What is the meaning of the name Angelica for a woman - character traits. The meaning of the female name Angelica: character and fate

Angel, Angelina.

Name Angelica in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 當歸 (Dāngguī). Japanese: アンジェリカ (Anjerika). Korean: 안젤리카 (anjellika). Hindi: एंजेलिका (Eennjeelika). Ukrainian: Anzhelika. Yiddish: אַנדזשעליקאַ (anjelika). English: Angelica (Angelica).

Origin and meaning of the name Angelica

The origin of the name Angelica is The meaning of the name is from Angelina.

The nature of the name

One of your main shortcomings, according to friends, is ingratitude. You rarely remember help, but at the same time you often claim even that which does not belong to you. You think that you have every right to do this in connection with your merits in the past. This approach also often leads to conflicts.

Alas, you can hardly be attributed to real family men, because you do not want to constantly bear the burden of responsibility - because this limits your love of freedom. And if the relationship, in your opinion, has lost its novelty and turned into a burden, you can easily break it off.

Changes and surprises follow you everywhere, which, by the way, are the main factor in your personal development.


At the heart of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position, your existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your vital positions. If you have to work hard for this - well, you are ready for this.

The “ideal” arrangement of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the pantries are full and the arsenal is kept in exemplary order. All "military actions" are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external encroachments.

But what is "an unshakable stronghold" for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life to your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice by offering to use your own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell due to the fact that someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gate. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whom it is, in essence, made.


It is important for you to stand out from the crowd. However, you should not use flashy tones or catchy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you. It’s just that the general style of clothing should be distinguished by correctness, good taste, and solidity. Clothing should be of high quality and fit well on you. An appearance that meets these criteria inspires disposition and trust. These principles should be guided not only in the process of completing your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home, office.

Numerology Of The Name Angelica

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are fond of, are heavily carried away. With a patient mentor and adviser who can be one of the relatives or just a close person, the "troika" can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the "triples" is often unenviable. With all the outward invulnerability in the soul, the “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dryness.
Zodiac: , .
Colour: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Angelica as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Our, Yours)
F Live
Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
L People
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
To Kako
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Angelica

The name Angelica, translated from Latin, means "like an angel." As a child, Angelica is energetic and restless, which is why she often receives comments. She likes noisy games, pranks and pranks, it is simply impossible to make her sit still. Angelica is doing well at school. Humanities subjects are quite easy for her, while exact ones, requiring the ability to concentrate, attentiveness and concentration, can cause problems. Angelica loves sports, and her victories, in part, compensate for possible failures in her studies. Angelica is a wonderful friend and comrade, ready to help at any moment. She likes to spend time with her friends loneliness is not for her at all. For Angelica, there is nothing worse than the absence of at least one of her relatives or friends nearby.

Angelica is most likely to have a strong relationship with:

Albert, Arthur, Vasily, Gleb, Elisha, Zinovy, Ivan, Cyril, Leonty.

Angelica is an amorous girl, for whom life without love seems boring and insipid. She cannot imagine her existence without love, moreover, reciprocity is not so important for her. For Angelica, the main thing is to love, even if the object of her feelings does not know about it. She has rather idealized views on relationships that lead to too early and too hasty marriage. The first time Angelica marries at a fairly young age for a man whom she considers her other half. She may be completely unprepared for family life, considering her not at all what she really is. Such a marriage does not last long and ends in a breakup, which Angelica takes very hard. She may become depressed and think that she will never find her happiness. The second marriage for Angelica may be more successful. Angelica is a loving and understanding mother who tries to surround her children with care and make them happy. She strives to be their true friend and establish close, trusting relationships with them. Angelica's children grow up to be kind, open, sincere people, like their mother.

Angelica is least likely to have a strong relationship with:

Anton, Boris, Veniamin, Eugene, Julius, Yuri, Yakov.

The most suitable middle name for the name Angelica:

Alexandrovna, Viktorovna, Georgievna, Dmitrievna, Zinovievna, Ignatievna, Karpovna.

The least suitable middle name for the name Angelica:

Bogdanovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Fedorovna, Yakovlevna.

The meaning inherent in the word is well understood in all languages. It is interpreted from Greek in two ways, as “messenger of God”, “angel”. According to the church, it belongs to the Catholic. Orthodox version -. Another version - from lat. Angelicus "swift" or "angelic". I especially liked it after the adventure novels of the Golon couple with a beautiful heroine in the title role.

The meaning of the name Angelica does not fully correspond to the owner. Over the years, it changes externally and internally. Clothes, habits and even character. In her youth, she is too mature and sensible, in her old age she is spontaneous, loving to play with her grandchildren.

Despite the ancient etymology, girls are often called Angels in many countries. In some, even the name is among the ten most popular. It is pronounced depending on the linguistic characteristics of the people. For example:

  • Angelika (an-ge´-li-ka) - German.
  • アンゼリカ (a-n-jo-ri-ka) - Japanese.
  • Angélique (an-zhe-li´k) - French.
  • Αγγελική (an-ge´-li-ki) - Greek.
  • 安热莉卡 (an-ze-li-ka) - Chinese. lang.

Diminutive form:

  • Anzhelochka
  • Angela
  • Anzhusya

Options came into use in imitation of the West:

  • Angeli
  • Angie
  • Angelique
  • Angelina

Character girl, girl, woman

The one who was given a name has a wonderful character from an early age. His main features: calmness, complaisance. The girl does not like to leave the house and always tries to help her mother with the housework and in raising younger children. Distinguished by her responsibility, she is a needlewoman and an active book reader.

From an early age, despite all her charm and patience, Angelochka is able to defend her point of view. She is no stranger to adult conversations. She is close to her mother, does not hide her feelings.

As a teenager, the girl acquires audacity and independence. Strive for brightness, which is expressed in an excess of makeup. Now she is drawn to freedom, to her peers. The main thing is to stand out in order to cause admiration. The angelic meaning in this period does not converge with reality.

However, defiant behavior does not prevent you from studying well and taking care of loved ones. Such traits as sociability, striving for the goal with all their might are fixed. Despite the wide circle of friends, there are almost no real friends. Hobbies at this time: music, parties and hangouts.

Becoming a woman, striking in its beauty. Cheerful, kind, charming. Still, you can’t call her an angel even in this period. I interfere with self-esteem and pride. Thanks to perseverance, she is able to fly up the career ladder. Handles conflict situations well.

Attractiveness, the ability to present oneself, love for jewelry and beautiful things make a woman desirable for men.


In general, the bearers of this beautiful name are destined for a successful life. Fortune favors Angelica.


From a young age, men adore Gelya. She always knows how to negotiate with them and subordinate them to her will. Her beauty attracts, bewitches. The fans don't back down. However, there is a possibility of errors in girlhood due to inexperience. Can fall in love with an unfree or unworthy person.

Suffering from unrequited love is not for Lika. After 20 there will be a real feeling. At this time, she will be ready for anything for the sake of her beloved, up to self-sacrifice. Able to part with a prestigious job, a cozy home, go for love to distant lands.

Family status

Marriage does not affect appearance in any way. Everything continues as usual: sports, work. This does not mean that the family is in the background. On the contrary, Angelina is a very good wife, a reverent mother. Diligently equips his nest, takes care of the kids. She trusts her husband in everything, considers him the best on earth.

Sincerity becomes the main component in family relations for Angelina. On her part, you can be sure of loyalty and devotion. He will never forgive betrayal, and in connection with it he can file for divorce. This rarely happens, as the husband is always fascinated and looks only at her.


In her affairs, whether it be service or business, Angelica is responsible. Strives for excellence, responsibly treats assignments. He pays great attention to his career. The material component is also important. For the sake of a better salary, she is ready to change jobs.

Painfully refers to ignoring their labor merits. Fate gives success in career and money. In addition, her family and husband always support her. Leading, implementing new projects is Angela's true vocation. In the absence of such, the search will continue throughout life.

Mystery of the name

All Angela's actions are connected with her powerful intuition. The girl usually does not talk about her. Justifies actions with other things.

  • Stone - turquoise, lapis lazuli.
  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius, Leo.
  • The planet is Venus.
  • Plants - aspen,.
  • The patron animal is an electric ramp.
  • Color - red, purple, black, blue.
  • Color - black, red
  • The number is 3.

Name day catholic

  • 29.06
  • 15.07
  • 21.09

Notable bearers of the Name

  • Angela Merici is a Catholic saint.
  • Anjelica Huston - actress (USA).
  • Anzhelika Varum - singer (Russia).
  • Anzhelika Krylova - figure skating (coach, athlete, choreographer).
  • Angelica Nevolina - actress (Russia).
  • Angelica Bridges - model (USA).
  • Angelica Kaufmann - artist (Germany).
  • Angelica Neto - singer, soprano (Portugal).
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A name is given to a person from birth. It would seem that there is nothing special in the name, but it carries a huge amount of important information. What does the name Angelica mean? What is the origin and history of the name Angelica?

The meaning of the name Angelica

Angelica is a messenger, a messenger. This is a man who carries the good news for all people.

The name is of Greek origin and is considered one of the most ancient names. The signs of the zodiac that patronize the name are Aquarius and Capricorn.

They give the girl self-confidence, strength of mind, stability of the psyche.

The planet that patronizes the girl is Pluto. Thanks to her influence, Angelica negotiates quite easily, can quickly conclude important deals, and can reach agreement in any conflict. The meaning of the name Angelica is conducive to this.

Origin and history of the name Angelica

The name is of ancient Greek origin. What does the name Angelica mean, translated from Greek - angelic. This man was sent from above to reconcile people. Angelique is called Angela, Angelina, but these names are related.

Analogues of the name Angelica are the names Angelina, Angelica. The short meaning of the name is - Anzhi, Lika, Zheli. Angelica celebrates name days three times a year according to the Catholic calendar. June twenty-ninth, July fifteenth, October twenty-first.

The character and fate of Angelica

In the numerology of the name Angelica, the number three corresponds. She lays in her character such positive qualities:



A responsibility.

It is worth noting that Angelica is growing up as a rather quiet and calm child. She does not like to sort things out and demand more than her parents give her. If she has ambitions, she tries to realize them with the help of active actions.

Angelica is laconic. It is difficult for her to get along in a female team, so in childhood she prefers either to be alone or a male company. She has an even relationship with her mother. Angelica constantly strives to help with the housework, to provide moral support.

With the support of her parents, the girl is easily given training and advancement in life. From an early age she gets used to achieving everything herself, so her parents are not too worried about her fate.

Since Angelica is not verbose, she does not create conflicts at home or at school. The girl studies well, although she does not demonstrate unique learning abilities. But diligent and diligent, this ensures respect for her among teachers and peers.

Angelica is quite a creative person, she can turn any life event into a holiday. She has no fear of the public, she loves to communicate with people from the stage, although in life she is not verbose.

A huge number of tests fall on the fate of the girl. She often encounters such difficulties before which another person would retreat in fear. But the girl is accustomed to calmly and independently solve all her problems. She is not conflict, but many try to provoke her into a showdown. Angelica simply ignores them, stopping communication with a person after a scandal.

Her friends envy her, considering the girl to be arrogant. Calm Angelica is perceived as a kind of arrogance. But the girl does not react to provocations further. She tries to find a common language with everyone, so children love her.

When Angelica has a difficult life period, new wonderful people meet on her way. She gets new connections easily, acquires profitable contacts at lightning speed and all because she is restrained and sweet. The girl is not used to counting on the support of adults, she makes many decisions herself and is very happy about this.

She always strives to help her parents, even when she is not asked about it. She finds time for friends and acquaintances, for profitable meetings. It is worth noting that girls also have negative character traits:




She is so emotional that she simply does not notice how she begins to go beyond what is permitted. She can laugh very loudly, have fun in an inappropriate place, as life takes too easily. She very often breaks contacts with the right people because of her temperament and then it is difficult for her to establish them. She can't plan ahead. Lives for one day.

Angelica is better off choosing a creative profession. In business, she will fail, because life with reflections on the future is not for her. Works well in subordination, as well as in leadership. Can do charity work, create works of art.

Angelicas are often journalists, managers, designers. This work brings both money and fame, as well as moral and spiritual pleasure for the girl. Relatives do not always commend the girl's creative inclinations, but over time they begin to take everything for granted.

Angelica love

The character and fate of Angelica determine her success in the love field. In a relationship, the girl is very capricious. It is difficult for her to agree with a partner, because often she simply does not want to perceive his point of view. She believes that a man should be strong and balanced, but often chooses a completely opposite type of men.

Men love Angelica. She is economic, sweet, and if she controls outbursts of emotions, she is a kind girl. In the family, she cannot reconcile herself to the primacy of her husband for a long time, but when she resigns herself, peace reigns in the house.

Angelica loves herself, and loves when a man gives her the proper signs of attention. She believes that cancer is not a reason to stop caring for a woman. Angelica has practically no girlfriends, because she does not like to discuss her personal life. She does not consider it necessary to listen to other people's problems.

Angelica loves children and cares for them in every possible way, creates ideal conditions for their development. Men are always interested in Angelica. But, having made a choice, she does not change the man, but tries to build a harmonious relationship with him.

The meaning of the name Angelica: this name for a girl is translated as "angelic", since it comes from the word "angel", "messenger", "good news".

Origin of the name Angelica: Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Angelika, Angelina, Angela, Angela, Anji, Jelly, Lika.

What does the name Angelica mean? Many believe that the girl can also be called Angels and Angelinas, but, in fact, these are just related names. The meaning of the name Angelica is love of the theatre. A woman named Angelica loves literature, painting and intellectual conversations. This girl cannot imagine her life without family and friends; she is least interested in her career.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Angelica celebrates name days three times a year:

  • June 29
  • July 15
  • October 21

These are Catholic name days, since this name is not in the Orthodox calendar.

Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.

Characteristics of the name Angelica

Positive features: Lika has a truly explosive and passionate temperament. A girl named Angelica is often known for her scandalous behavior in her youth, because this is how she prefers to show her temperament and her own originality. As she grows older, a woman named Angelica changes and becomes more sensitive in nature. In quarrels, a girl with this name suppresses her aggression and prefers to sort out the problem calmly. Thanks to this, over time, her reputation is changing for the better.

Negative Traits: She is overly proud, and she does not hide it. She likes to gossip, intrigue and intrigue. And, of course, when it becomes known to others, they move away from Lika. In the future, the bearer of this name can still learn to hide her own emotions in public, but as a result, she will throw out the accumulated aggression in the family.

The nature of the name Angelica: What does the name Angelica mean? As a child, Lika is calm and balanced, plays quiet games and spends a lot of time alone. She has few friends. From an early age, the girl has already helped her mother around the house. He studies well at school, but does not show any special abilities. With age, the personal qualities of the girl practically do not change - Lika remains laconic, modest, often gravitates towards art, and if the young Angelica, who owns the name, does not work in this area, she strives to bring creativity into her life, at least through visiting theaters and museums.

Angelica and her personal life

Love and marriage: The husband loves Angelica, and therefore, most likely, he does not attach great importance to the emotional outbursts that she sometimes has. Moreover, Angelica herself, who owns the name, is a wonderful wife and mother.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: the name Angelica is determined from a numerological point of view by the number 3, which characterizes her as a talented, intelligent, capable person. She quickly learns new material, often looks for herself in sports, art, science and tries to develop herself comprehensively. For her, hobbies are of particular importance. Without it, Lika cannot imagine its existence. Choosing a profession, a girl named Angelica will give preference to a job that will lead her to fame and success. Angelica likes to overcome obstacles and adapt to circumstances. A girl with this name needs to communicate and interact with interesting people who would inspire her to new achievements. She also likes entertainment, walks - she feels great in society and lives one day, without thinking about the future.

Business and career: Lika does not take life seriously. With a natural impatience and the desire to quickly achieve the goal in an easy way, Lika can fail in cases where careful planning is needed.

The fate of Angelica in history

  1. Angelique de Sanse de Montelu, Comtesse de Peyrac is the heroine of the novels by Serge and Anne Golon.
  2. Anzhelika Varum is a Russian pop singer. Even though it's her pseudonym.
  3. Anzhelika Krylova is a Russian figure skater, choreographer and coach.
  4. Angelica Neto is a Portuguese opera singer with a soprano voice.
  5. Angelika Kaufmann is a Swiss and German artist.
  6. Anzhelika Yakubowska is the winner of the Miss Poland-2008 contest.
  7. Angelica Bridges is an American singer, model and actress.

Angelica in different languages ​​of the world

  • Danish name Angelica: Angelique.
  • French: Angelique.
  • Dutch: Angelique.
  • English: Angelica.
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