Kyiv fortune teller online. Solitaire "Kyiv Soothsayer" online divination for the future, love and relationships

This graceful bird brings you good news. You can count on the fulfillment of your plans and the receipt of very good news on your issue.

The moon or month brings something important into your life. You should be informed about your question within the next month.

“The old mill, everything will be milled” .... Empty talk, gossip.

What can be faster than lightning, and is lightning predictable? Here is a lightning-fast solution awaiting you. Events are coming when you must make decisions very quickly and not yawn. Get ready!

Isn't it true that a woman doing housework resembles a hen in a nest? You got a hen - family life. This sign predicts you a happy family life, full of prosperity and prosperity.


The wattle fence is a kind of fence, an obstacle that will have to be overcome. You are ready? Your plans will run into obstacles. Most likely, they will not come true. Everything will depend on your determination.

The horseshoe has long been considered a talisman for good luck. You have found your horseshoe. A very happy period in life awaits you. All your wishes and hopes will become real. You will only have to fully enjoy your success.

Let's remember what a sunflower looks like. That's right - it's a small sun. And that means a calm life and prosperity ahead. This is a very good sign. He speaks of a cloudless and calm life, full of prosperity and prosperity. Success and successful solution of all issues awaits you

They put a pig on you, unexpected trouble awaits you. Future events can bring you trouble and grief. But everything passes, and this will pass.

What can break a heart is only broken love. Events are coming when a loved one will make you suffer greatly. A high probability of a break, or at least a big quarrel. Consider if this can be avoided.

Who will be indifferent to this beautiful flower? The rose is love itself. Love, love and more love. This sign says nothing more. You will meet a person who will make you forget about everything in the world.

As they say, relationships are like knives or hostile relationships. You can quarrel with your friends or your loved one. Moreover, the quarrel can be very serious. Is it worth it to spoil the nerves for yourself and others, can you find a compromise?

The sun is the source of life on earth. So ahead of luck, sunny life. This is the happiest card ever. Good luck is on the way. You will achieve everything you aspired to, all your desires will come true.

The arrow usually always reaches its target. You can safely count on success in your business. Achieving the goal is 100 percent real ... Cast aside doubts and move forward to the intended goal.

The proud poplar is loneliness. You may not find associates in your business. In the near future, you will have to rely only on your own strength. Fate for some time will make you feel physical or mental loneliness. But it's moments like these that make us stronger.

Light a pipe (mentally of course) and think. Upcoming events will cause you a philosophical mood. This sign will make you think about the current state of affairs and draw the right conclusion. And remember, it's your choice.

The flag has loomed, this is a fresh guard of ideas bringing something new to work. In the near future there will be significant changes in your work.

The boat predicts boundless happiness. The boat of life will lead you on a happy path. This is a very auspicious sign! Fulfillment of all desires, prosperity, spiritual and material wealth, happy love. Happiness will remain your companion for a very long time.

“Damn it!” - we say, getting into an unpleasant adventure, or taking a rash step. You got the hell out. In the future, you will do something that will make you blush for a very long time. This sign says that you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation, perhaps not of your own free will.

The anchor will keep your ship in a stable position. Your state of affairs is quite favorable. You stand firmly on your feet and are confident in your abilities. This sign portends the favorable development and prosperity of all your affairs.

The ancient solitaire game "Kyiv Soothsayer" is one of the most interesting online divination of our time.

To start fortune-telling on the solitaire Kyiv Solitaire, you need to shuffle the cards - pictures and mentally ask a question that worries you or just think about the future.

Then the cards are laid out in 4 rows, and the matching symbols will become the answer to the questions, the prediction of the future. Each card can be rotated to get more matches.

For fortune telling, click the “Guess” button, to rotate the picture, click on it with the mouse.

Interpretation of symbols of solitaire Kyiv fortune teller

1. MACE. The mace could only be used by a warrior who possessed unprecedented strength. You can boldly set the highest goals for yourself. You are waiting for the successful completion of all the work begun. This is a sign of victory, triumph, success, joy and happiness. Highest achievement.
2. BEADS. Beads have always been identified with the concept of "gift", and a gift is always a surprise. A pleasant surprise awaits you ahead. Something joyful and pleasant can happen to you.
3. WREATH. Hopes and dreams. This is a good sign. It symbolizes hope, renewal, the opening of new paths. But he can also warn of empty fantasies that will only lead to a loss of time, although who knows, if you really want to, then dreams come true.
4. HORN. You hear alarming bugle sounds. Not very good news awaits you. The news will cause you anxiety and sadness.
5. THE POT IS BROKEN. The familiar expression "beat the pots"? So there's going to be a fight. Tension in relationships with loved ones or a loved one. Relationship breakup is possible. Be extremely careful in your statements. And maybe everything will work out.
6. LITERATURE. Looking for a race? Honors are on the way. What's this? - an important letter, news or an answer to your question. Soon you will receive the necessary information from someone on your question.
7. BOTTLE WITH GLASS. It's time to relax. Ahead of you is waiting for a pleasant pastime with your friends or loved ones. But don't get carried away too much. Drinking can backfire if you don't control yourself.
8. DOOR. Another door opens. Soon you will travel to the state house. Perhaps you want to change jobs, or arrange an inheritance. Maybe you're in trouble with the law? Or you are just waiting for paperwork.
9. CASTLE. There is a closed path in front of you. Whatever question you ask, this sign indicates the impossibility of achieving the goal. You should choose a different course of action. And then it will be opened to the one who knocks.
10. MIRROR.“I look at you like in a mirror ...” A familiar phrase? This sign speaks of an imminent acquaintance with a person who may become very close to you. It is also likely to meet new friends and interesting people.
11. SNAKE. What sneaks up on us imperceptibly, like a snake? ... Of course, a disease. Deterioration of health. You should rest and take some preventive measures, such as strengthening the immune system.
12. Tangle. What pointed the way to Ivan Tsarevich? That's right, a ball. So there is a road ahead. The appearance of this sign indicates the upcoming journey, which is somehow connected with your question.
13. KEY. There is no such lock to which it is impossible to pick up the key. Here is the path open for you. The question posed will be successfully resolved, since there are no obstacles in your way.
14. WHEEL. The wheel of fate turned again, bringing new changes to life. Ahead will follow events that will cause significant changes in your life.
15. BELL. You hear the sound of a bell. Get ready for trouble. An unlucky card, portending failures, disasters, the collapse of plans and hopes. But do not be discouraged - the black stripe is always followed by the white one.
16. RING. The ring binds us to our loved ones. When they declare their love to us, they give us a ring. So, there is an explanation ahead. You will have a conversation with your loved one, and pleasant or not - depending on the other cards that have fallen out. It is hoped that they are positive.
17. ROCKER. In fact, the yoke resembles scales, and scales are vibrations, doubts. The situation is not clear to you and it will be so for some time. Perhaps the obstacles will not be overcome due to lack of physical or spiritual strength.
18. CAT. Love adventure will light up your life. This card does not say anything else - adventure and love await you ahead. Just don't overdo it. "March Cat" is not the best title.
19. PURSE WITH COINS. Luck smiled on you unexpectedly. Money, wealth float to your hands. A sign of a happy and rich life. Change for the better and solving material problems.
20. CROSS. Cross, fate, fate, something that cannot be avoided, but can be accepted and understood. “For all the will of God” - this is how this sign can be characterized. You cannot change anything, events are already a foregone conclusion.
21. SWAN. Good news is brought to you by this graceful bird. You can expect to carry out your plans and receive very good news on your subject.
22. MOON. The moon or month brings something important into your life. You should be informed of your question within the next month.
23. MILL."The old mill, everything will be milled." Empty talk, gossip.
24. LIGHTNING. What can be faster than lightning, and is lightning predictable? Here is a lightning-fast solution awaiting you. Events are coming when you must make decisions very quickly and not yawn. Get ready!
25. HOT Isn't it true that a woman doing housework resembles a hen in a nest? You have a hen - family life. This sign predicts you a happy family life, full of prosperity and prosperity.
26. WATCH. Wattle is a kind of fence, an obstacle that will have to be overcome. You are ready? Your plans will run into obstacles. Most likely, they will not come true. Everything will depend on your determination.
27. HORSESHOE. The horseshoe has long been considered a talisman for good luck. You have found your horseshoe. A very happy period in life awaits you. All your desires and hopes will become real. You will only have to fully enjoy your success.
28. SUNFLOWER. Let's remember what a sunflower looks like. That's right - it's a small sun. So, ahead - a quiet life and prosperity. This is a very good sign. He speaks of a cloudless and calm life, full of prosperity and prosperity. Success and successful solution of all issues awaits you.
29. PIG. They put a pig on you, unexpected trouble awaits you. Future events can bring you trouble and grief. But everything passes, and this will pass.
30. HEART BROKEN. What can break a heart? - only broken love. Events are coming when a loved one will make you suffer greatly. A high probability of a break, or at least a big quarrel. Consider if this can be avoided.
31. ROSE. Who will be indifferent to this beautiful flower? The rose is love itself. Love, love and more love. This sign says nothing more. You will meet a person who will make you forget about everything in the world.
32. SABER. As they say, relationships are “like knives” or hostile relationships. You can quarrel with your friends or your loved one. Moreover, the quarrel can be very serious. But is it worth spoiling the nerves for yourself and others, maybe it's better to find a compromise?
33. SUN. The sun is the source of life on earth. So ahead - good luck, sunny life. This is the happiest card ever. Good luck is on the way. You will achieve everything you aspired to, all your desires will come true.
34. ARROWS. The arrow, as a rule, always reaches its target. You can safely count on success in your business. Achieving the goal is 100 percent real ... Cast aside all doubts and move forward to the intended goal.
35. POPLAR. A proud poplar is loneliness. You may not find associates in your business. In the near future, you will have to rely only on your own strength. Fate will make you feel physically or mentally alone for a while. But it's moments like these that make us stronger.
36. PIPE. Light a pipe (mentally, of course) and think. Upcoming events will cause you a philosophical mood. This sign will make you think about the current state of affairs and draw the right conclusion. And remember, it's your choice.
37. FLAG. The flag has loomed, this is a fresh streak of ideas, introducing something new in the work. In the near future there will be significant changes in your professional activities.
38. CHAT The boat predicts boundless happiness. The boat of life will lead you on a happy path. This is a very auspicious sign! Fulfillment of all desires, prosperity, spiritual and material wealth, happy love. Happiness will remain your companion for a very long time.
39. DAMN.“Damn it!” - we say, getting into an unpleasant adventure, or taking a rash step. You got the hell out. In the future, you will do something that will make you blush for a very long time. This sign says that you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation, perhaps not of your own free will.
40. ANCHOR. The anchor will keep your ship stable. Your state of affairs is quite favorable. You stand firmly on your feet and are confident in your abilities. This sign portends the favorable development and prosperity of all your affairs.

Solitaire is a simple card game designed for one person, in which, following certain rules, the participant tries to create his own pattern and structure of symbols. Solitaires are also used in fortune-telling, among them solitaire Kyiv fortune teller.

Some sources claim that this type of single card game originated in the 12th century on the territory of Kievan Rus. But given that the craze for solitaire games among the nobles occurred in Europe in the 17th-18th centuries, and at first solitaire did not involve fortune-telling and ordinary playing cards were used for the layout, then it is more likely that solitaire was brought for entertainment to the kings by some noble Russian traveler. After that, the brilliant Slavic people came up with their own kind of divination with special symbolic cards.

The Kyiv soothsayer, in its rules and principles, is very similar to Indian solitaire, only in the Slavic counterpart 20 cards are used, and in the Indian 25; but the method of combining symbols and the order of the layout are the same.

How to do fortune telling: rules

Before starting the game, you should tune in to a prediction: mentally formulate a question that concerns you, indicate the situation you want to tell fortunes about, and think over options for its development. If you can’t structure it, don’t worry, perhaps the situation will clear up in the process of fortune-telling.

While working with solitaire, there should be no one nearby so that the cards are connected only with you. Before forming a symbolic rectangle, shuffle the deck and remove some of the cards onto yourself.

The Kyiv fortune teller unfolds quite simply: the pictures line up in a short row (5 each), starting from the left.

You should have 4 rows. The symbols are then aligned by rotating the cards around an axis. In free divination online, matching values ​​​​are determined automatically. Interpretation is according to the instructions.

Everything is quite simple and transparent, but there are several features:

  • If during fortune-telling some symbol was missed, then at this moment it is not important.
  • Having identified one character, do not seek to move on to the search for the next. Think about the interpretation, try to transfer it to your destiny, compare it with the question being asked. The interpretation is always individual and much broader than presented in the general instructions.
  • If the symbols of one card match two others in different rows, you should choose the match that you found first.
  • Do not guess more than once a day.
  • Do not ask a question again if the previous answer did not satisfy you.

Remember, fortune-telling is only a way to find out the probability of an event, and in order for it to come true in the perspective you want, you should make some efforts. Do not use the fortune-telling Kyiv fortune-teller unnecessarily online. You will not spend the necessary time on concentration and searching for symbols, and you will perceive the interpretation narrowly, not fully.

Online fortune-telling can only help in a clear answer to the question being asked (positive or negative). If you want to get a serious prediction, do not be lazy and play solitaire with your own hands.

Interpretation of the matched symbols of solitaire Kyiv fortune teller

Solitaire contains 40 symbols that determine the main paths for the development of events for a fortuneteller.

  1. Sun. Symbolizes a bright, successful life.
  2. Anchor. Shows how stable your position in society.
  3. Rose. Tender feelings, love for you.
  4. Horseshoe. Happiness, incredible luck.
  5. Sunflower. Quiet peaceful life in abundance.
  6. Swan. Good news on a topic of interest.
  7. Moon. Vital news will arrive within a month.
  8. Ring. Explanation, conversation with the chosen one (chosen one).
  9. Key. Symbolizes open roads, success in business.
  10. Beads. Gift, surprise.
  • Mace. Sign of victory and highest achievement.
  • Wreath. Dreams and hopes, perhaps unfulfilled.
  • Diploma. Important news from someone from the environment.
  • Wheel. Changes in life, the cycle of events.
  • Mirror. Meeting new interesting people.
  • Door. Paperwork, a trip to a government agency.
  • Coin purse. Solving financial problems.
  • Cat. Short love adventure, light flirting.
  • Mill. Chatter and gossip behind your back.
  • Mother hen. Family life promises prosperity and quiet happiness.
  • Flag. Promises changes in the working area, new ideas and plans.
  • Boat. A very good sign. Boundless happiness.
  • Poplar. Loneliness will provide an opportunity to rethink life.
  • Sabers. Conflict, hostility.
  • Arrows. The goal you set for yourself will be achieved.
  • Clew. Journey or road leading to a result.
  • Snake. Illness, malaise, possibly addiction.
  • Lock. The chosen path is closed for you, change direction.
  • Wattle. Obstacles that can be overcome.
  • Horn. Sadness at the news.
  • Shards. Broken dishes are a sign of an imminent quarrel, family contention.
  • Bottle, glass. Rest with friends, feast.
  • Bell. Loudly declaring trouble. Black line.
  • Rocker or scales. You should rest, hesitation in choosing.
  • Cross. The meaning of fate - the predestined fate is unchanged.
  • A tube. It is worth taking a break and philosophizing, thinking about everything.
  • Lightning. The right decision will come unexpectedly, with lightning speed.
  • Broken heart. The pain of broken love.
  • Pig. Troubles and troubles due to a loved one.
  • Crap. Some of your rash act will cause shame and remorse.
  • Remember, no matter what value you get, there is always an alternative solution to the issue, the main thing is not to rush, not to worry in vain. Solitaire only warns of possible events, and you can change them.

    In some sources there is information that this type of solitaire arose in Kievan Rus in the 12th century. Fortune-telling solitaire Kyiv Vorozheya, the online version of which is located below, has become widespread and popular as a truthful and free way to predict the future. First of all, among the nobility in European countries in the 17th and 18th centuries, probably, solitaire was brought to Europe by an unknown Russian traveler. "Kyiv Vorozheya" is inherently similar to, the difference here is in the number of cards used: in the Slavic version there are 20 of them, and in the Indian 25. But the principles of laying out the cards and connecting the symbols are identical.

    Divinatory solitaire "Kyiv Soothsayer" with a truthful and free interpretation on

    Principles and rules of divination

    This is a special mantic system, designed for one participant, in which the querent arranges cards in a special way in order to obtain certain symbols, each of which has its own meaning. It is believed that such a system for predicting the future appeared earlier than the traditional card system.

    Online alignment

    Before the start of the alignment, you should tune in and focus on fortune-telling: you need to formulate a question, the answer to which you want to receive, identify a problem situation. In the case when everything cannot be precisely and clearly structured, one can hope for an explanation of the situation in the course of divination.

    Fortune telling solitaire "Kyiv Soothsayer" should be carried out while indoors alone, since in this case the cards are set only for you. Both online and offline versions of this divination are performed according to the same rules:

    • First, you should lay out a rectangle from the cards;
    • To do this, shuffle the deck and remove some of the cards towards you;
    • After that, start laying out 4 rows of 5 cards each (the layout is done from left to right).
    • Try to find matching symbols by flipping the cards around.

    Interpretation of the meaning of the cards

    In total, the solitaire contains 40 symbols that have a unique interpretation and give the answer to your question.

    General principles

    The process of interpreting solitaire is quite simple, for this you need to find the symbols that match in your layout and make your own prediction from them.

    • The absence of a symbol in the layout indicates the absence of its significance for you at the moment;
    • After determining one symbol, do not rush to look for the next one, try to interpret the received sign as fully as possible and correlate it with your life, with the question asked. The fact is that the individual interpretation has a greater breadth of meaning than that provided by the program;
    • If an image on the map matches two others in different rows, choose the one you saw first;
    • You should not guess more than once a day;
    • You can not ask the same question again if you are not satisfied with the answer received;
    • You should not use this fortune-telling unnecessarily, since in this case you will not take the process with due responsibility and attention, you will not be able to concentrate completely on fortune-telling, on identifying images and their further interpretation.
    • Solitaire divination online helps when you need to get a clear answer to the question - “yes” or “no”. For more detailed predictions, it’s better not to be lazy and play solitaire “live”.

    It must be remembered that online fortune-telling solitaire Kyiv fortune-telling for free and truthfully shows only the direction of development of events, and does not guarantee its implementation in the form you intended. It is you who must make the effort to implement the plans!

    Meaning of solitaire symbols

    1. Mace. Since ancient times, it was intended only for one, the most powerful warrior. Your lofty goals are justified, you can do everything. All undertakings will be successfully completed. Victory awaits you. This symbol denotes the winner, acts as a promise of success, happiness, positive, maximum merit.
    2. Beads. They indicate the receipt of a gift, a surprise. Expect joyful events.
    3. Wreath. A good sign, personifying hopes and dreams, as well as novelty, new paths in life. However, a wreath can also hint at the idleness of your fantasies and the waste of time on them.
    4. Horn. Receiving not the most pleasant news that can cause a feeling of anxiety, sadness.
    5. The pot is broken. There is even an expression - "beat the pots", which means a quarrel, a conflict. It can also be a designation of tense relationships with loved ones or with a partner (up to a break in relations). You need to carefully monitor your expressions and statements so as not to offend others. In this case, there is a chance that nothing bad will happen.
    6. Diploma. A sign of receiving an important letter, news or an answer to a question.
    7. Bottle and glass. An indication of the need to relax and unwind, have fun and have a good time in the company of friends or relatives. A warning here can only be advice not to be zealous in drinking alcohol.
    8. Door. A door that opens up new possibilities for you. Also a visit to a state-owned house, a change of job or registration of an inheritance, cases related to the execution of documents and papers.
    9. Lock. Indicates a closed path. For any question you pose, the sign gives a negative answer: the intended goal cannot be achieved. Choose a different strategy in behavior. In this case, there is a chance that the desired will come true.
    10. Mirror. The promise of meeting someone who will become very close to you, or just a new acquaintance with interesting personalities
    11. Snake. Imperceptibly, like snakes, diseases usually sneak. The sign acts as a warning against overwork, hypothermia, an unhealthy lifestyle, etc., which leads to a deterioration in the state of the body. This is a recommendation to pay attention to rest and health promotion measures.
    12. Clew. Predicts you a road, a journey, possibly related to your question.
    13. Key. There is no lock without a key. An indicator of an open path, the absence of obstacles to the goal. You will be able to successfully implement your plan.
    14. Wheel. Symbolizes the rotation of the wheel of fate, which brings life changes. Upcoming events will entail a number of changes.
    15. Bell. The sound of the alarm has always been associated with bad news. A bad sign, preparing for failure, troubles, disruption of plans. However, never hang your nose. Remember that the black stripe is always replaced by a white one.
    16. Ring. A symbol of the connection between lovers and spouses. The sign promises love confessions or a conversation with a partner. The essence of the conversation (whether it will be pleasant or not) will be prompted by the surrounding cards.
    17. Rocker. Don't you think that the yoke is like a scale, which is the personification of doubt and hesitation? It should be noted that the situation remains unclear to you and will remain so for some time. There is a possibility that you will simply be unable to overcome obstacles (both physical and mental strength will not be enough for this).
    18. Cat. Love adventures are planned. Just don't get too carried away, you don't want to be called the "March cat" do you?
    19. Wallet with coins. Smile of Fortune. An excellent sign that promises a life of happiness and wealth. We can hope for positive changes and improvement of the financial situation.
    20. Cross. The personification of fate, fate, fate - that which is inevitable. It is unlikely that you will change something, you just need to accept it as a given, accept it.
    21. Swan. Expect good news from this graceful bird. Your plans have every chance of success, and the answer to your question will be “yes” (in a positive understanding of the development of the situation).
    22. Moon. Promises big changes. You will be able to receive an answer to your plan no later than in a month.
    23. Mill. A symbol of useless talk, chatter and gossip.
    24. Lightning. Is it possible to predict this natural phenomenon? Is there something that has a greater speed than the speed of lightning? The sign indicates that you will need lightning speed in decisions. Get ready for it!
    25. Mother hen. Would you agree that a woman doing housework is similar to a mother hen? This symbol promises a harmonious, happy, quite prosperous family life.
    26. Wattle. These are obstacles, obstacles in your path that need to be overcome. Are you ready for this? Whether plans come true or not depends only on your perseverance.
    27. Horseshoe. It is well known that the horseshoe is a symbol of good luck. If a horseshoe fell out, know that you will have a happy time, success. What you have in mind will come true. Enjoy!
    28. Sunflower. Tell me, what does a sunflower remind you of? Of course, the sun. And this means: a calm and prosperous life awaits you, in happiness and prosperity. An exceptionally positive symbol. It indicates the prospects and success of your undertakings, the successful resolution of all cases.
    29. Piglet. Do you know the expression "put a pig in"? There are likely to be some embarrassing moments. The upcoming event will bring a lot of worries, troubles, sorrows. However, do not be discouraged: everything is surmountable.
    30. Broken heart. Why do hearts break? Of course, from unrequited or unhappy love. You need to be prepared for the fact that your partner will cause you suffering with his actions. There is a high probability that you will quarrel or even break up. Try to prevent such a development of events.
    31. Rose. Perhaps there is no person who is indifferent to roses. This flower is the personification of love. You will meet a person with whom you can forget about everything bad.
    32. Saber. Symbolizes a hostile or hostile relationship with someone. Accordingly, there is a possibility of a quarrel with friends, a partner. It should also be noted that this quarrel is likely to be quite serious. Think about it, do you want it? Wouldn't it be better to try to come to a compromise instead of conflict? Thus, you will save both your strength and the nerves of other people.
    33. Sun. It is no secret that we owe our life on planet Earth to the Sun. The symbol promises you a successful and successful life filled with sunlight. This is the happiest sign, portending the fulfillment of all your desires.
    34. Arrow. Its main purpose is to hit the target. Your actions will be successful and will allow you to achieve your goals. You can't even doubt it.
    35. Poplar. It is the epitome of human loneliness. There is a high probability that you will not find like-minded people in your business and you will have to act on your own. Count only on yourself. Perhaps for some time you will feel a feeling of complete loneliness, both physical and spiritual. Do not lose heart, because it is precisely such periods in life that temper a person.
    36. A tube. A symbol of reflection and philosophical mood. Not without reason, when a person wants to calmly think everything over, he lights a pipe (remember the famous Sherlock Holmes). The received pipe sign calls you for thoughtful consideration and analysis of the current state of affairs in order to draw the appropriate conclusions.
    37. Flag. This is a symbol of new ideas and novelty in general, changes in life and work (it is possible to change the very scope of your activity).
    38. Canoe. A prediction of boundless happiness. As if life's boat is carrying you along the path to happiness. Great sign! It promises the realization of everything planned and conceived, well-being, abundance, harmony, happiness in love. I must add that this happy period will last a long time.
    39. Crap. Most likely, you will commit some act for which you will be very ashamed. This may arise due to the fact that you do not think well enough about your actions or get into an awkward situation.
    40. Anchor. It gives stability to the ship. The state of affairs at the present moment is quite good. We can say that your position in life is firm, there is self-confidence. The sign indicates the prospects and success of your business.


    You should always remember that fortune-telling solitaire "Kyiv fortune teller" only shows the probability of this or that event, the possible ways of its development, but you are the master of your life, and only you can change it in the direction you need.

    Preface .

    I inherited the ability for divination, prophetic dreams and other mysticism, so to speak, from my grandmother. It was she who helped me direct the gift in the right direction, and she also taught me various divination techniques.

    My first fortune-telling deck was this one and solitaire. My grandmother used to make solitaire for me. After looking on the Internet, I found out that it is called "Old". I didn’t read the interpretations, because I’ve been guessing on these cards since childhood and I understand them as my intuition suggests at a given time. That is, the same card, as in tarot (on which I recently learned to guess myself, because at the time of their purchase, my grandmother, unfortunately, was no longer alive) can talk about different things. Plus, you still need to look at the combination of cards. In combination with some, the card can promise you something good, and in combination with others - various troubles (both small and large).

    So, the review of my solitaire was not missed, because it is homemade. I was upset, of course, but there's nothing to be done - rules are rules. However, not so long ago, my mother gave me a new solitaire game. This solitaire, which is called "Kyiv fortune-telling" has become a hit on the Internet. Everyone praised it so much that my mother decided to buy it for herself.

    Technique and essence of divination. How to play this solitaire?

    Many girls had similar solitaire games in their childhood. After all, people, and children, have always been especially attracted by the idea of ​​seeing the future.

    This is not the only solitaire. There are many varieties of it: "Ancient", "Indian", "Gothic" and others. Like others, this solitaire can either give an answer to a specific question (more often - yes or no), or it can show a general picture of the future.

    How to guess? First, we decide what we want - the answer to a specific question, or just guessing for the future. Now we guess. For divination, you need to shuffle the cards. You can just mix them, but I prefer to shuffle.

    There are only 20 cards, so we lay out four rows of five each. The essence of fortune-telling is that the two halves of the symbol must form a whole symbol. He will be the answer to the question.

    If you ask the deck a specific question, then you need to lay it out once. If you just want to see the big picture of the future - lay out the cards three times, look at the combination of symbols, it will tell you what awaits you.

    To make the picture match, the cards can be rotated around their axis. But to rearrange cards from place to place it is forbidden. I have put the solitaire in order so that you can see all its symbols.

    After what period of time does what they predicted for the future come true?

    I am often asked - after what time does the guess begin to come true. It seems to me that everything is individual. But, nevertheless, I’ll tell you - after what time the guess comes true for me. In general, what is predicted in this solitaire comes true very quickly. In any case, I have.

    In the shortest possible time, events that have fallen in first layout (and we remember that we arrange it three times). The maximum period after which everything that fell out in the first scenario will be fulfilled is one month. At least a few days. Many events from the first scenario come true for me in a week or two.

    Second alignment. The total period for the implementation of events from the second scenario in your life is 2-3 months.

    Third alignment. The total time for the arrival of the events of the third scenario in your life is up to six months.

    Interpretation based on my divination

    As I said above, I have been doing fortune-telling since early childhood. The meanings of all symbols (whether it be fortune-telling on coffee grounds, on cards, or otherwise) I interpret myself. I interpret it according to my intuition.

    I will tell you about some symbols. I’ll just write the rest, and you’ll find the values ​​​​on the Internet on any site dedicated to this topic. But it is better if you do not memorize any interpretations, but analyze the picture that has fallen out yourself. Your own vision of meaning will be much more accurate than what your aunt or uncle from the Internet told you. It will be easy for you to interpret, because the symbols are simple and clear.

    Recently, I wondered about my future. Guessed about a week ago. I had an extremely unpleasant event in the first scenario. There was a combination of four cards "hell", "ship", "broken pot" and "money purse".

    Here we have two favorable cards, two - unfavorable. But they, In total, carry an unfavorable value.


    This card is negative, but it is understandable, a symbol "crap" it simply cannot bear anything favorable in itself. What will this card tell us? It symbolizes fraud. Moreover, deception can be associated with both money and something intangible. For example, this may mean that a colleague, friend or girlfriend, or someone else from the environment wants to set you up. So be careful. And in combination with the card "snake", or "swan" this card can talk about an opponent. In combination with some cards, it can speak of illness and, sometimes, death.


    Travel or trip. The map is generally favorable. In some situations, it can talk about moving. In the layouts for a career, it can talk about an increase, or a transition to a higher paying job.

    Broken pot.

    Again, a symbol of trouble. It can be a symbol of loss (material), it can also be a symbol of quarrels, some serious conflicts. In a love scenario, it can talk about parting, or a quarrel.

    Purse with money.

    The symbol itself is auspicious. He, as it was easy to understand, is connected with money. Talks about promotion, financial stability. This card promises money luck.

    In my layout, in total the "devil" card was associated with the "ship", that is, the fraud would be associated with travel, and the "broken pot" in conjunction with the "purse" indicates that the loss will be monetary.

    Our family was just planning a move, but we were almost deceived with an apartment and we refused to buy almost at the last moment.

    But the prediction still came true. I'm glad it's not on that scale, but it's still unpleasant. I went to visit a friend on the subway. The bag contained 300 rubles in cash, all sorts of little things, expensive French perfumes and a postcard for a friend and a tea and coffee set from Cantata (it was her birthday), a travel card and house keys. Fortunately, I was listening to music, so the phone, along with headphones, was in my pocket.

    So, I'm visiting a friend. She has a lot of guests at home, I open the bag to give a gift and ... And I understand that the bottom of the bag is cut through. It turns out that I have no gift, no money for the return trip, nothing, I'm terribly ashamed. A friend, dressed in a festive dress, with a smile on her face, meets me, waits for me to go into the kitchen to help her, and I am so ashamed that I almost cry.

    In the end, of course, I told her everything. She said that she didn’t need to buy a new gift, reassured me, we celebrated, I stayed overnight with her, and in the morning her lover drove me home by car.

    Of course, I will buy her a gift, but, you know, it was nice that she reassured me so much and, when the guests gathered, thanked everyone for the gifts, including me. I realized that my girlfriend is the best in the world.

    It's also a shame that there were favorite tarot cards in the bag, and now I have to buy new ones. Here is such a story. Be careful on the subway, friends. Well, now I will list all the symbols that exist in divination.


    Bottle (with glass)
    Pot (broken)
    Diploma (letter)
    Horn (trumpet)

    Purse with money


    Hen with chickens

    Heart (broken)

    A tube
    Cheln (boat)

    Myths about divination

    At the beginning of the review, I promised to talk about the myths associated with fortune telling and debunk them.

    Divination is a sin.

    Where this myth came from, I don't know. Most likely, he came from the Middle Ages, that is, he appeared at the moment when the Inquisition was dawning, which hated and, at the same time, was afraid of any mysticism.

    This myth is one of the most popular divination myths. Of course, there are as many opinions as there are people, but personally I don’t consider fortune-telling a sin. It is not dangerous, because you do not harm people in this way (as it would be with damage, for example), it is just an attempt to look into the future. And yet - you do not mess with the dark forces, you do not sell your soul to them. You just look at the cards and, if it is given to you, you see what awaits you, but if it is not given, the cards simply will not show anything.

    I think so - if you have some kind of natural Power, then this does not mean that you need to run to church and beg God to take this power away. Well, or, beg God to forgive you for the fact that you have this power. If you have the ability by nature, then it means that it is necessary. If someone from above gave you these abilities, then they must be used, and not considered a sin.

    But it's personal my an opinion that I do not impose on anyone. If you are afraid or don't want to guess, don't do it. And if you want, then why not. In general, it's up to you.

    You can guess only on a certain lunar day.

    There is such a myth that you can only guess on a certain lunar day. Like, the cards are active only on the full moon (new moon, first quarter, third quarter - underline as necessary). I think this is complete nonsense. In my opinion, if you have established contact with the cards, then you can guess at any time. I always have cards with me, they are in my purse just in case. Now, however, they do not lie, but soon I will buy new ones.

    That is, if you need advice at this particular moment, then you can safely ask it without waiting for a certain lunar day.

    Guessing is necessary at night.

    There is such a myth that you need to guess at night. It doesn't matter if you guess during the day, or at night, in the morning, or in the evening. If you know how to understand your deck, then you can guess at any time of the day. Of course, during fortune-telling you need to be alone, but otherwise, there are no rules in conducting fortune-telling. The same applies to any fortune-telling (not only card).

    When fortune telling on cards, you need to memorize the meanings.

    Once I was guessing to my friend and she said that I was guessing wrong, because this card means something completely different. She read the "correct" version on the Internet.

    In fortune-telling (card, coffee grounds, and others) there is no single and correct interpretation. It is important to look at the symbol and understand what you associate it with. Since, since the associations are different, then the symbol can prophesy us differently.

    Take, for example, a symbol such as "cat". Usually this symbol speaks of a rival, an envious person and ill-wishers. About tricks too. But...

    But, when a cat falls out to me in fortune-telling, for example, on coffee grounds, this speaks of good luck. Why? A cat for me is a symbol of some comfort and warmth. This is an affectionate, purring creature that can soothe, heal and uplift. For me, a cat is also a symbol of good luck, because with any (almost any) falls, it throws up, falling on its paws. That is, if a cat falls out to me, I will soon be saved from problems just as a cat is saved from death with the help of pads on its paws. In addition, cats are mystical animals, so my cat simply cannot be associated with something negative.

    Here, as you can see, we see the same symbol in different ways. The same symbol can mean different things to different people. Therefore, there are no correct and incorrect interpretations in fortune-telling, there are only the most general concepts, based on which you yourself can decipher this or that symbol.

    It's all main myths about divination that I heard. If you know any more - ask in the comments, we will figure it out together.


    To make the review more interesting for you, and the interpretations understandable, I decided to add some details about fortune-telling in general. I hope you found it interesting. Well, now let's get back to the "Kievskaya fortune-telling". Her mother ordered for me on the site "Taroman". This is a website that sells tarot cards, but it also sells solitaire games.

    I liked the quality of printing at "Kievskaya Soothsayer". I would like to praise the Helium publishing house for making such a cheap thing (the solitaire cost one hundred rubles) of such high quality. The cards are easy to shuffle, they are glossy and the paper is quite thick. This makes me happy.

    Of course, solitaire basically shows exactly the big picture (for this it gets four out of five), but, nevertheless, these are not just beautiful pictures. It works. The rave reviews online don't lie. It's just wonderful. I, to tell the truth, with some distrust at first treated this solitaire, but he pleasantly surprised me.

    Thank you all for your attention. See you soon, dear readers.

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