Synopsis of the festive quiz “Winnie the Pooh's Birthday. Mini-project "Winnie the Pooh's birthday" How Winnie the Pooh's birthday is celebrated in our time

Teddy bear Winnie the Pooh (Winnie-the-Pooh) was born as a character in the works of Alan Alexander Milne. He became one of the most famous characters in children's literature of the 20th century. Winnie the bear got his name from one of the real toys of the writer's son Christopher Robin.

In 1921, Alan Milne gave his son a teddy bear bought from a department store for his birthday. After meeting his owner Christopher Robin, he received the name Winnie the Pooh. In the future, the bear cub became Christopher's "inseparable companion".

It was the boy's friendship with his favorite teddy bear that caused the creation of works about the adventures of Winnie the Pooh. On December 24, 1925, the first chapter of Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh was published in the London Evening News. The first book was published as a separate edition on October 14, 1926 in London. The second Winnie the Pooh book, The House at Pooh Corner, was published in 1928.

The writer also released two more collections of children's poems. In 1924 - "When we were very young" and in 1927 - "Now we are already six", which contain several poems about Winnie the Pooh.

Alan Milne's prose about Winnie the Pooh is a dilogy. However, of the two published books, each is divided into 10 independent stories with their own plot. Therefore, all these stories can be read independently of each other.

Although the teddy bear was given to Christopher Robin on August 21, 1921, his real birthday is considered October 14, 1926 when the first book about Winnie the Pooh was published, despite the fact that its individual fragments were printed earlier.

The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh has become a favorite reading for many generations of children, they have been translated into 25 languages ​​(including Latin), published in tens of millions of copies.

Character origin

Christopher Robin's teddy bear Winnie the Pooh was named after a bear named Winnipeg (Winnie) kept in the 1920s at the London Zoo.

The Winnipeg bear (American black bear) came to the UK as a live mascot of the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps from Canada, namely from the outskirts of the city of Winnipeg. She ended up in the Fort Harry Horse Cavalry Regiment on August 24, 1914, while still a bear cub (she was bought from a Canadian hunter for twenty dollars by a 27-year-old regimental veterinarian, Lieutenant Harry Colborne, who took care of her in the future). Already in October of the same year, the bear cub was brought along with the troops to Britain, and since the regiment was supposed to be transported to France during the First World War, in December it was decided to leave the beast until the end of the war in the London Zoo. Londoners fell in love with the bear, and the military did not object to not taking it from the zoo even after the war. Until the end of her days (she died on May 12, 1934), the she-bear was at the allowance of the veterinary corps, about which in 1919 a corresponding inscription was made on her cage.

In 1924, Alan Milne first came to the zoo with his four-year-old son, who really became friends with Winnie. After Christopher met Winnie the bear, the teddy bear was named after her. In the future, the bear was Christopher's "inseparable companion": "every child has a favorite toy, and especially every child who is alone in the family needs it."

In September 1981, 61-year-old Christopher Robin Milne unveiled a life-size statue of Winnie the Bear at the London Zoo.


Naturally, such a popular hero as Winnie the Pooh could not remain without the attention of directors. And after 1961, the Disney studio released first short cartoons, and then many different cartoons about Winnie the Pooh on plots that were no longer connected with the work of the writer Alan Milne.

In the future, even a musical for children was released on the theme of these incredible stories and adventures of friends in the Wonderful Forest. Some literary critics even claim that "Pooh has become the most famous and beloved bear in literature."

In our country, a cycle of three cartoons by Fyodor Khitruk in collaboration with Boris Zakhoder (1969-1972) has become especially popular. While working on the film, the director did not know about the existence of Disney cartoons about Winnie the Pooh. Later, according to Khitruk, Disney director Wolfgang Reitherman liked his version. At the same time, the fact that Soviet cartoons were created without taking into account the exclusive rights to film adaptation owned by the Disney studio made it impossible for them to be shown abroad and participate in international film festivals.

Winnie the Pooh in our country

In the magazine "Murzilka" for 1939, the first two chapters of Milne's fairy tale were published - "About the bear Winnie Poo and the bees" (No. 1) and "How Winnie Poo went to visit and got into trouble" (No. 9) in translation A. Koltynina and O. Galanina. The author's name was not given, it was subtitled "An English Fairy Tale". This translation uses the names Winnie Poo, Piglet and Christopher Robin

The first complete translation of "Winnie the Pooh" in the USSR came out in 1958 in Lithuania, it was made by the 20-year-old Lithuanian writer Virgilijus Chepaitis, who used the Polish translation by Irena Tuvim. Subsequently, Chepaitis, having become acquainted with the English original, significantly revised his translation, which was reprinted in Lithuania several times.

In 1958 Boris Zakhoder looked through the English children's encyclopedia. “It was love at first sight: I saw a picture of a cute bear cub, read a few poetic quotes - and rushed to look for a book.”

Zakhoder always emphasized that his book was not a translation, but a retelling, the fruit of co-creation and "re-creation" of Milne in Russian, and insisted on his (co) copyright to it. Indeed, his text does not always literally follow the original. A number of finds missing from Milne (for example, the various names of Pooh's songs - Noise Makers, Chants, Howlers, Nozzles, Puffers - or Piglet's famous question: "Does Heffalump love piglets? And how does he love them?"), Fits well into the context of the work . Milne does not have a complete parallel and the widespread use of capital letters (Unknown Who, Relatives and Friends of the Rabbit), the frequent personification of inanimate objects (Pooh approaches the "familiar puddle"), more "fabulous" vocabulary, not to mention a few hidden references to Soviet reality

Authentic Christopher Robin toys:

Thanks to the retelling of Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All by Boris Zakhoder, and then the films of the Soyuzmultfilm studio, where the bear was voiced by Evgeny Leonov, Winnie the Pooh became very popular in our country.

The place of Winnie the Pooh in the work of Milne

The cycle about Winnie the Pooh eclipsed all the quite diverse and popular adult works of Milne at the time: “he cut himself off the way back to“ adult ”literature. All his attempts to escape from the clutches of a toy bear were unsuccessful. Milne himself was very upset by such a combination of circumstances, did not consider himself a children's writer and claimed that he writes for children with the same responsibility as for adults.


In 2009, a sequel to the Winnie the Pooh books, Return to the Enchanted Forest, was released in the UK, approved by the Pooh Properties Trust. The book was written by David Benedictus, who seeks to closely emulate the style and composition of Milne's prose. The illustrations for the book are also focused on maintaining Shepard's style. "Return to the Enchanted Forest" has been translated into several languages.

The management company The Pooh Properties Trust was formed according to the will of A. A. Milne. In 1961, the trustees of the foundation, Mrs. Milne and Spencer Curtis Brown, ceded the exclusive rights to produce films about Winnie the Pooh to the Walt Disney Company. A. A. Milne's son, Christopher Robin Milne, sold his rights to other owners to raise money for the treatment of his daughter Claire, who had cerebral palsy.

The birthday of Winnie the Pooh is also celebrated - a funny and resourceful bear cub, invented 92 years ago by an English writer, the site says.

history of the holiday

A teddy bear stuffed with sawdust was invented a few years before the book about his adventures was published.

And it all started like this - the writer Alan Milne in 1921 gave his son, whose name was Christopher Robin, a plush toy. The boy was still a dreamer and often played with his favorite bear in front of his talented dad. The writer himself, seeing the stories invented by his child, wrote them down in his old notebook, and when a sufficient number of them had gathered, he released them in the form of a book. It is noteworthy that Allan called the bear cub Winnie the Pooh, and did not change the name of his son at all.

After the publication, the work received a response in the hearts of many children and their parents, and the book about the adventures of Winnie the Pooh quickly became famous not only in England, but in almost all countries of the world.

How is Winnie the Pooh's birthday celebrated today?

Bear cub Winnie the Pooh, thanks to his cheerful character, is very popular with children of different ages who do not forget their favorite hero even after they become adults.

That is why, on October 14, libraries around the world organize themed holidays, competitions of drawings and crafts, fairs and sales, the main character of which, of course, is Winnie the Pooh.

Unlike many Western works that broke into the culture of the USSR, the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh was not a translation of the history of the English writer, but rather his retelling. Children's writer Boris Zakhoder, having seen illustrations for a book about Winnie the Pooh in an encyclopedia, created his own character with the same name, and also invented his friends, who were not in the original version of the fairy tale.

The first series of the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh was filmed by the Soyuzmultfilm studio in 1969. Without a doubt, his film adaptation has become immortal and cult. Millions of people from different generations have grown up on stories about the adventures of a bear cub. No less often it is watched in the 21st century by modern kids.

We invite you to remember the clubfoot merry fellow and celebrate his birthday by watching a cartoon!

And recently, another cult cartoon produced in the USSR continued. It's called the Hero Gene.

Photo: British National Portrait Gallery

Streets are named after him, one sports world championship, our hero has his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and in the Forbes list he takes second place as the most valuable character. Guess who it is? Adored by all Winnie the Pooh! On October 14, he will celebrate his 90th birthday. How did the story of his life and world fame begin? One that any creative person would envy.

His "parent" is the English writer Alan Milne. At the end of 1925, he came up with the idea of ​​writing a book of stories about a funny bear cub. Fortunately, there was no need to go far for inspiration: they were served by the only little son and his. Yes, yes, the very world-famous boy Christopher Robin and his plush friend Winnie the Pooh.

If everything is clear with the name of the “human” hero (that was the name of the boy according to the documents), then the bear cub received a complex nickname. His nickname is a fusion of the nicknames of a Canadian bear from the London Zoo (Winnipeg), which his son fell in love with, and a swan. The latter lived in the neighboring house of Milnov Lake and responded to "Fluff".

Almost a year later (October 14, 1926) a book about the adventures of a funny bear cub saw the light. What happened next is anyone's guess. A clumsy bear in the company of friends confidently walked around the world. Literally at every step, he finds admirers both among children and adults. It's no joke: in a fairly short time, the book is translated into almost three dozen languages ​​of the world, and Winnie the Pooh becomes almost the most recognizable cartoon character.

A dizzying success, isn't it? However, Alexander Milne was not ready for such a turn of events. Few people know that before the birth of the main teddy bear of the world, Milne had already "lit up" as a writer of adult books. He dreamed of the glory of the great serious playwright, but until the end of his days he could not escape from the soft, but tenacious, plush paws of Pooh.

Of course, one bear cub alone could not achieve popularity if not for a group of friends. Their images were also literary copied from the real favorites of Christopher Robin. Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, Ru, Kanga… Need proof? The original toys are still kept in the New York Public Library. Only Owl, Rabbit and Gopher were invented to dilute the usual company of heroes.

Authentic Christopher Robin toys: (clockwise from bottom) Tigger, Kanga, Pooh, Eeyore and Piglet. New York Public Library

Winnie the Pooh is so adored in our country that it seems that he has always been here. However, it became “ours” only in 1960 with the light hand of the writer Boris Zakhoder. The fateful acquaintance with the English bear cub could not have taken place if it were not for a game of chance. Boris Vladimirovich, studying the English children's encyclopedia in the library, involuntarily drew attention to the picture of a touching animal. If it were not for his first impression of Winnie and the desire to learn more about the bear cub, he would forever remain "foreign" for us.

But, fortunately, already in July 1960, a translation of the book into Russian was ready for publication. By the way, our version is somewhat different from Milne's original. Zakhoder himself admitted more than once that he created a "domestic" version of the translation, retaining the idea, but comprehending it in Russian. Have we lost anything from this? Not a bit, and even purchased. It was thanks to Zakhoder that the adventures of the bear cub and his friends were filled with unique Nozzles, Chants, Puffers and Howlers.

Adored by children and adults alike, our Pooh cartoon also differs from the original Disney version. In particular, there are no Christopher Robin, Kanga, baby Roo, Tigger, Gopher. Our bear is more like a real animal that does not accept clothes, while according to the foreign version of Vinnie, it is a toy in a red blouse.

I could not help but see the light, because the adventures of a funny teddy bear and his friends have already become in Soviet families. In total, director Fyodor Khitruk released three series about Winnie the Pooh: in 1969, 1971 and 1972. Unfortunately, the difficult relationship between Khitruk and Zakhoder, the co-author of the cartoon, made their further cooperation impossible. Although it was originally planned to release series on all chapters of the book. Nothing can be done: wayward creative intelligentsia!

The image of Winnie the Pooh, created by the artist E. Nazarov and the animator F. Khitruk

And, of course, who in our country is not familiar with the voice of Yevgeny Leonov, who voiced the funny bear cub. Few people know, but the voice of the beloved artist had to be accelerated with the help of equipment by about a third, so that Pooh became more ridiculous.

Alexander Milne came up with his main character at the age of 44. Whatever feelings he may have for his hero, the fact remains: it is unlikely that Milne was known and remembered now, if it were not for the teddy bear with sawdust in his head. Every year in the world (January 18) Winnie the Pooh Day is celebrated, coinciding in date with the birthday of his "dad". Probably the best award for a writer and you can not think of.

Friends! Strictly speaking, (if, of course, in our case it is generally possible to speak strictly about anything), the immaculately exact date of Winnie the Pooh's birth is still not known to anyone.

I'll tell you guys more: she was unknown even to its creator, the wonderful English writer Alan Alexander Milne, who, as you know, created not only pretty boys, but also funny cubs. That is why the official birthday of Winnie the Pooh is considered to be October 14, 1926, when Alan Milne's book "Winnie the Pooh" was published in one respected London publishing house.

The famous humorist and playwright began to compose it after on August 21, 1921 he gave his son Christopher Robin a bear cub stuffed with sawdust for his birthday. One chapter appeared in the newspaper on Christmas Eve 1925, but was ignored by the holiday fuss. Two years later, the book "The House at the Pooh Edge" appeared.

The adventures of Winnie and Christopher Robin have become the favorite reading of many generations of children, they have been published in tens of millions of copies, translated into 25 languages, including Latin for some reason. Well, apparently, for the growing sons of ancient Roman emperors.

And the story of the Russian Winnie the Pooh is as follows. Once, in 1958, our wonderful writer and translator Boris Zakhoder looked through the English children's encyclopedia. “It was love at first sight: I saw an image of a cute bear cub, read a few poetic quotes - and rushed to look for a book,” the writer later said.

It was thanks to Boris Zakhoder's retelling of the book "Winnie the Pooh and Everything, Everything, Everything", and then the cartoons of the Soyuzmultfilm studio, where the bear was voiced by Evgeny Leonov, that Winnie the Pooh became a people's favorite and even a member of some families.

This is probably the essence of the Russian people. After all, we have always loved cheerful unprincipled scum. And how many jokes this cartoon gave rise to. Do you remember when Winnie the Pooh comes to Piglet and says: - Piglet, do you want honey?
- Of course, Vinnie, - replies Piglet.
- Well, then this is the plan: you climb a tree and stir up a bee's nest. The bees will fly after you, you jump into a deep puddle near the tree, and at that moment I will take the honey. Well, the bees will fly over the puddle - and fall behind. Meet me on that hill.
Well, it's said and done, Piglet climbed a tree, stirred up a nest there, evil bees followed him, he was in a puddle, and she became shallow. Well, the bees bit him so that Piglet turned into one solid blue pancake, blue, swollen ... He barely comes to the hill and sees: half-dead Winnie the Pooh lies there, his whole face is covered in honey, and pieces of honeycombs are scattered around him. Compassionate Piglet asks:
- Winnie, Winnie, are you feeling bad too?
- I feel bad? Give me tryndets!

On October 14, 1843, the premiere of A Midsummer Night's Dream based on Shakespeare's play took place in Potsdam. Perhaps there was nothing unusual in this - Shakespeare was very willingly staged before. Everywhere.

The only difference from other premieres is that the music for the performance was written by the 34-year-old composer Jacob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, whom his contemporaries simply called Viktor Drobysh. It was on this day that the “Wedding March” was first performed in the performance, which is familiar, perhaps, to all brides and grooms and, you know, terribly tired of all the hosts and - Tolik Streltsov will not let you lie - sound engineers.

On October 14, 1951, the German journalist Paul Reiter founded the world's first wire news agency in London. The idea was extremely simple: to establish the transmission of hot news and advertising in the mode of short telegraph messages.

Nowadays, as you know, this function is successfully performed by commercial SMS-mailing, when from an unfamiliar number you receive an invitation to an expensive club there or to a supermarket. And then you remember that yesterday, while drunk, while applying for a discount card of some Karusel, for some reason wrote your cell phone in the questionnaire. And then for days on end - really - you get messages on your mobile that they brought cheap seedlings, or, there, they give excellent German secateurs almost for free ... Well, why not take it?

The exact date of birth of the mega-popular hero of the children's book, bearing the world-famous name Winnie the Pooh, does not even know this funny teddy bear himself. The opinions of researchers, literary critics and lovers of entertaining family reading on this matter differ. Some consider the date of the publication of the first book by Milne, that is, October 14, 1926, to be the birthday of the hero. According to another version, the bear cub is four years older - on August 21, 1921, the famous writer and playwright Alan Milne gave his son Christopher Robin a funny teddy bear for his birthday, which immediately became a faithful friend and constant companion in the games for the boy. That is why the reading public of the whole world has the opportunity to celebrate the birthday of their favorite hero twice a year.

history of the holiday

Alan Milne began writing his book, published by a very respected London publishing house, almost immediately after he gave a teddy bear stuffed with sawdust to his son. The boy's fantasy was all right, and his dad loved to watch his games, recording and systematizing his observations along the way. One of the stories was printed in the newspaper just before Christmas in 1925 and somehow went unnoticed by readers and critics. The usual pre-holiday fuss has affected, when people, busy with their own affairs, are not inclined to follow the appearance of various literary novelties, which seems to be a completely natural phenomenon. The later printed complete book became an all-time bestseller and family favorite for generations of children and their parents. The same applies to other books by the author dedicated to the bear cub and his many friends.

The history of Russian Winnie the Pooh is interesting. This book is not just a translation. It is much more correct to call it a retelling of the topic. Boris Zakhoder, a well-known children's writer and translator, was looking through (this was in 1958) an English encyclopedia for children and came across an article about Milne's book with quotes and pictures. The writer liked what he saw so much that he literally rushed in search of a book.

Our young readers liked the translation of Milne's book. At the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" a cartoon was shot, which became a cult. Winnie the bear, his faithful friend Piglet and other heroes quickly became popular favorites in the Soviet Union, and this attitude certainly remained in the Russian Federation.

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