Bilan's personal and family life. Dima Bilan: biography of one of the most successful Russian pop artists

Bilan Dmitry Nikolaevich is a famous Russian artist, film actor and dubbing master, as well as the author of many songs that have become real hits.

It should be clarified that he is an incredibly persistent guy, because he tried to represent the country twice at the international Eurovision Song Contest and, finally, achieved first place for Russia.

The guy took the name and surname of his beloved grandfather and therefore believes that he is his guardian angel. Dmitry says that he is calm about gossip and gossip in his address, because he knows what he really is.

Height, weight, age of Dima Bilan

A large army of fans is haunted by such physical parameters of a young and handsome singer as Dima Bilan's height, weight, and age. At the same time, none of the above parameters is stable, they depend on the features of the role or clip.

Victor was born in 1981. He was thirty-six years old. According to the zodiac sign, the guy is endowed with all the character traits characteristic of Capricorn. Namely, resilience, stability, perseverance, perseverance, artistry.
The eastern horoscope gave Bilan the sign of a bright, impressionable, creative, artistic, outrageous and talented Rooster.

Dima Bilan: photos in his youth and now have changed a little, as the guy changed his haircut and lost a lot of weight. His look in later photos and videos became more serious and sad.

At the same time, the height of the young man reached 180 centimeters, and the weight reached seventy-five kilograms.

Recently, information has swept across the Internet that Dima Bilan has lost 8 kg in 2016, the reasons for this are unclear. They considered either an unhappy love for Pelageya, or nervous exhaustion. However, everything was much simpler, because the guy developed gastritis from the touring nomadic life. Bilan decided to eat right, promoting a raw food diet, and also went in for sports.

Biography of Dima Bilan

The biography of Dima Bilan is just an incredible story that happened to a boy who was named Vitya Belan at birth. He was born in Karachay-Cherkessia, but spent all his childhood years in Kabardino-Balkaria.
Father - Nikolai Belan - worked as an ordinary mechanic and designer at the KamAZ plant, and mother - Nina Belan - helped the elderly and needy citizens in the social service.

Sister - Elena Zimina - is older than her brother, she first washed dishes in restaurants, and now works as a fashion designer, happily married a promising lawyer.

Sister - Anna Belan - the most beloved and youngest. She has been living in America for a long time, while dreaming of becoming an opera singer. The baby was constantly raised by Dima, because the parents constantly worked and returned home late. Now Anya's brother considers her daughter. He shoots her in his videos, sings a duet, and sometimes even goes on tour. Currently, brother and sister see each other infrequently, because they live in different countries.

Little Dimka had a delicate ear for music, he was sent to a music school in the accordion class. The boy constantly participated in music competitions and took first place. At the same time, the smart boy had nowhere to go, so he went to first grade with his older sister when he was six years old. Dima studied only excellently, and also participated in school amateur performances.

The guy entered Gnesinka, which he graduated three years later, after which he changed his name to grandfather. This happened when the guy's producer Yuri Aizenshpis advised him to take a sonorous pseudonym, after which Dmitry released his first album in 2003 and participated in the New Wave.

After that, Bilan began to collect first prizes at international competitions, his albums became popular, and the singer himself was recognized as the official ambassador to Sochi 2014.
Currently, Dmitry constantly shoots new videos and writes hits, twice participates in the international Eurovision Song Contest from Russia, finally taking first place. Also, he is a dubbing actor, since he gave his voice to the characters of the animated films Frozen and Trolls.

For almost three years, the young man has been a participant in the talent shows "Voice" and "Voice. Children", he makes a dizzying film career.

Recently, the entire Internet has spread the news that Dima Bilan has cancer, because he lost weight, cut his hair bald and began to hide from the cameras. These rumors were not confirmed, as the actor and singer explained that he had lost weight due to constant exercise and rational nutrition. A strange haircut was needed in order to get into the new movie, and he really was in the hospital, because he operated on a hernia, which was suddenly strangulated.

Dima Bilan's personal life

Dima Bilan's personal life is constantly hidden from prying eyes, so he tries not to reveal secrets to anyone, except perhaps to his sisters and parents. Fans often talk about the fact that Dmitry showed them signs of attention and made unambiguous offers, however, these facts remained at the level of gossip and rumors.

The next rumor was the news of the young singer's unconventional sexual orientation, as fans began to notice that Bilan was happy to wear an earring in his ear and jewelry that emphasized the “blueness” of his master. And in response to all questions about orientation and strange decorations, Dmitry only smiled in response.

Journalists claim that Bilan himself fueled interest in his possible non-traditional orientation. The guy said that he had a positive attitude towards holding a gay pride parade in the capital of Russia. He sincerely wished happiness and success in relationships of this kind to couples.

They also said that Dmitry Bilan has a soulmate, and her name is Rovens Prytula. This young man constantly appears next to the singer. They even vacationed together in hot countries. Then these gossip faded away, because interest in them disappeared altogether.

But young and incredibly beautiful girls constantly revolve around Dima, novels were attributed to Yulia Sarkisova and Natalya Samoletova, Oksana Grigorieva and Anna Moshkovich, Yulia Volkova and some Lyalya.

It was often said that Bilan had an affair with a colleague in the program "Voice" and "Voice. Children "Pelageya, but the singer dotted everything and, simply giving birth to little Tayusha from her common-law husband.

The brightest page in Dmitry's personal life was his "romance" with producer Yana Rudkovskaya, who had been with him for many years, helped and moved forward on the musical ladder. Young people never revealed the ins and outs of their relationship, although they did not recognize them as an ordinary PR campaign.

At the same time, Rudkovskaya says that Bilan is a creative project in which a huge amount of financial resources was invested.

Dima Bilan's family

Dima Bilan's family so far consists of parents and sisters, since the singer does not yet have his own wife and children. The guy constantly talks about the fact that he was born in the most ordinary, Soviet, working family. Dima claims that the craving for art, music, perseverance in achieving one's own goals can help get out of any hopeless situation and elevate to the top of the creative Olympus.

Parents are those people for whom Dima constantly allocates a few minutes of free time, he remembers what they did for him and is ready to pay handsomely. At the same time, the singer often recalls grandmother Nina, who saw the boy's creative abilities and brought him to the choir.

Children of Dima Bilan

The children of Dima Bilan have not yet been born, although fans constantly talk about the fact that they gave birth to a baby from their idol. The most interesting thing is that the famous singer and TV presenter does not have children, and their birth is not planned in the near future.

Bilan claims that he is not thinking about noisy children yet, because he will not be able to find time from his busy tour schedule to at least conceive a future heir. At the same time, the guy does not have a life partner who would be ready to love him and give him a baby. Currently, there are several purebred dogs next to Dmitry.

Dmitry Bilan adores his godson Sashenka Plushenko, who is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. It is the blond angel with blue eyes that the fans most often mistake for Bilan's blood child, because Instagram and social networks are full of photographs and videos of Alexander.
And journalists often mistake his sister Anya for an overgrown daughter, who often appears next to him and even sings a duet.

Dima Bilan's wife

Dima Bilan's wife, to the delight of many female fans, has not yet appeared at the singer, she is not even in the short term. The thing is that the young man is busy with his career and does not have free time to start a love affair.

On the contrary, there are a huge number of rumors on the Internet that relate to Dima's marriage. And also, his chosen ones. The most popular of them directly relate to the person of Elena Kuletskaya, who was a model and just a beauty.

The whole country watched with interest as Dmitry, on the set of the Eurovision show, announced to the whole world that he was ready to give her his hand and heart. The fans were upset when they realized that their pet had found his soul mate. And they began to wait for wedding photographs, but the miracle did not happen. The worst thing is that at one of the conferences, young people admitted with a laugh that they had never loved each other. The whole idea with the wedding is nothing more than a skillful PR move by their managers.

It was clarified that the guy lived in a civil marriage with two girls, but this turned out to be ridiculous rumors. Yulianna Krylova said that she was not a wife, but a friend and an active fan of the singer, and a certain Lyalya, whom Bilan and his sister spoke about, remained some kind of mythical creature that no one had ever seen.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

The well-known and incredibly talented singer has long had Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan. Which in a short time received the love of millions of fans and, of course, fans. The young man has profiles in all social networks, including Instagram.

More than two million admirers of his talent have subscribed to the officially confirmed page. Numerous photos and videos from the singer's personal archive are of high quality, they are provided with comments by Bilan himself, and are dedicated not only to concerts, but also to photographs of sisters or mother.
At the same time, on Instagram you can get acquainted with the latest news, find out creative plans. And also, to discuss how the concert tours went.

Wikipedia also has an article dedicated to Dima Bilan, which contains verified facts about his childhood years, schooling, as well as family and personal life. There is information directly dedicated to the music videos and discography of the young singer. Article found on

Russians believe that during Christmas time - 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany - fortune-telling is the most truthful. According to legend, at this time the spirits of the dead descend to earth and can help to look into their future. "Light it up" also decided to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and tell fortunes. To find out what awaits our favorite artists next year, we turned to the famous Moscow artist and soothsayer Tamara Dark, who reads Tarot cards.

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Marat with Catherine. Photo: Russian Look.

fortune teller: Marat is going through a love crisis. The card "Divorced Man" fell on him. The actor is facing financial difficulties. He runs the risk of falling under the influence of an insincere woman, most likely some lady is chasing after him, and he is led by her spell (perhaps this is a mistress). A card of a disappointed woman drops out next to him - probably this is the current wife Ekaterina Arkharova. She wants to get away from him as soon as possible. She is suffering. But before the final decision to break up, obstacles await them. Also, a card appears on Marat, indicating the news about the newborn. I can see that this news will surprise him.

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Photo: Instagram.

fortune teller: This is a PR union, around these two people there is one falsehood. Most likely their relationship is based on mutual benefit. Young people advertise each other, and both are happy with it. The brunette has anxieties and sorrows, worries in connection with current love problems or money matters. She gets the Big Profit card - she will receive a tempting offer. She is waiting for the fulfillment of desires relating to property matters and work. Yegor gets the card "The Trickster and the Seducer". He will be exposed soon. There is some blonde next to him, with whom he may soon have a relationship.

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Photo: Russian Look.

fortune teller: Masha gets a Good Deal card. She will be lucky in matters relating to court cases, litigation. She is waiting for the solution of all troubles. Also, a card appears next, meaning big expenses. She will probably spend a lot of money to improve her health.

Sokolovsky will lose the lottery

They say that Vlad Sokolovsky's heart is no longer free. This is true?

fortune teller: Next to him is a blonde, but he is not serious about her - this is a simple flirtation. The singer expects success in matters of the heart. But he also got a card, meaning skirmishes and quarrels. Probably, passion will be accompanied by misunderstanding. The blonde is disappointed in love. Also, Vlad is waiting for unforeseen expenses, perhaps losing a game or a lottery, he is counting on something, but it will fail. As many as three cards speak of this at the same time.

Timati will fight with an opponent

What awaits popular performers - Dima Bilan, Timati, Sergey Lazarev in 2015?

Photo: Russian Look.

fortune teller: Dima Bilan gets a card that can be described as a happy resolution of all family problems. The end will come to fluctuations in the affairs of the heart. I see a wedding announcement. But first there will be some problems in business, their deterioration. Surrounded by the singer there is an adult single woman who constantly needs money, and this weighs on the artist. Dima gets the card "Spending a large amount of money on a loved one." Next year, the singer is waiting for big fees, winnings, victories.

Timati has temporary difficulties in business, intermittent work. The rapper should be more careful: he is surrounded by an evil person, a liar and a traitor. An acute situation with a colleague awaits him again. He has a rival in love, his wife Alena is surrounded by gentlemen. Timati will have a difficult fight for the lady of the heart. But in the end, everything will be resolved safely. Timati expects joy caused by success in business and improvement in property status.

There is no woman next to Sergei Lazarev that he would like. The coming year will not be romantic for the singer, but things will still go well for him.

Kozlovsky will get a lot of money

Danila Kozlovsky is now known not only in our country, but also in the West. Where will his career develop in the coming year?

Photo: Russian Look.

fortune teller: Danila Kozlovsky has a road, enterprises, meetings that will bring benefits in money matters. Pleasant visit of colleagues, useful acquaintances. His career will develop in all directions that he has outlined for himself. Money falls out, a big victory over rivals, competitors. Also victories in matters of the heart.

Singer Dima Bilan (real name - Viktor Nikolaevich Belan) was born at midnight on December 24, 1981 in the village of Moscow, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region of the RSFSR.

The artist officially changed his name to a pseudonym in 2008. The new name was not chosen by chance. Dmitry was the name of Bilan's grandfather, whom he loved very much. From childhood, Vitya says that he would like to be called Dima.

Dima's family is a worker. Dad Nikolai Mikhailovich worked as a mechanic and design engineer, and my mother first worked in greenhouses, and then devoted herself to the social sphere. The singer has two sisters. The elder Elena worked as a waitress, and now a fashion designer, and the younger Anna (1994).

Dima Bilan's childhood

When Vita was only one year old, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. And five years later, the Belan couple moved to the city of Maisky, Kabardino-Balkaria. Here the future singer went to school. In the fifth grade, Dima enters a music school and finishes it in the accordion class. At the same time, the boy participates in various competitions and festivals. In 1999, the young musician comes to Moscow and participates in the Chunga-Changa festival, which was dedicated to children's creativity and the 30th anniversary of the joint work of Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanov. Diploma Bilan receives personally from the hands of Joseph Kobzon.

Musical education of Dima Bilan

In 2000, Vitya Belan entered the Gnesins State Musical College. His singer graduated in 2003, having received a diploma in the specialty of a vocal performer.

After that, it was decided to continue his studies, the artist entered GITIS. There he was enrolled in the acting department immediately for the second year.

Enchanting career of Dima Bilan

In 2000, the first video of Dima Bilan got on the air of MTV Russia. It was filmed by the first producer of the singer Elena Kan with her own money. It was the song "Autumn", the video for which was filmed on the shores of the Gulf of Finland.

While still a student, Dima Bilan met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis. The latter immediately saw the talent in the Kabardian boy and began to work with him. He made his debut on the Bilan stage in 2002. He performed at the New Wave festival in Jurmala. There he presented the song "Boom" and took fourth place. And after the competition, they began to shoot a video for this composition, and then for the songs "I'm a night hooligan", "I made a mistake, I got" and "You, only you." By the way, the daughter of Igor Krutoy starred in the video “I love you so much”. It is worth noting that while working with Aizenshpis, Dmitry Bilan imitated the singer Danko.

Bilan's debut album "I am a night hooligan" was released at the end of 2003. A year later, a reissue appeared, which included four new songs ("Heartless", "Stop the Music", "Last Time", "Dark Night"). The studio album "On the Shore of the Sky" was released in 2004. At the same time, the singer began to record the first English-language disc. Diane and Shaun Escoffery helped him in this. In 2005, an official collection of clips called "You, Only You" was released. In a fruitful year, the single "New Year from a New Line" was also released. It contained three tracks: New Year with a new line and its remix, as well as Between the sky and heaven.

Life without Yuri Aizenshpis

On September 20, 2005, Yuri Aizenshpis died. And immediately after the death of the producer, Dima was nominated for the World Music Awards as the best Russian artist. After the departure of Aizenshpis, Bilan was offered by many to sign contracts. In 2006, the contract with the Aizenshpis company, which was led by his wife Elena Kovrigina, was terminated. The company demanded that Bilan change his pseudonym, since it did not belong to him. However, Yana Rudkovskaya was already at the head of the team. Therefore, Bilan's conflict was resolved and in 2008 the pseudonym became the official name of the singer.

Two Golden Gramophone awards immediately ended up in Dima Bilan's pocket in 2005. He received the award in St. Petersburg and Alma-Ata for the song "You must be near." And on the project "New songs about the main thing" the artist got the prize of the First Channel from a professional jury.

In 2006, Dima Bilan participated in the "Golden Barrel" and also in Kyiv in the "International Music Awards". There he became "Singer of the Year". And just there the song "Never Let You Go" was first performed.

2007 was very eventful for the performer. Dima took three awards at once at the Muz-TV ceremony: “Best Composition”, “Best Album” and “Best Performer of the Year”. In the summer, he came as an honored guest to the New Wave and became a jury member of the STS Lights a Star project. And in the fall, three nominations were in the hands of the singer at the MTV Russia Music Awards. Bilan received nesting dolls for "Best Composition" (Impossible-Maybe), "Best Performer" and "Artist of the Year".

In addition, at the RMA MTV ceremony, the singer performed the song along with Sebastian (Timbaland's brother). The latter flew to Moscow specifically for this. By the way, according to the results of 2007, VTsIOM provided data that "Favorite Citizen of Russia" in the "Singer of the Year" rating was none other than Dima Bilan. In the same year, the artist entered the top three most expensive and popular Russians, according to Forbes.

“I am proud to be the Sochi 2014 Ambassador. I appeal to all my fans - guys, get on your skis, get involved in the Sochi 2014 mega-project. We know how to surprise the world. Eurovision in Moscow proved it once again. We are heading for Sochi!” - then said the artist.

In 2009, Dima Bilan released the international album "Believe".

Bilan's victory at Eurovision

In 2005, Dima Bilan decided to try his hand at the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time. However, according to the results of the audience voting, he took only second place with the song "Not that simple". Natalia Podolskaya and her "Nobody hurt no one" won. Dima repeated the attempt in 2006. And he was chosen by Channel One as a representative from Russia.

Among the 37 participating countries, Bilan took second place with the song "Never Let You Go". Such a high position was occupied by the singer Alsou in 2000 for the only time. In Dima Bilan's room, European viewers were not even captivated by originality. Two ballerinas took part there, one of which crawls out of a piano strewn with rose petals.

Dima Bilan - Never Let You Go (Russia) 2006

In 2008, Vitya Belan again goes to Eurovision. With the song Believe, the artist was allowed to represent the country at a prestigious competition. At the same time, among Dima's competitors were such stars as Sergey Lazarev, Zhenya Otradnaya and Alexander Panayotov.

The singer took the stage at the final of the competition along with Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton and Russian figure skater Evgeny Plushenko. Everyone without exception liked the song and performance, Bilan took first place and became the first singer from Russia to win the Eurovision Song Contest. After that, in the native village of the performer, the music school was named after him.

Dima Bilan's personal life

Dima Bilan has always been a favorite of women and one of the most enviable suitors in Russia. The personal life of a celebrity does not allow almost anyone to live in peace

6-09-2018, 19:47

In December, the idol of millions will turn 37 years old, a respectable age even by the standards of show business, but the artist is not even close to planning to start a serious relationship with anyone.

Dima Bilan is one of the most controversial people on the national stage. On the one hand, for more than ten years now, he has firmly retained the image of a sex symbol of Russian show business, becoming a dream for millions of girls in Russia and neighboring countries. On the other hand, during all this time he has never been seen in a serious relationship with any girl, which in the past gave rise to various rumors about the artist’s sexual orientation.

In general, Bilan prefers not to comment on his personal life, which further strengthened the public's suspicions that the singer is gay. From time to time someone declares the singer's homosexuality. For example, in 2012, a waitress in a Sochi gay club said that Bilan was a frequent guest of a specific institution and always left it in the company of guys.

In November 2014, during a skirmish on social networks, rapper Timati also called the artist gay. Later, the stars reconciled, but the leader of the Black Star label did not refute his words. In most cases, these types of statements came from celebrity haters, but representatives of the LGBT community also spoke about this.

Bilan himself added fuel to the fire from time to time. For example, in 2006 he spoke out against the ban on the gay parade in Moscow. Then the artist said that "it is necessary to ban those who call for violence, and not those who call for love and celebration." In 2012, he demanded the termination of the powers of the deputy Vitaly Milonov, known for his open homophobic views.

However, despite all the suspicions, Bilan himself never confirmed that he had a non-traditional sexual orientation. Recently, he even decided to put an end to this dispute, publicly declaring to the delight of thousands of fans that he is not gay.

Bilan's numerous novels and intrigues can serve as an indirect confirmation of this. Throughout his career, he was credited with relationships with several girls. It is known that for a long time he met with model Elena Kuletskaya.

By the way, the artist at one time even turned out to be one step away from marriage when he promised to take Elena as his wife if he won Eurovision, but in the end he did not keep his word. Later, fans suspected Bilan of having an affair with his backing vocalist Yulia Lima. Very meaningful photos in the company of a charming opera singer on social networks made a lot of noise.

Today, the great attention of Bilan's fans is riveted to his colleague Polina Gudiev. There are several reasons to suspect her in a relationship with a 36-year-old artist. Firstly, not so long ago they recorded the joint track “Drunken Love” and shot a video for it, where they quite realistically played the role of the bride and groom at a provincial wedding.

Secondly, some time ago, a video appeared on the singer's Instagram blog, filmed in an intimate setting, where slender female legs were clearly visible. After conducting a mini-investigation, Bilan's fans proved that it was Polina who was next to their idol at that moment. Thirdly, a large number of photos with Bilan have recently appeared on the page of the singer herself, which fans do not consider a mere coincidence. Both artists do not comment on rumors about their relationship.

Despite the very close relationship with women, the "eternal bachelor" is most likely doomed to loneliness. He himself has repeatedly commented on the fact that in his years he still has not acquired a soul mate. For example, in 2016, in an interview with one of the publications, Bilan said that he was not ready to take on such a responsibility - to start a family.

Then the artist said that he dreams of a wife and children, but he is aware of the fact that living with him is not easy. Due to the great employment of the stage, according to the singer, he always has to pay attention to himself, which is why he simply cannot be ready to start a family.

In July 2018, Bilan raised this topic again, declaring his intention to change his place of residence. At the same time, the singer still confirmed his commitment to the bachelor lifestyle, noting that he does not plan to start a family.

A psychologist commented on the situation to the media, who confirmed that Bilan may well not be gay and not want to marry and have children. The specialist drew attention to the words of the artist that he is fixated on his person.

This may indicate a high degree of selfishness. Bilan, most likely, according to the expert, understands that if he starts a family, he will still continue to think first of all only about himself, depriving his wife and children of his attention. Precisely because the singer understands that he is not capable of becoming a good father and husband, he does not want to plunge into the abyss of family life.

Thus, it can be assumed that Dima Bilan will most likely never marry a woman, regardless of how many women will surround him and what role they will play in his life. The main obstacle for the singer on the way to creating a family will always be himself, because at some point he was held hostage by his own fame and talent.

Alexander Solovyov - Correspondent of RIA VistaNews

Dima Bilan gets along well with children, which confirms his participation in the show “Voice. Children". The singer admitted that he really wants to start a family and become a father, but so far he is not ready for this.

Little is known about the personal life of 34-year-old Bilan. For a long time he met with model Elena Kuletskaya, but later it turned out that the novel was fake. In 2012, Dima was also credited with tender feelings for Yulia Volkova, but the couple quickly broke up. Now, according to the artist, he puts all his strength into work. Dmitry emphasizes that no matter how much he dreams of a strong relationship, he understands that he is not yet ready for such responsibility.

The singer helps his 20-year-old sister Anna, who is studying in the USA. The primary task for Bilan is to put her on her feet and give her a good education.


“As a responsible person, I cannot make hasty decisions. I need to bring my sister. And it's not a lyric! I still hear from my mother: “You are responsible for the decision you made.” That is, I am responsible for the life of a 20-year-old sister, ”said Bilan.

The singer also believes that no girl will be able to withstand his busy schedule.

“I often think: family, children, a warm life - it's so great! We often discuss this topic with friends. But so far I do not see how you can integrate yourself into family life. Due to work, I often have to think about myself. After all, people of an artistic warehouse sit inside themselves, look deep into themselves. Artists - this is the same machine that is constantly working, each of them is constantly analyzing himself. The world does not seem to like us, as it seems to us. Few people can live with such a person, ”said the musician in an interview with TV Program.

Dima is now putting a lot of effort into work: the singer disappears on the set of the third season of the show “Voice. Children ”, is recording a new album and still manages to travel around the country with concerts. Fans even worry about his health.

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