Classic cupcakes. Basic cupcake recipe: perfect cream and tender muffins

Every hostess always wants to please loved ones and surprise guests with delicious homemade sweets. Cupcakes are small cake cupcakes stuffed with chocolate, condensed milk or fruit. They can be a real work of art, and at the same time, not difficult to prepare at home.

What do you need to make a cupcake?

The classic version of the dish is designed for 12 servings. Energy value of pancakes- 365 kcal / 100 g. It will take very little time to cook - just 70 minutes.

For cream you need:

  • 210 g butter or heavy cream
  • 300 g fine powdered sugar
  • 180 g of tender fatty cheese (like mascarpone, almette). If there is no cheese, fatty cottage cheese is also suitable, but it must be passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon (optional)

For the classic topping You need to have the following ingredients on hand:

  • 100 g frozen raspberries
  • 100 g frozen strawberries
  • 50-70 g sugar

For the test you need to take the following components:

  • 260 g sifted premium flour
  • 2 fresh eggs
  • 160 ml milk
  • 60 ml cream 15% fat
  • 125 g butter
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • a pinch of salt

Where should you start cooking culinary delights?

You can just decorate with cream from a pastry bag, or you can show your imagination: use curly nozzles, cream of different colors, colored glaze, sugar powders, chocolate figurines. Strictly follow the above recommendations and you will succeed.

Recipe for making cupcakes at home

While preparing the dough mix dry ingredients first, and then add a mixture of liquid to them. Butter cream needs to be taken out of the refrigerator a little in advance so that it softens.

But the main thing is not to overdo it. If the butter is too soft, the cream will flow and it will not work. It is better to immediately transfer the finished cream into a pastry bag and put in the fridge.

If you do not have cream, you can use them in the dough replace with regular milk. Before baking, press the center of each cupcake a little so that they do not rise too much, this will make it easier to spread the cream. Decorate only well-cooled products, otherwise the cream or icing will melt and ruin the pattern, remember this.

What are the options for serving food?

The options for submission and design are endless. It all depends on your free time and fantasy. Cupcakes can be decorated in a wedding, children's and even corporate style.

Serve them like dessert for tea, or stack on a dish in a pyramid in the form of a large portioned cake. You can make themed culinary products, for example, with different characters of your favorite cartoon. Come up with your own style and soon everything will be fine.

Video recipe for making dessert from Olga Matvey

Fillings for cupcakes from condensed milk, sour cream and banana

As already mentioned, there are many filling options. Let's look at a few of them. For cupcakes with banana filling we need 2 ripe bananas, 100 g of cream (approximately 33% fat), 4 tsp. powdered sugar. Mash the banana with a fork or blender until pureed, add powdered sugar and cream, mix. The filling is ready.

Another tasty option condensed milk filling. You can use boiled condensed milk toffee or regular. If you use ordinary condensed milk, put not a spoonful of dough into the mold, but fill almost half.

To prevent the condensed milk from spreading, make a small indentation in the middle with a spoon, into which pour the filling with another spoon.

For those who do not like very sweet, suitable cupcakes with sour cream filling. This is one of the simplest fillings: we take 400 g of thick sour cream, 160 g of powdered sugar, you can add vanilla on the tip of a knife, beat until a fluffy mass is obtained. In this cream, you can replace part of the sour cream with cottage cheese, rubbed through a meat grinder, or mascarpone cheese.

A brief history of delicious food

Cupcakes have arrived from USA. By its original name, meaning in translation "cup cake", they are indebted to the cooks, who did not always have scales at hand, so it was more convenient to remember and transfer the recipe, measuring all the ingredients with a cup measure, for example, two cups of flour, a cup of milk, a cup of sugar.

In the late 1820s, a recipe was invented in which the dough was baked not in one large one, but poured into small molds.

Since then, cupcakes have become portioned. miniature cakes for a couple of bites, decorated with cream, icing or chocolate, we have recently appeared, but everyone has already fallen in love with. Cupcakes will decorate any festive table, and their preparation can turn into an exciting hobby.

Cupcakes are the perfect solution for a buffet.

Multi-tiered “cakes” made of cupcakes look no less elegant than monumental structures made of biscuit and cream, and eating them is a pleasure - they do not need dishes and cutlery and do not need to be cut.

1. Delicate cupcakes


1. Flour - 1.5 cups
2. Sugar - 1 cup
3. Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
4. Baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon
5. Baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon
6. Melted butter (82% and above) - 100 gr.
7. Egg - 1 pc.
8. Sour cream (15-20%) - 1/4 cup
9. Milk - 3/4 cup
10. Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons

How to make tender cupcakes:

In a saucepan or deep bowl with a whisk or fork, mix sugar, egg, vanilla sugar, sour cream and milk. Then add the slightly cooled melted butter and mix well again.

In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder, soda and salt. mix. Then sift the flour mixture through a sieve into a saucepan with the milk mixture. Mix well with a whisk until smooth. It is even better to let the dough rest a little at room temperature for 15 minutes.

Spoon the batter into the molds with a teaspoon.

We put the cupcakes on a baking sheet and put them in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. They will bake for about 9-13 minutes. Everyone's oven is different, so I give you universal advice to make cupcakes tender and not dry.

Keep an eye on the cupcakes after the 8th minute they are in the oven. Check them for readiness with toothpicks, stick them in and if they come out dry, take them out immediately. Cupcakes should be white, if they begin to “golden”, then they are already dried.

Butter cream for cupcakes

1. Powdered sugar - 1.5 cups
2. Very soft butter - 100 gr.
3. 20% non or 10% cream - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
4. Vanilla sugar - 1/2 teaspoon

How to make buttercream for cupcakes:

According to the recipe for the cream, you just need to beat all the products.

To make the cream really tender and soft, you need to do this: Beat the butter until white at medium speed with a mixer. and they will interfere). Now add vanilla sugar and cream.

Beat with a mixer for several minutes until our mixture acquires the consistency of a cream, airy and pleasant. The finished cream can be colored with cocoa or dyes, I do not recommend adding syrups, because of them the structure of the cream will change and it may leak, delaminate. You need to apply the cream on cooled cupcakes.

2. Orange cupcakes


For the test:
1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
2. Milk - 120 ml.
3. Butter - 100 gr.
4. Sugar - 220 gr.
5. Flour - 310-320 gr.
6. Orange - 2 pcs. (350 gr.),
7. Chocolate (bitter) - 50 gr.
8. Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
9. Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with vanilla sugar)
10. Salt on the tip of a knife

for butter cream
1. Butter - 200 gr.
2. Condensed milk - 6 tbsp. spoons
3. Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
4. Orange juice - 2 tbsp. spoons
5. Vanilla extract (optional) - 0.5 tsp

How to make orange cupcakes:

Wash the oranges, pour over boiling water and wipe dry.

Remove the zest from the oranges using a special tool or a medium grater.

Cut the oranges in half and squeeze the juice out of them (you will need 120 ml of orange juice).

Chop the chocolate with a knife. Sift the flour together with the baking powder into the bowl of a food processor, add sugar, a small pinch of salt and softened butter.

Mix all the ingredients with a spatula or guitar dough attachment (you can knead the dough in a food processor with knives).

Advice. The dough can be prepared without using a food processor. To do this, grind flour with baking powder, sugar and a pinch of salt (or chop with a large knife) with softened butter in a bowl or on a large cutting board. Pour milk into the dough in 2-3 doses and mix. Beat in the eggs and mix the dough. Advice. At this stage, you can add vanilla extract to the dough. If there is no vanilla extract, you can replace some of the sugar in the recipe with vanilla sugar.

Also, in 2-3 doses, pour in orange juice and mix the dough until smooth. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream.

If the dough is too liquid, add some flour to it. And if thick - a little orange juice or milk. Add chopped chocolate and orange zest and mix well.

Divide the dough into the prepared molds, filling them 2/3 full. Bake the cupcakes for ~25-30 minutes in a preheated oven at ~180°C until light golden brown.
Remove the finished cupcakes from the oven and cool.

Prepare buttercream with condensed milk. Beat softened butter with a mixer until fluffy. Without stopping beating, in small portions, add condensed milk.

Then add powdered sugar and beat the cream until smooth, at medium speed of the mixer. Pour orange juice in 2-3 doses, add vanilla extract and beat the cream well.

If desired, the cream can be tinted with food coloring. Decorate cupcakes with buttercream using a pastry bag (star nozzle) and sprinkle with multi-colored pastry toppings.

3. Homemade cupcakes "Rainbow"


1. Egg (protein) - 4 pcs.
2. Milk - 1 glass
3. Vanillin - 2 teaspoons
4. Flour - 3 cups
5. Sugar - 1.5 cups
6. Baking powder - 1 tbsp. a spoon
7. Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
8. Butter - 1.5 packs
9. Confetti - 1/2 cup
10. Creamy frosting

How to make homemade rainbow cupcakes:

Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Whisk egg whites, milk and vanilla. Beat. Sift flour and sugar.
In a food processor, combine flour, sugar and softened butter. Add egg and milk mixture and mix until smooth. Add confetti. Mix. Divide the dough among all molds, filling them halfway. Bake for about 20 minutes. Cover the cooled cupcake with buttercream icing

4. Chocolate cupcakes


For the test:
1. Butter - 100 gr.
2. Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. spoons
3. Sugar - 0.5 - 0.75 cups
4. Milk - a little less than 0.5 cups
5. Flour - 1 cup
6. Eggs - 2 pcs.
7. Baking Powder

For cream:
1. Thick sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons
2. Cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons
3. Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
4. Butter - 20 gr.
5. Nuts or colored powder for decorations.

How to make chocolate cupcakes:

Combine butter, cocoa, sugar and milk. Stir and bring to a boil. Remove the hot mass from heat and let cool. Add a glass of flour, baking powder and 2 eggs to the cooled one. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
Insert paper cups into round muffin tins and fill 2/3 with the resulting mass.
Bake in a hot oven at 200C for 15 minutes. While the cupcakes are baking, prepare the cream to decorate the top of the cupcake. To do this, mix sour cream, cocoa, sugar and butter. Bring to a boil and cool. The cream should be thick enough. You only need to decorate the cooled cupcake with cream.
Sprinkle the top with cream with nuts, small sweets or multi-colored powder.

5. Red Velvet Cupcakes


1. Flour - 190 gr.
2. Soda - 1/2 teaspoon
3. Salt - 3/4 tsp
4. Cocoa - 1 tbsp. a spoon
5. Sugar - 180 gr.
6. Vegetable oil - 160 gr.
7. Egg - 1 pc.
8. Kefir - 125 gr. (room temperature)
9. Table vinegar 9% - 1/2 teaspoon
10. Food coloring red - in accordance with the instructions on the package
11. Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon

For cream:
1. Cream cheese - 240 gr.
2. Butter - 40 gr.
3. Powdered sugar - to taste
4. Vanilla extract - to taste

How to make red velvet cupcakes:

Line muffin cups with paper liners. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Sift flour, baking soda, salt and cocoa powder into a bowl and mix. In another bowl, beat the butter, sugar, vanilla sugar with a whisk, add the egg and mix well again, but do not beat too much. Mix kefir with dye, add vinegar. Use the dye as written in the instructions, if the dye needs to be diluted in water, then dilute it in a very small amount of liquid and add it to kefir.
Add the kefir mixture to the mixture of butter and eggs, mix.

Combine the mixture with dry ingredients and mix until smooth (I stirred with a mixer). Fill the molds with dough 1/2 and put in a preheated oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes, check readiness with a toothpick.

Remove the finished cupcakes from the molds and cool. For cream, beat butter at room temperature, cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla extract. Decorate cooled cupcakes with frosting.

6. Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese


1. Flour - 200 gr.
2. Sugar (ground in a blender so that there are no large grains) - 200 gr.
3. Unsweetened cocoa - 30 gr.
4. Soda - 1 teaspoon
5. Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
6. Water - 240 ml.
7. Vegetable oil - 80 ml.
8. Vinegar 5% - 1 tbsp. a spoon
9. Vanilla sugar - 8 gr.

For creamy filling:
1. Cream cheese such as Philadelphia, Almeta or another brand - 230 gr.
2. Sugar (ground in a blender so that there are no large grains) - 65 gr.
3. Egg (room temperature) - 1 pc.
4. Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon

How to make chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese:

First, prepare a 12-muffin tin by greasing it with oil or lining it with paper muffin liners.

Preheat the oven to 177°C.

Dough preparation: In a large bowl, sift flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, vanilla sugar and salt. In a separate bowl, mix water, oil and vinegar.

Make a hole in the sifted flour mass and pour a liquid mixture of water, oil and vinegar into it. Mix all this with a whisk or spatula until a homogeneous consistency.

Divide the prepared chocolate dough into 12 molds.

Then you need to prepare the creamy filling: In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth, add sugar and vanilla sugar to it and beat for about a minute, until the sugar combines with the cream cheese. Then add the egg and beat until creamy and smooth. The mass should turn out like thick sour cream.

On top of each cupcake, you need to distribute the creamy filling over 12 cupcakes, then put in the oven to bake for 18-25 minutes at 177 ° C until cooked (look at your oven). Test the dough with a wooden skewer, if you stick the skewer into the dough, it should come out dry.

Since the creamy mass is poured in the middle of the cupcakes and it will be hot and liquidish, you need to stick the skewer along the edges of the dough, sticking it deep into the middle of the dough.

Remove the finished cupcakes from the oven, put them on the wire rack together with the mold and let cool for about 8 minutes, after the cupcakes remove from the mold and let them cool completely on the wire rack.

7. Cupcakes


1. Butter - 100 gr.
2. Sugar - 2/3 cup
3. Egg - 2 pcs.
4. Flour - 1-1/4 cup
5. Salt
6. Baking powder - 2 teaspoons
7. Milk -1/3 cup
8. Different additives to taste (nuts, chocolate chips, raisins)

How to make cupcakes:

Beat butter with sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating well each time. Divide the total amount of flour into three parts. Add a third of the flour to the total mass, mix well. Add baking powder and salt. Then add the remaining two parts of flour, alternating with milk. The last ingredient added should be milk, then add raisins, nuts, and more.

Divide into molds. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees until dry. From this proportion, I usually get 48 mini cupcakes or 20 medium cupcakes. After that, we take some filling (jam, Nutella, ganache), pierce the cake and stuff it with a pastry bag. And then in a circle we deposit the cream with a special nozzle.

For cream:
1. Curd cheese (standard Hochland pack) - 140 gr.
2. Butter - 100 gr.
3. Powdered sugar to taste
4. Various additives at will - 50 gr. (any chocolate, jam, peanut butter, Nutella)

How to make cupcakes:

Whisk cream cheese with butter. Add powder, beat. At the end, beat with other additives. Put in a bag (or a pastry syringe) and deposit on a cupcake. You can put a berry on top, sprinkle with chocolate chips or multi-colored confectionery sprinkles. Give free rein to your imagination!

8. Apple cupcakes


1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
2. Milk - 160 ml.
3. Butter - 100 gr.
4. Flour -220 gr.
5. Sugar - 150 gr.
6. Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
7. Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
8. Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon
9. Apples -250 gr.

For cream:
1. Philadelphia or Almette cheese - 175 gr.
2. Butter - 100 gr.
3. Powdered sugar - 100 gr.
4. Vanilla extract - 0.5 tsp
5. Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon

How to make apple cupcakes:

Beat softened butter with sugar. Add eggs one at a time, add milk, beat, add van. extract. Sift flour with baking powder and cinnamon into the butter-egg mixture, mix well.
Add finely chopped apples, mix. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pour into molds and bake for 20-25 minutes. To prepare the cream, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and beat with a mixer. Spread the cream on completely cooled cupcakes. Decorate with sprinkles if desired.

9. Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes


1. Butter - 100 gr.
2. Sugar - 100 gr.
3. Cream - 100 ml.
4. Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. spoons
5. Rum - 2 tbsp. spoons
6. Egg - 1 pc.
7. Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
8. Canned cherries - 200 gr.
9. Flour - 200 gr.
10. Mascarpone - 100 gr.
11. Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
12. Cream - 100 ml.

How to make Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes:

Drain the juice from the cherries, leave 100 ml, mix with 1 tablespoon of Grand Marnier, pour over the cherries and leave for 1 hour. Mix the cream with sugar and cocoa, add the oil and heat over low heat until smooth, without boiling and stirring constantly. Cool down. Add egg and mix well. Mix flour with baking powder or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch. Sift into the chocolate cream mixture, mixing gently. Add 1 tablespoon of rum.

Drain the cherries in a colander to drain the liquid. Grease cupcake molds with butter. Fill 1/3 with dough, put a couple of cherries, pour dough on top again so that the molds are half filled. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes, checking for readiness with a match.
Whip the cream with sugar into a fluffy mass, add Mascarpone and 1 tablespoon of rum. Fill a syringe or bag and place on cooled cupcakes. Top with remaining cherries and grated chocolate.

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Despite its tiny size, cupcakes are in no way inferior to full-fledged classic cakes. Biscuit can be chocolate, peanut, strawberry, banana or vanilla. Additives are also very different - from raisins to chocolate chips and fruits. The obligatory air cap of cream, cream cheese, meringue, whipped cream, ganache or mastic crowns the cake. At this stage, the chef shows all his imagination: you can decorate the cupcake with candied flowers, beads, fashion a company logo or a cartoon character - a real scope for creativity! Mini cakes help create a festive atmosphere: for St. Patrick's Day, it is appropriate to make cupcakes in the form of green shamrocks, for Halloween - with the image of Jack O'Lantern, and for the New Year - in the form of a Christmas tree.

The fashion for cupcakes has also migrated to wedding tables. Newlyweds often order multi-tiered masterpieces of artfully decorated mini cupcakes instead of the traditional cake. Such an individual dessert surpasses its large counterpart: it looks beautiful and is more convenient to eat - after all, each guest gets a separate cake. You can bake cupcakes both in coffee or tea refractory cups, and in silicone molds or in multi-colored corrugated paper molds. The latter are sold in large supermarkets.

Cupcakes are often confused with another type of miniature pastry - muffins. They are both dessert (with the addition of blueberries, raspberries, cherries, cinnamon) and snack bars (with pumpkin, zucchini, carrots). The difference between cupcakes and muffins is that the attribute of the former is a generous portion of cream and the most delicate porous biscuit, and the latter is a swollen, hanging dough cap and a denser texture. By the way, even in the world of wizards, muffins are respected: it is known for certain that on the way to school, Harry Potter ate pumpkin muffins, which in the fairy-tale world are sold only on the Hogwarts Express.

For 4 persons: flour - 6 tbsp. l., butter - 100 g, sugar - 3 tbsp. l., baking powder - 1 tsp, milk - 150 ml, eggs - 2 pcs., Philadelphia cheese - 200 g, powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l., any berry, salt.

Mash the butter with your hands, beat with sugar. Separately mix flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt. Beat eggs into butter, knead. Combine the mixture, add warm milk. Pour the finished dough into special molds, filling them halfway, put in the oven. Beat the powder and Philadelphia, put in a piping bag, decorate the cupcakes. Place berries on top (both fresh and defrosted).

Calorie per serving 300 kcal

Time for preparing 50 minutes

7 points

For 4 persons: flour - 1.5 cups, sugar - 1 cup, fresh blueberries - 50 g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l., eggs - 2 pcs., butter - 100 g, sour cream - 1 cup, soda - 1 tsp, powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Beat eggs thoroughly with sugar. Add melted butter, sour cream and vinegar-slaked soda. Beat by adding flour. Lubricate small molds with vegetable oil, pour the dough without filling the molds entirely. Lay out fresh berries. Bake in a preheated oven over low heat for about 20 minutes. Cool the finished muffins and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Calorie per serving 210 kcal

Time for preparing 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 6 persons: flour - 1 cup, sugar - 1.5 cups, cottage cheese - 250 g, sour cream - 2 tbsp. l., eggs - 2 pcs., butter - 2 tbsp. l., soda - 0.5 tsp, bananas - 1 pc., mint leaves - 10 pcs.

Cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream, flour, sugar (1 cup), soda, quenched with vinegar, and melted butter, mix, arrange in molds. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C. Remove, cool.

Cut the banana into rings, sprinkle with lemon juice so as not to darken. The remaining sugar pour 1/2 cup of water, put on a slow fire. When liquid begins to boil, remove from heat. Soak cupcakes with prepared caramel. Garnish with banana slices and mint leaves.

Calorie per serving 150 kcal

Time for preparing 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 4 persons: wheat flour - 250 g, ground cinnamon - 1.5 tsp, soda - 1.5 tsp, baking powder - 2 tsp, salt - 1.5 g, eggs - 3 pcs., sugar sand - 230 g, vegetable oil - 150 ml, vanillin, grated carrots - 2 cups

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease the bottoms of the muffin tins with butter. Sift together flour, cinnamon, soda, baking powder and salt. Postpone. Whisk the eggs and sugar until the mixture is frothy and light in color. Add vegetable oil, vanilla and carrots. Mix with flour mixture. Pour the dough into the prepared molds. Bake in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Take out and let cool on a wire rack.

Calorie per serving 210 kcal

Time for preparing 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 4 persons: wheat flour - 250 g, butter - 100 g, granulated sugar - 150 g, cocoa - 2 tbsp. l., eggs - 2 pcs, kefir - 1 cup, baking powder - 2 tsp, vanillin

Mix kefir with baking powder, set aside for a while. Mix melted butter with sugar, eggs, vanilla. Add kefir. Add flour, sifting. Mix well. Divide the dough into two parts. Add cocoa to one of the parts. Spread alternately in a greased and floured muffin tin, one tablespoon each of the chocolate and light batter until the tins are half full. Bake at 180°C for about 25 minutes. You can cover the muffins with melted chocolate or chocolate whipped cream and sprinkle with cocoa.

Calorie per serving 270 kcal

Time for preparing 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 4 persons: wheat flour - 1.5 cups, baking powder - 0.5 tsp, soda - 1 tsp, salt - 1 tsp, bananas - 3 pcs. granulated sugar - 0.75 cups, eggs - 1 pc., butter - 75 g

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Grease the cupcake mold well with butter. Sift together flour, baking powder, soda and salt, set aside. Mash bananas into puree. Combine puree, sugar, egg and pre-melted butter in a separate bowl. Slowly add flour mixture and stir until smooth. Pour batter into molds, filling them 2/3 full.

Before baking, large pieces of bananas or any other fruit can be placed on top of the cake. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Calorie per serving 250 kcal

Time for preparing 50 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 4 persons: wheat flour - 100 g, milk - 120 ml, green tea with jasmine - 3 bags, granulated sugar - 150 g, butter - 50 g, baking powder - 1.5 tsp, vanillin, eggs - 1 pc., salt - 0.25 tsp

Brew tea bags with hot milk. Mix dry ingredients: flour, salt and baking powder. Beat softened butter with sugar, vanilla and egg. After the milk has cooled, take out the bags. Add milk to butter. Then add dry ingredients. Mix until smooth. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease the mold with butter. Bake for 20-25 minutes. You can decorate with whipped cream and confectionery sprinkles.

Calorie per serving 180 kcal

Time for preparing 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 4 persons: flour - 250 g, margarine - 150 g, milk - 150 ml, eggs - 2 pcs., baking powder - 2 tsp, sour cream - 5 tbsp. l., cocoa - 4 tbsp. l., sugar - 4 tbsp. l., butter - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix butter, cocoa, sugar, milk. Bring to a boil, remove from heat. Cool down. Beat eggs, mix. Add baking powder and flour, knead the dough. Grease molds with oil, fill with dough 2/3. Place in preheated oven, bake for 20-25 minutes. For cream in a saucepan, mix sour cream, cocoa, sugar, butter. Boil. Cool down. Spread cream over cupcakes.

Calorie per serving 420 kcal

Time for preparing 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 4 persons: wheat flour - 250 g, granulated sugar - 300 g, zucchini pulp, grated on a fine grater - 250 g, eggs - 2 pcs., olive oil - 2 tbsp. l., cinnamon, salt, baking powder, vanillin

In one bowl, mix all dry ingredients (flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt, baking powder and vanilla). In another bowl, mix all other ingredients. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix. Pour mixture into molds, filling them 2/3 full. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 25 minutes. You can decorate cupcakes with cottage cheese cream: beat 300 g of cottage cheese or soft cottage cheese until a homogeneous airy mass with 50 g of powdered sugar and coat the tops of the cupcakes.

Calorie per serving 170 kcal

Time for preparing 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 2 persons: flour - 4 tbsp. l., sugar - 4 tbsp. l., cocoa - 2 tbsp. l., eggs - 2 pcs., vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l., baking powder - 0.5 tsp., salt

Mix all the ingredients, beat with a mixer at a slow speed. You should get a dough that is similar in texture to sour cream. Pour it into mugs, filling up to half - the dough rises very well. Put in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. Make sure the dough doesn't overflow.

Take out the cupcakes, let them cool slightly and serve without removing them from the mugs. You can add dried fruits, zest, fresh berries or chopped nuts to the dough, and decorate the finished cupcakes with powdered sugar and airy low-calorie cream.

Calorie per serving 220 kcal

Time for preparing 15 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

Photo: Fotolia/All Over Press, Legion Media

It is difficult to find in our time a person who would not love various festive events. Children are always waiting for them. After all, all friends gather and there is an opportunity to have fun from the heart. And what celebrations take place without a variety of treats? The organizers are trying to pick up delicious, original and loved by many. Today, among sweets, cupcakes are becoming popular, a recipe with step-by-step photos of which can be found not so much in cookbooks as on the Internet. Being a unique American pastry, they are increasingly winning the hearts of our compatriots.

In the United Kingdom and the United States, not a single holiday passes without interesting and very appetizing "cup cakes". This is how you can interpret the English word cupcake, which we know as "cupcake". This delicacy has been delighting with amazing taste for more than two centuries. A is a biscuit cake filled with a certain filling. From above, it is necessarily covered with a cap of air cream and a variety of edible decorations.

Cupcakes with cream, recipes with photos of which will help any housewife to bake such a delicious meal, can be fully considered real cakes, only in miniature. Known technologies for the preparation of these cakes in a variety of variations. The biscuit differs depending on the composition of the main ingredients and happens:

  • Chocolate, if cocoa is added to the dough;
  • Banana, if one of the ingredients is a grated banana;
  • Strawberry, in the case when strawberry jam or strawberry pieces are present in the dough;
  • By adding whole or ground peanuts to the basis of future baking, they get a peanut cake.

They can be vanilla, carrot or any other. Necessarily inside cupcakes with filling, recipes with photos of which are not very complicated, there are delicious additives. It can be raisins, cherries, peach, other fruits. A very unusual taste has a sweetness with chocolate chips inside. In the form of a filler, fruit jam or regular condensed milk is also used.

As a festive pastry, cupcakes require special decoration. Using confectionery mastic, it is possible to create real works of art.

Decorating the top of the treat makes it different from a regular cupcake and is a must. Creatively approaching the preparation of cupcakes at home according to recipes with photos, each hostess can realize the most unusual fantasies. On top of a beautiful slide of fluffy cream or whipped cream, dense mastic or cream cheese, it is possible to place candied berries, make bright drawings that will echo the theme of the celebration.

How to cook cupcakes

Today you can find many different recipes for cupcakes with photos step by step. But in order to get an unsurpassed delicacy that just melts in your mouth, you need the following main ingredients:

  • Butter, never margarine.
  • Powdered sugar.
  • Fresh eggs.
  • Flour must be of the highest quality.
  • baking powder (baking soda).

Depending on the recipe, sour cream or milk is sometimes added to the dough for mini-cakes.

Among the huge variety of cupcake recipes, at home (see photo) you can make pastries, which double or even triple during the heat treatment process. And there is one that practically does not change its original volumes. This feature of the test affects the required amount when laying it in the forms. In order for the cakes to be of the same size, a certain scoop is used, since the consistency of the dough can be said to be watery.

For baking homemade cupcakes, recipes and photos of which can be found in large quantities on the Internet, certain molds are needed. Can be found in aluminum, silicone or paper. Silicone molds are very popular. Putting dough in them and putting it in the oven, you can be sure that it will not burn, and it is much more convenient to get ready-made mini-cakes from such ones.

It is better to use corrugated paper molds. They are multi-colored and with the presence of beautiful patterns. It is not necessary to get ready-made pastries from them, but you can serve them directly to the table. Such forms serve as an excellent additional decoration for sweets.

It is not difficult to make cupcakes with filling. Recipes with photos step by step describe this work well. There are two approaches. In the first case, the filling is laid along with the dough. To do this, lay out a layer of dough in the form, then the filling, which is closed with a second layer of dough. In the second case, the core is removed from the cakes that have cooled down after baking and the resulting void is filled with filling. Then proceed to the design of the upper part of the mini-cakes.

Basic cupcake recipe

Thanks to the creative approach of culinary experts to the preparation of the delicacy in question and the introduction of new nuances into the recipe, the variety of cupcakes today is measured in hundreds and even thousands of varieties. But for beginners, it would be more correct to start making these amazing cakes from the basic recipe.


  • Self-rising flour - 2.5 cups;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Milk - 0.5 cups;
  • Eggs, 3 pcs.;
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp. l.;
  • Strawberry jam for filling.

Cooking: Several simple operations, the sequence of which is desirable to maintain.

  1. Butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla are whipped until fluffy and airy.
  2. Eggs are introduced into it. In this case, you need to do this in stages, adding each egg separately and bringing the mass to a homogeneous one, beating it.
  3. Flour and milk are added in two stages. After adding half of these ingredients, the dough is well kneaded. After that, the rest of the milk and flour are added and also thoroughly mixed.
  4. The resulting dough is laid out in pre-oiled molds, also in two layers. The first is well distributed along the walls to make a glass. Jam is launched into it using a confectionery syringe, which is covered with a second layer of dough. The form should be two-thirds full.

Next, the forms are placed in an oven preheated to 180 0 for baking for 15 minutes. After this time, the cakes are removed from the oven and cool slightly in the molds. And then they need to be carefully removed and placed on a dish to cool, then decorate with cream.

Classic cream for cupcakes - recipe with photo

Particular attention is paid, of course, to the cream for cupcakes. A recipe with a photo step by step will help you get the perfect one, even if it is being prepared for the first time. An important condition is a sufficiently high density of the resulting mass. This is a necessary condition that will provide the opportunity to build a beautiful slide. To make its shape amazing and unusual, it is better to use a confectionery syringe.


  • Butter 100 g;
  • Powdered sugar 80 g;
  • Milk - approximately 70 milliliters.

Cooking: The main secret of the density of this cream is slightly warm milk, which is added to the butter pre-mixed with powdered sugar and whipped at high speed.

Chocolate cupcakes - recipe with photo step by step

It is not difficult to prepare chocolate cupcakes, the recipe with a photo of which we present for lovers of such a delicacy. Ingredients:

  • Flour - 250 g;
  • Butter - about 170 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - 5 s. l.;
  • Milk - 150 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 4 s.l.;
  • Cocoa - 4 s.l.;
  • Baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • Condensed milk.

Cooking: It is worth starting work by mixing half a serving of butter, cocoa, sugar and all milk. Next, the resulting mass should be put on low heat and allowed to boil with constant stirring.

After cooling, add pre-beaten eggs to it. Then add flour and baking powder and mix thoroughly. Put the dough into two-thirds of the greased molds and place in a preheated oven to 180 0 for 25 minutes. And at this time, you can prepare the cream. To do this, mix sour cream, the remaining sugar and cocoa and put on fire until boiling. Then remove, cool and add butter, beat well. And after the cupcakes are ready, carefully remove the middle and fill with condensed milk and decorate with cream on top.

Thanks to an interesting set of ingredients, ease of preparation and extraordinary taste, Hummingbird cupcakes are very popular.


  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • Brown sugar - ¾ cup;
  • Vegetable oil - ¾ cup;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Walnut - 0.5;
  • Bananas - 300 g;
  • Pineapple - 150 g.

Cooking: In a bowl with sifted flour, to which soda and cinnamon have already been added, add sugar and mix. Make a well in the center and pour in the butter and lightly beaten eggs. Then lay banana puree, finely chopped pineapple and crushed nuts. The mass is thoroughly kneaded, after which it is laid out in oiled forms. An amazing cake is baked for 20 minutes at an oven temperature of 180 0. The last step is the obligatory decoration, for which any cream is suitable.

What holidays are cupcakes good for?

At children's holidays and home celebrations, at various corporate meetings and just in any cafe, mouth-watering cupcakes do not leave anyone indifferent. Mini-cakes with cartoon characters will look original at the children's event. And how beautiful marzipan little animals and hearts look on cupcakes. You can decorate them with butterflies or cute faces. For a corporate party, pastries are suitable, with sweet company logos. And if you put unusual cupcakes in a multi-tiered cake, then the treat will be worthy of any admiration. And eating them is a pleasure. No cutlery or cutlery needed. The knife also does not spoil the overall spectacle, since it is simply not used in this case.

A recipe for cupcakes with cream with a photo step by step will help to prepare a delicacy for any housewife. She will be in place during the New Year's feast and at the birthday celebration. At a wedding celebration, themed cupcakes, neatly arranged on a decorative stand, will successfully replace a wedding cake. Ladies on March 8 will not refuse this dessert, even slightly deviating from their diets. Indeed, in addition to taste, mini-cakes are a worthy decoration of the table and are sure to give a festive mood.

Cupcakes are small delicious cupcakes that, when cooked correctly, will become a real decoration of the table. Want to know how to make them? Then read these cupcake recipes and you will not have any problems!

Classic cupcakes at home

Cooking cupcakes according to the classic recipe is not difficult. The most important thing is to observe the correct proportions of the ingredients.

You need:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon;
  • milk - 2/3 cup;
  • oil - ½ pack;
  • loosened - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch.

We will prepare like this:

  1. Before you start making cupcakes, take the butter out of the fridge. It needs to be slightly thawed and softened. Grind it with a mixer along with sugar so that you get a mass of homogeneous consistency. Then add vanilla, eggs and a small pinch of salt.
  2. Put also flour mixed with baking powder into the mixture. Don't forget to sift it first.
  3. Add milk to the dough and mix well, and then distribute it among prepared moulds. It is best to use silicone or heat-resistant plastic.
  4. Send them to the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180ºС.

Amazing chocolate dessert

Chocolate cupcakes are a real treat for those with a sweet tooth.

You need:

  • sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • milk - ½ cup;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • oil - 1 pack;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • loosened - 2 teaspoons.


  1. To prepare the dough, take a small saucepan.
  2. Mix melted or softened butter, milk, a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder and an incomplete glass of sugar in it.
  3. Boil the composition on the stove, and then remove it from it and let it cool. After that, beat a couple of eggs into the mixture.
  4. Next put the sifted flour mixed with baking powder.
  5. As a result, you should get a thick dough. Divide it into molds and send to bake for half an hour.

Unusual carrot cupcakes

Have you ever tried carrot cupcakes? If not, then rather use this recipe and be sure that the result will not disappoint you!

You need:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • rast. oil - ½ cup;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • cream - 1 glass;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Grate the carrots as finely as possible. As a result, you should get one and a half cups of planed straws.
  2. Nuts are crushed in any convenient way.
  3. Mix separately flour, salt and soda slaked with vinegar or a couple of drops of lemon juice.
  4. Melted butter, vanilla and eggs are ground separately.
  5. Combine the two halves of the mixture and add carrots and nuts to them. Mix thoroughly.
  6. Pour the dough into molds and send for half an hour in the oven or oven.
  7. A little after the start of baking, check the readiness with a toothpick.

Vanilla cake in a hurry

Vanilla cupcakes will delight lovers of delicate sweets with a delicate aroma.

You need:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • oil - ½ pack;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin - 2 teaspoons;
  • loosened - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch.

Let's start the process:

  1. Immediately turn on the oven to heat up, because it takes very little time to prepare the dough for cupcakes.
  2. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and when it becomes soft enough, grind with sugar into a fluffy mass.
  3. Then add the eggs to the mixture.
  4. Separately, crumbly ingredients are combined in another bowl.
  5. Portionally add the dry part to the liquid and do not stop whipping with a mixer, setting it to the smallest power.
  6. Milk is added at the end.
  7. Mix well and pour the dough into molds.
  8. Send for half an hour in a preheated oven.

Cupcakes with liquid filling

You will need:

  • flour - ½ cup;
  • oil - 1 pack;
  • bitter chocolate - 200 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • salt - a pinch.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Softened butter, two-thirds of the amount of sugar indicated in the ingredients and chocolate are melted in any way that is familiar to you.
  2. The remaining sugar is beaten together with the eggs until foam appears.
  3. Combine both parts of the dough and add the sifted flour to them.
  4. Pour it into the molds, but fill a little more than half way or the dough will overflow when it rises.
  5. Put the cupcakes in the oven for half an hour.
  6. The finished dessert can be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top or decorated with cream.
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