Shop selling T-shirts with original inscriptions. Choosing equipment for printing on T-shirts

A T-shirt with an interesting inscription is an original gift that suits everyone. Such a souvenir will always be popular, and a T-shirt business can be very profitable, moreover, it will not require too large initial investments to develop it.

How much does a t-shirt business cost?

The main investment will require only the purchase of equipment for printing patterns on T-shirts. The entrepreneur will need:

  • computer or laptop - you can choose the most common one, which costs no more than 12-15 thousand rubles
  • photo printer - it must be equipped with a CISS - a continuous ink supply system, and such a unit costs from 7.5 thousand rubles (ink for such a printer will cost 3 thousand rubles - for a six-color set)
  • thermal press - a business on T-shirts should be started with a unit with a good heating area, and this will cost 30-40 thousand rubles (there are cheaper models on sale, but they do not give very good print quality)

In addition, you will need to spend money on the t-shirts themselves. The price of one is 250 rubles, and you will need a lot of different T-shirts, so it’s better to immediately count on the purchase of a batch of at least 1 thousand pieces. In such a situation, you can count on a discount from the supplier, and the price of one T-shirt can drop to 200 rubles.

And, of course, about 20-30 thousand rubles will need to be allocated for renting premises for a store - you can make money on T-shirts by renting a very tiny area where it is enough to place samples of finished products and a small counter. To save money on rent, you can install a heat press at home, and only collect print orders in the store itself.

When it comes to profits, the T-shirt business pays off fairly quickly. The price of finished products depends on how many copies the client ordered, and one T-shirt can be sold for 500-600 rubles, but wholesale buyers can be offered discounts. So, for example, buying 20 T-shirts at once can include a price of 450 rubles apiece, buying 50 at 400 rubles, etc. The main goal is to win customers, and then the orders will be constant, and the income will be excellent.

In general, it is enough for a businessman to reach the level of sales in the amount of 5-7 T-shirts daily. Then, even with their minimum cost (for example, 400 rubles), you can count on a monthly profit of 60-85 thousand rubles. Such income will allow you to recoup the initial investment in the first few months of operation, after which it will be possible to count on a net profit. And even if you work seasonally - for example, only in the summer - you can earn solid capital on T-shirts, which will allow you to develop this business and create entire chains of stores that are in constant demand.

T-shirts have long been an indispensable attribute of almost any guy's wardrobe. They are worn daily, and it is impossible to call this product very seasonal, since it sells well in the winter season. In this article, we will look at how to organize a business selling T-shirts and develop it in your city. And also, we will conclude whether it is profitable to do this or not.

Business Format

If we talk about the format of building a business, then in the age of modern technology it has changed significantly. And this is not a common phrase, since t-shirts are the perfect item to sell online. At the moment, offline stores that rent retail space create online stores and groups on social networks. With the help of contextual advertising and search engine optimization, as well as through the use of SMM techniques, the T-shirt trade reaches a new level of sales and allows the owners of such stores to earn substantial amounts. A large number of orders come from other cities and popular courier services are used for their delivery, the price for delivery in which is very small.

The second point in this business is that in addition to buying ready-made factory goods, you can sell T-shirts with prints that are applied using special equipment. We will talk about this direction a little lower. This expands the assortment of the store and is the main solution for working through the Internet. The person chooses the print and color of the T-shirt, after which you apply the image and send it to the client through the delivery service.

Room search

For a T-shirt business, you will need to find a location in a mall or clothing market. If the main focus is on online sales, then you can generally work in a small office somewhere on the outskirts, but for a store, it is better to find a pre-owned area of ​​​​15 sq.m.

From the trading equipment you will need:

  • special racks for hanging an assortment of T-shirts and T-shirts.
  • hangers;
  • cash machine;
  • staff furniture.

From additional:

  • packages for packing goods;
  • gift wrap.

This equipment is suitable if you only sell factory goods, but if you want to start a business selling printed T-shirts, you will need to purchase equipment for printing images on textiles.

There are several technologies for applying patterns to textiles:

  • digital direct printing;
  • silk-screen printing, silk-screen printing;
  • computer embroidery;
  • thermal application, thermal transfer;
  • sublimation printing.

From the equipment to start you will need:

  • DTG printer - cost about $11,500. We consider good models for doing business.
  • ink - the average cost is $ 230 per 1000 ml.
  • pre-treatment liquid - $55 per 1000 ml.
  • polymer coating - about $ 50 per 1000 ml.

Consumables for printing on T-shirts:

  • print heads;
  • ink supply system;
  • protective paper;
  • cleansing swabs;
  • pipettes and more.

As you can see, if you decide to open a business selling T-shirts with a pattern, then the amount of investment will not be small. The amounts were considered for equipment from PolyPrint, a Greek manufacturer of printing equipment for business.

Range and suppliers

In order to fill the shop windows, you will need to purchase the required volume of goods, which in turn has a certain classification. So according to their purpose, they are divided into men's, women's and children's.

In form it is: T-shirts, T-shirts, polo, sweatshirts.

You should have t-shirts in various colors in your assortment.

Also, often goods are classified according to the print that is applied to textiles: images of brands, games, TV shows, holidays and other things. The catalog is usually huge, but in fact there are several dozen running options.

From the additional assortment in winter, you can sell sweatshirts, caps, etc.


To promote a T-shirt store, you can use various methods, including the distribution of leaflets, a bright sign, and discount banners.

An excellent channel for attracting customers can be an online store, which will present your range of products. This site can be promoted using search engine optimization or contextual advertising.

T-shirts are usually not expensive and sell well through communities, such as Vkontakte.

What start-up capital is needed?

We will indicate the main sources of costs when opening a T-shirt store. Focusing on them, you can recalculate the costs for your business.

  • Room rental - $200 - $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salary to the seller - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods - $4000 - $6000
  • Purchase of equipment - $800 - $1000
  • Advertising - $450 (+ Internet advertising)
  • Purchase of equipment for printing on T-shirts - from $ 13,000

How much can you earn?

Earnings will depend on many factors, this is the range and, first of all, the quality of T-shirts and their price. There is still seasonality in this business, and during the spring-summer period, you will receive maximum profit.

The average markup on T-shirts is 60% - 90%.

Conclusions. The business of selling T-shirts, including prints, is a good start, but still, if we talk about drawing, then you will need to not only invest a lot of money, but also learn how to do all the work and also maintain all this equipment.

What can you say about this business? We are waiting for your answers in the comments.

In this article, we will consider the question: how to open an online t-shirt store and provide a minimum business plan to start.

Market features

Thinking about starting your own business? But what to choose with minimal investment? There is a great solution - the creation of an online T-shirt store. This type of clothing is quite popular among both young people and older age groups. This piece of clothing is universal and everyone has it. In stores and on the Internet, you can find a huge selection. But even such a quantity of goods cannot satisfy the tastes of everyone and everyone. You can be the person who will create exclusive T-shirts suitable for a specific person or group of people.

Business model

Choosing a business model:


Open IP,
We create our site:
  • blog selling group in social networks. At the moment, there are many options for creating your own site - from a professional, or try it yourself through platforms such as Moguta.CMS, etc. For the first time, the simplest platforms will help you out (they require minimal financial investments), later you can transfer your site to a more advanced resource.
  • You can also open your online store using special services:,, AliExpress, Amazon.

We expose product samples, describe services and prices, promote with the help of advertising (Yandex, Google, VK, FB, our own page, bloggers, partnerships with sites on similar topics). We receive orders.


Agree with the manufacturer on the terms of cooperation. In our opinion, it is better to agree not on a fixed salary, but on a percentage of sales. So the incentive to work is higher.


Here I advise an affiliate program: you earn on the number of clicks - transitions, or on a percentage of the sale.

The target audience

This niche covers a large target audience: from children to the elderly. Depending on the age and interests of the potential client, the amount for one product will vary.

Teenagers. T-shirts are not only their daily wear, but also a means of self-expression. You need to be aware of all the latest in pop culture to know what you can offer them: a print with a sensational movie, quotes, just beautiful phrases (the main thing is that the font is beautiful), popular actors and singers, memes, etc.

adults. This group prefers simple and stylish things. Most often they buy comfortable clothes in casual style. But they most often prefer to give exclusive gifts: a T-shirt with a joint photo, thematic (for example, for a bachelorette party).

The price of a T-shirt will depend on the complexity of its manufacture (material, picture), but usually it is no more than 1000-1500 rubles. Such affordable prices will attract a wide audience to you.

Major competitors in the industry

Pooblika. This is a well-known store that is more focused on corporate orders. Revenue for 2017 - 10 million rubles. 90% of revenue is corporate orders. 149 thousand rubles - the average bill for corporate orders.
Jamaica. T-shirt printing studio in St. Petersburg. Oriented to the common man and the company. They help with design development, with delivery and offer a wide choice of payment methods.

Find a supplier

One of the most important points. It is necessary to find a supplier who guarantees quality, price and delivery on time. The Internet will tell you this (forums, search engines, word of mouth). You can also use these resources:,,, . Do not forget to check all the information and carefully discuss all the terms of cooperation.

Find staff

If you are going to sell finished goods, then you will only need one more person - an assistant who will help you organize and develop your business. If you're going to sell custom t-shirts, you'll need a designer. While you are at the start, you will be supported by a couple of people. With the successful development of your business and when you reach a new level, you cannot do without an order processing manager and an accountant. You, of course, can be "one for all", but as you promote the case, you will have to spend more and more time on it. You don't want your life to be lost in everyday work, do you? Therefore, look for capable people and delegate some of your responsibilities to them.

Select payment services

Many people now shop online. To do this, you need to decide on the method: plastic cards, bank transfers, electronic money, payment terminals. The most popular are options 1 and 3. If you have opened your online store on any ready-made platform (in paragraph 3 of the article), you can be calm, because. the creator of the service has already taken care of the security of transfers. If you are trying to connect this service yourself, then you will need a professional who can organize the correct operation of your store.

Prepare delivery

There are several types of delivery: courier, mail or pickup. The choice of how to receive the goods depends on the number of units in the order and on the place of residence of your client.

  1. Courier. This may be your friend, you yourself (if the customer is in the same city with you). You can also consider the option of concluding an agreement with a courier service.
  2. Mail. One of the easiest and most affordable ways.
  3. Pickup. The ideal option, because. you don't need to waste your time and money.

Possible doubts

Creating an online store selling T-shirts may seem unprofitable to you for several reasons:
  1. There are too many of them already. Remember - there are no comrades for the taste and color (you can add about the size of the wallet).
  2. You need to spend a lot of time searching for premises, staff, creating a website. As already mentioned above, the modern world simplifies your life as much as possible: you can open your store on a ready-made Internet resource. You do not need a bunch of professionals to start, just you and your desire, well, you can also involve a friend or a more experienced person in the implementation of your idea.

The Internet gives you a huge scope for implementing your own ideas - go for it!

Business profitability

Starting capital - 340 thousand rubles.
Profit per month - 108 thousand rubles.
Payback period - 4 months.

Question: how to open an online t-shirt store, should now become a little more clear. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments.

Opening a profitable business - printing on T-shirts, you will need to understand the various aspects of this interesting business. Peculiar clothing with designer contributions is gaining popularity among people of all ages. The idea can become the core of a small business. Widespread printing on T-shirts as a business, with a competent approach, brings good money, although the matter seems frivolous. Various sweatshirts with unusual patterns are in demand. Often, images are made exclusively at the individual request of the buyer. To open such a business, you need to purchase or rent special equipment designed for high-quality printing on various types of fabric.

What is the attraction of the idea?

Most young people prefer sweatshirts and T-shirts with original inscriptions and stylish images. Thanks to this, there is a direct opportunity to noticeably stand out from the surrounding society and emphasize individuality. At home, high-quality drawing on fabric is impossible, and many are looking for a special workshop to implement their own ideas. The service of designer images on clothes is often used by tourists, making themselves a gift in memory of visiting the city. T-shirt with the author's image is a good gift souvenir. Couples in love often order photos of each other on their clothes, and caring parents put their contacts on the clothes of young children in case they get lost.

Place to work

Full-fledged work will require premises - your own or rented for a long time. The working space is at least 8 square meters. Renting premises in the city center will provide a sufficient number of customers. It is better to choose a place near the shopping center, near metro stations and transport interchanges. An ordinary advertising banner will help attract customers. You should choose a possible client audience in advance - if you want to work with young people, it is better to locate an office near educational institutions and student dormitories. It is important to determine the future assortment of goods - direct profit depends on it. Custom-printed clothing or ready-made accessories with original designs are in demand. Prefabricated samples are used as shop window advertisements to display samples.

T-shirt printing equipment

To develop a business by making a print on accessories and clothes, you need special equipment:

  • Inkjet type printer for applying original images to fabric.
  • Multiple cartridges.
  • Plotter cutting material.
  • Thermopress.
  • Ink.
  • Special graphic program.
  • A computer that processes important data.

Original images are transferred to T-shirts in two ways:

  1. To transfer the pattern, a specialized printer is used, which easily applies the pattern to the fabric.
  2. The fabric is placed on paper and a pattern is applied to the surface using a heat press. Due to the elevated temperature, the graphics are completely copied onto the fabric.

By choosing the option of reproducing printing on fabric, you can purchase the necessary equipment for your business.

To choose the right equipment, you need to know the approximate monthly volume of work.

For example, with a small number of orders, a textile type of printer is well suited. It has a low print speed, but the images are very high quality.

Technology organization

It is quite difficult to develop a business without purchasing additional consumables for work:

  • Thermal films.
  • Special cups and plates.
  • magnetic tapes.
  • Papers.

There will also be a large consumption of ink for the printer. To increase productivity and business prosperity, you need to print only on T-shirts made from pure cotton. If the client wants to apply a pattern to his own clothes, it is better to refuse. It may turn out to be of poor quality, which will ruin the equipment or not allow you to apply a high-quality image. You need to buy your own consumables, and inform customers that work is possible only with branded items.

Benefits of a business idea

A business like printing on top of accessories and T-shirts has important merits. Many people like to wear designer T-shirts. You can offer customers a large selection of comfortable clothes with unusual patterns or any advertising. The business brings good profits, since the interest in purchasing high-quality and affordable clothes with beautiful images does not pass all year round. True, there are more visitors in the warm season. By reducing the color gamut in the images, the appearance of the T-shirt is maintained for a long time.

Attracting regular customers necessarily requires originality in the design of T-shirts. It is recommended to work with good artists - they will offer a fresh look at the images. Photos downloaded from the Internet may not be very popular with buyers, and manual work is always valuable.

Employees of a small company are required to know the programs: CorelDRAW and Photoshop.

This is necessary to make additional sketches and correct images before printing. These programs will be useful in processing numerous orders at the request of customers. If you correctly fulfill all the requirements for work, then the business will develop and bring good profits.

Individual souvenirs have become an integral part of our lives. This means that the business associated with printing on mugs and T-shirts has a good prospect. Investment costs for piece production are minimal. But the level of competition is high, so you can’t count on profit without much effort. Let's get acquainted with the calculation of the payback of thermal printing on mugs and t-shirts using the example of a small outlet.


The purpose of this business plan is to create an enterprise "Souvenir for memory" in the city of Voronezh. As part of the project, one retail outlet will be opened in the city center on Revolution Avenue, where there are always a lot of tourists. Potential customers should be not only guests of the city, but also Voronezh residents. According to market research, products will be in demand:

  • tourists;
  • enterprises of the city that purchase souvenirs to congratulate employees on the holidays;
  • Voronezh residents who want to please themselves or loved ones with an unusual present.

The main advantage should be the speed of work, which is important for tourists, as well as the variety of creative ideas that will allow you to create products that are unlike competitors' products.

The enterprise "Souvenir for memory" is planned to be opened in the TSUM supermarket, where there are a lot of other souvenirs. A small point will take only 7 meters, 3 of them are enough for a showcase where the mugs will be displayed, and the workplace of the master, who should be able to show the preliminary result of the work on the display. The remaining 4 will be used as a photo studio and thermal printing room.

Business environment

More than 50% of the market is occupied by large companies that produce souvenirs in large quantities. 30-40% of the market belongs to enterprises providing a wide range of services (trade, advertising), incl. thermal printing. Such companies accept any orders, but large print runs are reordered by manufacturing enterprises, since they themselves do not have sufficient capacity. The remaining 10-15, along with souvenir products in small print runs, sell souvenirs. And only 3% belongs to small enterprises specializing in thermal printing.

It is planned to take its place in the market of printing on T-shirts and mugs due to interesting creative finds. For example, guests should like the series "Voronezh in the past centuries", and the series "Funny corners of the city" will be of interest to everyone without exception.

A marketing study of the activities of image printing companies shows that at least 8-10 products can be sold per day. Given that the price of a souvenir mug is 300 rubles, and the price of a T-shirt is 400 rubles, the Souvenir for Memory shop will be able to earn 90,000 rubles a month. As a result, the department's income for the year will amount to 1,080 thousand rubles.

The success of this business depends on the quality of the advertising company. First of all, when starting a business on T-shirts and mugs, you need to make a noticeable and enticing sign that will be clearly visible from the prospectus. Next, it is necessary to prepare and print booklets with the most striking product samples, which should be distributed to passers-by during the first months of work.

operational plan

First you need to choose a room for rent and conclude an agreement. A lot depends on the successful location of the point, so rent will become the most costly item of expenditure.

Next, you need to purchase fixed assets and inventories. The company will not accept large orders for the production of mugs or T-shirts for promotional purposes, so equipment designed for large volumes will not be required. An unassuming computer and an ordinary digital camera will suffice for us. It is also tedious to buy a printer, scanner, and heat presses. Such a simple and inexpensive equipment for printing on mugs and t-shirts is enough.

Workforce plan

Of course, anyone can cope with this simple job, but in order to maintain your position in the market, you need to constantly come up with new ideas. To do this, the employee must have design and marketing thinking. After all, new stories can attract a new category of customers. The process of creating drawings should be ongoing. Therefore, an employee must be hired with the proper skills. But teaching how to apply images to mugs and T-shirts is not difficult at all.

Taking into account the fact that customer service takes 15-20 minutes, for one point we need only one person who, in his spare time from visitors, will be able to develop new ideas. In order to understand the structure of demand and other features of this business, it is advisable for the investor himself to work with clients for the first month.

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