When will the Russian Lotto draw take place? Rules of the lottery "Russian Lotto"

Some still think that lottery draws are held secretly, in a deaf bunker with thick walls, where only the selected makers of the world are allowed to enter. However, this is not at all the case! You can watch how fate distributes human luck from any corner of the world where there is an Internet. And what's more: anyone can come to the Stoloto lottery center in Moscow and see with their own eyes how millions are played. We talk about how the draws of your favorite lotteries take place and how you can watch it.

Lottery room

The large Stoloto lottery center has a special room with glass walls and surveillance cameras. There are five lottery drums here - sort of machines of fate that mix numbered balls and give out one of them to the receiving tray. By the way, lotto drums are also transparent - we can see everything that happens inside: how the lottery balls are shuffled, rolling randomly inside the glass sphere, and how then one by one they are sent to a special display case.

It is interesting that the balls for the lottery drums are also not simple: everyone is equal, as in a selection. They are made of the same material, differ in weight by no more than 0.3 grams, and their shape is as close as possible to an ideal sphere. Picking up several of these balls, not a single person can distinguish them from each other.

So, it is in the room with lottery drums, where human access is impossible during the drawing, and fate is decided! Here lottery participants become millionaires. Everyone can come to the lottery center and see how millions are played - everything that happens inside is perfectly visible through the glass wall. Thousands of lottery lovers have already visited this fateful place and saw with their own eyes how, with the help of lottery drums and numbered balls, blind chance distributes large winnings among lottery participants from all over the country.

The Lottery Center is open daily from 09:00 to 22:00. It is located at the address: Moscow, Volgogradsky prospect, 43, building 3.

Important! The following lotteries are held in the lottery center: Gosloto 4 out of 20, Gosloto 5 out of 36, Gosloto 6 out of 45, Gosloto 7 out of 49 and Sportloto Matchball.


Another way to see with your own eyes how the draws are held is to watch their broadcast on the stoloto.ru website and on the Stoloto youtube channel. Live broadcast from the room with lottery machines is carried out around the clock - at any time from any city in the world you can see what is happening in the glass room! You can verify this right now by running the video at the top of this page.

In real time, the video is displayed on the stoloto.ru website, and then appears on the company's youtube channel. It is easy to find records of drawings of all draws of state lotteries in the channel's archive. In addition, you can follow the draws of your favorite lotteries on TV.

Lotteries on TV

Broadcast drawings of "Russian Lotto", "Golden Horseshoe" and "6 out of 36" show in the TV show "We win!" on the NTV channel (beginning at 14:00). The drawing of the “Housing Lottery” broadcasts the program “Your Home” at 17:30 on the Domashny channel. And the draws of the new Bingo-75 lottery are shown on the TV-3 channel at 13:30 in the Magic of Numbers program.

Dear friends, if you have already looked at retail lottery tickets for 2-3 weeks in advance, you probably noticed that the time of the television broadcast of the draws on the NTV channel has changed. This is one of several changes that Stoloto is preparing to implement in its popular lotteries. In this article, we will tell you about all the innovations that await players in a week, namely on Sunday, October 22, 2017.

New format of Russian Lotto and Housing Lottery

Starting from October 22, as we wrote above, the broadcast time of the draws will change. In addition, the name of the TV show will also be new - the usual “Happy Morning” will change to "We are winning!". The program will be aired not in the morning, but in the afternoon - at 14:00 your local time. In some regions of Russia, the broadcast time may differ, please check it on your TV program. This change was made due to the fact that the Sunday afternoon broadcast is much more convenient, and more viewers will be able to watch the game. Tickets for sale are printed in advance, so some of them may show the old time - but still, the broadcasts of the 1203 draw of the Russian Lotto and the 257 draw of the Housing Lottery will take place already under the new rules.

Golden Horseshoe and Football Lottery Draws 6 of 36

The new format of the TV show "We win!" will become much more intense - there will be quizzes for guests in the studio and for ordinary viewers, the program will become more colorful - guest movie and TV stars are expected. Of course, there will be new stories of bright lottery victories, told by the winners themselves. Probably for these reasons, the management of Stoloto decided to remove the broadcasts of the Golden Horseshoe and the Football Lottery 6 out of 36 from the air. These lotteries will be held as before, but it will not be possible to watch them on TV. Of course, on our LottoMir portal, as before, you will receive full information about their results and will be able to check tickets.

Changes in Gosloto 4 of 20

Television broadcasts of Sunday drawings of the Gosloto 4 out of 20 lottery will also be stopped. In addition, there will be changes in the order of the games. Starting from the 127th draw, the former Sunday draws will be held on Saturday at 22:00 Moscow time. Winning combinations will be determined using the lottery drum installed in Stoloto, and ticket sales will close 20 minutes before the draw time. That is, in other words, exactly the same rules will apply as in the Gosloto 4 out of 20 draws on Mondays and Wednesdays. The rules for publishing results on our portal will also comply with them.

In addition, from the 128th draw (October 23, Monday), participants will have another change related to the simplification of the list of winning categories. In fact, the number of categories will remain the same, but the calculation of winnings for similar categories (for example, 2x3 and 3x2; 4x0 and 0x4) will be combined, leaving 12 different prize amounts. Thus, the amount of winnings in these categories will be the same for both combinations. Nearby you will find a picture with an updated list of prize categories. Click on it to enlarge.

Today, January 1, 2018, not only the New Year has come, but the long-awaited and largest draw from the New Year's Billion state lotteries will take place.

So on NTV it will be possible to see an exciting show at 20:00, during which we will find out the names of the Russians who were lucky enough to become winners this year.

Russian Lotto draw today

This time, more than 2 billion rubles will be raffled without a trace, despite the fact that every second ticket will definitely become a winning one, so everyone has a chance to win the lotto!

According to the organizers, the jackpot will be drawn on the 15th move or distributed among all the winners of the draw, so that very soon the lucky ones will be able to fulfill their dreams, in addition, the game will go until the 88th move.

Recall that the biggest prize in the amount of 506 million rubles went to a lovely pensioner from Voronezh, Natalya Vlasova, who did not expect that she would be so lucky. So everyone can become at least a ruble millionaire, if, of course, they are lucky!

Do not miss and watch online at 20:00: NTV channel and its New Year's Billion holiday show, during which the main and such an important drawing of 2018 will take place:

Held weekly on Sundays. The lottery is interesting, and the prizes drawn are varied: apartments, country houses, travel, cars and cash prizes. This section of the lottery Russian lotto announcements of future draws available online. Surely, it is important for you to know what the winner will get if he wins. Choose the number of circulation you are interested in and get acquainted with the announcement. Find out which lottery russian lotto jackpot next draw.

In the lottery Russian lotto the tradition of winning has been formed over the years. The first draw started more than 20 years ago and the drawings are still popular. Clear, affordable lottery ticket price and exciting gameplay attract millions of people.

Thanks to the site's online service, you can easily find out the necessary information about the Russian Lotto lottery by logging in from a computer or other gadget. You can also do it in several ways:

  1. check the ticket by number, by clicking on the button below, go to the form and enter the number of the ticket to be checked
  2. draw tables, in each draw you will find the results of the draw, which are scheduled by rounds, if the draw has passed, see the archives.

In addition to the Russian lotto, you can also get acquainted with or other lotteries.

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