What three crimes did the German commit? Composition on the topic: Three crimes of Hermann in the story The Queen of Spades, Pushkin

Analysis of the "Queen of Spades" by A.S. Pushkin
Three evil deeds of Hermann.

What is our life? This is probably the road to nowhere. A series of successes and falls, bright spots and pitch darkness that covers the world on moonless autumn nights. When the wind howls, swinging lanterns on poles and forming single spots of light along the road, covered with fallen leaves and broken branches from trees. This is a series of hopes and disappointments, a string of unfulfilled plans that we built for the future, indulged our pride and brightened up long tired evenings. What else? This is the search for justice, the pursuit of excellence, love, hatred and indifference, the illusion of recognition and the ephemeral joy of victories. Hope for good luck. Eternal hope for good luck and the expectation of a miracle ...

In his work, Pushkin vividly describes Petersburg - the capital of the empire, the breed of a ghostly absurd life, a city of fantastic events, incidents, ideals, a city that dehumanizes people, disfiguring their feelings, desires, thoughts, their lives. After reading "The Queen of Spades" by A. S. Pushkin, I began to think about these questions, and helped me to understand them
Hermann. This is a young military engineer, a passionate man obsessed with the idea of ​​wealth. On his way, he stops at nothing. Ready to play with other people's feelings, charms Lisa, a girl who lives in the house of an old countess, in order to master the secret of "three cards", which guarantees him a big win. And this is true, because Herman at first wanted to achieve wealth in an honest way, but as soon as he found out about the secret of the three cards, he became a completely different person. He began to pursue this secret, he was ready
""sell"" your soul to the devil. The thought of money eclipsed the mind of this man. So, Herman's first villainy is a deception of himself.
Pushkin described the area so accurately that in the former capital one can find this street and house. I have been to St. Petersburg many times. On one of the excursions we were told about this house. Now it is Gogol Street, house 10. Previously, it belonged to Princess Natalya Petrovna. The legend called this house a mansion
"The Queen of Spades". After the publication of the work, it became very popular, the young men put three cards, while others found similarities between Princess Natalya Petrovna and the Countess. Pushkin himself writes: ""My" "Queen of Spades" "is in great fashion"". In general, in the work of Pushkin, Hermann sets himself the goal - by all means to find out the secret of the three cards. And so he wants to become the old woman's lover, but, having learned about Lisa, he begins to write letters to her (Lisa): "" The letter contained a declaration of love: but it was gentle, respectful and word for word taken from a German novel. But Lizaveta Ivanovna did not understand French and was very pleased with it. And she (Lisa), not knowing the feeling of love, believed Hermann, who simply used her as
"bridge" between himself and the countess. And now we notice the second villainy - Lisa's deception. He deceived her throughout the whole action, as he found out the secret of three cards - he stopped meeting with her, and being in the Obukhov hospital
- and completely forgot about it.
In "The Queen of Spades" you can see moments that I would like to name
"" ... Arguing in this way, he found himself in one of the main streets of St. Petersburg, in front of the house of ancient architecture ...
-Whose is this house? he (Hermann) asked the corner guard.
“Countess,” answered the watchman.
Hermann trembled. The amazing anecdote again presented itself to his imagination. He began to walk around the house, thinking about his mistress and about his wonderful ability ... ""
As you can see, Hemann was attracted to this unremarkable house by some kind of
""unknown force"". And she pulled him in. I believe that selling one's soul to the devil is his third villainy. After all, being the bearer of this terrible secret, you make a deal with the devil. And why
Hermann "turned around"? but everything is very simple, he did not keep his promise, because the countess made a reservation: "" ... so that you marry my pupil Lizaveta Ivanovna ... "" He was not at all going to marry her. For this, the countess, who gained the ability to examine the souls of people, punished our hero. Another opinion is that the countess specifically named the wrong card so that the devil ""not pay for the soul of Hermann"", but simply take it away. ...
And now Hermann ends up in the Obukhov psychiatric hospital. He has one thing in his head: "" ... three, seven, ace! .. three, seven, queen! .." "This is what the endless pursuit of wealth has led to.
Throughout the work, the author shows Hermann only from the bad side. But I believe that this crazy person is much simpler and weaker.
It is not known how we would have behaved in his place ... After all, it is easier to condemn than to understand, right? As Leo Tolstoy said: “Undoubtedly,. It is more important how a person perceives fate than what it really is.

Shilyagova Ekaterina.

Three evil deeds of Hermann


Petersburg in the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Queen of Spades".

a) St. Petersburg is a city of fantastic events.

b) the first villainy of Hermann.

c) Resemblance to the real Peter.

d) The "Queen of Spades" mansion.

Liza is the ""bridge"" between Hermann and the Countess.

"Random" events.

Why did Hermann "turn around"?:

a) The third villainy of Hermann.

Pushkin is a creative genius.

Three evil deeds of Hermann.

In his work, Pushkin vividly describes Petersburg - the capital of the empire, the breed of a ghostly absurd life, a city of fantastic events, incidents, ideals, a city that dehumanizes people, disfiguring their feelings, desires, thoughts, their lives. And this is true, because at first Hermann wanted to achieve wealth in an honest way, but as soon as he found out about the secret of the three cards, Hermann became a completely different person. He began to pursue this secret, he was ready to ""sell"" his soul to the devil. The thought of money eclipsed the mind of this man. So, the first villainy of Hermann is a deception of himself.

Let's go back to Peter's description. Pushkin described the area so accurately that you can find this street and house in the former capital itself. Now it is Gogol Street, house 10. This house used to belong to Princess Natalya Petrovna. The legend called this house the "Queen of Spades" mansion. After the publication of the work, it became very popular, the young men put three cards, while others found similarities between Princess Natalya Petrovna and the Countess ***. Pushkin himself writes: ""My" "Queen of Spades" "is in great fashion"". In general, in the work of Pushkin, Hermann sets himself the goal - by all means to find out the secret of the three cards. And so he wants to become the old woman's lover, but, having learned about Lisa, he begins to write letters to her (Lisa): "" The letter contained a declaration of love: but it was gentle, respectful and word for word taken from a German novel. But Lizaveta Ivanovna did not understand French and was very pleased with it. And she (Lisa), not knowing the feeling of love, believed Hermann, and he simply used her as a "bridge" between himself and the countess. And now we notice the second villainy - Lisa's deception. He deceived her throughout the whole action, as he found out the secret of the three cards - he stopped meeting her, and once in the Obukhov hospital - he completely forgot about her.

In "The Queen of Spades" you can notice moments that can be called ""random"":

"" ... Arguing in this way, he found himself in one of the main streets of St. Petersburg, in front of the house of ancient architecture ...

Whose is this house? - He (Hermann) asked the corner guard.

Countess ***, answered the watchman.

Hermann trembled. The amazing anecdote again presented itself to his imagination. He began to walk around the house, thinking about his mistress and about his wonderful ability ... ""

As you can see, Hemann was attracted to this unremarkable house by some ""unknown force"". And she pulled him in. And yet, what is the third villainy of Hermann? I think it's selling your soul to the devil. After all, being the bearer of this terrible secret, you make a deal with the devil. And why did Hermann "turn around"? but everything is very simple, he did not keep his promise, because the countess made a reservation: "" ... so that you marry my pupil Lizaveta Ivanovna ... "" He was not at all going to marry her. For this, the countess, who gained the ability to examine the souls of people, punished our hero. Another opinion is that the countess specifically named the wrong card so that the devil ""not pay for Hermann's soul"", but simply take it away ... And now Hermann ends up in the Obukhov psychiatric hospital. He has one thing in his head: "" ... three, seven, ace! .. three, seven, queen! ..""

V.G. Belinsky wrote: "Pushkin belongs to the number of creative geniuses, those greatest historical figures who, working for the present, prepare the future, therefore, cannot belong only to the past." Maybe that's why Pushkin's works are immortal. They were popular in the time of Pushkin, they are popular now ...

P.S.: I don’t know what grade this essay will come down to (haven’t checked yet). But I’ll say right away that I used the materials downloaded from the Internet, so if there is someone’s share, plz don’t be offended. Well, if you are offended ... Write insults to mix_ a.2 k@ mail. en.

Plan 1. Petersburg in the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Queen of Spades". a) St. Petersburg is a city of fantastic events. b) the first villainy of Hermann. c) Resemblance to the real Peter. d) The "Queen of Spades" mansion. 2. Lisa - "bridge" between Hermann and the Countess. 3. "Random" events. 4. Why did Hermann ""wrap up""?: a) Hermann's third villainy. 5. Pushkin is a creative genius. Three evil deeds of Hermann. In his work, Pushkin vividly describes Petersburg - the capital of the empire, the breed of a ghostly absurd life, a city of fantastic events, incidents, ideals, a city that dehumanizes people, disfiguring their feelings, desires, thoughts, their lives. And this is true, because at first Hermann wanted to achieve wealth in an honest way, but as soon as he found out about the secret of the three cards, Hermann became a completely different person. He began to pursue this secret, he was ready to ""sell"" his soul to the devil. The thought of money eclipsed the mind of this man. So, the first villainy of Hermann is a deception of himself. Let's go back to Peter's description. Pushkin described the area so accurately that you can find this street and house in the former capital itself. Now it is Gogol Street, house 10. This house used to belong to Princess Natalya Petrovna. The legend called this house the "Queen of Spades" mansion. After the publication of the work, it became very popular, the young men put three cards, while others found similarities between Princess Natalya Petrovna and the Countess ***. Pushkin himself writes: ""My" "Queen of Spades" "is in great fashion"". In general, in the work of Pushkin, Hermann sets himself the goal - by all means to find out the secret of the three cards. And so he wants to become the old woman's lover, but, having learned about Lisa, he begins to write letters to her (Lisa): "" The letter contained a declaration of love: but it was gentle, respectful and word for word taken from a German novel. But Lizaveta Ivanovna did not understand French and was very pleased with it. And she (Lisa), not knowing the feeling of love, believed Hermann, and he simply used her as a "bridge" between himself and the countess. And now we notice the second villainy - Lisa's deception. He deceived her throughout the whole action, as he found out the secret of the three cards - he stopped meeting with her, and once in the Obukhov hospital - he completely forgot about her. In "The Queen of Spades" you can notice moments that can be called "accidental": ""...Thus reasoning, he found himself in one of the main streets of St. Petersburg, in front of a house of ancient architecture... -Whose house is this? he (Hermann) asked the corner guard. - Countess ***, - answered the watchman. Hermann trembled. The amazing anecdote again presented itself to his imagination. He began to walk around the house, thinking about his mistress and his wonderful ability ... "" As you can see, Hemann was attracted to this unremarkable house by some "" unknown force "". And she pulled him in. And yet, what is the third villainy of Hermann? I think it's selling your soul to the devil. After all, being the bearer of this terrible secret, you make a deal with the devil. And why did Hermann ""turned up""? but everything is very simple, he did not keep his promise, because the countess made a reservation: "" ... so that you marry my pupil Lizaveta Ivanovna ... "" He was not at all going to marry her. For this, the countess, who gained the ability to examine the souls of people, punished our hero. Another opinion is that the countess specifically named the wrong card so that the devil ""not pay for Hermann's soul"", but simply take it away ... And now Hermann ends up in the Obukhov psychiatric hospital. He has one thing in his head: "" ... three, seven, ace! .. three, seven, queen! .." "V.G. Belinsky wrote: "Pushkin belongs to the number of creative geniuses, those greatest historical figures who, working for the present, prepare the future, therefore, cannot belong only to the past." Maybe that's why Pushkin's works are immortal. They were popular in Pushkin's time, and they are popular now... P.S.: I don't know what rating this essay will come down to (haven't checked it yet). But I’ll say right away - I used the materials downloaded from the Internet, so if there is someone’s share, plz don’t be offended. Well, if you are offended ... Write insults to [email protected] Good luck(

Sections: Literature

I think he has at least three villains on his conscience.

A. S. Pushkin

By type: lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

In the form: a lesson-reflection.

Teaching method: stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity:

a) creating an emotional and moral situation.



a) develop the skills and abilities of comparative analysis of the work;
b) to form the skills and abilities of working with critical material;
c) to consolidate the ability to formulate conclusions.


a) introduce the concept of philosophical and psychological story;
b) continue to work on developing skills to concisely and accurately convey their thoughts;

To form the skill of working with handouts in groups.


c) awaken a sense of responsibility for one's own life, for one's actions.


Pushkin loved the game. She attracted him, because she responded to a passionate, emotional nature.

He played billiards and chess with pleasure and enthusiasm. Not being a strong chess player, he experienced defeat violently.

Among the games, the most prominent place was occupied by cards. The theme of the cards was especially vividly manifested in the story "The Queen of Spades". And it is no coincidence that Pushkin took the interpretation of the Queen of Spades from the Newest Divinatory Book as an epigraph to the story. The lady of spades theme means secret malevolence. And the epigraph to our lesson is the words taken from this work (read out)

Therefore, the topic of our lesson is “Three evil deeds”.

Questions to the class.

Is this work relevant today?
- Which of the characters are you talking about?

Group form.

The next stage of our work is to find out who committed these atrocities, why, what are the consequences?

(I give questions to groups that will help solve the problem. During independent work in groups, a fragment from the opera “The Queen of Spades” by P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds)

Let's start the discussion:

Who committed these atrocities?

Questions for groups:

GROUP 1: Hermann's first villainy (Figure 1) is the deceived Lizaveta Petrovna.

1) What can you say about her life?
2) What prompted her to respond to the harassment of a military engineer in love?
Did Herman manage to fall in love with Lizaveta Ivanovna in that short time. When was the fatal purpose of his courtship the penetration into the house of the countess?
3) What prevented him from completely surrendering to the feeling that arose.

2 GROUP: the second victim is the old princess.

1) The story of her life, character traits.
2) Does Hermann feel guilty? Is he remorseful for what he did?

GROUP 3: the third victim is Hermann himself.

1) Who is this person?
2) How did Tomsky talk about Hermann?
3) Why does Herman go to the monastery, where the countess was to be buried?
4) Why did Pushkin choose these three cards from a deck of cards?
5) Game with Chekalinsky. How does Hermann appear during the game?

- What do you think, are these three atrocities combined with each other?

(Commenting on the supporting abstract)

Summary of the entire lesson:

He lost because greed, the thirst for enrichment gradually overshadowed all other human feelings in his soul. A man with the soul of Mephistopheles turns into a mentally ill person. Dreaming of finding peace and independence, he is forced to restlessly repeat the name of the three fatal cards until the end of his days.

Analysis of the "Queen of Spades" by A.S. Pushkin

Three evil deeds of Hermann.

What is our life? This is probably the road to nowhere. A series of successes and falls, bright spots and pitch darkness that covers the world on moonless autumn nights. When the wind howls, swinging lanterns on poles and forming single spots of light along the road, covered with fallen leaves and broken branches from trees. This is a series of hopes and disappointments, a string of unfulfilled plans that we built for the future, indulged our pride and brightened up long tired evenings. What else? This is the search for justice, the pursuit of excellence, love, hatred and indifference, the illusion of recognition and the ephemeral joy of victories. Hope for good luck. Eternal hope for good luck and the expectation of a miracle ...

In his work, Pushkin vividly describes Petersburg - the capital of the empire, the breed of a ghostly absurd life, a city of fantastic events, incidents, ideals, a city that dehumanizes people, disfiguring their feelings, desires, thoughts, their lives. After reading "The Queen of Spades" by A. S. Pushkin, I began to think about these questions, and Hermann helped me to understand them. This is a young military engineer, a passionate man obsessed with the idea of ​​wealth. On his way, he stops at nothing. Ready to play with other people's feelings, charms Lisa, a girl who lives in the house of an old countess, in order to master the secret of "three cards", which guarantees him a big win. And this is true, because Herman at first wanted to achieve wealth in an honest way, but as soon as he found out about the secret of the three cards, he became a completely different person. He began to pursue this secret, he was ready to ""sell"" his soul to the devil. The thought of money eclipsed the mind of this man. So, Herman's first villainy is a deception of himself.

Pushkin described the area so accurately that in the former capital one can find this street and house. I have been to St. Petersburg many times. On one of the excursions we were told about this house. Now it is Gogol Street, house 10. Previously, it belonged to Princess Natalya Petrovna. The legend called this house the "Queen of Spades" mansion. After the publication of the work, it became very popular, the young men put three cards, while others found similarities between Princess Natalya Petrovna and the Countess. Pushkin himself writes: ""My" "Queen of Spades" "is in great fashion"". In general, in the work of Pushkin, Hermann sets himself the goal - by all means to find out the secret of the three cards. And so he wants to become the old woman's lover, but, having learned about Lisa, he begins to write letters to her (Lisa): "" The letter contained a declaration of love: but it was gentle, respectful and word for word taken from a German novel. But Lizaveta Ivanovna did not understand French and was very pleased with it. And she (Lisa), not knowing the feeling of love, believed Hermann, who simply used her as a "bridge" between herself and the countess. And now we notice the second villainy - Lisa's deception. He deceived her throughout the whole action, as he found out the secret of the three cards - he stopped meeting with her, and once in the Obukhov hospital - he completely forgot about her.

In "The Queen of Spades" you can notice moments that I would like to call ""random"":

"" ... Arguing in this way, he found himself in one of the main streets of St. Petersburg, in front of the house of ancient architecture ...

Whose is this house? he (Hermann) asked the corner guard.

Countess, answered the watchman.

Hermann trembled. The amazing anecdote again presented itself to his imagination. He began to walk around the house, thinking about his mistress and about his wonderful ability ... ""

As you can see, Hemann was attracted to this unremarkable house by some ""unknown force"". And she pulled him in. I believe that selling one's soul to the devil is his third villainy. After all, being the bearer of this terrible secret, you make a deal with the devil. And why did Hermann ""turned up""? but everything is very simple, he did not keep his promise, because the countess made a reservation: "" ... so that you marry my pupil Lizaveta Ivanovna ... "" He was not at all going to marry her. For this, the countess, who gained the ability to examine the souls of people, punished our hero. Another opinion is that the countess specifically named the wrong card so that the devil ""not pay for Hermann's soul"", but simply take it away ... And now Hermann ends up in the Obukhov psychiatric hospital. He has one thing in his head: "" ... three, seven, ace! .. three, seven, queen! .." "This is what the endless pursuit of wealth has led to.

Throughout the work, the author shows Hermann only from the bad side. But I believe that this crazy person is much simpler and weaker. It is not known how we would have behaved in his place ... After all, it is easier to condemn than to understand, right? As Leo Tolstoy said: “Undoubtedly,. It is more important how a person perceives fate than what it really is.

Shilyagova Ekaterina.

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