A brief retelling of Matrenin's yard Solzhenitsyn. Brief retelling of the story Matrenin Dvor in abbreviation - Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich

In the summer of 1956, at one hundred and eighty-four kilometers from Moscow, a passenger disembarked along the railway line to Murom and Kazan. This is - whose fate resembles the fate of Solzhenitsyn himself (he fought, but from the front he "was delayed with the return of ten years", that is, he spent time in the camp, which is also evidenced by the fact that when the narrator got a job, every letter in his document He dreams of working as a teacher in the depths of Russia, away from urban civilization. But he didn’t manage to live in a village with the wonderful name High Field, because they didn’t bake bread and didn’t sell anything edible. And then he was transferred to a village with a monstrous for his hearing However, it turns out that “not everything is around peat extraction” and there are also villages with the names Chaslitsy, Ovintsy, Spudni, Shevertni, Shestimirovo ...

This reconciles the narrator with his share, for it promises him "condo Russia". In one of the villages called Talnovo, he settles. The mistress of the hut in which the narrator lodges is called Matryona Ignatievna Grigoryeva, or simply Matryona.

The fate of Matrena, about which she does not immediately, not considering it interesting for a "cultured" person, sometimes in the evenings tells the guest, fascinates and at the same time stuns him. He sees in her fate a special meaning, which is not noticed by fellow villagers and relatives of Matryona. The husband went missing at the beginning of the war. He loved Matryona and did not beat her like village husbands beat their wives. But Matryona herself hardly loved him. She was supposed to marry her husband's older brother, Thaddeus. However, he went to the front in the First World War and disappeared. Matryona was waiting for him, but in the end, at the insistence of the Thaddeus family, she married her younger brother, Yefim. And suddenly Thaddeus returned, who was in Hungarian captivity. According to him, he did not kill Matryona and her husband with an ax just because Yefim is his brother. Thaddeus loved Matryona so much that he found a new bride for himself with the same name. The “second Matryona” gave birth to Thaddeus six children, but the “first Matryona” had all the children from Yefim (also six) died before they even lived for three months. The whole village decided that Matryona was “spoiled”, and she herself believed in it. Then she took up the daughter of the "second Matryona" - Kira, raised her for ten years, until she got married and left for the village of Cherusti.

Matryona lived all her life as if not for herself. She constantly works for someone: for a collective farm, for neighbors, while doing “peasant” work, and never asks for money for her. There is a huge inner strength in Matryona. For example, she is able to stop a rushing horse on the run, which men cannot stop.

Gradually, the narrator realizes that it is precisely on such people as Matryona, who give themselves to others without a trace, that the whole village and the whole Russian land still rests. But this discovery hardly pleases him. If it rests only on selfless old women, what will happen to her next?

Hence the absurdly tragic end of the story. Matryona dies helping Thaddeus and his sons to drag a part of their own hut hung with Kira across the railway on a sleigh. Thaddeus did not want to wait for the death of Matryona and decided to take the inheritance for the young during her lifetime. Thus, he unwittingly provoked her death. When relatives bury Matryona, they cry more out of duty than from the heart, and think only about the final division of Matryona's property.

Thaddeus doesn't even come to the wake.

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In the summer of 1956, at the one hundred and eighty-fourth kilometer from Moscow, a passenger got off along the railway line to Murom and Kazan. This is a storyteller whose fate is reminiscent of the fate of Solzhenitsyn himself (he fought, but from the front he “delayed with the return of ten years”, that is, he spent time in the camp, which is also evidenced by the fact that when the narrator got a job, every letter in his documents "perepal"). He dreams of working as a teacher in the depths of Russia, away from urban civilization. But living in the village with the wonderful name High Field did not work out, because they did not bake bread and did not sell anything edible there. And then he is transferred to a village with a monstrous name for his hearing Peat product. However, it turns out that “not everything is around peat extraction” and there are also villages with the names Chaslitsy, Ovintsy, Spudni, Shevertni, Shestimirovo ...

This reconciles the narrator with his share, for it promises him "condo Russia". In one of the villages called Talnovo, he settles. The mistress of the hut in which the narrator lodges is called Matryona Vasilievna Grigoryeva, or simply Matryona.

The fate of Matryona, about which she does not immediately, not considering it interesting for a "cultured" person, sometimes in the evenings tells the guest, fascinates and at the same time stuns him. He sees a special meaning in her fate, which is not noticed by fellow villagers and relatives of Matryona. The husband went missing at the beginning of the war. He loved Matryona and did not beat her like village husbands beat their wives. But Matryona herself hardly loved him. She was supposed to marry her husband's older brother, Thaddeus. However, he went to the front in the First World War and disappeared. Matryona was waiting for him, but in the end, at the insistence of the Thaddeus family, she married her younger brother, Yefim. And suddenly Thaddeus returned, who was in Hungarian captivity. According to him, he did not hack Matryona and her husband with an ax just because Yefim is his brother. Thaddeus loved Matryona so much that he found a new bride for himself with the same name. The “second Matryona” gave birth to Thaddeus six children, but the “first Matryona” had all the children from Yefim (also six) died before they even lived for three months. The whole village decided that Matryona was “spoiled”, and she herself believed in it. Then she took up the daughter of the “second Matryona” - Kira, raised her for ten years, until she got married and left for the village of Cherusti.

Matryona lived all her life as if not for herself. She constantly works for someone: for a collective farm, for neighbors, while doing “peasant” work, and never asks for money for it. There is a huge inner strength in Matryona. For example, she is able to stop a rushing horse on the run, which men cannot stop.

Gradually, the narrator realizes that it is precisely on people like Matryona, who give themselves to others without a trace, that the whole village and the whole Russian land still rests. But this discovery hardly pleases him. If Russia rests only on selfless old women, what will happen to her next?

Hence the absurdly tragic end of the story. Matryona dies helping Thaddeus and his sons to drag part of their own hut, bequeathed to Kira, across the railroad on a sleigh. Thaddeus did not want to wait for the death of Matryona and decided to take the inheritance for the young during her lifetime. Thus, he unwittingly provoked her death. When relatives bury Matryona, they cry more out of duty than from the heart, and think only about the final division of Matryona's property.

Thaddeus doesn't even come to the wake.

Summary of Matryonin Dvor

The story takes place in 1956. The author-narrator Ignatich was returning from Kazakhstan to Russia, not yet knowing where to stay and what he would do. Although his return from the front was delayed "for ten years", he was glad to be in the middle lane, where there was no sweltering heat and one could get lost in deciduous forests. Ignatich got off at one hundred and eighty-fourth kilometer from Moscow, along the branch that leads from Murom to Kazan. A year before, he would not have been hired as an electrician, but he dreamed of "teaching".

When he turned to the Vladimir ObLONO with a request to send him to some remote place as a mathematics teacher, the officials were very surprised, but, having “felt” every letter in his documents, they gave him a direction to High Field. The hero refused the offer, since there was nothing to eat in this place with a beautiful name. Then he was offered to go to the village of Torfoprodukt - a place unsightly, dull, built up with barracks. But there was not much to choose from, and he agreed. After spending the night at the station, he learned that nearby there was a more comfortable and quiet village called Talnovo, followed by Chaslitsy, Spudni, Ovintsy, and so on. One kind woman from the market promised to take him there and help him find a place to live.

Although he was a profitable tenant, after all, teachers were given not only a rent, but also a peat truck for the winter, and it was not easy to find housing. For a long time he was looking for where to stay in Talnovo and, finally, he found an unsightly shelter on the outskirts in the hut of an old woman named Matryona. The house was large, solid, built for a large family, but dilapidated and unkempt, and the hostess herself was ill. She kept lying on the stove and complained of a "black disease." In the hut, besides Matryona Vasilievna, there was also a cat, mice, and cockroaches. Food, the hostess cooked monotonous. Every day there was potato soup or barley porridge.

After talking, Ignatich learned that Matryona was very offended by the new pension reforms. She worked for twenty-five years on the collective farm for free, doing unbearably hard work, and did not deserve a pension. And the husband's pension could not be obtained, that is, the allowance for the loss of the breadwinner, since there were not enough certificates. My husband had been gone for fifteen years, since the beginning of the war, so it was not easy to get documents about his past experience. Still, by the winter, Matryona's life somehow improved: they began to pay eighty rubles for a pension, plus the school paid one hundred rubles for a guest. She sewed this money into the lining of her coat and saved it for the funeral. Neighbors began to envy her profits and even three sisters showed up.

The fate of Matryona was not easy. The husband went missing in the war. He was a good man, he never beat her, like other village husbands beat their wives, he treated her well and loved her. But did Matryona love him? She told the guest that in her youth she was supposed to marry her husband's brother - Thaddeus, but he went to war and disappeared. She waited for him for three years. There was no news. Then they married her off to her brother Thaddeus, Efim, and he took it and returned a few months later and almost killed his brother and his bride. The only thing that stopped him was that Yefim was his own brother. He loved Matryona so much that he found a new bride with the same name. And so they had a “second Matryona.

She bore Thaddeus six children. And Matrena Vasilievna had no children. She also gave birth to six children to her husband, but none survived. They said that "damage" on her. Thaddeus often beat his wife, she came to complain to Matryona. Years passed, Yefim went to the front and went missing. Matryona asked the “second Matryona” for her youngest daughter Kira to raise and raised her for ten years as her own, married her to a machinist in Cherust. As a legacy to the girl, she planned to leave a separate log house for the upper room. Now she lived alone, suffering from ailments and expecting a quick death. Watching Matrena, Ignatic noted that her day was filled with many things. Whenever she was called to collective farm work, she did not refuse. She didn't get anything for it, but she helped everyone. Neighbors also often asked her to help, either to dig up potatoes, or to plow a garden. She abandoned all her affairs and went to help the next petitioners.

Once Ignatich found Faddey Mironovich in the hut, a tall black old man with a beard. He came to ask for his negligent son, an eighth grade student. Soon he frequented Matryona. It turned out that Kira and her husband were given a plot of land in Cherusty, and he demanded from Matryona the promised log house, that is, part of her hut. It was not easy for her to decide to break the roof under which she had lived for many years. The sisters scolded her, did not allow her to break the hut, worrying about the inheritance. But one day in February, Thaddeus came with his sons and "five axes clattered." In two weeks, the hut was dismantled, then loaded onto a sled and they began to argue about how best to carry it, either with one tractor at once or one by one. Wanting to save money, we decided to take it right away. Matryona personally helped to load the logs, and then went to see the tractor off until late and did not return.

At one o'clock in the morning, people in civilian clothes showed up and asked the teacher if there had been any booze. Then he realized that something had happened to the carriers of the hut. Everything became clear from the words of Masha, Matrena's friend. As it turned out, the tractor, moving across the railway, got stuck at the crossing because the cable broke. Matryona, with a tractor driver and one of Thaddeus's sons, went to help for some reason. There they were hit by a train and all three died. The sleigh was shattered into pieces, the tractor was mutilated, and the locomotives went off the rails. Such an absurd and tragic death overtook Matryona, a woman on whose kindness the whole village was kept. Relatives, burying Matryona, did not cry from grief, but rather out of necessity. Everyone thought only about the division of her property, and Thaddeus did not even come to the wake.

Name: Matrenin yard

Genre: Story

Duration: 8min 49sec


1956 The author returns after the camps. He finds a job as a teacher in the Vladimir region in a place called Peat Product. He settled as a lodger with Matryona Vasilievna Grigorieva. Matrena is a lonely woman in her 60s, exhausted by illness. She lives very poorly. The state did not assign a pension to her, since she worked on a collective farm for workdays. And there is no one to help her, since her husband disappeared during the war, and the children all died. There was only a former pupil of Kira, whom Matryona raised for ten years, until she grew up and started her own family. Kira was the daughter of Thaddeus, brother of Matryona's missing husband.
Very quickly, the tenant realized that Matryona is a very friendly person who does not refuse anyone. Anyone who comes to her with a request for help, she considers it necessary to help.
Finally, it became easier for her to live - the school paid for the tenant, but she still got a small pension.
One day, Thaddeus came and insisted that she take apart part of her house - the upper room - and give it to Kira. Kira needed to put up some kind of dwelling on a plot of land so that this plot would be given to her. It is a pity for Matryona to disassemble part of the house where she lived for 40 years. However, she still intended it after her death to Kira. Therefore, sighing, she allows the room to be dismantled.
Two sleds were hitched to the tractor and taken. At the railway crossing, one sleigh began to fall apart. Matryona climbed to help the peasants and they were all crushed by a locomotive.
After death, there were no people to say kindly about Matryona, as she deserved it. She helped everyone for free, although she was in poor health. She did not pursue wealth and was generous. Few people realized that she was the righteous man without whom the village would not stand.

In the summer of 1956, at the one hundred and eighty-fourth kilometer from Moscow, a passenger got off along the railway line to Murom and Kazan. This is a storyteller whose fate is reminiscent of the fate of Solzhenitsyn himself (he fought, but from the front he “delayed with the return of ten years”, that is, he spent time in the camp, which is also evidenced by the fact that when the narrator got a job, every letter in his documents "perepal"). He dreams of working as a teacher in the depths of Russia, away from urban civilization. But living in the village with the wonderful name High Field did not work out, because they did not bake bread and did not sell anything edible there. And then he is transferred to a village with a monstrous name for his hearing Peat product. However, it turns out that “not everything is around peat extraction” and there are also villages with the names Chaslitsy, Ovintsy, Spudni, Shevertni, Shestimirovo ...

This reconciles the narrator with his share, for it promises him "condo Russia". In one of the villages called Talnovo, he settles. The mistress of the hut in which the narrator lodges is called Matryona Ignatievna Grigorieva, or simply Matryona.

The fate of Matryona, about which she does not immediately, not considering it interesting for a "cultured" person, sometimes in the evenings tells the guest, fascinates and at the same time stuns him. He sees a special meaning in her fate, which is not noticed by fellow villagers and relatives of Matryona. The husband went missing at the beginning of the war. He loved Matryona and did not beat her like village husbands beat their wives. But Matryona herself hardly loved him. She was supposed to marry her husband's older brother, Thaddeus. However, he went to the front in the First World War and disappeared. Matryona was waiting for him, but in the end, at the insistence of the Thaddeus family, she married her younger brother, Yefim. And suddenly Thaddeus returned, who was in Hungarian captivity. According to him, he did not hack Matryona and her husband with an ax just because Yefim is his brother. Thaddeus loved Matryona so much that he found a new bride for himself with the same name. The “second Matryona” gave birth to Thaddeus six children, but the “first Matryona” had all the children from Yefim (also six) died before they even lived for three months. The whole village decided that Matryona was “spoiled”, and she herself believed in it. Then she took in the upbringing of the daughter of the "second Matryona" - Kira, raised her for ten years, until she got married and left for the village of Cherusti.

Matryona lived all her life as if not for herself. She constantly works for someone: for a collective farm, for neighbors, while doing “peasant” work, and never asks for money for it. There is a huge inner strength in Matryona. For example, she is able to stop a rushing horse on the run, which men cannot stop.

Gradually, the narrator realizes that it is precisely on people like Matryona, who give themselves to others without a trace, that the whole village and the whole Russian land still rests. But this discovery hardly pleases him. If Russia rests only on selfless old women, what will happen to her next?

Hence the absurdly tragic end of the story. Matryona dies helping Thaddeus and his sons to drag part of their own hut, bequeathed to Kira, across the railroad on a sleigh. Thaddeus did not want to wait for the death of Matryona and decided to take the inheritance for the young during her lifetime. Thus, he unwittingly provoked her death. When relatives bury Matryona, they cry more out of duty than from the heart, and think only about the final division of Matryona's property.

Thaddeus doesn't even come to the wake.

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