Godmother and godfather: duties. Who can be godparents, their duties

The baptism of a child is a responsible step. Parents should not only be sure that the baby needs it, but also choose the right godparents. After all, according to the purpose of the godparents, the upbringing of the child in faith and piety depends on this.

About the godfather

If women are more often more responsible for such an event as baptism, then men can let some details and moments take their course. It is not worth doing this, because every godfather must remember that for his deeds he will ultimately be responsible before God. Therefore, the godfather must first learn his duties well in order to know what to do in a given situation.


They must remember that if they were offered such a responsible role, they cannot refuse, this is considered a bad sign. Having agreed with their new status as godparents, they should have a good idea of ​​what they will need to do or not do in order to prepare for the ceremony. So, a few days before the baptism of the baby, the godparents must fast, not live sexually. It is also worth remembering that atheists, as well as people who are married, cannot be godparents. What should the godmother and the godfather understand? The duties entrusted to them must be strictly carried out, whether they like it or not. Previously, a child had only one person as a godfather, of the same sex as him, but today this has changed a little, but the godparent who is the same gender as the baby is considered the main one. It is also worth remembering that the godparents must bear all the expenses for preparing the ceremony. A man buys a cross, and also pays for the services of the church (photographer), a woman buys a baptismal shirt and a towel - kryzhma. Also, the godmother should prepare treats for the guests who came to congratulate the child on such an important day as baptism.


The godmother must remember that you cannot wear makeup for the christening ceremony, that is, use any cosmetics. No jewelry is also welcome, but you can and even need to wear your own. The duties of a godfather at baptism do not imply anything difficult. You just need to hold the baby and do everything that the father says. It is also better to first learn the “Symbol of Faith” prayer, it will need to be said during the baptism ceremony. during the ceremony are the same.


It is worth recalling once again that the main godfather for a child is the person who is of the same sex with him. If there was a godfather, his duties should be well understood. After all, it is he who will have to tell the baby who God is, what faith the child is and how to behave correctly during various church rites. Knowing the duties of a godfather, a man must lead an honest, pious life, because the child will also look up to him, look at his behavior. It is a misconception that godparents should only give gifts to the baby for numerous holidays, but this is not enough. It is the godmother and the godfather, whose duties are the spiritual upbringing of the child, who are responsible for what kind of person the child will become, how he will settle down in society in the future.

Ever since ancient Russia, a tradition has appeared in our country to baptize children, while not giving them the opportunity to choose another faith.

Thus, in Russia, the majority of citizens adhere to the Orthodox faith.

In order to baptize a child, it is necessary to choose godparents. And the Orthodox Church strictly sets the requirements for who can be godparents, so it is important to know and follow these rules.

The sacrament itself is performed directly in the church. There are no age restrictions for entering Orthodoxy, so this rite can be performed by a person at any age.

But according to Russian customs, parents of newborns try to baptize their children in the first year of life. Thus, they provide their baby under the protection of the Almighty.

The godparents must be present during the baptismal ceremony. They are considered to be people who are in spiritual closeness with the godson. They should be the mentors of the child in the future.

At the same time, it is considered that it is not at all necessary that there are two parents. One is enough, but at the same time, for boys, there must be a godfather, and for girls, a godmother.

The presence of natural parents in the church is not necessary, but if the child is small, then it will be much calmer for him to be close to his relatives in an unfamiliar place.

During the process of baptism, the godparent must hold the child and stay with him at all times. If the baby is small, then he is completely dipped in holy water.

If a person is already an adult, then he simply has to dip his head three times in holy water. After bathing the child, the godparent must pick up, dry and put on new clothes.

Before choosing godparents for your child, as well as agreeing to become a godfather for someone, it is important to understand the very essence of this ceremony and your further duties towards the godson.

You can’t just attend the ceremony, and then forget about the responsibility to the child, which is entrusted by faith.

Baptism itself is called the second birth of a person. At this moment, his spiritual world is born. Since faith implies that after death the life of the soul does not end, then being in the human body, it should not accumulate sins in itself.

That is why the church imposes the following duties on godparents:

The problem of many families in the modern world is that their children go through the rite of baptism, but in fact they do not see the embodiment of Christian ideas in the family.

If the family is not attached to the faith, and even more so if the basic commandments are violated, it will be much more difficult for the child to perceive life in accordance with these commandments.

Most churches now do not perform the rite of baptism until the godparents have completed special courses.

This measure was created so that people realize the full responsibility of this step and be able to refuse before they enter into their duties to the Almighty.

After completing the courses, people become really ready for the sacrament, and they understand what they must do after baptism throughout their lives.

Knowing all the duties assigned to the godparents, you need to choose those people who are most suitable for their performance.

But it is also important to consider certain points:

  1. The religion of the godparents themselves.
  2. Family connection with the future godson.
  3. The relationship between the godparents themselves.
  4. Special periods for women.
  5. The age of the godparents.

To take into account these features, you need to know who cannot be godparents according to church laws.:

Also, the question often arises as to whether it is possible to be pregnant at the sacrament of baptism? The Church does not forbid entry to women who carry a child under their hearts, and also does not put a ban on becoming a godmother.

Knowing all these features, as well as your close circle of friends and relatives, it can be quite difficult to choose someone.

Very often it turns out that among the possible options for godparents are the same people for many relatives and friends.

Therefore, it turns out that the same person is often offered to become a godfather several times with different children.

And there are two main questions:

That is why the godparent courses now organized by many churches are important. Because, despite the fact that in 2019 it is becoming more and more fashionable to baptize a child, as well as appoint influential godparents to him, the most important thing is forgotten, this is the essence of baptism itself.

The financial status of the appointed godparent is not so important, but his lifestyle, which must comply with biblical covenants.

The godparent should be a spiritual mentor and with all his example show his godson how to live and what spiritual principles must be observed in any situation.

It is also important to know that you cannot change godparents after performing the rite of baptism.. The chosen parents become them for life. Sometimes it also happens that after baptism, the godparent greatly changed his lifestyle for the worse.

But in this case, the godson himself and his parents should pray for the godparent's deliverance from sins and try to put him on the right path.

No one has the right to refuse such a godparent. Rebaptism is not possible. Therefore, it is very important to choose reliable godparents for your children.

However, in cases where the godparent renounced Orthodoxy, adopted a different faith, or became an atheist, then such a sacred union will be considered terminated.

Similarly, one can regard those cases when the godparent descended to the most forbidden sins, which are prohibited by the Testaments.

In this case, it is understood that this person does not want to live according to the precepts of the Bible, and also does not want to be an example for his godson.

In this case, the natural parents may ask other godly people to take care of the spiritual way of life of their child. This situation must be reported to the holy father before the rite itself is performed.

Many godparents like to pamper their godchildren with expensive gifts in order to win their favor and bring them closer spiritually.

But you need to understand that this is not the purpose of godparents. Not according to the size of the wallet, parents should choose godparents.

The best gifts that the church mentions are:

This is what godparents' gifts to their godchildren should look like. But besides this, the church does not prohibit giving other gifts that will delight the child. But still, the main emphasis should be placed on the spiritual education of the godson.

It is also believed that the most important date for giving is the name day of the godson's guardian angel. During the sacrament of baptism, a person who accepts Orthodoxy receives a middle name.

It may coincide with his real name, if this name is in the Orthodox book of names. And if the name is missing, then the child will be assigned a different name from this book.

Each such name has a name day date. If the selected name has several dates during the year when name days are celebrated, the date closest to the Orthodox person's birthday is selected. It is on this date that godparents should bestow gifts on their godson.

Knowing all the nuances of the sacrament, as well as the requirements of the church for godparents, it is important to take a very responsible approach to choosing a godparent.

It is better to make him a responsible relative than an influential family friend.. Because financial values ​​in this case are not as important as spiritual ones.

Video: Godparents. The duties of a godfather. Baptism in the church

The sacrament of baptism is a great event in the life of every person, and especially for a child. All the obligations that the sponsors take on before God are very serious and responsible. That's why (this is very important) godparents, duties who are in the understanding of this responsibility, must convey to their godfather all the knowledge about the saving Sacraments of the Church, such as Confession and Communion, and also convey knowledge about the meaning of worship. The duties of godparents also include the transfer of knowledge about the meaning of the church calendar, about the miracles of church icons and other shrines.

Responsibilities of godparents - how to do it right and what to do?

As soon as the child plunges into the font, from that moment on, the responsibility passes to the recipients. Now the "second" parents will have to attend church and services with the baby, teach
keep the church rules. But the main thing is to pray for your godson both in joy and in sorrow. Always be there for you in difficult times. What are the main responsibilities of godparents at baptism? Even from the font, they must convey to them or help them find a new life path. The godfather must buy a cross. The chain, as a rule, is not bought, since according to customs, the baby wears a cross on a string or ribbon. Just like every conscious believer, the recipients need to know the following prayers: "Our Father", "Symbol of Faith", "Our Lady of the Virgin"!

Parents, as well as the godson, must be ready for the sacrament of baptism. Recipients must know the basics of Orthodox teaching, as well as piously treat the rules of Christian piety. Such important events as Fasting, Confession and Communion for godparents are not strictly obligatory, but the believer must adhere to them. All this must be correctly conveyed to the godson. If he is a baby, then love for the church will be instilled from a conscious age. A very good sign will be the reading of the prayer of the Creed by one of the recipients. For the godson, the prayer is read by gender: for the girl - the godmother, for the boy - the father.

Before Baptism, it is advisable to confess, because it is important that not only thoughts are pure, but also the soul. There must be consecrated crosses on the body. Those invited must bring donations to the church. This is not necessary, but you should not neglect the customs.

Godparents should be aware of such responsibilities!

From this day on, the godchildren must protect the godson from all sorts of temptations and temptations. This is the most dangerous for children and adolescents. In the future, the godparent can help with choosing a profession. important will be advice when choosing a life partner. The Russian Church teaches that it is the chosen godparents who prepare the wedding for the godson. It is worth noting that even in case of physical suffering, godparents should provide assistance and this is done first of all, and brothers, sisters, grandparents help only later! A spiritual connection is stronger than a physical one!

The duties of godparents for a girl are no different from those for a boy. However, girls are given a little more attention, as they are taught humility and faith, which leads directly to submission. For a girl, the chosen godmother is the second closest person, because she can replace the physical mother. It is the responsibility of the mother to buy a kryzhma or rizka - this is a special towel in which the baby is wrapped after the font.

If godparents treat their duties lightly, then this becomes a grave sin of the soul. This is what will pass on the fate of the chosen godson. Do not become a successor if you cannot take such a big responsibility on yourself, you should not accept an invitation to a second godson. Physical parents should also not take rejection as a snub or insult. After all godparents duties must perform fully and with a pure soul.

Note that all people must be churched, otherwise: how can a godson go to church with a godfather? All major
the positions that should be instilled in the godchild are love, humility, condescension, patience and continuous work in the spiritual upbringing of your baby - all this is the main duties of godparents! All this is also the main proof of the truth of Orthodoxy for the godson and for the godparents.

You can find out in advance how to behave correctly in the temple during the Sacrament of Baptism. Most importantly, you need to buy the right baptismal kit. If it is bought by one of the parents, then this will not be considered a mistake. Only the meaning of the reception itself is important, it is important to be present during the performance of the Sacrament. Of course, both parents must give their consent. Without godparents, baptism is performed only in special cases, for example, if the child's life could be in serious danger.

More about godparents

The sacrament of baptism relates a person to the One Apostolic Church. Orthodox teaching has its own specific doctrinal principles, from which it is impossible to deviate. That is why only people of the same faith can become guarantors of the godson. Recipients assume the responsibility to educate only the Orthodox faith. A person with other religions simply cannot do this.

As soon as the baptism takes place, the parents and the baby will become spiritually closer, become related. This is mandatory, godparents fulfill their duties to the fullest. And such spiritual kinship belongs to the first degree and is fully recognized by the church and its canons!

It is worth noting that such kinship becomes stronger than biological. Between themselves, these two concepts become practically incompatible. An important point is that parents who have adopted a child cannot become godparents for him. This is explained by the fact that they will acquire the closest relationship between themselves and will not be able to continue marital cohabitation.

Baptism is the most significant event in the life of every Orthodox person. And of course, you need to responsibly approach the choice of godparents. After all, they are the second parents, and play an important role in human life. There are many superstitions about godparents. And many are wondering: who can be a godfather and who is not. Let's try to answer the most frequently asked questions on this topic.

Can children be godparents?

According to church rules, children from the age of seven already bear full responsibility for their actions. They are no longer allowed to take communion without confession. Therefore, if a child is sufficiently churched, he can become a godfather. But when choosing a godparent, think carefully. The godmother or father must educate their godson in the Orthodox faith, and the child himself is only learning the basics of Orthodoxy. Still, it is better to choose an adult, accomplished person as godparents. After all, if something happens to the child's blood parents, the minor will not be able to take responsibility for the godson. If you still decide to take a minor as a godparent, then it is better that it be a child who has reached the age of 15.

Can there be one godfather?

There are situations when baptisms have already been scheduled, an agreement has been made with the priest and guests have been invited, and one of the godparents cannot be present at the baptism. Or you could not find a second successor at all. How to be in such a situation? The Church allows baptism with one godfather. The second can be recorded in absentia in the baptismal certificate. But there is one important point here. When a girl is baptized, a godmother must be present, and for a male baby, a godmother. During the sacrament, the godfather (of the same sex as the child) will pronounce on behalf of the baby a vow of renunciation of Satan and union with Christ, as well as the Creed.

Can a sister be a godmother?

If a sister is a believer, an Orthodox person, she can become a godmother. But it is desirable that the godmother was already an adult enough, because she will have to bear responsibility not only for herself, but also for her godson. Many who have older sisters take them as godparents. After all, no one will take care of the godson as much as a native person.

Can an ex-husband be a godfather?

It's more of a moral issue. If you have excellent friendly relations with your ex-husband, and he is not the father of your child, he can become a godfather. But if your ex-husband is the birth father of the child, then he cannot be the godparent, since the natural parents cannot be the godparents of their child. Well, again, the godfather becomes practically a relative, so discuss with your current husband if he will not be against your close relationship with your ex-spouse.

Can there be a godmother's wife?

The godfather's wife cannot be a godfather if it is about the same baby, since the church forbids spouses to be godparents of one child. During the sacrament, they acquire a spiritual connection, which means that there can be no intimate relationship between them.

Can a brother be a godfather?

A sibling or cousin can become a godfather. The Church does not forbid close relatives to be godparents. The only exceptions are the parents of the child. Grandmothers, brothers, aunts and uncles can be godparents. The main thing is that these people be Orthodox, baptized, and responsibly approach the duties of godparents. That is, to teach the child the basics of Orthodoxy and educate him as a believer, an honest and decent person.

Can a husband and wife be godparents?

A woman and a man during the rite of baptism become spiritual relatives, which means they cannot be married. Because marriage implies physical intimacy, which cannot be between spiritual parents.

If the godmother and the godmother are spouses, they are forbidden to participate in the sacrament of the baptism of one child. Moreover, a man and a woman cannot baptize the same child if they only plan to marry. If they nevertheless become godparents of one baby, they will have to give up close relationships in favor of raising a godson.

Husband and wife can baptize children from the same family. A man can become the godfather of one child, and the wife of another baby.

If a husband and wife unknowingly become the recipients of one child, the spouses need to contact the ruling bishop. From the current situation, as a rule, there are two ways out: recognition of the marriage as invalid, or the spouses will be assigned penitimia for a sin committed out of ignorance.

Who definitely can not be a successor?

Before choosing godparents for your baby, you need to know who the church unequivocally forbids to take as godparents:

- the birth parents of the child;

- spouses;

- not baptized and atheists;

- people of other religions;

- monks;

- mentally retarded people;

- sectarians.

The choice of godparents is very important. And here you need to be guided primarily by the interests of the child, and not your own. Often, the best friends or “necessary” people are chosen as godparents, without really delving into how much a person is churched.

If you want your child to be brought up in the Orthodox faith, choose only believers who know prayers and regularly attend church services. If people do not attend the temple and believe, as they say on a case-by-case basis, then there is great doubt about their serious attitude to the sacrament and their duties.

It often happens that the paths of people diverge, and the godfather cannot take part in the upbringing of the godson. But he still bears responsibility for this child, so the beneficiary must pray all his life for a godson or goddaughter.

The godfather is able to make an invaluable contribution to the spiritual upbringing of the godson/goddaughter, helping parents instill in their child love for God, explain the meaning of worship, and teach the basics of the Orthodox faith. After all, it is spiritual mentoring that is the main task of the recipient.

How to prepare a godfather for the rite of baptism in the Orthodox Church

Do not rush to abandon this honorable mission if you feel a lack of knowledge about Christianity and church rules. You have an amazing opportunity to fix everything. Inspired by an important role, you can fill the gaps in knowledge with the help of religious literature, temple visits, conversations with a priest and become an example of virtue and obedience to the Lord for your godchild.

It is with the aim of conveying to future godparents their significance in the life of godchildren that most churches practice obligatory categorical conversations for godparents, which are prepared at the stage of preparation for the sacrament.

How to pass an interview

The number of classes is determined by the level of churching of the recipients. After the first conversation, the priest decides how many classes will be needed.

  • If future godparents regularly visit the temple, confess, take communion, then one or two meetings can be enough.
  • If knowledge and understanding are not enough, then there can be three to five conversations.

During the interview, the recipients are not only told the order of the ceremony and voiced their duties. The priest conveys the main meaning of the adoption of the Christian faith. After the first meeting, the godparents are given the task of learning the basic Orthodox prayers (if they do not know them), and also begin to study the text of the Gospel.

Fasting, confession and communion

At the preparation stage, it is also necessary to visit the temple a few days before the sacrament, confess and take communion. Just before baptism, it is supposed to observe a three-day fast, which implies the exclusion of animal products from the diet. In addition, it is necessary to refrain from entertainment events, intimacy and foul language. On the day of baptism, the godfather, like the godmother, is forbidden to eat until the end of the rite, because sometimes after the sacrament the priest gives communion to the newly baptized and godparents.

What prayers do you need to know the godfather

Godparents must learn the main prayer of the ceremony. It is pronounced immediately after the words of renunciation of the devil and combination with Christ. Recipients must read and understand the meaning of prayer, which is a set of basic provisions of the Orthodox faith.

The list of significant prayers also includes:, “Virgin Mary, rejoice”, “King of Heaven”.

How to dress your godfather for christening

At the rite of baptism, the godfather, like the godmother, must wear a consecrated pectoral cross. Appearance is supposed to be modest, not attracting attention. It is not recommended to enter the temple in sportswear, shorts, T-shirt. On a hot summer day, it is better to choose light trousers and a short-sleeved shirt.

What you need to buy for baptism

The duties of the godfather include the purchase of underwear and or a gaitan for him. He also needs to purchase an icon of the Guardian Angel and a nominal icon with the image of a saint, whose name the godson will be named.

The godfather should visit the church where the ceremony will take place in advance and clarify the points of organization:

  • Is photography allowed?
  • There will be mass or individual baptism, how long will it last;
  • Will there be communion on the day of baptism or will it be necessary to commune the godson in a week;
  • What you need to bring to the temple in addition to baptismal clothes, icons and crosses;
  • When you can consecrate the purchased cross.

A donation to the needs of the temple is also the responsibility of the godfather. The amount of payment for the rite can be known in advance. Candles are purchased on the day of the sacrament according to the number of invited guests.

Functions and duties of the godfather during the sacrament

The godparents renounce the devil and are combined with Christ instead of the godson, then comes the main stage of baptism - immersion in the font, symbolizing death and rebirth from water and the Holy Spirit.

At the baptism of a boy

At the baptism of the boy, the godfather takes the godfather from the font. Together with the godmother, he wipes the baby and helps to dress him in white, the color of which denotes the purity and sinlessness of the newly baptized soul. The godfather holds a baby up to a year in his arms. Children over two years old can stand in front of the receiver.

At the christening of a girl

The godmother takes the girl from the font. The task of the godfather at this time is to be constantly nearby, to help undress / dress the baby, to say prayers.

What are the responsibilities of the godfather after baptism

Turning to God in daily prayer, the godfather should mention the name of his godson and ask for his health and well-being. When visiting the temple, you need to write notes with the name of the child, order a magpie about health.

The godfather has a special meaning for the boy. He should become for him an example of masculinity, piety, mercy. It is very important to take a grown-up baby with you to church, to teach to pray, to honor Orthodox laws. It is good when exactly the godfather will bring the child to the first confession and communion. It is necessary to visit the temple together on major church holidays, as well as on Angel Day, put candles for health, and say a prayer to the heavenly patron.

At baptism or during the first year of life, the godson should be presented with a children's Bible, so that as he grows up, the baby gets acquainted with the life of Christ. For a birthday, Angel Day, Christmas and other holidays, it will be right to purchase gifts with a spiritual meaning.

Communication of the godson / goddaughter with the godfather should not be interrupted throughout life. Relationships built on trust will allow an adult child to turn to a sponsor for advice or support in a difficult life situation. The godfather, in turn, must be ready to come to the aid of his godson or daughter.

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