What a mouse. origin of the name Michael

Why do people from the most ancient times attach such importance to the sound of the word that they call children? A person believes: by naming your child by one name or another, you can endow the baby with certain qualities and abilities.

Every nation has its heroes, and their names become symbols of power or success. People began to use them in different countries, and it is not so important what roots these words have. For example, the origin of which has not yet been precisely established, can be heard both in Russia and in America, in Europe or Israel.

How it all started

Linguists and historians have substantiated the popularity of the name Michael due to the fact that it was worn by one of the heroes of the Holy Letter - the Archangel Michael. “Arch angel mi ka el” is a phrase where each word has its own meaning:

  • Arch is the chief, eldest of the angels.
  • An angel is a messenger, a messenger, a governor.
  • Mi ka el - is considered one of the names of the Creator.

Naming their children this way, our ancestors hoped for a special destiny of a person in life, that he would have strength and courage, as well as piety. And not without reason, because the Archangel Michael was the most important among the seven angels and had special strength and power in the fight against evil.

But the translation of this word from the ancient Jewish language sounds like “similar, equal to God.” In some sources, the word is interpreted as follows: "begged, begged from God."


If you chose the name for the child Michael, then a wonderful baby will grow up in your house, which will become the center of attention. He is smart and quick-witted, drawn to everything new and in a hurry to learn about the world around him. The child is charming in his love for everything beautiful and unusual - this is a small connoisseur of art. As he grows older, he tries to cover all areas of life: numerous circles and sections captivate him with his head. But such an activity can quickly get bored, and then the boy goes in search of a new and exciting one.

It is difficult to call him a born leader, but thanks to his kindness and gentle disposition, other children are drawn to him with pleasure. Mikhail sometimes looks like a little old man who knows and understands everything, he loves to tell what he heard and is not averse to adding details himself. A cute dreamer easily adapts to kindergarten, immediately finds like-minded people and wins the attention of educators. Soft, sympathetic, sociable and kind - these are the qualities Mikhail is endowed with. The secret of the name of this person lies in his ability not only to become a messenger of God, but also to bring good to everyone around him.


Subtlety, vulnerability, sensitivity - the main characteristics that distinguish the bearer of the origin of this word determine the character of a person from his very youth: he appreciates the beautiful and tries with all his might to convey it to others. He is an esthete and erudite, striving for perfection in everything. Books, paintings, beautiful expensive things attract him and even fascinate him. It is difficult to call him a consumer, he just dreams of having all this in order to admire and enjoy the beautiful. Very often, such dreams lead him to the wrong decisions. And if he gets into bad company, he is easily manipulated. The influence of other people on the young man is very high, so parents need to constantly monitor the life of the child. Such boys know how to set goals and achieve them, in some situations without thinking about the consequences.

Character traits

It may seem to others that Misha is too kind and loyal, but he has an inner core. Restrained and reasonable, he is ready to work and achieve heights both in his career and in his favorite business. He has an analytical mind, which makes it easy to take on important tasks and successfully carry them out. At heart, he is vulnerable and can hardly endure criticism and censure.

The name Michael, whose origin determines the life path of its owner, endows a person with a reverent attitude towards both other people and nature. He loves animals and enjoys gardening. From communication with nature, he receives deep satisfaction and rests his soul.

Misha endures loneliness quite painfully, prefers to devote every minute to friends or family. The nature of the name Michael often makes this person the soul of the company, he is responsive and ready to help anyone who needs it. He will gladly take care of elderly parents, fulfilling all their whims and requirements.

Dark side

The history of the origin of the name Michael hides some secrets. Despite the fact that the Archangel was a valiant warrior of God, it was believed that Satan tempted such heroes. In real life, this legend is reflected in Misha's inner world. He is smart and decisive, but if he cannot realize himself in life, does not find support and due respect, then he will easily go into all serious trouble. Alcohol, gambling and a hectic life drag him down. He often cannot find inner strength to change the situation, he believes that no one understands or loves him.


And assertiveness allows Mikhail to become a lawyer and an engineer, a teacher and a military leader. Despite the fact that he is a conservative at heart, for the good of the common cause, Mikhail is ready to learn new things and bring them into his work. An unfamiliar environment does not frighten such people, they easily adapt to it and do not get lost in the biggest enterprise. Even in the position of a security guard or loader, Misha organizes the whole process in such a way that his opinion is taken into account and he is respected.

The name Michael, whose origin has a divine origin, gives a person a non-mercantile and sublime spiritual organization. Therefore, he perceives his own business not as a job, but as a brainchild, to which he is ready to devote himself without a trace. But the qualities of this person (kindness and gentleness) often let him down in the tough world of competition. He makes concessions, firmly believing in the decency of people, money is not a priority for a person who is the owner of Michael. The meaning of the name, the character of a person allow him to get out of difficult situations with dignity, without letting other people down and not taking advantage of their weakness.

Incorrigible romantic

A jealous gentleman simply cannot stand rivalry and will never forgive betrayal, mistaking it for a personal insult and betrayal. It is unacceptable to humiliate Misha in public, such behavior can cause a sharp reaction on his part and even undisguised aggression.

Family - Michael's fortress

Misha chooses his life partner very carefully. Sometimes he is ready to wait a long time and check the chosen one, and if she does not meet the ideal, he suffers in splendid isolation.

His wife should be gentle and always kind, he simply does not like and does not understand rude girls. Faithful, sympathetic, excellent hostess and caring mother - Misha's dream. Very often, a man idealizes his chosen one and even worships her as a deity. Unfortunately, over time, this attitude passes, but this does not mean that he loses interest in her and the desire to protect the lady of the heart.

Misha is ready to help around the house, fulfilling his duties with joy. Children are a real treasure that Michael will cherish and appreciate. Children understand their father and are drawn to him, hoping for support and love. Even after parting with his wife, a man tries with all his might to help her financially and participate in family life.


The history of the origin of the name Michael is closely connected with ancient Russia. According to some sources, the naming of the babies took place by analogy with the beloved and revered animal - the bear. Despite the fact that this huge bumpkin is often clumsy, he has strength and ingenuity. Mishka can hardly be called a diplomat, his life credo is "either pan or lost." Although he is strong morally, pride can be called a weak spot. It is on this shortcoming that his enemies often play. By temperament, this is a real choleric, but at the same time he knows how to control himself perfectly. He chooses friends carefully, only worthy people who have influence will enter their circle, but the temperament makes Misha suppress his friends and control their actions.

Active, brave, open and kind - this is Michael. If there are people with this name in your environment, then try to take a closer look at them. Perhaps you will see their beautiful inner world and make a true devoted friend.

The secret of the name oculus.ru

Michael- God-like (Hebrew).
This name has always been popular.
"Mikhails was firmly established as a comparison with a bear, just as, on the contrary, the name of this latter is generally adopted - Mishka. This equalization of Mikhail and a shaggy beast is done on the basis of clumsiness, clumsiness, and some disheveledness" (P.A. Florensky).
name zodiac: Scales.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: sea wave.
Talisman Stone: green jasper.
auspicious plant: linden, strawberry.
name patron: bear.
Happy day: Friday.
happy season: summer.
Main features: activity, versatility.


Michael the Archangel, Archangel. In his honor, a cathedral of believers was built to glorify Archangel Michael and other heavenly powers, with which he leads, September 19 (6), November 21 (8). Archangel Michael is the main leader of the heavenly host and the patron of earthly commanders. Once upon a time (this is the only word applicable to unearthly time when it comes to the Spiritual World), an angel named Dennitsa, who was entrusted with the protection of the Earth, became proud of himself and wanted to be God himself in order to have honor and glory from other creatures, given to the Almighty. He opposed God, and immediately his nature changed. From an angel of light and love, he became an angel of evil and darkness, became a devil (a slanderer of God) and Satan (an opponent of God and all that is good). In heaven, in the spiritual world, a great battle took place: a war of holy angels, led by the Archangel Michael, with Dennitsa the devil and the angels seduced by him, who became dark spirits. Archangel Michael himself defeated Dennitsa, who received the image of a serpent with seven heads, symbolizing the seven deadly sins, cast him and the rebellious angels from heaven into a dark abyss. Saint Archangel Michael accompanies the souls of the dead and weighs them on a scale to measure their true merit.
Mikhail of Bulgaria, equal to the apostles, king (baptist of Bulgaria), May 15 (2).
Mikhail of Bulgaria, warrior, December 5 (November 22).
Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny, Chernigov, prince, martyr, February 27 (14), October 3 (September 20).
Mikhail Zovisky (Sevastian), hegumen, holy martyr, 14 (1) October.
Mikhail Kakhetinsky, prince, martyr, November 30 (17).
Michael of Kyiv and All Russia, Metropolitan, October 13 (September 30).
Mikhail Klopsky, Novgorodsky, Holy fool for Christ, 24 (11) January. From the family of the Grand Dukes of Moscow. For forty-four years he lived in great deeds and foolishness in the Klopsky monastery near Novgorod (XV century).
Mikhail Malein, abbot, July 25 (12).
Mikhail Mstislavich Kyiv, Smolensky, Grand Duke, March 27 (14).
Mikhail Muromsky, Prince, June 3 (May 21).
Mikhail Savvait, Edessky, Chernorizets, venerable martyr, June 5 (May 23), August 11 (July 29).
Michael Sinadsky (Phrygian), Bishop, Confessor, June 5 (May 23).
Michael Singell (assistant bishop), Constantinople, reverend, confessor, December 31 (18).
Mikhail Ulumbiyskiy, reverend, one of the founders of Georgian monasticism, May 20 (7).
Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tverskoy, Grand Duke, December 5 (November 22).


On September 19, one cannot work for Mikhail - God will punish him.
On September 19, the day was shortened by 5 hours.
Since November 21, Mikhailovsky thaws, Mikhailovsky mud.
With Mikhail, winter does not stand, it does not freeze.
If there is frost on Mikhail, expect big snows, and if the day begins with fog, there will be a thaw.
If Mikhailo destroys the path, do not wait for him until winter Nikola.
From Archangel Michael, cattle are driven to winter fodder.
Mikhailov's Day is a cheerful and satisfying holiday, since there is still a lot of bread, money for hemp and oats has been raised, and the main work has been completed.


Mobility, curiosity, gambling in games manifest themselves in Misha in early childhood. He cannot concentrate on one subject, he is attracted to several activities at once. He loves summer, playing the guitar, participating in the school theater club, painting, taking care of animals. He studies well. Parents and teachers don't have much trouble with him. Misha has many friends, and it is precisely on this occasion that his parents are most worried, believing that he is not friends with those who suit him best. However, Mikhail is devoted to his friends, he is connected with them even in adulthood, they will not leave him in trouble, and he is always happy to help with advice or an act.

Adult Mikhail does not like loneliness. He is always generous in public, with a good sense of humor, but not without irony, sometimes caustic.

Mikhail has a cold analytical mind. Sometimes he withdraws into himself, watching what is happening as if from the side. Then he feels lonely and offended. A feeling of resentment arises in him when, as it seems to him, his friends did not appreciate some of his actions, or in the team did not accept his ideas, or they joked unsuccessfully, hurting his pride. Michael is not only a calm, loyal and kind person. He is proud, with a strong character and strong will, can be formidable and simply evil, although he controls his feelings. In his heart, Mikhail considers himself the best, unsurpassed, therefore he is very sensitive to failures. He is biased and undiplomatic.

Michael has a sharp intuition, a good memory. He is an excellent entrepreneur, military man, teacher, lawyer, turner, driver. Often works in the field of medicine, instrument design. It has the makings of an artist, artist, journalist.

From early youth, sex for Michael becomes an obsession. Here his possibilities are very great and he never has so-called male problems. The woman he likes immediately appears to him in bed with him, but he understands that there are very few who would react positively to such a quick offer.

Mikhail chooses his wife for a long time and in detail, her sexual capabilities are in the foreground. In a woman, he also appreciates gentleness, kindness, the ability to admire her husband, to be in everything and always support him. Mikhail's choice is quite large, his marriage can be successful with Alexandra, Varvara, Vera, Elena, Elizabeth, Clara, Lydia, Marina, Nina, Raisa, Rimma, Tamara.

Mikhail loves children, he is always happy to pamper them with sweets and various toys. Patiently and gently, Michael takes care of his parents. Sometimes he drinks, then he becomes sentimental and boastful.

middle name: Mikhailovich, Mikhailovna.


Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1745-1813) came from an ancient noble family. He dreamed of military service since childhood. In 1759 he graduated with honors from the Noble Artillery School. In 1761 he was promoted to ensign and appointed commander of the Astrakhan Infantry Regiment.

In 1765, the military career of Mikhail Illarionovich begins, first in Poland, then in the army of the outstanding Russian commander Count P.A. Rumyantsev and during the Russian-Turkish war (1768-1774) participates in the famous battles of Larga, Cahul, Ryaba Mogila.

Kutuzov's service in Rumyantsev's army stopped quite unexpectedly and absurdly: the field marshal was informed that the young officer was ridiculously copying his gait. Captain Kutuzov was transferred to the Crimean army of Prince Vasily Dolgorukov. Here, in 1774, during the capture of Shuma, near Alushta, he received his famous wound in his right eye. For this fight, Mikhail Kutuzov was awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree.

The wound forced Kutuzov to be seriously treated abroad, in Berlin and Vienna. There he was introduced to King Frederick the Great and Field Marshal Laudon.

Since 1776, Kutuzov fought in the Crimea with A.S. Suvorov. The year 1790 was marked by the victory of the Russian troops at the walls of Izmail. For his heroism, Kutuzov was awarded and appointed a brigadier. Suvorov wrote about the exploits of Kutuzov near Izmail: "Kutuzov provided new experiences in military art and his personal courage. He walked on my left wing, but was my right hand." Kutuzov finished his service in the Crimea as a major general.

After the Peace of Jassy, ​​in 1792-1794. Kutuzov headed the emergency embassy in Constantinople and managed to achieve tangible trade and foreign policy benefits for Russia.

In 1794, Kutuzov was appointed director of the Shlyakhetsky Cadet Corps, "a hotbed of military people," in the words of Catherine II, and personally taught military history and tactics to the cadets.

Under Paul I, Kutuzov successfully carried out diplomatic missions in Berlin and received the St. Andrew's ribbon in 1800. During the accession of Emperor Alexander I, Kutuzov was appointed St. Petersburg military governor.

The war of 1805 forced him to take command of the Russian troops operating against Napoleon in Austria. He made the famous march maneuver from Braunau to Olmutz, withdrawing Russian troops from the blow of Napoleon's forces. Unfortunately, Kutuzov's prudent advice was not accepted and the campaign ended in the ill-fated Austerlitz. Here Kutuzov was again wounded in the cheek.

After these events, Kutuzov fell into disfavor and was appointed Governor-General of Kyiv, later Vilna. In 1811, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the Moldavian army in the war with Turkey. For a brilliant victory and a profitable Bucharest peace treaty in 1812, he received the title of His Serene Highness Prince.

Due to disagreements between M.B. Barclay de Tolly and Bagration, the emperor elected the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Russia, although he himself did not like Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, especially since this corresponded to the popular desire. A.S. Pushkin was aware of the historical necessity of Kutuzov’s appointment: “One Kutuzov could propose the battle of Borodino; one Kutuzov could give Moscow to the enemy; one Kutuzov could remain in this wise active inaction, putting Napoleon to sleep on the conflagration of Moscow and waiting for the fateful moment: for Kutuzov alone was clothed in a people’s power of attorney which he justified so miraculously!"

The Russian army entered the borders of Europe in order to finally defeat the enemy. Kutuzov was awarded a field marshal's baton, the title "Smolensky" and the Order of St. George, 1st class.

On April 28, 1813, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov died in Bunzlau, Prussia from hardships and old wounds. His body was embalmed and taken to Russia. Five miles from Petersburg, the people stopped the funeral chariot and the coffin with the body of the commander was carried in their arms to the Kazan Cathedral in the center of the capital, where they were buried. A marble slab with carved poems by A. S. Pushkin hangs at the head of the cathedral wall:

In front of the tomb of the saint
I stand with my head down...
Everything is sleeping around; only lamps
In the darkness of the temple they gild
Pillars of granite masses
And their banners hanging row.
... In your coffin, delight lives!
He gives us a Russian voice;
He tells us about that year.
When the voice of the people's faith
I called out to your holy gray hair:
"Go save!" You got up - and saved ...

Mikhail is an extraordinary and ambiguous personality. At first glance, it will seem to someone that he is good-natured and clumsy, while the other will see a vulnerable soul behind the outer shell, although the owner of this name carefully guards his feelings, never flaunting them. Yes, he is kind and often sentimental, but also smart, inquisitive, logical. However, in the character of each person there are always opposing sides that can manifest themselves in various situations.

The name Michael is popular at all times, it has not lost its relevance today. Despite the traditional sound, there is a hidden power in it. Or maybe parents are attracted by the translation of this name.

The origin of the name Michael is attributed to ancient times, because in translation from ancient Jewish it is read as "like God." Used among Slavs and Jews, Christians of other nationalities. Similar in sound and content can be called the English version of Michael and the French version of Michel.

Michael is a revered archangel among Christians. He is the chief of the seven messengers of God. It was he who became the protector of the Israeli people, according to the traditions of the Old Testament. Today he is considered the patron saint of Kyiv and Arkhangelsk. He is also honored as the patron of builders, the winner over evil spirits and diseases.

There is a name Michael in Islam, but it sounds like Mikail.


As a rule, the meaning of the name Mikhail is equated with the word "bear" due to the fact that both a person with that name and this beast are usually called "Mishka", and the animal in fairy tales is most often called "Mikhail Potapych". There are, of course, in "like God" certain associations with a forest dweller: Mikhail is rather good-natured, at first glance clumsy. But if necessary, he turns into a furious, agile and swift hunter. His sluggishness is deceptive, but it is she who symbolizes the duality of nature.

The male name Michael - not only has a strong energy, it gives the owner harmony with the outside world. And since childhood, the boys strive to live just like that. But he cannot be attributed to good or bad from birth: Misha can grow up to be anything. Yes, he knows how to be friends, faithful, generous, hospitable. Can be narcissistic, but always strives to achieve perfection even in small things.


Boy Misha is a gentle, charming, handsome and quick-witted child. He can easily manipulate parents and others who admire his appearance, affectionate character, kindness. From early childhood, he is able to appreciate beautiful things, and moms and dads are happy to surround him with just such. The name Misha gives the owner an understanding of the beautiful and valuable - not material, but spiritual.

The name for the boy Michael is auspicious. This is a sociable child, active and hardworking. From childhood and then in adulthood, he gets used to bringing things to the end and achieving his goals. But at the same time, it is easily influenced by loved ones - first parents, friends, then spouses. By the way, without the second half, Michael will not be able to: if he is lonely, he is always in search. Family always comes first for him.

Although Misha can build a good professional career: as a lawyer or doctor, teacher or financier, he can become a top manager. The main thing is that he should feel useful to people.

The interpretation of the name Michael tells that its owner will never choose a rude woman as a companion: his chosen one will be kind, gentle, beautiful. But it will be difficult for Misha to keep her, he is very jealous. He is not going to hide his jealousy, which leads to conflicts in the relationship.

Considering the fact that Mikhail usually begins to build any kind of relationship later than his peers, and even more so intimate ones, it can be difficult for him to find his only one, but he stubbornly searches. Often it is the wife who becomes his first mistress and his only woman.

The desire for perfection leads to the fact that he idealizes his chosen one, which can lead to bitter disappointments. It can turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of the second half for a long time, exaggerate its merits. Although, if he stops worshiping his idol, he will always protect.

In his intimate life, Mikhail reminds many of the bear's bumpkin:

  • A person born in the summer can be quite windy, quite able to please a woman, but it is difficult for him to find a permanent darling.
  • Misha, who was born in winter, will be more serious and secretive. He does not like manifestations of love, tender words, and indeed affection.
  • He does not like to work hard to achieve a woman: he likes compliant ladies. Although his wife will be treated patiently and quite diplomatically.


It is generally accepted that the decoding of the name Michael is equivalent to a phlegmatic bear, but this is not so. In fact, his element is fire. Perhaps the owner of this name looks ponderous, but he has very violent energy, and on occasion you can encounter an open riot of it.

His heaviness, a certain slowness make themselves felt: when someone else easily reaches the goal, Mikhail will have to work hard and climb for a long time. But he will achieve his goal. At the same time, his work is not always recognized, and this causes the man’s anger at the discrepancy between the result and the efforts expended.

But still, if you read everything about the name Michael, it becomes clear that balance is his way of dealing with external injustice. Despite the inner strength, the ability to be swift and dexterous, most often he will remain calm and will fight the circumstances with new efforts.

He easily navigates in a new environment and quickly adapts. Since childhood, however, she cannot accept criticism, therefore she does not like to work with bosses who constantly criticize. Always striving to become a leader himself.

Both small and already adult Misha usually gets animals. Mutual love with them is obvious from childhood.

Loves Michael and children. He always plays with the kids, pampers his own. He does not forget about his parents either: with patience and respect he will look after them until his death, without getting irritated and not breaking down on them for senile whims.

Interestingly, the nature of the name Michael gives the owner the ability to forgive - he does not remember insults. But he himself does not mock people, he will never offend just like that.

He has character traits that can be perceived in two ways, since he himself sometimes acts ambiguously:

  • Mikhail is logical and reasonable, but often acts at random.
  • He is smart and reasonable, but reckless.
  • He is stubborn and persistent, but failure can knock him down.
  • Despite the fact that he is afraid of failure, he is bored when life does not challenge.

name day

Michael's birthday is celebrated several times a year:

  • Archangel Michael's Day - September 19 and November 21.
  • Day of Michael of Bulgaria, Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar, Baptist of Bulgaria - May 15.
  • Day of Metropolitan Michael of Kyiv and All Russia - October 13.
  • Day of Prince Mikhail of Murom - June 3.
  • Day of the Monk Martyr Michael Savvait - June 5, August 11.
  • Day of the Grand Duke Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tver - December 5.

When Michael's angel's day is according to the Catholic calendar, you should watch a different sounding of the name - Michael, Mikael. These are February 9, April 10, May 4 and 23, June 14 and September 29.

How to decline

The name Michael is declined according to the rules of the Russian language:

  • I.p: Mikhail, Misha
  • R.p: Mikhaila, Misha
  • D.p: Mikhail, Misha
  • V.p: Mikhail, Misha
  • T.p.: Mikhail, Misha
  • P.p: Mikhail, Misha

Name color

The color of the sea wave as an indicator of the state of the nervous system is attributed to the owner of the name Michael. Psychologists believe that this blue-green hue is liked by rather tense people. But Misha does not necessarily have to like him: he is harmonious with his state of mind, and also reflects a serious, principled, strong-willed character.

Color is characterized as a tendency to pedantry and careful control. Despite the fact that he is rather cold, inside you can see the energy that is difficult to subdue. This is the meaning of the name Misha.

This color is inherent in those who strive for excellence, may crave power and it is quite logical to achieve it. The shade is credited with secrecy and control of its internal whirlwinds. Mikhail is like that, and he can handle them, although not always ...

name flower

The colors of the name include linden and strawberry. Linden is a sacred tree of the Slavs, which in pagan times was associated with the goddess of love named Lada, and in Christian times they began to be identified with the Mother of God. The reason for this is that the gifts that this tree brings have miraculous powers. According to one of the legends, when the Mother of God fled with her son (given by God, like him), it was the linden that became her refuge. Now this tree and its color is associated with the name Michael.

Strawberries, on the other hand, are a simple wild berry that symbolizes happiness, love, sincere relationships.

church name

At baptism, a boy named Michael is called that.

Translation of the name, its sound in different languages

There are many variants of the name Michael: Michael, Michel, Miguel, Mihai. In Australia, it sounds like Mitchell. Only one translation of the name Michael is known - from the ancient Hebrew language, which means "like God."

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

The full name - Mikhail - has a short form Misha, but as soon as the parents and then friends do not call their offspring: Mikhas, Mishutka, Mishanya, Mikhanya, Mika, Mikha, Mikhaylushka, Mikhay.

What names are patronymics suitable for?

Patronymic Mikhailovna gives the girl the ability to forgive and the inability to argue. As a rule, harmonious personalities grow out of Alexander, Barbarian, Ver. The names Eva, Elena, Lydia, Leah, Raisa, Christina are combined with such a patronymic.

If we talk about men who bear such a patronymic, then they get a double strength of character, stubbornness and determination. You can safely call the babies of Mikhailovich by such names: Alexander, Maxim, Artem, Denis, Ivan, Sergey, Alexei, Mark.

The name Mikhail is suitable for patronymics: Arturovich, Vladimirovich, Leonardovich, Sergeevich, Eduardovich.

Name Compatibility

Given the complacent nature of Mikhail, it is difficult to find women with whom it will be problematic for him to get along, unless they are rude and vulgar ladies. Therefore, the compatibility of the name Michael can be noted with a large list of female names: Alexandra, Alina, Bogdana, Barbara, Vera, Diana, Dina, Elena, Elizabeth, Lydia, Marina, Marta, Nina, Rimma, Tamara, Ella.

Notable people named Michael

Famous people named Michael are not uncommon. All thanks to their dedication and perseverance.

Famous people include princes (Great Tverskoy Mikhail Borisovich) and tsars (Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov), monks and metropolitans, confessors of grand dukes and emperors. If we talk about well-known personalities, then these will be:

  • Mikhail Glinka - composer;
  • Mikhail Bulgakov - writer;
  • Mikhail Vrubel - artist;
  • Mikhail Lomonosov - scientist;
  • Mikhail Lermontov - poet;
  • Mikhail Gorbachev - politician and the only president of the USSR;
  • Mikhail Boyarsky - singer and actor;
  • Mikhail Zadornov is a humorist and his full namesake is a statesman.

However, there is no particular need to introduce these people.

Obviously, Michael is an outstanding personality. Whether his talents will be discovered depends on many factors, including the support of parents, the understanding of loved ones, and the ability to cope with failures. All this will play a huge role in the development of the owner of this name - in his personal and spiritual development, in professional growth and in the ability to control his inner, very powerful and furious forces, which occasionally, but rush out.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Michael


The meaning of the name Michael, translated from Hebrew, voices the rhetorical question “Who is like God?”, And such content leaves its mark on the fate of a person. This bright, pleasant male name combines soft kindness and severity, severity. In appearance, this is a very quiet, adequate, calm person, but only outside observers can think so.

Misha's relatives know that in fact, behind the apparent slowness and monotony, there is a strong, impulsive, real man who is able to act in the right situation. Choosing the meaning of the name Michael for a boy, parents will raise a calm boy who is not prone to whims.

During his school years, Misha will study very diligently, earning respect from teachers, and can become a “favorite” for his innate curiosity and ability to ask questions to the right place. From an early age, he shows non-childish independence, and mom and dad practically do not know the trouble with the baby - this is the meaning of the name Mikhail for the child.

The boy attaches great importance to independence. Always strives to achieve the desired goal with absolutely no outside participation, and is often offended if someone tries to help. The interpretation of the name implies a great internal energy, which literally attracts people to itself with its solidity and strength.


We must never forget that under the external calmness of this man lies a real beast - temperamental, acting instinctively. It is very easy to charm Misha with the simplest female tricks, but it will be quite difficult for any representative of the weaker sex with him - he is always subjective in his opinion, he attaches importance only to his point of view.

In sexual terms, a man has a high sensuality. This means that with proper experience, a partner can fall head over heels in love with her, even if he does not see family life with her. In the intimate area, he strives for harmony, but this is not very good for a man, since a selfish nature cannot fully reveal the ability to reciprocate caresses and tenderness.

A family

Family life for Misha means a constant desire to manage his soulmate, constantly point out mistakes and re-educate. Only a truly loving girl can endure all the nit-picking of this difficult man. After all, this is not just a whim, he wants to be proud of his soul mate, and seeks to create his ideal in her.

Because of such relationships, quarrels and scandals often arise in the family circle, and the first marriage can be ruined on the basis of petty domestic nit-picking of a man. Of course, over time, he will moderate his ardor, try to delve deeper into the needs of his partner, but during this time he can divorce several times.

Under the patronage of Michael, a woman feels as protected as possible, because he attaches great importance to the ability to provide, feed and clothe her family. Severity, coupled with respect, makes this man an authority for children, he can bring up worthy and comprehensively developed personalities from them.

Business and career

A successful career or a highly profitable job is of great importance in the life of this man. It is very important for him to feel capable of prey, the ancient instinct of a hunter and leader takes its toll. That is why positions with an organizational bias are ideal for him, where he can manage staff, or simply lead like-minded people.

Work that requires lengthy reflection and detailed analysis is also not alien to Mikhail. He has an excellent memory and intellect, which means that this allows him to work in such areas as programming, higher mathematics, and jurisprudence. It is important for him to feel the competition, communication in the life of this person is of particular importance, so closed work is not suitable for this person.

origin of the name Michael

The origin of the name Michael is Hebrew, and the etymology of this word leads to the phrase-question: “Mi kmo elohim?”, Which in translation means “Who is like the Lord?”. In the country where this name came from, it was pronounced like Mikael, and after getting to the Slavic people, it acquired the sound familiar to Russian ears.

Over the centuries, you can meet many Michaels who managed to leave their mark on history, but perhaps the most significant person was the so-called archangel, whose name accompanied the army of the Lord. The prophecies say that it is this archangel who will lead the angelic army, which will cast the devil into the abyss.

The ability to lead, infect all common ideas is the secret of the name Michael. It is he who can gather around him followers who will be ready to give their souls for the ideological orientation of their leader.

Characteristics of the name Michael

Misha's character always has two poles, the psyche is as stable as possible, but do not forget that by waking up a sleeping bear you can stumble upon such aggression that will be remembered forever. He is far from a simpleton and not a clumsy bumpkin, he has agility seasoned with basic instincts, and if taken to an extreme, then an adequate reaction from him can hardly be expected.

The main characteristic of the name Michael is a frantic desire to correct other people's shortcomings, an indication of oversights and shortcomings. A man attaches great importance to the correctness of any action. This is both a plus and a minus. The positive part of such a character warehouse is understandable - in a leadership position, such a quality is simply necessary.

But Misha is trying to correct not only his subordinates, he imagines the submission and obedience of everyone around, and not a single one will pass him without notice. Because of this, he does not have too many friends, only the most devoted ones. But people are always drawn to him. Rays of goodness and warmth emanate from him. This man, even with all the outward menacingness, can be incredibly sentimental in his soul.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - Green Jasper.
  • Name days - January 24, February 27, March 23, April 29, May 15, June 3, 28, July 12, August 11, September 19, October 3, November 21, December 31.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Libra.

Famous people

  • Mikhail Galustyan is a Russian comedian, actor, showman, producer and screenwriter.
  • Mikhail Porechenkov - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, TV presenter, director.

Different languages

The translation of the name Mikhail can be found in almost all known languages, but the way the name is translated into European languages ​​will be somewhat unusual for Russian hearing, but consonant and recognizable: Michele, Mikel, Michael, Miguel, Michel, Michael, Mihai, Michal, Mikel , Mugail.

Due to the absence of some sounds in eastern languages, this name will sound slightly distorted. For example, in Chinese - Mihair, which can be written using the characters - 米哈依尔, and in Japanese - Mihairu, which is written using both katakana - ミハイル, and Japanese characters - 巳輩縷.

Name Forms

  • Full name is Michael.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Misha, Mishka, Mishutka, Mikhailo, Mikhailka, Mikhailushka, Mishanya.
  • Declination of the name - Michael, Michael.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Michael.

According to Mendelev

A good, simple, gentle and cold name. Soft, even weak and compliant in small things, but stubborn and adamant in the main and defining issues. Calm, self-confident, rapprochement with someone will go far from immediately. The same qualities determine a high degree of criticality in the perception of other people's ideas and "resistance to fire"; it is almost impossible to captivate him with something reckless. Nevertheless, Mikhail can take risks, but will not rush headlong into any adventure.

He has a strong will and a stable psyche. Strives to develop a unified approach in similar situations, which allows you to make quick decisions, despite the presence of the “slow” sign, but is not inclined to impulsive, unexpected actions,

Misha has not yet shown the sign of "good", it will come later. He is "small" and "feminine" but kind and reliable, though not very strong. He still has no sign of "cold". Entering the world of adults, Misha, as it were, gains strength and puts on an armor of equanimity and calmness.

Mikhail's intellect is above average, but his excitability and suggestibility are below average. Started business is inclined to be sure to bring to the end. Does not fall into euphoria with good luck and endures the inevitable streaks of bad luck.

He is very attached to the family, loves children, and leaves current household issues to be solved by his family.

The main color of the name is blue. There is also a dark red stripe.

According to Popov

Healing from spiritual wounds is easiest to find next to Michael. He perceives someone else's pain as his own and will not hesitate to help with advice or an act.

According to Florensky

Behind Mikhails, their comparison with the bear was firmly established, just as, on the contrary, the name of this latter, Mishka, was generally adopted. This equalization of Michael and the shaggy beast is done on the basis of slowness, clumsiness, and some disheveledness. By its nature, the name Michael is the opposite of earthly inertia with its hostile and beneficial inhibition of impulses and aspirations. And, falling on the earth, this name lives on it as alien to the earth, not adapting to it and incapable of adapting. Michael is one of the oldest known names in history. But even for many thousands of years of its stay on earth, it remains a revelation on earth and does not become one's own here, although it has become overgrown with worldly connections and everyday growths. It is difficult for this name to realize itself in earthly environments that are too dense for it. A bird, if it could somehow survive on the bottom of the ocean, would not fly under water on wings adapted to a much finer element - air. Likewise, the celestial being, Michael, falling on earth, becomes slow and clumsy, although he himself is incomparably more mobile than those who surround him on earth.

Michael needs great inner effort and a corresponding effort of will in order to achieve what he wants in the world. He has to climb before reaching where most others come easily and almost without thinking. And that is why Mikhail feels unlucky and blames the world for this, which is inert and unresponsive, but in fact receives from Michael impulses that are little available to him, the world. Michael, either with bitterness, if he is good, or with malice, when he is bad, denounces the world in inertia, rightly noting this property of the world, but unfairly disregarding it precisely as a property without which the world would not be the world.

By Higiru

It comes from the Hebrew name Mikael - equal, like Yahweh (God).

Little Michael can be seen in the children's choir. He has a good ear, besides he is a very sociable boy. Educators and teachers have no trouble with him. Misha tries to do everything right and well.

Michaels are endowed with a logical mindset. They can successfully work as teachers, lawyers, among them there are military leaders. They quickly navigate in an unfamiliar environment, are balanced, but they perceive criticism painfully. They love animals, rarely do without a cat or dog in the house. Children feel the kindness of Mikhail, he loves to play with them, does not refuse anything, indulges in expensive toys. He enjoys spending time in the garden. Doesn't handle loneliness well. He patiently looks after his elderly parents, the whims of the old people do not annoy him. It is easy to communicate with Mikhail, just put up with him ... A wife should not be angry with him for a long time - her husband highly appreciates gentleness and quick-wittedness in a woman. Michael is generous and not petty. Drinks a little, after drinking, becomes sentimental and in a fit of feelings can give everything he has. At parties, Mikhail behaves uninhibitedly, jokes, sings songs, he is what is called the "soul of the company." Likes to dress up a little. In a woman, the main thing for him is kindness, he avoids rude women. Jealous and hard to hide it.

He has a rich choice for marriage, he can be successful with Alexandra, Alina, Bogdana, Borislav, Wanda, Barbara, Venus, Vera, Vesta, Helena, Gella, Juliet, Diana, Dina, Eva, Elena, Elizabeth, Clara, Lydia, Leah, Marina, Martha, Nina, Raisa, Rimma, Ruslana, Seraphim, Tamara, Christina, Ella, Jadwiga. Family life with Glafira, Elizabeth, Inga, Kira, Oksana, Olga, Yana will not work out happily.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Who is like God" (biblical)

Energy of the name and character: In terms of sound energy, this name is rather light and quiet, although it ends on a rather low note, giving the word some solidity and even rigor. It is not for nothing that in Russia it became the nickname of a bear - Mikhailo Potapych. On the other hand, behind his silence, one can discern a clearly expressed mobility, and even impetuosity. Of course, the impact of the name on a person in this case is noticeably smoothed out, and this is due to the fact that today this name is very common; nevertheless, it still largely determines the nature of its carrier.

Most often, from childhood, Misha manifests such traits as mobility, curiosity, gambling in children's games. It is unlikely that his interest will focus on any one subject; rather, he will be attracted by a wide variety of activities: from all kinds of hobbies and hobbies to interest in school subjects. Much here will be determined by the influence of parents and the environment where Misha grows up. At the same time, his mobility is usually balanced, which makes him a rather obedient child, whose whims rarely bother parents too much. In general, the name inclines him to good nature, but it often endows its owner with a fair amount of touchiness. Sometimes resentment reaches such strength that Misha can dissolve his hands, which he soon begins to regret and feel guilty about.

In adulthood, Mikhail's mobility is replaced by calm poise, in the family he is usually a good owner, at work he is a neat and diligent hard worker, but resentment can remain inherent in him throughout his life. This is an essential point. First, it testifies to Michael's considerable pride. Secondly, resentment can seriously complicate his life and prevent the fulfillment of many life plans.

It is very important to remember that often resentment is not compatible with ambitious aspirations, if a person has set high goals for himself, he must be ready for the resistance of others and even their opposition. This is an objective law of psychology, and it is not so smart to be offended by it. It is interesting that many Mikhails overcome this resistance with the help of a sense of humor, often bordering on caustic irony. Most people are defenseless against such weapons, and therefore it is useful that these qualities are sufficiently developed in Misha, it is not in vain that today there are so many satirists and humorists among the Mikhails. However, even here you need to know the measure, otherwise you can make yourself a great many secret enemies, which are much more dangerous than open ones. The most optimal thing for Mikhail is to rid his self-esteem of morbidity, which can be done with the help of simple faith in yourself and the ability to see behind the shortcomings of people not malicious intent, but misunderstandings, and not only others, but also your own.

Secrets of communication: With all his calmness, Mikhail often likes to start all sorts of disputes, in which he often either gets excited or ironically quite successfully. Nevertheless, it will hardly be logical if you answer him in the same way, it is much more appropriate to recognize not his rightness, but his right to such a point of view, unless, of course, it is connected with personal insults. It should also not be forgotten that among the Michaels there are few vindictive people.

The trace of a name in history:

Michel Nostradamus

Many different stories and legends are told about the French soothsayer Michel Nostradamus, some of which look like jokes. So, they say that one day, when Nostradamus was sitting at his house, the pretty daughter of his neighbor passed by, heading into the forest for brushwood.

“Good afternoon, monsieur,” she said.

“Good afternoon, girl,” Nostradamus answered her.

An hour later she returned home with a bundle of brush on her shoulder.

“Good afternoon, monsieur,” she greeted again.

“Good afternoon… little woman,” came the reply.

It is difficult to argue with the statement that it was Michael (Michel) Nostradamus (1503–1566) who is not only the most mysterious, but also the most famous figure among the many predictors of the whole world, whose personality is so full of legends, conjectures, and somewhere pure water fantasies that after five centuries it is no longer so easy to separate fact from fiction. Nevertheless, much about Nostradamus can be said for sure. So, there is no doubt that he was one of the most educated people of his time, well acquainted with medicine, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy and knowing several languages.

A passionate, witty man who loved to eat well (the number of works of Nostradamus includes a cookbook), he very little resembled that image of a gloomy hermit, which today is often associated with his name. Having barely graduated from university and received a doctor's license, Nostradamus threw himself into the thick of things, directing all his energy to fight the plague - the real curse of France. And it was he, with his knowledge and extraordinary intuition, who managed to do the impossible: he managed to stop the plague epidemics in several large cities.

Later in his life it was all over the edge - and love (in total, in two marriages, Nostradamus became the father of nine children), and death, and fame, and wandering. Nostradamus' first wife and two of his children died of the plague; then the Inquisition showed keen interest in him, forcing him to flee his native country, then he returned to France and at the age of 45 - a new marriage ... It is difficult to say at what exact moment the laconic inscription "Prophet" appeared on the pages of Michel de Notre Dame's Book of Fate . It is only known that until the end of his life, Nostradamus considered himself a conductor of some divine Force, who wished to inform people about the events of the future through him.

One way or another, but with the death of the soothsayer, his real life has just begun. Even now, five centuries later, ten verse "Centuries" ("Centuries"), written by him in encrypted form, excite and capture, as if promising to open an invisible curtain that separates us from tomorrow. And where the Mystery lives, there is no place for oblivion and indifference, and therefore who knows how many more centuries or millennia people will remember the name of Michel Nostradamus?

1. Personality: those who besiege

2. Color: red

3. Main features: will - activity - sexuality - health

4 Totem Plant: Elm

5. Spirit animal: tiger

6. Sign: maiden

7. Type. They tend to withdraw into themselves and look hard on others. Too subjective, rarely trying to put themselves in the place of another person. Don't let these boys become like their tiger totem.

8. Psyche. Guided by logic, they are somewhat lacking in diplomacy. Favorite saying: "Either pan or go." Pride is their vulnerable feature, and it is quite possible to play on their desire to always and everywhere be the best and unsurpassed.

9. Will. Very strong, even despotic.

10. Excitability. Weak, but gives them some warmth.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. These are choleric people, however, they completely control their reactions. They carefully select smart and intelligent friends for themselves, to whom they remain faithful, but they cannot imagine friendship without the complete submission of friends to their will. Very sensitive to defeats and failures.

12. Field of activity. Easily achieve success. Accustomed to discipline since childhood and demand the same from others. They work to achieve a specific and clearly defined goal, and not for the sake of unexpected discoveries. They like medicine, achieve great success in trade.

13. Intuition. More or less listen to her voice.

14. Intelligence. They have a lively, cold analytical mind. Without studying the situation thoroughly, do not draw conclusions.

15. Susceptibility. Strong, although they try to hide their sensitivity. They have a merciless memory, never forgetting either the good they have done or the evil they have done.

16. Morality. High morality is one of their main features; do not accept jokes on this topic.

17. Health. They have great survivability! Healthy, resistant to disease, but must monitor the circulatory system and heart.

18. Sexuality. Very sensual. They reach sexual maturity early, but they do not know and do not understand female psychology at all. Instead of trying to seduce a woman, they act like cavemen...

19. Activity. Comments are unnecessary!

20. Sociability. This is their weak point. The lack of tact leads to the fact that others begin to feel antipathy towards them.

21. Conclusion. There is no need to make “huge bad wolves” out of them, as this gives them great pleasure, while others develop an inferiority complex. Do not forget that from childhood they need to be put in place, later it will be much more difficult to do this. ..if not completely impossible!

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

The formation of Mikhail's sexual personality is rather slow, he does not know himself for a long time. He learns the intimate side of life later than his peers. It happens that his first partner is his wife, and before the wedding he himself did not fully realize either his sexual needs or his sexual possibilities. Mikhail is inclined to idealize a woman, in his younger years he considers her an unearthly creature worthy of worship. With age, he gets rid of such an idea, but he does not change his attitude towards a woman as a weak creature in need of male protection and patronage, and still overestimates the dignity of his partner. Michael regarding

cold and restrained in love pleasures, although he easily succumbs to the heady charm of erotic caresses.

"Summer" Mikhail often reduces the pleasures of love to rare episodes that occur out of necessity. At the same time, he is quite skilled in the technique of sex and, when he wants to demonstrate his masculine abilities, he can show off his skill. "Winter" Mikhail does not like external manifestations of love, does not tolerate gentle phrases and cannot stand being caressed, and his own caresses are always somewhat rude, sometimes he hurts a woman. All Michaels are squeamish, so they are terribly afraid of casual relationships. With their wives, they are diplomatic and patient. They like women who are gentle and compliant, they do not accept rudeness in a woman. For the "January" Michael, sex is a kind of indispensable part of communication and does not leave a big mark on his soul. He strives for entertainment, a pleasant pastime and is in no hurry to marry. In family life, he strives for independence, makes rather high demands on his wife, including sexual ones. In life together, Michael is easy. He is generous, not petty, charming.

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