Bell pepper lecho in a Redmond slow cooker. Lecho for the winter, a classic recipe in a slow cooker

Today I will cook a classic lecho for the winter. And, of course, it is most convenient to make lecho in a slow cooker. Surely, you have seen such a lecho for sale in stores more than once. Very delicious! It's very easy to make your own!

Preparations for the winter are generally a very convenient thing in terms of saving time. I will explain with my example. I am a working mother with a husband and a small child. Most of the day I am at work, then I run to the kindergarten for the child, then home, at the same time thinking about what to cook for dinner. You also often need to run into the store, pay receipts, etc. And as a result, there is very little time left to prepare dinner. If you have any blanks in the refrigerator, this will greatly simplify your task. A variety of lecho, vegetable salads, pickled mushrooms will be an excellent addition to the banal boiled potatoes (pasta, buckwheat) with meatballs or sausages. Just don’t think that I feed my child marinades and canned foods every day. Of course no. My child generally tends to eat plain potatoes and plain cutlets, with no additives. Here he loves pickled mushrooms, but I don’t give him more than 2-3 mushrooms. Everything should be within reason.

So, you will spend one minute opening a can with a blank. And to prepare a fresh salad for dinner, you will spend much more time. Even banal cucumbers with tomatoes will take you at least 10 minutes. So we are preparing a sleigh in the summer and are taken to lecho.


  • Bulgarian or sweet pepper - 2 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 50-60 ml
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp.
  • Salt - 3 tsp
  • Allspice peas - 12 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons

How to cook a classic lecho in a slow cooker

At the beginning, I carefully wash the jars and lids. I sterilize jars. It can be in the oven, or it can be steamed in a slow cooker. I put the jars in a steamer container, turn on the steam cooking program, pour 600-700 ml of water into the bowl. Time -20 minutes.

I prepare all products. The initial amount of products is designed for 2 batches of lecho stewing. You can't fit everything in one bowl at a time! I have 2 bowls for the multicooker (5 liters each).

Therefore, I divide the products into two parts and put them in bowls. First I cook in one, take it out, immediately put the second. You can cook in one bowl, just in turn, in two batches.

Wash tomatoes thoroughly. I scroll through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

Sweet pepper free from seeds and cut into large strips.

I pour the tomato sauce into bowls in equal amounts. I spread chopped pepper and onion in the sauce, also in equal quantities. I add salt, sugar, allspice peas, bay leaf. I add vegetable oil. I divide all spices and oil into two bowls!

I mix food in two bowls.

I put the first bowl in the slow cooker. I turn on the Quenching program, cooking time is 1 hour. 5 minutes before readiness, I pour 2 tbsp into the lecho. vinegar 9%. I mix.

The treatment is ready. I take out the bowl from the multicooker and put the second one. All actions are similar. Don't forget to add the vinegar at the end!

I roll the hot lecho of the first batch into jars! When the second one is ready, I roll it up. Wrap jars until cool, store in a cool place.

From the initial amount of products, 3.5 liters of classic lecho are obtained.

The classic lecho is cooked in the Redmond RMS-M20 multicooker.

Step 1: Prepare the Pepper.

Wash the peppers, preferably not just with your hands, but using a soft sponge for dishes. Then remove the core with seeds by making cuts around the tail.
Next, you need to cut the pepper. In this case, how exactly you cut it does not matter. I prefer the pepper in the lecho to be cut into large rings, it looks prettier and more appetizing.

Step 2: Prepare the bow.

I also chop the onion coarsely, of course, having cleaned and washed it before that.

Step 3: Prepare the tomatoes.

Remove the stalk from the tomato and put them on a deep dish, boil water and scald the vegetables, let them lie in hot water 2-3 minutes. The skin should then peel off easily.
Grind the peeled tomatoes with a blender to a liquid slurry.

Step 4: Cooking lecho in a slow cooker.

Put the chopped peppers and onions on the bottom of the multicooker, pour over the tomatoes chopped in a blender so that the liquid completely hides the pieces of vegetables. Add vegetable oil, sugar, salt, vinegar, black and allspice. Close the lid of the steamer, set the mode "Extinguishing" and set a timer for 45 minutes.
It's so simple, now you can go and do other things, as soon as the time necessary for cooking passes, you can serve lecho or preserve it by pouring it into pre-sterilized jars. Lecho cooked in a slow cooker does not require any additional processing.

Step 5: Serve lecho.

Ready-made lecho is great as an addition to hot dishes, for example, it goes well with boiled rice or potatoes, pasta, meat. You can even add it to soup as a dressing or just put it on the festive table.
Enjoy your meal!

In some recipes, carrots are added to lecho, try it, you might like this combination.

If you do not have the opportunity to use a blender, chop the tomatoes in a meat grinder.

To prepare a spicy lecho, add fresh or narrowed red hot pepper.

A couple of cloves of garlic will also add piquancy to lecho.

Ingredients for 1.5 liters:

  • sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • tomatoes - 1.2 kg
  • carrots - 0.5 kg
  • large onion - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. without a slide
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. with a slide
  • odorless vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp.

In the summer season, the abundance of fresh vegetables is so great that sometimes you are at a loss and you just can’t decide what to put in jars first? Lecho is a cold appetizer cooked from a variety of vegetables, among which sweet predominates. You can cook it not only as a preparation for the winter, but just like that for no reason, in the summer, when you want stewed vegetables.

Cooking method

  1. I collect vegetables and additional ingredients for preparing the workpiece in advance (I buy bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes and onions). I measure out the required amount of salt, granulated sugar and vinegar.

  2. I put fresh tomatoes in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over them. I let them stand for one minute, after which I very carefully drain the boiling water and pour the vegetables with cold water. When the tomatoes are cool, I remove the skin from them.

  3. Peel carrots and onions and wash with water. I cut the onion into half rings, carrots into rings. I cut the tomatoes in half, remove the seeds and cut into pieces. I spread the Bulgarian pepper in a large bowl, fill it with water and thoroughly wash each vegetable. Then, I cut it in half, cut off the tails, clean out the seeds and cut the half of the peppers into a few more pieces. I cut the peeled garlic cloves into plates.

  4. I pour odorless vegetable oil into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. All vegetables are laid out in layers. First I put the pieces of tomatoes, then on top a layer of onions, and carrots.

  5. Now I'm spreading the sweet bell pepper.

  6. I add salt, sugar, garlic cloves and bay leaf. I close the lid of the multicooker and set the “extinguishing” mode, time 1 hour. In the process of cooking lecho in a slow cooker, there is a very important point - the stewing time can vary up or down, it all depends on the model and power of the kitchen unit. Therefore, I strongly advise you to check the peppers after 30 minutes for readiness if you have a slow cooker of a different model. Bulgarian pepper and all other vegetables should be soft. If the situation is the opposite, we cook lecho more in time.

  7. 10 minutes before the end of the program, open the lid and taste the sauce. Adjust the amount of sugar and salt as needed. Lecho's tomato sauce should taste sweet with a barely perceptible sourness from tomatoes and salt. If everything is in order with the taste of the finished dish, I throw out the bay leaf and pour in the vinegar. I close the lid and cook lecho in a slow cooker until the end of the program. Lecho with vinegar should boil together for at least five minutes.

  8. In advance, after thoroughly washing them with soda and rinsing with water. Sterilize tin lids in boiling water for 15 minutes. Very carefully, with a plastic ladle, I pour hot lecho, cooked in a slow cooker, into sterile jars, cover the jars with lids and roll them up. The aroma of vegetables is amazing!

  9. I turn each jar with the blank upside down, wrap it with a blanket, and leave them in this position to settle for at least a day. Then I store it in a dark, cool place.

Lecho turns out incredibly tasty! It can be eaten as a separate dish or in addition to side dishes of cereals, pasta or potatoes.



Lecho in a slow cooker for the winter cooking is a pleasure! To prepare it at home in this way does not require special attention and special culinary skills. In this case, the hostesses only need to choose and prepare the vegetables correctly, and the multicooker completely takes over the process of cooking them. Thanks to such a kitchen assistant as a slow cooker, we do not need to stand at the stove all the time and stir the workpiece. On the contrary, in parallel with cooking, we can do other household chores. Plus, there are always more than enough!

It is very convenient to prepare pepper lecho according to this step-by-step photo recipe using a slow cooker. During its preparation, you no longer need to worry about the fact that vegetables can burn and ruin the entire workpiece. What's more, the slow cooker won't let the vegetable juice run out of the pot, as it sometimes does on the stovetop. Now these are just unpleasant memories that can be forgotten forever!

The only drawback of using a slow cooker for cooking lecho for the winter is that it will not be possible to cook it in large quantities at a time. Therefore, this simple photo recipe with step-by-step instructions is designed to prepare an amazing snack in the amount of several jars.

So, let's start preparing a delicious lecho for the winter!



    Since today we are considering harvesting for the winter, it means that first of all it is necessary to prepare jars for it, namely, to sterilize. In this case, there are two options: oven or steaming. Already at this stage, the multicooker is in a hurry to help us. With the help of it, we will use the second proposed option for sterilizing containers. To do this, we take a special container-steamer and pour 700 milliliters of water into it, after which we install cans on top of the structure, as shown in the photo below. We turn on the “Steam cooking” function on the multicooker and process the glass container for twenty minutes.

    Now let's prepare the tomatoes. They should be washed and then separated from the skin. In order for the skin of tomatoes to easily lag behind, they must first be scalded with boiling water. Turn the resulting tomato pulp into a homogeneous mass. This can be done both with a meat grinder and a regular blender..

    To get a very tasty and outwardly appetizing lecho, it is recommended to use different varieties of Bulgarian pepper. Each type of pepper has a separate taste and color, and this in this case will only play into our hands. So, wash the peppers and cut out all the insides from them. Then we cut the multi-colored vegetables into medium pieces so that they can clearly stand out in the workpiece.

    We send the chopped bell pepper to the container of the multicooker and fill it with the mass obtained from the tomatoes. Then add spices, salt and granulated sugar, as well as chopped garlic to the mixture.

    Thoroughly mix the contents of the container, and then turn on the multicooker in the "Extinguishing" mode. This feature takes one hour. At the end of this time, the kitchen appliance will signal that the lecho is completely ready and can be poured into processed jars. The filled container should immediately be rolled up and covered with a blanket until it cools.

    The cooled blanks should meet the winter with the rest of the winter stocks in the cellar. By the way, lecho prepared according to this recipe in a slow cooker does not require time to infuse, therefore, if you want to get a juicy snack right now, then there are no barriers to this..

    Enjoy your meal!

August ... the season of tomatoes, peppers, seamings ... And even despite the fact that fresh vegetables are both tasty and healthy, it can be impossible to cope with the harvest. So conservation comes to the rescue! So nice in winter, opening a jar, remember sunny days, inhale the aroma of summer and fill the body with vitamins with a minimum content of additives and preservatives...

Both my husband and I love lecho very much, both fresh and canned. Usually I do with the whole crop at once (and tomatoes, and carrots, and zucchini, and peppers), but in season, there are so many tomatoes that I have to look for an alternative. And then I found it in a recipe book. This homemade lecho very noble combines the taste of tomatoes and peppers. For flavor, I allowed myself to add a little onion. Here's what happened.

Ingredients: tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, salt, sugar, vinegar.

The first step is to peel the tomatoes. To do this, I pour boiling water over them. Then pass through a meat grinder.

Wash the pepper, remove the core and cut into slices of about 1.5 cm. Onions - half rings.

Put all the ingredients in a multicooker pan (tomatoes, peppers, onions).

Then add oil, salt, sugar, garlic, vinegar.


Close the lid, select the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for 1 hour. At this time, wash and sterilize jars with lids. Hot lecho pour, roll up.

And enjoy the bright rich taste of sweet summer on dull cold winter days. Enjoy your meal!

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