Comprehensive analysis of the prose work Sparrow. Literary analysis

Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 5

on the topic "Poem in prose" Sparrow "by I.S. Turgenev." Introduction to Linguistic Text Analysis"


Acquaintance with the literary genre "poem in prose"; teaching students the elements of a linguistic analysis of a poem, the ability to determine the feelings and experiences of a lyrical hero.



Cultivate love for Russian classical literature;

To educate the moral qualities of a person: the ability to empathize, respectfully treat "our smaller brothers", kindness and love for nature.

2. Educational

Development of students' communicative competences, analytical skills and

and skills and creativity.

3. Educational

The formation of students' ideas about the features of poems in

prose, skills of analytical work with text.

Lesson type: communication of new knowledge

Planned educational results:


    The ability to determine the genre features of the work, to determine the image of the lyrical hero, to characterize the artistic world of the work and the writer.

    Formation of search and research skills, skills of working with a book, lexical work.

The ability to independently determine the tasks and problems of the lesson,

structure the material, give self-assessment of activities, express

(express) one's position, pick up arguments.


Education of a respectful attitude to the word, to Russian literature;

education on the example of a work of art of the moral qualities of a person.

Solved educational problems:

    Identification of the artistic idea of ​​the poem in the prose "Sparrow".

    Determining the role of figurative and expressive means in a poem.

Basic concepts studied in the lesson:

    Poem in prose

    artistic idea

    Figurative and expressive means of the language of a work of art

    The semantic center of the story

Methods of working with students:

    ICT (presentation - visualization of information)

    Expressive reading of a work of art

    Work with educational information (work in pairs)

    Research work with the text of the poem in prose "Sparrow" (work in groups)

    Linguistic work on the definition of the lexical meaning of the word "awe"

During the classes

    Stage. Entering the topic of the lesson, creating conditions for the conscious perception of new material

    Video sequence about the animal world, accompanied by Chopin's "Waltz in A Minor"

(slides 1-23)

    Interview with students:

Guys, how did you feel while watching the slides?

(Feeling of tenderness, kindness)

What unites the pictures in this video sequence?

(Care of the elders for the younger ones, tenderness, parental

protection and guardianship of their cubs)

Who were the last photos of the presentation devoted to?

(to sparrow)

Pay attention to the last slide. How did you see the sparrow?

(Miserable, disheveled, lonely; probably he

there is some danger)

Who do you think will be the “hero” of our lesson today?

(That's right, sparrow)(Slide number 23)

II .Stage. Learning new material. Analysis of the poem in prose "Sparrow"

I.S. Turgeneva

(Recording the topic of the lesson in a notebook)

1. Expressive reading by the teacher of a poem in prose "Sparrow".(Slide number 24)

What feelings did this piece evoke in you?

(Admiration for the deed of the old sparrow, pity

to sparrow)

I.S. Turgenev loved nature, subtly felt it, knew how to notice it

important and surprising moments. Created a wonderful cycle "Poems

in prose."

(Student's report on the work of I.S. Turgenev on poems in prose)

2. Work on the genre of the work.

Guys, and nothing surprises you in the title - "poem in prose"?

(Poem and prose)

Indeed, there is such a genre in literature. Open p.261

textbook. Write down the definition in your notebook:

A prose poem is a lyrical work in prose form.

(work in pairs)

Read the textbook article fill in the table:

(3-4 minutes are allotted for work)

What are the similarities and differences between poetry and prose?

(student answers)

Compare your entries with the entry in the table.(Slide number 25)

Poetic speech

prose speech

    Rhythm. Rhyme.

    Dividing the text into stanzas.

Dividing text into paragraphs.

Appeal to the feelings, experiences of the lyrical character.

    Personal experience or impression is expressed to a greater extent.

To a lesser extent, a personal experience or impression is expressed.

So, "Sparrow" is a poem in prose.

I.S. Turgenev addressed his readers:(slide number 26)

“My good reader, do not run through these poems in a row: you probably

it will become boring - the book will fall out of your hands. But read them piece by piece: today

one thing, another tomorrow - and one of them, perhaps, will drop something to you.

Somewhere in the soul."

    Analysis of the poem in prose "Sparrow".

Name the characters in the story.

(Dog Trezor, young sparrow, old

black-breasted sparrow, narrator)

    Research work with text (work in groups, students are divided into 3 groups, fill in the tables)

Exercise:Write down keywords that characterize each of these images:

Group 1 - dog

2 group - a young sparrow,

Group 3 - an old black-breasted sparrow.

(work takes 4-5 minutes)

Let's check the task. Choose in the group the one who will characterize the behavior of the characters, the rest write down the missing information in the notebook.

(slides No. 28,29,30)

    Means of expression used by the author to create images.

And now, guys, we will consider the language means of expression, with the help of which the author creates images of the heroes of this work. (Continuation of work in groups, filling in the table)

Discussion of the obtained results, check on the pivot table.(Slides #31-33)

Images of the work

means of expression

What is the purpose of using

young sparrow


With yellowness around the beak and fluff on the head

Estimated vocabulary:

Sat motionless, helpless splayed out barely sprouting wings

Word-forming suffixes:

Wing yshk and, det seek e

To attract the attention of the reader - we have a chick in front of us, he just came into the world.

Evaluative words enhance the reader's perception - defenselessness, helplessness of a small creature evoke a feeling of compassion, pity.

Suffixes -yshk- (smart-caress.) convey the attitude of the lyrical hero to the character. With the suffix -seek- the narrator shows that the chick is dear to the old sparrow just as his child is dear to man.

old sparrow


fell like a stone


disheveled, distorted,

with a desperate and pathetic squeak

A diminutive suffix :

Mal enk oh body


stone fell, jumped twice, rushed to save, blocked yourself;

Body fluttered little voice wild and hoarse, he froze he donated yourself


heroic bird

To enhance the figurativeness: the movements of the sparrow are decisive and desperate: he feels mortal danger, but a force stronger than death makes him, overcoming horror, rush towards the "monster"

Epithet heroic bird expresses the author's assessment of the act of the old sparrow




Ran ahead - slowed down - began to sneak - slowly approached - stopped - backed away - acknowledged force


toothy open mouth

embarrassed dog

The dog is cautious (after all, it is a hunting dog, and sparrows are prey for it), movements are slow. And suddenly - a sparrow that fell like a stone (effect of surprise), Trezor feels an extraordinary strength in this little creature, because the sparrow protects his offspring - and stopped, backed away.

3. The image of the narrator

And now, guys, let's look at the image of the narrator in the poem. Find words in the text that convey the feelings of the narrator.

(“I hurried to call the embarrassed dog -

And he left in awe ... I was in awe of that

little heroic bird, before the love

her impulse")

What does the word meanrevere?

Lexical work

revere, -eee,eat ; nesov .. in front of someone (high). Treat someone with respect.

awe, -I, cf. (high). Deepest respect.

(S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language)

What are the personality traits of the narrator in the poem?

(The narrator is endowed with high moral

qualities: respect for all living things, the ability

feel what is happening, kindness and


    The idea of ​​the poem in the prose "Sparrow"

Find in the text the sentences that contain the main idea, the idea of ​​the work, the sentence that issemantic center of the story.

(slide number 34)

Love, I thought, is stronger than death. Only by her

Only love keeps and moves life.

How many times is the word used in these sentences?love? And what is it opposed to?

(Word love is used twice, i.e. it's a repeat.

Contrasted with the worddeath)

What is repetition, why is it used in a literary text?

Repeat - double or repeated use of the same

speech elements, gives the text coherence, enhances it

emotional impact, emphasizes the most important thoughts.

What kind of love is the writer talking about?

(About love as the highest form of kindness,

bordering on self-sacrifice. About love,

which is stronger than death. Exactly this

the writer wanted to convey to us with his poem

in prose "Sparrow")

Have there been cases in your life similar to the one described by I.S. Turgenev? (Probably yes. Students share their stories)

III stage.

Guys, in life there are a lot of examples of boundless love in the animal world, caring for those who are in trouble. Now we will see a presentation about friendship in the animal world.


IV stage. Reflection.

    What is your impression of the lesson?

    What new did you learn?

    Continue the sentence: "Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a man who loves and deeply feels ..."

V stage. Homework.

    Drawings for the poem in prose "Sparrow"

    Continue acquaintance with poems in prose by I.S. Turgenev. Learn by heart and expressively tell the poem "Russian language".

Answer left Guest

Abstracts. DOS.
This work is the perception, understanding of a literary text by a student of the 9th grade of the national school. Particular emphasis is placed on the idea of ​​a poem in prose.
Article. DOS.
Analysis of the poem in prose "Sparrow" by I. S. Turgenev.
I recently read a poem in prose by I. S. Turgenev "Sparrow". This piece made me think about a lot. In "Sparrow" there are two main characters who play a very important role in revealing the meaning of the work. In my opinion, the first main character is the Trezor hunting dog. Trezor at first seems like a merciless, merciless dog. But it turned out that he very deeply feels maternal love. He is stunned that such a small bird is so bold and proud. And the second character is the mother of the chick, who was not afraid of this huge dog and rushed to help, risking her life for the sake of her chick. She immediately, without hesitation, rushed to protect her cub. This act shows that she loves her chick very much.
The author conveys this action very clearly and understandably, that there is nothing stronger on earth than maternal love.
We see that two feelings are fighting in the dog's soul: the first is the feeling of the hound that saw the prey, the second is the recognition of the power of maternal love. And Trezor leaves embarrassed.
The author in this work ascribes human qualities to the dog: Trezor stops, backs up, is embarrassed, recognizing the power of love.
The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe poem is that love is stronger than death and the fear of death, that only love, love, holds and moves our life. This feeling is inherent not only to people, but also to animals. By this, the author wanted to say that we must take care of each other, pity others and appreciate any life. It can be seen that the author is very fond of life, nature, animals. After all, animals are our neighbors on Earth.
This genre is good because the basic life principles, questions, problems are given and solved in an instructive, easy and accessible way. When you read a poem in prose, it seems that you need to solve some kind of riddle. And the reader wants to unravel it, understand what the author wanted to say and convey to us.
After reading the book, I understood a lot. For example, the fact that we are not alone on earth, that there are other living beings besides us, and that they also know what mother's love is. A mother's love is the strongest and most eternal love in the whole wide world.

A series of miniatures "Poems in Prose" is the result of the writer's life, its philosophical understanding, reflection of innermost thoughts and feelings.

Most of the works of the cycle are full of sadness, loneliness and reflections on the transience of life, characteristic of an elderly person. But miniature "Sparrow" written in an optimistic tone. It sounds a real hymn to life and love, before which any evil is powerless.

In a few words, Turgenev outlines a real life drama. Its main characters are animals. However, the reader clearly understands that we are talking about selfless love in general, and not only parental love.

Composition The work is traditional: unhurried plot, rapid development of action and denouement. The hunting dog Trezor is not the embodiment of evil at all. He personifies fate, rock more. The dog, obeying instincts, grabs the game. She doesn't care that it's just a yellow-mouthed chick. For the little sparrow, the dog is "huge monster". The bird trembles with terror, but cannot "sit on a high, safe branch" and rushes to rescue "your child".

The dedication of an adult sparrow makes the dog back away. Trezor is stunned by the little bird's heroism. He respects the power that made the sparrow sacrifice himself for the sake of the chick and, even with "pathetic squeak", step on the offender of his cub.

Confusion, excitement in the presentation, as well as intermittent phrases create an additional intensity of feelings, give dynamism to the action. Turgenev vividly and emotionally describes the state of the bird with the help of a series of adjectives ( disheveled, distorted, desperate, miserable, small) and verbs ( rushed, blocked, froze, sacrificed).

120 years have passed since the first publication of this touching and instructive story about the brave sparrow. But the work is still published as a separate book for young readers and makes adults think. Turgenev ended the poem aphoristically: “only love holds and moves life”. These words are relevant and true at all times.

  • "Fathers and Sons", a summary of the chapters of Turgenev's novel
  • "Fathers and Sons", analysis of the novel by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
  • "First Love", a summary of the chapters of Turgenev's story
  • "Bezhin meadow", analysis of the story by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
  • Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich, short biography

Text by the great master I.S. Turgenev "Sparrow" is included in the cycle of poems in prose, which were a kind of result of the life and creative path of the writer. They contain philosophical reflections on eternal values. This is a fusion of life wisdom and creative skill.
"Sparrow" ... Such a seemingly prosaic name, partly even "childish". But what depth is hidden behind this apparent simplicity.
The plot was based on just one moment from a huge stream of life. There is a figurative "picture" before the reader's gaze: a sparrow, saving its own child, falls like a stone in front of the approaching hunter's dog.
A short narrative is interspersed with descriptions. And what is curious, and not accidental, is that only two of the four “characters” are depicted in detail: a young sparrow “with yellowness around the beak and fluff on the head”, which helplessly spread out its barely sprouted wings, and “all tousled, distorted” old black-breasted sparrow. In the finale, a philosophical conclusion sounds, which contains the idea of ​​​​the work: “Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold on and glimmer.” The poem in prose impresses with its compositional clarity and harmony.
The narration is conducted in the first person, which gives the work a special lyricism, thanks to which the reader has a feeling of a kind of involvement in what is happening. The text is expressive. This is achieved by the wide use of default figures (sentences 7, 9, 11), which increase the emotional tension of the text, convey the excitement of the narrator, who does not hide his feelings: “I was in awe of that little heroic bird, before its love impulse.” Exclamatory and incentive sentences have the same function. The text is saturated with metaphorical epithets that reveal the author's assessment of what is happening ("embarrassed dog", "heroic bird"), evaluative vocabulary ("monster", "awe").
The poetic miniature appears before us as a detailed personification. The extreme richness of figurative and expressive means, rhythm, lyricism brought the prose of I.S. Turgenev to poetry. The image of a sparrow has become for me a symbol of self-sacrifice in the name of love.
A poem in prose by I.S. Turgenev leaves a very strong impression. The amazing fusion of prose and poetry, merged into an organic whole, is striking.

We invite you to get acquainted with one interesting work of Ivan Sergeevich, to analyze it. "Sparrow" Turgenev - that's what the text will be discussed. Its genre is not quite usual - a poem in prose. This should be kept in mind when conducting the analysis. Turgenev's "Sparrow" is one of the miniatures in prose created by the author. To begin with, let us note what are the features of these works.

Features of miniatures in Turgenev's prose

Ivan Sergeevich has always been a lyricist at heart, as an analysis of Turgenev's prose shows. "Sparrow" is far from the only proof of this. All miniatures in prose created by the author, one of which is the poem we are interested in, are unusually lyrical. In addition, in these works it is presented above) reflects the deep life philosophy of the author. They teach us to be kinder.

Love is one of the main themes of the miniatures. However, it is not intimate, sensual, but represents an all-conquering force, is the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of happiness and the life of a loved one. As it shows - a work in which a very touching example of love in this sense is presented.

The plot of the poem

The plot of the story is quite simple. Let's briefly outline it, conducting the analysis. "Sparrow" Turgenev begins as follows. Returning from hunting, the main character walks along the alley. Here he sees a chick that has fallen out of the nest.

This chick is still quite weakly fledged. The protagonist's dog smells game. She wants to pounce on the chick. It seems that Turgenev (Sparrow) is preparing a tragic ending for us. wouldn't be so interesting if that were the case. The author uses an unexpected plot move - suddenly an adult sparrow breaks off a branch. He selflessly undertakes to protect his child.

In this work, the author very touchingly and accurately describes the state of a bird that is ready to sacrifice itself in order to save a loved one. The ruffled sparrow decides to attack the big dog, the food is pitiful and desperate. To the protagonist's surprise, his dog backs away in embarrassment.

How the sparrow managed to defeat the dog

Of course, the little bird can't do anything to the big dog. However, the point, apparently, is in her moral, and not physical strength. The dog felt how sacrificial and great the feeling of the bird is. The dog understood that she decided to fight to the very end, protecting the little bird. And the protagonist of the work recalls the dog and leaves with it in high spirits. He was once again convinced that love is an all-conquering force.

The characters of the poem

Let us continue the analysis of the poem "Sparrow" by Turgenev with a characterization of the characters. It features 4 characters: a dog, a human, an adult and a little sparrow. Their introduction into the text is not accidental, each of the images has its own value.


What do we know about a person? This is a hunter who, in fact, is able to kill birds and animals for food. However, he is in awe as he watches the sparrow protect its child. The man is not at all upset that the dog showed weakness and did not fight the bird. On the contrary, he admires the fact that the power of love has won.


As for the dog, in the work it is not just a great threat, but a real personification of fate, fate. Obeying instincts, the dog grabs the game. He doesn't care at all that it's just a little yellow-mouthed chick. A dog for a sparrow is a "huge monster." It seemed that he could not be defeated. However, as we see, the power of love is so great that it can even change fate. This is expressed in the fact that the embarrassed dog moves away from the small bold bird.

little sparrow

The fledgling sparrow from the work is the personification of a helpless creature in need of care. He can't face the threat, fight the dog, so he just sits still.

adult sparrow

An adult sparrow represents the power of sacrificial all-conquering love. The bird sees how great the threat is, but she still decides to throw a "stone" in front of the dog and thereby protect her child.

in the work

Excitement, inconsistency in presentation, intermittent phrases - all this gives dynamism to what is happening, creates an intensity of feelings. Turgenev emotionally and vividly describes the state of the bird. To do this, he uses a whole series of adjectives (desperate, distorted, disheveled, small, miserable), as well as verbs (shielded, rushed, sacrificed, froze). A small scene, so emotionally and lyrically described by the author, shows the great power of love, which is understandable to everyone and drives all living things. It is stronger than the fear of death.

The relevance of the poem

It was created back in 1878. More than a century has passed since its first publication. However, this work is still published as a separate book for young readers. "Sparrow" and in our days are asked to conduct schoolchildren. It makes not only children think, but also adults. The work ends aphoristically: Turgenev notes that life is kept and moved only by love. These words are true and relevant at all times.

Concluding the analysis of the poem "Sparrow" by Turgenev, we note that Ivan Sergeevich is a great master of the word. He knows how to hook the strings of the human soul, is able to awaken the best aspirations in people. After reading this work, there is a desire to give true love and do good. And the analysis of the poem in Turgenev's prose "Sparrow" makes it possible to identify its main features that can be missed with a cursory acquaintance with the text.

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