whole piece and rejoice. As you rejoice, cat (nickname), so does your master (name) to me, with lust inflames, but he burns only with me. God has given, God will not take away, as long as I (name) my lover (name) love and desire. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Another version of the text of a conspiracy for a person’s magic spell with the help of his cat’s conspiracy:

“For everything that is given, the payment is due. I treat you, cat (nickname), from the heart, so that you become joyful. And as you (nickname) rejoice, so your master (name) will love me. It will ignite with passion, with its thoughts (name) will turn to me, desire me, reach out to me. May it be so forever. And so it is. Amen to my word. Amen to my deeds."

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Love spell at a distance on a tuft of cat hair

love magic and black cat like halves of one whole. However, not only black wool is used in love spells. Wool of any color is suitable. For a magical rite, you need to have 2 candles and a piece of cat hair. Put the wool in a clean envelope. Also, you will need a saucer. On one candle, scratch your name, on the other - the name of the person bewitched with the help of a cat. They make an independent love spell for a loved one on the growing moon.

Light a candle with your name on it, and then light a candle with the name of your boyfriend from it. From the flame of both candles, set fire to an envelope with cat hair, put it on a saucer. And, as long as the envelope is burning, read the words of the love spell conspiracy three times with the help of cat hair:

“The paper burns out, my beloved (name) remembers me (name). Cats scratch his soul, he is called to me. (Name) cannot live without me, cannot overcome love longing. To be with me and a clear day, and a dark night. As she said, so it happened. Truly."

All representatives of the cat and, of course, black cat in magic in attracting money and good luck in business, great helpers. Here is an independent ritual for money for cat hair.

Black cat in money magic - attract good luck on cat hair

Independently do a money ritual to attract success in business on the growing moon. Comb the cat, and at the same time read the words of a white conspiracy to attract money and luck in business:

“How much wool comes off the cat, so much life will come to me (name). Come, live before me on the first day and on the second, on the third and fourth, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the young month and the waning one. All days are for me. Amen".

Then, after the wool is collected and the money conspiracy is pronounced, you need to melt a little natural wax in a water bath, put the cat's hair in it, roll up the ball, put it in the amulet and carry it with you.

There is an old folk belief that cats bring success in trading. To attract buyers, you need the cat to walk over the product. Such goods in the store will not be stale, they will quickly disperse with a good profit.

Home ritual for wealth on the blood of a cat

The money ceremony is done for blood from the birth of kittens. An independent ritual is strong, has very good reviews from those who did it at home, unwinds for about 4 weeks, the effect lasts up to 2-3 months, there is a significant monetary gain and good luck in business. The blood that a cat sheds during childbirth is endowed with magical powers. It is possible through that blood to cause damage and destroy a person, it is possible to send ruin to the trade of the enemy. And you can attract money for yourself through that blood, make good luck in business.

When the cat lambs, they take a rag from under it, wrap any coin in a rag, tie it in a knot and bury it under the roots of an oak tree. When the rag is tied in a knot, they read the text of a conspiracy to attract money and success into their lives over it:

“The cat’s blood is secret, but it’s marked by force if the cat is marked with fertility, so my money is fruitful, yes, cats are born from the womb, so my money grows by the count, the cat shelves are uncounted, so dark darkness, if they are collected, so, yes, it is multiplied by dimensionless, since everything accumulated, then my life is marked with gold, but everything is forever with money, which I bless will profit. tacos the master will help me. if everything goes well, let the cat's decree come true. knitted with a knot, and then fastened with oak. Amen".

You need to read the words of the money conspiracy as many times as the kittens were born to your cat. Bury a rag under a healthy strong oak. An old ritual for attracting money to your family, worked out by many generations by a sorcerer, and therefore the effect is good.

The role of the cat in magical rituals and beliefs about cats

By themselves, cats in magic are neither bad nor good. They are just the way they are, they exist in this world next to people, and the result of communication depends on how people treat them. And cats are very sensitive to human attitudes. If the dog forgives his master, then the cat will never do this, and will turn its magical power against him. If you are serious about having this animal in your home for magical purposes, you need to know which cat to take with you.

  • Black cats are conductors of all kinds of magical energy. A lot depends on the internal state of a person, his capabilities and goals. If a successful person has a black cat, he will bring good luck to his owner. If the owner of a black cat turns out to be a person who is constantly unlucky, and he is already subconsciously set up in advance for failure in this or that business, the cat will strengthen this negative energy. And this is not just a folk belief about black cats; this is verified by practice and observations of knowledgeable people. Black cats protect the house from thieves. A very useful feature.

Very often in the current situation it seems that there is no way out. Everything piles up at once, problems, illnesses, and you don’t know how to get rid of them.

Today I will share with you, dear readers, some magical rituals that help cleanse the house of negative energy, protect it from the evil eye, depression, stress, and evil tongues.

To believe or not to believe, everyone decides for himself. Although it is not in vain that they say that true faith works miracles! Proof of this is the amazing stories of people with healing.

Powerful magical ritual

There is an old strong magical rite. In addition, thanks to the energy of fire and faith, inner relief comes, cleansing from negativity.

The technique is very powerful, so use it only in extreme cases and preferably during a big Orthodox holiday.

It consists of two parts: the first is performed at home, and the second - in the temple.

Buy 15 consecrated candles and at home on each read the prayer "Our Father" to the words inclusive "... and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

Already in the church, arrange and light in a certain order, with faith, reading prayers with all your heart:

Above the first, second - any "For the rest."

Above the third-fifth - "Honest Life-Giving Cross."

How to arrange?

The first is for the repose of dead enemies in the past and this life.

The second is for the repose of all deceased relatives in the past and this life.

The third is for the health of enemies.

The fourth is for the health and well-being of relatives and friends.

Fifth - for your health.

The sixth - to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ with gratitude and repentance.

The seventh - to the icon of the Mother of God, reading 5 times “Virgin Mary, rejoice”

Eighth - to the icon of the Archangel Michael with a request for help.

The ninth - to the icon of the Archangel Raphael with a prayer to him.

The tenth - to her guardian angel, asking for support and protection.

Eleventh - to the icon of Panteleimon the healer on health.

The twelfth - to the icon of St. Nicholas for the fulfillment of desires.

The thirteenth - to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov with a prayer to him.

The fourteenth - to the icon of Sergius of Radonezh with a prayer to him.

Holding the last fifteenth candle, light it in your hands and pray for the forgiveness of sins and for the help of the Lord with your own hands.

Do not leave this candle in the church, take it home and light it again in the bedroom, reading "Our Father" and "Honest Life-Giving Cross" until it burns out. Imagine that all hardships, troubles, burn with a flame.

Magic ritual for weight loss

Ritual for excess weight.

“In a wide expanse, in a clean field, a linden grew. Under that linden tree there were oak tables covered with silk tablecloths. All tables are lined with cups of silver and gold dishes. In the cups of those wines are poured honey, and on the dishes are swans, pies and other royal food.

I will get up, the servant of God (name), in the morning, I will leave the yard, blessed, go out the doors, go through the gates, lock them with reliable, strong locks, golden keys.

It’s not the doors, but the gates that I lock, it’s I that shade my eyes so as not to look at the oak tables, at the silk tablecloths, at the goblets with honey, and at the dishes with delicacies. I will close my hunger and my thirst, I will be satisfied with black bread and drink clean water, and I will not even touch anything else. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After that, extinguish the candle, wrap the cinder in the paper on which the words were written and put it under the pillow. Do not remove the amulet until you lose as much weight as you want.

Magic rituals for stress and negativity

To calm the heart.

If you have experienced severe stress, to relieve stress you need to do the following. Pour into a liter jar of water. Say the words: “Water, water, sister of the earth. Take away from me, servant of God, everything bad, everything bad. Thank you".

Light a candle and place it nearby. Break an egg into a jar (preferably homemade), wrap your arms around it and relax. Sit for 5-7 minutes without crossing your legs. Don't look at the contents of the jar. Then pour it outside in the place where there are birds (preferably crows). The action is performed once.

A black streak can come in a person’s life, when another comes after one misfortune. To protect the premises, you often need to fumigate it with dry wormwood, juniper, thistle. You can burn with a candle, bypassing the room around the perimeter, starting from the front door. Go clockwise, drawing crosses and reading "Our Father".

In places where the flame smokes and crackles, stay longer.

You can sprinkle rooms with holy water.

If a curse was sent to your address, then mentally say: “There is a circle around me, it was not I who drew it, but my Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

There is protection from obscene words. Say mentally three times to your aggressor, looking at the bridge of his nose: “It rolled, it bounced off, it rolled over you. Amen".

The best magical ritual

The biofield can be strengthened.

With fire, you can independently clean and strengthen your biofield. Take the candle in your right hand, draw along the contour of the body, starting from the head, then along the left arm, then the legs. Then - along the right leg and the right side surface.

Shifting the candle to the left hand, surround the right hand with fire, then return to the crown of the head. Again, shift the candle to the right, make three, five or seven circular movements clockwise above the head, at the forehead, throat, chest, stomach, pubis and tailbone (that is, all 7 chakras). Clean the candle from soot and leave to burn out to the end.

And wrap the soot in paper and throw it into the river or stream, turning over your left shoulder.

If the body and soul of a person are healthy, the candle burns with a high flame, without forming droplets. If there are influxes - not all is well. She began to smoke with black smoke - it means that there is a disease in the internal organs, they must be treated. When the fire goes out, you need to repent, ask for forgiveness from those who have offended, and forgive those who have offended you.

When heavy obsessive thoughts overcome, negative emotions crush, it was a difficult day - wash your face, light a candle and look at the flame. It will cleanse the negativity in the soul and thoughts. The candle should be of such length that the flame, when you are sitting, is opposite your eyes: look at it not from above, but from the side. Mentally ask to release you from experiences, resentment. Let all the bad burn in the fire.

And after a while you will feel better. If you feel tired, stressed, perform this cleansing daily and every other day for two weeks. You will notice that your health and relationships with other people will improve.

An unkind word, thought or look leaves a mark on the person to whom they are sent. He may feel bad, be depressed. But, most likely, this is not damage (since it is difficult to bring it on), but the negative influence of someone else's energy.

5 prayers that can be found in the prayer book will help to remove this state:

  • Symbol of faith;
  • Let God Resurrect;
  • Alive in help;
  • To the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • Our Father.

Why these particular prayers? For humanity, they are like a code - an entrance to the bioinformation field. They heal, save from slander, evil eye, damage. During any healing magical ritual, you need to constantly read them.

What do you need to have?

Water. It must be consecrated or taken on Epiphany night in a well, a key. Preferably from 4 am to 6 am.

Salt. Contains strong internal energy. Before the magic ritual, it must be calcined in a pan for 10 minutes at midnight.

Knife and scissors. With their help, the entrance to evil forces is closed.

Beeswax. Draws out negative energy and sends it as a boomerang to the one who sent it.

The one from whom the damage is removed should sit with his back to the north. Under his chair, you need to put a knife with a point on the way out to the door, scissors (with rounded ends on the way out), a small cross, a candle. Next to the table put another knife, put a bowl of water.

Melt the wax in a bowl. Cross the bowl of water with a knife, surround the person's head clockwise three times. Then, holding the bowl with your left hand above your head, pour the wax from the pan clockwise into the water with your right.

After half a minute, put the bowl that was held over your head to the side, wait until the wax hardens on the water. Gently turn it over with a knife and carefully examine the underside. Here you can see the cause of a person's malaise - there is a chance that the resulting patterns will suggest this.

Repeat the magic ritual and also consider the second circle of wax. There will already be fewer patterns on it, because someone else's evil gradually disappears in the process of actions. And for the third time, melt the wax, do everything in the same way as in the previous times, only carry the container with wax not around the head, but from the feet to the head 3 times. The third portion of the hardened wax should be different, if it is completely smooth, the ceremony can be completed. If not, repeat until the bottom surface of the wax is gone.

Magic ritual from the evil eye

The most ordinary things at home can reliably protect against negative effects that can be harmful to health. We need a regular pin and a candle.

At midnight, light a church candle, hold the pin over the flame for several minutes. Then drip three drops of wax into the eye of the pin, reading the plot:

“Guardian angel, deliverer from all evil hearts. Stand before me, cover with your reliable protection. Avoid my spoken words."

After the ceremony, the wax does not need to be removed, it will go away by itself. It is necessary to check the pin, if it is unfastened, it should be thrown away and replaced with a new one. And if it has changed color, covered with rust, it means that it has completed its task.

I would like to note another strong protection - clothes inside out. Many consider this a bad omen, attracting misfortune, problems. A bad omen works only if it is done unconsciously, when we do not notice that we put on something wrong.

But if a thing is put on inside out on purpose, it will bring health and happiness.

A pin is the easiest way to protect against negativity and the evil eye. To protect yourself from negativity and maintain health, you need to buy a new pin or use an old, family one.

Magic rituals from damage, evil eye, negativity

1) A strong amulet against damage, the evil eye, read on a new candle.

“I am speaking to the servant of God (name) from all sorcerers, sorcerers, from the croaking raven, from the ascetic and the ascetic, from the old man and the old woman. I send from the servant of God (name) everyone to walk through the forest, take the tinder from the ground, bother my head. As long as the servant of God (name) is alive, do not mutilate him, do not bewitch, do not get drunk, do not spoil him by word or deed, neither by spruce, nor by aspen, nor by a stake, nor by a candle, nor on Kupala night, nor on Christmas time, nor in one a day that is given for spoilage. Word and deed. Amen".

With the power of these words, you can resist various energy attacks.

2) When you need to put protection on the whole family and avert trouble, cleanse the house of negativity, damage, evil eye, bad luck, lack of money, illnesses, you can use “broom candles” and fill the house with the energy of support and protection.

To make such a whisk is simple. You need to take a few candles: one for the house, one for yourself, one for loved ones in whose well-being you are interested. Any colour. It is better to take small ones (or cut a large one into the right amount).

Take candles, mentally say everything you need to get rid of. At this time, constantly think that the whisk will sweep away all your problems and clean your house. Open windows and doors so that all the accumulated negativity can leave. When finished, immediately take out the remnants of the candles in the trash.

Then light a white or red candle to fill the house with the energy of well-being and to protect it. Let it burn a little and put it out, so that later you can use it any time you need protection at home.

3) It happens that you only boast of good health and immediately fall ill. To resist the self-evil eye, there is a proven technique: spit three times over your left shoulder, knock on wood, bite your tongue lightly.

There is also an old conspiracy. You need to stand in front of a mirror with a lit candle and, looking at your image, say three times: “The mirror world, take the cursed evil eye, plant it with you, hold it tight, don’t let go anywhere, don’t return back. Amen".

Magic ritual for health

It is believed that if a person has a strong amulet, then he is not afraid of either damage or the evil eye, and illnesses and troubles are bypassed. How to make such a charm with your own hands? The master of alternative medicine offers the following amulet.

Wax is an energy sponge that absorbs any information. Using it to make a doll, it creates its own energy phantom that protects us.

You need to take only church candles (do not buy them on Parents' Saturdays and All Souls' Days).

Women should make a doll on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). Men - on men's (Tuesday, Thursday).

You can create such a charm for yourself and for a loved one.

The rite is performed on the growing moon or on the full moon.

There should be a good mood and a calm environment. Appliances must be turned off.

Take three candles (light the fourth nearby). If the room is cold, before starting, they should be dipped in water (36 degrees to soften slightly).

Place all candles wick up. Put the first two on top of each other with a cross. To fix them with the third, bandaging them with a conditional figure eight.

Get the letter "J". The upper ends of the two candles are the arms, the lower ends are the legs, the figure eight is the head and torso.

“Now you are me, all my trouble goes to you.”

After that, the doll should be dressed (sew her a suit or dress). Be sure to wear a headdress.

Such a charm should always be with you, wherever you go, do not go. In order not to damage, sew a bag made of natural fabric.

Once a month, take out the doll and read the naming spell.

An indicator that the doll has taken the disease is the wax color has changed. In this case, it must be burned with the words:

“She took it away with wax, annealed it with fire, from me, a servant of God, the evil eye, damage, disease took away.”

When you burn a doll, you need to order a magpie in the church about your health.

Conclusion: magical rituals are inherited, they are able to remove damage, expel diseases, attract love, money. The main thing to remember is that whatever you do, there will be consequences. For hate - hate, for good - good.

Sincerely, Olga.

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