What kind of English writers are there? English writer - how many of them do you know?


07.05.14 12:34

Brilliant classic detective stories and love stories full of tragedy, lengthy biographies and incomparable subtle humor, a world of bewitching fantasy and adventurous adventures. British literature is rich in masterpieces!

Famous British writers and their best works

Pioneer geniuses

In order to tell about all the most worthy representatives of Great Britain who created wonderful works (from plays and poems to stories and novels), you will need a voluminous volume. But let’s get acquainted (more or less adhering to the chronology) with at least some of them!

Geoffrey Chaucer is considered to be the pioneer of English literature. It was he (this was in the 14th century) who first began to write his works in native language(not in Latin). Among his “software” creations, we note the ironic “ The Canterbury Tales"and the voluminous heroic-romantic poem "Troilus and Chryseis". In Chaucer, the earthly is intertwined with the sublime, vulgarity is adjacent to moralizing, and everyday pictures are replaced by passionate scenes.

IN Lately Here and there, disputes arose about another recognized classic - William Shakespeare. They doubted his authorship and attributed his works to other personalities (up to Queen Elizabeth the First). We will adhere to the traditional point of view. The immortal lines of sonnets, the colorful characters of tragedies, the life-affirming optimism of the Great Bard's comedies are still contemporary today. His plays are leaders in theater repertoires (in terms of the number of productions), and they are endlessly filmed. More than fifty “Romeo and Juliet” films alone have been filmed (counting from the silent film era). But Shakespeare worked in the distant 16th-17th centuries!

Novels for ladies, and not only

“Women’s” prose in British classics is vividly represented by Jane Austen (who hasn’t read the book “Pride and Prejudice”, which was transferred more than once to the silver screen!). And also the Bronte sisters. Emotional and tragic " Wuthering Heights"Emily and the very popular and now (again, thanks to film adaptations) "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte are the best examples of literature of the first half of the 19th century centuries. But both sisters died very early, and many of their plans remained unrealized.

Powerful prose writer Charles Dickens is the pride of Britain. In his works one can find realism and sentimentalism, fairy-tale beginnings and riddles. He did not have time to finish “The Mystery of Edwin Drood,” and readers are still scratching their heads over it. But this novel could have become the best detective work of that era.

Mysteries and adventures

In general, the founder of this genre is Dickens's friend, Wilkie Collins. His "The Moonstone" is considered the first detective story written in English. Very interesting and full of mysticism and the mystery novel “The Woman in White.”

Two Scots - Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson - made their contribution to British literature. These were consummate masters historical adventure novels. “Ivanhoe” by the first and “Treasure Island” by the second are masterpieces.

Two more personalities stand out: the dark romantic John Gordon Byron and the ironic Oscar Wilde. Read their lines! It `s Magic. Life hasn't been kind to both of them, but emotions are stronger in works.

Elegant prose, humor and detective masters

Wilde was persecuted for his homosexuality. His other compatriot also suffered from it - Somerset Maugham. An English intelligence officer, he is the author of the most elegant prose. If you have Bad mood, re-read “Theater” or watch the film - even with Via Artmane, even the American one, with Annette Benning, a wonderful medicine!

Other authors who do a great job of bringing back the spirit are Jerock K. Jerome and Palham G. Wodehouse. Didn’t you chuckle when reading about the adventures of “three men in a boat” or the misadventures of the stupid aristocrat Bertie Wooster, under the care of the prim valet Jeeves?

Even those who don’t like detective stories will sooner or later turn to the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle I. After all, his hero Sherlock is the favorite subject of modern filmmakers.

What can we say about Lady Agatha! Christie is perhaps the most famous detective (may she forgive us such a dissonant word!) of all times. And words are unnecessary here. Poirot and Marple glorified the British woman for centuries.

In the arms of fantasy

Huge amazing world- with its own language, geography, funny (courageous, terrifying, cute, and not very different!) inhabitants - was invented by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, honor and praise to him. The Lord of the Rings is to fantasy fans what the Bible is to believers.

Among contemporary British writers, JK Rowling has achieved the greatest fame and success. Having once seen some images while half asleep and decided to write down a story about an orphan boy that came to mind, a poor housewife became one of the revered prose writers of our days. The film adaptation of Potter was seen by millions, and the author herself became a multimillionaire.

The erotic escapades of David Lawrence's characters, the throwing of John Fowles' heroes, the other worlds of H.G. Wells, the tragic plots of Thomas Hardy, the evil satire of Jonathan Swift and Bernard Shaw, the ballads of Robert Burns, the realism of Galsworthy and Iris Murdoch. This, too, is the wealth of British literature. Read and enjoy!

We can talk a lot about the role of personality in history, but where should we more interesting topic about the role of personality in development in English. After all, there is no doubt that a number of people whose names we know for sure have made an invaluable contribution to English with their literary works. Of course, we're talking about famous writers Great Britain.

William Shakespeare often called the greatest British writer and one of the world's brightest playwrights. The writer was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in England. During his career, Shakespeare created about two hundred works, which were translated into many languages ​​and constantly staged. In addition, Shakespeare himself performed in theaters for a long time. Among the author’s most famous works are the famous tragedies “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “Macbeth”, “King Lear”.

Oscar Wilde- another famous and most interesting representative literature of Great Britain. He was born in 1856 into an Irish family. Oscar Wilde's talent and sense of humor are recognized throughout the world, as is his most famous novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray. The writer always said that aesthetic feelings exist driving force human development, a topic he repeatedly touched upon in his works. Oscar Wilde left a large number of magnificent fairy tales, plays and novels, which are often staged in our time.

Charles DickensBritish writer, who gained popularity during his lifetime, is a recognized classic of world literature. Dickens was born in 1812 in Porsmouth, England, and grew up in a large family. From childhood, the writer was forced to earn a living, and his hardships were later reflected in such famous works like "Oliver Twist" Big hopes", the heroes of which were poor orphan boys. No less famous works are "Dombey and Son", "A Tale of Two Cities" and " Posthumous notes Pickwick Club", which brought him great fame.

Agatha Christie often called the queen of detective stories. The writer, who was born in 1890, is one of the most frequently published writers. Agatha Christie gave the world about a hundred works, including detective and psychological novels, stories and plays. Christie's most famous creations are the play "The Mousetrap", the detective novel "Ten Little Indians", "Murder on the Orient Express" and many others.

Another great detective master is considered Arthur Conan Doyle, which gave the world the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes and many other colorful characters.

Among modern authors the British writer stands out Joanne Rowling, famous for the series of books about the wizard Harry Potter and the magical world. These books not only brought her world fame, but also turned her from a single mother living on welfare into a multimillionaire. After the release of all the Harry Potter books, Rowling published several books for adult readers, including under the pseudonym "Robert Gilbraith."

This list can be continued for a long time, but we have listed the real “giants”. Without them, the English language, which you can study in courses at, would be completely different. That's why it's so important to remember them and know their names.

McEwan masterfully combines a laconic narrative style with an unpredictable ending. Its story centers on two friends, the editor of a popular newspaper and the composer composing the Millennium Symphony. True, practically nothing remained of their friendship, only hidden anger and resentment. It is worth reading to find out how the confrontation between old comrades ended.

In this collection we have included the most English novel writer, in which he tries to explain what good old England is. The events take place on the island-attraction of White, where all sorts of stereotypes about the country are collected: the monarchy, Robin Hood, The Beatles, beer... Indeed, why do tourists need modern England if there is a miniature copy that combines all the most interesting things?

Victorian love story poets of the 19th century century, which is intertwined with the history of modern scientists. A book for the intelligent reader who will enjoy the rich language, classic plots and numerous allusions to cultural and historical phenomena.

Coe has been composing for a long time jazz music which affected him literary creativity. “What a scam!” akin to improvisation, this is a bold and unexpected novel.

Michael, writer mediocre, gets the opportunity to tell the story of the wealthy and very influential Winshaw family. The problem is that these greedy relatives who have taken over all areas public life, poison the lives of other people and do not inspire sympathy.

If you've seen Cloud Atlas, this is an incredible complicated story invented by David Mitchell. But today we recommend that you take up reading another, no less interesting novel.

"Dream No. 9" is often compared to best works. A young boy, Eiji, comes to Tokyo in search of the father he has never met. In eight weeks in the metropolis, he managed to find love, fall into the clutches of the yakuza, make peace with his alcoholic mother, find friends... You have to figure out for yourself which of this happened in reality and which in a dream.

"Tennis Balls of Heaven" - modern version“The Count of Monte Cristo”, supplemented with new details and meanings. Although we know the plot, it is simply impossible to stop reading.

Main character- student Ned Muddstone, for whom everything in life is going better than ever. He is handsome, smart, rich, well-mannered, from a good family. But because of a stupid joke from envious comrades, his whole life changes dramatically. Ned finds himself locked in a mental hospital, where he lives with only one goal - to get out in order to take revenge.

The novel about the life of 30-year-old Bridget Jones is popular all over the world. Thanks in part to the Hollywood adaptation starring Renee Zellweger and Colin Firth. But mostly because of the eccentric and so charming Bridget. She counts calories, tries to quit smoking and drink less, experiences setbacks in her personal life, but is still optimistic about the future and believes in love.

There are books in which you forgive the simplicity of the plot, the banality of the scenes, and stupid coincidences simply because they have soulfulness. "Bridget Jones's Diary" is that rare case.

The story of the boy with the scar is real cultural phenomenon. The first book "Harry Potter and philosopher's Stone"was rejected by 12 publishers, and only the small Bloomsbury, at its own risk, decided to publish it. And it was right. "" was a resounding success, and Rowling herself received the love of readers around the world.

Against the backdrop of magic and enchantment, we are talking about familiar and important things - friendship, honesty, courage, readiness to help and resist evil. That's why Rowling's fictional world captivates readers of all ages.

"The Collector" is John Fowles' most frightening and at the same time exciting novel. The main character, Frederick Clegg, loves collecting butterflies, but at some point he decides to add a cute girl, Miranda, to his collection. We learn this story from the words of the kidnapper and from the diary of his victim.

English writers 17th-20th centuries are less popular today, and the subject foreign literature no longer taught in school. It’s strange, but just recently, in times of stagnation, iron curtain And cold war, schoolchildren knew and loved English classics. And their parents whole year They collected waste paper in order to be able to purchase the treasured volume of Jerome K. Jerome or Wilkie Collins for 20 kilograms. Today, however, when you ask who Charles Dickens or Thomas Hardy is, most often you only get a puzzled look in response. Yes indeed, where from? modern teenagers find out about this if they don’t teach it at school???!

Well, for those who did look at this page with the title “English writers”, I want to offer the most interesting books and no less interesting biographies these same English writers. So, I invite you to read, listen and watch purely english stories, both in Russian and in English. Below is a list of them interesting works, as well as their film adaptations. And for those learning English, we offer films and cartoons in English with subtitles, video interviews and free lessons English online.

Below list of English writers of the 17th-20th centuries, whose books are presented on the website:

  1. Geoffrey Chaucer (1343 – 1400)
  2. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
  3. Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
  4. Brontë sisters: Charlotte (1816-1855), Emily (1818-1848), Anne (1820-1849)
  5. Robert Stevenson (1850-1894)
  6. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
  7. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
  8. Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927)
  9. Conan Doyle (1859-1930)
  10. Agatha Christie (1890-1976)

You will be able to get acquainted with the biography of English writers, whose eventful lives are reflected in exciting works. No matter what book you pick up, it’s simply impossible to put it down! And for those who want to know more, review article about English literature. Read!

English writers and their works (classics)

Robert Stevenson / Robert Stevenson (1850-1894

Psychological novels from the creator of Mr. Hyde and the owner of Ballantrae. Look into your soul...

Charles Dickens / Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

The most philanthropic writer who mercilessly fought against the injustice and vices of Victorian society.

Brontë sisters: Charlotte (1816-1855), Emily (1818-1848), Anne (1820-1849)

Three stars sparkling in the horizon of English literature, incredible women, each of whom was amazingly talented and unimaginably unhappy.

  1. Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre"
  2. "Wuthering Heights" (film adaptation of the novel by Emily Brontë)
  3. Anne Bronte "Agnes Gray"

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

A witty genius, philosopher, master of eloquence, famous for his quotes, the “father” of Dorian Gray.

Jerome K. Jerome / Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927)

  1. film adaptations of works -> in development

Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)

Truly admirable. It is based on the works of a whole galaxy of outstanding masters. No country in the world has given birth to as many outstanding wordsmiths as Britain. Numerous English classics, the list goes on for a long time: William Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, Daphne Du Maurier, George Orwell, John Tolkien. Are you familiar with their works?

Already in the 16th century, the British William Shakespeare earned the reputation of the world's best playwright. It is curious that to this day the plays of the “spear-shaking” Englishman (as his last name is literally translated) are staged in theaters more often than the works of other authors. His tragedies “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth” are universal values. Getting to know him creative heritage, we recommend that you MUST read philosophical tragedy"Hamlet" is about the meaning of life and moral principles. For four hundred years now she has headed the repertoires of the most famous theaters. There is an opinion that English classic writers began with Shakespeare.

She became famous thanks to the classic love story"Pride and Prejudice", which introduces us to the daughter of an impoverished nobleman, Elizabeth, who has a rich inner world, pride and an ironic look at the environment. She finds her happiness in love with the aristocrat Darcy. It’s paradoxical, but this book, with a fairly simple plot and a happy ending, is one of the most beloved in Britain. It traditionally outstrips the works of many serious novelists in popularity. At least for that reason it is worth reading. Like this writer, many English classics came to literature precisely in early XVIII century.

He glorified himself with his works as a deep and genuine expert on the life of ordinary British people in the 18th century. His heroes are invariably heartfelt and convincing. The novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles shows tragic fate a simple decent woman. She commits the murder of a scoundrel nobleman who is ruining her life in order to free herself from his persecution and find happiness. Using the example of Thomas Hardy, the reader can see that the English classics had a deep mind and a systematic view of the society around them, saw its flaws more clearly than others, and, despite having ill-wishers, still courageously presented their creations for the assessment of the entire society.

Showed in many ways autobiographical novel"Jane Eyre" emerging new morality - the principles of an educated, active, decent person who wants to serve society. The writer creates a surprisingly holistic, deep image of the governess Jane Eyre, who goes towards her love for Mr. Rochester even at the cost of sacrificial service. Bronte, inspired by her example, was followed by other English classics, not from the noble class, calling on society for social justice and an end to all human discrimination.

Possessed, according to the Russian classic F.M. Dostoevsky, who considered himself his student, “instinct of universal humanity.” The writer’s enormous talent accomplished the seemingly impossible: he became famous in his early youth thanks to his first novel, “The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club,” which was followed by “Oliver Twist,” “David Copperfield,” and others, which earned the writer unprecedented fame. , putting him on a par with Shakespeare.

William Thackeray is an innovator in the style of presenting a novel. None of the classics before him turned into central images his work of bright, textured depictions negative characters. Moreover, as in life, often something individually positive was inherent in their characters. His outstanding work, “Vanity Fair,” was written in a unique spirit of intellectual pessimism mixed with subtle humor.

With her “Rebecca” in 1938 she did the impossible: she wrote a novel in key moment when it seemed that English literature exhausted, that everything that was possible had already been written, that the English classics were “over”. Having not received worthy works for a long time, the English reading audience was interested and delighted by the unique, unpredictable plot of her novel. The opening phrase of this book has become a catchphrase. Be sure to read this book by one of the world's best masters of creating psychological images!

George Orwell will amaze you with the merciless truth. He wrote his famous novel “1984” as a powerful universal denunciation weapon against all dictatorships: present and future. His creative method borrowed from another great Englishman - Swift.

The novel “1984” is a parody of a dictatorship society that has completely trampled on universal human values. He exposed and called to account for the inhumanity of the ugly model of socialism, which was actually becoming a dictatorship of leaders. An extremely sincere and uncompromising man, he endured poverty and hardship, passing away early - at the age of 46.

Is it possible not to love “The Lord of the Rings” by Professor This is a real miraculous and surprisingly harmonious temple of the epic of England? The work conveys deep humanistic messages to its readers and it is no coincidence that Frodo destroys the ring on March 25 - the day of the Ascension. The creative and competent writer showed insight: all his life he was indifferent to politics and parties, passionately loved “good old England”, and was a classic British bourgeois.

This list goes on and on. I apologize to dear readers who had the courage to read this article that, due to limited space, it did not include the worthy Walter Scott, Ethel Lilian Voynich, Daniel Defoe, Lewis Carroll, James Aldridge, Bernard Shaw and, believe me, many, many others. English classic literature- a huge, interesting layer of achievements of human culture and spirit. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of meeting her.

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