Which monitor to choose for computer games is the best buy. How to choose a gaming monitor: what to look for and which models to buy

The internet is littered with monitors for sale, new and old, from expensive to budget models. Accordingly, each manufacturer tries to please as many consumers as possible, “spitting out” all new models on the market. Sometimes stuffing old monitors with unnecessary functions that the average consumer does not need at all. Having entered a computer equipment store, we will also see a large number of monitors, and in each store you will be persuaded to buy this or that model, and not just persuade, but justify its advantages with various “bells and whistles”, and their indispensability, which can be very controversial with point of view of specialists. However, unfortunately, most of us cannot object to this, but it is worth noting that the monitor is the least susceptible. And just as salespeople read articles on how to sell a product, we suggest that you arm yourself with the knowledge of one that will meet your requirements.

Decide on the screen size of your monitor. In monitors and TVs, screen size is measured in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm) diagonally. If 5 years ago 17-inch monitors were in demand, now the vast majority of sales are for monitors with a diagonal of 19 inches, and in the second half of 2008 every second monitor purchased had a diagonal of 22 inches. This is due to a significant reduction in the prices of these monitors: in particular, the prices 19" LCD monitors starts at $100 22" LCD monitors- from 160 dollars. At the same time, in order to buy a monitor with a diagonal of 24 inches and more you need to collect at least 180 dollars.

Council number 2. How about a widescreen monitor?

Recently, widescreen monitors are rapidly gaining momentum in popularity. Instead of the old familiar 4:3 size, these LCD monitors have an aspect ratio of 16:10. At first, the workspace will seem too large, horizontally elongated and uncomfortable, but once you buy such a monitor and try it in action, you will immediately appreciate all the advantages of a widescreen monitor: in applications you will not need to “hide” toolbars (thus narrowing usable space) , several windows can easily fit on your display, and watching movies at home will be like going to the cinema.

Council number 3. Which matrix is ​​better to choose a monitor?

In order to enjoy the achievements of civilization, it is not at all necessary to understand how this or that device works. Therefore, we will not go into technical details. Here it should be written that the type of matrix is ​​a set of features of the impact on the liquid crystals of the monitor to obtain an image. To date, LCD monitors with three types of matrices are on sale: S-IPS, TN-film and PVA / MVA. If you are a professional photographer or designer, then we recommend that you choose a monitor with S-IPS - a matrix that provides better color reproduction and better viewing angles, but you won’t be able to buy a monitor with such a matrix for less than $ 500-550. Matrices PVA / MVA, in turn, have better contrast, and you can buy a monitor with such a matrix for at least $ 300 (19-inch LCD monitor). But do not be upset, because only a good specialist who probably knows in advance which monitor he wants to buy can feel and, therefore, evaluate these not cheap advantages. It is better for an ordinary consumer to choose a monitor with a TN-film matrix, because. this will be the most optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. In addition, many global monitor manufacturers have invested heavily in the past few years to improve the performance of monitors with this most popular matrix (90% of monitor sales), and significant results have been achieved so far. So TN-film-matrix is ​​what you need!

Tip number 4. Pay attention to the screen resolution. What are dead pixels?

The entire LCD screen is divided into small dots (called pixels or grains) that make up the image. Naturally, the smaller the size of each dot, the better the image will be. Resolution is the number of pixels that a monitor displays vertically and horizontally. Please note that the manufacturer usually states a recommended resolution (because the resolution can be changed for each monitor), which corresponds to a certain screen refresh rate. As the resolution increases, the refresh rate decreases. It should be remembered that working on a monitor with a refresh rate of less than 60 hertz leads to fatigue and headaches, and the optimal refresh rate is 75-100 hertz. Therefore, you should be interested in the real working resolution (usually at a frequency of 60-75 hertz), which for 19-inch monitors should not be less than 1280 × 960 pixels, for 22-inch monitors - at least 1600x1050 pixels, the dot size should be no more than 0.3 mm , and a point size of less than 0.278 is a very good indicator.

Due to the technical characteristics of the LCD monitor, some pixels may not change color, i.e. be permanently black, white or colored. Such pixels are called "broken". The presence of three "broken" pixels is not a warranty case, so before buying a monitor, ask the seller if he checks for such "broken" pixels before selling.

Council number 5. What matrix response time is acceptable?

The response time of the matrix is ​​the minimum time for which one frame can be replaced by another. The lower the response time, the better (and, accordingly, the monitor is more expensive). If this time is too long, the image will be blurred (since the monitor will not have time to change pictures). In order to choose a monitor with the necessary and sufficient response time, let's think logically: if the rate of change of pictures in a movie is 25 frames per second, then the maximum acceptable response time of your monitor can be 40ms (1sec/25 frames=1000ms/25=40ms). For modern monitors with a TN-film matrix, this indicator is usually no more than 8ms (on average 5ms - and this is a very good indicator). For PVA/MVA matrices, this figure is usually no more than 25ms (this is also enough). There is also a statement that for a gaming computer, it is preferable to choose a monitor with a response time of 2ms. Of course, fast monitor response is important, but the difference between using monitors with 2ms and 5ms is quite difficult to feel.

Council number 6. Other things being equal, prefer monitors with a digital DVI input

The monitor can be connected to the computer via or input. In the second case, the conversion of the analog signal occurs due to special circuits. In the case of a digital input, a direct connection is made between the computer and the monitor without the need for conversion, which is undoubtedly better and the picture is clearer. The conclusion is simple: we recommend choosing a monitor with a digital DVI input.

Council number 7. Brightness and contrast - don't be fooled!

Monitor brightness indicates the amount of light emitted from a completely white monitor screen. Contrast is defined as the ratio of the brightness of the lightest to the darkest areas. Without going into technical details, it should be said that the monitor will be as contrasting as how deep blacks can be displayed on it. We recommend that you choose a monitor with a brightness between 250 and 400 cd/m2 (candell per square meter) and a contrast ratio of at least 500:1. The optimal contrast ratio lies in the range of 700:1 to 1000:1. Some manufacturers and sellers also offer to buy a monitor with a declared contrast ratio of 5000:1, 8000:1, and so on. Do not be fooled - these figures are achieved artificially and do not affect the color quality in any way.

Everyone knows that LCD monitors have a limited viewing angle. Depending on our position to the monitor, the image may change colors and become difficult to distinguish. If you plan to use the computer alone, then you can always adjust the position of the monitor for yourself. However, for example, viewing photos or a movie with friends may be difficult on monitors with a narrow viewing angle, so we recommend choosing a monitor with a viewing angle of at least 160 degrees vertically and horizontally.

Pay attention to the possibility of adjusting the monitor vertically and horizontally. Otherwise, even in monitors with a good viewing angle, the image will be slightly distorted. In addition, most modern LCD monitors have the ability to mount on the wall, which allows you to significantly free up your workspace. Sometimes a wall mount is included in the original package. Before buying a monitor, we recommend that you consider whether you will hang the monitor on the wall (less than 5 percent of users do this), or it is better to choose a monitor without this option and you should not overpay for this add-on (especially since you can always buy a wall mount separately)?

As for the color of the display, we will not give any recommendations about which monitor to choose, because the design itself is a matter of taste for each of us. It should be written that most often on sale you can find LCD monitors in black and silver colors. Some models are available in white. Buy LCD monitor in Kharkov other colors (blue, gold, etc.) will be problematic. Sometimes also monitor buyers are interested in what is the difference between a glossy and matte surface of the monitor, and which one is better. Gloss has a brighter picture, however, any light will be reflected from such a monitor, which will not be very convenient when working, so it is preferable for working in a dark room (for example, in a computer club). But LCD monitors with a matte surface (with anti-reflective coating) have a less juicy picture, but they do not create discomfort during operation. Here is a matter of taste for everyone.

Tip #10. Do you need additional options?

Before you pay attention to the presence of various add-ons in the monitor, you should carefully consider whether you are ready to overpay for it, or it is better to buy a monitor without frills. Among the additions, manufacturers usually offer a built-in TV tuner and speakers. The presence of USB and FireWire ports is convenient for connecting external devices (players, cameras, external drives, webcams, etc.) directly to the monitor.

Built-in TV tuner and speakers turn your monitor into a full-fledged TV. However, monitors with such an addition have drawbacks: for example, if the acoustics break down, you will have to carry the entire monitor for repair, and it is no longer possible to update such built-in speakers. Of course, implement urgent repair of computers and monitors today it’s not a problem, but it’s the monitor that is the least updated part of the computer.

Additional advice. Repair and maintenance. Pah-pah, so as not to jinx it!

Before buying a monitor, make sure that there is a corresponding one from this manufacturer, for example, samsung (samsung), lg (lj), acer (acer), benq (bank), viewsonic, syncmaster, nec (nek), asus (asus), philips (philips), sony (sony), dell (div), hp , belinea (beline), samtron, acer (acer), aoc (aok), hanns-g (hans) etc. It may happen that by contacting the store under warranty, your LCD monitor will be sent to the official Kyiv SC. It would seem that this is here ?! But in practice, instead of the legal 14 days for repairs, it takes 1.5-2 months of feeding with breakfast. Therefore, you need emergency lcd monitor repair- feel free to contact us. Because sometimes it’s better to pay 100 UAH and get a monitor in 30-40 minutes than to wait 2 months and eventually hear: “ This is not a warranty case.«.

When assembling a new computer, many people often first of all select a video card and processor, thinking about the monitor almost last. But the monitor is the thing that you have to look at almost always when you are sitting at the computer. It depends on the monitor how you see the graphics of games, what impression you get from it, and the fact that your vision depends on it is also important. So when buying a gaming PC, it's worth budgeting for a monitor of the right caliber to get your ideal build. In this article, we will analyze in detail the characteristics of a gaming monitor, taking into account the latest trends from manufacturers.

Digonal and resolution

The first thing you pay attention to when choosing a monitor is its diagonal. The range from 21 to 27 inches is optimal and common, it makes no sense to take less, more is possible, but only if you are ready for it. Above 27 inches, you'll have to twist your neck, and the price will be much higher. The average balanced size is considered to be 23-24 inches.

The initial resolution with which you can take the monitor is 1920×1080 (Full HD). An image with this resolution will look good at 21-24 inches. With larger monitor sizes and FHD resolution, the picture will be blurry due to the lower pixel density. Therefore, when choosing a monitor from 25 inches or more, you need a higher resolution - 2560 × 1440 (Quad HD). Modern video cards are quite capable of showing good FPS at this resolution. And finally, the leader among resolutions is 3840 × 2160 (Ultra HD), which is also 4K. Taking a 4K monitor only makes sense if you have a suitable, very powerful computer. The price of such a monitor is correspondingly high, and the content is still not enough.

Matrix type

Another of the key characteristics of the monitor is its matrix. There are a lot of matrix types, but all follow from the following:

TN matrices are the oldest and cheapest. Taking a monitor with this is strictly prohibited. Cons: low color reproduction, small viewing angles, low maximum brightness. Of the pluses, only the shortest response time. But it's not worth taking such a monitor because of this, take care of your eyes. The only option is to put such a monitor second, third, if you already have it, but it's a pity to throw it away.

IPS-matrices - ideal in color reproduction, contrast and viewing angles - 178 degrees. Previously, they had a high response time, but now this problem is no longer there. Since the type of IPS-matrix has been constantly improved, various modifications have been produced. The latest type is called AH-IPS, it has improved color reproduction, resolution and PPI, increased brightness and reduced power consumption, the response time does not exceed 5-6 ms. It is this type of IPS that is worth taking.

MVA / VA matrices are middling between TN and IPS. Plus in comparison with IPS - excellent contrast ratio, plus in comparison with TN - good viewing angles. In addition, good color reproduction and the cost is lower than that of IPS. Of the minuses - a long response time, which also grows rapidly with a decrease in the difference between the final and initial states of the pixel, so these monitors are not very well suited for dynamic games.

Response time

Response time is measured in milliseconds and indicates how long it takes the monitor to change frames. The parameter directly affects how many frames per second your monitor can display. The average on good monitors is 5ms. A higher value is fraught with the fact that the image will be blurry and leave a trail of moving objects in dynamic games. It is ideal to take a monitor with an even lower response time - 1-2 ms.

Backlight brightness and contrast

Brightness is measured in candela and represents the amount of light emitted from a completely white monitor screen. The optimal value for a gaming monitor is 250-300 cd / m2.

Monitor contrast can be static or dynamic. Static displays the ratio of the brightness of the darkest and brightest point on the screen. The optimal value is 1:1000. Dynamic Contrast is a marketing ploy, meaning the black level at minimum backlight (screen completely off) to the white level at maximum backlight (full brightness). You can ignore this option.

Screen refresh rate + G-SYNC / FreeSync

The refresh rate refers to how many times per second the monitor completely redraws and displays an image. Thus, if you have a monitor with 60 Hz, then you will not be able to see more than 60 FPS on the monitor. The higher the refresh rate, the smoother the motion. But there is quite an opinion that not every person needs above 60 Hz, because only a sensitive person / e-sportsman can notice and feel more. If you have a powerful computer, then it makes sense to take a monitor with a frequency of 140 Hz.

Video card manufacturers NVIDIA and AMD have invented technologies for dynamically changing the refresh rate - G-Sync (NVIDIA) and FreeSync (AMD). These technologies allow you to change the refresh rate of the image on the monitor, depending on the rendering frame rate in computer games. Visually, this translates into a noticeable increase in the smoothness of movements at rendering speeds of 30 - 60 frames per second or even lower, which is typical for most modern games. They also get rid of the "tearing" that occurs when vsync is turned off.

Screen coverage

The glossy finish has better color reproduction and more saturated colors, but reflections and glare are clearly visible when working on it. The matte screen has an anti-reflective coating, so you won't see the reflection and the sun shining on the monitor screen. Therefore, when choosing a monitor, evaluate where it will stand, if the sun does not shine on your monitor, then it makes sense to save money and take it with a glossy finish, otherwise we recommend a matte finish.


Yes Yes. Framework. They are not one of the main characteristics of the monitor, but they make an important contribution to the overall aesthetics. When choosing a monitor, take a closer look at frameless options. The absence of thick panels on three sides of the image (top and sides, almost always put a frame on the bottom) looks very nice and modern.


We hope this guide has helped you in choosing the perfect gaming monitor for you. Before buying such a thing that will always be in front of your eyes, we recommend that you carefully study all the characteristics of the monitor that you like. Look at the reviews on it, read the reviews of people who have already purchased such a monitor. Pay attention to the manufacturer - we recommend making a choice in favor of one of the proven brands.

Good day, dear readers!

Today there will be an article from the already proven cycle with the label "selection criteria", where the most detailed stories are constantly being told about how to choose one or another component of your computer or peripherals around it. As many remember, there were articles of choice, and much more.

Today we will talk about choosing such a seemingly simple thing as a monitor. Simple because almost everyone, except for professionals in certain areas, buys a monitor on the basis of the “cheapest” principle or the one that “shows the most beautifully” in the store (the fact that sellers deliberately set color rendering settings worse on some monitors, and better on others usually not taken into account). This approach upsets me somewhat, because it is the monitor that is responsible for the juiciness, brightness, contrast and liveliness of the picture in your games, films, photographs, and just on the desktop. Yes, and for the "lifetime" too ... :)

So... Let's go. I hope that this material will be useful to many and will open their eyes to a number of useful and important nuances.

General concept, rules and essence

Let's start, traditionally, with a small immersion in the theory (where without it, dear) of forming an image and displaying it on a PC monitor. I don't know if you remember, but not so long ago (some 5-7 years ago) the so-called cathode-ray tube cube monitors were in vogue (by the way, they are still in use for some categories of users), which made the first step in the field of visual display of computer video subsystem information.

The principle of image formation in such CRT-monitors was as follows: there was a sealed flask with evacuated air, the front (facing the viewer) part of which was coated on the inside with a phosphor - a special substance capable of emitting light when fast electrons hit it.

Sets of phosphor dots were arranged in triangular... triads. The triad formed a pixel - a point, from the set of which the image was formed.

The phosphor was applied in the form of sets of dots of three primary colors - red, green and blue ( ). These colors are called primary because their combinations (in various proportions) can represent almost any color of the spectrum.

On the opposite side of the tube were three (according to the number of primary colors) electron guns. All three guns are "aimed" at the same pixel, but each of them emits a stream of electrons towards its "own" point of the phosphor.

In order for the electrons to freely reach the screen, air was pumped out of the tube, and a high electrical voltage was created between the guns and the screen, accelerating the electrons.

A mask was placed in front of the screen in the path of the electrons - a thin metal plate with a large number of holes located opposite the points of the phosphor (see image).

The mask ensured that the electron beams hit only the dots of the phosphor of the corresponding color. On that part of the flask where the electron guns were located, a deflecting monitor system was put on, which made the electron beam run through all the pixels line by line, from top to bottom, then return to the beginning of the top line, etc. (see image).

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Then the monitor was connected to a graphics accelerator (video card), a computer digital signal was supplied, which was converted to analog using a digital-to-analog converter ( DAC) installed on the video card, and only then we saw "pictures by box" :). In a nutshell, I think it's clear, let's move on.

Now it is less and less possible to meet this echo of the past - CRT-monitors, because the latter have already been practically replaced by monitors on ... liquid crystals ( LCD). Liquid crystals are so called for a reason - this is a special state of organic substances in which they have fluidity and the ability to form spatial structures similar to crystalline ones. Liquid crystals can change their structure and light-optical properties under the influence of electrical voltage (see image).

AT LCD monitors mainly use active matrices , which are a transparent screen of thin-film transistors (TFTThin Film Transistor), which is why they are also called TFT monitors (transflective). The screen of such monitors is divided into independent cells (pixels), each of which consists of four parts (for three primary colors and one backup) and is controlled by its own transistor. The illumination in this case is carried out using lamps located behind the screen (since there is no phosphor). When voltage is applied, the crystals in the cell line up in a certain way, blocking the light from the lamp and creating a dot of a certain color and brightness on the screen.

As a result of all this, we see the resulting image.

At LCD-monitors, there is no concept of frame scanning as such (as is the case with CRT-monitor). Dot on screen LCD- the monitor glows all the time while voltage is applied to it, and does not light up every time an electron beam hits it.

So, we figured out that a monitor is nothing more than a device that receives a digital / analog signal from a video adapter and converts it into graphic images understandable for a PC user. Of course, like any complex electronic device, the monitor has its own data sheet or technical specifications, which every self-respecting user simply must study before buying.

Choice based on characteristics and what they are

I think some of you, after making a purchase (especially if you made it based on the advice of a sales assistant), have a feeling that can be described by the words: “In my opinion, I burst out and overpaid powerfully”, “I don’t then they slipped it”, “But didn’t they deceive me?” etc. etc. This does not necessarily apply to computer equipment, it can be household goods, household goods, and anything else. Such a feeling arises mainly due to the fact that you come to the store for the first time to buy a product, look at its diversity (from which it ripples in your eyes), walk smartly between the shelves (tormented by vague doubts, what is all the same choose), not knowing anything about the product at all, and trying to buy it, listening to the seller hooked on the ears.

As a result, having received a couple of tips from a consultant in an unfamiliar language (such as - “Yes, the prositron sweep here is gorgeous and the bipolarity of liquid organic crystals is 13% higher than that of other models ...”), who just got a job here himself a week ago, you with a sense of accomplishment, go to the cashier, pay and get the coveted box. It seems that everything is done, but for some reason you did not receive due satisfaction from the process of buying / choosing / analyzing goods, because you reduced your participation in this process to a minimum.

Of course, I don’t argue, there are competent specialists, good stores with quality goods, etc., but for the most part (and based on extensive personal experience), the process is set that way. So, in order not to buy goods on the basis of the “pig in a poke” principle (and to know that you really got a quality thing), you need to take on the responsibility of acquiring, armed for this only with the appropriate knowledge.

Coming to the store, remember that, often, you and the outlet have different goals: you have to buy a quality and “for the money” item, and the store has to sell the most expensive model and close the monthly sales plan ... at least by a third :)

However, enough chatter, let's begin to translate our task into something more significant, namely, to the practice of choice, the main characteristics and nuances that you need to pay attention to when buying a monitor.

Task in progress

We decided to describe this parameter first for a reason, because in order to understand which monitor should have technical parameters, you need to decide and answer the question: “Why do we actually need it and what tasks will it perform?”.

He can perform a lot of tasks at the same time at a good ideological and artistic level, or, relatively speaking, one at a semi-professional level. What I mean? For example, you can choose an everyday monitor that will implement everything at once at an average level: computer games, movies, photos, etc. Or you can opt for a professional solution that costs more, but at the same time copes with the tasks set much more powerfully, such as, for example, the closest and highest quality color reproduction for photographs or images.

So, decide on the type of monitor:

  • Designer. For a designer, the main criteria will always be - high-quality color reproduction, wide monitor settings, as well as screen size (diagonal);
  • Game. Avid gamers make their demands - screen size, fast response time and high dynamic contrast ratio. For complete immersion, it will be useful to support a full-fledged 3D-volume;
  • Everyday home. The home user is so... home. He needs a beautiful body and a big screen;
  • Home cinema. Movie lovers also have their own requests - high resolution with an aspect ratio ( 16:9 ) with the support Full HD, as well as large viewing angles (so that you can watch movies with a group of friends) and other additional options;
  • Office monitor. Office monitor ... As the management chooses, in short :)

However, this is a somewhat conditional gradation, so let's move on.

Matrix type

Basic monitor parameter that affects the quality (contrast, brightness, color reproduction, viewing angles, etc.) of the picture - the type of matrix. There are currently more 10 subtypes matrices produced by manufacturers, however, in order not to get confused in the intricacies of abbreviations and "complex-tricky" names, I will give the most general and specific types of matrices that can be found on the shelves of stores in our vast country and what can be offered to our inexperienced user.

  • TN. This is the cheapest and most popular type of matrix used in most low to mid-range monitors. It is characterized by a relatively low response time (which, in general, has long been just marketing) and power consumption. Of the shortcomings, the most significant are inaccurate color reproduction (due to the use of only 6 -bit for each color channel, and the missing shades are obtained by different mixing methods available), low contrast (as a rule, manufacturers try to compensate for this in software ways, which can be even worse than just leaving it as it is) and relatively small viewing angles (especially vertical ones) . Of the pluses, as already mentioned, is the price, because even for a large diagonal you can give mere pennies.

Each manufacturer has its own image enhancement functions / technologies, so it is advisable to study them before going to the store, because they are useful. Although I would recommend relying on technical specifications, rather than on software stray.

Response time

Once a very important indicator for players and moviegoers (in office work, this characteristic is not so important), because. it is responsible for the smoothness of image reproduction in dynamic scenes. In general (in science), this is the gap (measured in ms) required for a cell to LCD-matrix changed its brightness from one given value to another, but if in a simple way, then the parameter is responsible for the bazaar so that fast moving objects do not leave artifacts in the form of trails on the screen and the image itself does not seem blurry. The indicator works on the principle "the lower the better!". Here, one can say, the unambiguous leadership of monitors with TN-matrix. Actually, for this reason, all gaming monitors and stereoscopic 3D-monitors with shutter glasses are built on this matrix.

By quickly switching every pixel on the screen, even the most dynamic scenes of any game will be displayed as accurately as possible without causing discomfort.

There are two parameters in response time. One of them is - GTG(Grey To Grey) - i.e. transition time from gray to gray with pixel off, i.e. This parameter shows the response time of the pixel to turn on and off. From a practical point of view, this parameter does not play a special role, but only shows the reaction to the inclusion of the matrix.

There is another option, namely btw(Black To White), i.e. the time until the white value is completely reached from a completely black pixel. It is an important characteristic for monitors used in conjunction with a dynamic picture and a sharp change in color. With a lack of response speed, the edges of a moving image blur, blend, and even blink.

So here it is! Some manufacturers (and sellers) use tricky notation and put the response time on the characteristics GTG- a parameter that confuses and puts in a favorable light the models that need to be sold against the background of competitors, although in fact the picture looks different. So watch your response time. btw, but not GTG- so you will have an idea which model is really better.

In particular, you can take a monitor in which this parameter can be switched - so you will have the opportunity to choose what is closer to you, the clarity of the image or its slight blur (I like blur).

Although the "leader's shirt" in terms of the shortest response time TN-panels thanks to various technologies, for example, " overdrive” (response time compensation) and the final transition to full-fledged 8 -color-coding bits in each channel, monitors with IPS-the matrix came close in this indicator to TN-kam, and some models (for example, a series IPS 6 from LG) are already giving odds to their once-fast brothers with might and main.

Of course, mass demand from buyers is still in use TN-matrices, however, are gaining momentum more and more actively and IPS-models, which cannot but rejoice, because they are really more pleasing to the eye, especially in terms of color rendering.

Resolution, as well as viewing angles and type of matrix coverage

When looking at a computer display, the first thing that catches your eye is its size and screen format. Aspect refers to the aspect ratio of the screen. The standard is becoming more and more 16:9 and it is this wide format that allows you to watch movies comfortably and tastefully, as well as without black borders on the top and bottom of the display or cropping the image on the sides.

Equally important, of course, is the monitor resolution setting. It usually looks like 1920x1080 or 2560x1440, which means the number of dots vertically to the number of dots horizontally. The higher the resolution, the more information can be displayed on the monitor.

Monitors that belong to adjacent categories by screen size often have the same resolution (for example, 20 - and 22- inch displays the same resolution 1680x1050 points). In such cases, the only advantage that a larger model has is a larger picture. The size of the image in pixels on a larger display does not exceed the size of a smaller one. At the same time, on a monitor with a larger diagonal, the picture will be less clear due to the larger pixel size (called grain).

It is also worth distinguishing between the resolution of the monitor (indicated in points, for example, 1920x1080) and screen size, i.e. diagonal length (specified in inches, for example, 24” ).

There is such a thing as the visible part of the monitor, which is usually smaller than the declared screen size (for example, diagonal 24” , and the visible part is 23.6 ”), so keep that in mind. If you want to fully enjoy the colorful action Full HD monitor, do not take a diagonal smaller 24 inches, because the quality of a widescreen picture can only be assessed starting from this diagonal.

Viewing angles are a stumbling block for almost everyone LCD-monitors, which manifests itself in the deterioration of the image when looking at the screen at an angle: the contrast drops and the color accuracy decreases. A good value of viewing angles, allowing you to use the monitor without any special restrictions - 165-175 degrees vertically and the same horizontally. So thoroughly walk around the monitor before buying, in order to evaluate its viewing angles on the spot.

It should be borne in mind that here manufacturers also use a certain technical trick, overestimating this figure. Special tests will help you get an objective assessment (we will talk about one of these at the end of the article) and an independent one - “by eye”. For clarity, we present an image obtained at different viewing angles for TN-matrices ( 1 ) and PVA (2 ) (see image).

As a small conclusion, let's say that for IPS- matrices are characterized by wide viewing angles without image distortion both vertically and horizontally, VA-matrices have average viewing angles and TN-matrices are woven in the very tail.

Also, when buying, you should pay attention to the type of monitor matrix coating: glossy or matte. The first gives colors more saturation and deeper contrast, but glares in bright light and reflects almost everything in front of the screen, the second solves the problem of glare, but the colors do not look as vibrant.

Brightness and Contrast

Brightness characterizes the intensity of the glow of the screen and is measured in candelas per square meter ( cd/sq.m). If the brightness characteristic is not high enough, then it will be uncomfortable to work with such a monitor in strong light conditions (for comfortable work with text, the brightness of the monitor should be at least 75-80 cd/sq. m, and for watching movies, sometimes the higher the brightness, the better). A monitor with excessive brightness will not harm your eyes (you can lower it in the settings), but you will not be able to increase the brightness beyond the maximum.

Contrast is defined as the ratio of the brightness of the white color on the screen to the brightness of the black and is written as a proportion (for example, 500:1 or 3000:1 ). In other words, it is the ratio of the illuminations or brightnesses of the lightest part and the darkest part of the image. High contrast makes the image more "tangible" and "alive". The minimum recommended contrast level for a home monitor is 500:1 .

As an example, for a display whose maximum and minimum brightness are equal 400.5 cd/sq.m and 0.5 cd/sq.m respectively, the contrast is ( 400.5 - 0.5 )/0.5 = 800:1 . The characteristic is important for displaying halftones and is most relevant for professional monitors, but it can also be important for ordinary users. There is such a thing as dynamic contrast - it is a "synthetic" characteristic, because. automatically adjusts when the image is displayed.

Usually, manufacturers also go to some tricks and indicate on the monitors exactly the dynamic contrast ratio (or ACM - Adaptive Contrast Management), which is orders of magnitude larger than the static (for example, static 1000:1 , dynamic 50000:1 ). It should be understood that the dynamic contrast mode is suitable mainly for movies and computer games, in everyday work this is not such an important parameter. And in general, dynamic contrast is a kind of ... perversion, because the picture does not always look the way it should be, but, on the contrary, oversaturated, and not always adequately.

The image below shows all three characteristics at once: brightness ( 1 ), static ( 2 ) and dynamic contrast ratio ( 3 ), so pay attention to the box and passport of the monitor in order to choose a model according to its real characteristics, and not indicated by someone out there somewhere.

In general, the brightness can be adjusted not only due to the options on the monitor, but also due to the brightness of the backlight - this is a fairly simple and high-quality way to increase the quality of halftone transmission in everyday work.

Backlight types and 3D monitors

Now on the market there are a fairly large number of monitors with backlighting or from fluorescent lamps ( CCFL), or from LEDs ( LED). Backlight CCFL has a number of disadvantages:

  • High power consumption;
  • Limited service life;
  • Large lamp sizes;
  • Harm to the environment during production.

Because of this, monitors with such a backlight are gradually disappearing, giving way to modern technology. LED. Thanks to this type of backlight, dynamic contrast appeared, i.e. to display darker tones, the backlight becomes less bright, and vice versa (see image).

The use of LED backlighting also reduces the power consumption of the monitor as a whole, which can be a very beneficial advantage in an environment of ever-rising electricity prices. Mercury is not used in the production of LEDs, which is harmful to health and the environment, so you can consider monitors with LED- The backlight is more environmentally friendly.

Monitors are available for sale. Super LED- illuminated, they are less voracious to electricity compared to their younger counterparts without a prefix Super.

Of course, there are also disadvantages worth mentioning:

  • Fatigue of visual receptors (with prolonged sitting, it can dry out the eyes);
  • Over time, the light / brightness characteristics of the diodes change, and for each in a different way, so the image can “float”;
  • Cheap LEDs give off a cold blue tint, because of this, the color rendition can be distorted.

Finished with lighting.

Now let's move on to the newfangled 3 D-monitors. As already mentioned, monitors with TN- matrix allow you to display stereo 3D-Images. For implementation 3D-functions, the most high-quality playback method at the moment has been selected 3D-content - shutter glasses and a monitor with a high refresh rate. With this method of displaying, the picture does not lose its clarity, because. each eye sees the whole picture in full, and not half, as on monitors with polarization matrices.

Thus, in order to immerse yourself in the virtual 3D reality, it is enough to have a monitor at hand with a frequency 120 Hz, shutter or polarized glasses and the video content itself (and not necessarily in 3D, the monitor is capable of converting 2D- the image in volumetric).

If you decide to please yourself (or your child) 3D monitor, then you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Is the monitor certified by the company NVIDIA for support NVIDIA 3D Vision- the most popular and stable shutter technology, with which in stereoscopic mode 3D you can play several hundred computer games. The certificate guarantees you stable operation of the monitor when using this technology and will definitely be able to fully work with video cards and stereo glasses. NVIDIA.
  • Matrix brightness is an important parameter for 120 Hz 3D monitor, since shutter glasses, although they “blink” quickly enough, still darken the picture, so the higher the brightness of the monitor, the better. Matrix brightness 3D-monitor should be in order 400-500 cd/sq.m.

Now we figured this out, let's summarize something and move on.

So, we have already got acquainted with a fairly large number of parameters that modern monitors have. I propose, as a “settlement” of this information, the following summary table (clickable), which I advise you to always keep in mind before buying in a store.

Memorize it (like a multiplication table) or print it out, and you will notice that the circle of searches for the desired monitor will immediately narrow down to a very modest one.


When choosing a monitor with the most popular resolution at the moment 1920x1080 you need to pay attention to the fact that there is at least one digital interface, because. when connected via VGA, even if there is an adapter on the other end of the wire DVI-VGA and DVI- video card connector, the picture will be somewhat “blurry”. Also, if you have purchased a monitor that supports stereo 3D, then when connected to VGA get 3D- the effect will not work. Interface display port required to connect more than two monitors.

In addition to connectors for connection, it may also be useful usb hub, built into the monitor (for those who like to connect peripherals, as well as flash drives for transferring small files). Some monitors are "mini-computers" and allow music or photos from flash drives connected to them, and some can even surf the Internet when connected.

Monitor design, other beauty and convenience

There is probably nothing more to say about the characteristics of the screen (except for minor conventions), so let's touch on such an important aesthetic aspect as the design of the monitor. After all, you see, a piece of plastic in 24 inch should please you not only with its characteristics, but also with its appearance.

When choosing a monitor, of course, you need to pay attention to some features of its design, thanks to which it can become not only more attractive in appearance, but also much more functional. This may include:

  • Built-in/external power supply. Monitors with built-in power supply ( 2 ) is usually thicker than similar models with an external power supply ( 1 ).

  • Speaker/headphone jack USB-hub, additional connector HDMI(for connecting game consoles of the latest generation).

  • Touch/mechanical control buttons. Here, just like in a car, someone likes an automatic, but someone only needs a mechanic.

  • Wall mountable (using standard mount VESA) and rotation possibilities: pivot(this is the ability to rotate the screen around an axis perpendicular to the plane of the screen and passing through the intersection point of its diagonals), height, tilt, turn left-right ( swivel).

  • Hull thickness.

  • A monitor stand that houses various video inputs so that connected cables no longer hang behind the monitor, but are hidden behind the stand.

  • Wireless network auto discovery function ( Auto Wireless Detection) - the ability to connect the monitor wirelessly to a computer or laptop at a distance of up to 10 meters (you just need to bring the laptop to the monitor, and it will automatically be added as an additional display, just some kind of magic :)).

I don't know if you remember, but before (years 5-10 ago) monitors from Samsung(by the way, I still have one of these mastodons and pulls its strap well). Well, a lot has changed since then, but Samsung still (ahead of the rest :)) is considered one of the best monitor manufacturers and always receives high user ratings from around the globe.

Those who have disliked since childhood Samsung, you should pay attention to manufacturers such as Acer, LG, Asus. These companies, as well as Samsung) are very sensitive to their products and rarely allow themselves to release any low-quality monitor (however, there is a hole in the old woman :)). Well, in general, it's worth saying that there is no "best" monitor manufacturer, because the model is always chosen (depending on tasks and price restrictions), and not the manufacturer. For example, you may like the company's products Apple(including monitors), but you know that a monitor costing over 50 000 it will just look ridiculous in your office and you need to pick up something less pretentious.

In general, globally, when buying, it is desirable to initially, even from home, decide on at least 2 manufacturers and already among them to choose a specific model, because this way you will save a lot of free time.

And finally, I decided to talk about a small useful utility that can become your indispensable assistant in choosing the right monitor, its name is TFT-test. The utility is intended for testing (checking the main parameters) LCD-monitors and copes with it quite well. In addition, it supports the Russian language and is completely free. You can download this creation from the link, namely, from here.

Before buying a monitor in a store, it is advisable to ask to run the selected model using this program (in some stores they do it for money, in some for free, in some, which is rare, they let you run it yourself) and evaluate its real technical parameters. In large retail chains, they completely refuse to test the monitor and generally do not allow any extraneous manipulations (even in the presence of the seller). It’s worth saying here that it’s better to bypass such points and not buy a “pig in a poke”, or choose a model in advance and then go buy where it’s cheaper.

Actually, the utility is simple to learn, so just run it and run through all the tests (see image).

The program allows you to determine / evaluate:

  • The uniformity of the matrix backlight and “broken” pixels (a black inactive dot that does not respond to image changes, it is ideal that they do not exist at all);
  • Readability of fonts;
  • Loops with moving objects;
  • Step gradient to check the linearity and discreteness of the matrix;
  • legibility of details;
  • Much more.

It is advisable to pass all the tests of the program, evaluate the results and only then make a decision.

So, if you have read up to these lines, then it means that the article seemed interesting and informative to you, which cannot but please the author of these lines. Therefore, get ready for an additional bonus (for the most persistent :)).

Well, here we have come to the end of the article, and so that your head does not go round from so many technical parameters that affect the choice of a monitor, we will give some kind of generalizing “squeeze” of everything that was said here and not only. You can print it out and have it handy when you buy a monitor.

  • Give preference to the monitor that is most suitable for your goals and objectives;
  • Don't buy a cheap monitor: sooner or later, poor quality monitors will show up as noticeably reduced levels of brightness, contrast, or dead pixel areas. The main thing in the monitor is not the size, but the image quality - the health of your eyes and the general fatigue of the body directly depend on it;
  • Select the diagonal of the monitor, based on its placement on your desktop. Do not forget that the monitor should be located at a sufficient distance from the eyes (on average, at arm's length), which will create normal conditions for its use;
  • When choosing a monitor, make sure that it has a sufficient level of tilt and swivel adjustment. A plus will be the ability to raise and lower the monitor screen, which will allow you to choose its optimal placement and reduce neck muscle tension;
  • When choosing between a matte and glossy surface of the monitor screen, consider its location in relation to the window and the lighting in the room, since direct sunlight or lamp light makes its own adjustments;
  • If your activity is connected with the need for accurate color reproduction, the best choice would be a monitor built on the basis of a matrix IPS;
  • For those whose computer is designed for gaming purposes, but does not exclude working with photos and videos, the best option in terms of price-quality ratio, most likely, are monitors based on * VA-technology;
  • If you need an inexpensive monitor and you are not demanding on technical parameters, the c monitor will be the best and most versatile choice. TN-matrix, both inexpensive and practical;
  • Ceteris paribus, pay attention to additional image enhancement technologies, connectors, manufacturer, final delivery kit and warranty;
  • Before finally dwelling on a particular monitor model, read what they write about it on the forums: you may change your mind and give preference to a more practical model;
  • Do not be fooled by super-duper-expensive models with large large signs, such as response 1ms, Full HD, ultra-thin, etc. As a rule, this is marketing of pure water, and, often, you can pick up something of no less quality, but much cheaper. Rely on your knowledge, and not on advertising, the opinion of sellers, etc.
  • SSD (and not only). Quite intelligible prices, although the range is not always ideal in terms of variety. The key advantage is the guarantee that really allows during 14 days to change the product without any questions, and in case of warranty problems, the store will take your side and help solve any problems. The author of the site has been using it for years 10 minimum (since the time when they were part of Ultra Electronics), which advises you;
  • , - one of the oldest stores on the market, as the company exists somewhere in the order 20 years. Decent selection, average prices and one of the most user friendly sites. In general, a pleasure to work with.

The choice is traditionally yours. Of course, there are all Yandex Market"No one has canceled, but among the good stores, I would recommend these, and not some MVideo and other large networks there (which are often not just expensive, but flawed in terms of quality of service, warranty work, etc.).


In a nutshell, something like this. I hope that this material was useful and interesting for you in every possible way.

As always, if you have any questions, additions, thanks or feedback, then write in the comments to this post. We'll be happy to listen.

P.S.: For the existence of this article, thanks to a member of the team 25 FRAME

Playing without a monitor is impossible. On its screen, you control grouped units of troops, control epic battles with sword and magic, shower the enemy with a hail of bullets from weapons of any caliber, or run through the ranks of simulators.

Also be aware of image sync technology. You can only use it if it is compatible with your graphics card (FreeSync only works with AMD graphics cards, G-Sync can be used on an NVIDIA chipset). The graphics adapter must have a DisplayPort 1.2a connector.

Monitor selection - step 2

Think about what games you play the most, because that's what your gaming monitor should be for, not the other way around. Unfortunately, not all players understand how much the image format and size affect the comfort of the game. This aspect is especially evident in shooters and racing games.

Monitor Selection - Step 3

Classic gaming monitor or maybe curved? A question that appears more and more often at the stage of searching for a monitor for games, and which significantly affects the quality of sensations from what is happening on the screen. The answer really depends on how big a monitor you want to buy. We can speak about the comfort resulting from communication with a curved screen only for a diagonal of 27 ”and above.

Monitor Selection - Step 4

Thinking of a large monitor for gaming, check if it will fit on your desk. It will be very unpleasant if, after unpacking, it turns out that it rests on the shelf, or because of the proximity of other pieces of furniture, there is simply not enough free space.

Gaming monitor size and aspect ratio

Each player has their favorite games, and even favorite genres of games. It can be shooting, painstaking work in strategy, rally racing drive, FIFA and NBA 2K simulators. You play what you like. However, in order to get as much more fun to play, you must adjust the monitor according to the gameplay features of the genre.

What monitor for shooters

Best with 16:9 aspect ratio because 16:10 is too much for Full HD. The 16:9 format gives you more control over the game, which is very dynamic in shooters. You can easily cover the entire monitor with your eyes.

The diagonal of the monitor should be in the range of 24-27”. This is the optimal size for FPS games most commonly used by professional players.

In terms of clarity, Full HD is the bare minimum. Of course, you will also find WQHD and even 4K monitors. But, here we return to the question of the video card, which should provide smoothness at such a high resolution.

Which monitor for sports games and racing

In this case, the aspect ratio should be increased to 21:9. Especially when your collection is dominated by games from the Need for Speed, Project Cars, WRC or F1 series.

The mechanics of racing and raids, although dynamic, are completely different than in shooters. A wide field of view is very useful here, allowing you to prepare for the next maneuver or prevent the enemy from overtaking you.

Monitor for strategy and arcade

A gaming monitor with a 21:9 aspect ratio is also a great choice for fans of strategy and the MOBA genre. In them, a lot of events happen at the same time, especially during the general battles.

It's much easier to manage blocks or change strategies when you can see the entire battlefield. Not only its center, where the heaviest fighting takes place, but also the flanks, from where attacks can be expected.

Widescreen gaming monitor allows you to instantly assess the potential of enemy units. You see how far they are from you.

Gaming monitor - IPS, TN or VA matrix

Until recently, the division of monitors into gaming and non-gaming was very clear. Models with a TN matrix dominated because of the fast reaction time. IPS panels offered the best colors and wide viewing angles, but this came at the expense of image blur. Plus, they were more expensive. Finally, VA matrices appeared, which added deep blackness, so they became the best choice.

Today, this division has become very blurred. Parameters that were until recently only one type of matrix, today you will find in other types. IPS Gaming Monitor will give you vivid colors and wide viewing angles both vertically and horizontally. Moreover, now they offer a response time of 1 ms, and for a reasonable price, you can count on 75 Hz. If you need a higher refresh rate - over 100Hz - get ready to dig deeper into your pocket. The quality of the projected image, however, is phenomenal.

Mentioned above TN gaming monitors still represent a large family of gaming monitors. Buying such a panel comes with a trade-off in terms of colors, but this makes up for the 1ms response time (GTG) and 144Hz refresh already in models under 20,000 rubles, as well as high brightness. Moreover, the viewing angles are quite wide: they reach 170 ° horizontally. For a good price, you get smooth images and invaluable support in dynamic games. First of all, in shooters, simulators and RPG sports games.

Monitors for players with VA matrices located somewhere between models with IPS and TN. Their advantage is the excellent display of black color, which in turn enhances the sense of depth in games. The thing is fundamental if your collection is dominated by games with a dark atmosphere. When you buy a VA monitor, you also get fast response times (4ms on the cheapest models), 144Hz refresh rate (even on sub-$20,000 monitors), and wide viewing angles (178° vertically and horizontally).

If you're looking to buy a curved gaming monitor for a fraction of the price, look no further than the VA panel.

Image quality settings

Image resolution

Smoothed textures, details of armament of troops, traces on the body of a car from a collision with another, majestic landscapes, for which it is sometimes worth interrupting a mission - thanks to the high resolution of the screen, you can admire the image in excellent quality.

However, the term a high resolution is not homogeneous, and for each player means something different. The bare minimum is Full HD resolution, but if your computer has enough processing power, nothing stands in the way of buying WQHD or 4K panels. Of course, provided that the game settings allow you to use such a resolution.

4K gaming monitor - does it make sense

The answer depends on two key factors:

  • the visual component of the game is very important to you
  • Do you have an efficient graphics card?

Image detail on 4K monitors is currently the best on the market. The smoothness of the texture is excellent. Realism at the highest level. The advantage is added by the fact that the 28-inch 4K gaming monitor(with a TN or IPS matrix) can be bought for approximately 25,000-30,000 rubles. A fairly attractive price for an advanced display. Buying such a monitor, by the way, is an investment in the future, because game publishers are already betting on Ultra HD.

Update frequency

Fuzzy objects on the screen are a real torture. Blurry scenes of battles, when you quickly move the mouse, make you want to move to another part of the map or move the aim of the weapon to another enemy. Those fractions of a second during which you don't see accurately rendered content can end in defeat. If you miss an enemy scout, a surprise attack simply won't work. And if you haven't spotted another shooter, the one who shoots first wins.

That's why gaming monitor must have a screen refresh rate of at least 75 Hz, for a level of 120 fps you need a monitor at 120 Hz, and even better 144 Hz. In addition, image synchronization technology is needed to preserve the integrity of the image. A few words about her.

Image Sync Technology

You have a video card from the top shelf. Its GPU generates a certain number of image frames per second, but there is a conflict between the number of fps and the refresh rate of the image on the monitor screen. It happens.

Fortunately, there is a solution in the form image synchronization technology. The vast majority of monitors for gamers offer AMD technology, i.e. FreeSync, which works with AMD graphics cards. If you have an NVIDIA brand VGA computer, look for a monitor with G-Sync technology.

How do these technologies work? Their task is to synchronize the number of image frames per second with the screen refresh rate. This prevents the occurrence of jerks and image delays, when you see another frame at the top of the screen, and the previous one at the bottom. Not only does it look terrible, it also makes it difficult to quickly react to developments in the game.

Monitor response time

A high refresh rate should be followed by a short response time. The principle is simple - the less the better. The ideal result is 1ms, but at 4ms you can also play comfortably, i.e. without tearing. The 5ms level is suitable for players who are just starting adventure games or play occasionally. A monitor with a result of 10ms is not suitable for gaming.

Standard game modes

Some player monitors have a preset game mode. Once activated, the game takes control of the display of the image, changing the default color settings, black level, and contrast to those that match the virtual world.

In addition, in some gaming monitors you will find modes for specific types of games. Most often this is the RTS and FPS mode. The monitor automatically makes the necessary changes. And although at first glance they are scanty, this significantly affects the gameplay.

Static contrast

First a definition: Contrast is the ratio between the darkest and brightest pixel on the screen. Here, in turn, the principle applies - the more the better.

Just keep in mind that we are talking about static contrast, because this parameter determines the intensity of the color and the depth of black. Settings required for smooth projection.

HDR mode

Games began to resemble movie spectacles. Their creators take care of the smallest details, regardless of whether they reflect some real places or originated in the imagination of designers. Crossing the world of the game you see the sky, and on it there are almost real clouds and the sun. Trees do not crumble into square pixels of different colors, but are a perfectly executed 3D model that obeys the forces of nature and the laws of physics. And just like in the real world, the visibility of individual elements depends on the light.

To preserve the natural effect of the transition between color tones, between the depth of black and between the brightness of white, monitors for games are equipped with HDR (High Dynamic Range) mode. As a result, when you enter a dark cave, this darkness is graduating. The one closest to the entrance is better lit. What is deep is hidden in darkness. That is what it provides.

What does it mean? A more accurate display of the world, this is the first. Everything looks more realistic and pleases the eye during the game. Second, better visibility. Not only in the dark, but also in places that are heavily lit (for example, when you are maneuvering an airplane under the sun). The HDR mode also enhances colors by increasing their intensity.

Matte screen finish

Today, all gamer monitors have a matte anti-reflective coating that prevents light reflections. Without it, daytime play would be difficult.

Previously, the player had to tightly curtain the windows in order to see the game's storyline on the screen, and not their own face. The appearance of the matte finish has solved this problem, and you can play on a sunny day, seeing the contents of the screen clearly.

The anti-reflective coating also protects against glare from intense artificial light, such as a table lamp next to a monitor.

Narrow bezels

They are not necessary if only one monitor should be on your desk. But if you want to expand the view across multiple screens (for example, three), be sure to take models with narrow bezels.

You will get, thanks to this, a wider field of view, separated only by minimal vertical lines.

Acer Predator XB240HBBMJDPR

24" Full HD gaming panel with matte TN panel, 1ms response time and 144Hz refresh rate.

Thanks to the 6-axis color adjustment, you can adjust the color saturation to your taste. The monitor also provides a wide range of height adjustment and vertical orientation.

MSI Optix MAG271C Curved

An excellent choice for the gamer looking for a curved Full HD monitor with 1ms response time and 144Hz refresh rate.

The VA matrix provides wide viewing angles, and the minimalist bezels allow the image to extend almost to the very edges of the device.

Samsung C49HG90DMUX Curved HDR

Here is a monitor that impresses with its size and image quality. This curved screen has a diagonal of 49”, the aspect ratio is 32:9, the refresh rate is 144Hz, and the response time is just 1ms.

Additionally, you get a 3000:1 contrast ratio, Quantum Dot Color technology, HDR, and wide viewing angles.

iiyama G-Master G2530HSU Black Hawk

A gaming monitor legend with a 24.5” screen, minimalist frames, FreeSync technology, TN panel and 1ms response time.

It has standard game modes, including FPS and strategies, as well as the Black Tuner function, which adjusts the brightness and black level.

LG 24MP59G

One of the best monitors to start your gaming adventures. Especially for shooters. This Full HD panel features a 24" matte IPS panel, a 5ms GTG response time and a matte display finish.

Thanks to the Game Mode feature, you have easy access to settings optimized for FPS and RTS games.

BenQ Zowie XL2540

A tidbit for the demanding player. In addition to Full HD resolution, 1ms response time, up to 240Hz refresh rate and gaming mode, the monitor has sun visors.

It also offers the BlackeQualizer function and the ability to adjust the brightness of the color in gradation of 20 levels.

Samsung Curved C27FG70FQUX

Another curved panel from Samsung, this time a 27-inch one. Features smooth Full HD projection, 144Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, 3000:1 static contrast ratio and FreeSync technology.

Its advantages also include standard game modes and wide viewing angles.

Dell Alienware AW3418DW

Huge WQHD 34” curved IPS monitor. Thanks to the aspect ratio of 21:9, the image acquires a special depth. At the same time, G-Sync technology always displays full frames.

The monitor has, in addition, as many as 6 game modes: 3 factory and 3 custom.

Acer Predator XB271HKBMIPRZ

Finally, the 4K UHD offer. 27" wide angle IPS monitor. The response time is 1ms and the panel supports NVIDIA G-Sync technology.

Protects your eyes while playing games by stabilizing screen vibrations. Allows you to adjust the position in several planes.

Usually, when choosing a monitor, they rarely think about the purpose for which it will be used. This is due to the fact that, in the understanding of most buyers, a good monitor should be versatile. That is, people are sure that thanks to the purchased monitor it will be possible to play their favorite games for days in a row, surf the Internet or watch their favorite movies one after another.

But why then is the market replete with a large number of models that differ slightly, but still differ from each other? Isn't it easier to come up with universal good monitors? Why would a manufacturer spend money on more interesting modifications? The answer is simple. According to statistics, the buyer prefers those firms that have a larger range of models.

Monitor types

There are a limited number of models on the modern market that can be described as truly good. You can focus on many parameters. There is a conditional classification by size:

18.5-20 inches - budget and office segment. The most economical models are presented in this category. These are small monitors that are often seen in offices. It is not uncommon for business owners to choose these models for their employees. They are also considered by users who are limited in money.

21.5-24 inches - mass segment. More than half of the monitors sold last year fall into this category. Many modern monitors are presented in the indicated size.

27 inches is a promising option. If you install an inexpensive monitor of this diagonal at a distance of 50 cm from your eyes, the image may seem rough, because even here you can see individual pixels in the image.

30 inches and above - exclusive. So you can designate this segment due to the high price and too large width. The opposite edges of such a monitor are outside the field of view of a person. Monitors with a diagonal of more than 27 inches are unlikely to claim the title of a mass product, so they are rarely purchased.

There are systems consisting of several monitors. They have certain advantages, for example, high realism during games. However, for optimal operation of such an expensive option, you will have to acquire a very powerful computer. In addition, at the beginning of this year, there was a lot of talk about the planned supply of mass virtual glasses and helmets at a low price. Of course, they are unlikely to be able to quickly replace conventional monitors, although manufacturers claim that they are much cheaper, more convenient and at the same time provide an amazing effect of presence in the virtual world. We must not forget that these helmets and goggles will load the eyesight too much, on the other hand, they may find a large number of fans.

Monitor resolution for games

Resolution can be accurately measured, but this parameter cannot be called unconditional. Rather, the choice of resolution is a matter of taste. Choosing a resolution, you need to build on the diagonal of the screen. For example, the most common full-hd option today does not look presentable on a 27-inch monitor. But some will find it normal.

4K monitors have been around for a long time than regular gaming PCs, but despite this, they were able to pull games at a significant number of frames per second at this resolution. Today, even the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 can easily pull out 40 FPS at 2560x1440 pixels. For this reason, it does not make sense to purchase a Full HD monitor for a gaming computer. 4K monitors are now suitable even for static pictures and watching videos and movies. Top video cards from NVIDIA and AMD at 3840x2160 make it possible to play pretty well. Games like Battlefield 1 look great at this resolution.

Not all gaming monitors support G-SYNC/FreeSync. If you find an option in which the specified formats do not work, then in no case do not buy it. With such a monitor, you will not get any pleasure from the game. Both technologies help synchronize the work of the video card and the monitor so that there are no tears on the screen.

Type of monitor matrix for games

The main types of matrices: TN + Film, IPS, PVA.

TN+film type matrices are characterized by low response time. However, they are characterized by low color reproduction and small viewing angles. IPS type matrices are distinguished by high color reproduction and large viewing angles. But they have one drawback. Firstly, they are expensive, and secondly, they have a rather long response time.

PVA type matrices are characterized by high color rendering and wide viewing angles. They also have their drawbacks. Chief among them is the impressive price.

For a monitor designed for gaming, the optimal type of matrix is ​​​​TN, given the pixel response time. It is not recommended to use this type for professional work with graphic programs. For gamers, such a parameter as pixel response time acts as the main one. If the response time of a pixel is too long, then the so-called plume will be visible on it. That is, the picture will be smeared in dynamic scenes, in particular, while playing games or watching movies. The minimum allowable pixel response for modern games is 7 to 8 ms. But the best option is 2–5 ms. It turns out that for games, the lower this indicator, the better. But there is also another pattern. The lower the number, the more expensive the monitor.

The human eye does not perceive the difference between 2 ms and 5 ms. Therefore, you should not overpay for more expensive modifications. Another interesting point is associated with not the most objective parameters indicated in the technical data sheet. The response time differs depending on the time standard. Any company is interested in selling its products at a higher price. At the same time, the company indicates the maximum parameters according to generally accepted standards. The conclusion suggests itself that 2-5 ms is enough for comfortable watching movies and games.

Degree of contrast

Contrast is divided into static and dynamic. Static contrast ratio is the ratio of the maximum brightness to the minimum screen brightness. Dynamic contrast should be understood as a mode of operation in which contrast ratios are increased by changing the operating mode of the monitor's backlight lamp.

This parameter is selected similar to the brightness selection. The bigger, the better. Most modern monitors are rated at 400:1. This is the best option. This is how the contrast parameter is specified. In any case, you should not buy a monitor for games where the contrast ratio is 300:1. In this case, the colors will look unnatural and appear washed out. Ask the seller to include a game or movie for you. So you can visually assess whether the screen contrast is normal.

Viewing angle in games

The larger the viewing angle, the better you can see the picture if you look at the monitor not directly, but from the side or from above. The maximum option allows 180 degrees. Usually the viewing angle is always smaller. Choose models with angles of 176 degrees horizontally, vertically or even more.

Gaming Monitor Pixel Response Time

This is the minimum time for a pixel to change its own brightness from black to white and vice versa. In fact, the shorter the response time, the faster the picture changes. This matters during games and dynamic scenes in movies. It is better to take a monitor with a long response time, which is about 5 ms. Quite often, manufacturers indicate a response time of 2 ms on the monitor and offer to buy them for games. But this is just an overpayment. You will not notice any difference between these two modifications.

Connectors and ports for connecting a monitor

The most necessary connectors on the monitor for games are D-SUB (VGA), DVI, HDMI.

D-SUB - transmits an analog signal, used in old (weak) video cards.

DVI - transmits a digital signal.

HDIM - transmits digital signal and sound. It is resistant to interference.

The choice of connector directly depends on the interface of the video card on your computer. In order for the computer and monitor to work correctly, it is necessary that the cords you use fit the connectors of the computer. For some time in the computer world, the VGA connector occupied a leading position. The analog interface was used by all kinds of monitors, which greatly simplified the use of a PC. Today, more and more advanced types of connectors are being released to connect monitors.

Manufacturers create devices for games and entertainment, so the HDMI standard was born. Some time later, the DisplayPort interface also entered the market.

VGA (Video Graphics Array) is an analog connector for connecting monitors. This standard was created back in 1987 specifically for PS / 2 series computers. In the systems of this series, there was a video card and connectors with the same name. The video card had a small resolution, which was 640x480 pixels.

Despite the fact that this standard appeared so long ago, it is still used today. The maximum resolution of the VGA connector is 1280×1024 pixels, and the maximum refresh rate is 75Hz. An image of a larger size loses quality if it is displayed on a monitor screen using an analog interface. This is why more modern interfaces use digital transmission methods.

DVI (Digital Visual Interface) is considered the first digital video interface. The maximum resolution for this format is 1920x1080 pixels, which is clearly not enough for more expensive video cards with the ability to transfer data in two-channel mode.

HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is a high definition multimedia interface. It is more common in new devices, liquid crystal displays, various types of home entertainment devices. This standard is released every year in a new, improved version. The changes relate to the bandwidth of the interface and the maximum resolution of the image displayed on the monitor.

HDMI and DisplayPort interfaces allow you to transmit not only video data, but also audio to the monitor.

Is it possible to connect a monitor and a computer with different connectors? Before ordering a specific monitor, you need to clarify whether you are going to connect it to the system unit or any other device. If the connectors on the device and the monitor are the same, then this requires one approach. A completely different approach should be taken if the connectors are different. To insure against problems, it makes sense to find out if there is an adapter for these connectors.

Will a computer and monitor with different versions of HDMI connectors work correctly? The device will work, but only those functions that are relevant for the older version will be available. By connecting a computer whose board has an HDMI 1.4 connector to a monitor whose version is 1.2, you can get a picture displayed in 2D format.

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