Ksenia Borodina house 2 how old. Ksenia Borodina - biography, news, photos

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina celebrates her birthday on International Women's Day, as she was born on March 8, 1983 in Moscow. - a well-known domestic TV presenter, who became popular after she started working on the Dom-2 television project, paired with Ksenia Sobchak.

Childhood and early years

Ksyusha was born in the capital. By nationality, Ksenia is Armenian. The joint life of the mother and father of the star did not work out. They divorced when Ksyusha was one year old. Later, her mother connected her life with an architect from Italy and moved in with him. She entrusted the upbringing of her daughter to her grandparents. Therefore, Xenia's childhood passed in Kuntsevo (Moscow region). Ksyusha periodically visited her mother in Italy, but her love for Russia each time brought her back to Moscow. Until grade 9, Ksenia studied at school No. 749 in Moscow, then she decided to transfer to a lyceum, where she studied foreign languages. At the age of 17, after graduation, Ksyusha decided to continue studying at the English school "Multilingwich". At the same time, the girl was brought up in a simple family of a nurse and a builder. Ksenia could not bear parting with her beloved and living in a foreign country. A month later, despite the persuasion of her parents, the girl decided to return home to Moscow. Upon arrival, she entered the Moscow Institute of Management and Tourism and immediately became a sophomore.

Why Ksenia Borodina changed her last name

Those who are interested in the biography of Xenia Borodina want to know why the Armenian woman has a Russian surname. In fact, after the birth of Ksyusha, they gave the name of her father - Amoev. But on the day of her majority, when her father promised to meet her, the girl waited for her father for several hours, and he never congratulated his daughter on her eighteenth birthday. Offended by this gesture of her father, Ksyusha decided to take her mother's maiden name - Borodin.

Dreams of glory

While studying at the university, Ksenia Borodina decided that she must certainly become a star. The girl persistently walked towards her goal, sending her photos and resumes to all kinds of castings and auditions. It turned out that joining, or rather, squeezing into the Russian show business is not so easy. Ksenia was already desperate to get on TV and decided to fly to Italy, but then the phone suddenly rang, and the girl heard that she had been approved for the role of the host in the TV show Dom-2. It was on this project that the finest hour of Ksenia Borodina came. If it weren’t for him, perhaps the crowds of fans would never have recognized this talented girl and Borodina’s biography would be of no interest to anyone. Ksyusha's popularity grew along with the number of fans of the show.

Other TV presenter talents

In 2007, Borodina showed her writing talent by releasing her own creation called “Laws of Love”. At the presentation, the star promised her fans that she would not stop there and plans to publish books in the autobiographical genre. Already in the next - 2008 - Ksyusha pleased her fans with the opening of a beauty salon jointly with Sergey Zverev. She successfully combined all this with work at Dom-2, as well as with performances at various events as a host and DJ. Ksenia Borodina starred in some films. Especially for fans, the filmography of the star is presented. In 2008, she played the main character's girlfriend in the film Zaza. In 2011, she starred in the third and fourth series of TV series Lavrova's Method. She took part in the filming of the comedy series "Interns" in 2012. In 2013, she starred in the 36th episode of the comedy "Deffchonki".

Ksenia Borodina: biography, personal life

Most of all, fans are not interested in how the star's career developed, but in the fact that the TV presenter is constantly trying to hide from the eyes of envious people. This is the family, love and children of Ksyusha. Of course, for those who are interested in the biography of Ksenia Borodina, the personal life of a star is always the number one question. It is full of both joy and sadness. For some time, Ksyusha met with one of the soloists of the Dynamite group, whose name was Leonid Nerushenko. Unfortunately, a tragedy happened to the guy: he died in an accident. In 2006, Ksenia made an attempt to build a relationship with one of the participants in the reality show O. Karimov, but nothing good came of it.

Everyone who is interested in Ksenia Borodina, the biography of the personal life of the star, probably remembers very well that on August 8, 2008, Ksyusha's wedding took place. The couple first met on the set of the Comedy Club in 2005, where they were invited as guests. On June 9, 2009, the fruit of their love was born - daughter Marusya. Unfortunately, Ksenia, just like her mom and dad once, failed to save the family. In 2011, the couple decided to divorce.

Of course, the biography of Ksenia Borodina will not be complete, if not to say about her hot relationship with the former member of "House-2" Mikhail Terekhin. Fans of the star remember their frequent scandals and reconciliations. As expected, nothing good came of such a relationship, and the couple broke up, leaving only mutual claims.

On July 3, 2015, the wedding of Ksyusha and Kurban Omarov took place. The TV star decided to take her husband's surname. Fans of the star will remember the footage from this gorgeous celebration for a long time. On December 22, 2015, the couple had a sweetheart - a daughter, who was named the beautiful, fabulous name Thea. Ksenia gave birth in an elite Moscow perinatal center.

Ksyusha loves football with all her heart (an ardent fan of FC Lokomotiv).

Favorite poets of the star are Pushkin and Nekrasov, Ksenia knows by heart a huge number of lyrical works.

In honor of the birth of her first daughter, Ksyusha decided to get a tattoo on her arm - “Marusya”.

A native Muscovite, Ksenia Borodina, was born into an Armenian family. Father - Thomas - a year after the birth of Ksyusha, broke up with her mother Inna Bulatovna, and no longer kept in touch with the family. The lonely young woman soon remarried an architect from Italy and left with her new husband for his homeland. Ksenia was raised in Moscow by her grandparents. Having matured a little, the girl constantly visited her mother in Italy. She stayed at her stepfather's house for two or three weeks, after which she returned to her beloved homeland.

Until the age of fourteen, Ksyusha studied at a general education school in the capital, and from the tenth grade she moved to a private lyceum. In this educational institution, the girl perfectly mastered several foreign languages. At the age of seventeen, Borodina submitted her documents to the English summer school "Multilingwich". According to the conditions of study, the girl lived in England for several months in the family of a nurse and an ordinary builder.

And at home, Ksyusha was waiting for Sasha - a neighbor's boy, whom she met for about three years. Perhaps this was the first love of the future star of House 2. And, unable to bear the separation, Ksenia exchanged her studies at a prestigious European school for returning to Russia to her beloved Alexander. Stepfather and mother dissuaded Borodina from such a reckless act, but the girl had already made a decision and was not going to back down.

In the capital, she entered the second year of a tourist university and ... broke up with Alexander. It is worth noting that Ksenia never regretted that she refused to receive an education in England.

During this period, the main goal of Ksenia Borodina was to achieve success in the field of show business. The girl sincerely dreamed of becoming a TV star. In her university years, she could be repeatedly seen at various castings and auditions, but it’s too early to talk about some kind of popularity. Ksyusha, on the other hand, expected an immediate result from her efforts and, without waiting for it, she was planning to move to Italy. A call from the television found Xenia at the airport. Literally before the flight, the girl was informed that, following the results of one of the castings, she was offered the role of host in a new television project. Of course, Borodina accepted the offer and refused to fly to her parents.

So, in the spring of 2004, Ksenia becomes a foreman at a television construction site - a popular reality show called House 2. Her colleague is Ksenia Sobchak. Very quickly, the popularity of the program goes beyond Russia and spreads to neighboring countries.

The participants of the TV project are looking for their soul mate, and Ksyusha Borodina also found her love here. However, the relationship with Oscar Karimov lasted only a few months. After parting with a member of House 2, Ksenia began dating businessman Nikita Isaev, and then turned her head to Moscow DJ Anton.

During this period, the life of Ksenia Borodina is filled with new events, emotions, sensations. The girl writes and publishes several books, opens a beauty salon together with Sergei Zverev, runs House 2, and takes part in private parties.

In 2005, Borodina met businessman Yuri Budagov and three years later agreed to become his wife. About a year later, a beautiful baby Marusya appeared in a young family.

Despite a ten-year experience of mentoring young people striving to find love, the permanent host of House 2 could not save her marriage. The couple divorced in 2011. The main reason for the disagreement was Borodina's maximum immersion in social life and her unwillingness to spend time with her family.

Being an amorous person, Ksenia very quickly restored communication with the opposite sex after a divorce. However, none of the relationships were successful. Perhaps the most striking and longest of all was an affair with Misha Terekhin, an ex-participant in a television project. For three years, the guys quarreled and reconciled, constantly being in a state of total tension. In the fall of 2014, the couple broke up completely.

Now Ksenia Borodina is happy in a new relationship and is already preparing for her wedding with Kurban Omarov.

Ksenia Borodina is extremely popular and has a million fans, with whom she communicates daily on her Instagram page. Thanks to this, many subscribers know what their favorite is doing now, as well as the latest news in her personal life. The TV presenter does not hide the fact that not the best times have come in her family at present, but there is hope that she will soon reunite with her husband.

Ksenia was born in 1983 in Moscow. According to the official website of the TV presenter, her parents are Armenians. Even in early childhood, his father left the family, but after a divorce, his mother married an Italian architect and soon left for him. The girl was raised by her grandparents. Even in childhood, she dreamed of a career as a TV presenter. After leaving school, the girl studied as a tourism manager, and then received a second education - economics. However, Borodina did not want to work in her specialties and tried to find a job as a TV presenter. Tired of the search, she decided to move to Italy, where her mother and stepfather were already waiting for her. But unexpectedly, Ksenia received a call and was offered to become the host of the Dom-2 show, which later brought her fame and popularity. During her career, she led projects such as Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Battle of psychics”, “Reboot”. In addition, she took part in Dancing with the Stars, Cruel Intentions and other programs.

In Borodina's personal life, there were many bright and short-term novels, but almost all men did not like her mother at all. But at the same time, the parent advised her not to listen to anyone, but only to her own heart. For some time, the TV presenter met with the lead singer of the Dynamite group, Leonid Nerushenko, who died tragically. Among her close friends there were several other public people, but relations with them never grew into something more.

In the photo Ksenia Borodina with her ex-husband Yuri Budagov

In 2005, Borodina met her future husband, businessman Yuri Budagov, who ended up on the set of the Comedy Club program. Three years later, the lovers got married, and a year later, a daughter, Marusya, was born in the family. But this union did not last long, and in 2011 the couple divorced.

After the divorce, Ksenia continued her television career and at the same time began to actively engage in her personal life, often appearing at social events and parties. The TV presenter was able to lose extra pounds after giving birth, which allowed her to arouse the admiration of not only fans, but also many men who tried to win her love. Soon Borodina started an affair with former police chief Mikhail Terekhin, who became a member of the Dom-2 show. At first, the couple hid their feelings from the producers of the project, but after a month everyone knew about it. However, the harmony in the relationship did not last long: the lovers parted, then reconciled again. And only in the fall of 2014, Ksenia told the fans that this time they broke up officially.

In the winter of 2014, the TV presenter came to a party with a new lover, businessman Kurban Omarov, whom Stepan Menshchikov introduced her to. Soon, rumors spread in the star party about changes in the personal lives of lovers, and in the summer of 2015 they got married. As it turned out, the couple was waiting for replenishment in the family. In the winter of 2015, Ksenia gave birth to a second daughter, who was named Theon. At first, the TV presenter very often published joint pictures with her husband and children, but already in the spring of 2016, many noted that the couple stopped wearing wedding rings and went out together in public. In addition, they removed all photos from their pages.

In the photo Ksenia Borodina with her family: daughter Marusya and husband Kurban Omarov

Fans suspected that Ksenia broke up with her husband. Soon, Borodina herself spoke frankly about the reasons for parting with Omarov, accusing him of numerous betrayals. But the situation was aggravated by the fact that the businessman flew to Spain, where he spent time in the company of Nastasya Samburskaya. According to him, he started a new project in which the star of "Univer" should take part. Borodina herself at that time was vacationing with her children in Turkey, and her husband, as he claims, learned about this from the press. The latest news about the spouses is very encouraging: in early August, they published the same picture of baby Thea simultaneously on their blogs, which allowed fans to think that Ksenia had reconciled with Kurban.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 06/11/2016

Many viewers of the TNT channel were interested in the question of what Kurban Omarov does? This person interested everyone after the fans of the TV show "Dom-2" became aware of the wedding of the TV presenter of the project Ksenia Borodina, which took place on July 3.

Borodina's husband Kurban Omarov who is he?

As her next chosen one, the TV presenter chose businessman Kurban Omarov. He turned 35 this year. According to preliminary data, the husband of Ksenia Borodina moved to Moscow not so long ago. There is a variety of information about what a young entrepreneur does. One version was that he had a network of jewelry stores in the capital and other regions. Kurbat Omarov is also presented as a transportation organizer. In Moscow and Makhachkala, more than ten companies were registered in his name, among which there are taxi services.

Among the people, the future husband of the famous TV presenter was not known until information about their engagement appeared.

The first wife of Kurban Omarov

Before meeting Ksenia Borodina, the young entrepreneur was a family man. He had a wife with whom he raised his son. At the moment, the newlyweds carefully hide the fact. All attempts by journalists to declassify their little secret have not been successful. It is only known that Kurban divorced his wife at the beginning of 2014.

As for Ksenia Borodina, she was also previously married. Her ex-husband was a young businessman, Yuri Budagov, whom she met at a TNT party.

The husband could not stand the busy work schedule of the TV presenter, because of which she was unable to support her family, and filed for divorce about three years ago. From her first marriage, Ksenia Borodina had a daughter named Marusya. The little girl and the son of Kurban Omarov were also present at the magnificent wedding of the newlyweds.

Kurban Omarov - nationality

As soon as photos of a couple in love appeared on the network, fans of the TV presenter immediately asked what nationality her new fan was. As it became known, he recently moved to Moscow in order to expand the network of his business. A young man was born and lived earlier in Dagestan. Ros Kurban Omarov in the village of Khadzhapmakhi and was brought up according to Muslim traditions. The young spouse also has Russian roots, since his mother is of this nationality. The father is also a Dagestani. Kurban grew up in a large family, he has several older and younger brothers.

Ksenia Borodina is Armenian by nationality. Unfortunately, her family broke up when the young presenter was not even one year old. After that, her mother successfully married an Italian. The girl was raised by her grandparents, who live in Moscow. Ksyusha Borodina became known to the whole world after the release of the show "House 2".

Acquaintance and first meeting

About all the details, about how the relationship between Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov developed, it became known recently. Before that, the famous TV presenter carefully concealed her personal life. She talked about him several times on her show, but cryptically called him Mr Z. Fans tried to find out who he really was, but they could only guess. Journalists also asked a lot of questions about this. One beautiful presenter only told everyone that she dreams of trying again to start a family and give birth to a baby.

Until the moment Kurban Omarov met Ksenia, he was registered on several dating sites. Moreover, everywhere there was a note that he needed an exceptionally wealthy lady. The couple met about three years ago. Ksenia and her new chosen one met at the birthday party of Stepan Menshikov, a former participant in the Dom 2 project.

The young presenter admitted that a spark slipped between them at the solemn event. They were prevented from starting a relationship by the fact that they were both in relationships with other people. However, soon the lovers could no longer restrain their feelings and decided to try to be together.

Wedding with Ksyusha Borodina

The wedding of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov took place on July 3, 2015. For all fans of the TV presenter, this news was sudden. However, in fact, the couple planned the main celebration of their lives in early March. At first, the wedding was scheduled for autumn, but the lovers decided to play it a little earlier.

After the wedding, the young wife said that her dream had come true, and the event went exactly as she wanted. Ksenia also announced her endless happiness. Fans learned that their beloved presenter got married for the second time on the popular social network, where she posted photos with her new husband. The magnificent event was held in one of the restaurants of the capital. A huge number of relatives and friends were invited to it, among which were the participants of the famous project.

Video from the wedding:

The newlyweds thought for a long time about where they would go on their honeymoon. Ultimately, they decided that they would spend their vacation in Turkey. They went there after the wedding, where they spent 13 days. Ksenia Borodina managed to call up friends and tell them about how her new husband constantly makes romantic surprises for her.

There is also a rumor that Ksenia Borodina is expecting a baby again. However, she did not give official confirmation about this.

Yes, until now, fans are actively robbing information about what businessman Kurban Omarov is doing? There are many rumors about this. Someone is sincerely happy for the young couple, but there are people who believe that this wedding is another PR move. However, none of this matters. The main thing is that the young presenter, now, is insanely happy. She does not get tired of rejoicing and publishes information on the network about how she loves her husband. For example, on their first wedding anniversary, which took place 3 July, she told the whole world that it was insanely nice to be his wife.

Video about Borodina's husband

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina (at birth - Amoeva; in her second marriage - Omarova). She was born on March 8, 1983 in Moscow. Russian TV presenter, actress and DJ.

Ksenia Borodina was born on March 8, 1983 in Moscow. In one of her interviews, she noted that she was Armenian by father.

According to the official website of Ksenia Borodina, her parents are Armenians.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov

Since the beginning of 2016, rumors began to appear in the media about the discord in the couple's family relationships. In July Xenia. However, then she decided to forgive her husband for the sake of preserving the family.

Ksenia Borodina combines her career as a TV presenter with business. She develops her own chain of beauty salons. At the end of October 2015, Ksenia opened a second beauty salon in the center of Moscow.

Filmography of Ksenia Borodina:

2008 - Zaza - the main character's girlfriend
2011 - The Lavrova Method (TV series, season 1, episodes 3-4) - episode
2013 - Deffchonki - in the role of herself, a reporter in Zvonarev's apartment (episode 36)
2014 - Since March 8, men! - A friend of the main character.

Bibliography of Ksenia Borodina:

2007 - "House-2. Laws of love"
2011 - “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina”

From an interview with Ksenia Borodina:

"I hope I managed to keep my natural softness. It is generally accepted that it is easier to be a bitch. But what is bitchiness? This is a shield that you use to close yourself from reality. I would not want to become like that. evil".

"There are no laws of love and cannot be. And it's just stupid to make any plans. All people are so different! Therefore, you behave this way with one man, and completely differently with another. The main thing is to be sincere and trust your soul mate".

“It happens that very unpleasant things are said about me. For example, they pull a phrase out of context and inflate a cheap sensation. I try to refute such “revelations”. But it would be strange to complain about popularity. Any public person wants to be talked about. , if someone declares: "Ah, I wish they would leave me alone"".

"In a relationship, you need to look for a middle ground. You can't be weak - with such men it quickly becomes boring. But you can't be strong either - men don't like it when their leadership is challenged".

Ksenia Borodina's height is 165 cm.

“Many sites have appeared on the Internet, where they allegedly give recipes for monstrous diets on my behalf. Probably everyone has seen banners from the series “How to lose forty kilograms in half an hour” ... In short, Borodina’s super method looks like this: twice a week, fitness a club, sometimes a pool, and the biggest "secret" is to eat less".

Ksenia Borodina spoke quite frankly about many of her secrets, including relationships with men, in the Sincere Confession program in January 2013.

Ksenia Borodina in the program "Sincere recognition"

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