Who is Nicholas in the war world. The main characters of the novel "War and Peace"

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In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy, many acting characters. Some of them act only fragmentarily and briefly, others throughout the entire novel, but they are all in their places - the exclusion of at least one of the characters is disastrous for the entire epic. All characters are interconnected - the actions of some directly or indirectly affect the life and fate of other characters. One of the key characters of the novel is the image of Nikolai Rostov.

Prototype of Nikolai Rostov

Tolstoy used prototypes for many of his heroes. Some characters were formed by a combination of qualities and habits of several people, others have only one prototype.

Nikolai Ilyich Rostov is a character that did not exist in real life, however, it is not difficult to find a person very similar to him. The prototype for this hero was the father of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy.

The author did not fully depict his father in the novel, but took only some fragments of the life of Nikolai Ilyich as the basis of the literary image. Like Tolstoy, his artistic image is endowed with a sanguistic type of temperament, he is also sincere and kind towards others. A cheerful position, adherence to principles and perseverance in their views - these qualities also make them related.

Lev Nikolayevich's father took part in the military events of 1812 and showed himself valiantly and bravely.
Nikolai Ilyich at one time was in love with his second cousin, but as a result he took Maria Bolkonskaya as his wife. Their wedding took place in 1822, like Nikolai Rostov and Maria Bolkonskaya.

Rostov and Tolstoy are also related to the ability to manage the household: both are very scrupulous in this matter, they try to do everything wisely. What is true, Count Tolstoy was taught by his mistakes of youth (at one time he decently lost), and Rostov was taught a lesson by his father, who provoked the ruin of the family with his rash actions.
Memories of her father and other episodes of her biography served as material for the final formation of other images, for example, Pierre Bezukhov and Ilya Nikolaevich Rostov.

Biography of Nikolai Rostov

Nikolai Rostov is a rich count, a young landowner. The eldest son and the second oldest child in the family of Ilya Andreevich and Natalya Rostov.

At the beginning of the novel, he is a young student of 20 years old and one of the most enviable suitors: his family is noble and rich. The Rostovs have many connections and acquaintances in the circles of the aristocracy.

Nikolai's personal life is not without disappointments and difficulties. For a long time, Rostov has been in a state of love with his second cousin, Sonya. The situation was aggravated by the fact that these feelings were mutual, and the parents were not happy with such a development of events. They were especially frightened by the fact that Nikolai seriously planned to marry a girl.

The prospect of improving the financial situation of the family with the help of an advantageous marriage looked more attractive to Nikolai's mother, and despite the fact that the youngest man himself was alien to the idea of ​​​​marrying for convenience, she still did not deprive herself of hope for her version of the development of events.

Military service is close to Nikolai, this attitude is not surprising - his parents are true patriots, their attitude to the Fatherland is sincere, therefore Nikolai, like all Rostov children, is also not devoid of a sense of patriotism and duty.

He took part in the fighting in the Napoleonic War, after which he returned home and married Princess Bolkonskaya. This act was not the result of only passionate love - a significant dowry was given for the princess, which could improve the deplorable state of the family. Countess Rostova for some time persuaded her son to marry Princess Marie, but Nikolai was unshakable. Upon learning that the princess is in love with him, he gradually begins to change his views on marriage with her, since he himself has tender feelings for her. Soon their wedding took place.

The family life of Marie and Nikolai has developed, no matter how best it is. Three children were born in their marriage: two boys (Andre, Mitya) and daughter Natalia. Their family will soon be replenished with another family member - Marya - is pregnant, but Tolstoy no longer tells us about this - his novel is over, the reader can only predict the further course of events.

Appearance of Nikolai Rostov

A person's appearance speaks volumes. The point here is not only in the extent to which a person monitors the state of his appearance, but also in the fact that all the emotions that arise in us, feelings leave a certain mark on the appearance of a person. Some have happy wrinkles around their eyes, others have a deep wrinkle on their forehead after dissatisfied heavy thoughts.

Young people seldom have any unusual distinction that testifies to their character and habits, since neither the first nor the second has practically yet formed in them. All of them strive to wear clean, good clothes and shoes, they enthusiastically perceive the attention paid to them in society. In this regard, 20-year-old Nikolai is no exception.

Nikolai Ilyich is a very handsome man. He is short and has blond curly hair. He has an enthusiastic expression on his face, his appearance is attractive and disposes to himself.

His face seems childishly sweet and open. There was something kind and sincere in his eyes. They are kind and honest. His smile also resembles the smile of children - pure, sweet.

With age, his mustache shape changes, mimic wrinkles appear on his face, but in general his image still remains a source of sincerity, kindness and honesty.

Military service

Military service has always attracted Rostov. For his circle of friends, this was not something unusual - many found such a career an excellent occupation. This is a sure key to improving your financial situation, and the key to the heart of almost any woman. Ladies watch with tenderness the military men who have appeared in society, they are praised, regardless of their actions and personal qualities.

With the outbreak of hostilities with Napoleon, Nikolai leaves his studies and goes to the front. He considers it his calling. Nikolai does not strive for ranks and titles. Many believe that this is due to the fact that his family is quite wealthy, the concept of lack of funds even for the most necessary things is alien to him. “It’s good to talk about honor and refuse ranks when they constantly send you a round sum to their house,” his colleagues think. After the ruin of the Rostovs, Nikolai's attitude still does not change, he also remains disinterested, which confirms the fallacy of the opinion.

Wards love him, not because he forgives them and allows them many liberties, but because he acts fairly. He always tries to understand the situation and act, guided by common sense and humanity.

The first wound of Rostov confuses him - for some time the idea that he, the one whom everyone loves so much, can die, is alien and wild to him. Over time, Rostov understands that it is impossible to be guided solely by the fear of dying, or headlong rushing ahead. Both the first and the second are fatal. You must always make a decision based on the circumstances.

Relationship with other family members

Nikolai Rostov is depicted in the novel as the ideal of an officer, a gentleman, a husband, a son, and a brother. It seems that there is nothing in it that could alienate or arouse dislike in the reader. He loves his parents dearly. His father and mother were kind to him, and he, too, treats them with kindness and respect even during the most difficult periods of his life and the life of his family as a whole. After the ruin, Nikolai does not blame or reproach his father for what happened - the prospect of paying off debts does not arouse admiration in him, but he does not refuse to do so either.

In relation to other family members, he also acts courteously - such behavior is not a guarantee of generally accepted traditions and etiquette - he sincerely loves his relatives.

Nikolai tries to behave with restraint and politeness even with those people who are unpleasant to him, such as, for example, with Boris Drubetsky. Previously, young people were very friendly, but over time, their friendship went apart. Boris sought to break into the people, he wanted to become rich and influential.

Such a desire was contrary to the principles of Rostov, but Nikolai tries not to speak too harshly on this matter - the option in which he will communicate less with Boris absolutely suits him. Nikolai Ilyich, in essence, is a person who is not conflict and has a benevolent attitude towards everyone.

Personal qualities and characteristics

Nikolai Ilyich Rostov - in many ways resembles a child. This applies not only to external manifestations of emotions and impressions, but also to actions. He is full of kindness and sincerity. Rostov does not know how to lie and dissemble - he is too decent and honest for his aristocratic society. Therefore, it is sharply evident.

A special place for Nicholas is a sense of responsibility and nobility. He is not guided by the principle: "this is noble - and therefore I will do it." His actions carry an unconscious character of nobility, which in his case is closely connected with general moral principles. He always thinks whether his actions and statements to others caused discomfort and pain.

“He is a nice fellow,” he is loved and respected by many. Universal love for him does not become a reason to be proud of himself, although she is pleasant and flattering to him. All his merits are made not in order to please someone or cause a feeling of respect, affection, or to please someone, but because of his personal convictions. It is quite natural for him to act according to his conscience, even if only a few do it - he knows how to be independent of anyone's opinion and position. In order to convince Nicholas, you need hard evidence.

Rostov is not distinguished by insight, but over time, in connection with life situations, he learns this too.
Nikolay loves hunting and horses. After his marriage, he often liked to hunt, especially after completing seasonal work. His passion for both horses and hunting was so great that he was ready to disappear for these activities all his free time.

He is endowed with talents for dancing and music. The society was delighted with his gracefulness in dancing, and relatives often asked him to sing something with Natalya.

After the end of the war with Napoleon, Nikolai Ilyich leaves military service and takes care of the affairs of the estate and family. He does not want his children to be in such a difficult situation and never know the hardships of a poor life, and therefore he is very scrupulous and attentive to business. His attitude towards serfs is always at the proper level - he adheres to the same principle of attitude towards others - to be treated well - treat others well.

Summarize. Nikolai Rostov is one of the few absolutely positive characters. He is decent and honest. He always thinks, and only then does and never cuts from the shoulder, despite the fact that he has a passionate nature. Nikolay knows how to draw the necessary conclusions and avoid mistakes made by other people.

In his novel, Tolstoy portrayed a number of characters. The author knowingly provides a detailed description of the characters. "War and Peace" is a novel in which the entire noble families, which make up the whole noble families, show the reader a reflection of the people who lived during the war with Napoleon. In "War and Peace" we see the Russian spirit, the features of historical events characteristic of the period of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. The greatness of the Russian soul is shown against the backdrop of these events.

If you make a list of characters ("War and Peace"), you get a total of about 550-600 heroes. However, they are not all equally important to the story. "War and Peace" is a novel whose heroes can be divided into three main groups: main, secondary characters and those simply mentioned in the text. Among them are both fictional and historical figures, as well as heroes who have prototypes among the writer's environment. This article will introduce the main characters. "War and Peace" is a work in which the Rostov family is described in detail. Therefore, let's start with it.

Ilya Andreevich Rostov

This is a count who had four children: Petya, Nikolai, Vera and Natasha. Ilya Andreevich is a very generous and good-natured person who loved life. As a result, his exorbitant generosity led to extravagance. Rostov is a loving father and husband. He is a good organizer of receptions and balls. But life on a grand scale, as well as disinterested assistance to wounded soldiers and the departure of Russians from Moscow, dealt fatal blows to his condition. Conscience tormented Ilya Andreevich all the time because of the approaching poverty of his relatives, but he could not help himself. After the death of Petya, the youngest son, the count was broken, but revived, preparing the wedding of Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha. Count Rostov dies a few months after these characters are married. "War and Peace" (Tolstoy) is a work in which the prototype of this hero is Ilya Andreevich, Tolstoy's grandfather.

Natalya Rostova (wife of Ilya Andreevich)

This 45-year-old woman, the wife of Rostov and the mother of four children, had some eastern surroundings. Those around her regarded the focus of gravity and slowness in her as solidity, as well as her high significance for the family. However, the real reason for these manners lies in the weak and exhausted physical condition due to childbirth and the forces devoted to raising children. Natalya loves her family and children very much, so the news of Petya's death almost drove her crazy. Countess Rostova, like Ilya Andreevich, loved luxury and demanded that everyone fulfill her orders. In it you can find the features of Tolstoy's grandmother - Pelageya Nikolaevna.

Nikolay Rostov

This hero is the son of Ilya Andreevich. He is a loving son and brother, he honors his family, but at the same time he faithfully serves in the army, which is a very important and significant feature in his characterization. He often saw even his fellow soldiers as a second family. Although Nikolai was in love with Sonya, his cousin, for a long time, he nevertheless marries Marya Bolkonskaya at the end of the novel. Nikolai Rostov is a very energetic person, with "open and curly hair. His love for the Russian emperor and patriotism never dried up. After going through the hardships of the war, Nikolai becomes a brave and courageous hussar. He retires after the death of Ilya Andreevich in order to correct financial situation of the family, pay off debts and finally become a good husband for his wife. To Tolstoy, this hero is presented as a prototype of his own father. As you probably already noticed, the character system is characterized by the presence of prototypes in many heroes. "War and Peace" - a work in which the morals of the nobility are presented through the features of the family of Tolstoy, who was a count.

Natasha Rostova

This is the daughter of the Rostovs. A very emotional and energetic girl who was considered ugly, but attractive and lively. Natasha is not very smart, but at the same time she is intuitive, as she could well "guess people", their character traits and mood. This heroine is very impulsive, prone to self-sacrifice. She dances and sings beautifully, which at that time was an important characteristic of a girl belonging to a secular society. Leo Tolstoy repeatedly emphasizes the main quality of Natasha - closeness to the Russian people. She absorbed the nation and Russian culture. Natasha lives in an atmosphere of love, happiness and kindness, but after a while the girl faces a harsh reality. The blows of fate, as well as heartfelt experiences, make this heroine an adult and, as a result, give her true love for her husband, Pierre Bezukhov. The story of the rebirth of Natasha's soul deserves special respect. She began attending church after being the victim of a deceitful seducer. Natasha is a collective image, the prototype of which was Tolstoy's daughter-in-law, Tatyana Andreevna Kuzminskaya, as well as her sister (the author's wife), Sofya Andreevna.

Vera Rostova

This heroine is the daughter of the Rostovs ("War and Peace"). The portraits of characters created by the author are distinguished by a variety of characters. Vera, for example, was famous for her strict disposition, as well as for the inappropriate, though fair, remarks she made in society. Her mother, for some unknown reason, did not love her very much, and Vera felt this keenly, and therefore often went against everyone. This girl later became the wife of Boris Drubetskoy. The prototype of the heroine is Lev Nikolaevich (Elizaveta Bers).

Petr Rostov

Son of the Rostovs, still quite a boy. Petya, who grew up, tried to go to war as a young man, and his parents could not keep him. He escaped from their guardianship and decided to join the Denisov regiment. In the very first battle, Petya dies, not having had time to fight yet. The death of a beloved son greatly crippled the family.


With this heroine, we finish the description of the characters ("War and Peace") belonging to the Rostov family. Sonya, a glorious miniature girl, was Ilya Andreevich's own niece and lived all her life under his roof. Love for Nikolai became fatal for her, as she failed to marry him. Natalya Rostova, the old countess, was against this marriage, since the lovers were cousins. Sonya acted nobly, refusing Dolokhov and deciding to love only Nikolai all her life, while freeing him from the promise given to her. She spends the rest of her life in the care of Nikolai Rostov, with the old countess.

The prototype of this heroine is Tatyana Aleksandrovna Yergolskaya, the second cousin of the writer.

Not only the Rostovs in the work are the main characters. "War and Peace" is a novel in which the Bolkonsky family also plays a big role.

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky

This is the father of Andrei Bolkonsky, a general-in-chief in the past, in the present he is a prince who has earned the nickname "Prussian king" in Russian secular society. He is socially active, strict like a father, pedantic, is a wise owner of the estate. Outwardly, this is a thin old man with thick eyebrows that hung over intelligent and penetrating eyes, in a powdered white wig. Nikolai Andreevich does not like to show his feelings even to his beloved daughter and son. He harasses Mary with constant nit-picking. Prince Nikolai, sitting on his estate, follows the events taking place in the country, and only before his death loses an idea of ​​the scale of the Russian war with Napoleon. Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky, the writer's grandfather, was the prototype of this prince.

Andrey Bolkonsky

This is the son of Nikolai Andreevich. He is ambitious, like his father, restrained in expressing feelings, but he loves his sister and father very much. Andrei is married to Lisa, the "little princess". He had a successful military career. Andrei philosophizes a lot about the meaning of life, the state of his spirit. He is in constant search. In Natasha Rostova, after the death of his wife, he found hope for himself, as he saw a real, and not fake, as in secular society, girl, and therefore fell in love with her. Having made an offer to this heroine, he was forced to go abroad for treatment, which became a test of their feelings. The wedding ended up falling apart. Andrei went to war with Napoleon, where he was seriously wounded, as a result of which he died. Until the end of his days, Natasha looked after him faithfully.

Marya Bolkonskaya

This is Andrei's sister, the daughter of Prince Nicholas. She is very meek, ugly, but kind-hearted and also very rich. Her devotion to religion is an example of meekness and kindness to many. Marya loves her father unforgettably, often pestering her with his reproaches and ridicule. This girl also loves her brother. She did not immediately accept Natasha as a future daughter-in-law, since she seemed to her too frivolous for Andrei. Marya, after all the hardships, marries Nikolai Rostov.

Its prototype is Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, Tolstoy's mother.

Pierre Bezukhov (Pyotr Kirillovich)

The main characters of the novel "War and Peace" would not be listed in full, if not to mention Pierre Bezukhov. This hero plays one of the most important roles in the work. He experienced a lot of pain and mental trauma, has a noble and kind disposition. Lev Nikolaevich himself loves Pierre very much. Bezukhov, as a friend of Andrei Bolkonsky, is very responsive and devoted. Despite the intrigues weaving under his nose, Pierre did not lose confidence in people, did not become embittered. By marrying Natasha, he finally found happiness and grace, which he lacked with his first wife, Helen. At the end of the work, his desire to change the political foundations in Russia is noticeable, you can even guess from afar the Decembrist moods of Pierre.

These are the main characters. "War and Peace" is a novel in which a large role is given to such historical figures as Kutuzov and Napoleon, as well as to some other commanders in chief. Other social groups are also represented, except for the nobility (merchants, petty bourgeois, peasantry, army). The list of characters ("War and Peace") is quite impressive. However, our task is to consider only the main characters.

In Leo Tolstoy's novel there are many characters and their images, which the author singles out in a special way and with skill. Despite the fact that Nikolai Rostov is not the main character, he also played a significant role in this work.

Nikolai was born in an ideal family where everyone loves each other, is talented, friendly, obeys the voice of feelings. His family consisted of father, mother, Natasha, Vera and Sonya.

Nicholas was a short, handsome young man. Kind and honest eyes stood out on his face. It is known about his life that he quits his studies at the university for the sake of military service, considering the military profession to be his vocation, but this decision was partly made because of the fashion trends of those times. He is honest, decent, against marriage of convenience. Rostov believes that in life you need to achieve everything yourself.

When he loses a considerable amount of money to Dolokhov in cards, he is very worried about this, afraid to tell his father. Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy calls Rostov a twenty-year old man” for his prudence and wisdom.

During the Battle of Shengraben, he is wounded, which turns his mind about the war. He begins to take this more seriously, realizing that this is a real danger and a threat to his life.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, Nikolai Rostov reached the capital of France with his army, but was forced to leave the service at the request of his mother, since the youngest son of the Rostovs was killed, and Natalya simply would not survive another loss.

During the offensive and the approach of the French to the village of Bogucharovo, where Marya Bolkonskaya was with her son Andrei, Nikolai Rostov happened to be there. He helps the princess to leave a dangerous place and learns that his feelings for her are mutual. So, the young people got married and moved together to the Bald Mountains, to the Bolkonsky estate. Their marriage had a beneficial effect on both: Nikolai joins a quiet and peaceful family life, and Marya fulfilled her dream of family and love. She teaches him to run the household, and Nikolai is attracted to his wife by sincerity and nobility. In addition, the wedding with Marya helped the Rostov family out of their predicament.

Composition about Nikolai Rostov

The novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy is a myriad variety of human destinies and characters, a whole historical epoch spread over a period of time full of grandiose events. Plunging into the novel, we discover a whole world created only by the creative imagination of the author. Perhaps this is one of the few novels that can turn the worldview of any reader, provide him with the opportunity to study dozens of peculiar psychologies.

Nikolai Rostov is the apotheosis of innocence and honesty.

Life, happy in its good-natured fun, reigns in the Rostovs' house. It is here that we first meet Nikolai Rostov, "a short, curly-haired young man with an open expression."

The events of the novel develop in such a way that the next time we overtake Rostov in the Pavlodar hussar regiment, located in the village of Zalzenek. In the new world of complex official and human relationships, the character relies on three main dogmas for him: honor, dignity and duty. Therefore, the very fact of lying for Nikolai Rostov becomes impossible. In the process of service, the hero makes discoveries for himself in the psychological, moral and ethical field. In particular, the act of Telyatin influenced the maturation and maturation of Rostov's character, thanks to which the hero realized that the honor and dignity of the regiment were much higher than personal honor. "I'm to blame, all around to blame!" - chanting Nikolai Rostov, maturing before our eyes.

The apogee of the formation of the character's character falls on the Battle of Schengraben, when Rostov realizes the eventfulness of what is happening around. Murder and death is the end of everything, that's what the hero understands. “It can't be that they wanted to kill me,” Rostov argues, running away from the French. He is seized by a feeling of panic, in a fit of which, instead of shooting, he throws a weapon at the enemy. His manifested fear is not horror of an armed enemy, but fear of such an early end to his life, which did not even have time to unfold all the joys of youth.

Neither the sharp mind that Prince Andrei is endowed with, nor the innate intuitive attitude and ability to empathize, characteristic of Pierre Bezukhov, are inherent in Nikolai Rostov. It is not for nothing that Bolkonsky notices in him a nearby hussar officer. Rostov is "simple-hearted," notes Tolstoy. And, perhaps, it is this definition that briefly and aptly expresses the inner essence of the hero.

Having married, he remained an exemplary family man and owner, just as he had once been an exemplary officer.

Lev Nikolaevich reluctantly parted with Rostov. Subsequently, his image became the foundation for the development of the characters of such characters as Levin from Anna Karenina, as well as Prince Nekhlyudov from Resurrection.

Option 3

Nikolai Rostov is one of the main characters in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. From the first pages we notice the young count, in Moscow everyone considers him a wonderful groom. Nikolai's gait is enviable, his movements are graceful. The whole of it is a figure slender, attractive.

The character was brought up in the best, according to the author himself, family. Rostov family. The atmosphere that prevailed in the house helped the children to grow up kind and sympathetic. Nikolai Rostov, a twenty-year-old youth, thanks to wonderful parents, himself became the embodiment of love. Warm feelings always dominated the Rostovs' house. They did not hide from society, they were always sincere. That is why Nikolai, having matured, became a wonderful person. And even his eyes are pure and naive. Childish joy never left Rostov. Throughout his own life, he kept in his heart a true love for the world around him. That is why he is charming.

Nikolai Rostov, as a man brought up in a gentle family, never harbored envy in his heart. He is not mean at all, but an outspoken hero. His image is simple but attractive. He is honest and frank. That is why Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy likes him!

A simple but very memorable truth lurks on the pages of the epic novel. And she says that "one must live, one must love, one must believe." And Nikolay unconditionally followed these simple, but very important words. His sweet face is like an open and exciting book, childishly naive and kind.

Despite the fact that the age of the character is not great for an experienced reflection on life, Nikolai Rostov, at the age of twenty, is a rather reasonable and analyzing being person.

The hero is not deprived of musical talent either. Together with his sister, Natasha Rostova, he sometimes sang and danced. It was the character's favorite thing to do.

It is attractive that Rostov is really a truthful person. He will not tell a lie in life, the hero values ​​​​every word, because he would never have “told a lie” in the entire history of his growing up, which is why it becomes clear that Nikolai is endowed with positive qualities that make him a wonderful character in the eyes of the reader.

So, the image of the central character of the epic novel "War and Peace" - Nikolai Rostov - is ordinary, and therefore wonderful! No wonder Lev Nikolaevich placed him in the Rostov family. Where there is harmony, where there is peace, where the soul rejoices!

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Nikolai Rostov - son of Count Ilya Ilyich Rostov, officer, man of honor. At the beginning of the novel, Nikolai leaves the university and goes to serve in the Pavlograd Hussar Regiment. He was distinguished by courage and courage, although in the battle of Shengraben, having no idea about the war, he rushes to the attack too bravely, therefore, when he sees a Frenchman in front of him, he throws a weapon at him and rushes to run, as a result of which he is wounded in the arm. But this episode does not speak of his cowardice, just in the face of danger, Nikolai could not make a decision. In all further battles, he showed himself heroically, for which he was awarded the St. George Cross. The war hardened him very much and he became a real hussar, devoted to his country and remaining faithful to the sovereign.

Rostov was a noble and selfless man. Nicholas fell in love with Princess Marya, but could not break his word to Sonya that he would marry her, and although his parents were against it, because they wanted him to find a rich bride, he still decided to marry a dowry. But Sonya sends him a letter in which she releases him from his promises and gives him freedom. After the death of the count, Nikolai did not refuse the inheritance, but he got only debts. He believed that it was his duty to pay off the bills and take care of his mother and Sonya. The Rostovs were completely impoverished, they had to sell the estate and move to live in a small apartment, the countess hints to Nikolai that the way out of the predicament is a wedding with the princess. Nikolai does not even allow such a thought: he loves Marya, but if he marries her, then in society they will say that he married by calculation, and he considers this shameful. It’s good that Marya also loved him and they still got married. After the wedding, Nikolai became the best owner, his estate prospered and brought in huge income. As before, Nikolai devoted himself wholeheartedly to serving the country, so now he devoted himself to serving his family and household.

The formation of young people, the formation of their views and habits, the willingness to imitate such strong personalities as Napoleon, the ability to find their place in life, overcome mistakes, "call" oneself to the "judgment of conscience" - this is not a complete list of issues that interested L. N. Tolstoy, when he introduced the younger generation to the reader. It is not easy to understand and appreciate the high demands of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, the complex search for the meaning of life of Pierre Bezukhov, his mistakes, and often miscalculations, “ugliness” of behavior and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of Anatoly Kuragin and Dolokhov (as he was at the beginning of the novel and a completely different person in end). The reader managed to fall in love with Natasha Rostova, to delve into the complex inner world of Marya Bolkonskaya, to feel sorry for Sonya in her failed love.

L. N. Tolstoy loves his heroes, talks about them willingly and in different ways, because the heroes are different.

Nikolai Rostov is an uncomplicated person. He is by no means the most beloved character in the novel. There is a lot to dislike about it. But what he feels often helps to understand himself, and many of his experiences are familiar to young people. The war of 1805 turned out to be a very important event in the life of the heroes of the novel; each of them will come to conclusions in this war that are important not only for him, but also for Tolstoy himself, and therefore for the reader. This is especially true of the behavior of Nikolai Rostov.

His first "business" was crossing the Enns, where he wanted to "show off his courage." But everything turned out to be more complicated and sadder: the sight of blood, groans forced him to stop the senseless run along the bridge - fear seized him. The unfired junker experienced fear and shame, but everyone who was next to him went through this feeling. The simple scheme by which N. Rostov wanted to live: run, cut, merrily forward is not feasible, because a person has one life and a sense of self-preservation is strong in every person.

Under Austerlitz, the reader sees Nikolai Rostov already as a hussar lieutenant with a soldier's Georgy, a silver mentic. His arrival home from the army takes place under the sign of self-affirmation, the desire to prove to everyone and to himself that he is an adult. He has a man's business: dinner at the English Club, cards, running. Count Rostov remortgaged the estate so that Nikolushka could get his own trotter "and buy the most fashionable trousers ..." What parents will not do for the sake of their children! Nikolai does not notice all this ... And suddenly a crash occurs - a catastrophe: Rostov lost forty-three thousand to Dolokhov. Nikolai is in a panic, he is looking for an explanation for this misfortune. But he will never understand his guilt: he is guilty of not being able to think. His mind is not developed, he does not know how to use it. He learned to be a man in the sense that is available to him. He will compensate for the loss of forty-three thousand, his father will give him this money. But this shameful act and the phrase of the fool: “Who does this not happen to?!” - many readers will probably be repelled from Rostov.

Nikolai is an honest person, we are convinced of this many times. But it turns out that just being honest is not enough, you also need to be able to think, reason and draw conclusions, and he does not know how to do this. material from the site

As an honest man and a good comrade, Nikolai rushes to help his friend: he goes to Denisov in the hospital and from there goes to Tilsit to look for the king to ask him to pardon Denisov. But nothing came of this venture. Seeing the king, Rostov, beside himself with delight, ran with the crowd after him, forgetting about the Denisov case. Nikolai remembered the hospital where Denisov was, severed arms and legs, dirt, stench, and asked himself the question: why did all this happen? Author's comment: "He found himself thinking such strange thoughts that he was afraid of them." Having conquered the fear of bullets in himself, Rostov did not learn to conquer the fear of thoughts. He is afraid to think. This quality is convenient for his commanders; he is a fine subject, but a bad citizen. “Our business is to do our duty, to fight and not to think, that's all ...”, - this is how he justified his position in the evening at a friendly table, which surprised everyone. It was in 1807, and everything was by and large correct - the soldier must obey the order. But in the epilogue of the novel, Nikolai will tell Pierre: “Tell me now Arakcheev to go at you with a squadron and cut down - I won’t think for a second and go.” On December 14, 1825, he could, without hesitation, also go to Senate Square, but on the side of those who defended the king. This could have happened because when he was quite young, he forbade himself what a person is obliged to do all his life - to think about his every action, to think about what is happening before his eyes. Nikolai Rostov preferred in all cases of his civilian life to remain an unreasoning person. He preferred to let events unfold as they unfold... It doesn't suit thinking people!...

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