Treatment of arthrosis in Hévíz. Indications and contraindications for treatment in Heviz

Manshina N.V.
Tourist business. Special issue: Heviz - the source of life, 2008

“The hope of the future world is hidden in the water, and the beneficial properties of the waters are no less diverse than the taste,” said Seneca two thousand years ago, when the lake of Heviz was already known to the Roman legionaries for its healing properties. The largest thermal lake on the planet - Lake Heviz - is not only a huge bath, but also a drinking pump room, as well as an open-air inhaler. In a huge funnel at a depth of 38 m, the mysterious Genius aquaticus mixes the streams of warm and cold waters exactly in such quantities that these waters remain pleasant to the taste and at the same time are a cure for many diseases. Temperatures up to 33-35 °C in summer and 23 °C in winter and low salinity of the water make swimming in the lake very comfortable.

Lake bathing, balneotherapy, drinking therapy in the Hévíz spa


  • uncompensated, hypothyroidism,
  • subcompensated,
  • unstable arterial hypertension,
  • not a beach holiday!

    When swimming in Heviz, be sure to move. Movements in warm water contribute to the relaxation of spasmodic muscles, expansion of skin capillaries, active breathing and, consequently, a more intensive flow of nutrients from the water of Heviz through the skin and respiratory tract.

    Even if you are a good swimmer, periodically swim in Lake Heviz with a circle, hanging on it. This kind of vertical traction is useful for diseases of the spine and joints.

    Don't try to swim fast in the lake. Despite the slight mineralization, the waters of Lake Heviz are “heavy” in feel, and the procedure is quite stressful, especially in the hot season.

    The active components of Heviz waters give an additional load on the body. It should be borne in mind that the duration of therapeutic bathing without additional recommendations from the attending physician should not exceed 1 hour a day, and for people with diseases of the circulatory system - 30 minutes.

    Patients with neurovascular diseases should be careful in the summer, since hyperinsolation and hyperthermia can provoke the development of a vascular crisis in them.

    For patients who have had a myocardial infarction in the past, the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident and other risk groups, the best seasons for recovery are autumn and spring.

N.V. Manshina

Heviz is the source of life!

“The hope of the future world is hidden in water, and the beneficial properties of water are no less diverse than taste,” said Seneca two thousand years ago. The largest thermal lake on the planet is Lake Heviz, it is not only a huge bath, but also a drinking pump room, as well as an open-air inhaler. In a huge funnel at a depth of 38 m, the mysterious Genius aquaticus mixes the streams of warm and cold waters exactly in such quantities that these waters remain pleasant to the taste and at the same time are a cure for many diseases. Temperatures up to 33 - 35 ° C in summer and 23 ° C in winter and low salinity of the water make swimming in the lake very comfortable.

Lake bathing, balneotherapy, drinking therapy

According to the classification adopted in Russia, the waters of Lake Heviz belong to the group of thermal low-mineralized hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-magnesium waters with a small content of the noble gas radon, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.

The waters of Hévíz have a calming effect. This is due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide, under the influence of which in the central nervous system the processes of inhibition begin to prevail over the processes of excitation. Magnesium has the same effect, which is why it is called the “anti-stress element”.

When bathing in the lake, warm water improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin and underlying tissues: joint bags, cartilage, internal organs. Minerals enter the skin and exert their healing effect.

The composition of the thermal water of Lake Heviz

Cations mg/l

Anions mg/l

Active ingredients

Calcium 81

Bicarbonate 378

Metaboric acid 0.5

Sulphates 64

Metasilicic acid 43

Chlorides 23

Free carbonic acid 86

Sulfides 3.2

Dissolved oxygen 3.6

Sum of cations 151

The sum of anions 470

Total mineralization 754

Active components of the waters of Lake Heviz

HCO 3 Bicarbonate ion neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the lumen of the stomach, alkalizes urine, promotes the dissolution of mucus in the stomach, urinary tract, and when inhaled - in the upper respiratory tract.

SO 4 Sulphates inhibit the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, have a pronounced choleretic effect, increase intestinal motility, increase metabolic processes. By regulating the stool, eliminating flatulence and cleansing the intestines, these waters free the body and especially the liver from the effects of various toxic substances. Sulfur (in the form of sulfides and sulfates) restores the cartilaginous membranes of the joints, skin, and hair. Since ancient times, it has been considered the main therapeutic agent for skin diseases and the best cosmetic product.

Calcium has an anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect, affects the growth of bone tissue, reduces the tendency to bleed from the mucous membranes.

mg Magnesium ions, especially magnesium sulfates, having an antispasmodic effect, lower blood pressure, regulate intestinal motility, biliary tract, catalyze the activity of enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rn Radon. Small doses of ionizing radiation increase the activity of immune cells. As a result, the body's immune system becomes more effective in relation to both infectious agents and transformed cells in autoimmune diseases. Radon baths have a pronounced desensitizing, sedative and analgesic effect, restore impaired joint function, prevent the progression of the process, improve heart activity, and normalize blood pressure.

Waters containing the noble gas radon have been used for drinking cures for more than two thousand years. The Roman emperor Septimius Severus was treated with radon waters for urolithiasis, which modern researchers explain by the normalizing effect of radon therapy on the body's immunological reactivity and the excretory function of the kidneys. They have an analgesic effect, improve metabolic processes, motor and secretory functions of the stomach, intestines, biliary tract.

CO 2 Carbon dioxide. Even a small content of carbonic acid in the water of Heviz contributes to its faster absorption and faster excretion by the kidneys, which is one of the reasons for the diuretic effect. When bathing, the "gas brush" improves peripheral circulation.

H 2 S Hydrogen sulfide ions reduce gastric secretion, have a laxative and choleretic effect. However, the healing properties of the water of Heviz are due to the presence of not only sulfides, free sulfur, but also thiosulfates, which increase the immune status of the body and, therefore, enhance the anti-inflammatory effect.

B Bor found in the waters of Lake Heviz in the form of metaboric acid, which increases its biological activity. The physiological function of boron, which enters the human body with mineral waters, is to regulate parathyroid hormone, which, in turn, stimulates the exchange of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and cholecalciferol, which helps to strengthen bone tissue. In addition, boron is able to increase natural estrogen levels in women to exactly the same extent as hormone replacement therapy, and is just as effective in protecting against osteoporosis.

Si Silicon contained in the waters of Heviz in the form of colloidal metasilicic acid, which explains the adsorption, astringent, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic properties of these waters, as well as the inhibitory effect on the secretory function of the stomach. When bathing in Lake Heviz and pools with thermal water from Heviz, silicic acid acts by increasing the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and collagen, and therefore promotes the formation of granulations and scarring, smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin smooth and silky. Since ancient times, silicon-containing waters have been used to treat skin diseases and for cosmetic purposes.

The rejuvenating effect of the waters of Heviz is primarily due to the presence of boron and silicon. On Heviz, jokingly, it is recommended to closely examine the girls coming out of the lake, since it is quite possible that they entered the Heviz bathhouse as grandmothers.

Mud therapy in Heviz

    Post-infectious and reactive arthropathies

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Psoriatic arthropathy

    Idiopathic gout

  • Inflammatory lesions of the periarticular soft tissues (tenosynovitis, synovitis, bursitis, epicondylitis, myositis),

    Scoliosis (I-II degree)

    Osteocondritis of the spine

    Ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease)

    Intervertebral disc lesions

    Conditions after trauma and surgery

    Compression of the nerve roots and plexuses in violation of the intervertebral discs

    Dorsalgia (radiculopathy, cervicalgia, sciatica, lumbago)

    Neuralgia and neuritis

    Sequelae of spinal cord injury

    Post-laminectomy syndrome (conditions after surgical treatment for herniated discs)

    Inflammatory gynecological diseases with unchanged hormonal function

    Menopause and menopause in women

    Chronic rhinitis

    Chronic pharyngitis

    Chronic sinusitis

    Chronic tonsillitis

    Chronic laryngitis

    Chronic gastritis and duodenitis

    Chronic cholecystitis

    Dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract

    Irritable bowel syndrome

Contraindications for treatment and bathing in Lake Heviz

Lake Heviz, which is now located on the territory of western Hungary, was known in the era of the Roman Empire. Even then, two thousand years ago, it was clear to people without any chemical analysis that this natural source is a unique artifact.

Therapeutic factors of the resort

Lake Heviz belongs to one of the few thermal lakes on earth, the chemical activity of which does not harm the human body. The lake is thermal due to the inflow of hot water into it, beating from the heated bowels of the earth. As a rule, such waters mix with gases and chemical elements formed during reactions inside the earth, and are poisonous to humans. Lake Heviz, on the contrary, has just such a concentration and precisely those chemical elements that together have a healing effect on a person.

The water in the lake is saturated with hydrocarbon groups. Also in significant concentrations it contains sulfates and chlorides, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, carbon dioxide and metasilicic acid. Bromides, iodides, fluorides, ammonium, iron and metaboric acid are dissolved in small amounts in water.

Useful properties of water in Lake Heviz:

  • The water in the lake has a therapeutic effect, first of all, on the musculoskeletal system, helps to normalize metabolic processes in the joints and improve the condition of cartilage cells.
  • The chemical composition of the lake water stimulates the production of estrogen. Therefore, the lake helps in curing gynecological diseases.
  • Swimming in the water of the lake normalizes blood circulation and vascular tone.
  • Procedures with the use of biologically active bottom mud improve the condition of the skin, making it supple and silky.

Heviz is also a radon lake: radon is present in the water in a low concentration.

It is known that radon baths have always been an important component of quality spa treatment. They stimulate the immune system and the regenerative function of cells. Here, guests can enjoy not only a bathroom, but a whole warm radon lake, the temperature in which in summer reaches +38 degrees, in severe frosts it does not fall below +22 degrees. The direct exit of hot water from the ground occurs at a rate of 410 l / s at a depth of 38 meters: its temperature exceeds +70 degrees.

Indications for staying on the Hungarian thermal lake are diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Degenerative changes in the joints and spine.
  • Intervertebral hernias.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Injuries and fractures.
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation.
  • Rheumatic diseases.

As well as some chronic gynecological diseases:

  • Infertility.
  • inflammatory processes.
  • Low hormonal levels.

Contraindications to staying on Lake Heviz

There are a number of contraindications to water procedures on Lake Heviz due to the fact that chemically and biologically active hot water can provoke an exacerbation of certain diseases. Contraindications are as follows:

  • Diseases of the heart, blood vessels and blood, including varicose veins, thrombosis and hypertension.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy.

Underwater gymnastics

Combines the effect of physical exercise and the effect of thermal biologically active water.

Cycling, walking tours and Nordic walking

These are additional activities that are popular in the vicinity of Lake Heviz.

These procedures are effective not only in the treatment of diseases, but in rehabilitation after operations and injuries.

How to get there

Lake Heviz is located in the very center of Europe near the border of Hungary and Austria. There is no direct rail link to the city. You can get there by private or public transport.

From the Austrian Vienna, you should go along the A1 highway, then turn onto the A3 highway, along which you should go to the border Sopron. Further from the border checkpoint along highway No. 84 to the intersection with highway No. 71, which leads through Keszthely directly to Heviz.

From the Hungarian Budapest, you should go along the M7 highway to Balatonszentgyörgy, near which you need to turn towards Keszthely, then go straight for about 20 minutes to Heviz.

In addition, several hundred daily public buses run from Budapest and all major Hungarian cities to Hévíz. Buses also run from the two nearest railway stations - Balatonszentgyörgy and Keszthely.

From Moscow to Heviz you can fly by plane.

Resort infrastructure

Heviz today is not only a lake. This is a city that has everything you need to live. Moreover, it is a tourist city that has everything you need for guests. Presented here:

  • Large hotels that have spa and wellness centers at their disposal.
  • Small guesthouses.
  • Separate beauty and health centers.
  • Shops, restaurants, bars.
  • Medical centers, including the well-known rheumatology clinic. St. Andrasak.
  • Tourist bureaus organizing health tours on foot, by bike and even hot air balloon rides.

In a word, Heviz is a long-lived place where there is something to do in your free time from medical procedures.


The cost of accommodation in hotels in Heviz is democratic and is without treatment from 30 euros per day. With medical procedures - from 40 euros per day (from 560 euros for 14 days), including:

  • Half board.
  • Use of internal thermal pools, sauna.
  • Medical checkup.
  • 10 medical procedures by appointment.
  • Entrance ticket to the thermal lake.

Any additional procedures in excess of those scheduled are paid separately.

Prices for accommodation and package tours in Heviz hotels are subject to seasonal fluctuations and increase by 20-30% during the summer period and during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

You can book a hotel room online or by phone.

Tours from Moscow

The cost of a tour to Lake Heviz with accommodation in one of the hotels of the city, organized through Moscow travel companies, for 14 days will average 1500 euros per person, including flight, transfer, half board and one medical procedure per day.

A self-organized trip to Lake Heviz will be much cheaper. Round-trip flight costs 200 euros, visa - 75 euros.


Lake Heviz - the largest thermal lake in the world.Resort Hevizthe most famous and popular resort in Hungary. Located in the southwest of Hungary, 180 km from Budapest and almost the same distance from Vienna. Lake Heviz is a healing lake, the only thermal lake in the world suitable for swimming. In Lake Heviz, people do not just swim, they are treated in it. Phrase: "Treatment on Lake Heviz", not just words, this is an amazing gift of nature to people. By enjoying, we return health.



Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: lesions of the intervertebral discs; ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease); post-infectious and reactive arthropathies; rheumatoid arthritis; psoriatic arthropathy; idiopathic gout; arthrosis; inflammatory lesions of the periarticular soft tissues (tenosynovitis, synovitis, bursitis, epicondylitis, myositis); scoliosis (I-II degree); osteocondritis of the spine

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: Compression of the nerve roots and plexuses in violation of the intervertebral discs, dorsalgia (radilucopathy, cervicalgia, sciatica, lumbago); neuralgia and neuritis; consequences of spinal cord injury; post-laminectomy syndrome (conditions after surgical treatment of intervertebral discs)


- skin diseases
- gynecological diseases: - inflammatory gynecological diseases with unchanged hormonal function; menopause and menopause in women - concomitant diseases of the digestive system:
- chronic gastritis and duodenitis; chronic cholecystitis; dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract; irritable bowel syndrome


- Infectious diseases;
- Malignant tumors;
- Heart failure, heart disease, heart surgery;
- Uncompensated thyroid disease, hypothyroidism;
- Subcompensated diabetes mellitus;
- Unstable arterial hypertension;
- Postponed heart attack;
- Heart defects;
- Tendency to thrombosis, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, hemophilia;
- Bronchial asthma with frequent attacks;
- Leukopenia, anemia;
- Skin diseases in the acute stage and with extensive skin lesions;
- The first six weeks after treatment with therapeutic x-ray;
- Pregnancy;
- All stages of radiation sickness;
- Conditions requiring continuous care by a third party;
- Epilepsy;
- Urinary and stool incontinence.



Thermal water of Lake Heviz
belongs to the group of low-mineralized hydrocarbonate-sulfite calcium-magnesium with a small content of the noble gas radon, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. The waters of Lake Heviz have a calming effect. This is due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide, under the influence of which in the central nervous system the processes of inhibition begin to prevail over the processes of excitation. Magnesium has the same effect, which is why it is called the “anti-stress element”. When bathing in Lake Heviz, warm water improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin and tissues, articular bags, cartilage, and internal organs. Minerals enter the skin and exert their healing effect.

Mud lake Heviz are unique in their composition: they contain sulfides, organic biologically active and hormone-like substances and are radioactive (194-77.6 Bq/kg). Sulfur restores chondroitin sulfate molecules and literally sews together individual chondrocytes, resulting in a strong elastic cartilage tissue. Hormone-like substances contribute to the restoration of hormonal function in women and men. In gynecological diseases, according to the modern canons of balneotherapy, sulfide mud is indicated for reduced ovarian function, and radon therapy for increased estrogen levels. Therefore, treatment with Heviz mud is indicated for inflammatory diseases with unchanged ovarian function. Vertical underwater traction is a method that rightfully occupies a leading position in the treatment at Hévíz. It was developed for the first time by the Heviz doctor Karoy Moll in 1953. Modern research has not only proven the effectiveness of the method, but also made it possible to develop differentiated approaches in each specific case.

Bottom of Lake Heviz covers a 7-meter layer of therapeutic peat, and its waters are filled with 10 springs, 8 of which are cold (temperature 17 degrees) and 2 hot (40 degrees). From the mixture of these waters, the warm water of Lake Heviz is formed. The water in Lake Heviz is completely renewed in 3.5 days in a natural way. You can swim in Lake Heviz all year round, in winter the water temperature does not drop below 24 degrees, and in summer it rises to 38 degrees. Around Lake Heviz, the resort of Heviz itself is chic. The Heviz resort is a town with a developed resort infrastructure. Excellent medical hotels in the resort of Heviz, many shops, cafes, summer playgrounds. There is a beautiful church, a bus station - you can independently ride around Hungary by bus. In addition, various excursions are made from the Heviz resort almost daily: Budapest, Vienna, Balaton, the Pearl of the Danube - this is just a small list. We will be happy to provide you with all information about leisure activities and excursions at the ASTRAYA-tour office. Lake Heviz has long been loved by our guests and for good reason. In addition to a wonderful holiday, you can seriously improve your health here.


Lake Heviz is a unitary state health complex.
There are three entrances to visit Lake Heviz.
Two of them have their own cash desk, equipped locker rooms, rest rooms, a cafe, and a medical unit.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the work schedule of Lake Heviz.
Pay attention that the suggested schedule may vary slightly, depending on the season.
However, all changes will be minor.


To visit Lake Heviz, you need to purchase a season ticket

Here is the average cost of season tickets at Lake Heviz

Subscription visit
in forints
3 hours - visiting the lake + - During opening hours 2600 for - about 9 euros
5 hours - visiting the lake + - 3500 for - about 12 euros
Relax - 4 hours visiting the lake + + 4000 for - about 13 euros
All day visit to the lake + - 4500 for - about 15 euros
Senior from 60 years old 3 hours upon presentation
identity cards
+ - 2100 for - about 7 euros
3 hours - visiting the lake by student
+ - 2100 for - about 7 euros
additional subscription "Wellness" - + in addition to
lake pass
1800 for - about 6 euros
10 hours - visiting the lake + - 10 hours within 10 days
from the date of purchase of the subscription
7500 for +1000 for - deposit -
about 25 euros
20 hours - visiting the lake + - 20 hours within 20 days
from the date of purchase of the subscription
14000 for +1000 for bail-
about 47 euros
30 minutes - visitor ticket * - - During opening hours 700 for +2000 for bail -
about 2.3 euros
Overtime allowance - - 20 min - about 0.6 euro per minute
Eco ticket with bracelet (3 hours) + - 2900 for - about 3.3 euros
Towel 1000 for +1000 for deposit
about 3.3 euros
Cabin vk operating
entrance pass to the lake
- - 1000 for - about 3.3 euros
Sauna sheet 400 for - about 1.3 euros

* a ticket to visit the territory of the lake does not entitle you to swim! in case of overrun of time, the deposit of 2000 forints is not returned.


Resort name Buk Heviz Zalaka-rosh sharvar hajdusso-boszlo Harkan Budapest
CATIONS mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l
Potassium 280,00 68,00 58,00 8,70 11,30 12,00 0,02
Calcium 93,00 81,00 136,00 7,40 8,60 47,20 0,11
Magnesium 45,5 12,10 47,50 5,70 5,40 12,10 0,0002
Sodium 4220,00 27,00 1810,00 978,00 1530,00 159,00 0,17
Ammonium 36,4 0,32 12,00 7,6 14,80 2,50 0
Iron 0,46 0,04 0,15 0,02 0,79 0,02 0
Magnesium - - - - - - -
Lithium - - - - 0,20 - -
Strontium - - - - - - -
Barium - - - - - - -
Rubidium - - - - - - -
Sum of cations 4678,36 220,80 2063,65 1008,00 1571,09 220,80 0,820
Nitrates <1
Nitrite <0,02
chlorides 2390,00 23,00 2420,00 320,00 1495,00 104,00 0,18
Bromide 7,5 0,11 6,50 0,36 9,80 0,32 0,00070
Iodide 1,26 0,02 5,40 0,32 5,50 0,17 0,00005
Fluoride 4,4 1,4 1,40 0,81 1,70 1,20 0
sulfates 880,00 64,00 1,40 >25 37,00 0 0,37
Sulfide 0,05 3,20 2,9 0,05 0,16 8,00 0
Bicarbonate 7420 378,00 1650,00 2135,00 1790,00 500,00 0,62
Anion sum 10523,22 470,00 4087,60 2482,00 3339,16 613,70 1,17
Metoboric to-ta 14,3 0,50 155,00 9,30 - 7,00 0
Methosilicic acid 26,00 43,00 19,00 30,00 - 64,00 0,04
Free carbonic acid 1090,00 86,00 733,00 72,00 - 140,00 0,32
Rodon - 0,8 – 3,8 - - - - 0
General mineralization 15201,58 621,00 6151,25 3490,00 4910,25 834,50 1,99

The city itself Heviz is located on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, in the middle of Western Hungary, 6 kilometers from Keszhely. From Budapest you can drive in 2 hours, and Balaton is in close proximity. The famous resort town is surrounded by hills, a unique Mediterranean microclimate, with plenty of sunny days.

Lake Heviz spread out in the center of a huge park and looks like a lovely bluish diamond in an emerald-cut forest, reflected in the water with a greenish sheen. A haze of steam from healing thermal waters hovers over the shimmering surface of the lake. The thin plume of this steam clearly justifies the name of the lake, which comes from the Hungarian “heviz” (“current warm spring”).

The beneficial effects of the lake were discovered in 1795. The most famous legend tells of the daughter of a wealthy aristocrat, who, being paralyzed in both legs, after bathing in the lake, gained the ability to move.

Healing waters and mud of Lake Heviz

The water of the lake contains unique microorganisms that contribute to the healing power of thermal water, which is especially good for the prevention and treatment of various types of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Thermal water is rich in dissolved gas components such as carbonate, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate.

The water in the lake has the unique ability to change every 72 hours thanks to the waters of a powerful underground source. There are ten healing springs in the underground cave and they feed the lake. Water temperature in lake Heviz even in winter it is favorable for swimming, 25-28 C.

The bottom of the lake is covered with amazing mud, the healing effect of which is no worse than that of the waters themselves. The high therapeutic benefit is determined by the high heat capacity, which is contained in the mineral and organic composition of the mud.

Most often, in the form of special applications, mud containing a lot of iodine is used for mud therapy.

Treatment at Lake Heviz

Indications for treatment

Heviz healing water is used mainly for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, including cases when rehabilitation is necessary after orthopedic, musculoskeletal surgeries and injuries.
The complex of balneotherapy can favorably influence and treat:

  • rheumatism
  • osteoporosis
  • degenerative changes in the spine / diseases of the joints
  • ankylosing spondylitis
  • inflammatory diseases of the joint in their chronic phase
  • secondary joint diseases
  • chronic, peripheral, nervous diseases
    and also ideal for chronic gynecological and dermatological diseases, as an additional treatment.

Traditional Heviz therapy

The traditional Hevizskaya has become the hallmark of the city. It is based on the healing water of Hévíz, which, due to its rich content of minerals, is especially beneficial for the musculoskeletal system. Its effectiveness has been proven by recent medical studies, as well as by thousands of cured guests.

How does traditional Heviz therapy work?

In each case, a comprehensive treatment plan is preceded by a medical examination with an assessment of the condition. Based on the personal condition of the guest, specialists determine the elements of therapy that complement each other, for example, the duration of bathing in healing water, etc.

Treatment is carried out according to special rules, qualified personnel and under the supervision of a physician.

The main elements of Heviz therapy:
  • Bathing in certified thermal water
  • Therapeutic mud wrap or Heviz mud baths
  • Underwater spinal traction based on the invention of Dr. Karoy Moll
Additional elements of Heviz therapy:

  • Drinking Heviz healing water from the drinking fountain
  • Massotherapy
  • Movement therapy (individual and/or group)
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures (electromagnetic-mechanical-light, etc.)
  • Hydrotherapy: CO2 bath, underwater jet massage, galvanic baths

Based on the assessment of the condition, the specialist determines which of the above procedures is recommended to alleviate the complaints. Each therapy is developed individually, making sure that its elements reinforce each other. The duration of therapy should be 2 weeks ideally. Treatment in Hévíz leads to immediate improvement and does not allow the recurrence of pain for several months.

Hotels with treatment on Lake Heviz

Where is the Traditional Hévíz Therapy available?

A number of hotels and sanatoriums in Heviz offer traditional Heviz therapy and guarantee the proper application of knowledge and experience gained over many centuries:

Bathing in Lake Heviz

In Hévíz, the most important element of healing is bathing in the thermal lake. The gentle touch of water, the feeling of floating, swaying lotus flowers, the smell of healing water and the green foliage of the surrounding trees have a calming effect on the nervous system, and cause a psychological feeling of healing.

The water kingdom of the lake in the summer and autumn seasons is immersed in the blooming elements and is a magical sight. It seems that you are entering a fairy tale. Pink and lilac lilies, floating malachite leaves gently blend with the dark water surface and cause a burning desire to take a dip.

That feeling when drops of water, like tiny bubbles, gently massage the body, is unique. Medical lake Heviz not only gives a sense of the bathing procedure, but also sets the basis for traditional medical procedures and healing wellness procedures.

Heviz cuisine

A special bonus for travelers who come to Lake Heviz will be an acquaintance with excellent Hungarian cuisine. Very large portions, hearty dishes - these are the distinctive qualities of dishes. You should definitely pay attention to the famous Hungarian goulash in order to realize what a true goulash should taste like. You should also pay attention to the amazingly tasty spicy Balaton fish soup. Speaking of fish, Hungarians are very fond of baked pike perch caught from Lake Balaton.

A separate song is Hungarian wines, which are distinguished by high palatability and created from grapes that grow only in certain regions of Hungary. Some of the most unusual and attractive wines are created in Badachoni, on the northern shore of Lake Balaton. There's a wine there, lyrically called Badacsonyi Rajnai Rizling, which has an unexpectedly pleasant note of oil! This wine cannot be tasted anywhere else.

Eventually rest on the lake Heviz turns into sheer pleasure, where you feel how health flows into the body with a thin healing stream, filling it with vivacity and strength. Mind-blowing nature, delightful ablutions in medicinal waters, cuisine that melts in your mouth - all this restores valuable inner harmony and peace of mind. In the cozy town of Heviz, all the paths are directed to the great baths of the city. Intoxicatingly smelling relict trees, proud oaks stand majestically along the paths, and as you slowly step along the path, you already feel the blessed warm breath from afar. lake Heviz.

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