Capricorn from what to what day. Capricorn woman and her character

People whose birth dates fall between December 22 and January 19 are Capricorns according to the zodiac sign. They often remain an unsolved mystery even for those closest to them and invariably surprise everyone with their diligence and dedication.

Influence of planets and elements

The dominant element of Capricorn is Earth. This zodiac force symbolizes the material world, wealth, reliability and practicality. The element has the greatest influence on the representatives of this zodiac sign. Earth makes Capricorn a secretive, reserved and hardy person who loves and knows how to secretly manipulate other people.

The element turns people into realists who prefer to act rather than dream. Wards of the Earth are practical and smart people, but to many they seem boring and too mundane. Due to the influence of the elements, Capricorn perceives the world only through his own experience and sensations, it is almost impossible to deceive or mislead him. The dominance of the Earth makes people hardworking, responsible and honest.

The element endows Capricorn with negative character traits. There are legends about the stubbornness of the representatives of the sign: it allows them to reach any heights, but prevents them from building relationships with others. In addition, the Earth "rewarded" its wards with a weak imagination, boringness, some callousness and conservatism.

The ruling planet of Capricorn is Saturn. She makes the representative of this zodiac sign disciplined and hardy, ready to endure any hardships in order to achieve the goal. The planet gives its wards a strong character, but does not indulge in happy accidents. Capricorn will have to achieve everything on their own. The disadvantages due to the influence of the Earth include suspicion, coldness, stinginess and despotism.

Personality Features

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Capricorn highlights several main personality traits:

  • low emotionality;
  • tendency to pessimism and depression;
  • restraint and secrecy;
  • practicality and purposefulness;
  • conservatism and craving for stability.

At first glance, Capricorn looks dry, cold and even rude. The representative of this zodiac sign is always busy with business and thus protects his personal space. He does not want to waste time on the exchange of pleasantries and empty talk. Capricorn is reluctant to let new people into their usual social circle.

A distinctive feature of Capricorns is emotional stinginess. Of course, they experience the same range of feelings as other people, but they carefully hide it. The soul of a representative of this zodiac sign is very vulnerable, but a strong character and pride does not allow sorrows and joys to spill out. As a result, Capricorns accumulate negativity, unresolved doubts and subconscious fears. Because of this, a melancholic mood and depression become frequent companions of the sign.

The astrological description of Capricorn emphasizes his great willpower and iron character. The representative of the sign is independent, he rarely asks for help, but is always ready to help out a loved one. Capricorn does not like to dream, he makes plans and thinks through everything carefully. Obstacles do not stop him, he takes them for granted and finds ways to overcome them.

Capricorn is not very sociable, rarely jokes and does not show off his talents and achievements. The stronger is the surprise of others when the sign comes to success. For Capricorn, a consistently high financial and social position is very important; he sacrifices a lot in order to maintain an adequate standard of living for himself and his loved ones.

The representative of this sign can be a stubborn conservative who does not accept any changes. Very often, Capricorn loses new opportunities, trying to maintain existing benefits. It is difficult for him to admit his own mistakes, so he can argue simply on principle. Often a person of this zodiac period himself suffers from an inability to get along with other people.

The sign is almost constantly in a state of struggle: with a misunderstanding of others, life's trials and oneself. With age, the contradictions in the character of Capricorn become less, and he finds true happiness.

Appearance and health

The well-being and vitality of Capricorn depend on his age. Children of this astrological sign often get sick, often suffer from numerous injuries and chronic diseases. As Capricorn matures, his health improves, his physical potential, adaptability and endurance increase significantly. In old age, representatives of the sign are full of strength and vigor.

Vulnerabilities of Capricorns, astrologers consider the joints, heart and blood vessels. People of this sign have a slow metabolism, which causes frequent digestive problems. The likelihood of skin diseases and allergic reactions is high. Many diseases in Capricorn develop against the background of depression or boredom and are complicated by a tendency to hypochondria. Physical overwork is fraught with severe muscle or headaches, so even such a superman as Capricorn needs rest.

The appearance of the representatives of this astrological period is characterized by some coldness and severity. Capricorns tend to have big eyes, thin lips, and downturned corners of the mouth.. Their usual facial expression often resembles a contemptuous smirk. Facial skin with a yellowish tinge or pale, thick unruly hair. Astrologers say that most Capricorns have dark hair.

Representatives of the sign usually have a tall, thin figure. Capricorns have sufficient physical strength, but do not look muscular. Men have a sinewy body with broad shoulders and narrow hips. Women have a boyish figure with small breasts and long, slender legs. Capricorns retain a youthful appearance for a long time.

Love and family

At a young age, people born under the sign of Capricorn try their best to avoid serious relationships. They struggle with their desires and instincts because they are afraid of making a mistake or experiencing the pain of a breakup. Guys hit their studies or careers, and girls can trade for short love affairs. Due to sexual tension, Capricorn's behavior deteriorates or nervous disorders appear.

Some representatives of the sign, trying to protect themselves from love disappointments, direct all their energy to conquer the heights of power or profession. But with age, fear passes, and then the chances of Capricorn to find happiness in love increase significantly.

At the beginning of a relationship, the representative of the sign keeps aloof, without showing any emotions. From Capricorn, you should not expect ardent confessions or romantic antics. This zodiac sign shows its feelings in the form of useful deeds and practical help. Reason rules the life of Capricorn, and love is no exception. He falls in love only with the person who suits him, but others may be surprised by this choice.

The astrological description of the sign states that Capricorn will be quite happy in a relationship of convenience. A woman can marry for financial well-being, and a man admits the idea of ​​a profitable marriage in order to take a higher step on the social ladder. Equally important for Capricorn is the opportunity to play the role of a leader in a pair and maintain freedom of action.

According to the people of this zodiac sign, love should not interfere with a career or business. Capricorn can refuse a loved one if he impedes moving forward.

The sign needs support in all endeavors, faith in his abilities and devotion even in the most difficult moments. Capricorn will open up to a partner only if he fully trusts him.

People of this astrological period need love and home warmth, but are not eager to get married. Capricorn soberly assesses all possible risks, because for him the creation of a family is another important thing on the path of life. Representatives of the sign often marry twice, and the second marriage is stronger.

Sexual desire in Capricorns wakes up at a fairly early age, but by willpower they restrain impulses of passion. Confidence in bed increases with age and wealth. For men of this sign, sex is a means of relieving tension, but they rarely engage in promiscuous intimate relationships. The Capricorn woman has a strong sexual energy and high excitability, which fight moral principles in her.

In the family, representatives of the sign pay great attention to observing traditions and norms of decency. Their relatives often lack the attention and time spent with Capricorn. For him, work or business will always come first.

Career, professions, business

Most people of this zodiac sign know from childhood what they want to do and are actively moving in the right direction. They study hard and try to apply knowledge in practice. When choosing a profession for Capricorn, the material component and the opportunity to realize their ambitions are important.

The sign is distinguished by diligence, organization and endurance. He readily takes on complex and responsible work and, thanks to hard work, achieves success. Capricorn is suitable for professions related to management, planning and administration.

Representatives of this astrological period are happy to work where you can get a real result or practical benefit. The professions of a builder, cook, carpenter, seamstress are suitable for them. Capricorn does not like to share the responsibility and reward for working with other people, so he has a hard time working with colleagues equal to him in status. As a leader, Capricorn achieves a lot and strives to climb even higher up the career ladder.

The sign appreciates stability, therefore it tries to establish equal relations with the team and superiors so that they do not have to change jobs due to quarrels with colleagues. But Capricorn easily says goodbye to a company that pays little or does not allow it to break through to the top.

In business, the representative of this zodiac sign carefully calculates everything, therefore he often misses favorable opportunities for quick enrichment. Capricorn does not like to take risks, develops his business gradually and does not pursue super profits.

Secrets of happiness Capricorn.

"Capricorns" can not be called the world's greatest love partners. They are more breadwinners, looking for a calm, secure existence for themselves and able to provide it to their spouses. You really are not very eager to shed a shower of favorable attention on people. You are conscientious, but a little too dry for lyrical experiences. Much better is "what you can feel" - for example, a house, money, comfort, position, children - in fact, all the blessings of life, but you need at least a little romance, a little more tender heartfelt care. Learn to give. Your innate tightness requires some emotional release. Learn to live a fuller life. Give your neighbors attention, friendly support and love. Honesty alone is not enough. Participate more in life!

Astrological characteristics of Capricorn

Symbol: goat.

Ruling planet Capricorn: Saturn.

Characteristics of the sign: earth-cardinal-negative.

Sign of the priest, administrator.

The character of a typical "Capricorn": sober, stubborn and practical, ambitious, suspicious, touchy, diplomatic, restrained, selfish, orthodox, decisive, sometimes not very picky in means.

Positive Qualities of Capricorn: practicality and efficiency, perseverance, skill, strength of character, rationality, self-control and restraint, diligence.

Negative qualities of Capricorn: coldness and suspicion, selfishness, excessive restraint, pessimism, stubbornness and resentment, excessive earthiness.

Your Capricorn Personality

Unusual ambition, significant organizational skills and grandiose energy and assertiveness - these are the main features of the "Capricorns". Your planet, Saturn, which gives you these traits, is known to be a harsh teacher, which makes you a little heartless. We also note a pronounced tendency to self-absorption - this somewhat makes life together with you more difficult.

Few signs are as strongly influenced by their ruling planets as Capricorn is by its planet Saturn. He tests those born under this sign at various stages of life, he disciplines and educates. However, this allows "Capricorns" to successfully overcome difficulties and reap wonderful - albeit not early - fruits.

In many ways, this is what makes you suffer from many obstacles, making you orthodox and conservative in your views. You will never allow yourself to be completely given to anything, sometimes becoming over-cautious and suspicious when making agreements. All this deprives you of many of the joys of life.

Your sign is the tenth sign of the Zodiac, symbolizing effort, energy, power, hard work - thanks to all this, money comes to you easily. You spare no effort to achieve your goals, but you can be indiscriminate and insensitive in your attempts to achieve power and wealth. You have a calm melancholy temperament, you are not very sociable and not too big a fan of meetings and gatherings. Your attitude to work and play can be quite indifferent.

Capricorn as a friend

You will be a faithful and reliable comrade if people manage to overcome the barriers that enclose you. You are not very refined and not very tactful, and may have an unfortunate tendency to arrogance, which you must try to overcome.

Capricorn as a father

You are ambitious not only in relation to yourself but, even more so, in relation to your children, helping them in every possible way on their life path. At times you can be very strict and unnecessarily demanding. You should learn to be more understanding and forgiving, enjoying the company of your children and offering them, above all, the warmth of your soul and friendly support.

Capricorn as a mother

You should give children more tenderness, not ashamed to show it.

For all your restraint, you should nevertheless try to understand and meet the emotional needs of your children. You do your very best to give them the very best, but you expect them to work hard and achieve great things—sometimes overwhelming.

A look at the decades:

If you were born between December 22 and January 1 (first decade), then your ruling planet is Saturn, a very powerful planet that is almost at its maximum. This is an ideal decade for engineers, industrialists, suppliers, founders of empires and politicians. Everything connected with the land and houses, in the end, serves your financial benefit. Note also the selfless, stoic attitude to life.

If your birthday falls between January 2 and 11 (second decade), then your ruling planet is Venus; in your life you successfully combine practicality and beauty, which brings you both pleasure and material gain. It is not uncommon for those born in this decade to experience emotional or family problems, but this is perhaps the most balanced of all three decades.

If you were born between January 12 and 20 (third decade), then you are ruled by the planet Mercury, which helps you make contact with people.

Try to use your connections and influence for good. News and mass media are not just interesting to you: they are an integral part of your life - your thoughts, your choice of profession, and your success are closely related to them; it is a reliable and true way.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between December 20-30, then your date of birth fell at the time of the Sagittarius/Capricorn transition.

Desires and limitations, the desire for freedom and rigid rules are at war in your heart, mind, soul and body. This unceasing struggle could lay the foundation for a new world order. Like those born between September 21-24, you strive for balance and harmony in various areas of life. All this is directly related to either complete control or absolute freedom. Brilliant mental abilities, and often luck, help you achieve your goals. You will have money when you need it. Like those born on November 21-24, you will acquire real estate and other property. You could be a great organizer, a Methodist, maybe a great reformer, maybe a rebel.

The weak points of the body are the legs, the acidity of the stomach, the teeth, the bones, the thighs, the stomach, the heart and, of course, the knees.

Entrepreneurship naturally takes its place in your life. You need to recognize your foresight and even the gift of foresight. A rare ability that you possess is the ability to simultaneously live in the worlds of thought and action, worldly and spiritual, well-known and understood only by the initiates; this sets you apart from other people born on the days of the sign change. You are capable of amazing performance as a leader, politician, architect, musician, entrepreneur, director, animal trainer, aircraft designer, pilot, computer technician, builder, and contractor.

The most important years of Capricorn- 3, 8, 12, 21, 26, 30, 35, 39, 44, 48, 53, 57, 62, 66, 71, 75, 80, 84, 89, 93, 98. And in other cases, the numbers 1, 17, 12, 21, 26, 35, 48 and 98 can have a meaning that is not easy to understand or explain.

your lucky colors- purple, black, brown, gray, indigo, purple, green, ash. If God is merciful, you will achieve the greatest success.

A discriminating, inventive, paradoxically organized mind. Those born during this period excel as leaders, methodologists, computer programmers, publishers, electronics dealers, industrialists, announcers, inventors, and lawyers.

Health problems - due to the knees and feet, acidity and possibly the back.

Certain changes in life are possible around the 30th and 36th years. Also important years are 17, 22, 26, 31, 35, 40, 44, 49, 53, 58, 62, 67, 71, 76, 80.

Know what's good for you:

Capricorn lucky number: 1, 10, 19, 28, 4, 13, 22, 40, 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, etc. (series of units, fours, eights).

Capricorn's lucky color: gray with a blue tint, black, brown (all shades of dark).

Lucky Capricorn Day: Saturday.

Lucky Capricorn flowers and herbs: ivy, pansies, hemlock, hops, honeysuckle.

Capricorn's lucky stones: dark sapphire.

Talisman of Capricorn: plow.

Capricorns are born from December 22nd to January 20th. This tenth sign of the horoscope refers to the earth element. The earth is responsible for ensuring that its representatives stand firmly on their feet, have perseverance, endurance and constancy, as well as prudence, practicality and hard work. The planet Saturn, which is the patron and rules the sign, teaches you to take everything seriously and responsibly. Purposefulness and self-confidence allows you to overcome obstacles calmly and slowly. Representatives of this sign do not lose faith in themselves and always achieve their goals.

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      Characteristics of the sign

      The Capricorn zodiac sign is cold, strict, responsible and hardworking. A person born under this sign is ambitious and demanding. From childhood, he was used to not showing his emotions, and he developed the characteristic of an indifferent and detached person. His description as a hard and cold person is not true. In fact, he simply hides his emotions, not considering it necessary to demonstrate his mood. Capricorn relies only on himself and rarely asks for help from others, but he himself easily helps in a difficult period if close people ask him about it.

      • The patron planet Saturn gives energy responsible for responsibility, restraint and discipline. She teaches patience and perseverance. This is the planet of maturity and a person born under the sign of Capricorn respects his ancestors and respects the elderly. He slowly ages, retaining his youth for a long time, and lives to a ripe old age.

        Capricorn Man

        Outwardly, he looks serious and restrained, but sometimes serious passions rage inside him. In love, he is restrained, stingy with compliments and cute useless gifts. With his inherent practicality, he gives only the right things. Sometimes he is able to make an expensive gift if he considers it a reasonable investment. This seemingly cold man is capable of a feeling that will burn all his life with an even and warm flame. His love is constant and not subject to fluctuations, but such a guy can hardly be called passionate. He is loyal, honest and you can always rely on him.

        He chooses an economic girl, but who wants to make a career. It is important for him that she be purposeful, hardworking and not lazy. For some time he looks closely at the object of love, asks many questions and talks about his plans for life. If they match, he starts courting the girl. Having married, he tries to ensure prosperity in the house and takes care of all family members. With children, he is strict but fair. Knows how to earn money and likes to plan everything both in life and in family relationships.

        Capricorn Woman

        The woman of this sign can be safely called the Snow Queen. In appearance, cold and indifferent, she is able to melt from love for a man worthy of her. She is demanding, loves rules and an orderly rhythm of life. She always has a goal to which she will strive, no matter what. The Capricorn woman copes with any obstacles and is well aware of her potential. In business, she succeeds better than many men and is not afraid to compete with them. The reputation of such a girl is in the first place, and this applies to both premarital relationships and work.

        In marriage, he easily overcomes any difficulties. Manages to cope with household chores and make a career. He approaches the birth of children responsibly, having established himself in his career and having come to financial stability. But she can raise children herself, and remain a successful and independent woman. She will be a faithful wife to her husband, but her sexuality is revealed at a more mature age, and after a while she becomes a passionate lover for her husband.


        In childhood, Capricorn has poor health, but every year the immunity becomes stronger, and he gets sick less often. This sign is prone to such diseases:

        • skin allergies;
        • stomach;
        • knees and other joints;
        • curvature of the spine;
        • kidney disease;
        • lungs;
        • mental illness.

        Capricorn does not like to be treated, but since it is necessary, he, of course, will take care of his health. Salt deposits, osteochondrosis, arthritis and stiffness are the most common diseases of this sign. Migraines accompanied by nausea may also disturb. He needs to be outdoors more and learn to relax. A workaholic by nature, he runs the risk of overwork and nervous breakdown. You need to allow yourself rest and small entertainments and learn to spend at least a little time for your own pleasure.

        It seems to many that Capricorns do not like to have fun. In fact, the proverb: business time - fun hour, they came up with.

        Compatibility with other signs

        The best compatibility of Capricorns with representatives of their elements - Virgo and Taurus. Gemini and Scorpio are the worst for a serious and responsible representative of this sign.


    1. 1. Capricorn and Aries. It is difficult for two independent people to live their entire lives together. But mutual respect and sincere interest in each other attract them for a while. But in the struggle for leadership and power, the couple diverges, trying to quickly forget this connection.
    2. 2. Capricorn and Taurus. An excellent adequate union based on mutual interest in money and improving well-being. Respect and a common outlook on life guarantee a strong marriage, in which there is room for love and good intimate relationships.
    3. 3. Capricorn and Gemini. The superficial Gemini will not interest the serious-minded Capricorn. The novel, if it starts, will end very quickly.
    4. 4. Capricorn and Cancer. This is the case when opposites converge. Completely different personalities are able to complement each other and succeed in life. As two halves, they smooth out the partner's shortcomings and acquire new skills and experience.
    5. 5. Capricorn and Leo. The regal and generous nature of Leo repels the cold Capricorn. He does not like bright colors, loud and theatrical speech and extravagance, which are inherent in all Leos. They will not be able to live together with a person who is greedy for flattery, and they will not be happy together.
    6. 6. Capricorn and Virgo. A spiritual connection unites two people born under these earth signs. But the chaste Virgo does not meet the sexual preferences of Capricorn, and this is the only negative that this beautiful couple has.
    7. 7. Capricorn and Libra. Hesitant and lazy Libra will not attract a purposeful Capricorn for a long time. Everyday life will not be orderly, but chaos and uncertainty are precisely the traits that repel serious and disciplined people.
    8. 8. Capricorn and Scorpio. If they give in to each other, and Capricorn can curb the passionate Scorpio, they will create a good couple based on the same life values. People of these signs are well aware of the feelings and desires of a partner and can complement one another.
    9. 9. Capricorn and Sagittarius. For Sagittarius, Capricorn is too boring and strict, and they will not be able to put together a strong couple. Balancing on the verge of love-boredom, they quickly part.
    10. 10. Capricorn and Capricorn. Quite a good couple. Two people who think and feel the same way will become a friendly couple, but they will be bored in the marriage bed. The problem will also be that both are not ready for compromises and are convinced that they are right. A confrontation between two strong personalities begins, which leads to conflicts.
    11. 11. Capricorn and Aquarius. Aquarius will bring novelty and surprise to their couple, which the conservative Capricorn lacks so much. But after an overabundance of inspiration and surprises, Capricorn will protest against the carefree and freedom-loving nature of his partner. The union will fall apart, but they will remember it for the rest of their lives.
    12. 12. Capricorn and Pisces. Vulnerable and mysterious Pisces needs care and attention. Capricorn understands these definitions in his own way, and his Pisces partner will not be able to endure cold love, confirmed by deeds alone, for long.


    In the Middle Ages, it was Capricorns who were considered mystically minded people. Despite the earthly element, which gives pragmatism and a rational mind, magic is subject to them and there is an ability for effective rituals. You can develop your magical potential with the help of properly selected stones and amulets. They are able to bring good luck, strengthen the protective aura and block negative energy.

    With the help of stones, hardworking representatives of this sign will quickly cope with difficulties, improve their sensuality and emotional perception. Their influence will increase if you pick up a stone by date of birth. Born in the first decade (22.12 - 2. 01) and under the auspices of Jupiter, the following minerals are suitable:

    • obsidian;
    • amethyst;
    • eye of the Tiger;
    • agate;
    • nephritis.

    Capricorn, born in the second decade (from January 3rd to 13th) and falling under the rule of Saturn, the following stones are suitable:

    • chrysoprase;
    • opal;
    • sardonyx;
    • onyx.

    These natural minerals are able to reduce the pessimism, tediousness and laziness inherent in people born in the second decade of the sign.

    The third decade is ruled by the Sun and includes people born from January 14th to 20th. Suitable stones for them are:

    • sapphire;
    • opal;
    • pomegranate;
    • tourmaline;
    • ruby.

    There are stones that Capricorns cannot wear, these are beryl, aventurine, pearls, amazonite and moonstone. They negatively affect overall well-being, interfere with luck and have a bad effect on mood. To improve the strength of natural minerals, you need to purchase them on Saturday, and all dates from June 22 to July 22 are considered an unfavorable period for their purchase.

    Stones that bring good luck are different for men and women. Carnelian is suitable for young girls. It protects from anxiety, unrest, does not allow quarreling with a loved one and attracts love. For women, a pomegranate, enclosed in a silver frame, is suitable. It will set your career on a faster path, help you reach your goals, and improve your mood. Agate stone is suitable for strengthening health, which protects from the evil eye and damage and gives protection from ill-wishers and danger.

    Representatives of the stronger half are suitable stones that will give confidence, stability and financial well-being. Chrysoprase gives courage, accelerates adaptation to new conditions and helps in a career. Topaz, garnet and rauchtoplas will help improve leadership skills. By their influence, they contribute to sociability and reduce the isolation inherent in Capricorns.


    The amulets that protect the representatives of this zodiac sign are:

    1. 1. Cat. This amulet is considered the most powerful for all Capricorns. A pendant with this animal will protect from negative influences and ward off misfortune and misfortune from a person.
    2. 2. Turtle. A leisurely animal symbolizes longevity, wisdom and health. The talisman will prolong years of life, add informed decisions and improve health.
    3. 3. Owl. The symbol of wisdom will help not to commit rash acts, improve reputation and authority, give recognition and allow you to achieve a better position.
    4. 4. Bee. The talisman with this animal has a positive effect on business, brings happiness and fulfills the wishes of the ambitious Capricorn.

    The most favorable numbers for this zodiac sign are: 1, 4, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19, 22, 26. These dates are best suited for transactions, marriages and all important events in the life of representatives of the zodiac circle.


This sign can be learned to recognize, but some training is first needed. Watch for the silent spider in the corner. It would seem that he has no chance to catch these flying flies. And yet they fall into his cleverly placed nets and he wins.

Capricorns can be found everywhere, in any field, where they can move forward and get satisfaction in their secret ambitions. Capricorns climb the social ladder, climbing from stone to stone. Always forward. Perhaps they do not attract attention in some special way. You may not notice them at first. And it seems that everyone else has an advantage in the competition, and Capricorns have no chance of winning, and yet they win. It is almost impossible and useless to fight them. Capricorns have great admiration for those who outstripped them on their way to the top. They love success, respect, power and honor tradition. Many energetic and impulsive people call them snobs and hypocrites for this.

Capricorns can express their criticism thoughtlessly and harshly. But usually they are too smart to create unnecessary enemies for themselves. In this case, they will agree with you, adjust, but maybe it only seems? They let others take the lead, but they often get to the end goal first, against all logic. They are very careful, bypassing all sorts of obstacles and sharp stones. And no wonder they rarely stumble. Their eyes are not fixed on the stars, their gaze is fixed straight ahead, and their feet are straight on the ground. Jealousy, passion, impulsiveness, laziness and carelessness - Capricorns consider all these qualities as obstacles and let others stumble over them. Capricorns can only look back at these people and feel a little pity for their failures and move on calmly. There are, of course, Capricorns and romantic ones. But they don't let their emotions blind them either. You need to comply with all conditions if you want Capricorn to respect you.

They do not arrange public scenes and do not expose passions. Almost all of them idealize their ancestors and elders, respect for age and experience is part of their nature. Often in old age they try to make up for what was missed in their youth. Capricorns are unlikely to fall in love with a person who does not occupy any position in society. They rarely marry without hesitation, but they prepare for it for a long time. They love their relatives very much: in the end, some property may remain from these relatives! You might think this is a cold, calculating attitude, but Capricorns think it's just smart. Chance will never have to knock on the door twice, they will hear the first knock. And it is even more correct to say: they are leaning against the door, waiting for a chance.

In childhood, Capricorns have rather poor health, worse than other signs, but the strength of their resistance increases with age. The sober, prudent nature of Capricorn gives him amazing endurance, but nevertheless he does not always manage to avoid doctors and hospitals, because. they are undermined by fear, uncertainty and anxiety more than germs. Even their conservative habits and stubbornness, their resistance to disease, cannot overcome the dangers of pessimism. Capricorns need to spend a lot of time outdoors and develop a more positive and easy outlook on life. Almost all Capricorns have sensitive skin. This manifests itself in all kinds of allergies, in excessive sweating and other skin diseases. Diseases of the stomach are also possible, joints and bones are vulnerable places. The fruits of their melancholy can be headaches, kidney disease and mental illness. If they manage to avoid a long illness because of their depression, then their ability to longevity is amazing. Well, I don't know, is it good to be the last leaf on the tree and still suffer from arthritis and rheumatism?

Capricorns give the impression of a gentle, timid and slightly stubborn person. He seems harmless. And it may even seem to you that this is the most suitable person whom you can trust and confess. And who could have suspected that he might have, and actually has, some hidden ambitions? But nevertheless, you should know that they use your weaknesses and your secrets to become stronger themselves. It seems to you that you cannot do without him and give him all your reins. And even then he begins to exercise power and uses it to win the position of a true leader. Im not parading and planning his routes behind the scenes.

Charcoal gives Capricorns a long flame.



The Capricorn man has erected a brick wall around himself. He is timid but very strong, pleasant but very ambitious. It seems that he prefers loneliness, in fact it is not. In secret, he likes to subjugate the crowd, in his dreams he is an amazing romantic, but Saturn restrains his nature. This harsh planet of discipline requires from him a calm behavior, practical actions and serious intentions. This is his cross, and it is very often heavy.

Sometimes he can have a harsh manner, and sometimes he can surprise you with unexpected humor that has an ironic twist. Turn inside out the even and reliable Capricorn and you will see a cheerful and gentle dreamer who is looking for adventure and excitement. And only some of the Capricorns can show this hidden deep soul of theirs. You may think that he is more suited to be a school teacher, but as a lover he is unhappy. You may also decide that he is more interested in career success than you.

He can be excited and impressed, but his inner nature will make him not show it. He will never let his dreams take him too far. Know that he has it all inside, that's enough. Don't expect a Capricorn to do something thoughtlessly, you can't change their personality. And what you can do is only hint that you suspect that there is a fire hidden behind his conservative manner. And he may be tempted to let that fire break out a little. You can tell him that you like his type of romance, because the most beautiful dream is the one that comes true. And with this you can push him to the realization of some of his dreams. And one day he may reach the top of the mountain and you will be by his side, filled with pride for him for believing in his practical dreams. Capricorn can pretend to live quietly without any compliments. But the way he behaves when he is praised proves otherwise. Of course, he can hide his joy.

When he is praised, don't let that mislead you. He desperately needs to be told that he is good, handsome, smart, interesting, desirable. But since he rarely shows a desire to hear praise, he rarely receives them. And consequently, he can act quite clumsy when he is praised. He sometimes just does not know what to do when he is praised, he begins to hide his embarrassment with a clumsy joke or simply ignores compliments. And this reaction can make people not compliment at all next time. It seems that he does not need them, and he gets even less of them. It turns out a vicious circle. It may be more your fault than his.

We can say about him that he blooms late. He can be serious and wise in his youth, like an owl, but over the years he gradually relaxes in his behavior. And if this is a typical Capricorn, then in adulthood he will be better in everything than in his youth. It's worth thinking about. With other men, you will have to endure their shortcomings for several years and only expect them to get worse in later life. And with Capricorn, everything will be different: over the years, he will only get better. If you prefer to have an appetizer first and a good lunch later, this is for you.

If your love with him ends in marriage, then you will receive dessert exactly when it should be served. Naturally, such a reverse process in aging may lead you to think that it will not be completely true to you. Maybe. It is true that you may have a little trouble in connection with his affairs when he is young, they may be repeated in his old age. Despite this, it will be much more reliable than most other signs. he does not allow infidelity towards the family altar. Whatever novels appear during its late heyday, they will never replace the family hearth and you. He reveres family ties.

Do not insult his mother and treat his brother coldly. Prepare to love all of his relatives, even if you don't like them. He will not only protect them, but he will have to choose between loyalty to two families, and this can put him in a gloomy state. And you should never put him in that state. Many Capricorn men can be in their family until a later time than his friends. And they usually fall in love later than most men. They rarely get married before they have some kind of career. Striving for perfection, they choose their wife very carefully. They need a woman who will be a good mother, she should cook well and be a good housewife. Only then should she be well dressed. It is desirable that she be smart and well educated.

The latest for him is beauty and physical compatibility. Therefore, you can immediately conclude that it will not be scary if you do not comb your hair or your perfume bottle is empty or you have ugly legs. Better show him what kind of hostess you are. If you're beautiful, that's fine. But at the same time, if you fail to please his family, he will never marry you. Exceptions are very rare. After his family, or rather he, made you an offer, behave firmly, let him know that you love his relatives, but you share the bed and table only with him, otherwise you will have to feed and mess with his whole family. Since Capricorns are somewhat nervous in the presence of the opposite sex, he can sometimes awkwardly hint at something, he can be somewhat rude, shy. This is his way of hiding his embarrassment and curiosity about the passions that some of the more aggressive men display. But this should not lead you astray and lead to frivolous behavior. For him, you must remain a lady and do not forget about it. It is possible that he will look at a lady who attracts everyone's attention, for example, at a party, but this is absolutely not the type of woman he marries. And if you think my advice reminds you of that of an old maid, give it a try.

A good gift for your Capricorn husband will be a book of poems. If you do not teach him the art of showing love from the very beginning, then you can become a well-to-do wife, loved and respected by him, but on an emotional diet. And later it will be completely useless to complain that he does not tell you how much he loves you. At the same time, he will be very surprised and say: "You are crazy, I remember exactly what I said:" I love you "when we got married and when our first son was born." He thinks that you should understand how he treats you, because he supports you and lives with you. For him, verbal expression of love is unnecessary romance, but still, he can be trained to express his love if you start from the very first day of your wedding.

As a father, he can be called a father with a capital letter. He always sits at the head of the table, demands respect and obedience. He insists on unquestioning obedience and submission. But in return he will pay with affection and self-sacrifice. He will arrange merry birthdays, New Year and other holidays. These fathers very often resort to physical punishment so as not to spoil the child, as they think. He needs to be reminded that fatherhood is not a serious responsibility, but also a pleasure. This is the Dickensian type of father. You must teach the children to kiss him at night, tell him to have fun with the children, and not just educate them, if you feel that he is too harsh with them, then console yourself with the fact that later this will benefit the children, unless, of course he doesn't go too far. With grandchildren, his behavior changes completely, he can allow them almost everything. Capricorn grandfathers are good at taking care of young children.

Capricorns rarely marry hastily, so as not to repent later. Most of their marriages are strong. But if he made a mistake, he can get a divorce, although he is horrified by divorce. It is possible that your Capricorn husband will almost sleep with you on schedule. This may seem somewhat cold and not sentimental. But remember that the practical Capricorn is much more interested in the physical side of love than other men. As I told you, the dessert is last, and after that, when he retires, he will have more time to develop the technique of love. Your Capricorn will shelter yours on a rainy day, save you from loneliness and the blows of fate. Any reasonable woman would appreciate such affection.

This will not be an ardent lover who looks at you with shining eyes and speaks passionate speeches to you. He is a strong man with a soft heart. And no matter how much gray hair you get and wrinkles for him, you will always remain the woman to whom he once said: "I love you." And when you think about it, then really why repeat it again and again. Once is enough if it lasts a long time.



It is difficult to describe a typical Capricorn woman. It can be a museum lady with glasses and a dancer. But whatever she does, Saturn directs her actions and secrets. She can be super feminine, flirt and charm men. In her presence, they will feel like giants capable of protecting her from a cruel world. At the same time, she can be calm, cold, aloof, sitting on a marble pedestal, and you will have to exert all your strength to win her hand. But no matter what she is, she always has one goal - a steely determination to grab the right man who will occupy a high enough position that she can be proud of. So many Capricorn women are successful at work that you might think that love and marriage are second to them. Love - maybe, but not marriage.

You need to understand that the goal of Capricorn is reliability and position, and it doesn’t matter how this is achieved: whether with your work or with the help of your husband. In both cases, a Capricorn woman is easy to recognize by how she succeeds. Capricorns of both sexes have unusual artistic talents. Perhaps this comes from an inner sense of harmony and from the fact that they know what is accepted and what is right. Capricorns must climb. The starting position may be higher or lower. And the top is where she sees the most satisfying world from. You will obviously not see how this woman achieves first place, and you will not understand. At least she will not push anyone with her hands, and scream loudly, getting her way. You might even think that she is so soft that she agrees to take the last place, giving everything to her rivals. Wait and see who comes first in the end.

It should not be thought that she never sacrifices her career for the sake of marriage. Let such a woman be a social activist and the mistress of a good home. And you will see how quickly she loses interest in work. She needs financial security. One of the most typical traits of a Capricorn is a good upbringing and manners. You can meet a Capricorn who grew up in a one-room apartment, but it seems that she was raised in an old family and received an excellent education. Any man who marries this woman should know that she seems more calm and emotionally stable than she really is. Her mannerisms can mislead you that nothing can disturb her calm surface. The truth is that it is subject to many moods. All women are subject to them, you say, but Capricorn differs from others in that she can have very long black periods.

If she feels that she is not appreciated enough, she will be in a deep trance for days, weeks and even months. She believes that this is because she is sensitive or practical. But you remember that the gloominess, pessimism and depression that Saturn gives her are rooted much deeper than simple sensitivity. They come from her fear for the future, worries about the present, and maybe shame about the past or suspicions that she is not being treated the way she deserves. This woman does not accept ridicule. Keep them to a minimum. To be frank, she is simply unable to see the humor of which she is the object. This doesn't mean you have to give her compliments all the time, she feels good when you're sincere, but you should compliment her often enough that she knows you know her true worth. She rarely relaxes in romantic situations.

It has a huge physical desire, much more than one might suspect, and it is very difficult to satisfy it. Sitting and wasting time kissing when the future is still undecided is not her hobby. But if she decides that she needs this person, that your finances are sufficient, as well as your position, she can be gentle, loving and even passionate. Capricorns do not believe in vague dreams that they will glide aimlessly through. She needs to know where the ship of their love is heading and that it is sailing on safe waters.

Build a solid foundation under your house if you want to Capricorn woman went in there. Perhaps she can flutter like a butterfly in society. She will observe etiquette, adhere to traditions (in the form of rings or napkins). She has a desire to buy things in the most expensive stores. However, it will still trade. She can buy a dress on sale if it has a good label on it.

This woman has a fresh beauty. Rarely you will find among them a woman who would not be attractive. However, she is unsure of her appearance. And you need to constantly confirm their beauty. Although she dislikes dishonesty in any form, she can lie at her age. And usually it goes away with her thanks to the oddities of Saturn. As a child, she looks like an adult lady, and then blossoms into a woman who will look younger than her years.

You can't hurt her family. A man who marries her marries her entire family at the same time. It often happens that she herself provides for her family. She takes care of sick relatives with great dedication. But then she can be attentive to your family. This woman will be a wonderful wife. Everything in the house will shine. She is very fond of beauty: she may be attracted to the song of a lark, spring rains, music, she may be sentimental about the past. Therefore, it can be called romantic and it has romantic strings. But at the same time, she has no sympathy for the starving poets. Its slogan is: "Provide yourself with food, money, and then a dream" and you need to add not just a dream, but a dream of what is worth dreaming about.
In children, she will bring up respect for everything qualitative, they will have all the best. The concept of saving for her does not mean buying cheap. But in her family, there could be a clash between Saturnian conservatism and youthful liberalism when the children grow up.

Because she has very sensitive skin, she won't wear much make-up. Most of them are allergic to paints. But nature has rewarded her with beauty that lasts much longer than other women.

Patiently help her overcome her self-doubt. One of her vices is stubbornness. But she doesn't whine or whine. She will push you forward to success and at the same time can be gentle and affectionate. Despite her graceful manner, she knows how to trick you around her finger.

Who said she doesn't believe in fairy tales? Only a wise Capricorn woman could look into your eyes when you were a frog and see that it was an enchanted prince. And not only this! If you marry her, you will always have... socks.

Capricorn characteristics of the zodiac sign: zodiac sign Capricorn man, Capricorn zodiac sign woman, Capricorn child, Capricorn health, Druid horoscope, Capricorn gemstones

Capricorn (22.12. - 19-20.01.) is patronized by Saturn, the metal of the sign is lead, the talisman is a black cat, the colors are black, blue, dark tones, ash gray, pale yellow.

The element of Capricorn is the earth, he is the main materialist of the entire zodiac. Therefore, he is restrained, cold, reasonable, practical, diligent in work, has a strong will, purposefulness, and internal energy. Possible negative qualities are pessimism, distrust, craving for loneliness. Illusions, imaginary ideals are alien to Capricorns. The values ​​of Capricorns are material, their views are prosaic.

The character of Capricorn, like the earth - a treasure, is fraught with many virtues: Capricorn is an honest partner, a devoted friend, a reasonable boss, a responsible worker, a faithful lover. Capricorns appreciate what they have, they know how to manage it, they prefer stability in the family and work.

Capricorn is a careerist, sometimes to the detriment of the family. Can reach a high position. He has a diplomatic talent, a good organizer. Capricorn's success is not the result of luck, but hard work. Capricorn is accompanied by a feeling of a great future, he strives to do something special. Excellent intuition is an ally of Capricorn on the way to goals: independence, economic security or political success.

Proud of his mind, in the absence of laziness actively develops intelligence. You can learn all your life. Responsible, caring for those in need.

Capricorn tends to be in a narrow but like-minded circle. Although he suffers because of his inability to win sympathy and defend an opinion. He is proud, hates dependence on anyone, strives for leadership, power.

Teenage Capricorns are very shy, although they are curious about the opposite sex. Transitional age can be very painful. You have to be especially careful, tactful, so as not to finally scare away the young Capricorn from meeting with peers.

Some stubbornness is inherent in Capricorns from childhood, then it only intensifies. Lifelong habits are formed in childhood. Setting a good example is the best way to influence a growing Capricorn. It is extremely important to monitor his health. The sun, proper nutrition, fresh air, physical education will help these children avoid many ailments. But, again, the example should come from the whole family, otherwise Capricorn will feel undeservedly offended.

Capricorn Health

In Capricorns, the spirit is stronger than the body; they eat and sleep little. Closed, it is difficult for them to converge with people. They live a long time, can be classified as centenarians. Capricorns get sick often; dampness, cold - their main enemies, dangerous with more serious consequences than a simple cold. Being workaholics, Capricorns rarely resort to massage, diets, and sports. And to the doctors, by the way, go infrequently. However, it is very important for Capricorns to keep the skin clean, the muscles in good shape, and to monitor the diversity of nutrition.

"Weaknesses": arthritis, rheumatism, gout, stone diseases, osteochondrosis, hardening of the joints, salt deposits, weakness when walking; skin (acne, enlarged pores, excessive sensitivity), stomach; teeth, bones (tartar, growth of bumps, bulges). - special attention: emotions restrained by external equanimity are guilty of increased fatigue, headaches, allergies, indigestion of Capricorns.

Needed: clean air, a little frivolity with carelessness, sunlight, active lifestyle, healthy sleep. Caving (studying caves), tourism, mountaineering are useful for young Capricorns. Magnesia, cypress are shown. The best prevention of many diseases is laughter,.

Gemstones for Capricorn

grenades (tonify; help pregnant women give birth safely, provide vital energy, strength; red grenades awaken sexuality, give courage, stimulate endurance and will, a sense of dignity; bring good luck, protect from enemies; a talisman of faith, devotion, a symbol of friendship, love, a stone of honesty; talisman of lovers; talisman of creators; stolen grenades bring misfortune; donated ones give the owner tolerance, contribute to universal recognition; a fading stone is a signal of impending danger);

onyx (white) (“pulls out” diseases; protects the elderly, helping to endure loneliness, adversity, be more optimistic; symbol of eloquence; stone magic works only with kind-hearted people; promotes concentration, preservation of vital energy; attracts good luck, keeps from sudden death, strengthens the spirit; a symbol of luck, good luck, a talisman of leaders, military leaders, pioneers);

eye of the Tiger (helps to overcome fatigue, stress; disease prevention; cultivates sanity, pacifies jealousy, extinguishes anger, brings good luck to kind-hearted people, sharpens intuition; amulet against damage; warriors wore it as a guard against injury, death; a talisman of creators and those who risk life or prone to injury at work or in a hobby).

Green jade- protects from everything negative from the outside, helps to find your way - just like for, the main stone is a talisman.

Druid Horoscope

22.12.-01.01. – Apple tree (pretty, inspires thoughts of love, charming; direct, sentimental, sensitive, she is interested in love; if she meets “her” partner, marriage will become bliss; faithful, disinterested; full of fantasy; intelligent, thoughtful, prone to science, inquisitive, reads a lot in the field of interest; loves pleasure, variety in emotions);

02.01.-11.01. – fir (beauty is cold, strict, loves antiques, antique jewelry, dimmed lighting, perfumes, majestic holidays; not easy to communicate, capricious; isolation developed; amenable to little influence, does not differ in cheerful talkativeness; proud, purposeful; intractable in love, but if she falls in love without memory, - boundless; knowing her virtues, wants and receives a lot from life; analytical abilities, mind, scientific inclinations; in her work she is serious, scrupulous; noble; in difficulties she knows how to maintain faith, presence of mind);

12.01.-24.01. – elm (attractive; not pretentious, dresses with simplicity; slow, balanced; in a tendency to moralize intolerable; straightforward, open, generous, believes in kindness, the cause he defends is always noble; believes that he will achieve recognition; experiences failures more than others; in feelings passionate; skillfully manages people, able to influence, which he often uses; demanding; deserves a patient attitude towards himself; endowed with common sense, observation, a lively practical mind, a sense of humor, skillful hands; a good organizer, a realist).

Personalities: Cicero Mao Zedong Isaac Newton Michael Schumacher Martin Luther King Presley, Osip Mandelstam, Kevin Costner, Louis Chevrolet, Semyon Farada, Muhammad Ali, Mel Gibson, Leonid Filatov, Adriano Celentano, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Nicolas Cage, Marilyn Manson, Raymond Pauls, Marina Neelova.

Orthodox names: Stefan, John, Daniel, Alexander, Eugene, Arkady, Arseny, Pavel, Mark, Ilya, Timothy, Mikhail, Nikita, Dmitry, Fedor, Vasily, Feoktist, Innokenty, Sergius, Nikolai, Tikhon, Joseph, David, Jacob, Peter, Evstafiy; Anna, Angelina, Zoya, Juliana, Anastasia, Eugene, Claudia, Maria, Theodora, Emilia, Apollinaria (Polina).

These are just general characteristics of Capricorns, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual.

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