An affectionate name proud. The meaning of the name for the child

Gardzey, Gordios. Related names are Gordobor, Gordomil, Pride and Proud.

origin of the name Gordey

The name Gordey has Greek roots, comes from the name of the peasant Gordias, who was elected king of Phrygia by the will of Zeus. Known for leaving his cart at the temple of Zeus, he tied it with a special knot that no one could untie. This knot became known as the Gordian knot. According to the oracle, whoever unties this knot will rule the world. Subsequently, after the conquest of Phrygia, Alexander the Great cut this knot with a sword. The exact interpretation of the name Gordey is unknown, but according to some sources, the name Gordey can mean "king", "ruler", "ruler".

According to the second version, the name Gordey means “proud”, “proud”. Related names are Gordobor, Gordomil, Pride and Proud.

According to the third version, it is possible that the name Gordey comes from the Greek name Gorgias, which means "terrible", "fast".

The name Gordey can also sound like Gordius, Gordian. The name Gordian was carried by several Roman emperors.

The name Gordey is mentioned in both Orthodox and Catholic saints. In the Orthodox nomenclature, the martyr Gordius is mentioned, who in 320 in the city of Caesarea in Cappadocia defended Christians, for which he was tortured and put to death. The dates of the Orthodox name day of Gordey are January 16, June 18. The remaining dates indicated are the Catholic name days of Gordeya.

The character of Gordey

A proud positive person, possessing such traits as optimism, peacefulness and modesty. Despite the appearance of an indecisive, timid man and the desire not to stand out from the crowd, Gordey is an energetic and active person.

In the company of friends, he manifests himself as an excellent storyteller and an interesting conversationalist. In any situation, such a person behaves patiently and balanced, knows how to listen to the advice of others. The owners of this name, born in winter, are prone to irascibility.

The owner of this name is usually a creative person. Among them are often dancers, translators, artists and journalists. Many reveal their talents in the field of medicine. Luck is usually on their side. Therefore, Gordey achieve material well-being and a strong position in society.

General description of the name Gordey

- "tsar". According to other sources - from the Greek name Gorgias, "terrible, fast"

This name endows a person with many wonderful qualities. Gordey has a positive character: modest, peaceful, optimistic, moderate in drinking alcohol (those who were born in the summer do not drink at all). Sometimes it gives the impression of an indecisive person because of the desire to stay in the shadows, not to stand out. In fact, Gordey is an active person, infecting others with his energy.

Gordey is an excellent interlocutor and witty storyteller, he is indispensable in the company. Balanced, tolerant, knows how to listen to someone else's opinion. The exception is the "winter", they, on the contrary, are quick-tempered over trifles and impatient.

Men with this name, as a rule, are talented, among them there are many creative personalities: artists, dancers, journalists, translators. The Gordeys are also successfully working in medicine. They are lucky and achieve a strong position in society.

Agate and turquoise can be used as a talisman.

The secret of the name Gordey

A person who bears the name Gordey has a wonderful character and will be able to achieve a lot in life. These are positive men who will be able to gain popularity with many people. Gordey is somewhat shy and modest. He has a peaceful nature, he is an optimist and indifferent to alcoholic beverages.

Due to his character, Gordey can give the impression of an indecisive and timid person. This is due to his desire not to stand out, to constantly be in the shadows. At the same time, Gordey is a very active person. He is able to infect everyone around him with his positive and active energy.
In the circle of friends, Gordey is an authoritative person. They listen to him with pleasure, spend all their free time with him. He is witty, patient, understanding, balanced. Gordey is very talented and achieves a strong position in society. He can be successful in the field of medicine, journalism, art, dance and linguistics.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color name: black
Radiation: 91%
Planet: Mars
Stone-mascot: pomegranate
Plant: carnation
totemic animal: bumblebee
Main traits character Gordey: efficiency, sociable, courageous

Additional name feature:

Vibration: 74,000 cycles/s
Self-realization(character): 98%
Psyche: bold, sanguine
Health Gordey: excellent health

Positive traits of the name

Sociability, mobility, determination, sufficient firmness, beauty. In any society, Gordey is confident and knows his own worth.

Negative traits of the name

Impulsiveness, arrogance, bragging, morbid pride, arrogant contempt for other people's opinions.

Choosing a profession by name

In general, Gordey has many chances to succeed in professions related to technology or the exact sciences. He is a good leader, not afraid of responsibility and able to take risks. Choosing his life path, he usually prefers one where everything will depend on his personal efforts, which, however, does not prevent him from working under someone else's supervision.

The impact of the name on business

In his youth, Gordey, despite his punchy character, will earn money with difficulty. It is not easy for him to find his calling, and only when he reaches middle age will he finally "get on the right course."

The impact of the name on health

Gordey is ready to exhaust himself with overwork, just to achieve what he wants. If he does not stop doing this, he is threatened with severe nervous breakdowns. There is no need for this self-depletion: Gordey will already dominate those around him in the most natural way thanks to his strong will.

Name psychology

Often explosive nature makes Gordey go through a great many conflicts, which often makes him a rather lonely person, but in communication with friends, Gordey can be transformed, giving free rein to his sociability and energy.

Sexuality of the name Gordey

Sociable Gordey will always win people over. His honesty knows no bounds, he can say or do at a loss, but this is how he defines his attitude towards a person. Earning his respect is easy, much harder to keep it. He feels false on a subconscious level. He loves jokes and various pranks. But some of his temper can destroy even the strongest friendship. He will not be able to restrain his negative emotions, he will always express his personal opinion.

For the woman he loves, Gordey will “turn mountains,” even if she doesn’t deserve it. He experiences his defeat in love very hard and for a long time, closes in himself like a snail. At such moments, it is impossible to talk or cheer him up. A woman does not have to worry about cheating, Gordey is a monogamous. Falling in love, becomes the shadow of his lady. He will begin to anticipate any of her desires, will be a reliable friend and husband. Loving such a man is not very easy, he can be very demanding.

Notable people named Gordey

Gordey Levchenko ((1897 - 1981) Soviet naval figure, admiral (1944). In 1942-1944 he commanded the Leningrad and then the Kronstadt naval base, participating in the defense of Leningrad. Provided transportation and supply of troops during the breakthrough of the blockade. USSR awards: 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Ushakov I degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star.)
Gordy Kotsyuba ((1892 - 1938) real name - Kotsegub; Ukrainian writer)
Gordy Sablukov ((1804 - 1880) Russian orientalist, professor at the Kazan Theological Academy, an expert on Islam. In 1830-1849 he taught history and oriental languages ​​​​at the Saratov Theological Seminary, in particular, in 1843-1845 he was a teacher of N.G. Chernyshevsky, the last meeting with whom took place in Kazan in 1851. In 1849-1862 he taught oriental and classical languages ​​​​at the anti-Muslim department of the Kazan Theological Academy. He owns one of the translations of the Koran (Kazan, 1878), in his translation the Koran was published in print for the first time; “Appendices to the translation of the Koran” (1879), containing annotated indexes to the Koran (1879) and two treatises: “Information about the Koran” (Kazan, 1884) and “Comparison of the Mohammedan teaching about the names of God with the Christian teaching about them” (1873). He is the author of numismatic, historical, archaeological and ethnographic works about the Volga region, the Kipchaks and the Golden Horde.He also translated into Russian from Turkish the 1st part of the "History of the Turks" by Bogadur Khan (in the III part of the "Libraries of Eastern History Ricks").)
Mark Antony Gordian I African ((159 - 238) Roman emperor in 238 of noble origin (a descendant of the Gracchi). He was rich and educated, was fond of poetry and wrote poetry himself (while still young, he wrote "Antoninias" in 30 books that sang of both Antonins - Antonina Pius and Marcus Aurelius)
Mark Antony Gordian Sempronius ((192 - 238) Roman emperor in 238, co-ruler of his father Gordian I. The son of Gordian African, in addition to noble origin, was also distinguished by education and beauty. Gordian's library consisted of about 60 thousand books. He began military service under Heliogabal, under Alexandre acted as praetor, and immediately after that he received the consulship.)
Gordian III, Mark Antony Gordian Pius ((225 - 244) Roman emperor (238-244). The son of Gordian II or, more likely, the son of the daughter of Gordian I. In the latter case, the name of his father is unknown, as well as the name that he himself wore until the adoption of the imperial title in honor of his grandfather.)

Gordey is a personal male name, with its basis emphasizing the trait characteristic of its owner - pride. However, in addition to the obvious meaning, there are other interpretations of this nickname - “fast”, “terrible”, “lord”.

Name origin

Like others, the name Gordey originated in Greece. From the mythological ancient literature, such a character as the peasant Gordius is known. He became famous for the fact that once he came to the temple of Zeus, he tied a wagon at its gates with a strong, tangled knot that could only be cut (the “Gordian knot”).
The Slavic derivative form - Gordey assigned the glory of the proud to the men who wear it. How correct is this interpretation?

general characteristics

Little Gordeyka is balanced, calm and somewhat shy. Charming strong man (and the health of the crumbs is excellent) is embarrassed to be the first to speak with unfamiliar children, preferring to quietly watch their pranks from the side.

Parents Proud always obey, not daring to argue, their words will be important to him even in adulthood. The boy is very careful and responsible, he always treats his things with care, after the games each toy is on its shelf.

The boy's ability to concentrate perfectly helps him in his studies, in the lessons Gordey is the most attentive and interested student, he catches new educational material literally on the fly.

Despite his natural modesty, Deichik easily makes friends - the children themselves cling to this silent man, feeling his kindness and sensitivity. In a close circle of friends, the youth positions himself as a confident, cheerful, pleasant conversationalist.

With girls, Gora is a courteous and affectionate boyfriend. The mother manages to instill in her beloved child the manners of an intelligent, high society, educated person. The bearer of the name subconsciously chooses a chosen one who is similar to a parent; she will bring into the house only the one that she is ready to call her wife.

Positive character traits

Growing up, Gordey remains calm and reasonable, as in his early years. He carefully thinks over and weighs his every act.
The young man has strong-willed qualities, thanks to which he is able to work long and hard to complete the task. Innate hard work allows him to repeatedly achieve great success in his career.

Negative character traits

The self-esteem of the owner of a proud name can play a bad role in his fate. If circumstances develop in such a way that Gordey has to bend under the environment, the young man may fall into apathy, become indifferent to everything that happens around him.

Spring Gordey - fickle in love. Having married early, he is likely to divorce soon. However, the second marriage, carried out at a more mature age, will be much more successful than the first.

Zodiac sign

In order for the upbringing of a baby named Gordey not to be overshadowed by the presence of stubbornness and other negative traits, his birth must fall during the reign of Capricorn.
Mars, which controls the energies of courage and will, is the patron planet of the “terrible” nickname.
The colors of luck for Gordey are black, dark blue, cherry.
A precious talisman that can smooth out fatal vicissitudes is a pomegranate.


Gordeyka, Mountain, Gorchik, Gorushka, Gordeyushka, Gordeychik, Gordeechka, Proud, Proud, Proud, Proud, Proud, Proud, Gordyusik, Gordyuchik, Year, Year, Year.

Name Variations

Gordian, Gardzey, Gordius, Gordobor, Gordomil.

Historical figures

IV century - the holy martyr Gordius of Cappadocia.
1892 - 1938 - Ukrainian writer Gordey Kotsyuba (real name - Kotsegub).
1897 - 1981 - Soviet naval admiral Gordey Levchenko.
born 1989 - badminton player Gordey Kosenko.
born in 1993 figure skater Gordey Gorshkov.
born in 2008 - Winner of the talent show of China Gordey Kolesov.

Gordey is a rare male name that came to us from Greece. This name belongs to a difficult person, and his character can be confused no worse than the node of the same name, but today we will help you figure out what the name Gordey means.

The origin of the name goes back to Greek mythology, to the famous Phrygian king Gordias, the legend of which gave rise to the expression "Gordian knot". According to legend, Phrygia was deprived of a ruler, and according to the prediction of the oracle, the first person traveling on a wagon to the temple of Zeus was to become the king. He was Gordius, and, despite his origin (he was a simple farmer), he became the ruler of Phrygia.

Name forms: Gordius, Gordian, Gordeyka, Gordyunya, Proud.

Symbols-patrons of the name:

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  • The patron animal is a bumblebee.
  • The tree is an elm.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Talisman stone - pomegranate.
  • Black color.

Character and fate

The meaning of the name Gordey is best reflected in such character traits as modesty, balance, dedication, loyalty and hard work. Many of these qualities are manifested in childhood.

Surprisingly, Gordey does not differ in pride in childhood. This is a quiet and modest child, a little hard worker who blushes with praise. He is diligent in his studies - it seems that the thirst for knowledge in this child is insatiable.

But Gordey spends time not only with books. He is very active and energetic and enjoys playing sports. Often he achieves outstanding sports results, but because of his natural modesty, he does not tolerate competition.

He does not like to be in the spotlight, so he will not want to declare himself in sports. Only the support of parents can change his mind, but the boy should not be put pressure on, otherwise he will close himself even more.

Gordey's child has few friends, but the friendships he made at school often last a lifetime. He is loyal to his friends and is always ready to help.

The name does not suggest health problems. If a boy goes in for sports in childhood, he will have good health, and even a cold will be rare for him. In adulthood, insomnia and joint problems are possible, but in childhood there is nothing to worry about.

Purposeful character allows the man Gordey to adhere to the plan he has drawn up in life. He likes to plan, trusts logic more than intuition. Gordey has an analytical mindset, it is not difficult for him to make even the most difficult life decisions thanks to his cold mind.

The modest character inherent in him in childhood is preserved in the life of Gordey-man, but with age, self-esteem becomes more and more important for him. He will not tolerate disrespectful or rude treatment in his direction, and although he prefers the peaceful resolution of conflicts, if a fight breaks out, he will not run away from it.

Differs in physical strength and loves to work with his hands. For him, physical labor is the best way to relax and distract from problems.

Gordey is often a male intellectual. He can always keep up the conversation, it is never boring with him. Modesty often prevents him from making new friends, but this does not matter to him, old and time-tested friends are more important to him.

A calm and balanced character is a hallmark of Gordey. Such men stand firmly on the ground, and no hesitation will be able to piss them off. Friends of Gordey appreciate this trait in him, because his confidence is transmitted to everyone around him.

He knows how to control his emotions, he will never let them take over him. Tactful and attentive to the feelings of others. Good breeding and good manners make him especially attractive to the weaker sex.

Attaching great importance to quality in work, Gordey will not stop until he does the job in the best possible way. He's a perfectionist, even if he doesn't realize it. For him, doing the job right is a kind of honor question. Gordey's bosses stubbornly push him up the career ladder, sometimes even with a fight, because Gordey refuses promotions out of modesty.

Love and Compatibility

In love, Gordey forgets about shyness. Once in love, he will do anything to win her heart, and often he conquers the most impregnable goal. He has a monogamous character, he is faithful to his woman and considers her his ideal, his muse.

He spares nothing for the sake of the family, regularly spoils his wife with expensive gifts, and in general does not have a soul in children. Generosity is another attractive feature of Gordey, he will not regret anything for the sake of a loved one.

The name Gordey is compatible for marriage with:

  • Agatha.

The secular name Gordey corresponds to the church name Gordius. According to the Orthodox calendar, Gordius celebrates the day of the angel on January 16 and May 22.
Author: Julia Bibik

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Gordey, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Zodiac Gordeya - Capricorn
  • The planet Mars
  • The color of the name Gordey is black
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Cherished plant of Gordeya - carnation
  • The patron of the name Gordey is a bumblebee
  • Stone-talisman of Gordey - pomegranate

What does the name Gordey mean? king (name Gordey of Greek origin).

The short meaning of the name Gordey: Proud, proud, proud, proud.

Middle name Gordey: Gordievich, Gordeevich, Gordievna, Gordeevna.

Gordey Angel Day: The name Gordey celebrates a name day once a year: January 16 (3) - St. Martyr Gordy, a warrior, during the persecution of Christians declared himself a Christian and, after suffering for his faith, was beheaded in the 3rd century.

Signs of the name Gordey: On January 16, on Gordey, one can reprimand the seizure, however, if this disease was sent by evil spirits, then it attacks cattle with special force.

The nature of the name Gordey: Gordey is a man of action, moderate, restrained, judging people by the results of their professional skills. This is a typical "working bee", which is very contemptuous of the very concept of intuition, considering it "ladies' stuff." Outwardly, Gordey is quite calm and serene, but it happens that passions rage inside him. No one will ever guess about this, even his wife will not believe that Gordey only dreams of cheating on her, but only dreams.

Gordey is a modest, a little shy person, an extremely active person. The name Gordius is the Phrygian king who, according to legend, tied the knot that Alexander the Great cut with his sword. By nature, he is peaceful, he tries to stay in the shadows, therefore he gives the impression of a timid, indecisive person.

In the field of communication, Gordey is a wonderful, witty interlocutor, very sociable, balanced, tolerant of other people's shortcomings, and knows how to listen. Very lucky, talented, quickly reaches a strong position in society. The meaning of the name has the ability to medicine, journalism, painting and performing arts.

Choosing a profession by name: In general, Gordey has many chances to succeed in professions related to technology or the exact sciences. He is a good leader, not afraid of responsibility and able to take risks. Choosing his life path, the name Gordey usually prefers the one where everything will depend on his personal efforts, which, however, does not prevent him from working under someone else's supervision.

Business and career of Gordey: In his youth, Gordey, despite his punchy character, will earn money with difficulty. It is not easy for him to find his calling, and only when he reaches middle age will he finally "get on the right course."

Love and marriage of Gordey: Gordey is irresistible in the eyes of women, but this does not mean that his family life will be happy, because, accustomed to easy victories, he can be too frivolous about marriage and his promises. The union of the name with Agatha, Vasilina, Glafira, Zemfira, Martha, Thekla is favorable. Difficult name relationships are likely with Alina, Violetta, Gella, Lina, Maya, Teresa.

Health and talents named after Gordey: Gordey is ready to exhaust himself with overwork, just to achieve what he wants. If he does not stop doing this, he is threatened with severe nervous breakdowns. There is no need for the indicated self-exhaustion: the name Gordey will already dominate those around him in the most natural way thanks to his strong will.

Name Gordey in other countries: The translation of the name Gordey in different languages ​​​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Gordius, in Ukrainian: Gordіy, in Belarusian: Gardzey.

The fate of the name Gordey in history:

  1. Gordius is a Phrygian king. At first he was a simple farmer, and one day, while plowing, an eagle sat on the yoke of his bulls. This was interpreted as a sign foretelling royal power to Gordia. Soon the Phrygians lost their king. The oracle, to whom they turned for advice, ordered to choose the one whom they would meet first on the way to the temple of Zeus on a wagon. This man turned out to be Gordius. Having become king, Gordius founded the capital that bore his name. In the citadel of the city, he placed a cart, to which he owed his power, and entangled the yoke of the cart with the most complicated knot. It was believed that whoever could untie this knot ("Gordian knot") would become the ruler of all of Asia. According to legend, Alexander the Great, unable to unravel the knot, cut it with his sword... and conquered not only Asia, but half the world.
  2. Gordy Semenovich Sablukov (? -1880) - orientalist, professor of the Kazan Theological Academy on missionary work against the Mohammedans, an expert on Mohammedanism. He owns the best translation (from Arabic) of the Qur'an of Mohammed; an appendix to it and two treatises: "Information about the Koran" and "Comparison of the Mohammedan teaching about the names of God with the Christian teaching about them." He also translated into Russian from Turkish the 1st part of Bogadurkhan's "History of the Turks".
  3. Gordey Levchenko - (1897 - 1981) Soviet naval figure, admiral (1944). In 1942-1944 he commanded the Leningrad, and then the Kronstadt naval base, participating in the defense of Leningrad. Provided transportation and supply of troops during the breakthrough of the blockade. USSR awards: 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Ushakov I degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star.
  4. Gordy Kotsyuba - (1892 - 1938) real name - Kotsegub; Ukrainian writer.
  5. Mark Antony Gordian I African - (159 - 238) Roman emperor in 238 of noble origin (descendant of the Gracchi). He was rich and educated, was fond of poetry and wrote poetry himself (even in his youth he wrote "Antoninias" in 30 books that sang of both Antonins - Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius.
  6. Mark Antony Gordian Sempronius - (192 - 238) Roman emperor in 238, co-ruler of his father Gordian I. The son of Gordian of Africa, in addition to noble origin, was also distinguished by education and beauty. Gordian's library consisted of about 60 thousand books. He began his military service under Heliogabalus, under Alexander he served as praetor, and immediately after that he received a consulate.
  7. Gordian III, Mark Antony Gordian Pius - (225 - 244) Roman emperor (238-244). The son of Gordian II or, more likely, the son of the daughter of Gordian I. In the latter case, the name of his father is unknown, as well as the name that he himself bore before taking the imperial title in honor of his grandfather.

Gordey (name): meaning and origin

Recently, parents are trying to give their child an unusual and old name. And today the name Gordey is becoming more and more popular. Its meaning for a child and its influence on fate can be found in our article. Here you can also read about how Gordey is abbreviated and on what days his name day is celebrated.

Gordey (name): meaning, origin

There are two versions of the origin of the name:

  1. It came from the ancient Greek language, comes from the name Gordius and in translation means "ruler", "ruler", "king".
  2. From Greek, the name is translated as "terrible", "fast". It comes from the ancient name Gorgias.

In the times of Hellas, this name sounded like Gordias and was associated with Greek myths. That was the name of a simple farmer who, at the behest of the oracle of the temple of Zeus, became the ruler of Phrygia. The capital of the kingdom was the city named after him, and in the fortress that protected him from enemies, Gordias installed a wagon, thanks to which he became king. He tied the yoke of the wagon with a complex knot, which later became known as the Gordian knot. It was believed that the person who unraveled it would become the ruler of all of Asia. After some time, the capital of Phrygia was indeed conquered. In 334 BC, the "Gordian knot" was cut by the sword of Alexander the Great.

It was from the farmer who became the ruler that the name Gordey originated. The meaning is abbreviated and therefore sounds like "ruler" or "king". The origin of the name has a direct impact on the fate of Gordey.

The meaning of the name for the child

Gordey grows up as a calm, balanced and slightly shy child. Thanks to these qualities, as well as perseverance and diligence, study is easy for him. He is characterized by accuracy, punctuality and the ability to focus on the subject, which is appreciated by all teachers. Despite the calm nature, the boy has many friends.

The meaning of the name Gordey defines him as an imperious person, regal and formidable. The boy's volitional qualities are very well developed, but they manifest themselves later, in adolescence. The strong character of the child is especially clearly manifested in sports. Thanks to hard work and the will to win, he can achieve high results in this field.

Sports will also be useful for Gordey's poor health. Thanks to proper physical activity, it will be possible to strengthen the joints, from the pain in which he may suffer.

Character traits of an adult Gordey

A serious and calm person who performs clearly balanced and deliberate actions - this is how an adult Gordey can be characterized. He is neat, has good manners, an excellent conversationalist and friend. Gordey can be called the soul of any company, and all thanks to his excellent sense of humor. He has a lot of friends and comrades. Diligence, balance, prudence, kindness, modesty, good breeding - these are just some of the positive qualities that Gordey possesses.

The name, the meaning of which is translated as "ruler" and "king", plays an important role in shaping the character of this person. Thanks to a rare name from childhood, Gordey considers himself the only one of his kind, which is why he often grows up an egoist. This character trait is especially clearly manifested in relations with the opposite sex.

Love and marriage

Few women can resist the charm and charisma of Gordey. And he knows about it. Gordey is very frivolous about women, considering relationships with them nothing more than another hobby. He is used to easily seeking their location, therefore he is not able to appreciate his chosen one. But this does not mean at all that Gordey will never marry.

He enters into marriage more out of necessity than out of love. His family life is not going too well, mainly because of the frivolous attitude towards her of Gordey himself. He is not used to fighting for a woman and is not serious about his promises. The meaning of the name Gordey defines him as a strong and serious man. In fact, his seriousness and responsibility ends just where marriage begins. Only Agatha, Zemfira and Vasilina can become happy with this energetic person.

Choice of profession

The name leaves an imprint on the choice of profession, and on the further career growth of a person. Gordey is no exception. The meaning of the name for the child is associated with the ancient Greek words "terrible", "ruler", "ruler". This means that Gordey can become a good leader or businessman, but only at a more mature age.

This person can succeed in professions related to technology and the exact sciences. He prefers to do the work himself, without shifting it to others. It is hard for him to work under someone else's command, so Gordey strives to go into "free swimming" as soon as possible. Thanks to a strong will, this person will always dominate the people around him. He has a huge ability to work, which is why he often brings himself to exhaustion and nervous breakdowns.

Abbreviated forms of the name Gordey

In an abbreviated version, the name Gordey sounds like Gordik, Gordya and Gordeyka. Gordeychik, Gordeyushka, Gordeechka, Gordeenka, Proud - these are diminutive pet forms suitable for a child who bears the name Gordey. Less commonly used options such as Gordyunya and Gordyukha. Children, respectively, will wear patronymics Gordeevich or Gordeevna.

The meaning of a name for a child has a direct impact on the formation of his character. Despite the soft sound in abbreviated and diminutive forms, the boy still grows up as a strong, serious and self-confident person.

Name Gordey: the meaning of the name for the child, name day

Angel Day Gordey celebrates 2 times a year: January 16 and June 18. These days, the Orthodox Church venerates saints with this name. By the way, the church form of the name sounds like Gordius.

January 16 is the day of memory of the martyr Gordias of Cappadocia, who lived in Caesarea in the 3rd century. At a young age, he entered the military service and was appointed a centurion for special merits. However, as soon as the persecution of Christians began, Gordius withdrew into the wilderness, preparing himself to confess the name of Christ. Later, he spoke to the rulers of the city in defense of Christians, for which he was tortured and martyred.

On June 18, the day of memory of Gorgias of Egypt is celebrated. Together with other martyrs, he died during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Maximian. For their faith, Christians died in prison from hunger and thirst.

Thanks to the patron saints, a person named Gordey will be under special protection. The meaning of a name for a boy plays a big role in his development. He will definitely grow up a strong and self-confident person, a real master and ruler.

What does the name Gordey mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: Proud from the Greek - the name of the Phrygian king.

Derivatives: Proud, proud, proud, proud, proud.

Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Planet: Mars.

Color: black.

Auspicious Tree: elm.

Treasured plant: carnation.

Name patron: bumblebee.

Talisman stone: pomegranate.

Characteristic: This name endows a person with many wonderful qualities. Gordey is a truly positive person: modest, even somewhat shy. With a accommodating peace-loving character, an optimist (not a whiner!), Moderate in drinking alcohol (and "summer" and do not drink at all). Sometimes it gives the impression of an indecisive, timid person because of his inherent desire to stay in the background, not to stand out. In fact, this is an extremely active nature, infecting others with its energy. Gordey is an excellent interlocutor and witty storyteller, he is indispensable in the company. He is balanced, tolerant, knows how to listen to someone else's opinion (this does not apply to the "winter", which, on the contrary, are quick-tempered over trifles and impatient). Men with this name, as a rule, are talented, among them there are many creative personalities: artists, dancers, journalists, translators. Successfully work in medicine. They are lucky and achieve a strong position in society.

Version 1. What does the name Gordey mean

Gordius is the name of the Phrygian king who, according to legend, tied the knot that Alexander the Great cut with his sword.

This name endows a person with many wonderful qualities. Gordey is a truly positive person: modest, even somewhat shy.

With a accommodating peace-loving character, an optimist (not a whiner!), Moderate in drinking alcohol (and "summer" and do not drink at all). Sometimes it gives the impression of an indecisive, timid person because of his inherent desire to stay in the background, not to stand out. In fact, this is an extremely active nature, infecting others with its energy.

Gordey is an excellent interlocutor and witty storyteller, he is indispensable in the company. He is balanced, tolerant, knows how to listen to someone else's opinion (this does not apply to the "winter", which, on the contrary, are quick-tempered over trifles and impatient). Men with this name, as a rule, are talented, among them there are many creative personalities: artists, dancers, journalists, translators. Successfully work in medicine. They are lucky and achieve a strong position in society.

Version 2. What does the name Gordey mean

GORDEY (Gordius) - the name of the Phoenician king (Greek).

Name day: January 16 - The Holy Martyr Gordius, a warrior, during the persecution of Christians, declared himself a Christian and, after suffering for the faith, was beheaded in the III century.

Zodiac sign - Capricorn.

The planet Mars.

Black color.

Auspicious tree - elm.

Cherished plant - carnation.

The patron of the name is a bumblebee.

Talisman stone - pomegranate.


Gordey is a man of action, moderate, restrained, judging people by the results of their professional skills. This is a typical "working bee", which is disbelieving in the concept of intuition, considering it "ladies' stuff." Outwardly, he is quite calm and serene, but it happens that passions rage inside him. However, no one will ever guess about it.

3 version of the meaning of the name Gordey

4 version of the interpretation of the name Gordey

Proud - from the Greek. name of the Phrygian king, old. Gordius.

Derivatives: Gordeyka, Proud, Gordyunya, Gordyukha, Gordyusha.

Folk omens.


For Gordey, above all else in people, their professionalism, the results of their work. After all, he himself is a hard worker who despises illusions, understatement and "something, and the distance is foggy." First of all, business. But behind simplicity and restraint, calmness and clarity lies a passionate soul, eager to escape from the familiar circle of being.

In fact, only he knows about it. Others, even his wife, do not realize that Gordey is a hero in his soul, and possibly Don Juan. Only in the soul.

Name day Gordey

January 16, June 18,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days that fall on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Numerology Of The Name Gordey

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, maintain family and friendship ties. They always make loving parents and children, and they also feel confident working in education, healthcare, and doing community work. Caring, traditional views, denial of too abrupt changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Gordey

G- scrupulousness, unpredictability, thirst for new knowledge. To solve problems, they use the most non-standard solutions and take into account everything to the smallest detail. The owners of the letter "G" in the name are distinguished by a fine mental organization and disgust.

O- open, cheerful and cheerful nature. Those who have the letter "O" in their names are hardworking and creative. For them, professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

R- people with the letter "R" in their names have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have a well-developed intuition, they are extremely negative about lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, will think over everything well several times. All actions are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in a difficult situation. They are overly talkative. They do not accept criticism, very rarely listen to other people's opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. The owners of this letter are able to win people over.

They are both simple and charming at the same time. Constantly striving for a good life, which is valued more than friendship. They perform well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

Y- the owners of this letter in the name have an impulsive and explosive character. They often do not know how to communicate with people. For a more accurate meaning, you should look at other letters of the name.

Name as a phrase

  • G- Verb (Speak)
  • O- He (Oh, Oh)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • D- Welcome
  • E- Be (Is, Be, Exist)
  • Y- Izhe (If, If, as well as the value of i - Unity, One, Together, Connect, Perfection, Union, Union)

Name Gordey in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Gordey in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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