The end of the letter in Russian. How to end a business collaboration letter

How to finish a letter?

    See you! With a burning heart and a yearning soul!

    If this is a business letter, then the best ending for it would be Regards and the signature of the person who wrote this letter, or even the head of the organization. True, it sometimes happens that with this simple I don't want to finish the letter. Here you need to convince yourself that the letter is businesslike, and the personal attitude of the writer to the recipient should not affect business contacts or the success of negotiations.

    In personal letters - room for imagination. Here, declarations of love are appropriate and kisses (sometimes left in the form of charming prints of lovely female lips). In correspondence with friends, it would be useful to remind you that you need to remember each other and it would be time to meet.

    In a letter to parents, once again (it doesn’t matter that it’s already in the text) tell us how we love them. Because they remember, they say, the last phrase. Yes, and the first one too, which means that you can start a letter to your parents with words of love and gratitude. We need to tell this to our parents. It is important. For them. And for us too.

    If you plan to email make a commercial offer, make a newsletter about a product or service, then your letter should be written in a business style. In this case finish the letter also need to be tactful.

    It is advisable to pay attention after the main information in the letter that you are ready to help the person if he does not understand the essence of the proposal. To do this, it is best to add text at the end of the letter: If you have any questions - ready to answer them.

    Before signing, do not forget to thank the recipient for taking the time to read your letter and for the positive wishes. For example, if you send a letter in the morning or before lunch, you can end with the text: Thank you. Have a good day! If you send the letter on Friday afternoon as a final letter, then you can accompany it with the text: Thank you. Good weekend!

    And after that: Sincerely, full name, position, contacts.

    If you write a letter to a friend who, for example, lives in another city or even a country, then you can write I want to see you as soon as possible or Your friend, and then sign with your name. If we are talking about business correspondence, then you can end the letter with the words Sincerely, such and such or I hope for further cooperationquot ;.

    It is best to end with kind encouraging words with an emphasis on respect for the interlocutor. Usually people write something like Regards, Best wishes, With love, With gratitude. You can still like this With sincere kindness to you / you and let's say your / your friend and faithful comrade ...

    You can also highlight your respect for the time spent reading your letter, for example - Thank you for your attention .... quot ;, Thank you for the time spent on my letter .... and further continuation.

    The main thing is to show a person your kindness and respect for him.

    If this is a very close person to you, then simply write, good luck;, all the best;,

    And after parting, you can ask How are you weatherquot ;, then the person will answer you exactly and even write about the weather.

    Well, if these are your parents or your soulmate, then do not skimp on tender words about love and boredom for them.

    Of course - best wishes and waiting for an answer - in different variations. After all, even unfinished letters become the plot of a work of art, the subject of creative search, discussion ... In general, the letter must be completed in such a way that the addressee will answer sooner or later, that's what the letter is for.

    There are different types of letters.

    If you write to a friend, then you can end the text with these words - your friend and indicate your name, it’s good to write - see you or all the bestquot ;, you can just - good luck! quot ;.

    Business letters have their established rules, so try not to deviate from them. At work, we were forced to write at the end of the letter - with respect and then the position and full name of the official who signs. Over time, I got used to it and began to write like this in my correspondence, most likely the recipient likes it. You can write more old-fashioned - with reverencequot ;. Standard unsubscribe - I hope for continued cooperation or thanks for your attentionquot ;.

    Correspondence in English is a separate topic, the conservatism of the British is known to everyone, this also swings letters. So no need to experiment, but write standard phrases, the best option is Truly yours with respect!

In both business and friendly correspondence, it is important to know how to finish a letter in English. If you want to present yourself as an educated person, then you should not neglect the established rules of correspondence.

Please note: farewell in a letter written in English is put on a new line after the letter itself.

Business letter ending

When you use the following expressions, you mean "sincerely yours":

  • sincerely
  • Sincerely yours
  • Most sincerely
  • Yours faithfully
  • Yours truly

Gratitude (for the attention paid to reading the letter) can be expressed using the standard Thank you or Thank you for your consideration (thanks for considering this issue).

business letter example

A letter to a friend

It is difficult to draw a clear line between the formal and informal end of the letter, because people who are in a work correspondence can have friendly relations and put a “warmer” farewell at the end of the letter.

At the end of the letter, you can hint at the next conversation or meeting. The presence of the personal pronoun "I" already indicates a more personal form of address.
Here are some phrases with the expression to look forward (expect):

  • I am looking forward to meeting you
  • I am looking forward to hearing from you

Analogues of the Russian "with respect" will be the expression:

  • Regards
  • kind regards;
  • Best regards
  • Respectfully

And a more cordial expression of Cordially. The phrase "best wishes" can be displayed using Best wishes. The following are examples of goodbyes at the end of a letter that you can write to a loved one:

  • Cheers
  • Warmly
  • Always
  • Later
  • Till next time
  • take care
  • Write soon
  • kisses

Very personal expressions for saying goodbye to a loved one in a letter can be:

  • Affectionately yours
  • Yours forever
  • Passionately yours
  • your darling
  • Longing to see you

Tip: not everyone knows how to sign a letter in English correctly - leave a comma after parting, and then write your name on a new line, while you can indent a few lines.

Phrases for ending an informal letter

Letter examples

Look at examples of letter excerpts with different farewell options, pay attention to the style of writing and the corresponding farewell.

  • Please let me know if you have any comments on the video I sent you. During the next few weeks we will be adding new videos to the website. I would really like to know what you think of them.

    Sincerely yours,

    (Please let me know if you have any comments on the video I sent you. We will be adding more videos to the site over the next few weeks. I would love to know what you think of them.)

  • I was waiting for your reply since Monday but obviously you have a lot on your plate right now. Anyway, I`m going to visit you next week and we will have a chance to chat.

    (I've been waiting for your reply since Monday, but obviously you're very busy right now. Anyway, I'm going to visit you next week and we'll have a chance to chat.)

  • I will be grateful if you would send me the price-list on your new products. Please specify the terms of the delivery and the possible discount. Thank you in advance.

    Faithfully yours,

    Dylan Park.

    (I would be grateful if you could send me a price list for your new products. Please indicate the delivery time and possible discount. Thanks in advance.)

  • If you require any further information I will be happy to provide it. Do not hesitate to contact me and clarify any details.

    most sincerely,

    James Barton.

    (If you need more information, I'll be happy to provide it. Feel free to contact me for any details.)

  • Mike, I'm still waiting for the pictures you promised to send me last month. Oh, by the way, my sister says "Hi".

    (Mike, I'm still waiting for the photo you promised to send last month. Oh, by the way, my sister says hi.)

Words and expressions

It's time to improve your vocabulary. Read and memorize the following expressions:

  • To let know - inform;
  • To send - send;
  • To think of smth. - to think about something;
  • Obviously - obviously;
  • To have a lot on plate - have a lot of things to do;
  • To specify - indicate, determine;
  • Discount - discount;
  • In advance - in advance;
  • To require - require;
  • To provide - provide;
  • Delivery - delivery;
  • Possible - possible;
  • To clarify - clarify;
  • To hesitate - hesitate, be shy;
  • To promise - to promise.

Remember that it is up to you whether the end of the letter in English will simply serve as its actual completion or have additional meaning, so it is so important to choose the right words at the end to leave the reader with the impression you need.

By the way, in the last sentence, it will never be superfluous to thank the reader for their attention, and if this is a person close to you, then finish the letter with warm and friendly words, reminding him of how much you miss him and how glad you will be to receive an answer. Here are some more tips for writing letters:

Signing "respectfully" at the end of a letter is a standard courtesy formula. Is it always necessary to end the letter with this phrase? How to write it correctly in Russian and English? Let's look at examples.

From the article you will learn:

There are no random phrases in official correspondence. Stylistics requires conciseness and careful selection of words from the author. Closing phrases reinforce positive emotions, express confidence and appreciation at the same time. A clear signature helps maintain business conversation contributes to the achievement of the goal. Respect the interlocutor and compose the text so that it is pleasant to read. Politeness combined with professionalism speaks of the competence of a specialist.

How to end a business letter with respect for the addressee?

When writing a formal message, remember that you are speaking on behalf of the entire company. The secretary must be extremely correct, as he represents his leader. Compliance with the generally accepted rules of business correspondence creates a positive image of the company in the eyes of partners and customers.

Official correspondence always has specific goals. The purpose determines the structure of the text. In the general case, the text is divided into several semantic parts: introduction, problem statement, argumentation and conclusion. Each part performs specific tasks. The introduction, for example, prepares for the perception of the main ideas. Conclusion - expresses wishes and hopes, assures further partnership.

Advice from the Editor: There are generally accepted formulas for each of the tasks. By ending the letter politely, you show that you respect your partner, set him up for positive emotions and leave a good impression. Find out, in the electronic journal "Secretary's Handbook". To read the article, complete demo access for 3 days.

How do you spell "respectfully" at the end of a letter?

A single regulation of business correspondence and bringing it to common standards is typical for large companies. Design letterhead, the form of "autographs" at the end of the message becomes part of the corporate culture, an element of style. Whether it is a paper or electronic message, compliance with a single standard is an indicator of attention to detail and important subtleties.

There are several types of closing phrases in business correspondence. Their choice depends on how well you know the addressee. For example, the signature "with respect" in a formal letter is neutral. If you want to focus your partner's attention on something or once again remind him of the request, use restrained phrases:

  • Yours sincerely...
  • Sincerely...
  • Best wishes...

When choosing the final formula of politeness, try to do without familiarities. Remember that how well do you know the person to whom you are writing. If the acquaintance is formal, stick to the official style.

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors of the electronic journal " Secretary's Handbook».

Answered by Maria BELDOVA,
With. n. With. VNIIDAD, expert in the field of documentation management

What are we waiting for when sending a letter to a partner or client? So that our information, even negative, makes a favorable impression on the addressee and causes a response or decision. This can be achieved if you follow the rules of correspondence etiquette, properly format the letter and prepare a high quality text. Your text should be of moderate length; contain the necessary arguments and clear language and have a structure that best conveys the information.

Reception 1. Separate the main from the secondary

The text of a business letter should have a volume sufficient to ...

The full version of the answer is available after free

"Respectfully" at the end of the letter: with or without a comma

The final form of politeness is given at the end of the text. It is placed on the same vertical with the date, on the right side. The phrase is separated from the main text by two or three intervals. Slightly below are props "Signature", including the name of the position of the compiler, his personal signature and transcript. This arrangement complies with the standards of GOST 6.30-97, which defines the requirements for paperwork. If the message is issued on official letterhead or is of a private nature, the title of the position and the transcript of the signature are not put.

The question of how to write at the end of the letter "with respect": with or without a comma, does not have a clear answer. Both options are acceptable. The absence of a sign can be perceived as negligence and even illiteracy. On the other hand, according to the rules of punctuation, this comma should not be placed. From the point of view of Russian grammar, the sign is redundant. The words "with respect" are not an introductory turnover, and the signature is an appeal. This phrase implies that "This letter was written with respect to you by N.N.". As in it, in the abbreviated version, the comma is not put according to the rules.

Why is it so common in practice? AT rules of correspondence in English, German and other European languages, this sign is required. The phrase "with respect" at the end of the letter in English is separated not only graphically, but also punctuation. Over time, although it is grammatically erroneous, the rule became part of the norms of the Russian language.

Letter Conclusion: Sample "Regards"

How to write "respectfully" in a business letter in English?

Rules business communication in English in many ways similar to those adopted in Russia. At the end, the addressee is thanked for their time and expresses their intention to continue the correspondence. Common phrases are also used: "with respect", "with gratitude", "with best wishes". After a new line indicate the name and surname of the compiler, as well as his position. Let's look at an example: how to sign a letter in English "with respect ..."

Table 1. Final politeness formulas in English

Yours faithfully

Used if in circulation is the name of the recipient. The most common option.

Obsolete variant, found in British English. It is written in the absence of the name of the addressee in the appeal: Dear Sir or Dear madam

American equivalent for British yours faithfully.

A less formal option, acceptable for correspondence with a familiar person. Variations: Kind regards, Warm regards, Regards, Kindest regards

yours sincerely,

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

yours faithfully,

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

yours truly,

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

kind regards,

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

The ability to tactfully and correctly use standard cliché phrases is an indicator of the level of professionalism and knowledge of the language. In English writing, the phrase "respectfully" can be expressed in different ways. When composing a text for a foreign partner, consider all the factors and choose the most suitable translation.

How to sign a letter correctly: "with respect" and other politeness formulas

When compiling a message, the sender should be guided not only by generally accepted standards, but also by the rules of good manners. If you are writing to a stranger, and the appeal is strictly formal, use established expressions. The style of business speech strictly limits the choice of phrases.

If the matter concerns email or communication with well-known people, one can deviate from rigid canons, while remaining polite and correct. Let's look at a few examples of final phrases that are acceptable in less formal communication.

Table 2. Use of alternative final expressions

A business letter is a formal document, each part of which performs certain tasks. It is believed that the last sentence is always remembered better. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the final phrases.

Knowing when and how to correctly write "respectfully" at the end of a letter is one of the elements that emphasizes your professionalism. A competent secretary will always choose the right words or limit himself to a neutral expression of politeness. At the same time, he will not lower the prestige of the company and will convey the information to the recipient correctly and respectfully.

The origin of writing in Sumer, Egypt and China led to the development of a special system of thinking that helped to convey emotions and feelings. Today, almost everyone can write.

But not everyone can boast that they know 100% how to do it right.

We cannot imagine life without email. Carrier pigeons are a thing of the past, we only read about carriages and wagons in books, but the Internet helps us communicate. By the way, the first person to write an email was Ray Tomlinson. He worked as a programmer and in 1971 made a breakthrough in writing letters on the global Internet.

With the advent of writing, the rules for writing a letter arose. Of course, in many countries they differ from each other. But do not forget that when writing a letter in English, you need to know some features, otherwise you may be misunderstood.

  • personal letter may contain various phrases, each of which has its own meaning, for example:

Always- always (your, yours)
best wishes- with best wishes
your friend- your friend (your girlfriend)
Affectionately- with love
Yours always- always yours (your)
Much love- with love
see you soon- see you later
All my love- with all love
Eternally yours- always yours (your)
see ya(ya is short for you) - see you
Cheers- while (used in Britain)
Hugs and kisses or common XOXO

The history of the origin of HOHO began in the Middle Ages. When signing contracts, the sign X was a necessary phenomenon, which testified to the validity of the signing of the contract. Later in the UK, letters began to be signed with a “laughing” sign, which denoted hugs - hugs (indicated by the letter O) and kisses (as indicated by the letter X, reminiscent of two kissing people).

If you need to constantly communicate with foreigners using e-mails, we advise you to refer to the section where you will find a lot of interesting things.

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