Cupcakes at home - a recipe with a photo, step by step with a description of the nuances of cooking. Cupcakes - a classic recipe for making delicious and tender cakes

Delicious and easy baking recipes

How to make cupcakes that are not ashamed to take to work as a snack and which are always easy to surprise your guests. Recipe with photo step by step for you!

1 h 30 min

335 kcal

3/5 (2)

Cupcakes are originally an American dish and to a certain extent can be considered an American counterpart. By the way, cupcakes somehow resemble smaller ones or something similar.

Actually the name came from a combination of two words: cup (cup) and cake (pie, cupcake, cake). Thus, literally, the dish is translated as a cup or cup cake, but in order to understand the essence of the name, one should refer to the meaning of the word cup, which, in addition to a cup, can also mean a measure of volume that is used in America. Indeed, if you look at recipes in American magazines, for example, in the recipes opposite the ingredients you will see in the quantity column something like: 1 cup or ½ cup.

This measurement may vary depending on the product, since cup measures volume. If the situation is more or less understandable with milliliters, there are about 240 milliliters in a cup (although opinions differ), then you can’t say exactly how many grams of a certain product are in a cup. It is different for each product, for example, rice is 185 grams, raisins are 165, and flour is only 125 grams.

So, back to cupcakes, which, with the spread of American coffee chains around the world, began to gain popularity. In general, a cupcake is traditional for a sweet drink and is a combination of the bottom base layer, which is dough and the top layer-filling, which is custard, caramel, chocolate, sweets, icing or something similar. Eating cupcakes is now fashionable, so every self-respecting hostess needs to master this recipe.

How to make cupcakes

By the way, the development of this dish will take not much more time than reading this article. In fact, these cupcakes are easy to prepare, but you can always add to the recipe and improve the dough or filling.

This recipe is the base on which you can string your additions.

For the test you will need:

Let's start making cupcakes:

Cream for cupcakes - recipe

Cream Ingredients:

  • cream - 200 ml;
  • sugar - a tablespoon;
  • packaging of delicious yogurt.

Butter cream preparation

In fact, it is quite possible to use almost any interesting component as additives to this cream. For example, you can take syrups or chocolate cream.

forming cupcakes

After you have completed the preparation of each layer, it remains only to form cupcakes. Ideally, you should use pastry bag, but in general it is quite possible to take just a plastic bag and cut off a corner through which to squeeze the cream.

One way or another, you need to squeeze the cream beautifully onto the cupcakes. Kakpeiki are cremated in several layers, creating multi-level appetizing filling.

cupcake decoration

Of course, an integral part of this dish are a variety of tasty treats that complement the top. Here the choice is limited almost only by your imagination, as it is easy to find a wide variety of decorations for desserts in modern stores.

You can put cakes on the cream:

  • chocolate chips;
  • glazed powder;
  • crushed nuts;
  • coconut flakes;
  • small pieces of marmalade.

The most ideal thing is when you know how to combine each element (dough, filling and cream, decoration) of this dish. You will learn these combinations over time. What can be prepared filling for cupcakes? For example, if you make chocolate dough, then it is best to put a little mascarpone cheese inside and make a cream with this cheese. It can also be creamy caramel with a banana: for this you should take a banana, 100 g of cream and sugar to taste. Mix everything until a homogeneous puree, pre-heating the sugar in a pan.

There are many such combinations and it is easy to master these recipes. However, you can invent your own combinations. Bon appetit everyone!

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Mysterious and intriguing mini-cakes - cupcakes have already gained popularity around the world, because not a single celebration can do without them!

The biscuit base with a creamy cloud on top just blew up the dessert light. Thanks to such an unpretentious serving, now there is no need to cut personalized cakes, dividing them into an unthinkable number of servings so that each guest gets his own piece.

It is enough to bake cupcakes and each of the guests will have their own sweet dish, and sometimes even several, if you decide to create various mini-cakes with different flavors, since the number of recipes for their preparation is steadily growing every day! To keep you always ready for birthdays and other holidays, bookmark this page and prepare these delicious desserts with love and inspiration.

Recipe 1: Classic Cupcake

The classic version of creating cupcakes is not boring and not monotonous, because most of these cakes are prepared exactly according to it! Therefore, if you have such a secret recipe, you can only change the cream shells and each time the cupcakes will be completely different.

Required Ingredients:

- 100-120 g of sugar;

- 2 pcs. chicken eggs;

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 0.5 tsp baking powder;

- 100-120 ml of milk;

- 200 g of wheat flour;

- a little salt.

- 100 g of sugar;

- 50 g plums. oils.

- 1 tbsp. lemon juice;

- 4 chicken proteins;

Cooking method:

Beat soft butter with sugar - remove the butter in advance so that it softens. Add 2 eggs to the same place, sprinkle them with salt and beat again with a mixer. Pour the baking powder mixed with flour, mix, and then pour in the milk as the final step. It turns out not too thick fragrant dough.

Spread it into special paper cupcake liners and bake at 170-180C for about 18-20 minutes, watching its surface.

Take care of the cream - place the proteins with sugar in a container in a bowl of boiling water and beat until all the sugar crystals dissolve, but do not heat too much, otherwise the proteins will curdle. Remove from the bath and pour in the lemon juice, continuing to beat, followed by softened butter and coloring, if desired.

Place the cream in the cold for 28-30 minutes and then the oil will seize and the cream will thicken. During this time, the baked base will just cool down. With a pastry syringe filled with cream, decorate the biscuit base and serve the cupcakes to the table. Enjoy!

Cupcakes 2: Rum Cupcakes

Such cupcakes resemble the famous "rum baba" only with butter cream. They are also easy to prepare and keep their shape perfectly. Alcohol gives the dessert a slight piquancy when tasting.

Required Ingredients:

- 200 g of butter;

- 140-150 condensed milk.

for impregnation:

- 100 g of rum.

Cooking method:

Bake cupcakes according to the classic recipe above. Beat the condensed milk with soft butter and cool the whole mass. Optionally, you can add any dye. The cooled cream will become more dense and elastic. Soak the cooled biscuit base with rum and let it dry for about 10 minutes, and then decorate it with cream using a pastry syringe or an ordinary bag with a cut corner. You can add some caramel on top and you're good to go!

Recipe 3: Chocolate Cream Cupcakes

These cupcakes are a perfect duet of a light biscuit base and dark hot chocolate cream, which is made from dark chocolate.

Required Ingredients:

for the test, purchase the same ingredients as in the classic recipe.

- 200 g of black 72% chocolate;

- 200 ml cream 33%.

Cooking method:

Bake the biscuit base according to the classic recipe and let it cool for about 15-20 minutes.

At this time, slightly heat the cream, but do not boil, and pour it into a bowl, where you previously broke the bar chocolate into pieces. It will be necessary to stir the mass until the chocolate is completely dissolved in the dairy product. Then the cream should be cooled in the refrigerator and put on the base in beautiful waves, decorating the cupcakes with fresh berries if possible.

Recipe 4: Chocolate Coffee Cupcakes

These mini-cakes are completely saturated with chocolate spirit with coffee: both the base and the cream, and therefore those sweet tooth who cannot imagine a day in their life without this delicacy will definitely like it.

Required Ingredients:

- 0.5 tsp coffee (solv.: Jacobs, Nescafe, etc.);

- 1 tsp baking powder;

- 1.5 tbsp. cocoa powder;

- 1 tbsp. flour;

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 100 ml of milk;

- 100 g of granulated sugar;

- 2 chicken eggs;

- 200 g plums. oils;

- 150 ml of condensed milk.

Cooking method:

heat the milk and stir in the instant coffee and cocoa. Rub the butter with sugar and, gradually adding one egg at a time, beat with a mixer. Pour in the cooled coffee mass and add flour. Beat with a mixer. Spread the dough into molds and bake for 15-20 minutes at 170C in the oven. Be sure to cool the finished biscuits before applying the cream.

Beat condensed milk with butter and create cupcakes to your liking.

Recipe 5: Orange Cupcakes

Those who love a citrus note in desserts and treats will definitely like orange cupcakes, because both the dough and the cream contain orange juice.

Required Ingredients:

- 2 pcs. oranges;

- 100 ml of milk;

- 2 chicken eggs;

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 1.5 tbsp. flour;

- 200 g of sugar;

- 1 tsp baking powder;

- a little salt.

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 3-4 egg yolks;

- 1 orange;

- 1 tbsp. milk;

- 110 g of sugar;

- 3-4 tablespoons flour.

Cooking method:

When preparing the dough, rinse the oranges in hot water and remove the zest from them, then squeeze the juice. Whisk eggs with salt and sugar. Add baking powder, flour, orange juice and zest. Mix together and pour in the melted butter. The final touch will be the infusion of milk and mixing the dough. Fill the molds with it and bake in the oven at 180C for about 23-25 ​​minutes. After cooking, cool the orange bases.

When preparing the cream, grate the zest from an orange and squeeze out the juice. Mix chicken yolks with juice, zest, flour and sugar. Heat the milk in a saucepan and pour in a thin stream, stirring immediately. Put the mass on the fire and stir until it thickens, and then add the oil to it. Beat with a mixer and refrigerate for about 1 hour.

Pour the orange custard over the base and garnish with citrus slices.

Recipe 6: Mushroom Cupcakes

The incredibly delicate taste of mushroom cream is fully complemented by a salty juicy biscuit base. Such cupcakes will be a wonderful decoration of the festive table as a festive snack.

Required Ingredients:

- 0.5 tsp baking powder;

- 2 pcs. chicken eggs;

- 50 ml of vegetable oil;

- 200 g flour;

- 60 ml of milk;

- 0.5 tsp salt mixed with spices.

- 400 g of champignons;

- 150 ml of 33% cream (homemade);

- a quarter tsp salt.

Cooking method:

Pour seasonings with salt into beaten eggs. Pour in milk along with vegetable oil. Add the sifted flour with baking powder and stir to break up any lumps. Put the dough into paper molds and bake for 25-30 minutes at 180C in the oven. After cooking, be sure to cool the base.

Wash the mushrooms and cut them into slices. In a saucepan or in a frying pan, heat half the mass of the cream and stew the mushrooms in them, sprinkling with salt for 5-10 minutes until soft. Whip the remaining half of the cream until creamy. Cool the stewed mushrooms and chop with a blender. Combine both parts and puree with a blender, forming a cream.

Decorate the salted base with mushroom cream with sprigs of greens and serve.

Recipe 7: Snack Cupcakes

These salty cupcakes with herring cream are the perfect solution for a buffet or buffet. You can arrange them in any way and decorate with greenery.

Required Ingredients:

- 0.5 tsp baking powder;

- 2 pcs. chicken eggs;

- 50 ml of vegetable oil;

- 200 g flour;

- 60 ml of milk;

- 0.5 tsp salt mixed with spices.

- 2 pcs. herring fillet;

- 150 ml of 33% cream;

- 1 p. greens.

Cooking method:

Prepare the salt dough base as in the previous recipe, chilling it after creating.

Cut the boneless herring fillet into portions and chop with a blender along with herbs. If you wish, you can add half a green apple to the cream - it will add piquancy to the herring. Pour in the cream and beat until a thick cream is formed.

Decorate the cooled bases with cream and serve.

When baking bases for cupcakes, do not open the oven door, as they may fall off - it is better to give them a little time after turning off the equipment for self-precipitation and only then take them out. Either way, your cupcakes will be delicious!

How to eat a cupcake:
1. Choose a small cupcake that has more cream than the others.
2. Pull back part of the paper mold,
3. Take a bite.
4. Then try only the cream.
5. Repeat all over again as soon as there is nothing left of the first cupcake.

(from the expanses of Runet)

It will not be difficult for a person, even a poor student at school, to translate the word "cupcake" into Russian. Cap (cup) - a cup, cake (cake) - a cupcake. A cupcake the size of a cup - that's what a cupcake is. Fashion for bright sweets has captured the whole world. And it all started in America in 1828, when the recipe for small cakes decorated with a cream cap was mentioned in E. Leslie's well-known cookbook in the West. Over time, a classic recipe was formed, called the "quarter", because it consisted of four ingredients: 1 stack. butter, 2 stacks. sugar, 3 stacks flour, 4 eggs.

In America, baking cupcakes is treated with almost the same reverence as in Russia for Easter cake. Butter is by no means replaced with margarine, eggs are taken fresh, finely ground sugar, and all kinds of fillers, which are innumerable, are of the best quality, and all in order to end up with tender delicacies that melt in your mouth. Decorating cupcakes is a separate issue. A creamy hat or icing with marzipan figurines, themed drawings or fun abstract patterns, chocolate, hearts, faces, butterflies and even miniature teddy bears made of cookies - all this variety will turn the head of any sweet tooth! Cupcakes are the perfect treat for an office party or buffet. Multi-tiered “cakes” made of cupcakes look no less elegant than monumental structures made of biscuit and cream, and eating them is a pleasure - they do not need dishes and cutlery and do not need to be cut.

With the advent of microwave ovens in our kitchens, cupcakes are again cooked in the old fashioned way - in mugs! Dough is poured into a suitable mug and baked at maximum power, 3-5 minutes is usually enough. But we will talk about baking cupcakes in the oven. For baking cupcakes, special metal molds with a non-stick coating are designed so that the cupcakes can be removed from the molds without much difficulty. Silicone molds are much more convenient in this regard. Well, if we talk about the classics of the genre, then real cupcakes need to be baked in corrugated paper molds that are inserted into denser ones (metal or silicone). Paper forms are also preferable because cupcakes stay fresh longer in them, while the forms themselves become an additional decoration for cupcakes and make their use more hygienic. Forms must be lubricated with oil and filled with dough no more than ⅔ of the volume. The dough for cupcakes at first glance is not much different from the dough for muffins, with the only difference being that muffins can be not only sweet, but also bland and even salty, but never cupcakes. A cupcake is a mini cake, and that says it all.

200 g butter,
1 stack powdered sugar
3 eggs,

½ stack milk,
1 tsp vanilla extract.

Beat butter, icing sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating each time. Add half the norm of flour and milk, mix thoroughly, then add the remaining milk and flour. Grease the baking dish with oil and fill ⅔ with the mixture. Bake at 180ºC for 15-17 minutes. After baking, hold the cupcakes in the molds for a couple of minutes, then remove from the molds and cool on a wire rack. Decorate with cream.

2 stack self-rising flour
¾ stack. powdered sugar
¾ stack. milk,
125 g butter,
2 eggs,
1 tsp vanilla.
For decoration:
1 ½ stack. powdered sugar
1 - 1 ½ tbsp. water,
pink food coloring
sweets "Pti-Bon" or "M&M"s" - for decoration.

Mix the sifted flour and icing sugar in a bowl and make a well. Add milk, melted butter, eggs and vanilla and stir until smooth. Arrange on prepared molds and bake at a temperature of 200ºС for 12-15 minutes. Leave in the molds for 5 minutes, then cool on a wire rack. For the frosting, sift the icing sugar into a bowl, add the coloring and stir. Add water little by little, stirring constantly, until a smooth, shiny mass is obtained.
Spread the icing on the cupcakes and lay out patterns from the sweets.

150 g flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1 des.l. baking powder
¼ tsp salt,
1 egg
40 g powdered sugar,
120 ml milk
50 g butter,
50 g dark chocolate.
65 g dark chocolate,
24 maraschino cherries
powdered sugar.

Sift flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and salt into one bowl. In another bowl, mix the egg, sugar, milk and melted butter. Take a sieve and sift the dry ingredients directly into the egg-butter bowl. Then quickly, literally within 15 seconds, stir the mixture, pour in the grated chocolate and mix as quickly as possible. Divide the dough into 24 miniature molds and bake at 200ºC for 10 minutes. Then let stand for 5 minutes in the molds and cool on a wire rack. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate over the steam bath, pour over each cupcake and place a cherry on top. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

200 g sour cream
1 stack Sahara,
100 g butter,
2 stack flour,
3 eggs,
2 tsp baking powder
100 g raisins,

Whisk eggs with sugar, butter, sour cream and vanilla. Gradually add flour with baking powder in small portions and stir the batter. Dry the pre-soaked raisins and add to the dough. Pour the dough into molds, greased with oil, filling them by ⅔, and place in an oven preheated to 200ºС for 20 minutes. Brush the cooled cupcakes with icing and sprinkle with colored sugar.

1 ½ stack. flour,
½ tsp ground cinnamon,
½ tsp soda,
¾ stack. brown sugar
¾ stack. vegetable oil,
3 eggs,
½ stack chopped pecans (or walnuts)
300 g bananas
150 g pineapple
powdered sugar.

Sift the flour, cinnamon and baking soda into a bowl, add the sugar and make a well in the center. Pour the oil, lightly beaten eggs, mashed bananas, finely chopped pineapple and chopped nuts into it and mix. Arrange in molds and bake at 180ºС for 20-25 minutes. Decorate with any cream.

125 g butter,
155 g powdered sugar,
2 eggs,
1 tsp vanilla essence,
200 g self-rising flour
50 g cocoa powder
185 ml milk
16 cookie bears.
400 g concentrated milk,
1 tbsp liquid honey,
30 g butter.

Beat softened butter with sugar until white with a mixer. Add eggs one at a time, beating the mixture each time. Add vanilla, flour and cocoa and stir until smooth. Divide the dough between greased molds and bake at 180ºC for 15 minutes. Cool in the molds for 5 minutes, then remove the cupcakes from the molds and cool on a wire rack. In the meantime, pour the milk, honey and butter into a saucepan and put it on a slow fire. Bring to a boil, stirring, and cook the caramel. Cool slightly, pour over the cupcakes and place on top of the cubs.


125 g butter,
165 g of powdered sugar,
3 bananas
2 eggs,
1 tsp vanilla extract,
300 g self-rising flour
45 g coconut flakes
100 g dark chocolate,
icing sugar - for dusting (or colored icing for decoration).


Beat butter, icing sugar, bananas, eggs and vanilla with a mixer until smooth. In a separate bowl, mix flour, coconut and grated chocolate, add banana mixture and mix. Pour into molds and bake at 200ºC for 15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or decorate with icing.

200 g cottage cheese,
200 g sugar
200 g flour
150 g butter,
3 eggs,
1 sachet of baking powder.

200 g soft cream cheese,
powdered sugar to taste
cocoa powder - for coloring.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Beat eggs with sugar, add cottage cheese, melted butter and flour with baking powder. Stir until smooth and spread on molds, greased with oil. Bake at 180ºC for 20-25 minutes. Cool down. For cream, beat cream cheese with powdered sugar, color with cocoa powder and apply on cupcakes in the form of a cap.

250 ml heavy cream
450 g dark chocolate,
5 eggs
165 g of powdered sugar,
150 g flour
1 tbsp cocoa powder
½ tsp baking powder
colored sugar - for decoration.
Chocolate Sauce:
100 g dark chocolate,
80 ml 10% cream.


Combine the cream and grated chocolate in a saucepan and melt over a double boiler, stirring to prevent the chocolate from curdling. Let it cool down a bit. Beat the sugar and eggs with a mixer until white and double in size. Slowly add chocolate mixture and stir. Sift flour, cocoa powder and baking powder into a bowl and stir into chocolate mixture. Divide the dough into molds, filling them ⅔, and bake at a temperature of 180ºС for 15-20 minutes. For the sauce, grate the chocolate into a saucepan, place it over boiling water so that the bottom does not touch the water, and melt while stirring. Drizzle the top of the cupcakes with chocolate and sprinkle with colored sugar. If there is no sugar, use colored coconut flakes.

200 g butter,
1 stack powdered sugar
3 eggs,
2 ½ stacks self-rising flour
½ stack milk,
1 tsp vanilla extract,
250 g marshmallows,
½ stack diced almonds,
½ stack coconut flakes,
500 g milk chocolate.

Prepare cupcakes according to the basic recipe and cool. Place chopped marshmallows, almonds and coconut flakes in a saucepan. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour over the nut mass. Mix and spread over cupcakes. Place in refrigerator to harden chocolate.

200 g butter,
1 stack powdered sugar
3 eggs,
2 ½ stacks self-rising flour
¼ stack. milk,
1 tsp vanilla extract.
For glaze:
3 oranges
2 ½ stacks powdered sugar.


Peel the oranges and squeeze out the juice. Add the zest of 2 oranges and ¼ stack to the cupcake batter. orange juice along with ¼ stack. milk. Bake cupcakes in small molds and let them cool. For frosting, combine powdered sugar, orange zest and ¼ cup. orange juice and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous smooth mass is obtained. Spread icing over cupcakes and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

3.5 stack. flour,
500 g pumpkin puree,
1 tsp salt,
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
½ tsp ground cloves,
½ tsp ground nutmeg,
½ tsp ground allspice,
2.5 stack. Sahara,
½ stack brown sugar
1 stack vegetable oil,
4 eggs.

For glaze:
1 stack powdered sugar
1-2 tbsp milk.

Sift dry ingredients into a bowl and stir. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sugar, add vegetable oil and pumpkin puree. Then add flour mixture and stir until smooth. Divide the dough into molds, filling them no more than ⅔, as the dough rises well. Put in an oven preheated to 180ºС for 20-25 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick. Mix the icing sugar and milk until smooth and glossy and pour over the cooled cupcakes. Finished cupcakes can be sprinkled with lemon or orange zest.


1 stack grated carrot,
¾ stack. Sahara,
2 eggs,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
1 tsp vanilla,
½ tsp salt,
¾ stack. raisins,
¾ stack. nuts,
1 stack vegetable oil,
2 tbsp baking powder.

Lightly beat eggs with sugar. Sift flour and dry ingredients, combine with eggs and mix until smooth. Divide batter between greased tins and bake cupcakes. For decoration, use butter cream by planting roses on cupcakes.

You can easily entrust the decoration of cupcakes to children, especially if you are preparing small treats for a children's party. Colored sugar, colored coconut flakes, confectionery topping for cakes or small colored dragees can be a great palette for children's fantasies. If you are preparing a treat for adults, you will have to wake up the talent of an artist of small forms in yourself: cupcakes decorated in a simple style or, on the contrary, which are real creamy bouquets, will decorate any holiday table.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

And I love baking cupcakes! With or without reason. With good and bad mood and just like that. These little crumbs cheer me up! Today I will bake cupcakes according to the classic recipe. I like this recipe because nothing special is required here, and any housewife has everything in the refrigerator. I also like cupcakes because they do not require much time, but I don’t have it!

So, let's prepare everything you need for classic cupcakes with cream, and let's go!

The oil should be at room temperature. We grind the butter with sugar and salt, I do this with a special nozzle, but you can also do this with a silicone spatula.

We add eggs. Then add flour with baking powder and milk in parts. We make a soft liquid dough.

Let's prepare the form. It is better to bake in disposable cuffs.

Fill the forms 2/3 with dough and place in a preheated oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. Focus on your oven. I bake mouthguards on convection.

Cupcakes are ready in 25 minutes. Let them cool down in the form.

The cupcakes are so delicious that you want to try them right away. Inside they are fluffy and tender.

For cream, I use the classic composition: cream and powdered sugar. Just whip the chilled cream with powder and decorate through a confectionery envelope.

I have a new tricolor decor gadget. I insert each segment into a separate confectionery envelope and tighten it with a pink nut.

I dyed the cream in three colors. This gadget is convenient to use for decoration. The cream does not mix.

I use a large "open star" nozzle.

I apply cream in a spiral from bottom to top. It turns out an interesting relief and color combination.

Curiously, on the other hand, these same cupcakes look different.

And now some caramel beads...

Voila! Classic cupcakes are ready! Indescribable beauty! This is delicious! Help yourself!

Hi all!
In this post, in my opinion, I will answer the most popular questions of my instagram, as soon as I post a photo of cupcakes. I prepared this material for the winter issue of Russian Foodie and I was kindly allowed to publish this article here, on the pages of my website.

Despite the apparent simplicity of cupcakes, when they are first prepared, many people face a number of questions and difficulties. Most of all, of course, questions to the cream. What is the most faithful and, I'm not afraid of this word, the ideal cream recipe? So that he keeps his shape, lays down evenly and does not let him down at the most crucial moment? What nozzle is better to use? How to use it? And many other questions, to which today I will try to give exhaustive answers.

Let's start with the most basic, without which our cupcake would not exist. No cake base. Below is the most basic recipe for vanilla cupcakes. It is very versatile and you can make some substitutions and you will get a new recipe every time. For example, add lemon zest and blueberries for lemon blueberry cupcakes. Or replace a couple of tablespoons of flour with the same number of tablespoons of cocoa. Add nuts, berries or fruits. Space for your imagination.

I would be grateful for the note #website when posting your photos on social networks.


Ingredients: for 12 pcs


  • 100 gr sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar (or extract)
  • 100 gr sifted flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 75 gr heavy cream (33-35%)

Cream Ingredients:

  • 100 g butter at room temperature
  • 120 gr powdered sugar
  • 80 gr cream cheese
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • a couple of drops of gel color


Preparing the cupcake base:

  1. Beat room temperature butter with sugar for a few minutes (depending on the power of your mixer) until the sugar dissolves as much as possible.
  2. Add two eggs and vanilla sugar one at a time. Shake thoroughly.
  3. Sift flour with baking powder and add to dough. We mix.
  4. Add cream, mix again and put the finished dough into a muffin mold. For convenience, put paper capsules in the form, and put the dough in it on 2/3 of the form.
  5. We put the base for cupcakes in the oven preheated to 180C for 20-25 minutes and bake until cooked. Readiness is checked with a wooden skewer or toothpick. Allow cupcakes to cool completely before decorating with cream.

Cream preparation:

Now let's move on to the most interesting. To cream. I am convinced that the best cream for cupcakes, which will lay down beautifully and evenly and withstand any transfers and temperatures, will contain oil! I know that many people try to get away from oil in cream recipes, guided by childhood memories of Soviet oil roses on cakes. But here everything is completely different. First, we will add cream cheese to the butter, which will hide the obvious taste of the butter. And, secondly, we will choose the best oil that is sold in your store. Perhaps the quality of the oil is a guarantee that everything will turn out great for you! It should be oily and should not delaminate when at room temperature. Cream cheese and butter should be removed from the refrigerator at the same time before preparing the cream, so that they are approximately the same temperature.

  1. Beat the butter at high speed with a mixer for a few minutes. During this time, the oil should become lighter and more magnificent.
  2. Sift the powder well and add all at once to the oil. And beat for 3-4 minutes at maximum speed of the mixer. When we just add the powder, the oil will gather into lumps, but in just a few seconds all the lumps will be seen and will be whipped into a cream. The longer you beat the powder with the butter, the lighter your cream will be. It is very important to take your time so that your cream does not have a yellowish tint.
  3. Add vanilla extract and cream cheese and beat again, but this time not so long. Only until the moment when the mud is well mixed.
  4. The cream is ready. Now you need to transfer it to a pastry bag with a nozzle and decorate cupcakes.

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