Leo from what and to what number. Key characteristics of the mark

Of course, it is naive to think that personality is formed only under the influence of the signs of the Zodiac. Then all mankind would be divided into only twelve types of character. And yet each person is unique. We all have our negative and positive traits. Much in the disposition of people depends on upbringing, environment, sex and gender. The horoscope must take into account not only the sign under which the person was born, but also the patron star under which he saw the light, the day, time of day, and even the name that the parents named the baby. The number of signs of the zodiac also plays an important role in fate. What it is? Let's consider.

The magic of numerology

The ancient Pythagoreans believed that numbers have a magical effect on a person. They carry a certain secret code that changes his life in a positive or negative direction. All signs of the Zodiac are distributed by numbers in such a way that they have lucky dates on the days of the month.

It would seem that everything is clear. Capricorn, the first sign of the year, corresponds to the number 1, Aquarius - 2, and so on, up to Sagittarius, whose number is 12. But not everything is so simple. The ancient Romans counted the beginning of the year from the spring equinox. And so with the sacred there was a major confusion. The spring equinox occurs, as you know, on March 21st. This is when the Sun enters the constellation Aries. But the number of the sign is not the number 1, but 9. And all the numbers that are multiples of nine.

The ubiquitous numbers pierce horoscopes like an arrow through a bunch of keys. There are good and bad days of the week that favorably influence the outcome of a difficult task. The numbers of the signs of the Zodiac are also distributed over the decades, depending on which planet is currently affecting people. Numbers are just as important in horoscopes as are gems, talismans, colors and symbols.

People born under the same zodiac sign can be completely different from each other in character, because they were born in different decades. Aries, for example, are sympathetic to Mars (those who celebrate their birthday from March 21 to 31). Under the influence of this planet, courage and courage wake up in people, but sometimes these qualities turn into aggression. The patron of those born from 1 to 11 April is the Sun. Under his influence, noble and generous natures are born, however, not devoid of ambition. And in the period of April 12-20, Venus comes into her own - passionate and tender, impulsive and sensitive, well versed in music and fine arts.

General and private

The signs of the Zodiac are united not only by the planets, but also by the elements. Their ancient Romans numbered four: Air, Water, Earth and Fire. Therefore, people born in different signs, but under the influence of the same element, show similarities. Air unites Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The element of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius is Fire. Water patronizes, of course, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - floating signs. And the element of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is the Earth.

Therefore, for the signs belonging to the elements of Air, some frivolity, idealism and "hovering in the clouds" are characteristic. They are opposed by the mundane Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, practical to commercialism even in small things. The element of Water also provides the same number of signs of the Zodiac: 2, 4, 5 and 8. Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios are dreamy, secretive, mysterious. They conceal many impulses in the deep pool of their soul. And passionate Sagittarius, Lions and Aries seem to radiate the energy of the Sun - their element.

In magical numerology, the signs of the Zodiac are very tied to the elements by numbers. But not everything is so simple. After all, only some numbers in the signs of one element coincide. Other numbers that are peculiar only to Capricorn, Pisces or Virgo join this series. In a sense, the number of the sign in the zodiac circle also plays a certain role. Since this is not a line, but a closed sphere, the number of numbers differs from the usual "1, 2, 3, 4 ...". Aries, as we have already noted, is nine, the next Taurus has six, and Gemini has three. This is followed by the "even" sign of Cancer, the patron of which is a deuce. Leo, which is patronized by the Sun - the only star among the planets, is number one. The common sign of Mercury in Virgo makes their favorite number five. Libra cannot tip its bowl in one direction or another, and therefore they choose an even six.

The influence of numbers on character

The Pythagoreans were sure that everything in the world - things and phenomena - correspond to certain numbers. The unit is a sign of the absolute, God, the Sun. Two determines harmony, and therefore people born under "even" numbers are characterized by balance. Three means a critical approach in everything. Thus, all signs of the Zodiac by numbers carry an encrypted code. We will try to reveal it below.

And now we will try to highlight the question of whether the ordinal number of the month in the year matters. In ancient Rome, the calculation of time was based not on a simple, linear, series of numbers, but on special marks: calends and ides. Religious ceremonies were performed on these dates. The Kalends marked the beginning of a new month, and the Ides marked its middle. Thus, the Romans celebrated the onset of the new year on the sixth day of the Ides of March.

Among the Pythagoreans, the patron planets also had their own numbers. The geocentric system of the world order still attributed the number one to the sun. But then the planets had numbers that did not depend at all on their position in terms of distance from the star. The signs of the Zodiac are directly related to Greek and Roman mythology by numbers. After all, the planets are named after the pagan gods, who, according to the teachings of the Pythagoreans, also have their own numbers. Aries has Mars, Taurus has Venus. Gemini is patronized by Mercury, and Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which, as you know, is not a planet, but a satellite, but is under the patronage of the goddess of hunting Diana. Lions are in the field of influence of the Sun, that is, the king of the Olympic gods - Zeus, as well as his son Apollo. Winged Mercury patronizes not only Gemini, but also Virgo. Jupiter (another hypostasis of Zeus) and Saturn lead Libra, and Pluto, the god of the underworld of Hades, dominates the Scorpions. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, while Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Mars. Jupiter favors Aquarius and Venus favors Pisces.

Days of the week and numerology

We have already mentioned that the horoscope is not at all affected by the numbers with which the signs of the Zodiac begin and end. Moreover, during the Late Empire, despots arbitrarily added a day to the months named after them (Julius and Augustus), thereby shortening February. The sun, on the other hand, passes through each one in thirty days and several hours, without accelerating or slowing down its run to please some emperors. But for the sake of convenience, people have associated the signs of the horoscope with calendar months. Therefore, it is believed that he rules over the destinies of people for only twenty-eight days, from February 21 to March 20, while Leo reigns for thirty-two days: from July 23 to August 23.

But the day of the week on which a person was born is directly related to the formation of personality. Again, in a completely different sense, as is customary to think in the Slavonic space. In our country, the names of such days of the week as Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are associated with the numbers 2, 4 and 5. But the Romans had completely different names! Each day of the week had its own patron from Mount Olympus. This was fixed in the names of the days, which are still common among the Romance-speaking peoples. Monday was patronized by the Moon, that is, Artemis among the Greeks and Diana among the Romans. Therefore, one should not be surprised that Cancer (zodiac sign) is especially lucky on this day. What numbers suit him? First, two. The Romans counted the week from Sunday, so Monday was the second day. In fact, Cancers are the happiest people: every even date is lucky for them. Also lucky born under this sign of the Zodiac on Thursday. And unlucky days for Cancers are Tuesday and Saturday. This sign has other "lucky" numbers: 4, 5 and 8.

Aquarius (zodiac sign): favorable and unfortunate numbers

Finally, it's time to consider each constellation separately through the prism of numerology. Let's start with Aquarius, if only because it comes first in the modern year. The Sun enters this constellation on January 21st and leaves it on February 20th. Aquarius - this is the Latin name for Aquarius - is under the patronage of Saturn. This planet, composed of solidified gas, determines the frivolity, inconstancy and "tendency to lofty ideas" of those born under this sign. In the Olympic pantheon, Saturn (or Chronos among the Greeks) is the god of time.

If it were not for windiness, there would be many geniuses among Aquarius. They are smart, naturally gifted and just bursting with ideas. But only one percent of geniuses are created by talent, while the remaining 99% are assertiveness and tireless work. But with this, Aquarius is bad. Their enthusiasm, enthusiasm and ardent obsession quickly fade. Having cooled down to their former passion, they leave the case unfinished.

Well, in numerology, what is Aquarius (zodiac sign)? Its numbers are quite numerous. The main number of luck is 4. Therefore, all numbers that are multiples of four are favorable for Aquarius. Also bring good luck 2, 8 and 9. Despite the general superstition about the number 13, for Aquarius it is lucky. When filling out a lottery ticket, do not forget about 11.

Of the days of the week, Aquarius is most often lucky on Wednesday and Saturday. But Sunday is a bad time for them. You can reduce the risk of injury, loss of important things or quarrels by resorting to the help of talismans - ordinary keys. It is desirable that they also have a keychain with the “correct” stone: lapis lazuli, opal, zirconium, garnet. We recommend that Aquarius women wear a light sapphire or amethyst in their ears, neck or finger. To face them will be lilac, gray and aquamarine. But the black tone will bring bad luck.

Other signs of the element of Air

Gemini and Libra are close to Aquarius. Inconstancy and idealism are their common traits. But if Aquarius risks dying in poverty because of his unfinished projects, then Gemini, whose patron is the god of trade Mercury, is more fortunate. Money seems to stick to their hands. Passion for everything new, a thirst for fresh sensations make Gemini give up past hobbies.

The words "marital fidelity" for them - an empty phrase. But they leave the case only when they find something new and interesting. Unlike Aquarius, difficulties on the way do not frighten them and do not cool their ardor, but only spur enthusiasm. Twins (gemini) seem to be woven from contradictions. And all because, in addition to Mercury, they are patronized by Jupiter, the Sun and Mars. Gemini (zodiac sign) have the following "numbers of luck": 3, 5, 12 and 18. They are usually lucky on Wednesday and Sunday, and on Thursday Fortune shows them their back.

Libra has two rulers: Saturn and Venus. Passion, love and some vanity of one are balanced by the wisdom and calmness of the other. In the first decade (from the twenty-fourth of September to the second of October), the goddess of beauty presides. She conveys to her subjects such traits of character as tenderness, goodwill, dreaminess. But such people are feminine and whimsical - the element of Air plays its role here.

From the third to the thirteenth of October, Saturn comes into its own, which brings a large share of prudence and harmony to the disposition of Libra. But still, people born in this period lack ambition. Everything changes from the fifteenth of October, when the action of Jupiter, the king of the gods, begins. numbers are multiples of six. In addition to the main number six, 2, 5, 9 and 15 are also lucky. Libra is lucky on Friday (the day of Venus) and Saturday, where Saturn reigns. But Tuesday and Sunday cannot be called successful for them.

earth element

Gemini, Aquarius and Libra are opposed by Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. This trio irritates those around them with their pedantry, accuracy, thrift (up to stinginess) and Their earthiness simply infuriates “air romantics”. Taurus prefers rich borscht to opera, Virgo infuriates Gemini with her call to put things in their place, and the passion for collecting all sorts of rubbish on the balcony causes contempt in Aquarius. But they have one undeniably good quality - this is assertiveness.

Taurus goes to the goal, albeit slowly, but systematically, overcoming all obstacles. In the first decade, he is patronized by Mercury, who endows his favorites with extraordinary abilities for commerce. From the second of May, the dreamy Moon comes into its own, and Saturn closes the system, which makes the temper of Taurus greedy and intractable. Taurus (zodiac sign) has the following numbers: all multiples of six, as well as two, four and sixteen. He is lucky on Mondays and Fridays, an unsuccessful day is Tuesday.

Capricorn (in other words, capricorn) is not at all such a goat as it might seem because of its symbol. After all, he is patronized by Jupiter-Sun (in the first decade), Mars (in the second) and Saturn. People born at the end of December are prudent, but this quality is softened by poise and diligence. Mars turns those who saw the light from the third to the thirteenth of January into gathering maniacs. Mothballs smell in their houses, and the mezzanines are clogged with various broken rubbish. Those who were born in the period have vitality, energy and the gift of persuasion. But sometimes they get depressed. Zodiac sign Capricorn has the following numbers: all multiples of eight, as well as 3, 5, 7 and 14.

Water Release

The influence of numerology on the character and fate of people in a humid environment will be demonstrated to us by Pisces (zodiac sign). The numbers six and seven show that the patrons of the constellation are Jupiter and Venus. The latter is more influential. Everything that is a multiple of seven is favorable for Pisces. The numbers 3, 7, 9, 11 and 12 also bring good luck. As you might guess from the patrons, the happiest days for Pisces are expected on Thursday and Friday. Lucky also on Monday. But on Wednesday, when Mercury rules the ball, it is better to stay at home and not make sudden movements. Saturn, which influences the first decade (from February 21 to March 1), brings some confusion inherent in Aquarius into the soul of Pisces.

Fire Release

Regardless of the signs, impulsiveness, passion, unprecedented ambition and ambition are inherent in these natures. These are born leaders. They are ruled by either the Sun or Jupiter. Consider the zodiac sign Leo. What numbers are lucky for him in numerology? First, the symbol of the Sun is one, but also five and nine. All Lions radiate energy, which captivates people, but their lust for power, bordering on voluntarism, annoys many. Their lucky day is Sunday. And those who were born in the first decade (23.07-3.08) are also favored by Saturn, so they are also lucky on Saturday.

Sagittarius (sign of the Zodiac) has good luck numbers corresponding to the patron Jupiter: everything that is a multiple of three, as well as four and nine. Lucky for these snipers, of course, on Thursday. And unsuccessful for them is the day of Mercury - Wednesday. However, this rule does not apply to those who saw the light in the first decade (November 23 - December 2). Since during this period the patron of merchants, travelers and translators took Sagittarius under his protection. The moon, which replaces Mercury in the second decade, gives its wards creative imagination, a passion for travel, but at the same time a changeable, capricious disposition. Saturn endows those born between the thirteenth and twenty-first of December with perseverance, sensitivity and tact.

How strong are the numbers for character and destiny

In general, one can doubt the reliability of the fact that the movement of the Sun along the line of the Zodiac somehow affects the character, and even more so the fate of people on Earth. The compilers of horoscopes make the wise assumption that neither the planets, nor the stars, nor the numbers determine our life one hundred percent. Somewhere in twenty or thirty, and even then, if you really believe in your star. It is our hope that the heavenly patron will help us in difficult times, helps us overcome obstacles and achieve what we want. And it doesn't matter who you are - Aquarius, Capricorn or the zodiac sign Pisces. What numbers will you meet on the path of life? This is not so important - courage and faith in victory will turn them to your advantage.

The Leo zodiac sign begins on July 23rd, but for seven days it doesn't come into its own until July 30th. From this date onwards, Leo is in full power until August 16th then, over the course of seven days, gradually loses its power, transferring its powers to the ascendant sign of Virgo.

The fire sign of this zodiac sign makes Leos enthusiastic, energetic, and optimistic representatives of the zodiac circle. A typical representative of this sign is a happy, stable and lucky person. Leos do not like big changes, the status quo suits their majestic nature. They prefer to stick to their plans.

Leo Dates: 23 July – 23 August

People born during this period always strive to rise, they are attracted by strong personalities, as a rule, Leos are leaders. They will forgive any mistake in the people they love, as long as they have personality and purpose in life. Leos are usually generous, kind, sincere, with great spiritual charm, they find it difficult to see the bad in other people. If attacked, Leos strike back quickly, but they also forgive easily and never hold a stone in their bosom.

The Sun is the single most important planet, it represents Leo's ego and personality, it indicates their ambition and deepest character traits. Leos are usually successful financially, often getting a chance in money matters, profiting from an unexpected source. However, Leos crave true love more than despicable metal, but it's one of those things they rarely get.

Leos have an extremely independent nature, unable to tolerate control from other people, they are stubborn and go to their goals at great speed. Such people have power over others, can inspire others, have the ability, like a locomotive, to lead through fire and water. Leos often believe that they have nothing to lose in this world. As a rule, people born during this period feel isolated and lonely in life, and if they are not actively devoting themselves to work or achieving some goal, they become sad and depressed.

Influence of the Decade on Leo

When analyzing the date of birth, it is necessary to take into account in which decade of the sign the person was born. People of the same sign, born in different decades, although they will have common properties, they will manifest themselves in different ways.

Leo of the first decade - these people crave recognition of their considerable merits. They need an audience and applause. Talented, bright, self-confident, well-bred and tastefully dressed, they are noticeable in any society. If such a Leo is doomed to vegetation and obscurity, bitterness and anger accumulate in him, he can fall into intrigues, become petty and irritable. But if fortune smiles on him, he will reveal himself in all the splendor of nobility and wisdom. Men are public politicians who know how to impress. In their personal lives, they are quite picky. They give in to jealous women, although they themselves often find themselves in the position of deceived than deceivers, because they cannot imagine that they can prefer someone. Women get married most often by calculation.

Leo of the second decade - such people constantly need to win. The conquered peak seems low, the received order is not so honorable, and the awarded title does not make it possible to turn around in full breadth. They are talented in everything and therefore scatter. The lions of the second decade are smart, beautiful, self-confident and narcissistic, always surrounded by an admiring retinue. They are selfish and altruistic at the same time. Never point out their mistakes to them - you will make an enemy for life. They have no sense of humor towards their own person at all. To reign is more important to them than to rule. In family life, they are rarely lucky, since the Lions need the unconnected. Their partners should arouse envy and admiration from others and at the same time adore their master or mistress.

Leo of the third decade - these Lions do not want to reign, but to rule. They devote all their considerable energy to reshaping the world at their discretion. They know better than anyone how to equip Russia, reinvent the wheel and re-educate a loved one. Moreover, they are ready to roll up their sleeves and turn their ideas into reality. Outwardly, they are not as bright and attractive as the Lions of the first and second decades, but they are more enduring and resolute, moreover, they are forgiving, altruistic and sociable. Women are born actresses, men have a golden soul, rare courage and ... a weak heart. These are true knights without fear and reproach, to whom fate sends dragons and shrews to test. Such Lions become fathers of wonderful sons and write excellent dissertations. They are not only respected, but also loved.

Each Sign of the Zodiac begins and ends at the same time year after year. One of the brightest Signs is the summer Leo, which has an extremely violent temper.

We wrote earlier. Read this information to better understand these people, what you can expect from them and how to interact with them. Each of us is unique, so astrology helps to solve the riddles of any person only by his date of birth.

When does Leo start?

The period when the Zodiac Sign Leo comes into force - from 23 July to 23 August. The whole year is divided into 12 equal parts, so you can track the action of the Signs by months. In the summer, Cancer goes before Leo, and after Virgo. This is an unchanging order that was approved many hundreds of years ago.

Any person born between July 23rd and August 23rd is considered a Leo. The stars betray him a certain energy, which determines his character and preferences in life.

Lviv character

The Signs of the Zodiac have 4 elements that are repeated three times. Fire, earth, air and water. They go strictly in this order every month, year after year. Aries is fire, Taurus is earth, Gemini is air, Cancer is water, and then the cycle repeats. So Leo is a representative of the fire element.

Such people are hot; circumstances and environment can extinguish them or, on the contrary, kindle them. Even within the same element, the Signs still differ greatly. Lions are the quintessence, the brightest representative of fire. Those born under these stars have a violent temper, although they often hide it. They have a very strong influence on the people around them, making them either nervous or blissful. Usually, if Leo is difficult to communicate with, it means that he does not like you, as your interests differ. Lions do not allow themselves to be controlled, so it is difficult to find a common language with them. It is best not to kowtow to them, but to look for a diplomatic way out of any situation. You need to think about how to keep everything in balance. Leos rarely resort to hypocrisy or manipulation, so their emotions are always clear and understandable.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible to find a common language with Leos, but this is not so, because they are sociable, affectionate and caring. If something threatens their loved one, they will rush to the offender in a rage. And this is not ostentatious indignation: Lions always fiercely protect everything that belongs to them. You have to be careful with them, not because they are kings or want to be them, but because they can't stand being led.

When they are in the company of people or in a friendly company, everyone pays attention to them. Nobody knows why, but it is. When they talk to them, they get a little worried. Sometimes people are annoyed by their habit of giving advice, but you can live with it calmly, especially since these tips are far from always useless, as they come from the heart itself. If the Lions don’t like you, then they simply won’t communicate with you, so don’t think that Leo will discuss you behind your back.

How to communicate with Leos

Those born between July 23 and August 23 are very demanding. You can talk with them on an equal footing, but it is useless to put yourself above them. Leos have pride and a little permanent selfishness about their status. They believe that their rules are not being rewritten. If your Leo wife does not like daily cleaning, then she will never clean the apartment out of love for art, although only circumstances can force her. For example, the appearance of guests in front of whom your Lioness wants to look perfect.

People are often concerned about the love compatibility of Zodiac Signs. Earlier we wrote about which Signs harmonize well and badly. Many mistakenly think that living together with Leos is equal to hell on earth, but this is not so. Even such seemingly different people as Virgo and Leo can get along together, so do not lose hope that the Lioness or Leo will like it.

Leo men and Leo women are incredibly similar, although there are, of course, some differences. It is much easier to communicate with men, as they simply do not think about themselves and their ego. Women, on the other hand, constantly analyze the people around them, highlighting those who can encroach on their greatness.

Astrology is looking for patterns, but not a 100% panacea for any quarrel. So you can fully know a person only through communication with him. However, you can trace, for example, what the Zodiac Signs hate. This article will help you see the world through the eyes of another person, so as not to accidentally offend or alienate him. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.07.2016 07:00

Nature endows minerals with special strength and energy. Each talisman stone affects certain zones of our biofield, ...

Nata Karlin August 11, 2018, 13:25

In modern reality, with its availability of Internet information, anyone who asks the question “who am I according to the horoscope” can get an answer in a few minutes. In addition, it is hardly possible to find a person who does not know What zodiac sign was he born under?. Fashion trends and the fact that any person in moments of despair seeks to find support and help are to blame for the already familiar popularity of horoscopes. Knowing your zodiac sign and reading what astrologers are talking about, you can find many answers to life's most difficult questions.

At all times, people turned to horoscopes, the accumulated knowledge was passed down from generation to generation, continuing to help and give hope to everyone

In different eras, there were a different number of zodiac constellations - in some centuries it was believed that there were 8 of them, in others the number of animals ruling the year reached 17. However, as time has shown, there are 12 constellations in the zodiac, 3 for each of the elements:

  • Fire- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
  • Earth- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
  • Air- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
  • Water- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Fire, Earth, Air, Water - how to find your zodiac sign

Finding out your zodiac horoscope sign by birthday is quite simple. Enough to see month of birth and date corresponding to a particular zodiac sign. You can also find out what zodiac sign is currently going on. Each constellation endows a person born during the period of its action with certain qualities, character traits. Therefore, we are all so different, and for those who understand little about astrology, it is difficult to understand why someone is naturally active and eccentric, while the other is phlegmatic and withdrawn.

For example, if we take into account such constellations as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, then people born under them are characterized as calm couch potatoes. They are opposed by the signs of the elements of Air - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. People born under these zodiac signs are just they love traveling and staying at home is a real torture for them.

From what to what day of the month is the time of influence of each zodiac sign

At the time of the birth of each person, the planets in the sky are lined up in an absolutely unique order, each of which, to one degree or another, affects the character, habits and other emerging qualities. That's why There can't be two exactly the same people in the world.. However, knowing from what date to what day of the month this or that sign of the zodiac operates, one can judge the general characteristics for people born in the specified period of time.

Zodiac sign of those born in January: from Capricorn to Aquarius

Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac by date of birth begins with the fact that people born in a certain month, regardless of belonging to a certain sign, have very similar character traits.

It should be noted that the calendar month does not coincide with the zodiac

Therefore, January, like any other month, has 2 signs of the zodiac at once. In this case, Aquarius. Capricorn at the same time dominates January-February, and Aquarius - February-March.

People born in January have a calm, balanced character, remarkable willpower. They are ambitious, persistent and active.. So many masculine qualities even on women born in this time period leave their mark. These are dominant personalities, never allowing themselves to be taken over in any social relationship. Until January 21, Capricorn rules the month, then Aquarius continues the sequence.

After Capricorn comes Aquarius - the sequence of signs January-February

What is the zodiac sign in the month of February: between Aquarius and Pisces

As mentioned above, until February 19, inclusive, the month controls. Further, February-March is the period of influence of the zodiac sign Pisces. People born in February are different stubborn temper, very quick-tempered and fearless. In dealing with people, they do not hide the truth and tend to speak only the truth, no matter how bitter it may seem.

Those born under the constellation of Aquarius in the month of February are usually so unpredictable and unbalanced that they can alienate even close people from themselves.

In addition to everything, they have such negative character traits as vindictiveness and vindictiveness.

If born in March - what is the sign of the zodiac: gentle Pisces and passionate Aries

Until March 20, inclusive, the action of the zodiac sign continues. Further - March-April rules Aries. People born in March endowed with great intuition, they are unbalanced and easily influenced. At the same time, Pisces are wise and have a fine mental organization.

In turn, March Aries proactive, enterprising, active and talented in everything. Before them are open all the roads that lead to the achievement of the goal and success. However, Aries need to learn to reason and be more patient.

An enterprising and enterprising man who was born under the constellation Aries

Zodiac sign in April: from the fiery Aries to the tireless Taurus

Power extends until April 20 inclusive . Born this month unbending, impregnable and uncompromising people. It is always very difficult for them to find a common language with others, but it is easy to achieve their goals.

The sequence of signs continues Taurus. It is realistic in nature, active and ambitious individuals. They are always accustomed to strive for stability and cannot stand uncertain situations.

April Taurus necessarily manage to reach great heights in life, you just have to make some efforts.

This zodiac sign lasts April-May.

Zodiac sign in the month of May: what are the similarities between active Taurus and principled Gemini?

Until May 20 inclusive, the time of the zodiac sign lasts. In the period May-June, Gemini comes into play. According to astrologers, the most demanding people are born in May, both to themselves and to those around them. They are principled and stubborn, so building a harmonious relationship with them is quite difficult.

May Taurus and Gemini almost do not forgive insults, but there is no compromise for them under no circumstances. Women born in May are intolerant of the shortcomings of others, so they end relationships at the first sign of a cooling partner. Men make excellent fathers of the family.

The constellation Taurus rules over the Earth May-June

Who according to the horoscope are people born in June: the unity of air Gemini and water Cancers

Until June 20 inclusive, the period continues. Further, the June-July sequence will continue the sign of the zodiac Cancer. People born in June are different mild disposition, indecision, vulnerability and kindness. It is easier for them to give up their goals and their dreams than to fight for them. Therefore, they rarely become leaders, but they never strive for this.

To hurt a person born in June, it is not at all necessary to make a lot of effort, an ordinary careless joke about him is enough. However, this indispensable scrupulous workers, characterized by a painful sense of responsibility and love of working in a team.

What is the zodiac sign in the month of July: from modest Cancer to impulsive Leo

Two absolutely opposite types of people were born this month

Crayfish - humble and shy, and Leo is absolutely devoid of a sense of embarrassment. The former tend to analyze and worry about every word spoken or deed done, the latter believe that depression is an invention of blessed young ladies, and completely deny sensuality.

However, both representatives of such different zodiac signs capable of sincere affection, constancy and fidelity. They expect the same from partners, and only in this case, the relationship in a couple will be full and cloudless. Without a family, home and children, they consider their life a failure.

Cancer is a symbol of the months of June-July

The month of August and the signs of the zodiac: fickle Leo and talented Virgo

Those born under the constellation in August are distinguished by perseverance, determination, and always achieve their goals. They rarely change their minds and try to follow only their own inner voice and beliefs. Until August 22, the power of the zodiac sign Leo lasts.

August-September continues Virgo. People born under this zodiac sign always preferring to take the lead. They love to amaze and conquer others with their talents, beauty, eccentricity and everything that is possible. They like to be the center of attention and gather crowds of fans around them.

Signs of the zodiac in September: scrupulous and diligent Virgo and Libra

The month of September begins with the sign of the zodiac, which rules over the Earth until September 23 inclusive. September-October is Libra timetable.

People born in September are unique in that they have their own concept of finance, its value and necessity for each person.

They know very well where, how and how much they can earn. so as not to deny yourself anything later. However, only for yourself! No one else, even the closest person - this is not permissible!

Even when buying a gift for a loved one, people born in September will think for a long time, weighing necessity and greed. But if desire wins, the most expensive gift will be bought. September men are possessive and jealous, girls obsessed with cleanliness.

September-October according to the schedule comes the time of Libra

Born in the month of October according to the zodiac sign: balance between Libra and Scorpio

Until October 23, the zodiac sign rules. Next - October-November - the time of Scorpio. No matter who was born, when and under what constellation, October people are different heightened sense of responsibility manifested more in the field of work and finance.

Justice for these people is not an empty phrase. They will never get involved in a conflict until they figure out which side is right. But when they figure it out, the offender can only sympathize. Women born in October accustomed to always and in everything to lead, they will never forgive betrayal.

October men are stingy and greedy

What is the zodiac sign in November: the pedantry of Scorpio and the sophistication of Sagittarius

Until November 22, power is being extended. Further - November-December, Sagittarius enters the rights. The description of the people of November can begin with the fact that it is extremely prudent and pedantic personality. They always and in everything try to find their own benefit, never forget insults and will definitely take revenge in the most sophisticated way.

Girls born in November are narcissistic and bright coquettes. Men are prone to depression and are mentally unstable.

December zodiac sign: Sagittarius - the final horoscopic cycle

December ends the zodiac circle in time, and the month begins with a zodiac sign. He rules until December 21, then in the period December-January, the zodiac sign Capricorn comes into force and the annual cycle ends here.

In this case, the horoscope of character according to the date of birth of people who were born in December is complex. Born this month quick-tempered, intolerant of criticism and uncompromising people. They always go ahead, knowing exactly what they want from this life. At the same time, they cannot be persuaded to injustice and deceit.

Zodiac circle according to the time of the horoscopic year

Following their ideals and the call of reason, people born in December always achieve their goals. They are sociable and smart and therefore valued in any society. In a relationship with a loved one, they are gentle and romantic, but they will not allow you to limit your freedom to anything.

Table of zodiac signs by date of birth (months and days):

Zodiac signDates
CapricornDecember 22 - January 20
AquariusJanuary 21 - February 18
FishFebruary 19 - March 20
AriesMarch 21 - April 20
TaurusApril 21 - May 20
TwinsMay 21 - June 21
CrayfishJune 22 - July 22
a lionJuly 23 - August 23
VirgoAugust 24 - September 23
ScalesSeptember 24 - October 23
ScorpionOctober 24 - November 22
SagittariusNovember 23 - December 21

To determine which zodiac sign is today according to the horoscope or to calculate who you belong to by date of birth, you can simply look at the table.

But astrology is a multifaceted science Therefore, the character of a person can be recognized not only by the month of birth, but also depending on the year in which he was born. There is a legend that once upon a time, Buddha called for advice all the animals in the world without exception.

Those 12 of them who arrived at the call first, and received power over the 12 months of the annual cycle

You can briefly characterize each of the signs of the zodiac of the eastern horoscope. So, people born in a certain year are endowed with the following character traits:

  • Rat. Pragmatic, hardworking, responsible, purposeful, has a wonderful sense of humor, loves her home and comfort.
  • Bull(Ox). Stubborn, purposeful, uncompromising, hardworking, able to earn money, fair, prone to jealousy and tyranny.
  • Tiger. Bright, ambitious, purposeful, capricious, fickle, passionate, does not know the boundaries of what is permitted in anything.
  • Rabbit(Cat). Lucky, kind, malleable, assertive, prone to depression, sensual and enthusiastic.
  • The Dragon. Bright, ambitious, endowed with excellent intuition, successful, gentle and passionate.

12 years - the cycle of the eastern horoscope

  • Snake. Wise, prudent, cautious, closed, selfish and lazy.
  • Horse. Bright, hardworking, reckless, impulsive, cheerful, adventurous, selfish.
  • Goat(Sheep). Graceful, refined, lazy, driven, love luxury and idleness.
  • A monkey. Active, aggressive, cheerful, devoted, frivolous, endowed with a wonderful sense of humor.
  • Rooster. Scrupulous, demanding, open, honest, assertive and bright.
  • Dog. Friendly, fair, kind, faithful, devoted.
  • Pig(Boar). Kind, calm, measured, vindictive, in difficult situations can treat others with aggression.

Calendar for determining all zodiac signs by year of birth:

1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022

Leo is the central figure of the zodiac, ruled by the main planet of the solar system - the Sun. People born under this zodiac sign are strong and purposeful, born leaders. But a “hot cocktail” of strong qualities evokes ambiguous emotions among others.

Description of the zodiac sign Leo

Those born between July 23 and August 23 are charming and charismatic, they like to be in the spotlight and easily make new acquaintances. The main thing that attracts people to this sign is generosity, sensitivity, a sharp mind and a great sense of humor.

The famous female lion, possessing - Jennifer Lopez. In addition to her, Coco Chanel, Whitney Houston, Sofia Rotaru, Napoleon Bonaparte, Henry Ford, Robert De Niro were born under the constellation of the lion.

Lions cannot stand routine and strive to diversify every day they live with fresh impressions. Representatives of this sign are enthusiastic travelers, adventurers, true connoisseurs of beauty.

Ruled by the Sun, Leos always want to feel like the "center of the universe", strive to please others and love praise. Achieving success, they are happy to bathe in the rays of glory, but at the same time they do not lose their heads and set new, even higher and bolder goals. Kind and sensitive Leos want to see their loved ones happy and strive to make the world around them better.

Strengths and weaknesses in the characteristics of Lviv

The strengths of the sign are:

  • Generosity and generosity. Lions often act as patrons, help with advice and deed to everyone who needs help, take care of their family and loved ones. Lucky and sociable, they make many useful acquaintances and, even occupying a not very high position, use privileges for the benefit of their relatives and friends.
  • Independence and purposefulness. Lions are self-confident, easily adapt to any conditions and rely only on their own strengths. They do not like to depend on anyone, they clearly know what they want and strive to achieve their goals.
  • Courage. Once in a difficult situation, the fire sign will never succumb to panic, but will immediately begin to look for a way out. No matter what trials life has prepared, Leo will never lower his head and steadfastly endure all the blows of fate.

Innate optimism, the will to win and a "heart of gold" - this is what helps the Lions move forward and conquer new heights and the sympathy of others.

But the assertive and invulnerable-looking sign is not without weak character traits. The “King of Beasts” cannot stand loneliness and, despite a sharp mind, is poorly versed in people. Leo is vain, loves flattery and does not always manage to distinguish real friends from fake ones.

The tendency to control others, selfishness, arrogance and the desire to have the last word make Leo a real tyrant in the eyes of others.

Some Leos are frivolous and do not know how to properly manage money. These regal natures love luxury, gambling and spend a lot on entertainment, not wanting to deny themselves momentary pleasures.

Another weakness of the sign is a tendency to laziness. The activity of born leaders often depends on mood and is replaced by periods of lazy inactivity. Lions do not like to admit their mistakes, they are acutely sensitive to criticism and quickly lose interest in the work they have begun if their work is not appreciated.

Element and talismans of the sign Leo

The element of the sign is fire. Passionate, emotional and ambitious, Leos, ruled by the Sun, are prone to violent mood swings. The kindness and warmth of Leo is quickly replaced by irascibility and intolerance towards others. People born under this sign love to give advice, talk in a condescending tone and talk about their exploits.

Representatives of this sign are cheerful, optimistic and enterprising, distinguished by a proud posture, impeccable manners and a soft gait. They love to dress stylishly and brightly and always strive to stand out from the crowd.

To replenish energy, the fire sign needs to surround itself with objects of power.

Talismans for the sign Leo:

  • a family ring with a large stone, best of all - with amber, ruby, garnet, topaz;
  • old coins, official seal, cane and other antiques;
  • pendants and brooches depicting symbols of power - a lion, an eagle, a crown, crossed swords;
  • gold jewelry;
  • orders and medals of ancestors.

There is another unusual item of power for Leo - a hazelnut in a shell. This talisman gives its owner strength, brings him to the right people and improves health.

Career and professional characteristics of the Leo sign

Leos are sophisticated, creative and original personalities. Many of them are well versed in art, literature, cinema and become professional actors, dancers, writers or critics. Representatives of this sign are prudent, smart and practical. They strive to make good money, always be in sight and implement the most daring ideas. Often successful in business, especially if it is associated with creative activities.

Lions feel best in managerial positions and in areas where you need to constantly interact with other people - in politics, architecture, marketing, and the media.

Representatives of this sign achieve the least success only in routine work. Monotonous office work, lack of opportunities for self-realization and career growth are unacceptable for them.

Characteristics of Lviv health

Usually Lions have good health, they are hardy and rarely get sick. Those born under a fiery sign easily endure high loads, are distinguished by a strong physique and a slender figure.

But, despite strong immunity, Lions are vulnerable and prone to the following ailments:

  • heart failure and pressure drops;
  • allergies;
  • skin diseases;
  • colds accompanied by fever;
  • fractures;
  • nervous breakdowns.

To avoid illnesses, representatives of this sign should have a good rest, take care of the nervous system, get enough sleep, and not get involved in alcohol and smoking.

Lions are sensitive to indifference, they cannot stand boredom, darkness and cold. To achieve inner harmony and feel great, it is best for this sign to live in warm cities, to be in the sun more often, to lead an active and creative lifestyle.

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