An affectionate name proud. Photo gallery: famous men named Gordey

Gordey is a man of action, moderate, restrained, judging people by the results of their professional skills. This is a typical "working bee", which is very contemptuous of the very concept of intuition, considering it "lady's stuff." Outwardly, Gordey is quite calm and serene, but it happens that passions rage inside him. No one will ever guess about this, even his wife will not believe that Gordey only dreams of cheating on her, but only dreams.

Gordey is a modest person, a little shy, an extremely active person. The name Gordius is the Phrygian king who, according to legend, tied the knot that Alexander the Great cut with his sword. By nature, he is peaceful, tries to stay in the shadows, therefore he gives the impression of a timid, indecisive person.

In the field of communication, Gordey is a wonderful, witty interlocutor, very sociable, balanced, tolerant of other people's shortcomings, and knows how to listen. Very lucky, talented, quickly reaches a strong position in society. The meaning of the name has the ability to medicine, journalism, painting and performing arts.

Fate: The name endows a person with many wonderful qualities. Gordey is a truly positive person: modest, even somewhat shy. With a accommodating peace-loving character. Sometimes it gives the impression of an indecisive, timid person because of his inherent desire to stay in the background, not to stand out. In fact, this is an extremely active nature, infecting others with its energy.

Day of the Angel Gordey

The very meaning of the name Gordey originates from Russian, Slavic culture, although including Catholic roots. For the first time, the name Gordey was mentioned in ancient Greece, when it originates from the peasant Gordias, who was chosen by the king of Phrygia at the behest of the supreme god Zeus.

It was this peasant who tied such a knot on a wagon, which no one could untie and cut, and this was the basis for such a phrase as the Gordian knot. According to the seer, the one who unties the knot itself will be the ruler of the world, and it was Alexander the Great who cut it with his own sword. If we interpret the meaning itself, then it can be translated as a king, reigning, commanding. According to another variation, the name Gordey has Slavic roots and is translated as proud. The third version of the meaning takes on Greek origins, originating from Gorgias, translated as formidable or fast.

Recently, old names are becoming more and more popular. For example, the name Gordey was practically not used 10 years ago, but now it is gradually moving towards the top category. A man with this name has a strong character. This is a serious and practical person who will slowly but surely move towards his goal.

The history of the appearance of the name

The name Gordey, like many other ancient name forms, has its own history. However, so far linguists cannot decide and put forward a single version regarding the origin of the name, therefore they offer several options:

  1. According to the first assumption, the name Gordey is a modern form of the ancient name Gordius, which in Greek means "ruler", "king", "ruler".
  2. The next version is also associated with Ancient Greece, however, its adherents claim that the name Gordey is derived from the name of Gorgias, which translates as “terrible”, “fast”.
  3. There is a third option, which indicates that this name has Slavic roots and means “proud”, “proud”.

In ancient Greek mythology, there is a legend about the king of Phrygia - Gordias - who was originally an unremarkable peasant. It was he who tied an incredibly complex knot of dogwood bast on his wagon, which was named “Gordian” in his honor. Previously, it was believed that a person who could unravel this tricky knot would rule the whole country. However, this was not found, and a few years later the knot was cut by Alexander the Great. The priests interpreted his gesture as follows: "He will rule the world, but he will conquer it with a sword, not diplomacy."

The origin of the name Gordey is sometimes associated with the ancient Greek king Gordias, the founder of the "Gordian knot"

Name Forms

Abbreviated: Gorik, Proud.

Affectionately: Gordeychik, Gordeyka, Proud, Proud, Proud.

Related names: Gordon, Gordomil (old).

Church name: Gordius.

Gordey - full name form

Table: name Gordey in foreign languages

Korean고디 godi
Japaneseゴルディ Gorudi
Yiddishגאָרדיי Gordey
ArmenianԳորդե Gorde

Patronymics formed on behalf of Gordey: Gordeevna, Gordeevich (Gordeich colloquial)

Gordeevich is a good-natured and flexible person. Always surrounded by friends, for the sake of which he is ready for the most reckless actions. It is quick-tempered, but quickly departs. Gordeevna is a brave and determined woman who knows how to pull herself together in any situation. She doesn't always have good luck with men. She is amorous, devoted, but incredibly jealous, which is why she experiences difficulties in relations with the stronger sex.

Name transliteration: GORDEI.

Patronymic names that sound most harmoniously with the name Gordey:

  • Alexandrovich;
  • Mikhailovich;
  • Olegovych;
  • Markovich;
  • Romanovich;
  • Igorevich.

Patronymics that do not combine with the name Gordey:

  • Arsenievich;
  • Yakovlevich;
  • Stanislavovich;
  • Robertovich;
  • Alievich.
  • Gordy;
  • GORIK.

Rhymes to the name Gordey: nightingale, sparrow, Barmaley, do not be shy, own, lyceum.

Name days and heavenly patrons

Pride is under the protection of two saints:

One of the dates of veneration of these saints will be considered the day of the angel Gordey.

There is a sign among the people that on Gordey (January 16) one can reprimand a fit. However, you should be careful with conspiracies, because if the disease was sent by evil spirits, then the disease will spread to cattle.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features:

  • modesty;
  • responsiveness;
  • honesty;
  • goodwill;
  • practicality;
  • sociability.

Negative Traits:

  • irascibility;
  • morbid pride;
  • arrogance.

Proud in childhood

Little Gordey is the pride of his parents. He grows up obedient, sociable and friendly little boy. He has a well-developed imagination, the kid often surprises those around him with his ingenuity. A smart and kind boy is liked by adults, but he does not like being praised by unfamiliar people. In this situation, the Proud One does not know how to behave, he is lost and withdraws into himself.

Gordey is on good terms with his peers, however, as a child he still does not know how to understand people, therefore sometimes there are imaginary friends in his environment who use the boy's gullibility for selfish purposes. Gordeychik loves animals very much, often brings home chicks or homeless kittens that have fallen out of the nest, which he then tries to put in good hands. Therefore, if the parents want to give him a puppy, the boy will be incredibly happy.

At school, Gordey is one of the best students, writes excellent compositions, easily masters several foreign languages. The teachers are satisfied with the diligent and obedient boy, many of them predict a great future for him.

Gordey loves animals very much and they answer him the same


Young Gordey is a responsible, disciplined and reliable boy. He, despite his age, can be trusted with any business. He is a good friend, always ready to help. He behaves like a knight with girls, always protects them and treats them with respect in any situation.

The guy is diligent, always strives for self-improvement. Even as a teenager, he takes his studies responsibly and makes big plans for the future, which he then tries to achieve. Most often, he succeeds, because by nature he is incredibly patient and persistent.

Already in adolescence, Gordey knows what he wants from life


Boris Khigir in his writings characterizes Gordey as an exceptionally positive person: modest, shy, hardworking. He is a good conversationalist with a great sense of humor. Gordey is a real gentleman, he seemed to have absorbed good manners with his mother's milk. In any situation, a young man acts only in accordance with moral principles. Gordey never lies, does not gossip and does not give vent to envy. Thanks to these qualities, a man has a lot of friends who love and respect him. For help, he can turn to them at any time and he will never refuse to assist.


Gordey reads a lot and willingly, especially loves adventure literature. He is also fond of sports. If in childhood his parents send him to some section and are attentive to his successes, then a man can transfer his passion to adulthood. Gordey also has a creative streak. The guy writes poetry, enjoys painting and dancing.

Gordey loves to read, he gives special preference to adventure novels.

Profession and business

Thanks to his innate hard work and non-conflict, Gordey can prove himself in any field. However, he will achieve special success in those professions for which he has an attraction from early childhood:

  • fireman,
  • teacher,
  • pilot,
  • doctor,
  • builder.

Gordey can also be realized as a writer, dancer or athlete. Purposefulness and practicality of Gordey allow him to open his own business, which will bring a good and stable income. By the way, the family of this person will never need money, because from an early age he strives for financial independence and does everything in order to achieve his goal.

Purposefulness and practicality of Gordey allow him to open his own business, which will bring a good and stable income.


Passion for sports is not in vain. Thanks to him, Gordey has good health. Poor health for him is a rarity, not to mention serious illnesses. The maximum that Gordey can worry about is his eyesight and stomach. However, the first can be corrected by timely examinations by specialists, and the second by proper nutrition. In adulthood, a man may begin to have heart problems.

Personal life

Courteous, sensitive and attentive Gordey is liked by girls. However, the man himself is a little shy about his popularity. He cannot boast of many novels, but he takes all his chosen ones seriously and thoroughly. Gordey never marries a girl he doesn't know well. Moreover, he does not believe in love at first sight. A man likes when everything goes on as usual: romantic night walks, flirting from a woman, his persistent courtship, which gradually turn sympathy into love.

Gordey prefers the classic development of the novel: romantic night walks, flirting on the part of the woman, his persistent courtship, which gradually turn sympathy into love.

Sex for Gordey is not only carnal satisfaction, but also a source of spiritual inspiration. For each intimate meeting, a man prepares thoroughly, trying to make everything at the highest level. For him, this is a kind of sacred action that cannot become commonplace.

Family for Gordey is the greatest value, which he will not allow even close people to encroach on. His chosen one will be a girl with a strong character and a pure soul, which will be characterized by such qualities as: honesty, integrity, readiness for self-sacrifice. In other words, Gordey's wife must have a character similar to him.

The well-being of relatives for Gordey is in the first place. He will try to provide them with the best. A man treats his children with great love, especially his daughters. He pampers them, showers them with gifts and attention.

Gordey is a good family man, he spoils his children and devotes all his free time to them

Table: Gordey's compatibility with other names

Name% compatibilityThe nature of the relationship
Tatiana75% These two can make a strong couple. Temperamental Tatyana from the first meeting excites the imagination of Gordey, besides, he really likes her inaccessibility. The girl, in turn, in a young man is attracted by practicality and the ability to clearly articulate their goals. The only thing that can destroy this happy marriage is Tatyana's desire to completely subjugate her husband. Despite the gentleness of character, Gordey will not allow a woman to command him.
Anastasia40% Alas, there are no prospects in this marriage, since two strong personalities simply cannot coexist together. Each of them will try to stick to their own line. Initially, a relationship can begin with instant sympathy, gradually turning into a stormy and passionate romance. However, when the first feelings subside, the routine will come, which will disappoint both Nastya and Gordey. Their life together will be like a typhoon that destroys everything around. This can be avoided only if both partners learn to restrain themselves and compromise.
Julia83% This union can be strong and happy. Attractive in appearance, gentle and easy to communicate, Yulia conquers Gordey at first sight. She finds in him a faithful and strong companion who will protect her from any troubles. The only problem is the girl's impatience. If she does not rein herself in and constantly urges the leisurely Gordey, quarrels may begin in the family that will spoil the relationship between the spouses.
Irina38% Despite the fact that Irina and Gordey have a lot in common, this union can hardly be called successful. Irina is a too liberated person and often gives a young man a reason for jealousy, and she herself perceives his outbursts of anger as an encroachment on her personal space. The duration of these relationships in most cases depends on the patience and perseverance of Gordey. But will he ever be able to tame the eccentric beauty?
Catherine99% These two seem to be made for each other. Their stormy romance continues rapidly and quickly turns into a marriage union. The joint life of Katya and Gordey is full of love and happy moments. Even years later, their attitude towards each other does not change. Strengthens this marriage and the fact that the spouses here are not only ardent lovers, but also true friends, always ready to support and lend a helping hand.
Olga89% These two can make a pretty strong couple. They are both determined and self-confident, their views on life completely coincide. Gordey greatly appreciates the ambitious and persistent Olga. She is attracted to him by inexhaustible hard work and prudence. In these relations, both love and friendship prevail, which makes Olga and Gordeya even closer to each other.
Elena36% This union can be safely called a "struggle of contrasts." Gordey and Elena are so different from each other that it is not at all clear how they could meet and start a relationship. Lena is charming, but frivolous, which the practical Gordey does not like very much. The girl is very annoyed by the thriftiness of the young man, because she likes to always be in sight. You can’t exactly call their life together calm. The couple will exist until one of the partners simply runs out of patience.

Significant years: 23, 38, 52.

One of the best partners for Gordey will be a girl named Ekaterina

Table: astrological correspondences

The influence of the letters of the name on the character of a person

The letters that make up a person's name have a certain effect on his character:

When was Gordey born?

The season during which a man was born is no less important for the formation of his character:

Video: the meaning and characteristics of the name Gordey

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesThis is an open and purposeful person who easily gains the trust of others, therefore he has a lot of friends. Gordey-Aries is a strong-willed and reasonable man, he sees his shortcomings and can even laugh at himself, which allows him to enlist the support of friends and relatives who see him as a balanced and open person.
TaurusThe disciplined and judicious Proud-Taurus looks at life sensibly and sets himself only those goals that he is sure of achieving. A man will not take responsibility if he has even the slightest doubt. His wife will be a calm and balanced woman who will be for him not only a wife, but also a comrade-in-arms.
TwinsThis person always needs support and approval. Emotional, sensitive, he can bring himself to depression even because of a small problem. It is difficult for him to put up with criticism against him, even if the accusations are justified and completely logical. He will find his happiness with a gentle and caring woman who will be support and support for him.
CrayfishCharming and artistic Gordey-Cancer is a controversial nature. He may seek companionship or seek solitude, be benevolent and at the same time hatch a plan of revenge. His true face can only be seen by a loving person, to whom Gordey himself decides to reveal his soul.
a lionThe noble and just Gordey-Leo believes in the power of good over evil. He is loved and respected for his honesty, devotion and selflessness. This person is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need, even if it means sacrificing their own interests.
VirgoThe representative of this sign is a very reserved and silent person. He is endowed with strong intuition and always tries to change the world for the better. Hates vulgarity, rudeness, rudeness. People with these qualities, he tries to avoid or completely deletes from his life. In the professional sphere, Gordey-Virgo achieves great success, but in love it often fails. It is common for him to make mistakes in choosing his passion, so he often has several marriages behind him.
ScalesGordey-Libra is philosophical about all events in life, adequately perceiving both good and bad events. This approach allows him to remain calm in any situation and see the essence of the problem. At the same time, sometimes this person cannot make a choice, which is why he misses the chance given to him by fate. However, even this cannot upset Gordey, because the main thing for him is the health and well-being of his loved ones.
ScorpionThe character of Gordey-Scorpio is full of contradictions. It can be cold and temperamental, attractive and repulsive at the same time. This person hates lies and injustice. If circumstances force him to cheat, he will reproach himself for a long time for his weakness. He can be pathologically jealous, so getting along with him is very difficult.
SagittariusPractical, balanced and prudent Gordey-Sagittarius is conservative, loves stability. Any changes in life scare him. This person devotes a lot of time to professional activity, thanks to which he reaches great heights. However, work does not interfere with his personal life. A man is popular with women, but he himself is a monogamous who, having met his only one, will not be interested in any other lady.
CapricornThis person is characterized by diligence, practicality and independence. It is characterized by some isolation and the desire for material prosperity. For the sake of the well-being of his family, he is ready to sacrifice everything. He will find his happiness with a gentle and calm woman who will endlessly love him and support him in all endeavors.
AquariusCuriosity predominates in the character of this person. He gladly explores everything new, conquers unknown horizons. Thanks to practicality and purposefulness, he achieves great success in any business he starts. Gordey-Gemini will become a good businessman or politician. In family life, he prefers to dominate, so he is looking for a calm and non-conflict girl as a companion.
FishThis person has a rich inner world. He is compassionate, generous and benevolent. However, along with this, he often plunges into his own world, filled with fantasies and illusions, which is why he cannot adequately perceive reality. He is emotional, overly sensitive, highly dependent on the opinions of others.

Photo gallery: famous men named Gordey

Gordey Kolesov - winner of the Talent Show in China in 2015 Gordey Levchenko - Soviet naval figure, Admiral Gordey Gorshkov - figure skater Gordey Kosenko - famous badminton player

Gordey is a real knight. He does not avoid difficulties, he will always protect the weak and extend a helping hand to a person in need. For the sake of his family, a man is ready to move mountains. Friends love and respect him. Fate is favorable to Gordey. As a rule, he achieves all his goals, but puts a lot of effort into this.

Version 1. What does the name Gordey mean

Gordius is the name of the Phrygian king who, according to legend, tied the knot that Alexander the Great cut with his sword.

This name endows a person with many wonderful qualities. Gordey is a truly positive person: modest, even somewhat shy.

With a accommodating peace-loving character, an optimist (not a whiner!), Moderate in drinking alcohol (and "summer" and do not drink at all). Sometimes it gives the impression of an indecisive, timid person because of his inherent desire to stay in the background, not to stand out. In fact, this is an extremely active nature, infecting others with its energy.

Gordey is an excellent interlocutor and a witty storyteller, he is indispensable in the company. He is balanced, tolerant, knows how to listen to someone else's opinion (this does not apply to the "winter", which, on the contrary, are quick-tempered over trifles and impatient). Men with this name, as a rule, are talented, among them there are many creative personalities: artists, dancers, journalists, translators. Successfully work in medicine. They are lucky and achieve a strong position in society.

Version 2. What does the name Gordey mean

GORDEY (Gordius) - the name of the Phoenician king (Greek).

Name days: January 16 - The Holy Martyr Gordius, a warrior, during the persecution of Christians, declared himself a Christian and, after suffering for the faith, was beheaded in the 3rd century.

Zodiac sign - Capricorn.

The planet Mars.

Black color.

Auspicious tree - elm.

Cherished plant - carnation.

The patron of the name is a bumblebee.

Talisman stone - pomegranate.


Gordey is a man of action, moderate, restrained, judging people by the results of their professional skills. This is a typical "working bee", which is disbelieving in the concept of intuition, considering it "ladies' stuff." Outwardly, he is quite calm and serene, but it happens that passions rage inside him. However, no one will ever guess about it.

3 version of the meaning of the name Gordey

4 version of the interpretation of the name Gordey

Proud - from the Greek. name of the Phrygian king, old. Gordius.

Derivatives: Gordeyka, Proud, Gordyunya, Gordyukha, Gordyusha.

Folk omens.


For Gordey, above all else in people, their professionalism, the results of their work. After all, he himself is a hard worker who despises illusions, understatement and "something, and the distance is foggy." First of all, business. But behind simplicity and restraint, calmness and clarity lies a passionate soul, eager to escape from the familiar circle of being.

In fact, only he knows about it. Others, even his wife, do not realize that Gordey is a hero in his soul, and possibly Don Juan. Only in the soul.

Name day Gordey

January 16, June 18,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days that fall on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Numerology Of The Name Gordey

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, maintain family and friendship ties. They always make loving parents and children, and they also feel confident working in education, healthcare, and doing community work. Caring, traditional views, denial of too abrupt changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Gordey

G- scrupulousness, unpredictability, thirst for new knowledge. To solve problems, they use the most non-standard solutions and take into account everything to the smallest detail. The owners of the letter "G" in the name are distinguished by a fine mental organization and disgust.

O- open, cheerful and cheerful nature. Those who have the letter "O" in their names are hardworking and creative. For them, professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

R- people with the letter "R" in their names have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have a well-developed intuition, they are extremely negative about lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, will think over everything well several times. All actions are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in a difficult situation. They are overly talkative. They do not accept criticism, very rarely listen to other people's opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. The owners of this letter are able to win people over.

They are both simple and charming at the same time. Constantly striving for a good life, which is valued more than friendship. They perform well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

Y- the owners of this letter in the name have an impulsive and explosive character. They often do not know how to communicate with people. For a more accurate meaning, you should look at other letters of the name.

Name as a phrase

  • G- Verb (Speak)
  • O- He (Oh, Oh)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • D- Welcome
  • E- Be (Is, Be, Exist)
  • Y- Izhe (If, If, as well as the value of i - Unity, One, Together, Connect, Perfection, Union, Union)

Name Gordey in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Gordey in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

There are two versions of the origin of the name Gordey. In one of them, the modern pronunciation of Gordey was formed from the name Gordius, which is translated from ancient Greek as “king”, “ruler” or “ruler”. According to the second version, the origin and meaning of the name Gordey is also associated with ancient Greece. Translated from Greek, it is "fast" or "terrible." This variation of the name was formed from the ancient name Gorgias.

There is even a whole story associated with Greek myths, where the name sounded like Gordias. That is how the ordinary landowner who ruled Phrygia was called. On behalf of this landowner, the well-known expression "Gordian knot" was formed. He tied the yoke of the wagon with a complex knot, which helped him become king. It was believed that the person who could untie this complex knot would rule all of Asia. But later he was cut with the sword of Alexander the Great. The main meaning of the name Gordey in modern times is “king” or “ruler”.


The meaning of the name Gordey for a boy is to acquire such character traits as shyness, poise. This calm boy grows up as a very hardworking and assiduous child, therefore he achieves good academic success. The boy is very neat and punctual, when necessary, he is able to focus on the subject. And this quality is highly appreciated by teachers at school and teachers at the institute in the future. Although little Gordey has a calm character, he has many friends since childhood. Behind the appearance of a quiet woman, in fact, there is a very powerful and regal person, which is what the name Gordey means in translation from ancient Greek.

It’s just that while the child is still very small, these strong-willed qualities are invisible, but in the process of growing up, namely with the onset of adolescence, they will be very clearly visible. This strong character of the boys needs to be directed in the right direction by giving the child to the sport. Here they will fit perfectly, as his strong will to win, diligence and hard work will help him reach significant heights. Also, sports will be very beneficial for the health of the boy. Regular physical activity will favorably affect the strength of the joints.

Also, the meaning of the name Gordey for a boy and his fate depends on the desire to achieve all the best. The boy does not do this for the approval of others or praise. It is fundamentally important for him to achieve everything himself, and he has been doing this since childhood. He is a strict judge for himself. Parents will always be proud of such a son, but they will be upset by the fact that their child begins to grow up too quickly. Even a very small boy is already showing a masculine adult look at any life problems.

Personal life

The name Gordey, the meaning of the name and fate decreed that the man received natural charm and charisma that any woman cannot resist. The guy is well aware of such talent and uses it to the fullest. He shows a very frivolous attitude towards women, does not endow another connection with something serious. He believes that any passion for women is a frivolous undertaking. A man easily achieves their location, which he is already used to, so he does not even try to evaluate his next chosen one. But the moment comes when Gordey nevertheless decides to marry.

He enters into marriage not because of the great strength of feelings that arise in him in relation to his passion. He considers it necessary. In family life, he continues to show his frivolity, so difficulties and crises in relationships often appear. A man does not put a woman on a pedestal in his life. Although Gordey - the meaning of the name defines this man as serious and strong, these qualities disappear immediately after he marries.

It does not mean that the nature and meaning of the name Gordey did not endow this man with the ability to love. His first love is a spectacular girl who is also spoiled by the attention of other men, it is not easy to win her over. It is precisely such a girl that Gordey can fall in love with, he will always try to be around, cater to whims and fulfill whims. Such love in youth can teach Gordey to look after women beautifully, although there is a certain shyness and modesty in him.

If Gordey marries a decent, honest, open woman who has personality and a share of self-sacrifice, then perhaps a happy family life will pass happily. But a lot also depends on the chosen one. Only a girl with a pure soul and a strong character can create a strong family with Gordey. A guy can be a caring father, an attentive and reliable husband, a true friend, as he has been since childhood. Children love their father Gordey very much, who is always kind to them.

Business and career

Gordey Ivanovich Levchenko

Gordey - the meaning of the name character and the fate of a man largely depend on his performance. It is she who helps him achieve significant results in absolutely every area of ​​​​life. Gordey devotes himself to work completely, shows his diligence and diligence. Colleagues never cease to be amazed at his inexhaustible supply of energy, unquenchable activity and striving for something more. But at the same time, the man absolutely does not strive to occupy leadership positions. Much more comfortable for him to be in the role of a performer. This person is always lucky, therefore he often acquires an excellent financial position and grows as a person in the eyes of society. It is always worth remembering that not only luck is the reason for this.

This man invests a lot in his future success. The work of a dancer, translator, journalist, sculptor, artist suits him. Good results can be expected in the advertising business, banking, management, and medicine. But however, Gordey should not start his own business. In the field of entrepreneurship, it will be very difficult for a man to succeed. Gordey's chances of making a successful career increase if he chooses a profession related to the exact sciences or technology. Although he does not aspire to be a leader, taking on such a role, he turns into a very responsible and executive boss, who does his job well and takes risks wisely.

Few people know what the name Gordey means, the desire to choose such a life path that depends solely on the efforts of the man himself. While still a young guy, it will be very difficult for Gordey to earn money. It doesn’t matter that, according to the meaning of the name, Gordey has a penetrating character, it is quite difficult for him to find his calling. But closer to middle age, he will finally be able to decide and find his place in life.


By the nature of the name Gordey is a very active and positive person. People are always drawn to Gordey, as he is an interesting conversationalist, a good storyteller. He always tries to be honest with others and knows how to feel the deceit of other people. If these are relatives, friends, acquaintances, then a couple of phrases are enough for Gordey to distinguish a lie. The nature of the meaning of the name Gordeya is based on an emotional and quick-tempered character. This modest and slightly shy man always captivates not in word, but in deed, with his restraint and confidence. It is very difficult for him to endure the boasting of other people.

In his affairs, a man always remains balanced, unhurried, firm in decisions. Its positive qualities include loyalty, honesty, composure, stamina. He is endowed with a huge amount of talents. This good friend is appreciated for his willingness to help in any situation or get worthwhile advice. Among its pluses, sociability, tolerance for the shortcomings of other people and indifference to alcoholic beverages also stand out. This person has several disadvantages, which are almost imperceptible in comparison with positive qualities, these are impulsiveness, sometimes inflated pride, explosiveness of character and arrogance.

Name astrology:

  • zodiac constellation - Scorpio;
  • patron planet - Pluto;
  • talisman stone - turquoise;
  • totem animal - horse;
  • a happy plant - mustard;
  • favorable color - blue;
  • lucky day is tuesday.


Gordey - the meaning of the name suggests favorable compatibility with Agatha, Alexandra, Valentina, Vera, Zinaida, Irma, Love, Hope, Olga, Nina, Tamara, Sofia, Tatyana, Rose.

The maximum strength of feelings for Angela, Veronica, Eva, Zhanna, Karina, Maya, Margarita, Marina, Raisa, Regina, Uliana, Yulia is possible.

Gordey has unfavorable compatibility with Antonina, Anastasia, Ada, Bronislava, Barbara, Maria, Louise, Lina, Elena, Elsa, Taisiya.

Short form of the name Gordey. Proud, proud, proud, proud, proud.
Synonyms for the name Gordey. Gordius, Gordian, Gardzey, Gordios.
origin of the name Gordey The name Gordey is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Gordey has Greek roots, comes from the name of the peasant Gordias, who was elected king of Phrygia by the will of Zeus. Known for leaving his cart at the temple of Zeus, he tied it with a special knot that no one could untie. This knot became known as the Gordian knot. According to the oracle, whoever unties this knot will rule the world. Subsequently, after the conquest of Phrygia, Alexander the Great cut this knot with a sword. The exact interpretation of the name Gordey is unknown, but according to some sources, the name Gordey can mean "king", "ruler", "ruler".

According to the second version, the name Gordey is a Slavic name meaning "proud", "proud". Related names are Gordobor, Gordomil, Pride and Proud.

According to the third version, it is possible that the name Gordey comes from the Greek name Gorgias, which means "terrible", "fast".

The name Gordey can also sound like Gordius, Gordian. The name Gordian was carried by several Roman emperors.

The name Gordey is mentioned in both Orthodox and Catholic saints. The Orthodox name book mentions the martyr Gordius, who in 320 in the city of Caesarea in Cappadocia defended Christians, for which he was tortured and put to death. The dates of the Orthodox name day of Gordey are January 16, June 18. The remaining dates indicated are the Catholic name days of Gordeya.

A proud positive person, possessing such traits as optimism, peacefulness and modesty. Despite the appearance of an indecisive, timid man and a desire not to stand out from the crowd, Gordey is an energetic and active person.

In the company of friends, he manifests himself as an excellent storyteller and an interesting conversationalist. In any situation, such a person behaves patiently and balanced, knows how to listen to the advice of others. The owners of this name, born in winter, are prone to irascibility.

The owner of this name is usually a creative person. Among them are often dancers, translators, artists and journalists. Many reveal their talents in the field of medicine. Luck is usually on their side. Therefore, Gordey achieve material well-being and a strong position in society.

Due to his thirst for communication, a representative of this name tends to win over people. He is honest with others and is very good at feeling lies from others. Gordey treats everyone well, but it can be quite difficult to keep his location. The manifestation of temper and the inability to restrain negative emotions interfere with this man in relations with friends.

For the woman he loves, Gordey is capable of doing the most unexpected things, even if he does not feel reciprocity from her. Failures in love greatly affect Gordey's morale. He is able to withdraw into himself. Talking to him during such periods becomes almost impossible. Such a man is monogamous, he will never cheat on his chosen one. Having fallen in love, he tries to always be near his girlfriend and fulfill her every whim. At the same time, Gordey is very demanding in relationships. He will become a reliable husband and faithful friend for his companion.

In terms of its energy component, the name Gordey reflects the firmness and poise of its owner. This man is not without pride. If circumstances force him to hide his independence, he becomes silent and indifferent.

In work, he shows himself as a diligent and diligent employee. He works a lot and never ceases to amaze his colleagues with his activity. Gordey's efficiency allows him to achieve excellent results in his career. In business, he conducts himself diplomatically and with respect. At the same time, such a man often lacks openness. If he constantly restrains his feelings, then this can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Gordey is a reliable friend. He will always come to the aid of his friends. A man does not like boasting, he is attentive to others. He is always surrounded by many close people. At the same time, Gordey himself considers only a few of them to be real friends. It is to them that he entrusts his innermost experiences. With them, he is easily ready to overcome any trials.

Name day of Gordeya

Notable people named Gordey

  • Gordey Levchenko ((1897 - 1981) Soviet naval figure, admiral (1944). In 1942-1944 he commanded the Leningrad and then the Kronstadt naval base, participating in the defense of Leningrad. Provided transportation and supply of troops during the breakthrough of the blockade. USSR awards: 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Ushakov I degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star.)
  • Gordy Kotsyuba ((1892 - 1938) real name - Kotsegub; Ukrainian writer)
  • Gordy Sablukov ((1804 - 1880) Russian orientalist, professor at the Kazan Theological Academy, an expert on Islam. In 1830-1849 he taught history and oriental languages ​​​​at the Saratov Theological Seminary, in particular, in 1843-1845 he was a teacher of N.G. Chernyshevsky, the last meeting with whom took place in Kazan in 1851. In 1849-1862 he taught oriental and classical languages ​​​​at the anti-Muslim department of the Kazan Theological Academy. He owns one of the translations of the Koran (Kazan, 1878), in his translation the Koran was published in print for the first time; “Appendices to the translation of the Koran” (1879), containing annotated indexes to the Koran (1879) and two treatises: “Information about the Koran” (Kazan, 1884) and “Comparison of the Mohammedan teaching about the names of God with the Christian teaching about them” (1873). He is the author of numismatic, historical, archaeological and ethnographic works about the Volga region, the Kipchaks and the Golden Horde.He also translated into Russian from Turkish the 1st part of the "History of the Turks" by Bogadur Khan (in the III part of the "Library of Eastern History Ricks").)
  • Mark Antony Gordian I African ((159 - 238) Roman emperor in the year 238 of noble origin (a descendant of the Gracchi). He was rich and educated, was fond of poetry and wrote poetry himself (while still young, he wrote "Antoninias" in 30 books that sang of both Antonins - Antonina Pius and Marcus Aurelius)
  • Mark Antony Gordian Sempronius ((192 - 238) Roman emperor in 238, co-ruler of his father Gordian I. The son of Gordian African, in addition to noble origin, was also distinguished by education and beauty. Gordian's library consisted of about 60 thousand books. He began military service under Heliogabal, under Alexandre acted as praetor, and immediately after that he received the consulship.)
  • Gordian III, Mark Antony Gordian Pius ((225 - 244) Roman emperor (238-244). The son of Gordian II or, more likely, the son of the daughter of Gordian I. In the latter case, the name of his father is unknown, as well as the name that he himself wore until the adoption of the imperial title in honor of his grandfather.)
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