Kokorekina Olga. TV presenter Kokorekina

“I understood that it was no longer possible to live the way we live. Several times I started a conversation with Vadim that we should leave. And he convinced: "You should not make hasty decisions, in every family there are difficulties, difficult periods, temporary problems." But I felt that our marriage was doomed, our family, unfortunately, did not work out, ”says Olga Kokorekina, news presenter on Channel Five and Mayak radio.

- Olya, a little more than two years ago, the correspondents of "7 Days" walked at your wedding.

Photo: Elena Sukhova

It was an amazing unforgettable holiday, you and Vadim literally glowed with happiness. You then had another reason for great joy - you were expecting a baby. And now you and Dashenka are taking us together. Vadim is not around...

Yes, difficult changes took place in my family a year ago - last summer, or rather on July 11, Vadim and I decided not to live together anymore. And although we are still not officially divorced, but this is just a formality. It's just that neither I nor he has time to draw up divorce papers ... And the wedding, the expectation of Dasha and all the good things that we had - now it seems that this happened a very, very long time ago, in some other life.

In that life, we walked towards each other with leaps and bounds, were in love, blinded, confident that an ocean of happiness awaits us ahead. A rather naive point of view, given the modest experience of our acquaintance. But it was like that… When we met, we - two adults - behaved like Romeo and Juliet. (Smiles.) Shortly after the beginning of the novel, the two of us went to Vienna for Christmas, and a month later I found out that I was pregnant. Two weeks later, Vadim proposed to me. We immediately began to prepare for the wedding, we were expecting a child ... And yet I remember, once I experienced a prickle of doubt. We were in Dubai celebrating my birthday. We are lying on the beach, and suddenly a pink veil fell from my eyes for a moment, I looked at Vadim and thought: “Here is the person with whom I am going to connect my life, almost without knowing him.”

Later she started a conversation: “Listen, are we in too much of a hurry to formalize our relationship?” Vadim then said: “What will change if we wait a year or two? Do you think we'll love each other more?" - “I don’t know, but somehow everything is very fast.” Vadim insisted, assured that everything would be fine. And who wants to think about the bad when a fairy tale blooms around? And then, he talked so much about his love, constantly made pleasant surprises, showered him with gifts, gave huge bouquets almost every day ... Well, of course, the most important event prompted us to take this step - my pregnancy. Although then I did not aspire to get married at all - and in general at that time I had not yet been divorced. (Olga lived with her first husband, TV journalist Ilya Kopelevich, for nine and a half years.

Note. ed.). I thought that Vadim and I would have an open relationship of mature people - I was 35 years old then, and he was 41. But everything turned out differently. Because Dasha said: "Wait a minute, I'm ready to be born!" (Laughs.) You know, I believe that it is the children who choose their parents and decide when they will make us happy with their birth. For seven years I wanted a child, but nothing worked. I know exactly the day and hour when a new life settled inside me. In those moments, I had a feeling of such a grandiose emotional fullness - some kind of cosmos opened up inside. It even crossed my mind that, probably, at such moments children are conceived. My intuition did not deceive me. When I was expecting a baby, I had a positive attitude and reinforced concrete confidence that I would give birth easily, quickly, the baby would be strong and healthy.

— Olga, tell us how you met Ivan?

- It's a mystical story. We almost met through our mutual friends, but ended up meeting quite by accident. The godmother of my eldest daughter, Dasha, Maria Butyrskaya, with her husband and children, flew to Majorca in June to rest, and a week later my daughter and I went there. On the day of our arrival, Masha wrote to me that she had reserved a table for the evening in a stunned Italian restaurant and was inviting a company of wonderful guys, athletes, in addition to us. She named several names, among which was "Vanya Maximov". But there was an overlay, and I didn’t manage to go to dinner with Butyrskaya. The next day, she complained: “Only my husband and kids were sitting at the huge table, because none of our guests showed up!” It turns out that something happened to the athletes that evening, and they refused at the last moment.

Two months later, already in Moscow, I went to visit another friend. We had a wonderful evening, shared all sorts of women's stories, and suddenly she said: “How you want in karaoke!” And I don’t really like this entertainment, to put it mildly. I tried to dissuade her, but then a neighbor from above looked into the light and, hearing the word “karaoke”, was terribly inspired. This hurricane woman literally grabbed us by the scruff of the neck and exclaimed: “Girls, I will take you to a great place!” I gave up and off we went. And half an hour later Vanya came there, sat down with us. He and I immediately liked each other, he asked me for a phone number, but did not call either the next day, or a day later, or two. I was surprised: it was clear that he was interested in me. Vanya later explained: “I felt that the story could have a serious continuation, and therefore I was afraid to start it.” A few days later, Vanya still dialed my number and invited me to drink tea.

- When Ivan decided to start a relationship, was it a decisive attack?

- On the first date, he was mostly silent, and I even thought that Ivan invited me out of courtesy. We were both shy, I was also kind of bad. After all, when something really touches you, you often behave stupidly and inappropriately.

About six months after that date, already when we met, Vanya bought tickets for Juno and Avos. I love this show, but I've only seen it on TV before. “Juno and Avos” touches even a balanced person, and it will turn the soul of a lover. Before intermission, I had goosebumps the size of an elephant, and after that I roared incessantly. Then I realized that I don’t want any more compromises, arguments of common sense, I don’t want to always say to myself: “You are no longer a girl, don’t make sudden movements yourself and don’t demand them from him.” And after the performance, she said to Vanya: “If you are not ready to transfer our relations to other tracks, then it is better for us to leave. Now I have the strength for this, and then they may not be. And Vanya answered: "No."

My daughter, work and the hope that in a month, two or three, Vanya would begin to cover memories and he would call me, prevented me from completely immersing myself in despair. Three days have passed. And on the fourth, Ivan and I saw each other - one person set up a meeting for us. And Vanya said: "I want to be with you, but give me time to talk with my wife." He flew to Siberia for an away series of games, and when he returned home, he immediately explained to his wife and came to live with me. It was February 14, 2013. Of course, Vanya did not remember about Valentine's Day - it just happened. I put myself in the place of his ex-wife and ... I would not want to experience this. I became a lover, and it really tormented me.

- Vanya said: "I want to be with you, but give me time to talk with my wife." And flew to Siberia for the games. And when he returned, he immediately explained to his wife and came to live with me / Arsen Memetov

- Maybe instead of these ruined relationships, she will have new ones that will bring her more joy? If Ivan started dating you, they were unlikely to be happy ...

- Yes, you don’t need to justify and console me, I myself know all this folk wisdom: “what to be, it cannot be avoided”, “where it is thin, it breaks there”. That alone doesn't take away my guilt! But I hope that in her life there will be a new meeting, that everything will work out for her.

- Does Ivan have children from his first marriage?

- Two sons. Alyosha is 22 and Dana is 15. Leshka graduated from the Higher School of Economics and works in an audit company. He's doing great there, we're all proud of him. And Danya continues Vanino's work - he seriously plays bandy. I myself don’t understand this game, I only understand that if ours scored a goal, it’s good, but if the opponents, it’s sad. But Vanya says that Danka has excellent hands and head and he reads the game well. What his words mean in practice, I do not know, but I quote verbatim. But his mother and father do not allow him to abandon his studies either - he graduated last year without a single triple.

- Do you communicate with them?

- Yes, with Lyosha more often, because he is more mobile: he can call in late at night, stay overnight. We first met him, and then Danya. Alyosha, despite his young age, was wise enough and well brought up not to show his displeasure. In the first meetings, he behaved with restraint and diplomacy. And now we have a friendly relationship. We first met Danya when Vanya gave him a ride after training - we drove together for half an hour in the car. After a while, my husband brought him to visit us. And this summer, together with Danya, we had a great trip to Croatia: Vanya had preliminary training camps there, for which families could be taken. The intense love between father and son helped them overcome resentment.

- Did Ivan's parents behave as diplomatically as the children? And how did your family take it?

- With Vanya's mom and dad, we got along so quickly that it's even surprising. On February 16, a day after we began to live together, Vanya picked me up at work, and immediately after filming the program, we flew to St. Petersburg to his parents. We got there at nine o'clock in the evening, sat, then slept for three hours and at 06:45 we went back to Moscow on the Sapsan, because I had air on Mayak radio. In the evening we went to visit my brother. It was his daughter's birthday, so there Vanya immediately met both his brother and my parents. They accepted him immediately and unconditionally, and now, if Ivan and I have disagreements, mom and dad often take his side.

Vanya's parents understood us: they had an amazing story that echoed ours. Adelaida Georgievna met Ivan Antonovich when both had families and children. They secretly met, but one day Adelaida Georgievna decided to end her life in a lie: she left her husband and left Chita, first to her relatives in Uzbekistan, and from there to Krasnoyarsk. Ivan Antonovich was on a business trip in Italy and did not know anything about her decision. He searched for her for a long time, and when he found her, he also divorced and moved to Krasnoyarsk. They started from scratch, at first they huddled in a barracks. But there are love boats that no life will break. They worked at the same institute and went there every day, holding hands, were always together and did not bother each other. Ivan Antonovich passed away in August last year - I had no idea how Adelaida Georgievna could stand it. She sees his features in our daughter Nastya, says that she has the soul of Ivan Antonovich. We sometimes talk about him, she grieves for him very much.

- How did Ivan win the heart of your daughter Dasha?

“Oh, my daughter’s heart turned out to be an impregnable fortress. When Vanya had not yet moved to us, but only came, he somehow asked the child a question: “Dasha, if I live with you, how will you react to this? I love your mother." She replied: “No, Vanya, you don’t need to do this - I’m not used to living with you.” Like any girl, she has a whole arsenal of tricks with which ladies demonstrate to a man that his presence is undesirable. Vanya studied them all! He could say something nice, and she would make an unfriendly grimace in response or shrug her shoulders and walk away. Sometimes she changed her anger to mercy, we rejoiced, but soon Vanya received a new “fi” from her. We couldn't wait for her to accept it. And once, when the three of us were having lunch, Dasha suddenly asked: “Mommy, hug Vanya.” I hugged. She commands: "Strong!" I hug tighter, Ivan beams with happiness. But Dasha is not enough: “Strong, mommy, even stronger! Let Vanya suffocate.

- We were all waiting for Dasha to accept Vanya. One day she suddenly asked: "Mommy, hug Vanya." I hugged. She says: "Better!" Ivan is beaming with happiness. And the daughter: “Strong! Let him suffocate” / Arsen Memetov

“Ready Lady Winter!”

- Yes, for five years, just sophisticated deceit! We went for a consultation with a psychologist, my friend Alexander Tesler. Vanya told him the sad story of his difficult relationship with Dasha, complained that the child attacks him when there is not even the slightest reason. And Sasha advised: “And you just tell her: “Dasha, why are you attacking me? I'm your protector." Vanya did just that, and the word “protector” turned out to be magical - one phrase turned the whole system of relationships upside down! Apparently, Vanya's daughter at that moment was combined with the image of an adult man whom she would like to see next to her.

- Did Tesler help you after the divorce from Vadim Bykov, Dasha's dad?

- Not. By the way, then I also turned to a psychologist, but to a different one. Sergey Agarkov came to us at Mayak for a program about men and women, and after the broadcast I approached him. I say: “You know, Sergey Tikhonovich, I need professional help: my daughter is only ten months old, and my husband and I divorced ...” And how much this golden man worked with me! For a month and a half, I went to see him almost daily, sat for two or three hours, and also called at any time of the day or night. And when I asked about his salary, he replied: “Olya, I work with you because you really need help, and not because I want to earn money from you. I understand the situation you are in. It is unlikely that someone left $ 1 million in your bedside table, so calm down. And he didn't take a penny from me, although he was a man with a name - for sure his work was not cheap. I am so grateful to him! Every time I met him, I felt better.

However, Sergey soon left for America, and I felt that despair was again covering my head. A friend said that she knows a great psychologist. I came to her and, out of habit, established in the course of communication with Agarkov, I sat for about three hours, and at the end of the meeting she said that I owed her 12 thousand rubles! But I didn’t even know that when they say that an appointment costs four thousand rubles, they mean strictly one hour. And there was no relief after talking with her. But the meeting acted as shock therapy. Out of the fog of my experiences, I abruptly returned to the ground, thinking: “Aha, great! Let's blame everything on psychologists, we will cry bitterly for our money. What to live on?"

Probably, professional help really helped me get on the right wave, because life suddenly began to throw gifts. So many new wonderful people appeared around, and each of them helped in some way. And the first husband, Ilya Kopelevich, lent his shoulder like a true friend. I was invited to shoot Cruel Intentions in Argentina, and this project shook me up. And after that they offered a job in St. Petersburg on Channel Five. So slowly and pulled the turnip out of depression.

- When Dasha turned one year old, Vadim paid for a birthday celebration in a restaurant, but he didn’t come there himself ...

And it has become a joke tradition! We communicate normally, a month before each daughter's birthday, he swears that this time he will come and congratulate me on time, but on the eve of September 5, he calls me, and I understand by his voice that he will again take time off from lessons. This year I quipped: “Of course, when you have six children from five mothers, you don’t run into all the birthdays. But at least once can you congratulate Dasha on her birthday, and not two months later?

- Six?! When you married him, Dasha was the fifth!

- Yes, Bykov directly justifies his name - he is very productive. But in fact, it doesn’t really matter to me whether he comes to Dusya on September 5 or not, whether he gives gifts. For me, the main thing is that my daughter does not suffer, but she does not suffer. Here a lot depends on the mother's mood, but I'm not going to reopen this wound. Now Dusya periodically calls dad Vadim, and Vanya dad, sometimes she conducts a comparative analysis of fathers, and dad Vanya always wins here. Recently I started a conversation with Vadim: “And dad Vanya is stronger than you. If you fight, he will beat you." Bykov tried to laugh it off - they say, until you fight, you won’t know. Dasha replied: "Your big belly will prevent you from fighting."

- Yes, this child does not let anyone down. And the younger sister does not offend?

- Unless she is offended - if Nastya screams loudly, and she watches cartoons. And so they get along well. Most of all they like to play together in the bath. Previously, we washed them separately, which was completely inefficient, but now we “wash” them in the same water – we save time and water.

- Most of all, Dasha and Nastya like to play together in the bath. We used to wash them separately, but now we “wash” them in the same water - we save time and water / Arsen Memetov

Is it easier for you with your younger daughter than with your older one?

- Still would! I gave birth to my eldest daughter, frankly, not early - at the age of 35, two years before her appearance, I was terribly worried that I could not get pregnant. And when Dasha was finally born, I developed an excellent student complex. If a sock fell on the floor during ironing, it went to the wash again, because it seemed that all the microbes of the world immediately attacked the sock and Dusya would certainly get sick if she put it on her leg. God forbid it was to deviate from the regimen for 10 minutes, not to complete the morning exercises. At every step, mines seemed to me, and for any reason I fought in hysterics.

With the youngest, I look at things calmer and healthier. With Dasha, I had postpartum depression, and this time it was only a faint semblance of it, everything settled down in two weeks. When Vanya went on a business trip a week after the birth of Nastya, I, of course, cried and was very bored, but gradually I returned to normal. I even liked the temporary loneliness. Nastya was born on December 3, by the middle of the month the approach of the New Year was already felt, old Hollywood films were on TV. I was lying on the bed, watching Pretty Woman, breastfeeding my beauty and thinking: “God, what happiness ...”

- When did you realize that you were expecting a baby?

— It was in the museum of mammoths. Then Dasha really liked dinosaurs, pterodactyls and other prehistoric gang-brothers, and when an exhibition of mammoths was opened at VDNKh, we went there. And I was so sick at the sight of these tusks and skeletons that a suspicion crept in, which, after visiting the pharmacy, was confirmed. She showed Vanya two stripes, he smiled: “I knew that. When you complained at the museum, I immediately thought that this was it!” On May 20, I was informed that there would be a girl. 20 is a special number in our life, because Vanya has the 20th number, we met on August 20. And now the 20th ultrasound showed the sex of the child. I call Vanya: “I don’t know if this will make you happy or upset, but there will be a girl.” He said: "Nothing, I'll make a hockey player out of her." I replied: "Only over my dead body." Vanya liked the name Sofya, but from childhood I dreamed of naming my daughter Nastya. But it was impossible to realize the dream in 2008: Vadim had a daughter, Anastasia.

- On May 20, an ultrasound showed the sex of the child. I call Vanya: “I don’t know if this will make you happy or upset, but there will be a girl.” He replied: “Nothing, I will make a hockey player out of her” / Arsen Memetov

- Did you give birth to Nastya with your husband?

- Yes. This event happened a little earlier than expected. We had a grandiose renovation in our new apartment, and, while buying new building materials, Vanya caught a cold and came home with a cough and runny nose in the evening. I suggested: "Let me buy you honey and cranberry juice." “But why are you going, so pot-bellied? I'm going myself." "No, don't go out into the cold." I bought a large jar of honey and two packs of juice. Usually you will not feel their weight, but when you are in the ninth month, everything is different. I walk and think: “Probably, I can activate Nastya by lifting weights, and she will be born in a few days.” We didn't have to wait a few days, it turned out to be a matter of a few hours. In the middle of the night I felt that it was somehow uncomfortable for me to sleep. It did not immediately dawn on me that this was the first timid fight.

I wake up Vanya, I think what to do with Dusya - well, why not take her to the hospital? Mom and brother live an hour and a half away from us. It's good that the day before the teacher promised to take Dasha to her for a while, while we give birth to Nastya. I called the teacher at four in the morning: “Diana Alexandrovna, excuse me, please, but I started giving birth. May I bring Dasha to you?” Dusya was brought in, and Vanya rushed to the hospital at a speed of 180 km / h, because the process was proceeding rapidly. When we got to the emergency room, I turned into a continuous clot of pain. I was given epidural anesthesia, but she didn’t even have time to act - Nastya was born earlier. Everyone talks about men who faint, but Vanya was full of optimism. The thought periodically visited me that I didn’t look very aesthetically pleasing, so I asked him: “Don’t look at me!” “What are you, you are so beautiful!”

- When Dasha was born, you went to work in five months, and with Nastya - in just a month and a half. Was it hard?

- I knew that I would start hosting “The Right to Vote” on TVC again a month and a half after giving birth, I tuned in to spend the very first weeks next to the child, and then I would alternate maternal joys with workdays. It’s good when they are separated by commas: the sooner you leave the decree, the easier it is to get back into working mode. I also filmed until the very birth. When the pregnancy became noticeable, it pleased the guests of our talk show, everyone asked: “Well, how? When on maternity leave? Oh, you’re going right up to the birth!” And when she came out, having already given birth, this became a new reason for joy and questions. All as one are interested in how Nastya is doing. Only one guest, a State Duma deputy, I will not name him, noticed that I gave birth four months later. He says: “Oh, and you gave birth!” “Yes, we have already met after that.” - "Wow! Who?" - "Girl, Nastya." On the set of the next program, he asks: “What was the name of the kid?” I answer: "The boy was named Nastenka." But I'm not complaining. You can't expect program guests to remember your child's gender and name.

- Did you and Ivan get married after the birth of Nastya?

- A month and a half before him. My tummy was big, and the wedding was modest. In the morning we signed at the registry office and went straight from there on repair matters. I was pleased that I was pregnant, with a beautiful haircut and make-up, in an elegant white and cream dress, shopping for building materials.

- The results of your labors are magnificent - and Nastya is beautiful, and the apartment!

- Thanks! We like them very much. We hoped to move here before the birth of Nastyukha, but the renovation took a long time, and we moved only in August. They themselves have not yet had time to get used to the fact that housing is so spacious and beautiful. Before that, people came here as if they were visiting a museum-apartment, admired and handed over money or materials to the workers. Repair, as is often the case with us, turned out to be a mixture of nightmare and anecdote. When the workers began to revet the bathroom, they laid large tiles well, you can’t find fault, but small tiles - 5 x 5 squares - could not be laid in even rows. Apparently, they hoped that it would come off, but when they missed the seams with grout, they realized that the curvature was striking. However, the guys found a way out: where it was especially crooked, they finished the edges of the tiles with a black ballpoint pen. We also waved to them, bought a new tile and hired a new crew.

The main problem was to find an honest foreman. We tried for a long time and finally believed our friends, who warned that there were no such things in nature. Then Vanya realized that he would not steal from himself, and became a foreman. After training, he rode around the construction markets, met with electricians, plumbers and parquet floorers. Of course, I made mistakes myself. For example, I ordered beautiful patterned screens for radiators - I thought I was ordering two. Then I decided to buy three more from another company. I don’t know what prevented me from looking at the contract and checking the number of screens ordered. And if I looked, I would see that I ordered not two screens, but five. Moreover, the Belarusian company, where we bought them, miscalculated and sent not five, but seven screens! It is a pity to throw them away, there is no one to give them to - they are made to a specific size. So for the time being they lie on the loggia - we console ourselves with the thought that they will come in handy, for example, when building a summer house. Or the throne in the living room - I chose it from the picture in the catalog and was sure that it was an armchair ... But, in my opinion, the room looks great even with the throne.

As soon as we moved here, depression hit me. In the old district, everything was at hand: a store that sold children's food, a bunch of grocery supermarkets, a gas station, a kindergarten - everything was concentrated on one patch. And here, on Khodynka, there is a single store across the street. The mass of residential buildings and very few kindergartens - I miraculously managed to arrange Dasha in a kindergarten. But now I'm starting to settle down.

If you don't like the area, why did you buy a house here? Ivan wanted?

- The apartment was bought in the pre-Ivanovo era, and the area was chosen for logistical reasons. I worked for two cities - in Moscow at the Mayak radio station and in St. Petersburg on Channel Five: two weeks there, two weeks here. Radio "Mayak" on the 5th street of Yamskoye Pole, not far from Khodynka, and I flew to St. Petersburg from Sheremetyevo - from here, too, right on the course. But as soon as I bought this apartment, I was invited to host "The Right to Vote" at TVC - and the need for regular trips to Sheremetyevo disappeared.

- You have been leading the news for so many years, and then you offered to be a talk show host. Were you afraid to move to another job?

“I was afraid that nothing would work out for me. In addition, everything worked out great for me on Channel Five, relatives and friends said: “Why do you need to go somewhere? Good is not sought from good." Only Vanya, whom we just met, was the only person who said: “Go, try, don’t be afraid! You will succeed!”

Olga Kokorekina

A family: husband - Ivan Maksimov, four-time world champion in bandy; daughters - Daria (6 years old, from marriage with Vadim Bykov) and Anastasia (11 months)

Education: graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University

Career: in 1993 she joined the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company - she worked as an editor, and then as a correspondent for the Vesti program. In 1997, she became the host of Vesti on the Culture channel. In 1998, she hosted daily newscasts on the Rossiya channel. Since 2000, she has hosted Novosti on Channel One. In 2009, she came to work at Mayak radio. In 2010, she began hosting the Now program on Channel Five. In 2012, she became the host of the talk show "Right to vote" on TVC

Kokorekina Olga Vladimirovna Basova, Kokorekina Olga Vladimirovna Savelieva
Olga Vladimirovna Kokorekina

Olga Vladimirovna Kokorekina(March 8, 1973, Moscow) - Russian TV journalist, TV and radio presenter. for various times she worked on RTR, Channel One and Channel Five, and now she works on the TV Center TV channel.

  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Personal life
  • 2 notes
  • 3 Links


Excerpt from the interview

“I am a mother and wife, having lived to the age of elegance, I suddenly realized that I couldn’t cook. And what's more - I'm an absolute layman in the kitchen. For half my life I was occupied only with the details of politics. And then a lucky chance turned up - Anya Semenovich was beckoned by the lights of a big movie. And she generously gave up her seat with the words: “There is an excellent teacher. Culinary guru - Mikhail Plotnikov. Go to him and you will be happy.” And I came to the light, or rather - to the kitchen. And he didn't refuse."

Olga Kokorekina: a new young lady for the Culinary

Olga Kokorekina was born on March 8, 1973 in Moscow into a family of chemists - Vladimir Anushavanovich Petrosyan (b. 1939) and Valeria Alekseevna Kokorekina (b. 1940).

From 1990 to 1997 she studied at the evening department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. She did an internship in the large-circulation newspaper of the confectionery factory "Red October". She worked as a museum curator in the museum-apartment of Nemirovich-Danchenko, then in the Goethe Center and a real estate company as an assistant secretary.

At the end of 1993, she began working at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company as an editor, and later as a correspondent for the morning Vesti. From November 1997 to September 2000, she hosted the Vesti information program on the RTR and Kultura TV channels - first daytime and then evening editions, paired with Oleg Alalykin. After the arrival of Oleg Dobrodeev on RTR, she did not again conduct daily broadcasts of the program for a short time.

In the fall of 2000, Olga moved to work on the ORT television channel, later renamed Channel One. From October 2, 2000 to September 2001, she worked in the morning editions of Novosti, alternately with Igor Gmyza and Anna Pavlova.

From September 2001 until the end of 2006, she was the host of the daily and evening editions of Novosti. In 2007-2008, she hosted Night News and - during the absence of Yulia Pankratova on the air - replaced her in daytime news blocks. In 2002-2007, she also often replaced her colleagues in the evening news program "Vremya". She took part in the entertainment TV projects “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” and Cruel Intentions, which aired on the same channel.

In 2008, due to the birth of a child, Olga suspended her work on Channel One. She made her debut as a radio presenter in 2009. At the Mayak radio station, Olga Kokorekina hosted joint shows with Vadim Tikhomirov and Alexander Karlov.

In 2010, she began working on Channel Five in St. Petersburg, the leading news program Now.

In the fall of 2012, she began hosting the Right to Vote program on the Third Channel, after it was closed in December of the same year, on the TV Center TV channel. Since April 2015, she has become a co-host of Mikhail Plotnikov on the Young Lady and the Culinary program on the same channel.

Personal life

  • The first husband is Ilya Kopelevich, a TV journalist who worked in offscreen positions on RTR, Channel One and Russia Today. They were married from December 1999 to April 2008.
  • In 2008 she got married again. The second husband is businessman Vadim Bykov. In August 2008, Olga Kokorekina and Vadim Bykov had a daughter, Daria. She divorced him.
  • The third husband, Ivan Maksimov, got married in 2013. Daughter Anastasia was born in December 2013. According to Olga herself:


  1. Olga Kokorekina. 7 days.
  2. Leading people of the country. Lenizdat (March 28, 2005).
  3. Olga Kokorekina: "I can perform a dead loop." Beauty and Health (June 1, 2008).
  4. Why does Olga Kokorekina live in two cities? The TV presenter told what sacrifices she had to make to work on Channel Five, why she loves her profession, and how her life has changed after the birth of her daughter. Arguments and Facts (July 2, 2010).
  5. MULTICHANNEL NEWS. Moskovsky Komsomolets (September 21, 2000).
  6. KOKOREKINA Olga Vladimirovna Labyrinth (April 12, 2016).
  7. Around the candidacy of the speaker of the lower house of parliament. Apple (January 11, 2000).
  8. Pay for the first or second... Mutual information assistance between ORT and RTR is getting closer. Newstime (October 11, 2000).
  9. Kokorekina does not yearn for Vesti. Channel One (October 14, 2000).
  10. The morning is wiser than the evening. MK-Boulevard (July 9, 2001).
  11. The first one changes orientation?. Nezavisimaya Gazeta (February 7, 2003).
  12. Host of the Vremya program Olga KOKOREKINA: "THE NEWS ARE NO LONGER SO RELEVANT." Novaya Gazeta (December 15, 2005).
  13. Olga Kokorekina: Having given birth to Dasha, I stopped being afraid of death. Antenna-Telesem.
  14. Olga Kokorekina is expecting a baby. Komsomolskaya Pravda (April 17, 2008).
  15. Olga Kokorekina. Around TV.
  16. Olga Kokorekina: "At the Fifth, I became freer." Interlocutor (October 26, 2010).
  17. Olga Kokorekina told why the work in the talk show "Right to vote" became a shock and horror for her
  18. Olga Kokorekina
  19. Olga Kokorekina: "I like to sleep until eleven!". Arguments and Facts (November 19, 2002).
  21. Tele-tele-dough. eg.ru (August 18, 2005).
  23. TV and radio presenter Olga Kokorekina is pregnant again
  24. Olga Kokorekina: “In the Mammoth Museum, we realized that we were expecting a baby”


  • Olga Kokorekina: “I combine mom and dad in myself”
  • Olga Kokorekina: It's like a bomb went off for me!

Kokorekina Olga Vladimirovna Basova, Kokorekina Olga Vladimirovna Lyubchenko, Kokorekina Olga Vladimirovna Savelieva, Kokorekina Olga Vladimirovna Ukrainian

Kokorekina, Olga Vladimirovna Information About

In the life of Channel One TV presenter Olga Kokorekina, there is a period of change - a month ago she married businessman Vadim Bykov, and in September she is expecting the birth of her first child.

“Only the Stars” met with the expectant mother and talked with her about married life, her ex-husband and the upcoming birth of her daughter - isn’t Olya afraid to give birth with her husband?

- Olga, you had a very unusual wedding. Who came up with the script?
- It's true, the wedding was still the same (laughs). Imagine, we went to meet the guests ... on an excavator, and Vadim was standing on the bandwagon, and I was sitting in the bucket. We came up with an idea together with Vadim, my husband himself got this wonderful technique - he ordered it, he made sure that it was delivered on time. All the guests liked it very much, and my friends even said that we got anti-glamour. I also think that the wedding was very memorable - you won’t surprise anyone with expensive cars and helicopters, but with an excavator ... By the way, it turned out to be very convenient to sit in a bucket, they even built a small sofa for me there (laughs).
How long have you been preparing for the celebration?
- We decided to get married rather hastily, so the wedding was organized quickly. Thank God, at that time I was already on maternity leave, so I myself was quite actively preparing for the event. Of course, the most pleasant moment is, perhaps, the choice of a wedding dress. I came across a magazine with an article about the most beautiful marriages of the past year. There were photos of Liz Hurley, Yulia Bordovsky and other famous girls. I made a few notes for myself about their outfits and started thinking about who would make my dress. And then my friend called and advised me to contact Chapurin, since we have been friends with him for a very long time. The next day I went to Igor's workshop and told him what kind of dress I was dreaming about. In particular, she said that I want an outfit of such a cut that there is no noticeable rounded belly. Of course, I understand that pregnancy is wonderful, but you don’t need to constantly emphasize it ... I took the dress from the workshop in a big jeep so that it would not wrinkle, and hung it at home in a separate room - away from the sharp claws of my beloved cat Asya.
- How did your ex-husband react to the news of the wedding?
To be honest, I didn't ask him about it. Ilya and I parted friends because we had a very good marriage and none of us is to blame that it ended. It happened the way it happened. Contrary to rumors, we broke up not because I met another man, just over the years, feelings began to cool.
- Did you have love at first sight with Vadim?
- No, and neither from his side, nor from mine. We just ended up in a common company at the same table. At first we just talked, were friends, and then our relationship began to acquire a romantic character, and I began to worry a little, because shortly before that I broke up with my first husband and was very afraid of getting burned and disappointed. Thanks to Vadim, he was very delicate, did not rush at all and treated me with great attention. Gradually, all my fears disappeared: we got married and are now very happy.
– How did you like your honeymoon in Monaco?
- I was there for the first time, and Vadim, probably the thousand and first (laughs). It is amazing how small and at the same time interesting this principality is a wonderful place, a real piece of paradise. My husband and I rented a car and drove around the neighborhood, and at every turn, new landscapes awaited us, which were imprinted in our memory for a long time. We just had a chic rest, led the lifestyle of real old-world landowners in retirement (laughs). The friends who kept us company on the trip constantly went to discos, nightclubs, and rode on a yacht. And we only once went to sea on this yacht, and I told Vadim that I didn’t want to anymore, because I was very sick.
You are now six months pregnant. How is the preparation for motherhood going?
- Exactly the same as with all women - I go for examinations, I pass tests. I decided to give birth in Moscow: it is a myth that Western medicine is superior to Russian. Many of my friends, giving birth abroad, faced very unpleasant situations associated with insufficient qualifications of doctors and terrible service. I sincerely believe that our doctors are among the best in the world.
- Will the husband be present at the birth?
“If he wants to, I won’t object. But I’m not going to force him, because I think that a husband who fainted at the moment when you especially need him is not support at all, but an extra headache. And then, nevertheless, during childbirth, a woman does not look very aesthetically pleasing. I do not want to remain in Vadim's memory as some kind of Baba Yaga - screaming, red and with disheveled hair.
- How did Vadim take the news that he would soon become a father?
Much better than I could have imagined (laughs). At that time, we did not plan to have children, moreover, we did not even have conversations about living together. And suddenly I found out that I was pregnant. Of course, she herself
I was overjoyed, but at the same moment I was afraid of how I would tell Vadim about this. When I was preparing for the conversation, I was very nervous: I hoped for the best, but still I was very afraid of a negative reaction from my beloved. As soon as she saw Vadim, she immediately blurted out: “We will have a child, but this does not oblige you to anything, if anything, I can raise him myself, don’t worry.” But he was very happy about this news and after about two weeks he proposed to me.
- Now all his thoughts are only about the unborn child?
- Exactly. Very soon we will start buying things for my daughter - I'm not a very superstitious person, so I'm going to buy everything I need in advance. It’s just that there was no time yet - at first they were engaged in a wedding, then they went on a trip, now they started repairs in the apartment. But it's time to think about it (laughs).

The 32-year-old actress of the Lenkom Theater is expecting a new family at the end of September. According to Bolshova's friends, she is not going to give birth in Moscow. For Anna and her husband, the artist Alexander Makarenko, this will be the first baby. But who will be born to them, the spouses carefully hide, they say that they want to surprise their relatives. The actress endures pregnancy easily, in the first trimester she was almost not tormented by toxicosis. Moreover, up to 4.5 months, Anna toured the country with Ilya Averbukh's show "Ice Age". The actress refused to participate in the tour only when the rounded tummy became impossible to hide. Now Anna is on maternity leave, she is building a family nest - repairs in the apartment of the spouses are just coming to an end.

Anna is married for the second time, her first husband Anton was 8 years younger. They say they divorced precisely because Anton was not ready to have children. Bolshova met her second husband four years ago. And they got married in early January 2007 at the Gagarin registry office.

Evgenia Kryukova

The 37-year-old beauty will give birth in early September. For Eugenia, this is the second baby. From her third marriage to businessman Alexander Karev, the actress has a seven-year-old daughter Dunyasha. According to Zhenya, the second pregnancy, unlike the first, is difficult for her to endure. Now the actress does not play performances in her native theater named after the Moscow City Council and is temporarily not removed. Her last film work was one of the main roles in the sequel to The Three Musketeers, directed by Georgy Yungald-Khilkevich.

Last year, Evgenia experienced a personal drama. A dizzying romance with businessman Mikhail Rudyak was about to end with a wedding. On the eve of the celebration, the lovers went on a romantic trip. On the plane, Mikhail became ill with a heart, he literally died in Zhenya's arms. The actress was very upset by the death of her beloved man. She negated her presence at parties and wore black all the time. And then a new love appeared in her life named Sergey. He became the father of her second child.

Kryukova’s companion has a serious business - they say he sells real estate and builds luxury homes in Russia and abroad. Zhenya does not comment on her personal life, but in her close circle they say that they have already registered their relationship with Sergey.

Ekaterina Klimova

Katya at the end of September will give her common-law spouse Igor Petrenko a child. For her, this is the third pregnancy, but Igor will become a dad for the second time. Almost two years ago, their common son Matvey was born. And from a previous marriage, Klimova has a six-year-old daughter, Lisa.

Immediately after the birth, Igor plans to take his beloved woman and the mother of his children to the registry office.

Yana Churikova

Recently, the always energetic Yana began to refuse to host this or that program on television. Now she spends more and more time outside the city in peace and quiet. The reason for such changes is simple - Yana is expecting a baby. Doctors advised the expectant mother to pay more attention to her own health. The TV presenter is only three months pregnant. In January, she will give her husband, TV director Ivan Tsybin, a son or daughter.

Nelly Uvarova

The star of the series "Don't Be Born Beautiful" and her husband, director Sergei Pikalov are preparing to become parents. On the one hand, Nelly really wanted a child, but, on the other hand, when she found out that she was pregnant, she was at first confused. The actress is upset that in connection with the pregnancy she will have to abandon tempting projects in the cinema (and they are).

Marina Aleksandrova

A month ago, married to a colleague in the Sovremennik theater, 26-year-old Ivan Stebunov, Marina Aleksandrova is already rumored to be expecting a baby. The 25-year-old star refuses to comment on this fact. But the unknown only fuels interest. When Marina, arm in arm with her husband, appeared on the red carpet of the MIFF, all photojournalists strove to shoot her exclusively in profile. But no matter how hard you try, you still can’t see the emerging tummy. Obviously, Alexandrova's gestation period is still too short.

Tatyana Zaitseva - wife of Dmitry Dyuzhev

Tatyana is in her fifth month of pregnancy. She is still so young that she endures the "interesting situation" effortlessly. The couple has already signed a contract for pregnancy and childbirth with one of the elite maternity hospitals in Moscow. Once every two weeks, Dmitry brings his wife there for scheduled checkups. Doctors say that the baby is developing without any pathologies.

The wedding of Dyuzhev and Zaitseva took place on Valentine's Day (February 14) at the Griboedovsky Wedding Palace. During the registration of the marriage, the happy Dmitry publicly declared that he had been waiting for this woman all his life. As soon as Tatyana gives birth - and this will happen in late autumn - the couple will get married.

Olga Kokorekina

For the 35-year-old TV presenter of Novosti on Channel One, this is the first pregnancy that Olga does not tolerate well. Due to severe toxicosis, she had to go on maternity leave much earlier. The week before last, Kokorekina urgently went to the pathology department of one of the capital's maternity hospitals. The doctors gave the star patient a separate room and conducted all the necessary examinations. Having made sure that the health of the future baby was not in danger, Olga was discharged from the hospital and the next day went to the wedding of her friend Ekaterina Rednikova.

In mid-September, Kokorekina will give birth to a daughter. Olga's husband, businessman Vadim Bykov, is also expecting a joyful event. Their wedding took place on April 30. This is Kokorekina's second marriage.

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