Which state has the smallest. The smallest country in the world

Little schoolchildren have been studying continents, countries and states since their childhood. The children's favorite subject is geography.

It reveals many facts about the beauty of our planet. The powers of the world are diverse, in terms of area and population.

Some have vast territories, traditions and customs. And other countries have a small area, with a minimum population. There are more than 250 countries in the world.

If you look at a world map or a globe, you can visualize which of them are large, while others are difficult to see because of their small size.

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican. Its area is 0.40 square kilometers.

This is an independent state, but at the same time it does not have its own currency and identity passports.

The smallest state in the world is located on the territory of Rome, and is the spiritual capital of the world.

On the territory of the Catholic Church of the Vatican, 820 people live, the rest of the density of the people are Italian subjects.

Citizens of the spiritual composition are:

  • Spiritual persons - 50 persons.
  • Guards guards - 50.
  • Gendarmes -150.
  • Residents-150.

The dwarf country has characteristic seasonal conditions similar to Mediterranean conditions. In winter, the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees. Sometimes precipitation occurs in the form of snow.

In summer, the temperature rises to 30 degrees Celsius. Winds, showers and hail are not observed.

The state has languages: Latin and Italian. In simple communication, during negotiations, the main language is Latin. Italian is used to sign treaties, acts or decrees.

The most important member in the state is the Pope, he has his own government, which includes:

  • Governor.
  • Papal Commission.
  • State Secretariat.
  • Ecumenical Council.
  • Synod.

The main religion of the country is Catholicism.

All cities and countries have their own characteristic places of interest.

Consider the list of outstanding monuments and buildings that are the pride of the Vatican:

  1. Peter the Holy Square, which was erected in the middle of the 18th century.
  2. Apostolic Palace, which has a rich library of valuable manuscripts and books. It is home to the Pope himself. A distinctive feature of the palace are chapels and museums.
  3. The cave "Grotta di Lourde", which was artificially created by the inhabitants of the country in ancient times.
  4. Historical monument of the country in the form of the Sistine Chapel. Valued for historical manuscripts, drawings and frescoes inside the façade.
  5. An art gallery called the Pinakothek.

The smallest country in the entire universe in terms of population is Pitcairn Island. It consists of 5 islands, of which only one is inhabited by people.

Important! Pitcairn is a unique and isolated island, which was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption, with the help of lava.

The island has features and living conditions:

  • The area is 4.5 square kilometers.
  • No more than 60 people live throughout the territory.
  • The native language is English.
  • The head of state is the British Commissioner.

All people are friendly and kind to each other. They help everyone in many ways, and also consider themselves kindred spirits.

Rating of the smallest countries in the world

There is a list of small states, depending on the size of the territory:

  • Vatican.
  • Monaco.
  • Nauru.
  • Tuvalu.
  • San Marino.
  • Marshall Islands.
  • Liechtenstein.
  • Nevis.
  • Maldives.
  • Grenada.

Consider in the table the top smallest republics that are in Europe:

Republic, by rating increase Total area, sq. km. Features of states
Vatican 0,40 Spiritual capital of capitalism
Monaco 1,8 A dwarf state with its own values, resort recreation areas. The population includes people from other countries
San Morino 60 It is the oldest and oldest country in the entire universe. It has beautiful landscapes and is located on the slope of the mountains.
Liechtenstein 58 A prosperous state due to the ski resort, an established policy and a small percentage of taxation from the people. Engaged in the supply of goods to other countries at a low cost
Malta 300 Prosperous development of industry and tourist areas
Andorra 450 Does not have a duty on the type of products for all vacationing tourists
Luxembourg 2500 Is an international country with a tourist center in Europe
Cyprus 9000 A picturesque corner of the country with a highly developed tourist area. For vacationers there is a huge range of services and entertainment at low prices.
Kosovo 10500 It is the most beautiful country in Europe, valued for its picturesque places
Montenegro 13200 The income of the state is the funds due to the large number of tourists. Lovers of relaxation choose a place for affordable prices and a mild temperate climate

There is a list of which countries are the smallest in terms of population, in different parts of the world:

  1. The smallest country in Asia is South Ossetia, its population of all living citizens is about 70,000 people.
  2. Oceania - Niue with a population of 1400.
  3. Africa - Seychelles - 85,500 people.
  4. North America - Nevis - 50,000 people.
  5. South America - Suriname - 450,000 people.

Important! Each part of the world has its own small state with the smallest area and population.

But the Order of Malta and the Vatican are dwarfed. There is no country in the world with the lowest performance.

The small Arab state is the Bahrain archipelago, and 33 islands located with it.

The Arab country became famous due to its sights and values:

  1. The most popular and demanded place for foreign and Russian tourists.
  2. The main hobby is the underwater world of diving in the Persian Gulf.
  3. The oil refining and gas industries are developing and flourishing.
  4. All proceeds of income go to the arrangement of a recreation area for all vacationers.

In small states there is an interconnectedness of close relations between all citizens. Government authorities are able to help and take care of the entire population.

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Incredibly varied. Each of them is unique in its own way. However, we are used to the fact that the word "country" implies a vast territory, hundreds of cities and villages. Nevertheless, there are powers with a record small area in the world. Today we will find out which countries are the smallest in area and what features they have.

Heart of Catholicism

The smallest country in the world in terms of area, known to everyone, is the Vatican. A small but incredibly strong state is located in the western part of Rome. Since the residence of the Pope is located in the Vatican, this mini-country is the spiritual center of the entire Catholic world.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis is a pair of islands in the Caribbean that are united into one republic. They are of volcanic origin. The length of the coastline is 135 km. The islands are separated by The Narrows and surrounded by coral reefs.

Power here belongs to the monarch of Great Britain, who is represented on the island by the Governor-General. The official language is English. Total area - 261 sq. km.

The population is over 50,000 people. Negroes dominate, whose descendants were brought as slaves to the islands. The original inhabitants of the republic were Caribbean Indians, but in the 17th century they were forced out by the British. The latter soon had to cede the rights to the islands to the French. In the 1980s, Saint Kitts and Nevis gained the possibility of internal self-government. Status - "state associated with Great Britain".

Maldives - paradise

This paradise in the Indian Ocean is also among the 10 smallest countries in the world in terms of area. 1192 coral islands, located near Sri Lanka, are distinguished by beautiful scenery and provide all the necessary attributes of a holiday. Today, a tour to the Maldives is not so expensive - about $ 1,000.

The islands are grouped into a goal of 26 atolls. The area is only 300 sq. m, which housed about 400,000 inhabitants. Religion - Islam. It is noteworthy that out of 1192 islets, only 202 of them are inhabited. The rest are incredibly beautiful, uninhabited corners of the tropics. Scientists suggest that they are all of volcanic origin. The Maldives is the smallest country in Asia in terms of area.

The indigenous people are Dravidians (immigrants from India). In the 5th-7th centuries, Persians and Arabs appeared on the islands.

The official language is Dihevi. However, in tourist centers there is also enough knowledge of English.


So, we found out which country has the smallest area and which powers are among the ten most modest in size. The rest of the small states of the world, including the island ones, have an area of ​​400 sq. km or more.


Can you boast that you have been to all corners of your country? Most of us, of course, will answer in the negative. The average person is more likely to be unable to visit every locality and region of their country, especially if it covers a fairly large area. However, if you live in some kind of dwarf state, you will not have such a problem. In fact, in order to go around your entire country, you will need no more than one day, and maybe just a couple of hours. For example, between breakfast and lunch, you can take a walk and visit every corner of your state.

1) Vatican

The Vatican is a dwarf state located in one of the districts of Rome. It is a closed city-state with an area of ​​only approximately 44 hectares. The Vatican is not a very old country. The state was founded in just 1929 and is governed by the Bishop of Rome, known as the Pope. The most beautiful buildings in the world are located on the territory of the Vatican: St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, the Apostolic Palace (the residence of the Pope), several museums and many other beautiful buildings. In addition, this tiny area also houses the Vatican Gardens, which cover about half of the country. About 800 people are official citizens of the Vatican, but several thousand more Italians come here every day to work.

2) Monaco

Monaco is the second smallest country in the world and covers an area of ​​2.02 square kilometers. Thanks to the drying of the sea, the area of ​​the country has increased slightly over the past 20 years. The country is also the second smallest monarchical state in terms of size. Monaco is located in Southwestern Europe on the Mediterranean coast, bordering France on land. Monaco is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, with a population of around 30,000. Mostly residents are engaged in tourism, as many guests come here who gamble and enjoy their holidays by the sea.

3) Nauru

Located in Micronesia, in the South Pacific Ocean, Nauru is a dwarf island nation with an area of ​​only 21.3 square kilometers. The Republic of Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. The state gained independence in 1968, but the island has been home to Aboriginals for at least 3,000 years. The first Westerner to visit the island was John Fearn. He gave the island the name "Pleasant". Today the population of the country is 9 thousand people, the state has no armed forces.

4) Tuvalu

Also located on islands in the South Pacific Ocean, the dwarf state of Tuvalu covers an area of ​​26 square kilometers. The country includes several coral islands. Previously, these islands were called the Ellis Islands and belonged to the British Crown. The islands were discovered in 1568 and were under British control until the end of the 19th century. Tuvalu gained full independence from the British only in 1978. At present, the population of the country is about 10.5 thousand people. Since there are practically no natural resources, Tuvalu lives off the help from other countries.

5) San Marino

Covering an area of ​​61 square kilometers, San Marino is the 5th smallest country in the world. San Marino also has the smallest population of the member countries of the European Council. San Marino is one of the oldest independent countries in the world. The founding date of this country is September 3, 301. The country's constitution was adopted as early as 1600, making San Marino the second oldest constitutional republic in the world. San Marino is also one of the richest countries on the planet, it has no debts, and incomes exceed expenditures in the budget.

6) Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is a state surrounded on all sides by land, located in Europe. The area of ​​the country is 160.4 square kilometers, it borders on Switzerland and Austria. Liechtenstein may be one of the smallest states on the planet, but it is also on the list of the richest. Winter tourism is developed here, but tourism is not the main source of income. Liechtenstein is a popular business center with more companies registered than residents.

7) Marshall Islands

Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the dwarf state of the Marshall Islands mainly consists of coral islands. The total area of ​​the country is 181 square kilometers, the population is 62 thousand people. This state gained independence from the United States only in 1986, but so far, US assistance has helped the economy of the Marshall Islands to "keep afloat". The country has virtually no natural resources and imports more goods than it exports. The Marshall Islands has suffered in recent years due to high energy costs.

8) Seychelles

Seychelles covers an area of ​​455 square kilometers. It is the 8th largest dwarf country with a population of about 84 thousand people. The archipelago consists of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, and is located north of Madagascar. The Seychelles has been constantly developing thanks to the export of cinnamon, coconut and vanilla. Since the country gained independence in 1976, tourism has become the main source of income. The tourism industry currently employs about a third of the country's working population.

9) Maldives

Another island country, the Republic of Maldives, or simply the Maldives, is located in the Indian Ocean. In terms of area and population, the Maldives is the smallest Asian country. The total area is 298 square kilometers, and according to the 2010 census, 396,334 people live here. The state owns 1192 islands, but only about 200 are inhabited. About a third of all Maldivians live in the capital of the country - the city of Male. Today, the main source of income for the inhabitants of the Maldives is tourism, in the old days the country developed thanks to the export of kauri clams, dried tuna and coconut cables.

10) Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf island nation is located in the West Indies - on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean between North and South America. The state is located on 2 islands with a total area of ​​261 square kilometers. These islands were the first of the Caribbean islands to be settled by Europeans. The state gained independence from Great Britain in 1983. This country is not only the smallest in area in the 2 Americas, but also has the smallest population among all countries in this part of the world - about 50 thousand people. Tourism is the main source of income for the country today. Agriculture and offshore banking are also developed here.

10th place. Maldives- a state in South Asia, located on 20 atolls consisting of 1192 coral islands in the Indian Ocean. The capital is Male.

Land area - 298 km²
Population - 393.000 people. (2013)

The capital of the Maldives is Male. Photo by Shahee Ilyas

9th place. Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis- consists of 2 islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Geographically, the country is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea. The capital city of Baster is located on the island of Saint Kitts. Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest country in the Western Hemisphere, both in terms of area and population.

Land area - 261 km²
Population - 49.898 people (2010)

The southeastern peninsula of St. Kitts, with the island of Nevis in the background

8th place. Cook Islands- an archipelago and a state entity of the same name in free association with New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean in Polynesia. The territory includes 15 islands, 3 of which are uninhabited. The capital is the city of Avarua on the island of Rarotonga.

Land area - 236.7 km²
Population - 14.974 people (2011)

Thor Heyerdahl's expedition contacted a radio amateur from the island of Rarotonga while traveling on the Kon-Tiki raft.

Cook Islands - Rarotonga Island

7th place. - Pacific state in Micronesia, associated with the United States. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands of the Marshall Islands archipelago. The capital is the city of Majuro, built on the atoll of the same name, consisting of 64 islands.

Land area - 181.3 km²
Population - 53.158 people (2011)

6th place. Principality of Liechtenstein- a dwarf state in Central Europe, associated with Switzerland. The capital of the principality is Vaduz.

Area - 160.4 km²
population - 35.870 people.

5th place. - is located in Southern Europe, surrounded on all sides by the territory of Italy. Within its current borders, San Marino is the oldest state in Europe. The capital is San Marino.

Area – 61 km²
population - 32.075 people. (2011)

4th place. - Pacific state in Polynesia, located on 5 atolls and 4 islands of the Tuvalu archipelago. The capital is Funafuti.

Total land area - 26 km²
The population of the country is 11.206 people. (2011)

Tuvalu is notable for the fact that in 2011 it recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and 2.5 years later, for some reason, “changed its mind” and withdrew the act of recognizing the independence of these two states.

3rd place. Republic of Nauru- a dwarf state on the coral island of the same name in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Nauru is the smallest independent republic on Earth, the smallest island nation, the smallest nation outside of Europe, and the only republic in the world without an official capital.

Total land area - 21.3 km²
The population of the country - 10.084 people (2011)

2nd place. Principality of Monaco- a dwarf state associated with France, located in southern Europe on the coast of the Ligurian Sea. It is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world. The Principality is widely known for its casinos in Monte Carlo, and the stage of the Formula 1 championship held here - the Monaco Grand Prix. The capital is Monaco.

Total land area - 2.02 km²
Country population - 35.986 (2011)

1st place. - a dwarf enclave state (the smallest officially recognized state in the world) inside the territory of Rome, associated with Italy

Total land area - 0.44 km²
Country population - 836 (2012)

Order of Malta(Sovereign Military Order of Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem Rhodes and Malta) is a chivalric religious order of the Roman Catholic Church. The oldest order of chivalry in the world.

The Order of Malta has the status of an observer organization at the UN. It has diplomatic relations with 104 states, supported by a large number of ambassadors. According to international law, the Order of Malta is a state-like entity, while the order itself positions itself as a state. The sovereignty of the Order of Malta is considered at the level of diplomatic missions, but not as the sovereignty of the state. Sometimes considered as a dwarf state.

Total land area - 0.012 km²
Country population - 13.000 members (2013)

The Palace of Malta in Rome - the actual capital of the Order of Malta

State proclaimed in 1967 by British retired Major Paddy Roy Bates. Claims sovereignty over the territory of an offshore platform in the North Sea, 10 kilometers from the coast of Great Britain.

Total land area - 0.00055 km² (550 m²)
Country population - 27 (2002)

The appearance of the Sealand territory is due to Great Britain and the Second World War. In 1942, the British Navy built several platforms on the approaches to the coast, which housed anti-aircraft guns and a garrison of 200 people. After the war, most of these towers were destroyed, but the Roughs Tower, being outside British territorial waters, remained intact.

In 1966, retired British Army Major Paddy Roy Bates and his friend Ronan O'Reilly chose the now abandoned Roughs Tower platform to build an amusement park. However, after a while they quarreled, and Bates became the sole owner of the island. In 1967, O'Reilly tried to take over the island and used force to do so, but Bates defended himself with rifles, shotguns, Molotov cocktails and flamethrowers, and O'Reilly's attack was repulsed.

Roy did not build an amusement park, but chose the platform to base his pirate radio station, Britain's Better Music Station, but this radio station never broadcast from the platform. On September 2, 1967, he announced the creation of a sovereign state and proclaimed himself Prince Roy I. This day is celebrated as the main public holiday.

The smallest countries in the world by area. Breakdown by continent and parts of the world

  • Asia - Maldives(area - 298 km²);
  • Africa - Seychelles(area - 455 km²);
  • Europe - (area - 0.44 km²);
  • Oceania - (area - 21 km²);
  • North America - Saint Kitts and Nevis(area - 261 km²);
  • South America - Suriname(area - 163.270 km²).

The smallest countries in the world in terms of population. Breakdown by continent and parts of the world

  • Asia - South Ossetia(population - 72,000 people);
  • Africa - Seychelles(population - 87.476 people);
  • Europe - (population - 836 people);
  • Oceania - Niue(population - 1.398 people);
  • North America - Saint Kitts and Nevis(population - 49.898 people);
  • South America - Suriname(population - 472,000 people).

The smallest countries in the world by population

  1. - 836 people;
  2. Niue- 1.398 people
    Niue is an island and self-governing state entity of the same name in free association with New Zealand in the South Pacific. Area - 261.46 km²;
  3. - 9.322 people;
  4. - 10.544 people;
  5. Cook Islands- 19.569 people;
  6. Palau- 20.842 people
    Palau is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean. It is in association with the USA. Consists of 328 islands, with a total area of ​​458 km²;
  7. - 32.075 people;
  8. Liechtenstein- 35.870 people;
  9. Saint Kitts and Nevis- 49.898 people;
  10. Dominica- 72.000 people
    Dominica is a state on the island of the same name from the Lesser Antilles (Windward) Islands group in the Caribbean Sea. Area - 754 km².

Can you boast that you have been to all corners of your country? Most of us, of course, will answer in the negative. The average person is more likely to be unable to visit every locality and region of their country, especially if it covers a fairly large area. However, if you live in some kind of dwarf state, you will not have such a problem. In fact, in order to go around your entire country, you will need no more than one day, and maybe just a couple of hours. For example, between breakfast and lunch, you can take a walk and visit every corner of your state.

1) Vatican

The Vatican is a dwarf state located in one of the districts of Rome. It is a closed city-state with an area of ​​only approximately 44 hectares. The Vatican is not a very old country. The state was founded in just 1929 and is governed by the Bishop of Rome, known as the Pope. The most beautiful buildings in the world are located on the territory of the Vatican: St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, the Apostolic Palace (the residence of the Pope), several museums and many other beautiful buildings. In addition, this tiny area also houses the Vatican Gardens, which cover about half of the country. About 800 people are official citizens of the Vatican, but several thousand more Italians come here every day to work.

2) Monaco

Monaco is the second smallest country in the world and covers an area of ​​2.02 square kilometers. Thanks to the drying of the sea, the area of ​​the country has increased slightly over the past 20 years. The country is also the second smallest monarchical state in terms of size. Monaco is located in Southwestern Europe on the Mediterranean coast, bordering France on land. Monaco is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, with a population of around 30,000. Mostly residents are engaged in tourism, as many guests come here who gamble and enjoy their holidays by the sea.

3) Nauru

Located in Micronesia, in the South Pacific Ocean, Nauru is a dwarf island nation with an area of ​​only 21.3 square kilometers. The Republic of Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. The state gained independence in 1968, but the island has been home to Aboriginals for at least 3,000 years. The first Westerner to visit the island was John Fearn. He gave the island the name "Pleasant". Today the population of the country is 9 thousand people, the state has no armed forces.

4) Tuvalu

Also located on islands in the South Pacific Ocean, the dwarf state of Tuvalu covers an area of ​​26 square kilometers. The country includes several coral islands. Previously, these islands were called the Ellis Islands and belonged to the British Crown. The islands were discovered in 1568 and were under British control until the end of the 19th century. Tuvalu gained full independence from the British only in 1978. At present, the population of the country is about 10.5 thousand people. Since there are practically no natural resources, Tuvalu lives off the help from other countries.

5) San Marino

Covering an area of ​​61 square kilometers, San Marino is the 5th smallest country in the world. San Marino also has the smallest population of the member countries of the European Council. San Marino is one of the oldest independent countries in the world. The founding date of this country is September 3, 301. The country's constitution was adopted as early as 1600, making San Marino the second oldest constitutional republic in the world. San Marino is also one of the richest countries on the planet, it has no debts, and incomes exceed expenditures in the budget.

6) Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is a state surrounded on all sides by land, located in Europe. The area of ​​the country is 160.4 square kilometers, it borders on Switzerland and Austria. Liechtenstein may be one of the smallest states on the planet, but it is also on the list of the richest. Winter tourism is developed here, but tourism is not the main source of income. Liechtenstein is a popular business center with more companies registered than residents.

7) Marshall Islands

Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the dwarf state of the Marshall Islands mainly consists of coral islands. The total area of ​​the country is 181 square kilometers, the population is 62 thousand people. This state gained independence from the United States only in 1986, but so far, US assistance has helped the economy of the Marshall Islands to "keep afloat". The country has virtually no natural resources and imports more goods than it exports. The Marshall Islands has suffered in recent years due to high energy costs.

8) Seychelles

Seychelles covers an area of ​​455 square kilometers. It is the 8th largest dwarf country with a population of about 84 thousand people. The archipelago consists of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, and is located north of Madagascar. The Seychelles has been constantly developing thanks to the export of cinnamon, coconut and vanilla. Since the country gained independence in 1976, tourism has become the main source of income. The tourism industry currently employs about a third of the country's working population.

9) Maldives

Another island country, the Republic of Maldives, or simply the Maldives, is located in the Indian Ocean. In terms of area and population, the Maldives is the smallest Asian country. The total area is 298 square kilometers, and according to the 2010 census, 396,334 people live here. The state owns 1192 islands, but only about 200 are inhabited. About a third of all Maldivians live in the capital of the country - the city of Male. Today, the main source of income for the inhabitants of the Maldives is tourism, in the old days the country developed thanks to the export of kauri clams, dried tuna and coconut cables.

10) Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf island nation is located in the West Indies - on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean between North and South America. The state is located on 2 islands with a total area of ​​261 square kilometers. These islands were the first of the Caribbean islands to be settled by Europeans. The state gained independence from Great Britain in 1983. This country is not only the smallest in area in the 2 Americas, but also has the smallest population among all countries in this part of the world - about 50 thousand people. Tourism is the main source of income for the country today. Agriculture and offshore banking are also developed here.

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