Igor Talkov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Igor Talkov: a life full of mysticism, betrayal and pain I don’t want to wear pink leggings

Elena Kondaurova commented on a personal video with the singer

The editors of Express Gazeta got a home video with Igor TALKOV. On the 21-year-old cassette, the singer kisses not with his wife Tatyana TALKOVA, but with a young beautiful girl, who is easily recognized as a dancer from his team - Elena KONDAUROVA. We contacted the heroine of that old record.

When information about the last mysterious love of singer Igor Talkov, Elena Kondaurova, first appeared in the media, fans, led by his wife Tatyana Talkova, immediately attacked the woman with insults: “I slept for one night”, “invented”, “lied to”. The widow in all interviews cites the words of her idol husband, spoken to their only son Igor: “Take care of your mother!” Tatyana reduces their meaning to the following: “If there were other women in Igor's life, then these are fleeting hobbies. He loved only me, and therefore did not leave the family.
Having phoned Kondaurova, we decided to clarify the authenticity of the videotape and asked for a visit. Elena lives in a three-room apartment with her mother. We did not see any posters with Talkov.

This video was filmed three months before Igor's death, - says Elena Kondaurova. - Neither he nor I thought that these shots would be one of the last ... Talkov wanted some of the captured moments to be included in the video for the song "I love you".
Having found this song on the Web, Elena let me listen to it:
- Igor never directly told me that he loves, he did it differently. Once I asked him: “Igor, you dedicated songs to all your women, but not to me.” He composed a lyrical composition, not at all patriotic. And in this song I pronounce those very cherished words, only with an accent: “I love you!” Unfortunately, “I love you” sounded after his death.

Didn't say he was married

In the old video, Talkov is the way only his relatives knew him. These are shots from the life of a man in love: Igor kisses Elena at a table in a restaurant, not hiding from friends and team members, rides a carousel with a girl. The singer looks at the world with happy eyes.
“This is us in a restaurant on a ship in Sochi,” Elena says, watching the video. - One of Talkov's fans invited us there. They left Moscow in the autumn, but ended up in the summer. I arrived in boots, and it's warm there. We bought some shoes, then rubber pumps were in fashion. As a result, during the day I rubbed my leg so much that Igor threw them away. But I remember this moment on the film very well: there was a children's carousel on the ship, and I took Talkov for a ride. We circled like children. Igor kept saying: "Now I would like warm vodka," and I added: "And a sweaty woman." Sometimes I feel like it didn't happen to me. Like some kind of film where we played the main roles with Talkov.

At the end of the video, Talkov and Elena walk along the corridor of the ship and turn to wave.
- I was 24 years old at that time, - says Elena. - Director Valera Shlyafman called me to the team as an administrator. Agreed, came to his house to discuss the details. We are watching TV, and at that moment the doorbell rings: “Talkov was not expected?” I didn't even know who it was. Igor sat on a chair and said: “Girl, are you 17? What songs do you like? Probably "Tender May"? I answered: “17 for sure. I love songs from the 60s. Talkov then sang some famous song in a hoarse voice and asked: “Well?” But I didn’t make out anything and thought: “Does he know how to sing?” Valera said: “Who is this? What group did you invite me to? The next day we went on tour, and then I heard Igor actually sing. Lived every song...

Talkov recaptured from everyone

Soon Elena, once a dancer in her childhood, began to work as a dancer. Talkov liked how one day the girl performed on stage to the song "Star".
“At first, director Valera sympathized with me, the one whom the investigation considers guilty of Talkov’s death,” says Elena. - But Igor took me away from Valerka Shlyafman. Who could stand on the same lane with Talkov? .. I still have a tender attitude towards Valera. I remember our dances in Sochi in the dressing room. Valera kept saying the word with a funny accent: "Cute."
On the old cassette, it is easy to recognize the director of the artist in the company of a young girl.

The video contains footage of Shlyafman with his common-law wife Lyubanya, who gave birth to his daughter, - said a friend of the singer Sergey, who provided this video to our newspaper. - Lyuba was unable to follow Valera to Israel, where he had to flee when he was made the main accused of the murder. She did not marry again: she still has not forgotten her Shlyafman. They haven't seen him for over 20 years.
Once Talkov asked the director to introduce him closer to Elena. Igor honestly told the girl: "You brought confusion to our team."
“We became close before the putsch of 1991,” Elena recalls. - I remember, on the 19th we were touring in some city. Scary, tanks in Moscow. I am sitting in my room alone. Igor comes and says: “Elena, it may happen that tomorrow I may suffer for my songs. Let's talk". And he began to read his poems to me ... I loved Talkov very much: we just had, as they say, a "bouquet-candy period." I just boiled inside everything ...

Maybe Igor would have left me later, as his wife Tanya claims, who told me more than once: “It would definitely happen that way. He was easily carried away and quickly cooled off. But this did not happen!
As Talkov's friends said, the singer did not like it when women scattered their underwear. It was for this reason that he left the actress Margarita Terekhova, with whom he had a romantic relationship at one time.
“Before Elena, Igor had novels,” said a friend of the artist Sergey. - Igor himself admitted in his book “Monologue”: “Oddly enough, love turned out to be my Achilles heel. I fell in love more than once with all the force of earthly passion, but the last one was disastrous. I realized that I would die if I could not defeat her.”

He had beloved women, everyone knew this, including Margarita Terekhova. Before Kondaurova, he met with the notorious saxophonist Albina Bogolyubova, to whom he dedicated the song "Migratory Birds". Albina turned out to be a lesbian: she cheated on Igor with a woman. He didn't forgive. After breaking up with him, Albina left for Siberia. As far as I know, she is no longer alive...
Elena did not know for a long time that Talkov was married. The singer never started a conversation on this topic.
I didn't need this connection. I said so: “I don’t want to have a relationship with anyone in the team,” Kondaurova says. - But it happened. Whether it's my fault or not, it happened. I didn't know for a long time that he was married. After a while I saw his passport in the car, asked: “So you are not free?”

Showered with roses

Although Talkov did not directly confess his love, he showed his feelings with romantic actions.
- Once I wake up, and something red looks into my eyes. Waking up, she was even scared. And then I noticed that the whole bed was strewn with rosebuds. I sit and cry: "Thank you." Igorek sat down next to me: “Honey, why are you crying?” No one else has done this to me in my life...
Sochi became the city of love for Elena and Igor. Kondaurova has the warmest memories associated with him:
- We are lying on the beach, I see Igor is falling asleep. And before that, there was a conversation about the fact that I can’t dive. I left him and went to the cape, where I asked a girl to teach me how to dive. Learned on the tenth try. I come and say: “Igor, I have learned!” Then we took a yacht and went far into the sea, where Talkov began to jump from the stern. Then I did the same. I run after him and jump! With all the dope, and there the height is five meters. I went deep, it was dark under water, there was not enough air, I rowed up, and there was still darkness. I swim up, greedily grab the air, I look, Talc is standing on the yacht and shouting: “My dear! You did it!"

And once we ran for T-shirts to the market. Suddenly, on the way, Talkov stops me: “How much do they cost? So cheap? It is forbidden. I'm Talkov.
Igor did not give me gifts, it did not seem important to him or me. The toy-parrot that was thrown to him from the crowd by fans at a concert on August 19, 1991 in Leningrad remained in memory. He signed it and gave it to me. Yes, this hippo. Somehow stuck to me: "Let me buy you a toy." I say: "Well, buy this rubber hippo with an opening mouth." When we fought, I covered his mouth, which means that we should be silent. When someone wanted to say something, she joked: “First, open the hippo’s mouth.”
Then in Sochi, Talkov first spoke with Elena about the death that he foresaw.
- I remember the conversation, as now, - Elena assures. - "Darling, I will die soon, and the killer will not be found," said Igor. And I: “Where should I go? I will commit suicide." Igor looked at me seriously: "In this case, we will not see you." I found another way out: "Then I'll go to the monastery." And Igor: “They don’t go to the monastery, but they come. I know you will not die by accident, you will live to old age. And when you die, I will meet you and lead you through the corridors.” For some reason, he also advised: “Always write for me, these will be your memoirs, and you will become a rich woman.”
Before that fateful trip to Leningrad in October 1991, Talkov asked Elena's hand in marriage from her mother. Tatyana Efimovna told her daughter about this when the singer was gone.
“Mom reminded Igor that he was married,” says Kondaurova. - Talkov answered, they say, he will divorce. When we were on the train to Leningrad, I confessed to Igor that I had a two-week delay. Talkov got nervous: “How is it? We agreed that we would go on tour together to Germany.” - "Do you want me to have an abortion?" - “No, you will give birth!” And then this death. I couldn't give birth...

Shlyafman did not kill

Elena is one of those who witnessed the tragic events in the Yubileiny concert hall.
- My point of view is that this is a domestic murder and there is no political background here, - says Kondaurova. - The quarrel occurred because of Igor's 13th place among the concert participants. As I heard, Aziza wanted to dilute the men who performed in a row. The female whim turned into a quarrel between its director Igor Malakhov and Talkov. Personally, I didn’t see a shot at Igor, but I saw how one, Malakhov, shoots, the other, Igor, screams. And Valera Shlyafman appeared when the director of Aziza clicked the trigger of an empty pistol, and he was beaten. Valera took the gun in his hands, started to click, but there was no shot either. Valera, of course, is to blame, but only that, as the director of Talkov, he allowed outsiders into the dressing room.
When the singer was taken away by an ambulance, Elena, along with others, rushed to the hospital.
- The doctor came out and said that Igor had died. I felt bad, I collapsed on the floor. Then there was a trial. Summons were sent to me, but I did not go to Leningrad, it was scary. When the fourth summons arrived, she left. I thought, since Igor was not afraid, why should I hide. She said the same as now.
A year after Talkov's death, Elena met another man whom she fell in love with. Unfortunately, he passed away three years ago.
- I lived in Italy for 12 years, - says Elena. - I visited San Remo, where Igor so dreamed of performing. She returned to Russia because her mother fell ill. Now I live only with her, for me she is the dearest person in the world. There is still dog Martin. I remember Igor, but I don’t go to the cemetery: I don’t want to be one of his fans.

Igor Talkov is a Soviet singer, songwriter and actor who could touch the heart of every listener with his compositions. He wrote about experiences, personal tragedies and national problems, but the main thing is that his work never left people indifferent.

The musician never wanted great fame and did not dream of becoming a television star, he did what his heart told him with the sole purpose of being heard.

The childhood of Igor Talkov

The future star of Russian rock music was born on November 4, 1956, in a family whose income was below average. Igor grew up in the city of Shchekino, Tula region, although his father, Vladimir Maksimovich, was a native Muscovite. Such remoteness from the former place of residence was due to the fact that his mother Olga Yurievna and father were repressed. They met in places of detention in the Kemerovo region. Later, when they were rehabilitated, they were sent to the Tula region, forbidding the father of the future singer to return to his hometown.

It is noteworthy that Igor's relatives on the paternal side belonged to the nobility and served in the tsarist army. Initially, the surname of the ancestors was Talco, and the musician's father changed it in order to save the children from repression.

The boy has a brother who was born in the zone in 1953. Despite poverty and parental problems, the future musician was a cheerful and very active boy as a child.

Igor began to show his creative inclinations at a fairly early age. At a time when classmates were playing football and doing their homework, the boy could already boast of his first short poem. However, this was not a children's quatrain, but a full-fledged verse with adult deep thoughts.

As a high school student, the guy helped organize school concerts, and he, of course, did not miss the opportunity to speak to the audience.

Students of Igor Talkov

The singer plays several musical instruments. He learned to play the button accordion at a music school, but he managed to master the piano, guitar, violin and drums on his own.

After leaving school, Igor was determined to enter a theater university, but he failed the exam in Russian literature. However, the attempts to get a higher education did not end there. Talkov entered the Tula Pedagogical Institute. After studying there for only one year, the musician transferred to the Leningrad Institute of Culture, but even there he did not last more than a year.

In 1975, Igor went to the city square, but not as a member of another rock band, but to criticize the policies of Leonid Brezhnev. After his words, they wanted to put the guy in jail, but the famous Tula cyclist Igor Kondratyev came to his defense. Of course, he managed to escape the trial, but in return Igor was sent to serve in Nakhabino.

It was the army that helped him rethink his views and change his life position. The young man began to study the history of the state more and understand the seriousness of many situations. In the army, his ideals changed and the search for new life guidelines began.

The beginning of the career of Igor Talkov

Returning from the army, the guy actively began to promote his musical talent. At various times, he played in such groups as "April", "Kaleidoscope", "Perpetual Motion", and also helped other bands to make arrangements.

However, more than anything, he wanted to create his own team and glorify it throughout the Soviet Union. Until a certain point, the guy did not succeed, so he had to play in other groups.

Together with Irina Allegrova, Igor was a soloist in the Electroclub group. At that moment, he had one hope that Tukhmanov would allow him to perform his compositions, but this did not happen, so he soon left this team as well.

After some time, the young man began to work in the Dosug of the Perovsky district, where everyone was finally able to hear his own songs. He was given a couple of hours in various programs, but this was enough for self-expression.

One of these performances became fateful for the young musician. The listeners really liked the sung song "Clean Prudy" and brought Talkov the desired popularity. However, the singer did not rejoice for long, because from that moment he became associated only with lyrical music, and when he decided to return to his former, sharp and straightforward style, many of the fans were not happy.

Igor Talkov - Chistye Prudy

Finally, in 1987, Igor created the Lifebuoy rock group, which immediately became popular. The team toured all over the country, giving people hope and faith in the future. By 1989 he had created more than 200 compositions. Most of the musician's songs are written on a civil theme, therefore, in order for his music to be true, he visited the archive daily and studied the history of his state.

Even greater popularity came to the musician after the premiere of the video clip for the song "Russia" during the show "Before and after midnight"

Personal life of Igor Talkov

In the summer of 1979, in the Metelitsa cafe, Igor met a girl, Tanya. The meeting turned out to be fateful, and the young people began to meet. The following year, the musician made his soul mate a marriage proposal. On October 14, 1981, a son was born to a married couple, who was named after his father - Igor.

After the death of her husband, Tatyana began working at the Mosfilm film company, and her son began to study music at the age of 15. In 2005, Igor Talkov Jr. released his first solo album.

The last years of the life of Igor Talkov

Already in the 90s, Igor Talkov was able to appear before the audience not only as a versatile singer, but also as a talented actor. He starred in such films as "Prince Silver" and "Beyond the last line." The first film is dedicated to the life of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, it also starred such actors as Nikolai Kryuchkov, Valery Garkalin and Stanislav Lyubshin.

The second film about the difficult fate of the once famous boxer, who, by the will of fate, contacts the bandits. In the film, the roles were played by Evgeny Sidikhin, Georgy Aivazov, Vladimir Brezhnev, and Alexander Filyas.

Igor Talkov - Summer rain

In 1991, Igor with his group performed with his own concert program "Court" throughout the country. On October 5 of the same year, the musician gave a solo concert with a guitar in the village of Gzhel, Moscow Region. During the performance of the song, he broke a string. This was his last performance.

Death of Igor Talkov

The legendary singer was killed on October 6, 1991 during a combined concert of stars in St. Petersburg in the Yubileiny concert hall.

Igor always had a gas pistol with him in case of self-defense, he took it out, went out and fired three shots at Malakhov. Dodging, Aziza's friend lost his vigilance, which Igor's guards took advantage of and disarmed him. Malakhov managed to shoot twice, but missed. During the scuffle, the gun fell out of his hands. Immediately after that, another shot happened, which killed Talkov with a direct hit in the heart.

According to the investigation, it was established that the decisive shot was made by Valery Shlyafman, who picked up the gun. Although no one knows how true this is. Perhaps it was Malakhov who managed to make the third shot.

The gun was never found. And Shlyafman eventually fled to Israel a few months after the incident. The legendary musician was buried on October 9 in Moscow.

25 years ago, the artist died from a gunshot wound right at the concert. On November 4, Talkov would have turned 60 years old. The journalists met with the musician's widow Tatyana. “The word ‘widow’ is not about me. I was and remain Igor's wife, ”said the woman. Now Tatyana works and takes care of her grandchildren. “Life is divided into “before” and “after”. The first year and a half was very hard. I could not believe that Igor would not return. For 12 years I worked only as a wife. And when Igor died, my friend returned me to the profession. I am currently a casting director. Loudly said, but I am a fairly well-known person in this area. And I feel comfortable and interesting there. I work in cinema, I select actors. And I'm lucky, because we are working on very interesting projects and with very good directors," Tatyana said. Talkov's son Igor followed in his father's footsteps by taking up music. “Igor is engaged in music, but does not go into show business. He was called many times, in various television competitions, but he refuses. He's very stubborn - in a good way. And gave me grandchildren. It so happened that the granddaughter does not live with us. She moved to Germany with her mother. But we have a great relationship with them. Granddaughter is an artistic girl. He performs everywhere and always: he finds a high pedestal on the street and immediately begins to sing. Well, I have two more grandchildren - Svyatoslav and Miroslav, ”said the widow. According to Tatyana, it was her son who returned her desire to live after the death of her husband. “After the funeral, he came up to me and said: “Mom, now I am Igor Talkov Sr.?” Touching. He was at that time nine years old. And since that time he has taken care of me like a man, ”the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes Tatyana. The woman did not hide that, left alone, she did not try to build a personal life. However, according to Tatyana, "everything is not right." “Besides, I do not tolerate deceptions and lies. I understood the meaning of the word “married” when Igor was gone, ”Tatyana concluded. There was also talk of the artist's death. As the publication recalls, the conflict flared up behind the scenes because of the order in which Talkov and Aziza spoke. There was a fight, during which Talkov was shot dead. According to the conclusion, his director Valery Shlyafman accidentally shot the artist from the pistol of Aziza's friend, Igor Malakhov. Tatyana said that for many years she tried to find out the details of this dark story. However, she realized that this would not return Igor to her, but the more she plunged into the details, the more scared she was. “My friends told me: “Tanya, calm down, we won’t find out anything. They gave that kind of money to hush everything up! “Who gave it to whom, I probably will never know. The revolver from which Igor was killed was not thrown into the river. He figured a few years later. There are people who have already gone to another world, in front of whom they twisted this weapon, ”the widow said. Tatyana said that long before Talkov arrived at the concert, Igor Malakhov went to all instances and demanded that Talkov and Aziza be swapped. Shlyafman for some reason did not begin to resolve the issue quietly. “Shlyafman's actions were of such a provocative nature that it is impossible to believe in their unintentionality. Who pulled the trigger is a question, but Shlyafman did everything possible to make this happen, ”the woman noted. She stressed. that Igor did not care before whom and after whom to speak. In general, Oleg Gazmanov closed the concert. Talkov asked Shlyafman to bring Malakhov to him to discuss the situation. “I painfully want to know who really was behind everything that happened, who wrote the script and directed the tragedy. As for Malakhov and Shlyafman, it seems that they just rehearsed this situation, ”Tatyana concluded. The woman said that she did not believe in the accident of the tragedy. “Perhaps Shlyafman and Malakhov were in cahoots. Malakhov at the trial said to my friend Igor and Masha Berkova (she worked for Talkov as a dresser. - Approx. ed.): “If you knew what scum this Shlyafman is!”. Why, if he allegedly did not know him at all? And Shlyafman did not immediately flee to Israel. He didn't run away. He calmly left and the investigator pushed him to this. I knew about his imminent departure and spoke, shouted ... but they did not want to hear my words. But as soon as Shlyafman left, the next day he was declared the main suspect. And what did those months cost me, until he left, to see him every day, meet, talk ... Why did Shlyafman give away the revolver, the most important piece of evidence that could be used to make a ballistic examination? Why was Malakhov immediately released, believing in his innocence? These questions haunt me, ”admitted Talkov’s widow. Interestingly, the day before the death of the singer, Tatiana received a call and said a strange phrase: “Tell Igor that his case has been decided. And the answer is positive. “A little later, I found out that Igor turned to the authorities for help. So there were reasons. He asked that he always have a person with the right to carry firearms on tour. This person was supposed to join them in Sochi on October 7th. But on October 6, Igor was killed in St. Petersburg, ”Tatiana completed the story.

34-year-old Igor Talkov Jr., the only son of the idol of millions, on the anniversary of his death, performed in the same concert hall of St. Petersburg "Jubilee", where his father could not perform his hits in 1991. All funds raised from ticket sales are transferred to the family of the deceased artist.
- What does October 6 mean to you?
October is the month of reference for me. October 6 is the day my father died, and October 14 is my 35th birthday. It’s good that this year I don’t run in circles, but go into a spiral. Usually every year on October 6, I come to St. Petersburg and arrange a concert at the memorial plaque of my father. A simple truck driver Alexei Chernyshov helps me. He set up musical equipment at his own expense, pulled awnings in case of rain. But these concerts were always held outside the Yubileiny building. I remember a case when we did not have time to get permission to perform even outside, so we had to fight, hiding behind the press and a public scandal. For the first time I sang in the place of my father.

Two Igors: father and son
- Why was the concert called "25 Years of Silence"?
- Father became for Russia, to some extent, the "voice of the people." He left, the West poured in, and we began to behave somehow strangely. We produce little, we live with imposed thinking. There has been a change in the course of people's values. Father quickly figured out the situation in 1991, which is why he wrote a letter to Boris Yeltsin with exciting questions. During these 25 years of "silence" we have come to know ourselves.
This tragedy broke many destinies, including hers. After her father, the bar was overestimated, so a serious relationship did not work out with anyone. She always compared men to him. Yes, and after the death had to face other realities. In the 90s, people made huge money in the name of their father, more than once deceiving their mother. At that time, having given the rights to perform one song of the father, one could live for a year. But people showed the same amounts on papers, but in reality it turned out differently.
- I know that after the tragedy your family split up. Your father's brother does not support your idea of ​​being friends with Aziza. Surprised that you made her the godmother of your son Svyatoslav. He thinks you betrayed your dad.
- Uncle Volodya and the whole family lived by the rule: there is one hero in the family, and he is - my father Igor Talkov. Uncle Volodya fell into Orthodoxy: he got up at five in the morning, on an empty stomach we all went to church together, then we always took communion. His father became almost a saint for him, remember, just then even icons were painted from him. I was brought to such a state that I dreamed of dying at the doors of the temple, so as not to sin or to prevent the very thought. We have different worlds. With my mother, I was left to my own devices. Even at the coffin, I told her: “Don't worry. Now I am Igor Talkov! She gave me complete freedom.

someone else's happiness

- My father had a mother and a lot of other women. He got carried away quickly and quickly cooled off. You are the same?
- There were different stages. But I am friends with all my women. We had no children with our first wife Nastya. The second wife was Svetlana Volkova. From this marriage I have a daughter, Barbara. My today's woman Sveta Zimina, the mother of my sons, took me by being wiser than my desires. We are united with it by the desire for the evolution of the body. At first I excluded alcohol, then I refused meat. This is my second year of raw food dieting. Sveta and I still want to try yoga. Now the little one will grow up ...
What was the second son's name?
- Miroslav. Was born a few months ago.

Talkov Jr. with his wife Sveta and son Svyatoslav. Photo: Facebook - Do you communicate with your daughter from your first marriage?
Barbara is in safe hands. Edik, the husband of my ex-wife, is ten years older than me, he has experience with children, he loves them.
- They are living in Moscow?
- In Berlin. I can't travel permanently to Germany. We decided that dad on Skype is not the best option. And why climb into a happy, full-fledged family. When the girl grows up, of course, we will meet. It is interesting that my father's surname was Talco at first, it was my great-grandfather who put the letter "v". And my mother's maiden one is Schwagerus. My father even wanted to take such a surname for himself and perform under it. We have mixed blood: Polish, German, Lithuanian, Russian. Therefore, in principle, the daughter, to some extent, has now found her German roots.
- Can you answer the question: “Who killed Igor Talkov?”
- I never worried about the question of who is the perpetrator of the murder. I've always wanted to understand why. Father said: "They leave after completing the task, they are recalled to the higher worlds." He lived his life because he completed the task. But these are higher matters, and if formally, then the director of the father, Valery Shlyafman, was scandalous and unbalanced. Whether he was destined, I don't know. I read the criminal case for the first time two months ago, after talking with Aziza before that. I have a picture of why this murder had to happen. After all, the father, too, could behave differently, not succumb to provocation from Malakhov and Shlyafman. I think God takes a person at a time when he will no longer be better.
- And yet: Malakhov or Shlyafman?
- I never thought negatively about Malakhov, but about Shlyafman - as a provocateur. Everyone is to blame. Even if Malakhov also killed, it was an accidental shot. No one in this crowd understood. But I, like my mother, was always wondering whether Igor Malakhov would ever call me or not. But neither he nor Shlyafman ever called. It is clear that the life of all participants in the tragedy is broken.

TALKOV's son with his mother Tatyana. Photo: Facebook
- The MUR operative told me that Malakhov himself admitted that the fatal shot was his doing.
- The dude died, and immediately they dropped on him that he was shooting. I have an idea for an international investigation on the Internet. The fact that the father was killed in a crowded place looks like a ritual.
- What does mom think?
She doesn't trust anyone!

25 years ago, the popular performer I. Talkov was killed. As you know, he left an heir, whom he loved very much. Do you want to know where the son of Igor Talkov is now? Are you interested in a biography, a guy's personal life? We are ready to provide comprehensive information about his person.

History of dating parents

In July 1979, Igor Vladimirovich Talkov went to the Moscow cafe Metelitsa. Usually there were gathering of fartsovschikov. The singer went to a cafe with a friend just to relax. He was dressed very stylishly - torn jeans and a long raincoat. Igor was then the soloist of the group "April", played in the style of jazz-rock, wore a beard.

The singer and his friend drew attention to the company of girls sitting at the next table. Talkov especially liked the petite brunette with almond eyes. It was Tatyana. He invited the girl to dance. Tanya refused. But Igor managed to persuade her. At the end of the evening they exchanged phone numbers.

Talkov daily called the girl he liked. Who was Tanya then? The 19-year-old beauty sewed clothes professionally. She grew up without a father, so she was wary of the male sex.

At that time, Igor lived in Moscow, spending the night with one friend, then with another. Six months after they met, Tanya approached her mother and confronted her with a fact: "Igor will live with us." The parent did not dissuade her daughter from this step. She put an old couch in Tanya's room.

official marriage

In 1980, the lovers got married. The celebration turned out to be modest, but cheerful and memorable. On October 14, 1982, Tatyana and Igor became parents for the first time. Their common son was born. It was decided to name the boy in honor of his father - Igor. Due to a busy work schedule, singer Talkov could not spend much time with his family.


The marriage of Tatyana and Igor lasted 11 years. In the last 2-3 years they lived like brother and sister. The singer had other women whom he met on tour. The couple did not file for divorce and did not leave just because of their son. Igor Vladimirovich doted on him. He had high hopes for his successor.

Talkov controlled the progress of his son. He punished the boy for bad grades and praised the "four" and "five" in the diary.

Once the singer saw in Igor's textbook "Native Word" the image of A. Nevsky as a fighter for communist values ​​and ideals. Then the famous performer forbade his son to attend school. Talkov Sr. decided that his son should be educated at home. Teachers and tutors came to their apartment. Our hero missed his classmates. And besides, he didn't particularly like being the only student who had to answer in every lesson. But the father's word is law.

Igor Vladimirovich wanted his heir to become not a singer, but an athlete. Therefore, Talkov's son attended the taekwondo section for a long time.


October 6, 1991 - our hero will never forget this date. After all, then he lost a dear and beloved person - his father, who was an example and support for him. Igorka at that time was only 9 years old. However, the boy clearly understood what death meant. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the tragedy.

On this day, the singer Talkov arrived in St. Petersburg for a combined concert. He was supposed to go on stage after Aziza. But the performer conveyed to him a request to change places. Talkov called director Aziza, Igor Malakhov, into the dressing room. There was a verbal altercation between the men. The singer's guards took Malakhov out.

A few minutes later, administrator Valery Shlyafman ran into the same dressing room. He shouted that Aziza's director had armed himself with a revolver. Talkov went out into the corridor and saw Malakhov holding his guards at gunpoint. A scuffle ensued. Shots rang out. And that very minute Talkov Igor fell to the floor. The bullet hit him right in the heart. The singer had no chance to survive.

First, Malakhov was accused of the murder of Talkov. But after a thorough examination, it became clear that Shlyafman fired the fatal shot for Igor. By that time, the administrator had already managed to hide in Israel.


Until the age of 15, Igor Igorevich Talkov (junior) did not even think about a singing career. And then one day he came across an old synthesizer that belonged to his father. The teenager tried to master this instrument on his own. But in the end, he signed up for special courses.

After graduating from school, the guy easily entered But studied there for only 2 months. Igor himself took the documents. Later, Talkov Jr. became a student at the Moscow State University of Culture and Art. The son of the famous singer also did not graduate from this university.

In 2001, he made his first public appearance. Igor took part in a concert organized in the Kremlin Palace in memory of Talkov Sr. The guy performed the song "I'll be back." Goosebumps ran through the body of the people in the hall. After all, their idol stood before them, only young. The same pleasant voice, the same attractive appearance. Spectators accompanied Igor standing backstage. They applauded for a long time and shouted: "Bravo!"

In 2005, our hero released his first solo album "We Must Live". On the creation of the disc, he worked together with producer Vasily Kozlov. A year later, the second album "Clean Prudy" appeared on sale. Igor Igorevich covered his father's well-known compositions, and also recorded songs for his unpublished or little-known poems. This time, the Golden Age and Slide groups, the performer Pascal and other famous personalities helped the guy in preparing the musical material.

Since 2009, Igor has a tradition. What is this about? Every year, on the day of his father's murder (October 6), on the steps of the Yubileiny Sports Palace (St. Petersburg), he gives a concert in his memory. That's just the first time our hero did not have time to get permission to hold such an event. But the concert did not cancel. We can say that Igor spent it illegally.

Sectarian or not?

Talkov's son is a young man with his own peculiarities and oddities. There are a lot of rumors around his person. Some people are sure that he is a sectarian. Is it true? Now you know about it.

A few years ago, Igor Igorevich Talkov organized the MirImiR philosophical movement in order to unite people who want to develop superpowers in themselves. He also created a group of the same name. Lyrics - religious. On many sites MirImiR is called a sect. However, this definition is completely inappropriate for the current organized by Talkov Jr. After all, people can leave the association at any time, no financial investments are required from them.

Talkov's son loves piercings, dreadlocks and He grows long hair, which he sometimes collects in a ponytail at the back of his head. But the guy is not going to decorate his body with tattoos.


Talkov Igor Vladimirovich during his lifetime was an incredibly popular singer. And after his death, he was elevated to the rank of legendary Russian performers. The songs "Clean Prudy" and "Summer Rain" became popular hits.

Talcovane's son boasts the same success and a huge army of fans. However, he also has certain achievements in the musical field.

In 2005, our hero took part in the First Festival of the rock laboratory "RockDom", held in Moscow. He performed the song "This World" in a modern arrangement. The professional jury appreciated the talent and creativity of the guy. As a result, Talkov Jr. was given second place.

Today, compositions performed by Igor can be heard on the largest Russian radio stations - Chanson, Zvezda, Radio Russia and others.


Many music observers observe the work of the successor of the famous family. They agree that Igor does not show the nonconformity and rebelliousness of his father's moods. At the same time, they have a similar timbre of voice, intonation and sincerity.

To date, the guy has not dared to perform some of the compositions of the pope. He's sure he won't sing the right way. This means that the young man inherited his father's exactingness towards himself. And so he has every chance of becoming a prominent phenomenon on the Russian stage.

Son of Igor Talkov: personal life

Our hero is an exact copy of his father. It's not just about looks. They have the same gestures, facial expressions and manners of speaking. And Igor, like the famous dad, is an amorous nature. He has no specific ideals of female beauty. He may like both the blonde and the brunette.

In the early 2000s, Igor Talkov Jr. met a charming girl named Anastasia (a professional artist). A couple of months later, the couple began to live under the same roof. They drew inspiration from each other. Soon, Igor and Nastya officially formalized the relationship. However, this marriage did not last long. In 2005, the couple divorced. They managed to remain on friendly terms. Anastasia kept the famous surname. Our hero was not against it.

A family

For some time, Igor Igorevich Talkov was in the status of a bachelor. He twisted novels with young and beautiful girls. But his attitude to life changed after meeting Svetlana Zimina. Already on the second date, the guy realized that she was his soulmate. A few months later, the lovers signed in one of the St. Petersburg registry offices. The couple refused a magnificent wedding. They arranged a festive dinner in a restaurant, inviting close friends and relatives.

It was with Sveta that Igor Talkov Jr. found a real family. In July 2011, the wife gave birth to their first child - a tiny daughter. The baby received a beautiful Russian name - Barbara. The young father surrounded her with attention and care. He himself swaddled his daughter, bathed and put her to bed, singing lullabies.

In May 2013, another replenishment took place in the Talkov family. The long-awaited son was born. Our hero named the heir Svyatoslav. By the way, some friends and relatives condemned Igor for such a choice. After all, it was Aziza who was accused by many of being involved in the death of Talkov Sr. But our hero never believed in it. He considers her a kind and decent woman.

present tense

How old is the son of Igor Talkov? He turned 35 in October. He considers himself an exemplary family man. The young man tries to spend as much time as possible with his wife and children. He lives with his family in St. Petersburg. In Moscow, Igor is exclusively for work.

Our hero continues to record songs, perform in clubs and open city venues. Often he is invited to participate in the filming of a particular TV show. But the heir to Talkov Sr. is in no hurry to agree to all proposals. He participates only in those programs that do not harm his reputation, and also do not defile the memory of his father.


We reported when he was born, where he studied and how the only son of Talkov built his career. The biography and personal life of Igor were examined in detail by us. We wish him to be a worthy successor of the famous family, while maintaining his individuality!

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