Conservative Cancer man and eccentric Aquarius woman - compatibility in marriage and love relationships. Compatibility at work: we are just colleagues

The relationship of such signs depends on the general sympathy and follies. If the spark does not run, then nothing sensible will come of it, since the first impression is always deceptive.

Cancer man Aquarius woman in love and marriage

Cancer and Aquarius similar, especially in amorous affairs. They fit each other like lovers, always keep the freshness and novelty of the relationship. There is a strong mutual attraction between them. In combination, everyone has the opportunity to show their character traits from the best side, without oppressing a loved one.

Cancer and Aquarius Compatibility married 95%. The question is, who will lead in such a tandem? Signs prefer order and consistency in many ways. They do not drive their partners into the framework and give them the opportunity to do what they love.

Compatibility Cancer and Aquarius in work and career

Cancer Aquarius Compatibility in business relations 70%. Everything can work out if the business is connected with communications, experiences or experiments. They call things by their proper names. The individuality of each of the colleagues will help overcome differences in views and tastes.

Aquarius woman Cancer man in friendship

They are comfortable together, not ashamed to do stupid things. On a subconscious level, they feel the kinship of souls. He is water, she is air, when these two elements disperse, a real tsunami is obtained. But the storm subsides quickly, after which the sun will illuminate the path of such people for a long time to come.

Aquarius-man Cancer-woman sign compatibility is not very favorable. These signs have many disagreements regarding issues of living together. Of course, if both partners look like bright representatives of their zodiac sign.

Compatibility of signs in love

For typical representatives of these signs, love can be very strong, and their romance will be stormy and eventful. But the marriage of Aquarius and Cancer will not be easy. The only condition that can save them may be an agreement to compromise on issues that are important to the partner.

Tiger Aquarius-man looks at life quite unusually, including family relationships, he loves freedom. He constantly has many ideas on how to improve this world, his interests may include scientific activities, but his material interests are in the background. Aquarius is simply not able to be an ordinary inhabitant, it is important for him to find the highest meaning in any of his actions, and the framework of ordinary life is simply unfamiliar to him.

The beginning of a relationship

When such a man meets a Cancer woman, he gets the feeling that this is his man, a kindred spirit. After all, they are united by the need to often switch moods; with close communication, the girl shows warmth and softness. He sees activity and versatility in her, she attracts him, and this is mutual, there is romance in the relationship, and intimately, everything is going well.

At first it seems that this novel will be stormy and exciting. But it is difficult to talk about duration, as well as how Cancer suits Aquarius in each case. There is a simple explanation for this. Over time, the inconsistency of the characters begins to drown out the initial admiration with which the relationship between Cancer and Aquarius began.


The Cancer woman is more of a housewife than a traveler. She sees her vacation at home, in front of the TV with her husband. Therefore, she will try her best to provoke her lover to spend time together for household issues, from a joint grocery shopping trip to a major overhaul. She will want to constantly see her beloved next to her. And she simply does not consider it necessary to give Aquarius any rights. Naturally, such behavior is completely uncharacteristic of the nature of Aquarius. Cancer needs a lot of warmth and care, and Aquarius is not able to give so many feelings.

Aquarius man, Cancer woman differently look at such a thing as a family hearth. The family hearth plays a major role in the life of Cancer, but for Aquarius it is an incomprehensible mystery, why put so much effort into it. Marital duties and love in Aquarius are far from being in the first place, therefore it is very strange for a woman why he treats this issue with such ease.

It is more difficult for which of the spouses this union is given, it is difficult to determine. But if both in a couple want to maintain a relationship, then it is very important to sit down and discuss all the differences together, to look for compromises.

Problems in marriage

The Cancer woman and the Aquarius man have an unusual, completely inexplicable connection. Their main common feature is that they are both strange from the point of view of other people. Aquarius and Cancer, whose friendship has grown into a serious relationship, will cause different reactions from others. What Aquarius, what Cancer dream of devotion, however, they understand this term in different ways. The wife will fetter her husband, accustomed to freedom. The wife will need explanations of elementary things, and the husband will not be able to provide them to her, since he himself does not know their meaning. Little things like being weird about tying your shoelaces in a different way, or rearranging things from their usual places, can lead to disagreements.

Despite the active attempts of the Cancer woman to accustom her husband to order, she will not succeed immediately, but nevertheless he will meet her halfway. And the problem is not that he does everything on purpose, it’s just that many things happen to him unconsciously, the Tiger Aquarius man is very absent-minded, because there are more important thoughts in his head than about where this or that thing should be. At the same time, the wife will think that he deliberately angers her so as not to meet halfway.

Aquarians tend to make fun of their loved ones, but Cancers can not always understand this humor. He will not tolerate restrictions and ultimatums, especially if they violate his plans. If the wife practices such pressure, she may face the stubbornness of her husband, but at the same time he is unlikely to guess that he can offend her with this. But their quarrels and scandals end very quickly, they are both quick-witted and can calmly do other things ten minutes after a strong quarrel, as if nothing had happened.

If the Cancer woman is silent, it is better for Aquarius not to disturb her in moments of thought. Naturally, he is by nature curious, and he wonders what kind of thoughts she has at this moment, but it is better to leave his wife alone.

The main thing is that the Aquarius man, the Cancer woman, being spouses, do not try to impose habits and ideas on each other. The secret of the relationship of these signs lies in the fact that a woman gives more freedom to her airy husband, and it is better for him not to try to unravel all her secrets, because in fact they do not exist.

Roles in relationships

In a relationship where there is an Aquarius man, the Cancer woman will act as a caring mother. After all, this sign always has a maternal instinct for men, for whom they experience high emotions. This is a very good role, because this is exactly what Aquarius needs to be guided on the right path. She is able to remember his meetings, collect food for him with her to work in time, in any case, her discipline and composure will remarkably complement her Aquarius husband. Due to his distraction and forgetfulness, the husband will rush about in search of some thing if he does not have the support of his wife.

What you need to remember the Cancer woman in a relationship with Aquarius

It is important that she remembers that love should be moderate, do not choke her beloved with her obsession. It is very difficult to accustom him to ordinary household activities, he rarely acts like everyone else. But a slow and systematic reminder of the rules can give positive results, and he will become more collected and constant. In addition, over time, she will learn to perceive his oddities normally. It should be borne in mind that they are both strange, therefore, looking at this couple from the outside, many may not understand them. Despite the fact that Aquarius is constantly attracted by her mysteriousness, it will be very difficult for him to adapt to her eternal mood swings.


Complete harmony and mutual understanding of marriage will arise if the Aquarius man, the Cancer woman combine their masculine and feminine principles, and also respect and do not begin to underestimate each other's capabilities. They will be able to enjoy love, which will become their strongest feeling. The tenderness of their relationship will inspire and give a sense of flight. And an intimate relationship will become something new and interesting. With full understanding, Aquarius will have all the keys to the mood of the companion, and he will be able to turn all the negativity in her thoughts into positive.

The ingenuity of Aquarius combined with the feelings of Cancer can create a unique atmosphere in their home. With mutual understanding and support, they will be able to become one, and none of the partners will be able to imagine their life without a soulmate. The quickness and zeal will serve this union well, strengthening their relationship, but also creating the necessary shake-ups so that both remember why they are together. Despite all the differences and disagreements, their union will be strong, the main thing is that both partners can find compromises and give in where necessary. If you make efforts to create a family idyll, then everything will definitely work out. But if nothing is done to harmonize relationships, then such a marriage will not last long. Thus, we can safely say that the marriage between the Aquarius man and the Cancer woman is built on each other's efforts, mutual understanding and support. And to save it, you will have to spend a lot of effort, but if love is real, then all these efforts do not matter.

The Aquarius woman and the Cancer man will not have to be bored in each other's company, because from the very beginning they may be very interested in each other. The advantageous difference of this pair is the ability to find compromises. Both the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man do not like conflicts and prefer to resolve everything peacefully. In addition, they both tend to listen to the partner's opinion, which makes the dialogue between them very fruitful. In most cases, they become a mutual complement to each other, and in various spheres of life.

2. Compatibility for good luck: Medium

They both strive to receive rich impressions from life, which makes them allies and like-minded people. However, they may have different approaches in how to achieve this diversity. It would be very useful for them to find a common hobby. Tension can arise if the Aquarius woman, who has a desire for an active social life, will pull the Cancer man out of the usual "shell". Differences also occasionally arise over financial matters.

3. Sexual Compatibility: Good

This couple feels great about each other in bed, because both of them like both experiments and the manifestation of emotions. To make their sex life even more harmonious, the Aquarius woman should remember that the Cancer man is more sensitive and absolutely cannot stand the competition.

4. Compatibility for wealth and family growth: Medium

For joint activities, they are not very suitable for each other, mainly because of the difference in approaches and pace of action. Fruitful cooperation between them is quite rare, it is much easier for them to work independently. The most profitable area of ​​activity where they are able to complement each other is projects related to art and creativity.

5. For children: Bad

They rarely have the same opinion about the upbringing of the younger generation, so it is difficult for children to adapt to the requirements of both parents. In addition, they often use their own offspring as confidants in their secrets, thinking that this makes family relationships more trusting. However, this is more likely to have a negative effect on the psyche of the child.

Cancer looks to the past and preserves traditions, Aquarius is all in the future and more than other signs is interested in reforms. Therefore, successful relationships between them are rare. But even if their romance does not last long, it leaves a big mark on the lives of both partners.

Aquarius-Cancer compatibility: how to seduce a Cancer man?

The Aquarius woman is sociable and keenly interested in people. Therefore, at the first stage of the relationship, she will conquer Cancer with attention to him and interest in his affairs. She will be serious about his reasoning, respect his experiences, pay tribute to the depth of his nature. All this is very pleasant to Cancer, and he will consider Aquarius as a possible life partner. But after rapprochement, he will try to command Aquarius and try to instill in her his views on life. This will be his big mistake. The Aquarius woman sympathizes with people with a variety of principles and lifestyles, but does not allow pressure on herself and does not adopt their attitude to life from others. So the best period in a relationship with a Cancer man can no doubt be considered the initial stage of a relationship. Another thing is if Aquarius is interested in a married Cancer man. He already has someone to educate. He is a conservative and patriarch in the family, and from the novel on the side he expects freedom and lightness. Here, the freedom-loving and unobtrusive Aquarius woman will be exactly the one who is perfect for him. There is a third version of this union, and it is he who has every chance of becoming a long and happy one. Both Cancer and Aquarius are not alien to the spiritual life, esoteric, philosophical view of the world. They may be adherents of any mystical or philosophical movement. Such a couple understands that their differences at the everyday level are the payment for the fact that on the spiritual plane they complement each other and help each other to see new facets of truth.

What does an ideal couple look like: Aquarius woman - Cancer man?

If you have met a happy couple of Cancer man and Aquarius woman, you can be sure that they are united by something more than habit, psychological compatibility or even feelings. Surely there is some idea that connects such dissimilar people. Perhaps this is a family of innovative teachers, psychologists, esotericists, vegetarians, and fishing enthusiasts. In a word, they can be interested in anything, as long as it is a sphere in which there is a deep, philosophical meaning. Without involvement in the Great Idea, the unions of Cancer and Aquarius are short-lived. The second option for a happy union is if Aquarius and Cancer do not live together. When Cancer has a family or lives with his parents (which happens even in adulthood), the man leaves all claims about the arrangement of life and family relations in his house, and relations with Aquarius attract him with freedom. And what does Aquarius get from such a union? Aquarius is attracted by the deep emotionality of Cancer, she understands that Cancer is somewhat wiser than her and therefore willingly communicates with him, while maintaining freedom from domestic duties.

What are the difficulties in the union of an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man?

Most of all, Cancer is offended by the reluctance of Aquarius to limit his world to home and family and replace his interests with the interests of the family (more precisely, Cancer himself). Cancer would like his companion to be interested in life, home, household, and Cancer was an indisputable authority for her. The jealous and cautious Cancer man is hard on Aquarius' many friends and open lifestyle. It is unpleasant for him that Aquarius is friendly with many, while he himself is open only with loved ones, who can be counted on the fingers. For its part, Aquarius is unpleasant to Cancer's attempts to put pressure on her and teach life. Cancer uses emotional blackmail, manipulates Aquarius. Since she is not a master of manipulation, and in general she is poorly versed in feelings, she will not compete with Cancer, but simply break off relations one day and leave.

If you are an Aquarius, and you have the courage to build a relationship with Cancer, try not to show him your independence, first of all - your independence of thinking. Please note that Cancer's intuition and receptivity helps him see some things deeper than you can. Appreciate this and in the Cancer society express your opinions less and listen more. Such behavior and Cancer will dispose to you, and will benefit you. Tell him less about your friends and strangers in general, talk more about himself. If you feel that Cancer is putting pressure on you, making scenes, being offended, being capricious, do not rush to break off relations with him. The reason for this behavior is that he is jealous and not confident in you. Find a way to show him that he remains the most important and beloved person, that you value the relationship with him and that he has no reason to be jealous. Do not succumb to provocations, do not give up your interests in order to calm Cancer: he does not accept half measures, he will want to subjugate you completely. You need to find a compromise, assuring Cancer of your love and at the same time maintaining your life values.

Aquarius woman and Cancer man compatibility at work

These signs are poorly compatible in work, because they have a different style of work, different interests, different approaches to business issues. They rarely cooperate successfully - as a rule, if each is responsible for his own area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Cancer man - colleagues or partners

The boss who created a working group from a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman will act unwisely. Each of them has wonderful advantages, but together they will slow each other down. The business partnership of these signs will also not last long.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss, and the Cancer man is the subordinate

It is difficult for the Aquarius boss to work with Cancer. She does not understand him and does not know what language to speak to him. For some time, the union will be based on her benevolence and attention to the needs of Cancer, but if it is not strengthened by business achievements, it will wither and stop.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Cancer man is the boss

This is a complex union. The Aquarius woman does not like control over herself, including at work, and Cancer meticulously controls everything. If he perceives her desire for freedom as a disrespect for himself, he will become very vindictive.

Aquarius woman and Cancer man compatibility in friendship

This is a good friendly couple when they have a common goal, common interests, and, of course, important ones that stand above household chores. For example, friendly couples of Aquarius and Cancers are known, working together in the field of pedagogy, in art and in the political field. True, their friendship still lacks the warmth and emotions that usually bind friends, their relationship is more like cooperation. If both Aquarius and Cancer live with ordinary cares and adhere to the traditional life path, there is nothing for them to do together. The Aquarius woman will quickly get tired of the isolation of Cancer, she does not understand why to be friends, if at the same time keep everything in herself. But Cancer needs a lot more time to start trusting. Therefore, friendships are often destroyed even before Cancer considers Aquarius his friend. Their "halves" need not be afraid of betrayal - the attraction of the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man to each other is not so strong as to push them towards each other.

This is a mysterious couple ... their meeting was accidental (as far as accidents are possible in our lives). But what prompted them to decide to be together?! Cancer, as a rule, ventures into a formal relationship only in two cases if:

  • the girl will declare that there are other contenders for her hand and heart. Cancer is a terrible owner; he won't survive if his fiancee marries someone else. Cancers are generally not able to part with anything that belongs to them. Even with old shoelaces.
  • The girl will begin to read classical lyrics to Cancer in the moonlight, play the piano, arrange candlelit dinners, dress elegantly, speak in a gentle, soft voice, and most importantly, she will admire his mother. (Here's how to conquer a Cancer man) I must say right away: a mother for Cancer is everything. He will look for a girl to match. And if she treats him with maternal tenderness and allows him to remain a little boy, then this would be the ultimate of his dreams.

But the Aquarius girl will never do any of the above. And more than that; she is not too eager for marriage (the range of her interests is much wider than standard marriage). She is not able to read poetry in the moonlight, and even for the purpose of seduction. In order for her to decide on an official relationship, it is necessary that the chosen one convince her of her exclusivity. He must achieve success in the intellectual field or the field of art. Well, at least in politics. Yes, she also likes this: accomplishments for the benefit of mankind and work in the public arena.

But love does wonders. In addition, there are several points in the horoscopes that will unite them. Cancer is horoscopically predetermined by a deep, almost mystical interest in people of the sign of Aquarius, since Aquarius for Cancers is the eighth zodiac house. They look just as fascinated at Pisces - Lions, at Scorpios - Aries, etc. For Aquarius, Cancers, for a number of reasons, seem very useful (for example, in everyday life). This is the first. The second thing that can unite them is strangeness. Cancer, of course, is far from the eccentricity of the Aquarius girl, but he, with his variability and lunar dependence, is sometimes very, very unusual!

And the last thing: Cancer is a big fan of everything refined and beautiful, so he will be smitten on the spot by the appearance of the Aquarius maiden: she is good with refined, mystical beauty (Women of Aquarius: Vera Brezhneva, Olga Kabo).

Their relationship can be quite strong and long-lasting. Perhaps, at first, Cancer will be embarrassed by some unromanticness of the chosen one: she generally sees little meaning in love passions, friendship is of great value to her. She will be annoyed by bouts of his black melancholy and panic. Cancer, despite its softness and gentle affection, will try to lead, play the first violin. Virgo Aquarius will begin to stubbornly resist his attempts to lead.

There are good reasons for this opposition: he is a cardinal sign, a leader by nature. She is a constant sign, meaning incredible perseverance and the most complete embodiment of the qualities of her element (the element of Aquarius is Air, predetermines love of freedom and rejection of any framework, restrictions). If the freedom-loving air is multiplied by the stubbornness of a permanent sign, then it is clear that Cancer will have serious problems in the struggle for the family scepter and power.

There will be no disagreement about money. Firstly, because Cancer is likely to take over the reins in the financial matter, leaving no chance for the eccentricities of his wife. And secondly, the Aquarius girl is not a spender, and, most importantly, she hates debts and life beyond her means. So Cancer worries in vain, he could well entrust the family wallet into the hands of his Aquarius. But he loves money so much, treats it so reverently that he is not able to entrust the management of bank accounts even to his beloved wife.

To assume that Cancer is mean is not worth it. He feels sorry for the money for a simple down jacket, but he considers the purchase of a mink coat to be a reasonable and proper waste: a high-quality, expensive, beautiful thing will last more than one year. He will not refuse his wife in beautiful diamond earrings (especially since this thing can be inherited by children), or dinner in a prestigious expensive restaurant (Crayfish are gourmets and aesthetes).

Despite the traditional and slightly conservative manners, Cancer in intimate relationships is free from conventions and prejudices. Their intimacy will be guided by imagination and a love of surprises (both hate routine, routine). Eventually, they will surprise each other; after a while, he will feel that she very sensitively captures his deepest moods and passionate desires. And not only! She understands how vulnerable and romantic his soul is under the cold and strong crab shell. And the Aquarius woman, who treats sex with some degree of irony, will suddenly feel the taste of earthly passion with her gentle, liberated Cancer.

Cancer is controlled by the Moon, so it can be incredibly difficult to understand and catch changes in his moods, it’s just right to write down in what lunar phase what he can throw out; Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, a big fan of throwing lightning for no reason at all. So sometimes thunderstorms can rage between them. But everything will be fine if she learns not to throw away her old sneakers, if she carefully dusts off his elementary school certificate and will be on good terms with her mother-in-law.

Cancer will have to love her strange friends, or at least come to terms with them. Do not be greedy, petty and unkind. Sometimes remind her of her address, the name of her beloved grandmother and what time of year it is (Aquarius's memory sometimes throws out such tricks!). And never, in any case, do not be jealous and do not limit her freedom!

Cancer Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility

Cancer man and Aquarius woman are waiting for a very interesting and exciting relationship, which, unfortunately, is often not as cloudless as it seems at first glance. The Cancer man cannot take responsibility for creating a family, although he has a desire for relationships and life in family comfort. The woman of Aquarius will be conquered by the tenderness of her partner, his romantic mood, sentimentality. In her eyes, the Cancer man will always remain a spoiled child who needs protection and maternal care.

At the beginning of a relationship with an Aquarius woman, the Cancer man, as always, will be touching, gentle and very shy, which will immediately win her heart. But after a while, the partner will suddenly begin to make demands that she never hoped to ever hear. He will become capricious, quick-tempered, irritated for any reason. Of particular concern to the Cancer man will be the desire of the Aquarius woman to change everything, to bring changes and innovations into their lives, which he is simply afraid of. His whims arise from the fear that the partner, in her desire for change, will affect his established stable world, and he cannot allow this in any way.

The Aquarius woman, wanting variety in relationships, will directly or indirectly provoke her partner to these attacks. She will enjoy this game of "cat and mouse", and she, step by step, will encroach on the personal space of the Cancer man, dictating to him what to do, leading all actions, actively guiding him along the path she has chosen. The Aquarius woman is an opponent of traditions and rules, and with such methods she wants to force her partner to act and think independently, change and develop her abilities. But the Cancer man does not perceive the antics of his partner for training, he considers them as a gross encroachment on his individuality, and will not slow down with reciprocal attacks against her.

A great scandal can flare up in a couple, moreover, a long-term one, with breaks for rest and especially acute, crisis situations. The Aquarius woman is not as romantic as it seemed to the Cancer man at first glance. She skillfully and willingly manipulates her partner, who most often turns out to be the injured party in these complex relationships, similar to a protracted detective story. The Cancer man experiences enormous psychological pressure on himself, it is difficult for him both on a moral and physical level, so battles often end in a partner’s illness, his nervous breakdowns and a state of passion.

Is there a way out in this situation? Of course have. Cancer man and Aquarius woman are always interested in metaphysical phenomena, esotericism, and psychology. They can unite on the basis of the study of these sciences, and even organize their own business - for example, a school of Spiritual development or personal growth trainings. Even then they will argue with each other, but in general, their disputes will be working and business-like, in essence, without becoming personal - and this will strengthen their relationship.

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