Synopsis "introductory lesson in chess". Introductory lesson on teaching preschool children to play chess

Development of an open lesson on the subject "Chess".

Topic: "Chess concepts, moves of chess pieces."

Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, primary school teacher of KEI KhMAO-Yugra "Laryak boarding school for students with disabilities".
Description: I present to your attention the development of an open lesson held as part of the subject week in primary grades. The outline of the lesson was developed according to the new Federal State Educational Standards.
Lesson type: a lesson in repetition and consolidation of the studied material.
Target: repetition of chess concepts (vertical, horizontal, diagonal), repetition of moves of chess pieces. Introduction of the concept of a chess "party".
Tutorials: repeat and consolidate children's knowledge about the chessboard, chess pieces, the movement of pieces with the help of didactic games, activate mental activity. Introduce the concept of chess - a game.
Developing: develop spatial orientation on a chessboard, logical thinking; development of tactile perception, attention.
Educational : to instill interest and curiosity in the game of chess.
Tasks for the Federal State Educational Standard:
Personal: to instill interest and love for the game of chess. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory and speech.
Cognitive: introduce the concept of "chess game". Repeat the directions on the chessboard "diagonal, vertical, horizontal". Learn how to move pieces on a chessboard.
Communicative: to teach cultural communication, methods of cooperation in various activities; to teach to listen carefully and not to interrupt the interlocutor, to ask questions when a friend speaks.
Tutorials: repeat ideas about the organizational rules of the game. To give an entertaining presentation of some aspects of the history of chess. Develop the skill of working with a chessboard.
Educational : promote development, memory, attention; develop logical thinking; spatial orientation.
Educational : educate the skills of working in a team (pair), improve chess culture; develop a positive attitude towards the learning process; develop self-confidence (when the teacher creates a situation of success); obtaining communication skills of children in a team, the ability to compete.
Equipment: demonstration board with magnetic figures, chess sets, geom.figures, words on cards, a board lined in a cage.
During the classes.
1. Organizational moment.
Hello! Today, guests came to our lesson who want to learn how to play chess. We know that this game is neither simple nor easy. I will say more that this is not a game, but a sport where you need to apply not physical data, but mental abilities.
Therefore, I give everyone the installation to listen carefully, answer questions and complete tasks.

We have another guest. This is the queen of all interesting board games.
She has an unusual name that needs to be unraveled.

Her name is not easy.
In ancient times, this word was called the game, which is now called chess. In translation, the word chaturanga means four parts.
Indeed, in ancient times four people played this game.
2. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity.
Queen Chaturanga did not come empty-handed, she brought many tasks that we need to complete.
And you will choose the tasks yourself, having determined the correct geometric figure. If we cope with all the tasks, then at the end of the lesson we will be able to compose a chess proverb and determine its meaning.
(There is safety in numbers).

So name the figure. Not blue, not red and not a circle (green square).
Here is the assignment.
3. Application of knowledge and skills in a new (game) situation.
1. Answer correctly. (Children take turns reading and answering the slide questions)
What color are the fields on the chessboard? (White and black)
- What follows the white field on the chessboard? (black box)
- What follows the black field on the chessboard? (white box)
How many fields are on the chessboard? (64)
- How many white fields? (32)
- How many black fields? (32)

There are many paths in the field.
Be brave and be careful.
You will go up and down - this is ... (vertical),
Right-left - ... (horizontal).
And from corner to corner, away
We are led by ... (diagonal)

- Build a vertical path from the squares, horizontal (building on the table)
- How many vertical, horizontal tracks on a chessboard?
- Build the longest diagonal of the chessboard (building)
- How many fields contains the longest diagonal (8), the shortest (2).

Chaturanga's next assignment: we know she's superfluous. Why is it redundant? (yellow circle)
2. The game "Recognize the chess piece behind your back."

Children guess the figure by touch ( first the teacher guesses, naming the main features of the figure, behind the back).
Magic bag game.
Get the given figure out of the bag.

The next figure with the task: red, but not a square. (red triangle).
3. "Parade of chess pieces"(arrangement of figures by children).

Say a word.
White squad, black squad
Two armies are facing each other.
Strict order in the detachment of one.
Exactly the same order in another.
In each detachment - see for yourself -
Both corners are occupied by ... (rooks)
Next to the rooks ... (knights) are visible.
They stood next to the horses ... (elephants)

Who is in the middle - ... (queen and king)
The most important in his army.

- All figures are in their place.
- Before building the figures, we check the correct location of the chessboard.
Place the board correctly
Always look at the corners
So that at the right corner
The cage was white!

- The queen loves her color.
- It is from this position that any real chess game begins, i.e. game of chess.
Remember, children chess is a team game in which all the pieces must play together, in a team, protecting and helping each other!
-White pieces start to move.
-What pieces can go first in the initial chess game? (pawn, knight)
How do they move on the chessboard?
(Horse - jump-jump and sideways)

Choose the next geometric figure with a task.
This figure has all sides equal.
Here is a warm-up.
4. Dynamic pause.
-Take a pawn in your right hand, on an outstretched hand transfer it to your left hand.
Starting position: standing, figure in the right hand. We raise our hands through the sides up and transfer the figure to the left hand, lower our hands, etc.
Starting position: standing, hold on to the figure with both hands. We lean forward, put the figure on the floor, straighten up, bend over, take the figure, straighten up, etc.
Squats with a pawn in the palm.
Bend the leg at the knee, put the horse on the knee. Hands to the side.
Stand up straight. Without turning your head, look left, right, up, down. Close your eyes, blink. Turn to the window, look into the distance, what we see ( forest), look at the window ( find a green, red dot on the window).

What are these figures called? Choose a smaller size.
5. Application of knowledge and skills in a new (game) situation.
5. On the board in a cage, determine the jumps of the horses.

- The only piece is the horse, which can jump over other pieces.
6. Let's remember how the rest of the pieces move.
Game "Whose footprints" (slide show)

- And here is the last task of the chess queen Chaturanga. As she promised, after completing all the tasks, we learn the proverb.
There is safety in numbers.
- What does she mean?
+ Need to play together, helping each other. Work, learn to play in a team. And then everything will work out for us and will be fine.
A man alone can do little, like a lone soldier in a war. For important matters, he needs a team, he needs the help of other people.
6. Reflection.
- I think Chaturanga liked our lesson.
In the future, when we clearly learn how to move pieces, we will invite her to a chess game to show our abilities and knowledge.
- And now I want to know your opinion about our lesson.
If you don't understand something, raise your left hand,
If you like it and you understand everything, raise your right hand.
If you like the game itself and want to play chess raise both hands.


on chess on the topic:


Teacher: Khamaganova Lyubov Galsanovna

2015 - 2016 academic year

First year of study (2nd grades)

Lesson topic: Shah.

Purpose of the lesson: to give the concept that a check is an attack on the enemy king.


    Consolidation of the topics studied: the names of all the pieces, their moves, their place in the initial position;

    Shah. 3 ways to protect against a check;

    Solving didactic tasks, developing the ability to find the right moves;

    Raising interest in chess, instilling a love for the game.

Development of the ability to think, draw up a plan of action "in the mind", broadening one's horizons, attentiveness and observation;

Equipment and didactic equipment of the lesson:

    Demonstration board;

    Sets of chess pieces;

    UMK I.G. Sukhin "Chess" part 2.1 year of study;

    Riddles, tasks on a chess theme;

Dictionary: Shah.

I . Organizing time: The long-awaited bell rang.

The lesson starts!

What is the mood? SBI!

I . Introductory-motivational stage.

-Repetition of the material covered. 1) Chess riddles

A) Of the names of which chess piece, one letter was lost, if the word "ROLL" turned out.

C) Look for safe fields for _______

D) Which king cannot speak?

d) Who can tell you the password? His Majesty ___________

2) "Magic bag". The child guesses the chess piece by touch, shows it to the children. Pawn, king, queen, bishop, etc.

Children show their moves (horizontal, vertical, diagonal)

II .Operational and meaningful stage

Motivation: Reading chess terms from the table: King. Shah. Queen. (It's on the board)

Which of these terms are you already familiar with? (king, queen).

How are the words king and queen similar? (Both words denote chess pieces, both end with a soft sign.

What is special about these figures?(The queen is the most powerful piece, and the king is the most important figure. There is no game without a king.

What word are you still unfamiliar with? Didn't meet in our lessons?(SHAH)

What are your goals for this lesson?

(what is a check? What pieces to put a check? How to protect the king from a check)

1. Learning new material. The teacher's explanation is coming.

- Teacher : What is a check?

- Teacher: A check is an attack on the enemy king. (Hang up a sign) What pieces can be declared a check?

Demonstration board.

1) I bet on one of the corner fields of whitequeen , and on the other - the black king.This is how the queen will attack the enemy king. (

2) I bet on the extreme margins of any vertical or horizontal positionwhite rook and the black king, showingrook check. ( h 8 - Cr. h 1)

( I show it on the demo board.)

3) showing checkelephant : The white light-squared bishop (a8) declared check to the king. (Cr. H 1)

4) showing check toabout him : The white knight will check the king. (g 3- Cr. h 1)

5) showing checkpawn . Remember!!! The pawn announces check only diagonally. A pawn moves forward and attacks diagonally. The king cannot capture the pawn because it is protected by the bishop.

( f 3- Cri e4) Bishop to put on h 1 is the defense of the pawn.

2. Primary consolidation on the presentation. (Front work)

Presentation: 1 slide without an arrow.

Do you see a check in this diagram? (Yes) Who declared check to the king? ( white boat)

1 student must speak. white boat b 3 – h 3.

Arrow 2 appears.

3 slide: - What can you say about this position? The student must speak (The white light-squared bishop (c e 8) declared check to the black king (b 3).

The 4th slide with an arrow appears.

5 slide. Is there a threat to the king here? (Yes)What figure? (Queen) The student calls.

The 6th slide with an arrow appears.

Slide 7. Who declared the check here? (Horse)

A slide (8) with an arrow appears.

9 slide. The pawn declared check to the king. (Diagonally)

10 slide with an arrow appears.

CONCLUSION: What is a check? ( threat, strike)

What pieces can check the enemy king? ( check can be placed with any piece except the king)

Teacher: Since the king was attacked, then he must defend himself.

The king cannot remain in check.

In what ways can the king protect himself from a check?TEXTBOOK p.30.

There are 3 ways to protect against a check: Hang on the board:3 WAYS

1) The king is out of check. Consider 1 way to LEAVE

2) Consider the second method. What will you say ? Woo from childrencompleteresponse.(The black queen on a3 announced a check to the white king on a1 and did not notice how it was attacked by the white knight)

What should the HORSE do? ( The knight beats the queen)BEAT

3) What do you see? The black queen checks the white king.

Can the king go? (no) - Can he beat the queen? (Not).

There is a third way. Which? The king must be covered by another piece.


CONCLUSION: How many ways are there? (3) Leave, beat, close.










And now without haste

They go to the place of the pawn.

Textbook STR. 31. Who meets us? Sineglazka. Help Sineglazkafind out if the black king is in check? And what figure? You work independently in pairs. Show with a pencil.

(At this time, arrange diagram No. 6 on the demonstration board.)

Examination. I'm talking to couples. #1 diagram. (YES)

Prove: The white rook on a8 checks the black king on h 8.

2. NO #3. YES. Speak up.white queen h 1 checks the black king on a8. #4 NO

5 YES. White horseg4 declared check to the black king onf 2.

And I transferred diagram No. 6 to a magnetic board.

I believe that the white pawn on e4 has declared check to the black king on e5. Do you agree with this? (Not)

And why? The white pawn moves forward. So she attackedon theking.Is this the check? Children answer: The white pawn only eatsdiagonals. Well done! You didn't fall into this trap.

Fizminutka .

Show horizontal, vertical, diagonal.-3 times,

Practical part.

1. Textbook PAGE 32. Who is meeting us? Cheerful pencil-hero of the children's magazine "Murzilka". Together with a funny pencil, try to check the enemy king yourself. Children work in the textbook with a simple pencil.

Checking the rows (Walk by myself, assistants help me)

Diagram No. 3 on a magnetic board to transfer one pair .

(couple of children). One puts white pieces, the other black)

Explain to us how you placed the check. And you check.

(White pawng7 will eat the black horseh8 and turn into a white horse. The black king is in check.) They must show.

2. Workbook STR. 13.

1. I'm reading the first assignment. Answer: SHAH + conditional sign to show.

2 . I read the second task, and the assistant at this time will place the figures on the first diagram

Show entry: L e1 + f e7+

D.Z will be. Task 3 show the adults at home and check them. Will they be able to check the king.

Task 4. "Protection from the check"

The assistant arranges the figures on the first diagram, I read the assignment.

Look. Which piece declared check?black rook g 8 attacked the white king. The distracted artist does not know what to do. Find the best defense for White. Point with an arrow and write. Think!!!

(White rook from 7 moves to the right horizontally by g 87)


What does it mean to give check? (A threat to the enemy king.)

Can the king defend himself? YES. He can LEAVE, BEAT, CLOSE. Well done.

Guess the echo riddles: What elephant doesn't have a trunk? (At the chess room) In which cages are animals not kept? What fields don't grow?

Did you like the lesson? Show your mood (Smilies)

Evgeniya Vishnyakova
Introductory lesson on teaching preschool children to play chess

Target: Interest children playing chess.


I. Introduce children with chess board and chess pieces.

II. Develop mental abilities and imagination children.

III. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and collectivism.

Educational areas:

Equipment lessons.

1. Demo Chess board.

2. Magnetic chess.

3. floor Chess board.

4. Shapes chess set for floor chessboard.

5. Table boards.

6. Desktop chessmen.

7. Laptop.

8. Projector.

9. Projection screen. move lessons.

Hello guys. My name is Evgeniya Viktorovna. come through,

sit down on the chairs.

Tell me, do you like to play? (Yes).

What games do you like to play? (Children can name any familiar

How many games do you know.

Do you like to watch cartoons? (Yes).

Then let's watch a cartoon about board games. Be


(Showing in the presentation of an excerpt from the cartoon "Fixies" series

« Chess» ).

(After viewing, a joint discussion of the cartoon takes place).

What games were discussed in the cartoon? (Lotto, dominoes, checkers, chess) .

What is the smartest game? (Chess) .

How did you know from the cartoon who can play chess? (adults,

children, computer).

Well done, you are very attentive.

Would you like to learn this most intelligent game? (Yes).

I know a very interesting story about chess. Let's tell it to you.

(The tale is accompanied by a presentation slide show).

Lived in the distance chess kingdom two brother: black king and

white king. (Slide #2). Kings have always quarreled and argued which of them

stronger. And then one day they decided to measure their strength. Black king

gathered his army of blacks chess pieces and the white king is an army of whites

chess pieces. And the two armies met in battle. (Slide #3). And since

kingdom was chess, then they fought a battle on chessboard.

The board was painted in black and white squares, which are called

fields. And each warrior knew his place, his chess field. But during

the battle began such a fuss that chess figure-warriors of kings

confused and forgot where their fields are. - And they came to us today chess king and chess queen. Here

they look what they have crowns: the king has a high and sharp, and

queen (The teacher shows the children floor chessmen).

These are the most important figures. chess kingdom. They invite us to

yourself in chess kingdom to meet everyone chess

figures and help them find their places on chessboard.

Guys, I really want to help the king and queen, and you? (we want too).

Well then we go to chess kingdom and to get there

we will also become chess pieces. The king tells me that you

look like the smallest pawn chess pieces. look,

(slide number 4) here they are. How they stand together in orderly rows.

Well, you, my pawns, stand in a row.

We have no way back.

Stronger than nuts.

Even though we're just… pawns. (Not finishing the last word of the educator

gives children the opportunity to say it themselves).

Are you ready to go to chess kingdom? (Yes).

Are you afraid of difficulties? (Not).

Then close your eyes and turn around yourself three times. We count together

one two Three. (Slide number 5). (While the children are turning

caregiver endures chess figures on the floor chess

Well, here we are in chess kingdom.

(Children, together with the teacher, approach the floor chessboard).

Look, we are met by those already familiar to us chessmen.

Who remember what they are called? (King and queen). (Educator

invites children who did not name the figures to repeat their names. Same on

throughout the conversation, the teacher asks inactive children

repeat the correct answer).

What are the king and queen on? (On the chessboard) .

(If the children do not immediately answer, the teacher asks a leading question. - On

which board in chess kingdom fought their battle chessmen).

What are the black and white squares called? chessboard? (Fields).

What color field is the king on? (On the white field).-What color field is the queen on? (On the black field).

What good fellows you are, remember everything.

And you also became chess pieces. What are their names? (Pawns).

Then you can also stand on chessboard. Come on, get up on

the field you like best. (Children stand on the floor


Well, let's play pawns.

We will guess all the fields.

Pawns, stand on the black squares.

And now for the white fields.

And now the most difficult task, listen carefully. Walk forward

to one field.

And now back one field.

Well done. The king and queen really liked how you handled

all tasks. They invite you to rest and sit right here on

chessboard. Very much impatient for the king and queen to introduce us

with everyone chess pieces. Attention to the screen.

We are already familiar with this figure. This is the black king and the white king.

(Slide number 6).

Every king has his own queen. Black and white. (Slide number 7).

The king and queen have a loyal officer. This figure is called an elephant.

What is the name of the shape again? It is also black and white. (Slide number 8).

See who this figure reminds you of? (Horse, horse). This figure

it's called a horse. And of course also black and white. (Slide number 9).

Repeat the name of this figure.

This figure is like a tower. And it's called a boat. Repeat like

this figure is called. There is a rook in both the black and white armies. (Slide number 10).

But these are the smallest figures on chessboard. You are like them.

What are their names? (Pawns).

Well done. How do you respond in kind.

Look at our chess Are all the pieces on the board? (Not).- They must be playing hide-and-seek with us. Let's eat them. Walk through

room, take a look. (In different parts of the hall there are floor

figures: bishop, knight, rook, pawn).

Did you find the figures? What good fellows. Take them and come here.

(The teacher is near the demonstration chessboard, on the

which already has pieces of black and white king and queen).

The teacher takes one figure and, in order, how they should stand

on the chess the board in the initial position, tells them x and puts

magnetic figures on a demonstration board.

And here is the officer of the king and queen. Do you remember the name of this figure?

(Elephant). That's right, please repeat.

There are two elephants in the white army. They always stand next to the king and queen.

Here are their fields.

And you probably remember this figure. What is it called? (Horse).

That's right, please repeat.

The horse is the elephant's true friend, and chess blackboard stands next to it.

See how many white horses there are? (Two). Quite right.

And this figure looks like a tower. What is her name? (Rook). (If the children

find it difficult, the teacher himself says the name of the figure and asks children


The smallest figure remains. Let's call her. (Pawn). Of course.

And there are eight pawns, and they stand together in a row. Let me put them on

chessboard and you count.

Well done. Look, the white army chess figures assembled and ready for

battle. And Black? (Not).

Let's put the figures of the black army on their fields. And they cost too

like black pieces.

What figures stand next to the king and queen? (elephants). Correctly.

How many black elephants? (Two). Take the figures, put them on the right fields.

The next figure is the elephant's true friend? (Horse). How many horses are in black

armies? (Two). What fields will we put them on? That's right, put it on.

Which figure stands on the edge chessboard? (Rook). And how many of them?

Put the figures on the required fields. - What figures do we have left? (Pawns). How many pawns? (Eight). And you

also eight. I will give you one pawn each, and you will place them in turn.

Well done, you guys have worked really hard. And now each figure on

place. On my own chess field. To better remember how

figures are placed on chessboard, listen to the rhyme-hint.

On the black and white porch sat: king, queen. Two officers. They have two

horse. Like two towers. (Speaking a rhyme educator

points to the corresponding figures).

And of course a number of pawns.

And you, my pawns, line up.

Let's play pawns. We shake our heads. Right, left, and then.

Three, four, squat.

Let's stretch our legs.

One, two, three, step in place.

The pawns lined up in a row.

We warmed up from the heart.

Let's hurry to the tables.

(Children go to the tables with chess boards) .

Sit two at each table.

What do you see on the tables? (Chess boards and chess pieces) .

Which figures are already on chessboard? (King and queen).

Let's put the rest of the figures on chessboard.

Remember with me the rhyme-hint.

On the black and white porch sat: king, queen. They are already on their

Two officers. What are these figures? The hint is on the screen. (Slide number 11).

They have two horses. (Slide number 12). Find the figure and put it on the desired field.

Like two towers. (Slide number 13). Where are the fields of these figures? Bet.

What figures are left? (Pawns). Place a row of pawns.

Look how good you are. dotted chess pieces so how they

must be before the start chess match. - So you are no longer pawns, but real chess players.

Let's go to the king and queen. They are very happy that we

found everything chess figures and correctly placed them on chess

Well, now it's time to say goodbye. Close your eyes, count to three and

turn around.

Well, here we are back in kindergarten.

Where have we been? (AT chess kingdom) .

Who invited us to chess kingdom? (King and queen).

Who did the king and queen introduce us to? (FROM chess pieces) .

Name these chessmen? What are you chess piece

remember? And you?

What did we put on chessmen? (On the chessboard) .

What are the black and white squares called? chessboard? (Fields).

Which figure do you like the most? And you?

So that you do not forget about our journey and continue to learn how to play

chess. The king gave you these chess medals.

I wish you great victories. Thank you. Goodbye.

Ulyanovsk region Starokulatkinsky district with. Old Atlash

MKOO "Staroatlashskaya secondary school"

Plan - abstract

introductory lesson

in chess

"Fairyland of chess"

Coach - chess teacher

Yurtaev Gazinur Rinatovich

Topic: “Fairytale land of chess”


    To interest students of the initial stage of education in playing chess with the help of didactic games and tasks of different levels of complexity, colorful illustrations, in the most accessible, entertaining form of presenting the material.

    To develop attention, memory, visual-figurative and logical thinking of students of preschool and primary school age.

    Cultivate perseverance, attentiveness, independence, patience, ingenuity.

Equipment: demonstration chess pieces; “wonderful bag” with chess pieces; graphic images of little men - “One-eyed”, “Two-eyed”, “Three-eyed”; clean sheets of paper for drawing and markers - for each child; prizes for correct answers; souvenir booklets for each child.

Course progress.

    Organizing time. (5 minutes.)

Hello children! My name is Gazinur Rinatovich, I am a coach-teacher (teacher) of a chess school.

Do you know what chess is? (Children's answers)

It's a miracle of miracles

We know from childhood

Waiting for the guys, like a gift from heaven,

Chess kingdom.

There and now, as if of old,

On a high throne

The formidable king sits

In the chess crown.

There are brave and strong

Pawns fight bravely

There are horses and elephants

They fight well.

Queen with a rook - to the fear of enemies

They thrive everywhere.

Who, won't you tell me

Miracle invented.

Guys, what do you think, who and when came up with this game? (Children's answers)

It turns out that the game of chess came to us from a distant, mysterious India, many centuries ago. Previously, it was considered the fun of sages and rulers, but over time it won the hearts of many people.

Guys, do you want to know about it? (Children answer)

2. The main part. (20 minutes.)

Then, listen carefully.

Please tell me who you think is the most important person on Earth. (Children's answers)

(Bring children to the concept that the main thing is Man)

Yes, indeed, the most important thing on Earth is Man. In life, he will have to fight with the three-headed Dragon.

One head of the Dragon is greed, the second head is meanness (betrayal), and the third head is cunning.

Greed and betrayal are the most negative qualities of a person. And why? (Children's answers)

If a person is greedy, then he can betray.

But cunning - this quality of a person can be both positive and negative.

For example: Khan from the tale of the Golden Antelope was cunning and greedy, and he suffered for this. These are negative qualities.

And the positive is to find a way out of the difficulty with the help of your mind, outwitting the enemy, but without committing any meanness, for example - Vasilisa the Wise.

Guys, what do you think is better mind or strength.

(As a rule, the audience is divided - some for intelligence, others for strength)

(Bring to the concept: both mind and strength)

Who is more important dad or mom (dad and mom)

What is better: study well or know a lot (Study well and know a lot)

Or, which is better: summer or winter. (Every season is good in its own way)

And now we will play a game that develops both memory and mind. And you call it “Wonderful bag”. What do you think might be in this bag? (Children's answers)

The game "Wonderful bag".

(Child takes out a chess piece)

Guys, what do you think this is? (Chess piece)

What does she look like. (Answers of children. The trainer, in case of difficulty for children, says the name of the figure.)

(The figures, during the game, are placed on the table, and the demonstration ones are hung on the board. At the end of the game, fix the names of the chess pieces according to the pictures on the board. For each correct answer, the children are awarded an incentive prize.)

Well done boys. And now we will check how you remember the names of chess pieces.

I will give you riddles, and you guess what kind of chess piece we are talking about. For the correct answer - an incentive prize.

small, remote,

Will pass through the field

And find a reward. (Pawn)

He does not live in a menagerie

And does not weigh forty tons,

But smart and strong.

Guessed? This is an elephant)

It is easy to recognize him: he has a mane,

With an important posture, proud.

Don't touch this beauty!

Did you know who it is? This is ... (horse)

This important gentleman

Seized all power alone.

Please listen to him.

Who is that? (King)

Stands in the Corner with the majesty of a judge,

They will give the prize, and boldly enter the battles.

Known for her extreme directness,

Do you really not know ... (rooks)

He is bolder and stronger than all

And it's impossible not to recognize him

He will defeat elephants, horses,

Of course, you found out ... (Queen)

Fizminutka. (3 min.)

So, we played with you, and now please take your seats and look carefully at the board.

(On the board are graphic images of little men - “One-eyed”, “Two-eyed”, “Three-eyed”).

What do you think is shown here? (Children's answers)

Usually, with the help of a circle and a triangle, a person is indicated. And this is not an ordinary person, but a chess player. Recall the phrase A.S. Pushkin "A star burns in the forehead" - this will be the ideal chess player. But this is not achieved immediately.

What do you think each person portrays? (Children answer)

The teacher explains that One-eyed is the mind, Two-eyed is wisdom, foresight, cunning, as a positive quality. A three-eyed person is a person who has both mind and foresight, cunning.

Guys, let's each of you draw such little men on your sheets. (Children draw first - One-eyed, then - Two-eyed, then - Three-eyed - a real chess player)

Let's take a look at each of them.

Is it possible to become a real chess player, being only One-Eyed, that is, only smart? (Not)

But only Two-eyed - that is, wise, far-sighted, cunning. (Not)

What conclusion can be drawn?

To become a real chess player, you need to become a Three-Eyed. Therefore, let's put the corresponding arithmetic icons between the figures.

From this it follows: “If you want to win a victory, you must become a Three-eyed in chess!” ( Repeat output in chorus)

Do you want to become a winner? (Yes)

And how to become a winner you will be taught at the Belaya Ladya Chess Palace.

3. Summary of the lesson. (7 min.)

Guys, what did you learn today?

1. Where the game of chess was born. (India)

2. What does it take to become a Three-Eyed Chess Guy? (Read a lot, develop your memory, solve chess problems, and most importantly, come to study at a chess school)

Thank you guys. I liked you very much, it was very interesting for me to play with you. Come study with us. In parting, I want to give you small gifts. They will remind you of our meeting today, and at the same time you will remember everything that you learned today. Goodbye!

At the end of the lesson, the trainer gives the children colorful booklets as a keepsake.

This manual was created for teachers teaching the course "Introduction to Chess". The presentation materials will help you and your students to quickly master all the basic chess concepts and rules in a poetic and playful way. The order of the pages of the presentation corresponds to the lesson development for the teacher I. G. Sukhin "Chess, the first year, or I study and study." I. G. Sukhina "Chess, the first year, or I study and I study." Materials from textbooks and manuals by I. G. Sukhin and additional sources were used: I. Vesela, I. Vesela "Chess Primer", V. V. Knyazev "The ABC of a Chess Player", a fairy tale and a poem of my own composition. May this guide help you! Elena Yurievna Lobacheva MOU "Kislovskaya secondary school"

The kids were bored Early in the morning in the yard. - I know one game, - Petya told the guys. “Wherever I am, children play it everywhere. children play everywhere. In that game there is a rook and a queen, In that game there is a rook and a queen, A bishop, a knight and a row of pawns, And the king leads all - And the king leads all - He is guarded by a detachment. I want to give you a task: Guess the name of the game!

All in squares - white, black - a wooden board, And the rows of chiseled figures - wooden troops. People move them, while away the evenings, People play chess - an interesting game! You, my friend, enter without fear, without embarrassment, As if into the world of a wonderful fairy tale, into this black and white region. What? Three-headed dragons are not waiting for us here? No problem! Here, but dashing horses and infantry anywhere! Here the queens, the elephants are brave, rush across and along, And, just like in a fairy tale, the king rises important. There are heroes in every army, and the army goes out to the army Cunningly and heroically to fight and win!

Starting position Speak up! Arrange! Remember! I look at the first row, Rooks stand along the edges. Nearby I see horses, There is no figure of their cunning. Between the horses are enclosed Our glorious elephants. And there are two more fields, And they have a king and a queen. And now without haste They go to the place of the pawn.

Starting position White squad, black squad - Two troops are facing each other. Strict order in one detachment, Exactly the same - in another detachment. In each detachment - you see for yourself - both corners are occupied by rooks. Horses are visible next to the rooks, Bishops stand next to the horses. Who is in the middle? The queen and the king are the most important in their army. In order not to confuse which fields are here for the queen and for the king, You need to remember one of the signs: THE QUEEN CHOOSE ITS OWN COLOR - White stands on a white square, Black promises good luck. Any queen has its own square, You can't confuse queens with kings! And in front of everyone - the rook and the knight, In front of the bishop, the king and the queen - The little pawns stood up as a wall, They start this fabulous battle.

Rook Apparently, the rook is stubborn, if it only moves straight, does not dodge - it jumps and jumps, it does not step obliquely. does not wind - jump and jump, does not step obliquely. So it can move from edge to edge. This is a battle tower clumsy, but strong. The rook has a heavy step, lead it into battle as soon as possible!

Queen The queen in chess can be said to be a champion, and the queen's step is wide. The queen can move like a rook and like a bishop - both straight and oblique. To the right, to the left, forward and backward ... And he hits both into the distance and at close range. And it seems as if the black-and-white space is cramped for the queen. The queen is very dangerous near and far - you should pay more attention to the queen.

Horse Bondage is not dear to the horse, the space is wide in front of him, the horse jumps very deftly into two fields, a wonderful jump: the field is straight, the field is sideways! Well, if a barrier threatens the environment, he jumps over those who surround him, the horse makes a jump: the field is straight, the field is sideways. A wonderful jump: the field is straight, the field is sideways!

Pawn Pawn, little soldier, just waiting for a command to move forward from square to square. To the war, not to the parade, the pawn is on the way, it cannot go back, turn to the side. In order to join the fight sooner, in hand-to-hand combat, with the first move, she can take a double step. And then - forward, forward, step by step. Well, how does the pawn capture? Hits sideways. The pawn must pass the whole board to the end - it will turn into a formidable fighter there. What should she become - a queen, a rook? Maybe a horse? How to solve such a question, we will understand later.

King The king loves a smooth, cleared path: he can take a step in any direction, but you will easily notice, my friend, that he is able to take not a step, but a small step. Only one field - that's a step length, the king is not very agile - old. the old king is not very agile. But the royal army is on the alert - it must protect the king. After all, if the defenseless king died, the figures would not be able to continue the war. Remember: the king is the most important, the most important of all, there is no more important leader in the chess army!

Shah Your opponent decided to overtake you with fear: he has now again declared a check to the king. Do not rush to be afraid of enemy attacks, think in silence: maybe a check is a trifle? The Sovereign King's honor is dear to the army - see if you can eat a daring enemy? And I can also suggest another way: you block the road for this enemy. you block the road to this enemy. Become your own figure on his way - the king of all you can save in this way. Let me tell you, let me, and the third way: will the king be able to step aside? will the king not be able to step aside?

Checkmate You are leading a wooden army into battle, but do you know how to declare a checkmate? Checkmate is a check in which, mind you, the king has no protection. A check from which there is no retreat, a check from which there is nothing to hide from, there is nothing with which to bring down a figure that threatens to bring down, and one must accept defeat. Checkmate is the triumph of attacking forces, checkmate is the goal of the game, checkmate is the end of the battle. IF YOU GIVE A MATH, IT MEANS YOU WON, MEANS, YOU ARE GREAT!

Castling You can castle: 1. The king and rook have not yet made a single move in this game. 2. There are no other pieces between the king and the rook. 3. The king is not in check. 4. The square over which the king is about to jump is not attacked by the opponent's pieces. 5. After castling, the king will not be in check.

Chess game Party - are you ready to remember? - consists of separate moves. What is a move? Now we will find out. Here we move the figure from one square to another - we make our next move. And sometimes the opponent's figure rises on the field, like a sculpture, does not allow your figure to stand up. How to be here? Remove a piece from the board! A soldier will stand on the vacated square of your army. Feel free to make such a move, because the game is like a fight. The one who controls the white army starts the battle with the first move. How about two moves in a row? Not! We need to wait for the enemy's response. So, after a move, there is a battle, an offensive or a retreat. Players see the same goal: to win a chess war. And they give an order to their soldiers - to try to end the matter with a foul language.

Chess game Rules of conduct when playing chess. It is necessary to play silently, slowly. If you touch an opponent's piece, you will have to beat it (if possible). If you touch your piece, you must definitely make some move with it. If he made a move and let go of his hand from his piece, it is impossible to cross. Don't let your partner think. Can't tell players. You should not pronounce "check" and "mate" aloud. If some of your own piece or the opponent's piece is not located in the middle of the cell, then during your move you can say: “Correct” - and place it more carefully. If you win, you can not mock your partner and be conceited. If you lose, don't get upset - even the best chess players in the world have suffered many defeats in their lives. After the end of the game, the loser shakes hands with the opponent - this is a tribute to the partner. A handshake is also customary before a game (the last two rules apply to serious tournament games). It is forbidden to move your finger across the chessboard, calculating options.

IT IS INTERESTING! Chess physical minute: One and two, and three, four - We put our legs wider. Hands apart, tilt forward, to the right, to the left. Here are the people! He sat too long, stagnated - He played chess so much. - A pawn here and a pawn there? I won't give them up for anything! For a bishop's knight, a rook? Okay, I'll think! Let's rest now a little And along the chess roads. And on chess roads. Once - sat down, got up - two: Rested head.

IT IS INTERESTING! Chess physical minute: Pawns once, and once, and once - the Knight will turn out just right. Pawn one, and two, and three - Now look at the bishop. Eight bold pawns in a row - We have a fighting detachment! Once sat down, two sat down - Eight pawns defeated. Step forward step together Step back - and we're in place.

The price of a piece Long ago in the Chess Kingdom, the figures decided to measure their strength and decide: "Who is the most powerful?" We agreed that the smallest and most fearless Pawn would weigh everyone so that she would not be so offended! The Bishop sat down, and in order to balance it, THREE Pawns had to be placed on another chess scale! It's the horse's turn. And again, THREE Pawns were enough! Rook sat down. I had to call for help FIVE Pawns! Finally, the Queen reached the scales. NINE Pawns required! Since then, the BISHOP and KNIGHT are called light pieces, and the ROOK and QUEEN are called heavy ones.

The price of a figure Each figure has its own price. Look at the Horse and the Elephant. Remember! Each costs THREE! In the game, bolder, take them bolder! Do not be afraid to step on the Rook, you will get it, and you will immediately get FIVE! And the Queen has a big price: NINE he is worth at all times! NINE he stands at all times! The pawn-baby stands ONE, The pawn-baby stands ONE, And the field will pass, and she is the master!

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