Katya moon factory of stars. The sixth concert of the "New Star Factory": rap from Keti Topuria, Sobchak's provocations and the flight of Saltykov's daughter

", the daughter of a star of the 90s Viktor Saltykov.

Anna Moon (Saltykova). Biography

Anna Saltykova was born on September 2, 1995 in Moscow. Anya's father is the famous singer Viktor Saltykov, mother - linguist, fluent in French and English,Irina Metlina. Anya has a younger brother Svyatoslav. For a long time the girl lived in London, studied at the University of the Arts London.

On September 2, 2017, the premiere of the show "New Star Factory" took place on the MUZ-TV channel. Among the 16 participants in the project was Anya Moon. Daughter of a popular musician Viktor Saltykov decided to take a pseudonym so that she would not be accused of using a high-profile surname. But, as soon as viewers found out that the pretty blonde was a relative of the singer, they immediately began to accuse her of getting into the show thanks to her father's connections. However, Victor denied all the speculations of the haters and stated that Anya was taken to the "New Star Factory" without his patronage.

“I'll tell you a secret, she wanted to retire - to escape from the last round. But I convinced him that he would make a huge mistake. People, of course, will not believe that the girl got herself. How are we? If you're someone's child, then you've been pushed through. But I did not know about her intentions until the third stage of the qualifying round, honestly!” - shared Viktor Saltykov.

Despite the fears of Viktor Saltykov, Anya Moon nevertheless sang a duet with him in the show " New Star Factory". The number, when the father and daughter sing the song “Leaves have flown away”, according to the fans of the project, turned out to be very touching and at the same time powerful.

One of the participants in the "New Star Factory" was the 22-year-old daughter of Viktor Saltykov, Anna Moon. The girl, who lived in London for a long time and studied at a prestigious British university, decided to try her hand at a TV project. Anna chose to use a pseudonym, hiding her relationship with a famous performer. StarHit found out from the aspiring performer why she sent an application for casting and how relatives relate to her activities.

Anya, why did you decide to go to the New Star Factory project?

I got to the casting quite by accident. A friend who saw my music video wrote to me and asked: “Listen, the casting of the New Star Factory is taking place on MUZ-TV, would you like to go?” Then I just flew home from England and did not know what I would do next. I thought: “Well, then this is a sign of fate, I’ll go and try myself, why not.” And she went. And passed. To be honest, I didn't expect. Went there in complete relaxation. You know, people dream, dream, prepare, and I walked without thinking much about it ... Somewhere on a subconscious level, I had an inner confidence that I would get there, although I was not very worried about the results of the casting. Although I am very glad that in the end I ended up here ... I went with a clear goal that I was not just going to sing a duet with the stars, but to show my creativity.

What did you feel during the casting?

I was worried only at the moment when I was already inside and went on stage. Before the first note, something changes inside me all the time, and I cannot calm myself, but then everything returns to normal. I didn’t worry anymore, although the atmosphere, of course, contributed to this: everyone was worried, discussing what song to sing ... Then I immediately met some guys who ended up with me on the project. We met with Elman and Martha in the corridor, and with Guzel too. She was very worried. I tried to calm her down: “Why are you soaring? Do not worry". It's the only thing I ever said to her. I continue to communicate with the guys, we managed to make friends thanks to rehearsals and gatherings that were held even before the first reporting concert ... By the way, Vova was also with me at the casting. As soon as I saw him, I thought: "He will pass anyway." He was so funny, I didn’t even hear him sing, but his image and character… It seemed to me that he was very interesting, charismatic.

Aren't you afraid to live under the guns of cameras when the whole country is watching you?

As a child, I was a fan of the Star Factory, I watched all the issues. Of course, I wanted to try myself in the project! According to my calculations, I was supposed to become a participant in the seventeenth season, but, unfortunately, the program was closed. After we launched the New Star Factory, I can say that my dream has come true. In fact, when you watch a TV show, you don't think it's that difficult. You think: “Well, what, they were settled in the house, they are fed, watered there, everything is fine.” In fact, it's really very difficult - morally and psychologically, because you live with strangers and you are not given time to relax.

// Photo: materials of the press service

Are you constantly doing something?

I don’t even have time to sleep for a couple of hours and “sit” on the phone - everything was taken away. We have different activities all the time. We wake up and immediately go to fitness. When this occurs, thoughts like: “God, am I here? Why? And why am I exercising at 9 o'clock in the morning? After intense physical activity we have a short break for breakfast, and then we have rehearsals, master classes, vocal lessons... Actually, it's all very interesting, but hard. It happens that you want to go home and think: “God, how I want to lie on the bed and do nothing.”

Do you easily get along with other people?

Yes, I lived in a hostel when I studied in London. Therefore, I have already got used to it, but there are guys who find it very difficult due to, for example, age. Girls who are 14-17 years old cry and worry.

What difficulties did you face in the star house?

It feels like you are living in a photography studio. For me, the light is the worst thing, because it is everywhere from 9 am to 11 pm, even in the bathroom and bedroom. Of course, at first such moments are very stressful, but over time you get used to it ... In general, the standard of living in the house is, of course, amazing, they cook food for us, and the girls even get manicures. In addition to us, there are 40 more people there - operators and those who are watching us.

Do you have any rules?

They are informed by a voice from outside. For example, the other day the girls and I had a brilliant idea: “Why are we going to talk? Let's write to each other. You won't see anything anyway." But we were told: “Girls, you are breaking the rules. You can be expelled for this." In general, everything is strict. But extremely interesting.

Do you write music and lyrics yourself?

Yes... Thanks to the project, I met those who like the same thing as me. It is very difficult for me to find like-minded people, because I have a specific taste - such, you know, intricate, “alternative”. I can't call myself a big fan of pop music. Therefore, for me, by the way, it was a problem to sing in a duet with Anna Sedokova. Just because it's not mine at all. I remember how Viktor Drobysh told me then: “Well, they don’t change you. You can also contribute a part of yourself. And you develop more outside your comfort zone.” After the concert, I realized that I agree with him.

Does Victor Drobysh somehow help the guys?

He very competently selects songs for all the participants, which, in principle, suit them more or less in style. For example, I did not sing with the Fabrika group, and as for Anna Sedokova, in this case there was a pleasant lyrical composition ... I even looked at her from the other side. In fact, I really liked Anna. She was very friendly with me and even, as I was told, posted something from that concert on Instagram.

How did your passion for music start? It is clear that you are from a creative family, but not everyone follows in the footsteps of their parents.

I have been fond of music since childhood. We can say that she surrounded me everywhere, and it was in my blood ... She began to sing when they brought me to some theater studio. I didn’t really want to study there, but in the end everything somehow dragged on. But then, when it came time to choose a university, I suddenly decided to study fashion in England.

However, you still decided to return to music again ...

I studied there for a year and devoted time to my hobby. There was a moment when I completely immersed myself in the world of fashion, which seemed so ephemeral, interesting to me ... But I didn’t have enough time to just pick up a guitar. It was only then that I realized how much I miss what I used to do. In the end, I decided that life is one, and I'd rather follow in the footsteps of my parents by enrolling in another university. My father was very supportive in this. He did not understand my passion for fashion at all and was skeptical about it, but preferred not to go against his daughter.

Have you regretted it?

No, when I started studying at a music university, I was constantly among musicians, it inspires me. You start thinking about what an artist is... I think I'm only at the beginning of my journey. It is interesting for me to bend my own line and not to perform other people's songs. I would like to create my own little world and make it cool.

Ever since your dad found out you were cast, has he given you any advice?

He didn't know I was going to the casting because I didn't take it that seriously. Then, when I passed, I called and told about everything. Dad was very happy, even, it seems, more than me ... Before the start of the project, I had a couple of days of corrals about the fact that I would be “locked up” in some kind of framework. Then I even thought about giving up. But dad said: “No, you have to go, because this is not a program where you just sing, like in a billion other programs, but this is a project where you “cook” in this whole industry. And when you are not the only one, but there are 16 of you.” He was not mistaken... I thought that I was the only one, and no one would understand me, but in fact, there were a lot of such people on the project, and it's nice.

// Photo: materials of the press service

Was it easy for you to return to Moscow?

Not really. When I moved to London, I was sure that I was leaving for the rest of my life. For some reason, I have never been comfortable in the Russian musical and creative environment. It seemed to me that it was cooler there, it was such a childish view of the world. You see a beautiful picture, you say: “But I want like this, not like this” ... I did not return because something didn’t work out for me. I decided, on the contrary, to achieve something here, and then abroad.

How much time did you spend in England?


One of the participants in the "New Star Factory" was the 22-year-old daughter of Viktor Saltykov, Anna Moon. The girl, who lived in London for a long time and studied at a prestigious British university, decided to try her hand at a TV project. Anna chose to use a pseudonym, hiding her relationship with a famous performer. StarHit found out from the aspiring performer why she sent an application for casting and how relatives relate to her activities.

- Anya, why did you decide to go to the New Star Factory project?

- I got to the casting quite by accident. A friend who saw my music video wrote to me and asked: “Listen, the casting of the New Star Factory is taking place on MUZ-TV, would you like to go?” Then I just flew home from England and did not know what I would do next. I thought: “Well, then this is a sign of fate, I’ll go and try myself, why not.” And she went. And passed. To be honest, I didn't expect. Went there in complete relaxation. You know, people dream, dream, prepare, and I walked without thinking much about this ... Somewhere on a subconscious level, I had an inner confidence that I would get there, although I was not very worried about the results of the casting. Although I am very glad that in the end I ended up here ... I went with a clear goal that I was not just going to sing a duet with the stars, but to show my creativity.

What did you feel during the casting?

- I was worried only at the moment when I was already inside and went on stage. Before the first note, something changes inside me all the time, and I cannot calm myself, but then everything returns to normal. I didn’t worry anymore, although the atmosphere was, of course, conducive to this: everyone was worried, discussing what song to sing ... Then I immediately met some guys who ended up with me on the project. We met with Elman and Martha in the corridor, and with Guzel too. She was very worried. I tried to calm her down: “Why are you soaring? Do not worry". It's the only thing I ever said to her. I continue to communicate with the guys, we managed to make friends thanks to rehearsals and gatherings that were held even before the first reporting concert ... By the way, Vova was also with me at the casting. As soon as I saw him, I thought: "He will pass anyway." He was so funny, I didn’t even hear him sing, but his image and character… It seemed to me that he was very interesting, charismatic.

- Aren't you afraid to live under the guns of cameras when the whole country is watching you?

- As a child, I was a fan of the Star Factory, I watched all the issues. Of course, I wanted to try myself in the project! According to my calculations, I was supposed to become a participant in the seventeenth season, but, unfortunately, the program was closed. After we launched the New Star Factory, I can say that my dream has come true. In fact, when you watch a TV show, you don't think it's that difficult. You think: “Well, what, they were settled in the house, they are fed, watered there, everything is fine.” In fact, it's really very difficult - morally and psychologically, because you live with strangers and you are not given time to relax.

Victor Saltykov with his 21-year-old daughter Anya Moon and other guests of the 21st birthday of MUZ-TV

Sunday, October 8, at the Vegas shopping mall on Kashirskoye Shosse, was marked by MUZ-TV - the country's main music channel celebrated its birthday.

He celebrated on a large scale: from 15:00, the "Party Zone" started on the territory of the shopping complex and an autograph session of the participants of the "New Star Factory" was held, and open-air thundered on the street, during which Natalya Podolskaya, Sergey Lazarev, Olga Buzova, Elena Temnikova performed , Band "Eros, Dzhigan, Leonid Agutin, EMIN and many other artists.

A little later, a closed dinner was held at the Zafferano restaurant, where all the open-air speakers could warm up and congratulate the head of MUZ-TV Arman Davletyarov on an important date for his offspring - the 21st anniversary.
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Band "Eros"

The musical accompaniment during the dinner was provided by young artists - participants of the "New Star Factory" on MUZ-TV, and from the hall their performances were watched by former "manufacturers": Vlad Sokolovsky, Alexandra Savelyeva and Irina Toneva, the group "Roots".
Among the audience was the musician Viktor Saltykov, whose popularity came at the end of the 80s. It turned out that the artist came to "cheer" for his daughter - 21-year-old Anya Moon is one of the participants in the TV project "New Star Factory". At the same time, the girl wants to succeed herself and tries not to advertise the famous dad. She took a pseudonym and even agreed to a joint photo with her father after much persuasion.
Group "Factory"

The heiress of Viktor Saltykov, Anna Moon (the girl took such a pseudonym) became one of the 16 participants in the New Star Factory. However, few people know that at the last stage, the artist wanted to abandon the show. “But I convinced her that she would make a huge mistake. People, of course, will not believe that the girl got herself. How is it with us? If you are someone’s child, then you pushed through. , honestly!" Viktor Saltykov said.


On the TV project, father and daughter have already sung a duet. However, according to Saltykov, the producers suggested this idea to him, and Anna reacted to it without much enthusiasm. "Ana wants independence. While studying in England, her daughter perfectly tightened her tongue and speaks English fluently. She also writes her own songs in a foreign language. And once I even heard the following:" Dad, I hope I will never sing in Russian. Now let's see how it sings," Starhit quotes the popular artist.

According to the rules of the show, now Saltykov's daughter lives without any means of communication. “We can only talk if we manage to get through to the landline internal phone of the star house. It turned out that immediately after filming the concert, the guys were put on a bus and taken to a rented mansion in the suburbs, and all the gadgets were taken away at the entrance. How does she feel there, how does she communicate with guys, I can understand from diaries - reports that are shown on TV three times a day, "said the singer.

Recall that daughter Anna was born in the second marriage of Viktor Saltykov with Irina Metlina. For the past few years, the heiress of the performer studied in the UK at the Academy of Music. As a student, Anna started her blog on YouTube. She posted songs there, communicated with subscribers. Victor Saltykov admitted: "Since we were far from each other, I got used to seeing her more often on the monitor than live."

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