Beautiful design of the first page of a personal diary. How to keep a personal diary

A school diary is an indispensable attribute of any student. And if earlier it was used to record homework and as a way of communication between teachers and parents about the child's progress, now it is an expression of the student's individuality. A large number of diaries regularly appear on the stationery market, but often they do not meet the requirements for maintaining this type of school record. But if the educational institution does not recommend the use of thematic diaries, then, having shown your imagination and ingenuity, you can even turn an ordinary diary into a product of creativity.

Types of school diaries

Modern diary covers are bright

Sally Gardner, children's writer: "A school diary is a way to make everyone equal, to make everyone just a number ready to be logged."

The history of the school diary dates back many decades. This document is an important element of school life, which is a connecting element between the subject of educational activity (teacher), its object (student) and parents. At the same time, the principle of the appearance of the pages remains unchanged: columns with columns for recording the date, homework and grades, which cannot be said about decorating the cover and pages. But over the past ten years, not only the design of school diaries has changed, but also their form. Now the student's main document can be:

  • paper (traditional diary);
  • digital (in the form of an e-book);
  • electronic (all entries are made online and there is no material embodiment of the diary).

And if the second type is so far only an experimental sample, then the electronic diary is gradually replacing its conservative predecessor. In order to use the electronic diary, it is enough to have access to the Internet. Moreover, all users (student, parents, teachers, administration) have personal passwords for accessing information, and all comments are made in certain formats for each category of users. Therefore, the student can see only what he needs, without having access to comments for parents.

Design Requirements

All entries in the diary are made in special columns

And yet, the paper diary still does not give up its leadership position. Therefore, the Ministry of Education has developed clear requirements for the design of a student's diary.

  1. Diary entries can only be made in two colors of ink (students write in blue, teachers write in red).
  2. The student signs the front page of the diary, fills in the columns with the names, patronymics and surnames of teachers, as well as the names of training courses, electives, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.
  3. The diary should not contain extraneous drawings and notes.
  4. The order of lessons for each day, as well as the dates and month, the student writes down once for the entire upcoming work week.
  5. Every day, the student must carefully write down the homework in the subjects in the appropriate columns.
  6. The child must present the diary at the request of the class teacher or subject teacher.
  7. After the student receives an assessment for the answer or written work, the teacher puts it in the class journal and the student's diary.
  8. Teachers and the class teacher make entries in the diary in specially designated columns for comments.
  9. Every week, the student's parents review the grades and comments and put their signature.
  10. Every week, keeping a diary is checked by the class teacher, and once a quarter - by the head teacher or director.

How to customize

The cover of the diary can be designed at the discretion of the child.

The requirements for the design of a school diary are prohibited from drawing or making notes in the document. However, children can show their imagination in the design of the cover, especially if it is forbidden at school to use bright and colorful diaries in favor of standard, white options. For this can be used:

  • wrapping;
  • stickers;
  • regular newspaper;
  • music paper;
  • scrap paper.

You can decorate such a diary with artificial flowers, sparkles or other decorative elements.

In addition, you can add several sheets of white drawing paper to the cover. True, the administration of some schools opposes such a manifestation of children's creativity.

Which option is suitable for a girl

As a rule, schoolgirls are very sensitive to the design of their notebooks and diaries. Therefore, there are several options for how you can make the student's main document bright and expressive:

  • the cover can be made double-sided (one side is made of pastel-colored wrapping paper, and the other is made from a piece of a geographical map or a color magazine, newspaper);
  • instead of boring signature lines, it is allowed to stick a special frame in which the owner's name is inscribed;
  • you can also decorate the cover with a photo of the class;
  • different decorative elements on the diary (buttons, brooches-clips) look very original.

Photo examples

Volumetric details scrapbooking
Aged paper

Boy options

Usually schoolboys are very skeptical about their student supplies. Especially for diaries. But if the cover of the diary is beautifully and stylishly decorated, then in such a diary the mischievous person is unlikely to want to wear bad grades. As ideas for the design of the cover of the boy's diary, you can use:

  • leather inserts (glue such segments on the cover to create the illusion of a traveler's personal diary);
  • wrap the diary with a thick cloth, after making a decorative stitch;
  • decorate the cover of dark wrapping paper or special scrap paper with a small compass or clock;
  • on white wrapping paper, print the symbols of your favorite football club, choosing a place to sign the name of the owner;
  • use a map of the city as a cover, brightly highlighting the route from home to school.

Examples in the photo

Option for the young traveler Cover example for toddlers Variation in the scrapbooking technique

Video: Do-it-yourself "School Board" cover

Despite the fact that the requirements for the design of a school diary categorically prohibit drawings or decorations inside, the outside of a school document can be decorated at the discretion of the resourceful owner. Let the children realize their creative impulse, and then there will definitely be fewer bad grades and comments. Especially if classmates and teachers appreciate such a non-standard approach to the boring subject of school life.

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Do you have many hidden thoughts and secrets? Not any of them can be told to someone, for such information there is a personal diary. Buying a ready-made one is not difficult, but a self-designed diary is like your home, it’s better to do everything in it with your own hands, with love. How can you make a personal diary beautiful?

Ideas for designing a personal diary

Be sure to let your own imagination run wild in creating ideas for a personal diary with your own hands. Beautiful and neatly made, it will become your best friend who keeps your secrets and thoughts. How to make original pages for a personal diary:

  1. Decide on the color scheme of the notebook and, in accordance with it, select the required number of sheets. It can be multi-colored leaves, a rainbow design of 7 colors, pastel colors, imitation of stale leaves. Do not avoid dark colors either: envelopes, stickers, pictures can be attached to such pages, or they can be used to separate periods of writing.
  2. Pages can be figuratively cut along the edges, give them an interesting shape: lace, rounded corners.
  3. Select two sheets for the cover (front and back) and place them at the top and bottom of the stack.
  4. Take a hole punch and punch all the pages so that each has two holes on the left side for stitching pages. Take 2 rings, taking into account the thickness of the diary, thread them to connect the sheets into a finished diary.
  5. If you wish, you can buy a beautiful notebook, think over only its internal design.

As for the question of how to design a personal diary for girls, it is important not only to paint, but also to carefully consider the contents of the notebook. You can make sections for:

  • motivating quotes, thoughts;
  • plans and desires for the future;
  • achievements and life failures;
  • fixing important events, dates;
  • records of what is happening during the day;
  • good memories;
  • useful "reminders";
  • photographs;
  • clippings from magazines and newspapers.

It is interesting to make secret pockets easily by attaching a piece cut out of transparent plastic or by gluing an envelope on any of the pages. So you hide a photo that is dear to you or information “not for prying eyes”. Another idea for a personal diary with your own hands is the topic: about the life of your family, yours personally, about a child, career goals, achievements.

What to draw

If you are wondering how to decorate a personal diary with drawings, then it all depends on your artistic skills. Beautiful page frames are made from small leaves, flowers, or simply using a gradient line. You can select individual pages, draw a portrait, heroes of your favorite cartoons, a landscape, a still life. It will be beautiful if you decorate each page with a painted fruit, berries, bright vegetables, butterflies, ladybugs.

If this is a diary about the achievements of the child, then use the version of the drawing made by your baby yourself. With good artistic inclinations, you can create your own coloring, pencil sketches, decorate sheets with patterns, attach small drawings on stickers. The mysterious silhouette of an elegant lady, a hero from a movie - draw what you love, what motivates you.

How to decorate a personal diary

In the world of creativity, there are a lot of ideas for a personal diary with your own hands - these are origami, scrapbooking, applications:

  1. A bright application in LD can be made from buttons, colored paper, cardboard, cotton pads, sticks, all kinds of ribbons, sparkles.
  2. Clippings from newspapers and magazines are easy to make in the form of a TV screen or cargo carried by small airplanes.
  3. There are many variations in the origami technique: birds, flowers, butterflies, small bows, envelopes.


Everyone wants to tell a little about themselves, their mood and goals. After all, it will show other people: friends and strangers, what we are, what our views on life are and what we strive for. But a personal diary can be used for another task - to relax and have fun. This is especially important for girls, and especially if she is 12 years old. And for this there are pictures for a personal diary. Simple, beautiful and light drawings in the diary is a special style that is pleasant to follow.

What does our website offer? Drawings for ld for sketching. This is a great help for anyone who cares not only to fill the space, but to give their records a presentable look. What will help decorate the diary by decorating it in beautiful drawings and images? Our selection of amazing pictures!

  • Always fresh ideas;
  • Only light drawings, pictures: by cells for a personal diary;
  • For girls and boys options;
  • And what will please many: laconic pictures for ld in black and white.
For you, our dear visitors, the choice! You can download and print, as well as draw different drawings.

Ideas for illustrating your entries

What are the pictures for a personal diary? For example, consider size. What kind of illustrations do you want? Small or big? On a full page or as an addition to the text? Pencil drawings or something bright? An exclusive that displays your own world or a template that is understandable to many? or maybe they should be cute or, in keeping with the theme, are your drawings for a personal diary for sketching cool?

And we have quite a few versions, and they are all quite interesting and varied. The main thing is that all these are beautiful pictures for ld, with a plot presentation. Our team understands that all our guests are different, with a huge range of interests and with all sorts of desires, bright talents and opportunities. And for everyone we try to prepare our own ideas suitable for their personality for ld.

Only for you! Cell drawing option

Only relevant options for pictures for ld, what everyone is interested in this year, what everyone wants to put in their personal diary. Here's what we offer. To do this, we have simplified your task to a minimum, we have cell drawings for a personal diary. With this technique, copying is very easy. Just take and print out light and beautiful pictures for drawing for drawing.

Drawings by cells for a personal diary is a great help for those who want to do the work on their own, but are not proficient in the art of painting. Then it seems that all sketches are easy, if you move step by step to get pictures by cells for a personal diary. The repetition technique, which allows you to get high-quality cell drawings for a personal diary, is quite popular. The style is so light that the result is sure to please.

Illustrations on a different topic

Pictures for ld for sketching, which is in the collection of our site, are suitable for both girls and boys, both for very young little girls and boys, and for older young people. Different themes provide many opportunities for those who want to decorate their entries, giving them an interesting look. Drawn versions of a story about yourself and your interests are what is so important in order for the plot of any story to be more intriguing and visual, and, if necessary, more frank and sincere.

A written story is better perceived and remembered. Whatever the story is about, it will be presented not sparingly and dryly, exclusively only in the literal version, but also with the help of painting that conveys images.

Black and white images

How to draw by cells, we easily understood and learned. And now you can move on to more interesting versions. For example, here is a task for you, draw a picture without paints, only with a pencil. It's a pretty interesting business. But it is better if you do it with us, using those models that are presented in finished form on our resource. This way you can see the end goal and it is easy to understand how to work.

Hi all! Today we will start a series of articles about ideas for ld — personal diaries!

In this article you are waiting for such materials:

  • Ideas for ld: design options first page !
  • Ideas for ld: thematic pages - 50 best theme page ideas!
  • Ideas for ld: Diary with PASSWORD ! All about how to put a password on your diary!!

And that's just the first part! Here are other articles from this series:

  • : what you need to maintain, design options, secret pages!
  • Pictures for ld - a giant collection of picture options for a personal diary
  • Pictures and drawings for sketching - a super selection of beautiful pictures for step-by-step sketching in a diary!

Ideas for LD: First page

First page ld - this is the face of the whole diary, so it needs to be made as good and beautiful as possible! Usually, such elements as a greeting are placed on the first pages, whose diary is this, what is it made for and of course special rhymes!

Here is a small selection of the best poems for the first page:

The lyrics are a little harsh, but how else? 🙂

Example #1

Example #2

Example #3

Example #4

Example #5

And a couple more interesting videos on the design of the first page for LD:



Ideas for LD: Thematic pages

Thematic pages - an integral part of any diary! Sometimes when designing, there is simply not enough imagination to come up with something new, so we have prepared for you whole 50 !BEST ideas for LD thematic pages

Classics - pages about the seasons

1. Page about summer (what is summer for me, what do I expect from summer, my plans for summer)

2. Page about autumn (similar questions)

3. Page about winter

4. About spring

They are best done on the first day of every season.

For example:

For example II:

Thematic pages about the holidays: ideas for l d

5. New Year

6. Chinese New Year (one of the days between January 21 and February 21, in 2016 was February 9, in 2017 it will be January 28)

8. Maslenitsa (every year in a different way, in 2016 - from March 7 to 13, in 2017 - from February 20 to 26)

10. May Day

11. Victory Day

12. First of September

13. Eighth of March (every year is the same for both Catholics and Orthodox 😀)

14. Valentine's Day

For example:

What I love and what I like the most are my favourites:

16. My favorite food

17. My favorite sweets

18. My favorite drinks

19. My favorite books

20. My favorite poems

21. My favorite city

22. My favorite music tracks

23. My favorite films and cartoons

24. My favorite colors

25. My favorite nail polishes


Pages about yourself, your friends and family: ld ideas

26. 10 facts about yourself

27. My best friend / girlfriend

28. My brother/sister

29. My family is mom, dad

30. My pets

31. My name is the secret of my name

32. My DR is a birthday


Calendars, schedules, lists:

33. Calendar for the year

34. Schedule of lessons for each day

35. Grades for the quarter, semester, year

Example - How to make a mood calendar

Love Pages. Where would we be without her 🙂

36. What is love?

37. My favorite

38. My love

39. Who do I like

Ideas for ld: photo pages with the "formula of love" 😛

Other interesting theme page ideas:

40. Capitals of the countries of the world - London, Paris, Istanbul, etc.

41. My desires - what and what I want

42. My name in other languages ​​- for example, in Japanese

43. Page of my painting - there you can train your painting

44. My rules of life

45. What do I carry with me

46. ​​Best bloggers (vk, from youtube)

46. ​​Jokes

47. Riddles

48. My teachers

49. What annoys me the most

50. Secret page


LD ideas: Diary password!

password for diary — this is what everyone has been waiting for a very long time! After all, LD is, first of all, a personal diary, for yourself and your thoughts. And if he catches the eye of someone who does not need it? Terrible to imagine!

How can we put a password on our ld?

Option I

Buy a special notepad with a lock!!

Here's what it looks like:

A large catalog of notebooks and diaries on the lock is on this page:

Option II

Is it possible to make a lock on LD - personal diary yourself? Of course!

You just need to buy a combination lock and close the notebook with it.

Examples of combination locks that you can buy:

Or like this:

How can they close the diary?

To do this, you just need to make holes on the pages that you want to encode and insert a lock there!

Here's how it's done:

№1 We take a hole punch and make one hole on the pages that need to be password protected. You can even do it on all pages - but it will take some time.

Here's what the hole puncher looks like:

Where to get a hole punch?

  • You can buy - on Aliexpress it is the cheapest

Ideas for ld- everything as you can see is very simple!

A lot of ideas for beautiful, simple, cool pictures for sketching in a personal diary.

Easy, simple and beautiful in stages for beginners to draw in a personal diary with pencils

Many dream of having a personal diary. But some do not know how to keep a personal diary, what to write about. In this article, we will not only talk about how to decorate your personal diary with drawings, but also give tips regarding the content of your personal diary.

Important: A personal diary conveys the state of a person's soul. You can keep a diary if you want to speak out, understand yourself and your feelings, just tell the story of your life or certain episodes.

Keeping a diary is a purely personal matter. Therefore, there is no definite framework regarding how a personal diary should look like. It can be a huge notebook or a small notebook, you can make notes in any colors. In general, as your soul desires.

Recently, it has been fashionable to make sketches in a personal diary. If you don't know how to draw beautifully, it doesn't matter. We suggest you start with simple drawings. All you need is perseverance and a little diligence to draw a picture step by step.

You can see the options for pictures step by step on the topic “Love” below.

Teddy bear with a heart

Heart with wings

Two swans in love

Variants of pictures for sketching on the theme "Animals".

How to draw a cat step by step

Hedgehog drawing

Variants of sketches step by step on the theme "Flowers".

carnation pencil

A few more simple pictures for sketching in a personal diary.

How to draw Winnie the Pooh step by step

Christmas tree

Video: Simple pigtail patterns for a personal diary

Black and white and small drawings by cells for sketching in a personal diary

We have not yet revealed the main topic related to keeping a personal diary, namely: what to write about in your diary? So, here are some ideas for keeping a personal diary:

  1. The first thing that comes to mind is putting your personal experiences, events, emotions and feelings on paper. On the pages of your diary, you can be as frank as possible, because these are your personal secrets.
  2. You can also describe in chronological order the events that happen to you. It is desirable that these were bright and interesting moments. Believe me, in many years these records will make you smile tenderly.
  3. If you write poetry, you can write them in your diary. Great idea to preserve and perpetuate your creativity.

Important: Drawings in a personal diary can convey the state of your soul. For example, sadness, joy, love, anticipation of a holiday.

If you keep a personal diary in a notebook in a box, you can try to draw in the cells. Thanks to the diagrams below, you can easily master this drawing technique.

Pokemon Pikachu



Winking emoticon

boy and girl

Monster High

Cute drawings for sketching in a personal diary

Important: A personal diary is a special notebook, it has been kept for many years. It is advisable to beautifully design a personal diary, for this you can use improvised means.

The first step is to design the cover. To keep your diary looking fresh, the cover should be hard. In order not to bother, the easiest way is to immediately buy a notebook with a hard cover, and then decorate it. The following materials are most often used for cover decoration:

  • Textile
  • Lace ribbons
  • Rhinestones and beads
  • Clippings from glossy magazines
  • stickers

On the first page of the diary, you can write a little about yourself, write statuses and quotes that you like, draw a cute picture. Cute drawings on the pages of the diary will enliven it, make it beautiful.

cute drawings for ld

Cute cat

Pictures for ld

cute drawings for ld

Drawings for sketching

cute cat

Cool drawings for sketching in a personal diary

If you decide to draw in your diary, try creating drawings that are relevant to the event you are describing. For example:

  • Drank tea with girlfriends - draw a cup;
  • There was a meeting with a lover - a heart;
  • Waiting for a holiday - a gift;
  • Good mood - rainbow.

As you can see, fantasy in this regard is limitless. Everyone has an individual approach to keeping a diary, we only give tips and advice.

Cool pictures for sketching

Drawings for a personal diary

cool drawings

Girl under an umbrella

Video: Ideas for a personal diary

Cool drawings for sketching in a personal diary

Important: Both color drawings and black and white look great in a personal diary. With a simple pencil, you can create very deep and rich pictures.

You will be convinced of this when you see the pictures below.

Black and white drawings for sketching

Cheshire Cat

Some more cool color pictures.

Pictures for sketching on the theme "Food"

A cup of coffee

A piece of cake

Important: When to write in a personal diary? Your diary will be brighter and more interesting if you do not make entries "under pressure." It is better to record less often, but at the call of your inspiration.

Drawings for boys for sketching in a personal diary

Not only girls, but also boys can keep personal diaries. And if girls draw more feminine pictures in their diaries (shoes, love, flowers), then boys prefer drawings that are more characteristic of a masculine character. For example: cars, superheroes.

Pictures with food, animals, abstractions and many others are also suitable for sketching in the diary of boys.

Below is a selection of pictures for sketching in a personal diary for boys.

Pictures for sketching

Ideas for a personal diary for boys

Simple step by step drawings

Drawing ideas for a personal diary, sketchbook

Now a few words about where to keep a personal diary. There are several ideas for this:

  1. Carry a personal diary with you. If your diary is always at hand, you can write or draw at any time when inspiration strikes.
  2. Keep in your room. Probably, in your room there is a secluded place that only you know about. Some keep personal diaries in the linen closet, others hide them under pillows or a mattress.
  3. Turnkey diary. You can keep a personal diary in a notebook, which is closed with a padlock, and always carry the key with you.

original drawing idea

Shoes - sketch for girls

Beautiful drawing for a personal diary

Unicorn, rainbow

girl face

cute ice creams

We hope that the collection of pictures for sketching will be interesting and useful for you. And soon you will decorate your personal diary with them. Keep your secrets nice! And finally, we suggest watching a video that contains ideas for pictures for a personal diary.

Video: Pictures for a personal diary

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